BRP - Mecha

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Author Table of Contents

Paolo Guccione

Charles A. Green 01 Introduction ....................................................................p.3

Layout Design 02 Mecha Design ................................................................p.7

Mirko Pellicioni
03 Characters ...................................................................p.23
Cover Art
Daniel Comerci
04 Vechicles ......................................................................p.31
Mecha Concepts
Francesco D’Arcadia 05 Combat ........................................................................p.42

Interior Art 06 Flight ...........................................................................p.59

Daniel Comerci, Francesco D’Arcadia, Mason Easley,
Mirko Pellicioni, Laurie Thomas
07 Sub-Genres ..................................................................p.67
Special Thanks
Go Nagai, Yoshiyuki Tomino and all the mangaka and animeka 08 Equipment ...................................................................p.86
who developed the Mecha genre.
09 Exodus ........................................................................p106
Federico Badalassi, Massimo Bianchi, Matteo Del Chicca,
Leonardo Faraoni, Simone Ferrari, Stefano Fragasso, Philip 10 Fukucalypse ...............................................................p.115
Glass, Claudio Leonetti, Luisa Locorotondo, Alessandro Macchia,
Lorenzo Setaro, Gianni Vacca, Nicola Vacca and many others. 11 Tables and Charts ......................................................p.120

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Publisher: Angus Abranson Production Manager: Simon Emmins
This edition published by Chronicle City

Basic Roleplaying® is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium, Inc. and is used with permission. The mention or reference to any company or
product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book requires the Basic Roleplaying rules, available from Chaosium Inc.
“Basic Roleplaying Mecha” is Copyright © 2013 Alephtar Games. No part of this book can be reproduced without the written consent of the
author. Permission is granted to photocopy the Mecha Sheet for personal use.
The setting in Chapter 9 was developed from an original idea by Francesco D’Arcadia.
DECELERATE Automatic Easy Pilot (Mecha) Automatic Easy Pilot (Spacecraft) Pilot (Spacecraft)
STOP ABRUPTLY Automatic Pilot (Mecha) Easy Pilot (Mecha) Pilot(Spacecraft) Impossible
FAST TURN Automatic Easy Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Spacecraft) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft)
(90° OR MORE)
VERY FAST TURN Automatic Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft) Impossible
(180° OR MORE)
HIT WITH Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha)
CLOSE COMBAT WEAPON and Pilot (Spacecraft) and Difficult Pilot
HIT WITH Mecha Weapons Difficult Mecha Weapons Mecha Weapons Lower of Spacecraft Lower of Spacecraft
RANGED WEAPON Weapons and Pilot Weapons and Difficult
(Spacecraft) Pilot (Spacecraft)
DODGE MISSILE OR Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Spacecraft) Difficult
THROWN WEAPON Pilot (Spacecraft)
DODGE BULLET OR Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Impossible Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Impossible
BEAM Pilot (Spacecraft)
PARRY CLOSE COMBAT Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha) Lower of
ATTACK and Difficult Pilot Difficult Pilot (Mecha) and
(Spacecraft) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft)
BLOCK RANGED As per shield As per shield As per shield As per shield, halved Impossible
TO HIT PENALTY - 10% per green token 10% per green token 20% per green token 20% per green token

Basic Roleplaying Mecha allows you to take the role of the pilot of a giant battle
robot. The game is about battles among these huge war machines, but also about
the feelings and personal history of the heroes, who will be as significant to the
story as the Mecha they pilot.

Basic Roleplaying

Basic Roleplaying Mecha is a supplement for the battle robots” you do not normally think of Imperial
Chaosium D100-based Basic Roleplaying system AT-ATs; you think of Mazinger or Varitech fighters.
(BRP) which allows you to take the role of the
However, the appeal of Mecha series is not
pilot of a giant battle robot, like you might see in
based exclusively on titanic mechanical devices or
Japanese animation TV shows (anime). As such,
action-packed space battles with missiles flying in
it provides rule additions and gadget descriptions
all directions – although these two elements are
to cover the mechanical part of the Mecha genre.
surely present in most episodes. And valour and
But it also includes rules to help you describe the
bravery are not the only passions that Mecha pilots
feelings and personal history of the heroes, as
exhibit in the anime. Many series are also about
often happens in the original TV series, and make
love, friendship, self-sacrifice, treachery and the
them as significant for the development of your
final destiny of mankind.
story arc as the power of the Mecha they pilot.
BRP Mecha is not meant to be a generic sci-fi Sub genres: a bit of history
supplement, assuming something like “generic”
sci-fi can exist. Its goal is to let you re-create your Historians of the Mecha genre usually divide
favourite giant-robot anime series, with all its Mecha anime into two main sub-genres: Real
realistic – or unrealistic – clichés. It might not Robots and Super Robots. Other classifications
contain some elements like the imaginary physics such as transformable Mecha, decomposable
that describes the details of Mecha power sources, Mecha or such are sometimes used, but they are
or the description of the alien planet from where the hardly relevant for a complete classification of
Evil Invaders come from. It is up to you, when acting anime series.
as the Gamemaster, to make up this sort of details or
The difference among the two genres is that
adapt them directly from your favourite TV series.
with Real Robots , Mecha are just extremely
If you find the Mecha of the classic anime powerful combat machines that the heroes use
series unrealistic, and prefer an approach where to fight for their righteous cause. Real Robots are
a ‘Mech is a two-legged weapon platform, then mass-produced, expendable vehicles that can be
maybe this game is not for you. There are plenty destroyed or discarded by the heroes for a more
of Mecha roleplaying games around there, and advanced model, and the main title of the anime
you will probably find one that better suits your may or may not mention them. In most Real Robot
tastes We have chosen to focus on the recreation anime, mass battles among Mecha are the norm.
of the “pure anime” feel. However, even if you
Super Robots are one-of-a-kind machines that
are not a hardcore anime fan, there is something
can defeat all sort of enemies single-handed,
here for youl. The Mecha genre is a vast collection
and the main Mecha is the real hero of the show.
of series with plenty of variety among them. We
Mass battles featuring Super Robots are extremely
tried to make BRP Mecha so adjustable that it
uncommon, and the destruction of the Super Robot
will accommodate all the different sub-genres
featured in the anime title is a rare event that can
and style. Chances are high that you will find one
take place only at the end of a series, when the
configuration of options that works for you.
enemy has been defeated or a new Super Robot is
ready to take the place of the beaten one.
What is a Mecha?
Think of Super Robot anime and manga as
A Mecha is a giant humanoid machine that can the equivalent of the American superhero comic
walk and fight like a man, but is not self-conscious, books, while Real Robot series are the equivalent
1. Introduction

and must be piloted by a human (or an other of adventure books and movies about heroic fighter
intelligent being) who sits in its head or torso. pilots, for instance Battlestar Galactica or Top Gun.
Mecha are featured mainly in Japanese animated
Curiously, Super Robots appeared earlier than
series, although they also appear in Star Wars and
Real Robots, at the start of the seventies with
in some board or computer games produced in the
Mazinger Z, whereas Real Robots started to
West. The concept of Mecha was invented by the
appear in 1979 with Kidoo Senshi Gundam, but
American writer Robert A. Heinlein in his novel
later became predominant.
“Starship Troopers”, but the idea of a robot you
pilot as an extension of your physical capabilities This book assumes that you have chosen
has been developed and exploited to its greatest beforehand whether your game features Super
effect by the Japanese. When one mentions “giant Robots or Real Robots. The optional rules used

Basic Roleplaying

in each sub-genre are different, and are devised are always on the same scale for everything, be
to create a different game experience. In fact, if it human-sized or huge. The values provided for
you look beyond the surface the two sub-genres SIZ as the equivalent of mass in Basic Roleplaying Optional Rules in use
as presented in BRP Mecha have such deep follow a logarithmic progression beyond SIZ 30, so
differences that they are almost two distinct the Resistance Table that is at the core of all BRP These spot rules should be used
games. Wherever a rule applies only to one of the games is still functional at the high levels of STR in your BRP Mecha game. Where
sub-genres, we will explain it clearly in the text. required to portray a Mecha. necessary, we have also specified
When a rule is not labelled as being specific to a whether the rule applies only
z When we reference a value on the Mecha scale, to Characters (C) or to Mecha
sub-genre, it applies to both Real Robot and Super
then each point of it equals ten points of the (M) Where this supplements
Robot games.
same attribute on the human scale. So, when provides an improved version
we say that a Mecha armour absorbs two points of the optional rule, the rule
Who should use this book? of Mecha damage, then in fact it stops twenty has been marked as IMP.
points of normal, human scale damage. When z
This book is addressed to users of the Basic Education
we state that a Mecha has a Move of 5, we mean z Non-Human Characters
Roleplaying game system published by Chaosium,
that it can move 50 metres, not 5. One specific z Hit Points per Location (M)
Inc. Ownership of the complete edition of this game
attribute – MOV – has a third possible scale, that z Total Hit Points (C)
is recommended – well, basically mandatory – if z Complimentary Skills
is used for flying vehicles and equals 100 times
you wish to use this supplement at its full potential. z Skill Ratings over 100%
the basic move, or 100 metres per point. Not all
Ownership of simpler version of the Chaosium z Projection
attributes related to Mecha are expressed on the
system, such as Call of Cthulhu or the BRP z Initiative Rolls (M, IMP)
Mecha scale – attributes such as Power Points, z Attacks and Parries over 100%
Quickstart, or of Fantasy games based on D100 but
for instance, are on the same scale for everything. z Dodging Missile Weapons
not published by Chaosium, such as RuneQuest or
z Miniatures and Maps (M, IMP)
OpenQuest, will enable you to understand the rules
provided here, but you will still lack some important Should I use z Armour by Hit Locations (M)
information if you do not own the complete edition all the options provided? Chapter 5 will include a list
of Basic Roleplaying (Chaosium, 2008). of optional rules that we
The short answer to this question is “Use only the recommend you do not use in
The rest of this book assumes that you, the options you and your group like”. But we are sure BRP Mecha combat, as they
reader, will be the Gamemaster of a BRP Mecha that you, as an experienced roleplayer who already might slow down play or provide
campaign. Most of the information provided knows Basic Roleplaying and several other game unsatisfactory results.
here is in fact intended for the GM. However, no systems, already know this principle.
information contained in this book, except perhaps
the sample scenarios if you want to play trough The long answer is as follows.
them, is intended to be kept secret to the players, All rules provided in this book are options that
and if any player wishes to read the rules on his or you can apply to the core Basic Roleplaying rules.
her own instead of letting the Gamemaster explain For instance, you can discard all considerations we
them, you should absolutely encourage him or her made about scale and always use human scale for
to do so. A more interested and involved player can everything: you just multiply hit points, damage
only benefit your game, and make your task as the and movement by ten, and roll a bucket of dice
GM easier and more satisfactory. instead of the listed dice for damage and damage
modifier. The game will still work, albeit a little bit
Mecha Scale more slowly and with more bookkeeping required.
No matter how they are powered or what they However, please consider that the rules provided

1. Introduction
use as weapons, all Mecha are BIG. This creates in this supplement are of two distinct kinds. The
trouble when you want to portray them in Basic first kind is what we call “mechanical detail”,
Roleplaying, as the rules are obviously designed to that is a special rule that helps you describe in
handle things on the human scale. For this reason, numeric game terms how powerful, resilient,
this game will introduce the concept of scale, maneuverable and generally “cool” your Mecha or
which is not present in most Basic Roleplaying fighter spacecraft is. In game lingo, this is often
supplements and settings. The effects of scale are called “crunch”. These rules will help you set
as follows: the mood for your game, and highlight the most
climactic moment by featuring an opponent or
z When we reference an attribute on the human a situation that is thrilling and dangerous. This
scale, then it works exactly as described in Basic willnot happen just because the Gamemaster
Roleplaying. Characteristics such as STR, SIZ, DEX describes it so, but because it is such in objective

Basic Roleplaying

game terms, according to written and impartial rules and to give the Gamemaster the power to suggest
that can also give you clues about how to get out of and facilitate, but never – never – to decide on the
danger. But these details are not the driving force players’ behalf.
that will bring your BRP Mecha campaign forward.
We provided a lot of options regarding Fate Point
Experience, and a brief discussion in your gaming
economy, and in fact you will realize that the two
group, will help you choose how much “crunch” to
Fate gain models provided for the Real Robot and
incorporate in your game. Just think of how much
Super Robot sub-genres make for two completely
bookkeeping you will like to do in your games, and
different game experiences – as it should be, since
make your decisions accordingly.
the two sub-genres are totally different beasts. This
The second kind of rules you will find in this book means that you should probably be able to find a
is what we can call “story making engine”. You will fine tuning of the “story making” rules that you are
find most of these rules in Chapter Seven. These rules comfortable with, within the framework provided
are not numerical details that incorporate elements here. Nevertheless, once you find such a fine tuning
into the game mechanics. Their aim is to help you and work out some additions of your own, we
roleplay your character and drive the events of the encourage you to contact us via
story in the direction that you like the best – and
with “you” we mean both players and Gamemasters!
These rules are equally optional, of course, but we or other Internet gathering points for gamers, and
recommend that you think carefully about the effects explain us the way it works best for you. Nothing
of your actions before dropping or changing them. would please us more than improving BRP Mecha
on the basis of player input.
For instance, you might want to avoid usage
of Fate Points altogether. But the consequence In short, try to understand the ideas behind all
of this will be random, unheroic character deaths the rules we provided in Chapter Seven. We tried to
at the most anticlimactic moments; a well known write them as clearly as possible, but it still takes
feature of Basic Roleplaying in its original form, as some effort on your part to understand them-Try to
described in RuneQuest, Second Edition (Chaosium, imagine how a change will effect the game before
1980). Some groups find this acceptable. But since implementing it.
many groups do not, please check with your players
before deciding to ditch Fate completely. If you can But where is the point
foresee yourself fudging some die rolls to avoid a
hero’s Mecha blowing up in deep space where no
buy system for Mecha?
one can rescue the pilot, then perhaps Fate Points
You will not find any point buy options for Mecha
might be a better option than changing die rolls.
in this game.
Expose the subject to your gaming group and act
Yes, we know that other Mecha games allow you
to design your own battle mechanoid with a point
Another key point is the fact that only players can buy system.
initiate actions that will make them gain or lose Fate After all, Mecha pilots in the series never design
Points. If you are familiar with other game systems their own vehicles, but rather receive them as
that us Fate (or Luck or Karma or whatever you wish a gift or legacy from some scientist or benign
to call them), you might have the desire to play BRP superhuman force. Or they are assigned them
Mecha that way, too, and opt to have the GM frame like any military pilot is assigned a given model
the scenes that provide Fate, or have the players roll of aircraft. In accordance with this spirit, players
1. Introduction

to decide whether they gain Fate or not, or even give have the usual degree of control allowed in Basic
away free Fate at the beginning of each session. Roleplaying over their character’s stats, but the
Mecha they pilot is designed by the Gamemaster,
We strongly recommend that you do not do this,
who is encouraged to reference the anime directly
unless you know exactly and explicitly that your
rather than try to balance the different models
players prefer it this way – that is, that they prefer to
with abstract point values for their equipments.
remain passive and let the GM insert the meaningful
Nevertheless, players are encouraged to read
episode in the narration, or let the dice determine
the section about Mecha design, as they might
the outcome of scenes involving their characters’
need some insight into the design parameters at
deepest feelings. BRP Mecha is not “just another
the time their character is involved,during play,
game using Fate or Luck”. We have struggled a lot
in the design and testing process of additional
to put the focus on what the players say and do,
components for his or her own Mecha.


In order to play, you have to design your own models of Mecha, for both heroes
and villains. This task is usually left to the Gamemaster, but players should be
familiar with this section of the rules, too, as this knowledge will help them
during play.

Basic Roleplaying

This section of the rules will enable you to design with the anime sources. Such consistency,
your giant fighting robots so that they can be used however, is a feature that is not equally
Mecha Design Summary to stage battles similar to those you can watch in important to all players. If you find the design
Japanese TV shows. These instructions focus on rules too complicate just pick the values that
1 Choose SIZ Class building Mecha piloted by player characters, but “feel” right for you and go with them.
are nevertheless useful to build robots used as
2 Describe Configurations “bad guys”, including the self-conscious cybernetic SIZ classes
minions of mad scientists that populate the
3 Determine Characteristics episodes of Super Robot anime. To help Gamemasters in the Mecha design
a) Determine SIZ process and in visualizing their Mecha appearance,
b) Determine Power Source In order to use the rules, you must first
we have divided Mecha into three or more SIZ
and POW determine which Mecha you want to stat in
c) Determine STR classes. Each class is equivalent to roughly six
BRP Mecha, and look up its physical statistics
d) Determine Other metres in height. Thus a SIZ class 1 Mecha is
among the official publications and magazines
Characteristics five or six metres tall, while a SIZ class 2 ranges
that contain Mecha stats. Most likely, if you have
between ten and twelve metres and a SIZ class 3
4 Determine a model of your Mecha it will include a stats
Mecha is between seventeen and twenty metres.
Derived Attributes section somewhere on its box. Even if the text is
Higher SIZ classes may exist at the Gamemaster’s
a) Determine Damage Bonus in Japanese, the numbers are perfectly readable,
b) Describe Hit Locations for option, but they are usually reserved for enemy
and all measurements are in plain metric units
each Configuration Mecha, particularly non-humanoid ones. SIZ class
like metres, tons and KW, so you should be able
c) Determine MOV for each for a Mecha is neither rolled nor calculated from
to understand how tall and how heavy your giant
Configuration SIZ, but is a parameter depending on the setting. It
d) Define Combat Skill scores robot is supposed to be. If you lack one particular
may happen that in some settings player character
piece of information, you can extrapolate it from
Mecha belong to a SIZ class and the “bad guy”
5 Add Equipment for each the statistics of a similar Mecha. For instance,
Mecha belong to another, usually bigger, one.
Configuration if you do not know the size of a Mecha piloted
by the bad guys, just look at it in a picture that Example: Suppose that in our setting the
features a vehicle of the good guys for which you heroes all pilot transformable fighter aircraft that
have the stats, and compare the sizes. In some can turn into Mecha. Since the Mecha are 12m
cases you will need to watch an episode of the tall when in humanoid form, they belong to SIZ
anime on YouTube to get the whole picture right, class two. On the other hand, their opponents
but we suppose you will not mind doing so. are a race of space-dwelling giants who are
themselves some 10m tall, so they would never fit
Once you have written down the basic
into one of these crafts. Instead, they pilot giant
data about the Mecha and its weaponry, you
walking pods that are almost 20m in height, and
have to consult these rules to “translate” this
so belong to SIZ class three.
information into BRP stats. The procedure
provided in this chapter, along with the detailed Super Robots belong to SIZ class 3, although at
description of the Equipment provided in Chapter least one of them is described as being 12 metre
8, will produce a playable version of your giant tall and some are said to be even 50 or 100 metres,
robot that has more-or-less the same capabilities which would give them a SIZ class of 8 to 17.
as the anime version. However, in all anime in which several Super Robots
appear together, they are depicted as roughly
Unlike other rule sets for Mecha design, these
equivalent in height, so in the rest of this ruleset
rules will not focus on balance and point buy
2. Mecha design

we assume they are all 18-20 metre tall, unless

construction. The purpose of the BRP Mecha
the Gamemaster wishes to experiment and give
supplement is not that of allowing you to balance
them a higher SIZ class. Be warned that such an
your encounters. Your Mecha could turn out to
option has not been playtested, and might produce
be unbalanced in combat, but we assumed that
unpredictable results.
what you want when playing BRP Mecha is not
to have a competitive fighting experience, but to SIZ class is usually relevant when determining a
re-create the feeling of your favourite anime. For Mecha’s armour value, as most armour alloys have a
this reason, we suggest that you rely mainly on protection value that is a multiple of the Mecha SIZ
Fate to keep the two sides of a battle levelled. class. It also determines whether a Mecha can have
a given weapon as built-in, or it is forced to use it as
Finally, remember that these design rules have
a hand-held weapon. Please note that SIZ classes
been crafted to allow you to insert a great deal
are used only during the design phase: once actual
of details in order to keep your game consistent
play begins, a Mecha SIZ class is seldom relevant.

Basic Roleplaying

Configurations Ka-Gen. However, they never form Ka-Gen directly,

but must rely on two secondary vehicles called
Takebot and Mayubot, both of which are human- Optional Rules in use
Most Mecha featuring in anime TV shows do
not operate solely as giant humanoid vehicles, shaped, can fly and have some powerful weapons These spot rules should be
but often change shape in a way that alters their of their own. We will then consider Ka-Gen as used in your BRP Mecha game.
hit location pattern and modifies their general the default configuration (no short form) and the Where necessary, we have
two secondary robots as alternate, non-exclusive also specified whether the
capabilities such as speed or offensive power. rule applies only to Characters
These changes range from a small flying pod configurations, with the short forms [tak] and [may]
(C) or to Mecha (M) Where
attaching to the Mecha to form its cockpit, to and the battlecries identifying the configurations this supplements provides an
several smaller Mecha combining into a bigger, being “TAKEBOT GO” and “MAYUBOT GO”. By improved version of the optional
more powerful one. We will refer to each shape watching the anime, we learn that in order to form rule, the rule has been marked
or combination that the Mecha can be in as a Ka-Gen both secondary robots must be present, as IMP.
Configuration. For each Configuration known for and extra robotic parts must be launched by the
heroes’ main base. The assembly sequence lasts z Education
your Mecha, write down a label, which we will z Non-Human Characters
call the “short form” for the Configuration. Each for one full combat round during which the pilots z Hit Points per Location (M)
time we will refer to a Configuration by its short use the Battlecry “MAGNETIC CROSS! KA-GEN z Total Hit Points (C)
form in this manual, we will enclose it in brackets. ATTACK!”, after which Ka-Gen is ready to defend z Complimentary Skills
The main Mecha, fully assembled and without Japan from the Swamp Monsters of Arcturus. z Skill Ratings over 100%
z Projection
any additional parts, is considered the “default” However, Ka-Gen is a martial artist Super z Initiative Rolls (M, IMP)
configuration which is represented by the “def” Robot and lacks thrusters in its feet. In order z Attacks and Parries over 100%
short form. Some transformable Mecha are so to fly, it must use the two subunits as external z Dodging Missile Weapons
complicate that they lack a default configuration. boosters that attach to its arms. This configuration z Miniatures and Maps (M, IMP)
change, identified by the short form [pow] is less z Armour by Hit Locations (M)
If the Mecha has a special support vehicle (see
page 77) dedicated to assisting it, we will treat such complicate than the first one and lasts only 10
Chapter 5 will include a list
a support vehicle as a configuration, too, and define DEX Ranks (or 1 combat round if Ka-Gen has less
of optional rules that we
a short form for it. This configuration is a particular than 10 DEX Ranks left when it decides to change recommend you do not use in
one because it is not alternative to the others, but it configuration), during which the pilots use the BRP Mecha combat, as they
can co-exist with one or more of them. Battlecry “KA-GEN MAXIMUM POWER-UP!” might slow down play or provide
unsatisfactory results.
Once all the configurations have been defined, Depending on how many and how complicate
determine how quickly the Mecha can move from your configurations will be, you have to determine
one configuration to another, and whether it whether your Mecha needs one or more Mecha
needs the support of an external vehicle (which sheets to be described. Try keeping everything on
will probably be the support one that you have one sheet, but if your Mecha has several shapes
already defined as an independent configuration) with plenty of hit locations, or it is made of several
or its own base. Write the following elements distinct sub-units that can act independently
down in an appropriate space in the configuration and have complex location patterns, then having
section on your Mecha sheet: multiple sheet is less messy than fitting everything
in one page. In general, thirteen hit locations or
the name of the Configuration, twenty different devices spread throughout all
the requirement in terms of presence configurations are the maximum that you should
of vehicles and the time needed try and fit into one sheet. The presence of different
to change into it

2. Mecha design
Strength, Size or Power characteristics for separate
In the Super Robot sub-genre, you should also parts may also recommend using different sheets.
note the Battlecry that the pilot(s) shout when We will go back to configurations once we
changing into that configuration. You can do so by have reached the Hit Location and Equipment
using the Battlecry as the configuration full name definition stage.
and writing it in all capitals, or by appending an
exclamation mark to it, on your Mecha sheet. In Determining Characteristics
most cases, even the default configuration for a
Super Robot will have a characteristic Battlecry The following step in the design process is
that the pilot uses as the “trademark of the series”. determining characteristics for your Mecha. This
Example: Takuya Ono and Mayu Kozuki are may be as easy as simply assigning arbitrary values
the heroic pilots of the Magnetic Super Robot to STR, SIZ and POW or as complex as evaluating
each factor with a precise analysis of official stats

Basic Roleplaying

for the Mecha. The level of complexity you choose everything up. Then proceed as follows:
to apply is up to you. Have a look at the examples z For a Real Robot, take the value in kW and divide
given in this book and extrapolate in order to
it by ten. If the value is abysmally high, use the
obtain a Mecha that suits your tastes.
value in MW divided by 10 instead. For a Super
Robot, take the value in MW.
Determining SIZ
When designing a Mecha, the first step in If the value you obtain is more than twice the
characteristic determination is to find its mass in Mecha SIZ, divide it by ten and add 20. Repeat this
tons. As they are usually found in Japanese books, step until you have a value that is approximately
mass values for Mecha are expressed in metric between half and half against the Mecha SIZ. In
tons, not British tons. Refer to the Comparative general, feel free to adjust this value to fit what
Sizes table on page 296 of Basic Roleplaying to the Mecha does in the anime instead of what the
find out a suitable value for your Mecha. In any official statistics say.
case in which two values for weight are given, If you cannot find any suitable info about your
always consider the smaller one the “empty” value Mecha power source in the anime, you can just
and not the “full load” mass. assess an arbitrary value that will yield a suitable
In general, you can also determine the SIZ value for STR once the efficiency factor has been
characteristic of a Mecha by assigning it directly determined.
according to how tough and dangerous you want A Mecha that is formed by the assembly of
it to be. A SIZ Class 1 Real Robot is about 60-65 several sub-units usually has the sum of each sub-
SIZ, while a SIZ Class 2 is generally about 80 SIZ unit POW as its own POW. There are exceptions
and a SIZ Class 3 can easily reach SIZ 100. There to this rule, particularly in case the Super Robot is
is really no simple way to determine a “correct” infused with some form of trans-dimensional energy,
value for the SIZ characteristic of a Super Robot: but this is left to the Gamemaster to determine.
by definition, the mangaka who created it did not
pursue any form of realism, so it is impossible to Smaller (SIZ class 1) Mecha may be too small
check the plausibility of its statistics. to hold an autonomous power plant, and be forced
to rely on an energy source that must be replaced
or recharged after a battle. A Mecha that operates
on this sort of device still has a POW characteristic
Determining Power Source and POW and a Power Point reservoir, but its PP do not
A Mecha usually has one or two power plants that regenerate autonomously. In this case, the energy
provide its energy. These are autonomous energy source can have a higher number of Power Point
sources powered by a fuel source that is considered storage than the POW characteristic generated.
non-exhaustible for game purposes, or by some Treat this device like a gadget having the Extra
trans-dimensional principle that does not require Power Points power.
fuel at all. A Mecha’s Power Points thus represent See also the Design Examples on page 17 and
the amount of energy that is available at a given 21 in this chapter.
moment, and regenerate constantly at a rate of one
PP per full turn per ten POW points or fraction. Determining STR
A Mecha usually has a POW characteristic The power output of a Mecha’s reactor is used
2. Mecha design

depending on its reactor output in terms of energy. also to compute its Strength. However, this
How this characteristic is computed depends characteristic depends on both the generated
heavily on the sub-genre and the specific series electric power and the efficiency with which it
you are emulating. is converted into kinetic energy by the Mecha
To determine the POW characteristic for your “muscles”. Each Mecha has a power converter
Mecha, find its power source output expressed in system that is characterized by two major
metric units, that is KiloWatt (kW) or MegaWatt parameters: its efficiency and its maximum
(MW), rounded up. A MegaWatt is the equivalent output. Efficiency determines which percentage
of one thousand KiloWatt. If the source output of a Mecha’s POW can be transformed into STR
is expressed in horse power (HP), you need just each round. Realistically, this should be a value
multiply it by ¾ (0.75) to obtain its value in kW. If below 100%. However, the actual value may be
the Mecha has two or more power sources, add 200% or more in the Super Robot sub-genre.

Basic Roleplaying

After applying the efficiency factor to the genre are often guided by an artificial intelligence
Mecha POW, you can determine its theoretical rather than a pilot, so they may need a score in
Damage Bonus
STR characteristic. The maximum output for the these characteristics. When designing an enemy
power converter determines which is the top Mecha, roll 3D6 for DEX or give it a score of 10 or Mecha have a Damage Bonus
value that the STR characteristic can reach, even any other suitable value according to the power based on their STR+SIZ
characteristics. However, as the
if the power source is subject to a boost in its level determined by the Gamemaster. Similarly,
damage they deal is usually only
output due to some peculiar conditions, such as your enemy Mecha might need its own Fate point calculated on the Mecha scale,
the activation of a booster device for the power pool if it is not guided by a human pilot. If this which is ten times as bigger as
plant – a common trope in some Mecha series. is the case, that is if you want to allow it to use the normal Basic Roleplaying
Fate and you are not using a global Fate pool for character scale, their bonus
In general, you should not worry about taking is better calculated using the
adversaries (see page 68 in Chapter Seven), you
notes on your Mecha power source and power following table.
should give it an APP score of 3D6 or any other
converter on your Mecha sheet. Just write down
value you deem appropriate in order to provide STR+SIZ Damage Bonus
the values for POW and STR. In the rare cases
it with a Fate point pool. Do not give enemy (Mecha scale)
when the power source can increase its output
monsters an APP score higher than 12 if there is
for limited periods of time, calculate the alternate 64-72 -
no particular reason: better save high Fate pools
values for STR and other parameters beforehand
for significant enemies! 73-120 1d2
and write them down in the notes section.
You may want to give your Mecha an INT 121-168 1d4
Other Characteristics score if it has no pilot, but you will seldom need
to use it in play. 169-216 1d6
We have already determined the STR, SIZ and POW 217-280 1d8
characteristics for our Mecha. We will now see how Derived attributes
the remaining characteristics are determined. 281-328 1d10
Mecha use different types of attributes than 329-424 2d6
CON has no meaning for a Mecha.
humans. The differences are listed in the sidebar on
Whenever a Mecha needs to check INT, next page. 425-488 2d8
DEX or APP the relevant characteristic of its 489-648 3d6
Mecha do not have “general” Hit Points, only
pilot is used instead. Mecha piloted by player
location related hit points that are the equivalent 649-808 4d6
characters usually do not have the DEX, INT or
of “sections” for vehicles. See the Hit Location
APP characteristics, thus relying on their pilot for 809-968 5d6
section below for more details.
them. However, enemy Mecha in the Super Robot

When the situation calls for one of the characteristic rolls used in Basic Roleplaying, BRP Mecha use
particular values defined in the table below.

Effort Always successful Always successful

Stamina Usually does not apply to Mecha Usually does not apply to Mecha

2. Mecha design
Idea Use the pilot’s Idea Roll Mecha INT x5
Luck Use the pilot’s Luck Roll Always failed
Agility Use the pilot’s Pilot Mecha skill Mecha DEX x5
Charisma Usually does not apply to Mecha Usually does not apply to Mecha
Knowledge Use the pilot’s Knowledge roll Always failed

In the Super Robot sub-genre, most enemy Mecha have no pilot. If they lack the appropriate
characteristic for the roll, you may rule that the roll is done with a 50% chance.

Basic Roleplaying

Mecha have Power Points, but since they are it consistently for the rest of this book. If you wish
inanimate beings, Mecha cannot use them to fuel to streamline your game and use only one Hit
Hit Locations
magic or psychic powers, nor can they resist these Location Chart, we suggest you use the Missile
In Mecha combat, the optional powers with their POW or Power Points. They can one, as it better represents the surface distribution
location damage rules are always only use them to activate their internal or external of the humanoid body.
in effect. This is due to the equipments. Many of these have effects that are
fact that, while Mecha cannot To facilitate calculations for Mecha generation,
“die” and do not have generic the equivalent of Basic Roleplaying Powers.
here is a table of HP per location for the most
hit points, their body parts Mecha do not have Fatigue or Sanity points. common SIZ values. Please note that SIZ is on
can be destroyed. Of course, The optional fatigue and sanity systems may be the general scale but hit points are given on the
if enough damage is done to
a Mecha’s reactor, it can, and used for pilots if the Gamemaster wishes, but this Mecha scale, that is each point represents 10 hit
should, blow up with plenty of is not recommended. points on the general scale.
pyrotechnics. Mecha have hit
We have used the optional rule for separate Enemy or transformable Mecha may have non-
points per location based on their
SIZ characteristic, divided by 10, Hit Location charts for close combat (Melee) and human hit location patterns. Consult the creature
according to the following table. ranged combat (Missile), and will continue to use chapter of Basic Roleplaying for examples of non-
human hit locations. Be prepared to create your
Location % of SIZ HIT LOCATION CHART FOR HUMANOID MECHA own hit location patterns very often, especially in
Type in hit points the Super Robot sub-genre where your heroes will
MELEE HIT LOCATION MISSILE face all sort of Kaiju monsters.
Head 25%
Arm 25% 19-20 Head 20 Another common occurrence that can make
your Mecha deviate from a standard humanoid
Torso 50% location pattern is the existence of configurations
16-18 Left arm 18-19
Leg 33% that include wings or other extra appendages.
If this is the case for your Mecha, you have two
Tail, Wing or 16% 13-15 Right arm 16-17
Insect Leg 09-12 Torso 07-15 z You may create two different Hit Location Charts
Please note that a Mecha does
for each configuration, possibly creating two
not have separate abdomen and 05-08 Left Leg 04-06 or three different Mecha Sheets for the two
chest hit locations, but only a configurations. This solution is best used when
general “torso” location. This 01-04 Right Leg 01-03 the configurations are really different, such
location has hit points based on as humanoid and four-legged, and both have
50% of the Mecha’s SIZ, not 40% several hit locations.
as it happens for a human. A
Mecha’s head normally has only
25% of its SIZ in hit points. MECHA HIT POINTS PER LOCATION
SIZ HEAD/ARM (25%) TORSO (50%) LEG (33%) TAIL/WING (16%)
01-20 1 1 1 1
21-30 1 2 1 1
31-40 1 2 2 1
41-60 2 3 2 1
2. Mecha design

61-80 2 4 3 2
81-90 3 5 3 2
91-100 3 5 4 2
101-120 3 6 4 2
121-140 4 7 5 3
141-150 4 8 5 3
151-160 4 8 6 3
161-180 5 9 6 3
181-200 5 10 7 4

Basic Roleplaying

z You may record the extra locations on the same Remember to place the jet exhaustion ports for
location chart and label them with the short the Mecha flight system as devices installed on
form of the configuration. The Mecha Sheet its back or feet in the last step of Mecha design.
has a special box for configuration specification Many jet ports placed on the shoulders are twin
included in each Hit Location entry. This works devices. Fly MOV is expressed on a scale that is
best if the second configuration is essentially even bigger than the usual Mecha scale, with
the same shape with extra limbs (e.g. wings). In each point representing 100m per combat round of
this case, the D20 rolls written on the entries for movement. Thus Mach 1 is about MOV 13.
the extra locations supersede the same numbers
Flight speed is usually unrelated to other Mecha
when written on a “regular” location entry. For
parameters, and often it is granted by an extra
instance, if you roll 13 for the location hit and
module or vehicle attached to the Mecha, thus
13 is listed for both Right Arm and Right Wing,
requiring a configuration change. In other cases,
the “extra” wing location has the priority over
Mecha parts that are separate configuration entries
the arm. Only when the Mecha has no wings
will have different MOV scores or the ability to fly
attached will a roll of 13 mean that it is hit in the
that the Mecha itself lacks. For multi-configuration
arm. You can find a more complete example of
Mecha, remember to note the ability to fly and the
this on page 19.
relative MOV speed for each configuration in the
Finally, determine the Mecha armour type appropriate entries.
according to the armour tables on page 104 in
In space, speed is not limited by air resistance,
Chapter Eight – or make up your own armour
so all vehicles have no theoretical limit to their
types – and evaluate armour points per location
maximum speed. To reflect this, all vehicles in
according to armour quality and SIZ class. Most
space have a MOV score of 10 for manoeuvring
Mecha have the same armour values on all
purposes. Better thrusters, however, can grant
locations, but exceptions may exist, especially
a Mecha an acceleration and manoeuvring
with enemy Mecha in the Super Robot sub-genre
advantage over another vehicle. This is usually
which tend to have turtle-like carapaces. See also
represented by a bonus to the pilot’s Pilot
the Design Examples later in this chapter, and the
Spacecraft skill rather than a difference in speed.
scenarios in Chapter Nine and Chapter Ten for
However, if a vehicle is chasing another one in
more armour and hit location examples.
space, acceleration rather than Piloting skills
will determine the outcome. In this case, use the
Basic and Flying MOV vehicles MOV scores for atmospheric flight as a
measure of their acceleration rate, and apply the
Each Mecha has its own characteristic MOV score,
normal chase rules found at page 216-217 of Basic
which is evaluated according to the data provided
Roleplaying, keeping in mind that Rated Speed is
for the Mecha. Each point of MOV score equals
unlimited for both vehicles.
approximately ten kilometres per hour of walking
speed, so a Mecha with a MOV score of five can If you are using zone-based movement rather
walk at 50 kph. Maximum running speed for a than a tactical map (see page 46), the basic MOV
humanoid Mecha is seven times its walking speed. score will seldom come into play, as the difference
in relative speed is impossible to portray in land
If no data is available about a plausible
movement. However, a difference in MOV may still
walking speed for a given Mecha, a value can
be important in chases, if you use them in your

2. Mecha design
still be calculated by adding together all three
game. Most importantly, Flying MOV will probably
characteristics of a Mecha, dividing by 100,
become important if your Mecha can fly, even in
rounding down and adding the Mecha SIZ class.
zone-based play.
Standard MOV scores are usually 2 for SIZ class
1, 4 for SIZ class 2 and 6 for SIZ class 3. Many
equipments allow Mecha to move faster when
If the Mecha you are designing is a standard Real
Some Mecha can also fly, and this is usually Robot or a Super Robot, you need not worry about
represented by giving them a Flying MOV score, Skills, as the pilot will provide them. However, if
which is separate from their Basic Land MOV you are designing an unmanned enemy Mecha
score. The Flight MOV score is noted beside the for a Super Robot game, it will have no pilot. Or
normal walking MOV score, in brackets and with perhaps the pilot is just cannon fodder you do not
the letter F to indicate that it refers to Flight. want to describe. In the latter two cases, you can

Basic Roleplaying

simply write down suitable values for Pilot Mecha uses ammunition rather than Power Points,
and Mecha Weapons for your mechanical beast. write down the number of shots or bursts
If it is able to fly, write down also values for Pilot instead. Check whether these parameters are
Spacecraft and Spacecraft Weapons. In any case, influenced by the modifications chosen and
you can simply go with a default of DEX x5 value modify them accordingly if necessary. For
for all of these scores, assuming you have defined instance, the ability to shoot bursts decreases
a DEX score for the Mecha. both range and ammunition supply for most
Equipment 4 For non-combat equipment, write down
the Power Point usage if applicable. For
In order to assign weapons and equipment to
weapons, write down the Power Point usage
your Mecha, you will normally follow the standard
if the weapon is fuelled by the Mecha power
procedure used for other sub-systems: watch the
source, and the number of ammo rounds in
anime and pick the most suitable option among
all other cases. Remember to modify Power
those provided in the equipment section (Chapter
or ammunition consumption according to all
8). However, there are several sub-steps to follow
modifications applied.
to determine the statistics of each device.
1 Pick the general type of the weapon or 5 Determine which configurations will be able
to use the equipment. If this is not the default
equipment by looking at the equipment entry
configuration, write down the configuration
in Chapter 8. Decide beforehand whether
short form(s) in the box at the extreme right of
you wish to include any of the modifications
the entry for the equipment.
listed for the device. Remember to check
whether the device and modifications chosen 6 Determine where the device is stored in the
are appropriate to the Mecha SIZ class and Mecha body. This is usually the head, the
the sub-genre of your campaign. Write down torso, an arm, or more rarely a leg. Write down
a suitable name for the device on its entry in the standard location for the device in the
the weapon and equipment list on your Mecha location box on the entry for the equipment.
sheet. Remember to write it down in all Cross-check that this location is present in the
capitals or followed by an exclamation mark configuration chosen! If the device is present
if you want it to be a Battlecry in the Super in more than one location, check the special
Robot sub-genre. coding for disablement numbers in the boxed
section to see whether you need to make
2 Note the type of device in the appropriate
separate entries or not.
space. If the device is a weapon, the type will
specify the kind of damage done: grapple, 7 Skip this part if you want to avoid extra
knock, entangle, melee, thrown, explosive, bookkeeping. If the device can be disabled
energy, cold, heat, sound or radiation. by a critical hit even when the location that
Weapons marked as entangle do kinetic holds it has not been destroyed, you have to
damage or no damage, while weapons marked write down the number that can cause the
as melee, brawl, knock or grapple usually do disablement when rolled on 1d6 or 1d10 after
kinetic or no damage. If nothing is specified, a hit that penetrates armour. You will find more
the weapon does kinetic damage. Some melee information about the disablement procedure
2. Mecha design

or thrown weapons actually have an energy in Chapter Five. The number 1 is reserved for
or plasma blade, and as such are marked as hand held devices, so write [1] for all weapons
melee [E] or thrown [E]. that are hand-held when used, such as swords
etc. Find out the next available number for
3 For weapons only, determine the calibre or
each location that contains the equipment. For
power of the device. Consult the appropriate
instance, “2” is always the reactor for the torso,
table in Chapter 8, keeping in mind that the
while the cockpit may be “2” on the head or
chosen entry might reference another entry
“3” on the torso according to Mecha design.
in the same chapter. Write down damage,
Once you are sure that the number(s) chosen
range and Power Point cost for your weapons
will cause no ambiguities, write it in brackets
accordingly. Apart from melee weapons that
next to the name of the location for the
are just marked as “close” range, you can
equipment (e.g. Head [3]). If several instances
express range as a number of steps or as an
of the item exist in the same location, write
abstract range, or in both ways. If the weapon

Basic Roleplaying


The following letter codes will help you keep track of what your Mecha is carrying without wasting a lot of
space on your Mecha sheet by providing a short form for the most common weapon configurations.
Some equipments may be present in a number of 2 in a given location. You may express this by adding a
“t” to the disablement number, or by providing two different disablement numbers, or by simply writing
down one single disablement number. The rules are as follows:
if the equipments can only function together and disabling even one will disable also the other, and they
are not weapons, write down just one number
if the equipments can only function together and disabling even one will disable also the other, and they
are weapons but they do not benefit from the twin weapon bonus (see page 50), write down just one
number: it is in fact one single weapon!
if the equipments can function independently and disabling one does not disable the other(s), write down
two or more numbers separated by a dash or commas; if the equipments are weapons and they can fire as
twins, you must note it in the “notes” space.
No equipment found on a Mecha head is ever eligible for a twin weapon bonus.
Equipment mounted on limbs is always a special case. If the equipment is only present on the left or right
arm or leg, add the letter “l” or “r” to the disablement number. If a copy of the device is attached to both
hands or legs, you do not need to specify anything if it cannot benefit from the twin weapon bonus (for
instance, two swords that can be used in close combat only do not benefit from the twin weapon bonus,
but only from the normal advantages for two weapon wield provided in Basic Roleplaying). Only add a “t”
to the number in brackets to state that it benefits from the twin weapon advantage. If a weapon is hand-
held when used, label it as [1], otherwise label it as [2] or whatever number is still available. A hand-held
weapon that is normally used two-handed is identified by the b code (for both hands).

Couple of heavy cannons located on the shoulders: Torso [3,4]
Self-shooting punches, usable in conjunction: Arm [2t]
Spear held in the right hand: Arm [1r]
Shield held in the left hand: Arm [1l]
Eye beams: Head [3]
Rocket rack on both knees, able to fire contemporaneously: Leg [2t]
Couple of jet exhaustion ports on back and feet: Torso [3,4], Leg [2]

down all the numbers separated by commas or 8 Write down all other significant information

2. Mecha design
a dash. If several instances of the equipment in the Notes space on the Mecha sheet.
exist in separate locations, you should either If a weapon is twin mounted and this is
write a separate entry for the equipment for not specified with the special coding for
each location or use the special coding for disablement numbers, write it down here. Also
disablement numbers provided in the boxed write down the extra effect of a weapon when
section to record multiple locations in a single a special success is achieved, if it is not implicit
entry. We encourage you to use the special in the damage type. For instance, if an energy
coding whenever possible in order to save beam can impale, write it down in this space.
space in the notes section of your equipment If the device is a rack that stores a hand-held
entry. If a device has no disablement number weapon when not in use, write down “Stores
specified, it can only be disabled by the <weapon>” in this space.
complete destruction of the location.

Basic Roleplaying

Upgrading your Mecha Instead, a Super Robot is much more likely to

receive an upgrade rather than being replaced
While pilots in BRP Mecha improve their altogether. Even a Real Robot may be subject to
abilities through the standard Basic Roleplaying improvements during the course of a campaign, so
procedure for gaining experience, Mecha are the procedure for upgrading an existing Mecha is
simple vehicles and will not improve significantly rather important.
during the course of a campaign, save for the In general, the basic stats for a Mecha cannot
improve in effectiveness that comes from a be changed or improved: its STR, POW and MOV
more skilled pilot. Of course, your pilots can will remain the same, as it will be for the efficiency
always receive a better Mecha to use. Using a of its POW-to-STR conversion device. However, the
new Mecha bestows no significant penalty on a scientists who have designed and manufactured it
character abilities. may in some cases discover a way to temporarily
While getting a new Mecha to pilot may be a boost its performance through a sort of “overdrive”
common event in a Real Robot saga, a Super Robot mechanism that enhances POW. How this may happen
campaign will seldom feature such an occurrence. is explained in the Engine section of Chapter 8.


As BRP Mecha includes almost all the details you may find in the anime, the stats of a Mecha are made
up of a lot of numbers. However, you will probably want to keep your game simple in order to be able
to insert roleplaying elements even in the heat of a fight. The Mecha Sheet is there to help you keep
it simple by showing the most relevant information about your Mecha and your pilot on a simple and
concise sheet. For most Mecha, one single sheet is enough, and only very complex, transformable Mecha
need multiple sheets.
In the upper area you have to write down the main statistics for your Mecha (STR, SIZ, POW and MOV),
and your pilot’s DEX and APP. Write down also your Mecha derived attributes such as Damage Bonus,
Armour, maximum/current Power Points and maximum/current Fate Points. The sheet has also a box
for Initiative and Tokens, but you will probably want to use real tokens and the numbered tracks (see
below) to record these parameters. Finally, write down the relevant skills for your pilot in the boxes
labelled Pilot Mecha, Mecha Weapons etc. Extra boxes are provided to record other useful skills such as
Psychic Abilities.
The next thing to do is to list all available configurations in the configuration area. Remember to label
each configuration with a clear and non ambiguous short form. It will make things much simpler in the
other sections. Do not forget to highlight the Battlecry for each configuration if you are designing a
Super Robot.
Next, write down all the data about each hit location in the appropriate boxes in the location section.
Use configuration short forms to highlight locations that are present only in one configuration such as
Finally, fill in all entries for devices and weapons. Do not forget to write down where each device is located,
so that you will immediately know what has been disabled if a location is lost. If you wish to use the
equipment disablement rule, write down the specific disablement number next to the name of the location
for each device, using the special codes provided in the Codes for Disablement Numbers section.
2. Mecha design

The Mecha Sheet has two numbered tracks on its long sides to help you record your current Power Points
and Fate Points, and another numbered track on its lower side. without erasing your sheet multiple
times per round. The track on the left side is for Power Points, the one on the right side is for Fate
Points track and the one on the bottom is for Initiative (DEX Rank).
Both the Power Point and the Fate Point track have a tens area and a unit area. By using five common
paper clips you can always know at a glance your current amount of PP or FP and your DEX Rank order.
Place a clip on the tens track and another one on the unit track of each side to show exactly how many
points you have available, then slide the clip(s) each time you lose or gain PPs or Fps.
Place a single clip on the Initiative track at the end of each Statement of Intents phase in order to record
your adjusted DEX Rank for that round, and move it whenever a change in your plans demands a change
in your Initiative rating. Remove the clip once you have acted. You may want to use multiple Initiative
clips to keep track of support vehicle Initiative.

Basic Roleplaying

Devices, additional parts and configurations, has become permanent, the player need not roll
instead, can be, and often are, installed on a Mecha any longer to mount it in subsequent missions.
at any time. Existing devices can be improved by If the Mecha with the add-on is abandoned,
means of one of the standard modifications listed in destroyed or replaced by a new model the
its entry in Chapter 8, provided that the modification permanent add-on is lost, too. Not all add-ons may
is compatible with the SIZ class and sub-genre of be made permanent, and some add-ons may be
the Mecha. The addition of one or more devices requested as permanent only.
could result in the creation of an entirely new
Being assigned a new model of Mecha counts
configuration for the Mecha.
as a permanent add-on. The Gamemaster is in
An improvement to a Super Robot may take charge of determining the appropriate price level
place only when the all-knowing Professor (Sensei) for the new model.
who leads the heroic team discovers something
new. Clearly, triggering this kind of event is a Design example
task for the Gamemaster, who will determine the
appropriateness of such upgrades according to In order to clarify the design procedure for
how he or she expects the story to evolve. Mecha, we will provide examples of the entire
process for two imaginary (almost) specimens, a
Upgrades to Real Robots, however, may be a
Super Robot and a SIZ class 2 Real Robot.
different story. Like all military equipment, Mecha
have plenty of additions and add-ons, and the best
pilots are often asked to test prototype devices Gozinda Omega (Super Robot)
or granted special equipment that is so scarce Realizing that Earth will soon be under attack
that only selected combatants may receive it. from the hostile forces of the Planet Pluto,
Basically, then, receiving a piece of equipment is Professor Tsuji designs and builds an invincible
a matter of Status in the team. The Gamemaster robot named Gozinda (pr. Gah-ZIN-dah) Omega,
should determine the full list of available add- and entrusts his only son Ryu with the task of
ons for the Mecha used by the player characters, using it to save humanity.
and assign each of them a price level ranging By looking into the Gozinda fan sites on the
from Inexpensive to Priceless. Restricted items internet, we can determine that Gozinda is 18 metres
are granted only when the GM decides so, as per tall and weighs about 60 metric tons. Its power
standard Basic Roleplaying rules. output is 60,000 HP (about 45 GW) and its hand grip
Prior to any mission, a pilot may request is equal to 120 tons, and it can run at 50 kilometres
an unlimited number of upgrades or optional per hour. We know that Gozinda has tough external
equipments for his or her Mecha. Each upgrade or armour, but we do not have much more info. How
optional equipment requires a Status roll as if the does that translate into BRP Mecha stats?
character was purchasing an item of the equivalent First of all, we determine that Gozinda is SIZ
price level. If the player roleplays a scene in which class 3 (18m tall is exactly that). By looking up in
the pilot tries to persuade the powers that be that the SIZ table, we see that the closest listed value
he or she is worthy of that particular upgrade, for 60t is 61t, which means SIZ 90. Now we know
the character’s Persuade skill – or anything else how big Gozinda is. Its POW is its power output
that is relevant for that scene - can be used as a in GW, thus 45. We will assume that its power
complimentary skill for Status. The add-on will converter has efficiency 200%, a common event in

2. Mecha design
be granted for the duration of that mission only. the Super Robot genre, so its final output is STR
For each item received, the pilot’s Wealth level is 90. Gozinda can walk at 50 kph, so its basic MOV
decreased by one cumulative level, so that once will be 5, nothing exceptional for a Super Robot.
he or she has been granted a couple items it will Gozinda also has a couple of thrusters in the legs
become increasingly difficult to get more stuff. As that let it jump as high as 200m at a cost of 2PP.
soon as a roll is failed, the pilot cannot request any
more add-ons. Derived attributes like hit points and damage
bonus are determined normally. We have no clear
A pilot may request a permanent upgrade of his data about Gozinda’s armour, but we can assume it
or her Mecha. However, this roll is made with a uses the advanced steel alloy usually employed for
penalty of two Wealth levels, which will remain in Super Robots, as described in Chapter Eight, which
place for the duration of the current and following gives it six points of kinetic armour as a Size class 3
scenario if the roll is successful. Once an add-on Mecha, and 3 points of energy armour.

Basic Roleplaying

90 90 44 AS PILOT AS PILOT 1d6 5 6 [3E]


R-Leg - -  Thruster []
L-Leg - -  Thruster []
Torso - -  Engines [], Missile []
R Arm -  -  Punch []
L Arm  - -  Punch []
Head -   Cockpit [], Eyebeam []

Brawl - Brawl d close - -

FLYING PUNCH! Arms [t] Knock d  [M] pp each Twin
EYE BEAM! Head [] Energy d  [M] pp Impale
POWER MISSILE! Torso[] Explo d  [M]  shots -
FIREBEAM! Torso [$ ] Heat d  [S] pp Radiation beam

By watching the Gozinda Omega episodes, we He then designs and builds a booster jetpack
learn that it uses eye beams of limited power, a that can attach to Gozinda’s back and – in
powerful heat radiator located in the torso that conjunction with its foot-mounted thrusters –
is really deadly if allowed to fire continuously, allow it to fly. This is a new configuration that
self-propelled flying punches and torso- we will identify with the short form [jet] and
launched concussion missiles. The statistics for the Battlecry “BOOSTER CROSS!” As it involves
such weapons can be found in Chapter Eight, a separate component that must attach to the
under the Energy Beam, Missile, Flying Fist and robot in flight, after Gozinda has jumped with its
Radiation beam entries. internal thrusters, we determine that the time
required to change into this configuration is 1
We do not know the power of the eye beams,
round. We then note that this configuration gives
but since these weapons do not look very
Gozinda a Flight MOV of 6. We will check later if
effective in the anime we will assume it is the
our Mechanical hero has any Handling bonus in
equivalent of a small scale 4 GW laser cannon
(damage 1d4, range 8 [M], cost 2PP). The table
in the Missile entry, instead, helps us choose the The [jet] configuration makes Gozinda a
correct type of missile, telling us that most Super winged humanoid with eight hit locations instead
Robots mount the equivalent of an unguided of six. We do not want to make a different hit
Harpoon missile (damage 1d10, range 10 [M]). location chart for this configuration, so we will
just define the new Wing locations and assign
Finally, we check the table for heat-based
them replacement numbers. By referring to the
radiation beams and see that a heat radiator
Winged Humanoid close combat hit location
does 1d4 damage at 5 [S] range for a cost of
chart on page 369 of Basic Roleplaying, we see
2. Mecha design

2PP, but since we want this weapon to be really

that wings “steal” one possible result from the
powerful we choose the High Power modification
corresponding leg and arm, thus we determine
and increase damage to 1d6, doubling the PP
that when in winged form the highest result for
cost. Please note that most weapons have been
a leg and the lowest result for an arm, if rolled,
recorded in all capitals to indicate that the name
indicate a hit in the corresponding wing. The
of the weapon is also used as a Battlecry in
Basic Roleplaying rulebook does not provide a
ranged hit location chart for winged humanoids,
So, here is our champion of Planet Earth. so we will improvise and determine that when
Gozinda is targeted from afar, its wings are
But we are not over in our design process.
hit on rolls of 14 and 15, numbers that are
At some point in the anime series, Professor
usually reserved to the torso. With a SIZ such
Tsuji realizes that Gozinda needs the ability to
as Gozinda’s, wings have 2 hit points, and we
fly, or it will never defeat the Plutonian armies.
determine that Professor Tsuji built the Jetpack

Basic Roleplaying

with the same super-alloy as the Super Robot, legs can be used to increase its Handling when it
thus giving the wings an armour value of 6 [3E]. flies, at a cost of 2 PP/round.
These are the two additional entries for Gozinda’s
Having seen that Gozinda uses the sharp edge
hit location table.
of the jetpack wings as a deadly attack, we also
define this as a weapon located on the wings but
without a specific disablement number. We refer to
R-wing ,   $jet the Charge weapon entry in Chapter 5 and Chapter
L-wing ,   $jet 8 to determine the characteristics for this deadly
attack, for which we also define the Battlecry
We are not over yet, as the Booster has several
All the devices and attacks specified above will
devices or attacks connected to it that we must
be labelled as [jet], as they are only available when
describe. First of all, we write down the main
the Super Robot is in the [jet] configuration, except
jetpack exhaust port, specifying that it allows
the leg thrusters that can be used also to jump.
Flight, at which speed and at what PP cost. In
However, the bonus to Handling that the latter
Chapter 6 we will explain when the PP cost for
provide is only usable when in flight, and thus in
flying is paid once per round and when it is paid
conjunction with the Booster Jetpack – but this is
once per turn. For now, let us record it as “1PP /
implicit in the definition of “Handling”. The exhaust
round”. The Jetpack also contains a fuel tank that
port and the thrusters can be disabled by a critical
provides extra PP to Gozinda to avoid depleting its
hit, so we write down a suitable number for them.
energy when manoeuvring in aerial combat, so we
write it down along with its PP storage and specify Here are the new entries we add to Gozinda’s
that these PP can only be used to fuel the booster Mecha sheet.
pack. We also note that the Thrusters in Gozinda’s


Booster Pack Torso [4] - - - pp&round [jet] allow
flight MOV
Booster Tank Torso Extra - - pp [jet] Usable only
fuel to fuel booster
Thrusters Leg$ - - - pp&round Handling
+﹪ each
CUTTER ATTACK! Wing Charge d close - [jet] Charge
in flight

Kiroda K7 (Enemy Super Robot) Melee Weapon entry in the Equipment Section,
K7 is a humanoid medium monster with we discover that such blades do 1d10 damage,
throwable sickles attached to its body. In the with no special effect, and can be thrown at a
anime it is slightly less performing than Gozinda, distance in steps that is equal to the Mecha STR
so we will just grant it a POW of 48 and a SIZ of divided by ten, that is 7 in our case, or Short
90, with a reactor efficiency of 175%. This grants range if using abstract combat. In both cases
it a STR of 70, a damage bonus of 1d4 and torso the robot can use the weapons as twin weapons

2. Mecha design
hit points 5. Its clumsiness grants it a basic move and must use its arms to wield them, so we
of 5. Its standard titanium armour provides a label them as Arm [1t]. As the blades cannot be
kinetic protection of 3 (1 against energy). destroyed when stored, we will not record any
disablement number for their storage racks, but
K7 is an unmanned Mecha, so it needs a DEX just the fact that Kiroda needs 5 DEX ranks per
score and weapon skills. The Gamemaster assigns blade to ready them.
it a DEX of 14 and an APP of 10 for Fate purposes,
and Mecha Weapons and Pilot Mecha skills of K7 has a secondary weapon consisting in a
40% each. low-power missile shot from the head. Since
it is designed as an anti-aircraft weapon that
Apart from a Brawl attack doing a mere 1d4 cannot really hurt other Mecha, the Gamemaster
damage, K7 relies on a couple of scythe-like considers it the equivalent of a Sidewinder
blades that it can extract from its torso and either missile with damage 1d6 and range 10 [M].
throw or use as hand weapons. By looking up the

Basic Roleplaying

70 90 48 14 10 1d4 5 3 [1E]


R-Leg - -   -
L-Leg - -   -
Torso - -   Reactor []
R Arm -  -   Blade []
L Arm  - -   Blade []
Head -    Missile []
Brawl Arm Melee d close - -
Blades Arms [ ] Melee d+d close - -
Thrown Blades Arm [ ] Thrown d  [S] - -
Missile Head [] Explo d  [M] Unlimited -

Jingon M2 (Enemy Super Robot) stay focused to do damage. Its first weapon is
a heat beam projected from both heads, thus
M2 is a two-headed Mechanical creature, considered a twin weapon (the rule that forbids
bigger than K7 but also clumsier. The Gamemaster the installation of twin weapons on the head is
gives it a POW of 48 and a SIZ of 95, with a reactor obviously not valid for a two-headed Mecha) that
efficiency of 175%. This grants it a STR of 70, a we label as Head [2t]. It falls in the category of
damage bonus of 1d6 and torso hit points 5. Its Radiation beams and does 1d4 heat damage at a
basic move is 5, too, and it has the same armour range of 5, at a cost of 2 PP per head per turn. Not
as its K7 buddy. The Gamemaster assigns the much, but it can be dangerous if both heads fire
clumsy robot a DEX of 8 and an APP of 10 for Fate continuously for a prolonged time.
purposes, and Mecha Weapons and Pilot Mecha The second weapon is another variation of
skills of 40% each. the Radiation Beam, but this time it is a High-
M2 has a totally different weapon array than powered electric discharge released during
its partner, relying on energy weapons that must grapple, for a total damage of 1D6 at contact
range and a cost of 4PP per round. Even if the



70 95 48 14 10 1d4 5 3 [1E]


2. Mecha design

R-Leg - -   -

L-Leg - -   -
Torso - -   Shock []
R Arm - -   -
L Arm - -   -
R Head - -   H Stream []
L Head - -   H Stream []
Brawl - Melee d close - -
Grapple - Grapple - close - -
Heat Stream Head [2] Heat d  [S] pp each Twin
Hi-powered Torso [ 3] Electric d close pp After grapple
Shock only

Basic Roleplaying

electrocution is discharged through the hands, output of 650 MW. As the option of using the output
the generator for the discharge is located in the in kW to evaluate POW would yield a huge value,
torso, so we label the weapon as Torso [3]. Of we go with one tenth of the output in MW for POW,
course, if an arm is severed the weapon becomes which gives us a POW of 65. Since this is less than
ineffective, too, as M2 becomes incapable of twice the Mecha SIZ and the Valiant needs power
grappling. to manoeuvre while in spacecraft configuration,
we decide to go with this value although it is very
M2’s weapons are somehow similar to
high. The Valiant is equipped with a 100% power
Gozinda’s thermal reactor, but slightly inferior,
converter – the reactors are optimized to power the
as the first is not high-powered and the second,
jet engines in aircraft form, not the “muscles” in
even though it is as powerful as Gozinda’s, need
humanoid form – so its energy output equals STR
melee contact to function.
65. The Mecha has thus a damage bonus of 1d4 and
Finally, the Gamemaster designs two special 4 HP in the torso according to the related tables.
hit location tables for the weird silhouette of M2, Its titanium armour provides 3 points of kinetic
reflecting the high chance that a blow hits one of its protection everywhere, and its protection against
huge, stalk-mounted heads. Here is the final result. other kinds of attack is limited to the default values.
Its rated MOV on the ground should be 4, but we
Will these two steel monstrosities prevail
decide that the thrusters in its legs can work as
against the righteousness embodied by Gozinda
jetcraft to make it more nimble and help it stay alive
Omega? It is up to you to discover now!
in battle, thus its effective MOV is 6 if it spends the
extra PP to activate the jetcraft. See Chapter 8 for
The AF7 Valiant (Real Robot) the description of how a Jetcraft works.
The AF7 Valiant is a transformable fighter Each leg of the Mecha, in humanoid form, has
aircraft employed by the Human Defence Force an exhaust port for the engines. This allows the
to fend off alien attacks. It can alternate between Valiant to jump in the atmosphere and to move
aircraft and Mecha shape. Let us define its in space with a Move value equal to 3, but does
characteristics as a Mecha first, and then we will not provide any extra thrust or any bonus to Pilot
handle the process of changing shape. rolls. For manoeuvrability, it is better to switch to
aircraft form. The thrusters are also used by the
The Valiant is 11,5m tall, which is SIZ Class 2.
Jetcraft when the Mecha moves on the ground at
Its mass is about 14 metric tons, thus SIZ 73. It is
extra speed. Special configurations for the Mecha
powered by two reactors which produce a total

65 73 65 - - 1d4 3*[3F] 3[1E]


R-Leg - -   Thruster&Jetcraft [$]
L-Leg - -   Thruster&Jetcraft$ []
Torso - -   Cockpit[] Emgines [$$,] Lasers [$, ]
R Arm -  -   Rifle $[]

2. Mecha design
L Arm  - -   -
Head -    Sensors []
* MOV is 6 if the Valiant users its leg thrusters as a Jetcraft, spending 2pp per round
Brawl - Brawl d close - -
Gatling rifle Arm [r] Kinetic d  [M]  bursts Burst, Impale
Lasers Torso [, ] Laser d  [S] pp Twin, Impale

Note that these ratings only represent the Valiant in its Mecha configuration. In Chapter 4 we will describe the Valiant in
aircraft configuration. For now, let us just say that it can turn from one configuration into the other in 5 DEX Ranks – or one
combat round if it does not have 5 DEX Ranks available. As the Valiant is a member of the Real Robot family, we do not need
to define any battlecries for it.

Basic Roleplaying

may include extra boosters that produce additional and 15m tall, nevertheless we will consider it SIZ
acceleration or a better manoeuvrability, but these class 3 as it clearly outclasses a Valiant in sheer
are all additional gear. See Chapter 9 for some mass. Its SIZ is thus 83, and its 1.2 GW reactor,
examples. coupled with a 70% power converter, gives it a
POW of 120 and a STR of 84. Its damage bonus is
The Valiant has only one built-in weapon system
1d6, mainly used in the rare occasions when the
in Mecha form: a pair of low energy lasers in the
Mecha kicks, and has 5 HP in the main cockpit, the
shoulders. At minimum power value for lasers, these
equivalent of a torso for this odd-shaped craft.
weapons will do 1d3 points of damage at a range of
5 [S], and cost one single Power Point to fire both. Since this machine is not depicted as being very
This is all the Mecha can afford, given its limited fast in the anime, we will rate it as having a MOV
supply of power points. The Valiant also carries one of 4, way below average for its SIZ class. The much
single 55mm Gatling gun held with the right arm. By smaller Valiant will outrun it easily on the ground
looking at the Ballistic Weapon table, we see that a by using its jetcraft. Its armour is not very efficient,
50mm+ cannon does 1d4 damage at a range of 20 either, so it has a rating of 3 points only, again
[L]. However, the range is decreased because of the rather low for its Size class. The Pod cannot fly in the
mandatory burst fire mode, for a final result of 10 atmosphere, but it can jump with its thrusters and
[M]. To match the long duration battles we can see can move and fight in space with a flight speed of 2.
in the anime, we assign this weapon half against
Apart for a seldom-used kick ability (it requires a
the normal ammo allowance, or 15 bursts.
Difficult Pilot Mecha roll), the pod is heavily armed.
So here is our humanoid fighter craft. It has a a couple of medium-sized Particle cannons
used to destroy similarly sized targets and two twin
The Zaburai combat pod AA lasers that are roughly as powerful as those
mounted on the Valiant, thus requiring 1 PP to fire.
The ancient alien race of the Zaburai is the A really dangerous opponent, but easy to hit due to
threat against which the Valiant has to defend the slow speed.
humanity. As these extraterrestrial beings are
Note that the high number of equipments
much larger than a human, a simple powered
installed in the torso will force us to roll 1d10
armour that fits their body is in fact the equivalent
instead of 1d6 for system disablement when the
of a Mecha. The pod is 37 metric tons in weight
torso is hit.


84 83 120 - - 1d6 4 [2F] 3 [1E]


R-Leg - -   -
L-Leg  -  -   -
Torso - -   Emgines [,] Cockpit [] Thrusters
[,],Laser [$ ,], Cannons [,]
2. Mecha design

Kick Leg Brawl d close - Knockback

AA Laser Torso [t] Laser d [S] pp each Twin, Impale
Particle Cannon Torso [t] Energy d  [M] pp each Twin


Even though this game is about giant robots, these machines do not move
alone; they have a pilot inside, and this pilot is usually a human (or non-human)
character who follows the normal Basic Roleplaying rules. In this chapter we will
explain how to handle your pilot character in BRP Mecha.

Basic Roleplaying

Options for characters this is appropriate to the character concept you

have in mind.
Several optional rules that are used for Mecha You may wish to use the Education option
are not used for characters, in order to provide provided on page 24 of Basic Roleplaying to
a more heroic flavour to the game. In fact, the determine skill point totals for your characters,
ease with which you can use two different sets but this is not mandatory.
of options in the same game, in order to better
portray the two different combat and adventure Skill Category Bonuses
levels in a different way without denaturing one
level to better represent the other, is one of the Skill Category Bonuses are allowed, but not
reasons why we find Basic Roleplaying to be one recommended, for BRP Mecha games. You may
of the roleplaying game systems that best fits the wish to use the Simpler Skill Bonuses option
Mecha genre. provided on page 31 of Basic Roleplaying to
simplify calculations.
Character Creation
Encumbrance, Fatigue and Sanity
We do not recommend any particular character
creation method to generate your heroes in BRP These derived characteristics are not really suited
Mecha. Choose the method you like the best, and to a Mecha game. We recommend that you do
be liberal with any skill and powers that suit your not use them in your BRP Mecha game, not even
campaign settings. Your characters are the heroes for characters.
of the day, not just well-trained folks, so let them
have more skill points than one should expect for Hit Locations, Armour and Wounds
their age and training. Do not hesitate to use a Characters in BRP Mecha do not have Hit
Heroic or even higher campaign level (see page Locations. The Major Wound optional rule (page
24 and following of Basic Roleplaying) and allow 207-208 of Basic Roleplaying) is used instead. As
them to overcome large crowds of humanoid maiming blows are not a common event for human
enemies with ease. You will still have plenty of characters in the Mecha genre, we recommend
ways to trouble them with Mecha opponents. that you allow player characters an automatic
success in the Luck roll that determines whether
Recommended professions for anime Player
the wound effects are permanent at the cost of a
Characters are: Assassin, Athlete, Computer Tech,
single Fate Point. It is the player’s responsibility,
Criminal, Doctor, Engineer, Noble, Pilot, Scientist,
however, to make sure that his Fate Point pool is
Soldier, Spy, Student, Technician, Thief. If your
replenished before facing combat.
characters are all teenagers, they will probably be
all students. Use the Step Six option for character Another good option if your pilot receives
creation provided in Basic Roleplaying for a quick a Major Wound is to let the player choose to
characterisation of your hero’s favourite way of accept a permanent wound of his choice without
getting out of trouble. rolling, and let him or her gain seven Fate Points
in exchange. Sure, you might end up missing
Remember to allocate skill points to all the
an eye, but you can certainly name an iconic
skills that will enable your characters to pilot
anime character who sports a big eyepatch as his
their vehicles: Pilot Mecha, Mecha Weapons,
personal trademark. And who would not like to
Pilot Spacecraft and Spacecraft Weapons.
resemble that character in an anime game?
Particularly in the Super Robot sub-genre, do
not worry about finding a plausible explanation You may also wish to use Variable Armour
3. Characters

for this knowledge of theirs; they are the heroes, optional rule for armour worn by humanoid
this is all that matters. characters, but this is not particularly
recommended, except perhaps in campaigns in
Education which heroes are likely to fight hordes of small
The EDU characteristic is used in BRP Mecha. minions of evil clad in medieval-style or samurai-
If your characters are High School students, as style armour.
it happens in most anime, their EDU should not
be much higher than 10. Exceptions may exist, Hit Points
of course, and your pilot might very well be the The Total Hit Points optional rule (page 50 of
school Baby Genius with an EDU of 16 or more if Basic Roleplaying) is used to represent the

Basic Roleplaying

exceptional toughness of BRP Mecha pilots. Mecha Weapons (10%)

It applies also to selected NPCs which the This skill is used to fire all of a Mecha’s ranged
Gamemaster wishes to survive, but not to generic, weapons in the same way that the Projection
cannon fodder type villains. skill is used to shoot energy that comes from
Important supporting cast characters like a a character’s body. In the Real Robot sub-
hero’s little sister can also have Total Hit Points to genre, this includes hand held rifles and rocket
make them more durable, but in general it is better launchers. Individual weapons can provide
if only combat capable characters are generated specific bonuses to this skill, as described in
using this option, and Fate is used to keep their Chapters 5 and 8.
significant others alive.
Pilot Mecha (10%)
Complementary Skills This skill is a speciality of the Pilot skill. It is
Mecha pilots are often depicted as untrained used to pilot any humanoid or animal-shaped,
youngsters who perform feats impossible to self-propelled vehicle. No skill roll is required to
normal humans in the anime TV shows. As a have the Mecha walk or perform simple actions.
result, the Gamemaster should allow creative use The Pilot Mecha skill is also used to make an
of the Complementary Skill optional rule (page attack or parry with one of the Mecha limbs or
50 of Basic Roleplaying) in order to give the close combat weapons. When used this way,
player characters a fair chance to overcome the this skill is considered complementary to the
difficulties that they may find on their way. appropriate Weapon skill or the Brawl or Martial
Arts skill if the pilot has a score of at least 50%
Skill Ratings over 100% in the relevant skill.
Since your characters are supposed to be the Example: Takuya Ono is not only a skilled Karate
best in their league, and they are expected fighter, but also one of the twin pilots of the
to eventually face superhuman beings, we invincible Magnetic Super Robot Ka-Gen. When
recommend that you do not limit the skill ratings Ka-Gen fights with its clawed fists, Takuya’s
to 100% in your campaign. Karate skill score of 100 is complementary to his
Pilot Mecha skill, giving him a +20 bonus to all
Skills Brawl attacks!

In general, skills in BRP Mecha are much broader Pilot Spacecraft (05%)
than in the standard Basic Roleplaying rules, This skill is a speciality of the Pilot skill. It
because anime characters tend to be young and is used as the reference skill for piloting the
able to do many things without having undergone futuristic flying crafts used by Mecha pilots, be
extensive training. The following is a list of skills they simple hoverjets that the pilot uses to enter
that are introduced in this supplement or have a mecha head or deadly space fighters armed
some peculiarity in BRP Mecha. with missiles and beam weapons. Usage of this
skill will be explained in Chapters 5 and 6. The
Artillery (05%) Gamemaster may impose a penalty on skill rolls
This skill is used to fire guns and missiles from made by a pilot who is only used to space flight
fixed positions and all spacecraft that require when he is flying in a planet atmosphere, or the
the Pilot Spaceship skill to pilot. Note that opposite.
some weapons may be fired by the pilot himself,
while others are fired by the weapon officer or
A player character has half of his or her 3. Characters
Pilot Spacecraft skill as base chance to Pilot
by a crewman manning a turret. If a spaceship
Aircraft or Pilot Spaceship. A normal human
weapon is not mounted on a turret, and it is
has no chance of figuring out how to control
not a missile, the gunner’s skill cannot exceed
a flying machine, but player characters
the ship pilot’s Pilot Spaceship skill, as the ship
always have a minimum chance to Pilot a
course might become unpredictable to the point
spacecraft. If a character has the Pilot Aircraft
that the gunner’s ability to track his or her target
or Pilot Spaceship skill as a result of his or her
is seriously impaired.
profession, the Gamemaster should give him or
Specializations for this skill that may be used her a basic chance at Pilot Spacecraft that is
in BRP Mecha are: Missiles, Ballistic, Energy. equal to half his other Pilot skill.

Basic Roleplaying

Pilot Spaceship (00%) Powers

This skill is used to Pilot gigantic spaceships
that are the size of a modern airliner or ship Some Mecha pilots have superhuman powers that
and incapable of fast manoeuvring in combat. normal humans do not possess: They may have
Navigation and all Repair and Science skills related mechanical body parts or an entirely cybernetic
to a particular ship propulsion can be considered body; some are in fact aliens who have found
complementary to this skill, at least when a refuge on Earth; and some have been touched by
skill roll is called for in a situation where the mysterious otherworldly powers. Whatever their
complimentary skill can make the difference. origin, these powers are usually variations of
one of the power systems described in the Basic
Most PCs will not have this skill, although Roleplaying rulebook. In this section, we will
they may be allowed an “emergency” Pilot roll at examine each power system and describe how it
a fraction of their Pilot Spacecraft skill. In most can be used in your Mecha game.
anime series, as well as some Western TV shows,
a featuring character pilots the big spaceship A power system may be part of your setting
and the heroes are in charge of defending it with from the beginning, allowing characters to
fighter spacecraft and Mecha. choose powers for their heroes during character
creation, or it may be introduced as a plot device,
Repair Electronics (15%) with one or more player characters becoming
aware of their superhuman abilities during play.
This skill is a speciality of the Repair skill. It is used
In any case, do not be afraid to have powered
to repair electronic parts, including those parts
and unpowered characters in the same party;
of Mecha that do not employ peculiar, one-of-a-
even less-than-superhuman characters will have
kind technologies or those from another planet. As
plenty of opportunity to show their heroism in
Mecha are sometimes received as a “gift of Fate”
BRP Mecha.
by their pilots, who do not fully understand their
technology, the Gamemaster should determine
at the start of the campaign which parts of their Magic Spells and Sorcery
Mecha the player characters canrepair with this While Magic Spells and Sorcery are elements of
skill. Mecha built by a different race or coming from many anime series, it is usually absent from the
a different world cannot be repaired with this skill. Mecha genre. They are up to you to determine if
you want to “contaminate” genres and give your
Repair -Quantum- (00%) heroes some magical abilities.
This skill is a speciality of the Repair skill. It is used
to repair items that involve alien technologies, and Mutations
cannot be learned by human characters unless Most Mecha anime involve a struggle against an
they have been exposed to the technology for a evil and non-human race, or the exploration of
considerable time. Characters need this skill to faraway worlds. Sooner or later, your BRP Mecha
repair Mecha from other worlds or dimensions. heroes will encounter some inhuman threat. You
Characters from alien worlds or cultures are the only can use the Mutations described on page 102
ones who are supposed to have this skill at game of Basic Roleplaying to emulate the loathsome,
start. Note also that this skill might have another inhuman characteristics of alien adversaries.
name more suited to your setting, such as Repair However, most Mutations are not really suitable
Trans-dimensional for a game world where Mecha for player characters in BRP Mecha.
are powered by a trans-dimensional energy source.
3. Characters

Psychic Abilities
Spacecraft Weapons (05%) Psychic Abilities are the most common powers
This skill is used to fire the weapons of any found among Mecha pilots, and possibly the most
spacecraft that requires the Pilot Spacecraft useful, because they can be used from a Mecha
to pilot. The firer is usually the same person cockpit. In general, Psychic abilities are more
that is piloting the craft, unless the weapons common in the Real Robot sub-genre, but some
are controlled by a different console. When heroes of Super Robot series are also represented
spacecraft weapons are fired, the adjusted as psychics. Psychic powers used by Mecha
skill roll cannot exceed the craft pilot’s Pilot pilots in the anime are usually weaker than those
Spacecraft skill. described in the Basic Roleplaying rulebook. In

Basic Roleplaying

general, when a psychic ability has variable PP time a character uses a Psychic Ability to enhance
cost and effects, the maximum number of PP that an attack or defence in combat, subtract one from
a character can spend on it is limited to his or her the total cost of the Fate effects that are applied to
skill with the ability divided by 50. This means the relevant attack or defence roll, to a minimum
that a character can spend only one PP if his skill of one Fate Point cost. In any case, using a Psychic
is within 50%, two PP if his skill is in the 51-100 Ability to increase one’s chances to hit or Dodge
range, and so on. Only exceptional characters may also decrease the overall Fate Point cost
with skills of 100% or more can use the most required to influence the die roll.
powerful effects of variable cost psychic powers.
The rest of this section describes the usual
Please note that some Mecha are built in such a
Psychic Abilities found in Mecha anime, and how
way that they enhance the pilot’s natural ability.
they differ from the standard BRP version. For
In this case, consider the bonus due to the “psi”
anything about psychic abilities not covered in this
Mecha before evaluating the total Power Points
section, the rules described at page 110 of the
the pilot can spend.
Basic Roleplaying rulebook are in effect.
Some Psychic Abilities can be used in combat
Aura Detection
to alter the success chance of an attack or
As in Basic Roleplaying.
defence roll. In general, if this is the case. the
Ability is rolled at the start of the round, during Danger Sense
the Power Phase. If the skill roll is successful then As in Basic Roleplaying. Precognition is more
the benefits of the Ability are applied to all rolls suitable to describe the kind of threat detection
made during the current round. Even if the effects found in the anime, but Danger Sense can be
are listed as lasting for more than one round used, too. When used actively in combat, Danger
in the Ability description, when it is used in Sense makes all surprise attacks impossible and
combat, a new roll and the expenditure of power makes all defence rolls Easy.
points are required.
Fate is often used in combination with Psychic As in Basic Roleplaying. This ability is not
powers in Mecha combat. Usually, the moment a useful in Mecha combat, but heroes of anime
character uses his superhuman abilities is also the series often use their Psychic Abilities in social
most climactic in a battle. To simulate this, each interaction scenes, too.

3. Characters

Basic Roleplaying

Precognition cowardice, Baron resorts to his Intuition, spends

Precognition works as described in the standard one Power Point and rolls to locate his friend; he
rules, but is subject to the Power Point limitation is hidden in the beast’s left foot. As the Beast is
explained above. When used in combat, unaware that Baron knows where Kenta is and is
Precognition negates penalties due to movement. turning his back to him, Baron draws his Cosmic
Each Power Point used before an Attack roll Scythe and goes for an Aimed attack to its leg,
negates the effect of a green penalty token (see which will occur at normal chance because it
Chapter 5). Each Power point spent on a defence comes from behind. The scythe’s huge cosmic
roll negates the effect of a red penalty token (see power easily severs the beast’s leg, and Baron’s
Chapter 5), possibly allowing defence rolls that successful use of Sense Vital Spot ensures that
would otherwise be impossible. Kenta’s prison in the foot is not damaged by the
tremendous impact. The foot still gently rolling
Example: Tetsuro Rey is fighting Rana Moone,
on the ground, Baron prepares to dispatch the
who launches psi-guided drones against Rey’s
maimed beast with Cosmic Lightning before it
Mecha. The drones’ erratic movement makes
can try to snatch Kenta again.
them almost impossible to hit, with a -60%
penalty to any to-hit roll due to the three Green Telepathy
Tokens they gain each combat round because of Telepathy cannot be used offensively in BRP
this special characteristic. Tetsuro has a good Mecha, and can only be used to communicate
Precognition skill, so he rolls his psychic ability with willing targets.
before shooting his Energy Rifle at his Mecha
Weapons percentile of 90%, minus 20% for the Super Powers
only green token he cannot neutralize. One by Some peculiar abilities exhibited by Mecha pilots,
one, the drones are eliminated, but Tetsuro is particularly in the Super Robot sub-genre, are best
burning up his Power Points to destroy them. modelled with a creative use of the Super Powers
Intuition described on page 140 of Basic Roleplaying. This is
Intuition works as described in the BRP rules, usually the case when pilots are chosen to control
but is subject to the Power Point limitation their Mecha because of some superhuman ability
explained above. they possess. Some powers are better suited than
others to the Mecha genre, so we have provided a
When used in combat, Intuition has one of list of recommended powers, but please consider it
the following effects per Power Point spent: a suggestion and not a prescription.
z Lock location: make an Aimed attack with a You are free to use the point-buy system for
normal skill roll instead of a Difficult one, or an powers and to allow players to use disadvantages
attack to a single equipment with a Difficult roll. to offset the cost of their powers, as explained on
This effect can be chosen twice to target a single page 142 of Basic Roleplaying. However, since
equipment at normal attack chance. power balance is not within the scope of this
z Sense vital spot: if the attack destroys or supplement, you are not forced to do so. You may
disables the location, Intuition allows the decide to enforce a zero-point budget for any
attacker to avoid potentially dangerous parts of characters having super-powers, thus making
the location struck: an engine is destroyed but disadvantages mandatory, or disregard point costs
does not blow up, a location that contained a of powers completely. It is up to you.
human held hostage is severed with no harm to When a pilot has super-powers, it may
the human, etc. If the device is rolled on a device
3. Characters

sometimes engage an enemy robot or spacecraft

disablement roll or the location is completely when he or she is not piloting his or her Mecha.
destroyed, any effects not desired by the attacker The same happens if he or she has a personal
are cancelled. Note that this effect is not vehicle, usually a motorcycle, with some high-
equivalent to Lock Location, because the total tech weaponry installed. The BRP Mecha rules
destruction of the location might always trigger are not designed to handle character-vs-mecha
undesired effects even if you choose to target a combat, so we recommend that you do not do this
harmless sub-system. on a regular basis.
Example: Baron Fried is faced by a Space The following Powers have been used in
Beast that has his friend Kenta hidden in its anime series by Mecha pilots, but are not the
body as a life insurance. Enraged by his enemy’s only ones you can choose: Adaptation, Alternate

Basic Roleplaying

Form, Armour, Defence, Energy Control, Energy Motivation, but “Hates the Zaburai for killing
Projection, Extra Energy, Force Field, Leap, her beloved Patrick” is way more interesting
Protection, Regeneration, Super Characteristic, and useful in game terms. The Gamemaster is in
Super Sense, Super Speed. charge of asking questions to players about their
Motivations before play begins (“What are your
Motivations actual reasons to hate the Zaburai? Do you have
anything personal or is it just that they are the
All characteristics, attributes, skills and powers enemy?”), and inviting them to better specify all
described so far are just variations of what you details about them.
can find in the Basic Roleplaying core rules.
In any case, players should always avoid
However, characters in BRP Mecha have another
Motivations that are unpleasant to other
kind of traits that are not found in regular Basic
characters. A Motivation like “Always makes
Roleplaying games. These are called Motivations.
a pass to any girl he encounters” may be fun
A Motivation is a short phrase that expresses in some games, but if the rest of your group is
what your character believes in, what he or she not really into listening to descriptions of sex
wants to achieve, what is important for him or or seduction scenes, the player who wishes to
her, what haunts his or her dreams. The desire have such a Motivation should reconsider it. The
to overcome the enemy or to protect humanity Gamemaster may always ask a player to confront
is a good Motivation for a Mecha pilot, but you with the others about the appropriateness of a
should also provide more personal ones to make given Motivation.
your character a real three-dimensional hero.
Motivations should always be phrased in
Keep in mind that you will be able to take full
order to represent some positive force that
advantage of your Motivations only if the GM and
drives your character to improve his or her
the other players willingly cooperate with you, so
situation or towards a goal, but they can also
try and pick those Motivations that will make your
reference a problem or handicap the character
character interesting. A Motivation like “I am the
has to overcome. For instance, “Addicted to
coolest and bravest guy in the team” may sound
alcohol” is not a good Motivation, while “I want
great, but it will be less effective than “I am
to overcome my addiction to alcohol” is valid.
grateful to the other team members because they
Please note that you are equally encouraged
accepted an alien among them”, because the
to depict your character failing to pursue his or
former will not stimulate help and collaboration
her motivations, and this gives you the same
from other players, while the latter will!
mechanical advantages as representing him or
You cannot phrase Motivations as simple her succeeding, so you can still play a character
adjectives like “Brave” or “Loyal”. You should try who gets drunk before an important mission, if
and link the Motivation to something concrete you wish! A sense of guilt for some past event is
that will show up in the game, encouraging the another good example of a negative feeling that
Gamemaster and other players to co-operate with can provide a positive stimulus for your character.
you when you bring the Motivation into play. For
Other examples of motivations that are
instance, you could re-phrase “Brave” as “I never
not entirely positive but can surely make your
turn my back to danger” (see the Motivation
character interesting are:
usage example on page 76 about how this may
become significant in play) or “Loyal” as “Loyal z I have always been a hothead in need of some
to the team” or “Devoted to the cause of Japan”. discipline
The Gamemaster is in charge of having players
re-phrase a Motivation so that it is more usable
z My father sees me as a loser, so I must prove 3. Characters
myself to him
during play, but he or she cannot simply veto a
Motivation, unless it is disturbing to the other z I will succeed in spite of my physical handicap
players (see below). of [insert disability]
We recommend that you phrase a Motivation z I will never forgive myself for the accidental
so that it contains at least two major themes, death of my co-pilot
so that the Gamemaster and the other players
Note that all of these Motivations also
have a wider choice of options to interact with
contains two different themes (impulsiveness
your Motivation if you activate it. For instance,
and discipline, father’s disapproval and desire
“Hatred for the Zaburai aliens” is an allowed

Basic Roleplaying

to excel, etc.), so there are always two ways of than three motivations at game start if you like
injecting them into the narration! to have well-rounded characters. For instance,
a player can “sacrifice” 10 points from his or
When generating your character, you must
her additional percentile points and gain a new
give him or her three Motivations devised along
Motivation at 30% base instead, thus allowing
the guidelines provided above. Once you have
a more “horizontal” development of character
consolidated your motivations, you must assign
a percentile score to them, much like normal
skills. Each Motivation starts at 30% base, and Do not be afraid of your players becoming too
you can divide sixty more points among them. “powerful” because of Motivations. Instead, be
The maximum score for a given Motivation is liberal with them, experiment, and try and find
equal to the maximum score for a starting Skill the combination of Motivations and scores which
according to your campaign power level (see will provide the best game experience for your
page 24 of Basic Roleplaying). You may allow group.
players to distribute more than sixty points
Chapter Seven will deal with Motivation
among their Motivations if you wish to have
improvement and gaining or losing Motivations.
strong feelings in play. Or you may allow more
3. Characters


While the protagonists of the anime series – and of your games – usually pilot
giant metal humanoids, most TV shows also feature other kinds of vehicles, which
can become as important as Mecha in the heat of battle.

Basic Roleplaying

While the protagonists of the anime series – and of per round. Let us now examine the actual speeds
your games – usually pilot giant metal humanoids, related to each MOV level. As usual in BRP, all
most TV shows also feature other kinds of vehicles, measures are expressed using metric units, that is
which can be as important as Mecha. kilometres per hour rather than miles per hour.
This chapter contains rules for designing support Please note that the MOV scores given
vehicles, subunits that will combine into Mecha, here differ from the ones on page 271 of Basic
as well as motherships that will carry them. All Roleplaying. In fact, the scores are the same, it is
details not specified for a given type of vehicle just that the core book reports the maximum MOV
work as they do for Mecha. At the end of each that the vehicle can achieve, that is five times the
subsection you will find one or two examples of rated MOV used in BRP Mecha. Please note also
that kind of vehicles, either fictional or real-world. that the Cruise speed for planes is different than
Although we tried to include rules for all the most the cruise speed for ground vehicles.
important elements you might want to introduce
in your BRP Mecha game, these rules cannot be Vehicle Statistics
exhaustive. We suggest that you use the examples
provided as guidelines to create your own vehicles, All vehicles use a common hit location table for
adding the systems of your choice and tailoring the both melee and missile attacks, as they are hardly
characteristics to your group’s tastes. ever attacked in close combat by an enemy of
the same size. Most vehicles have multiple hit
Rated Speeds locations. The rules for vehicular hit locations are
the same used for Mecha, including the chance to
When describing vehicles, it is rather useful hit a specific subsystem if armour is penetrated.
to compare relative speeds. We have already
Vehicles are usually powered by one or more
introduced the concept of one MOV as the
engines or reactors. A fuel-based engine can be
equivalent of 10m per round. When describing
treated as a source of non-regenerating Power
flying vehicles, one MOV equals instead 100m


- 1 3 kmph 15 kmph Average human, slow tracked AFV
- 2 6 kmph 30 kmph Olympic athlete, average tracked AFV
- 3 9 kmph 45 kmph Average wheeled AFV
- 4 - 60 kmph Wheeled AFV on dirt road
- 6 - 90 kmph Wheeled AFV on paved road
- 7 21 kmph 105 kmph Truck, Sportcar
Motorcycle on rough ground
- 15 - 225 kmph Motorcycle on dirt road
2 20 60 kmph 300 kmph Helicopter
- 21 - 315 kmph Sportcar / Motorcycle on paved road
4 - 360 kmph 600 kmph Propeller fighter
7 - 610 kmph 1050 kmph Airline, Bomber
4. Vehicles

8 - 720 kmph 1200 kmph Subsonic Jet Fighter

9 - - 1350 Kmph Mach 1
17 - - - Mach 2
25 - - - Mach 3

Basic Roleplaying

Points, and additional fuel tanks provide extra of 2 or even 1. While tracked vehicles have more
PP in this case. Disabling an engine or reactor or less the same speed everywhere, wheeled ones
immediately drops the vehicle power points to zero, have their speed doubled on a road, and tripled
unless it has multiple engines, in which case the on a paved and well kept road like a motorway.
vehicle loses an appropriate fraction of its Power This means that a fast sportscar or motorcycle can
Points and an equivalent fraction of its Power reach a speed of 100 steps per round (300 km per
Point regeneration capability, if it has one. hour) on a racing circuit or highway. Tanks cannot
do the same, while hovercraft or anti-grav vehicles,
In the case of a vehicle powered by the same
if your game world includes them, can be almost
kind of reactor as a Mecha, it may be convenient to
as fast. AFVs that use wheels instead of tracks,
determine the reactor POW. If you want to provide
however, have their MOV increased by half again
a realistic evaluation of the engine POW, follow
on a road, and doubled on a paved road.
the method given for Mecha: divide the output
of the engine or reactor in kW by ten, and that When operating on a zone-based map, vehicles
is its POW. This means that a Ferrari Testarossa with a MOV of 1 or 2 cannot move and fire during
racing car has a POW of 29, while a typical Harley the same round.
Davidson chopper has a POW between 7 and 12.
Use this standard hit location table for
Note that there is no relationship between POW
your typical tank/APC.Each location may have
and speed, as a motorcycle can go almost as fast
subsystems.The turret usually contains both the
as a racing car due to its smaller mass.
main ordnance and the sensors.
Jet engines usually do not have a rated power
output, but rather a thrust value expressed in D20 LOCATION HP COMMON
kiloNewton (if it is in kilograms, multiply the figure FRACTION SUBSYSTEMS
by ten). Assume that the standard thrust (not the
one with the afterburners, if the engine has this 01-04 R Side .33 Track/Wheel [2]
capability) in kN is the equivalent of the POW 05-08 L Side .33 Track/Wheel [2]
characteristic for these engines. If the aircraft has 09-16 Hull .50 Cargo/personnel
two engines, increase this value by half against. bay [2], Varius weapons
STR and POW have not been included in the 17-20 Turret .33 Sensors [2],
description of most vehicles. If you think that your Main ordnance [3]
vehicle will need these characteristics, determine
them, but in general you will only need to know
SIZ and derived attributes for vehicles, that is Tanks usually have very few hit points – at most
Armour, Hit Points and Power Points, as well as 3 in the hull and 2 elsewhere. Their survivability
the DEX and APP of the pilot. You may also wish is granted by their armour. The hollow nature
to assign a SIZ class to your vehicles when you of armoured vehicles does not allow them to
design them, for armour determination purpose, withstand lots of damage and remain combat
but it is usually not necessary. However, providing capable. Any non-explosive hit that penetrates
a SIZ class may be useful just to give your players armour will disable the location struck even if
a rough idea of what they are facing. the vehicle does not blow up. Crew members of a
disabled AFV must make Luck rolls to survive the
Ground vehicles risk of being trapped in a burning metal coffin.
Non-combat vehicles have the opposite problem:
Ground vehicles is a very broad category that any explosive damage will disable them.
ranges from motorcycles to Armoured Fighting If you really want to enforce realism, you may
Vehicles. In general, ground vehicles are slower grant a +1 bonus to AFV armour – beyond any
4. Vehicles
than most Mecha and all aircraft, and have very difference in armour among different locations
limited manoeuvrability. The smallest vehicles have – against kinetic weapons if they are hit on the
only one hit location, while tanks and other combat front armour of either the hull or the turret. Any
capable ground vehicles usually have several hit by a target that has been attacked or will be
locations. Such ground vehicles often have areas attacked during the round is considered a front
that are more armoured than others. hit. For an even more realistic combat simulation,
A typical motorcycle or sports car has a basic check for disablement of tracks even if armour is
MOV of 5, like a Mecha, while an AFV has a MOV not penetrated.

Basic Roleplaying

This American tank was the most used military armoured vehicle of WW2, and it was used by NATO
and US allies for more than 50 years after the war. Although it was not the most armoured or the
most heavily armed tank of its times, its agility and the ratio of its effectiveness versus the ease of
production make it a perfect solution for the mass production of AFVs.


1 81 - - - 30 2 +10


R-Side - -   Track []
L-Side  -  -   Track []
Hull - -  Engine [], MGx [,]
Turret - -   Gun []


 mm gun Turret [] Kinetic d  [l]  Impale, can fire
High explosive
Machine Gun Hull [,] Kinetic d- [s]  burst Twin, Burst

This Russian armoured personnel carrier is the last of a series of multi-wheeled vehicles designed by the
Soviet Union. Although its main purpose is to carry infantry on the battlefield, this model is also capable
of engaging armoured target with its 30mm rapid fire autocannon. To depict earlier models with inferior
combat capabilities simply replace the autocannon with a heavy caliber MG. The presence of 4 wheels
per side grants the vehicle a decent protection against “flat tires”; the first wheel hit on a given side will
decrease Handling by 10%, and only a second wheel hit on the same side will immobilize the APC.
1 77 - - - 20 3 -


R-Side - -   Wheels [2,3]
L-Side  -  -   Wheels [,]
Hull - -  MG []
Turret - -   Cannon []


mm autocannon Turret [] Kinetic d  [m]  burst Impale, burst
Machine Gun Hull [] Kinetic d- [ s]  burst Burst

AFVs are usually equipped with a variety of Real world AFVs seldom have twin weapons, but
weapons, including anti-personnel machine guns, futuristic tanks may have twin main ordnances if
cannons, autocannons and anti-tank rockets. Some they are appropriate to the anime world you are
may even mount anti-air autocannons (the German playing in.
88mm anti-air flak used during WW2 could pose
In general, motorcycles or small cars used
4. Vehicles

some threat even to a Mecha) and anti-air missiles.

by the heroes of Super Robot anime shows can
Machine guns are useless against Mecha, and
have basic weapon systems that can deal 1 or 2
are assumed to deal 1d2-1 damage. Guns and
points of damage on the Mecha scale. Although
autocannons, however, although not extremely
not enough to actually engage an enemy Mecha
useful against Mecha, are able to inflict some
in combat, this enables them to attack scenery
serious damage. Missiles are dangerous even for
elements (see page 79) and slow down an
Mecha, and usually lethal for any other AFV. Most
opponent on a temporary basis.
cannons and autocannons are mounted on turrets.

Basic Roleplaying


Aircraft are atmospheric vehicles that fly by lift
and thrust of their wings And engines. There are 01-02 R Engine .33 Engine [2], Rudder [3]
so many different kinds and shapes of aircraft that 03-04 L Engine .33 Engine [2], Rudder [3]
it would be impossible to describe them all, or to 05-08 Right Wing .16 Various weapons pylons
list all possible weapons and devices that they can 09-12 Left Wing .16 Various weapons pylons
mount. The main weapons employed by aircraft
13-18 Fuselage .50 Fuel tank [2]
are listed in Chapter 8, but Gamemasters are
encouraged to make up new ones, as well as new 19-20 Cockpit .25 Pilot Seat [2], Gatling gun [3],
kinds of aircraft, based on real world devices. Sensors [4], Navigator Seat [5]
A jet-propelled aircraft flies at a speed up
to Mov 30. A supersonic jet can reach Mov only one engine, both “engine” rolls will cause a
40 or more. Aircraft cannot usually leave the hit in the same location.
atmosphere. When a craft can operate in space,
it is classified as a spacecraft. Aircraft piloted by Hitting a seat kills the person on it. Hitting
the heroes of Super Robot games are classified the Sensors or an Engine has the same effects
as spacecraft even when they cannot operate as with a Mecha. Hitting the fuel tanks triggers
outside the atmosphere. a blow-up roll at double chance, and hitting a
rudder makes all Pilot rolls Difficult.
A typical aircraft has only one point of kinetic
armour, and no defense against energy attacks. Some Mecha have an alternate configuration
Its survival depends on not being hit, which is that is shaped exactly as an aircraft, which is
ensured by its fast speed that grants it at least usually also capable of operating in space. This
one green token each round. configuration behaves like a normal aircraft,
except for the fact that it shares the Mecha
The standard hit location table for a jet power source, usually a double reactor mounted
aircraft is as follows. Each location may have where the aircraft jet engines are located in a
subsystems. The cockpit often has two seats normal aircraft. It also has more armour points
that can be hit separately, and engines usually than a typical aircraft.
have a rudder above them. If the aircraft has


This legendary Japanese fighter is considered one of the most effective propeller planes to ever see
action. When outmatched by the numeric superiority of the Allied troops, the Japanese pilots used
these crafts as flying bombs in suicide attacks. Although its machine guns and cannons cannot damage
an armoured target, if it crashes against an object in a Kamikaze attack it will deal 2d6 explosive
damage. The Gamemaster is encouraged to require the expenditure of Fate to allow such an effect.
1 50 - - - 70 4 +10


Tail - - -  Rudder []
R-Wing  -  - -  Aileron [], Cannon [], [Bomb[]
L-Wing - - -  Aileron [, Cannon [], [Bomb ]
Fuselage - - -  Fuel tank [ ]
4. Vehicles
Nose - - -  Engine [ ], Cockpit [ ], MG [ 


mm Autocannon Wing [] Kinetic  [s]  bursts Impale,
Machine Gun Nose [] Kinetic d- [s]  bursts Burst

Basic Roleplaying

This highly effective two-engine fighter-bomber produced in the USA is employed by several air forces
all over the world, including the Japanese self-defence force. It is the most likely opponent of any
kaiju or other giant rampaging monsters that invade Japan in your game. The strength of the Eagle is
its huge weapon load and its ability to launch ordnance from afar, so it would easily be outmatched in
a dogfight by a lighter aircraft like the F-16 Falcon or the F-18 Hornet. This is reflected by its lack of a
handling bonus.
The model described here is the anti-air F-15, but this aircraft can mount also air-to-ground missiles
and bombs. Each weapon listed may also be substituted with a fuel tank, providing 50 extra PP,
or various electronic defence or detection pods. The radar installed in the cockpit is also used as
a guidance for the AIM-120 missiles, allowing the pilot to “lock” the missiles on the target, thus
increasing the chance to hit at long range.
2 71 - - - 100 20 -


R Engine - - -  Engine [], Rudder []
L-Engine - - -  Engine [], Rudder []
R-Wing  -  - -  Various ordnance or pods
L-Wing - - -  Various ordnance or pods
Fuselage - - -  Fuel tank []
Nose - - -  Sensors [ ,] Cockpit [], Cannon []


mm Vulcan Nose [] Kinetic   [s]  bursts Impale, burst
AIM M Sidewinder Wing [t] Explo d  [l]  each AA only, twin
AIM  AMRAAM Wing [t] Explo d  [xl]  each AA only, twin

Note: The Eagle can carry AMRAAM under the wings instead of Sidewinders, but it generally operates with a mixed armament to reduce weight.
The actual range of these missiles is even superior to the ones listed, but for game purposes we have decided to keep it shorter. The F-15 can be
modified to carry air-to-ground missiles, too. The Eagle can fire 1 to 4 missiles per round. If it fires two missiles, treat this as a twin shot. If it
fires all four pods in one volley, treat it as a twin weapon with a RoF of two, that is roll the attack twice with a +10% to each shot for twin weapon
use. If both rolls are made against the same target, any defence against the second attack is made at -30% as per normal Basic Roleplaying rules.
In reality, the superior radar array of the F-15 allow it to engage 4 targets or more at a time, so it would actually be able to fire four missiles
against four different targets, but this is beyond the scope of this game supplement.

Helicopters anti-tank missiles that can have nasty effects on

small Mecha.
Helicopters are infrequent in the Mecha genre, but Utility helicopters usually have no armour at all,
they can sometimes be found as opponents for Size while attack helicopters have one or two points of
Class 1 Mecha. A typical helicopter will have one kinetic armour.
or two rotors, plus a big body holding the engine
and a variable amount of passengers and supplies. D20 LOCATION HP COMMON
If the helicopter has a single rotor, it will have a tail FRACTION SUBSYSTEMS
that holds a small propeller used to keep it stable in
01-03 Tail .25 Secondary Propeller [2]
flight. An attack helicopter usually has two wings
that are not used to sustain the vehicle but to host 04-05 Right Wing .16 Various weapon pylons
4. Vehicles

weapon pylons. 06-07 Left Wing .16 Various weapon pylons

Transport helicopters have little or no equipment 08-13 Hull .50 Fuel tank [2],
mounted on them, having at most a machine gun Cargo hold [3]
doing 1D2-1 damage on the Mecha scale. A combat 14-15 Rotor(s) .16 -
helicopter, instead, is usually equipped with a turret 16-20 Nose .33 Cockpit [2],
mounted gatling gun and several ordnance pylons
on the wings, ranging from short range unguided Gatling gun [3], Sensors [4]
rockets that are fired in volleys, to long range guided

Basic Roleplaying

This US made “airborne gunship” is the most famous attack helicopter currently in service. Its ability to
hunt and destroy tanks and mechanized infantry is matched by very few other helicopters in the world.
While other helicopters lack the ability to effectively fight other aircraft, as the gatling gun is not on par
with the long range missiles shot by jet fighters, the Stinger missiles mounted by the Apache can pose
a threat to airborne target, too. However, not all nations flying the Apache will be able to mount AA
missiles on them. The Apache is still rather vulnerable to guided missiles fired by fixed positions.
2 61 - - - 150 20* +10


Tail - -   Propeller []
R-Wing - -   Various ordnance or pods
L-Wing - -   Various ordnance or pods
Hull  -  -   Fuel tank []
Rotor - -   Rotor []
Nose - -   Sensors [ ], Cockpit [ ], Cannon []


mm Gatling Nose [ ] Kinetic d [ s]  bursts Impale,
burst, turret
AGM- Hellfire Wing [t] Explo d+  [m]  each Twin
mm Rockets Wing [ 
 t] Explo d [ s]  bursts each Twin, burst
AIM- Stinger Wing [t] Explo d  ]  each Twin, Anti-air

The helicopter can mount double the amount of each kind of air-to-ground missiles by not mounting the other kind at all. Fuel tanks worth 20
extra PP or electronic warfare pods can be mounted as a replacement for 2 bursts of rockets or 4 Hellfire missiles.

As helicopters usually fly very close to the a Mecha. Hitting the fuel tanks triggers a blow-up
ground, they are limited to moving on a ground roll at double chance, and hitting the secondary
map, although they can fly over any obstacle. propeller makes all Pilot rolls Difficult. Hitting a
For this reason, the MOV rate of helicopters is rotor takes the helicopter down.
expressed as ground “steps” and not air ones.
In the few cases when they can fire at aircraft, Spacecraft
the extended range due to the necessity to add
one “zone” for cross-map targeting simulates Spacecraft are the equivalent of aircraft, but
the general lack of performance of helicopters are used outside the atmosphere. They usually
as AA platforms. have only one or two crew members; space
vehicles with a large crew are usually included
The following is the hit location table for an
in the capital ship category. Many spacecraft
attack helicopter. Other types of helicopters are
are alternate configurations of a Mecha, or a
seldom engaged in combat, or are so weak that
component that allows the Mecha to assemble or
it would be pointless to record their location hit
change configuration. For this reason, spacecraft
are often piloted by PCs.
Hitting a seat kills the person on it. Hitting the
The devices used by a spacecraft are exactly
Sensors or an Engine has the same effects as with
the same found on an aircraft, with the only
difference that a spacecraft has extra thrusters
D20 LOCATION HP COMMON instead of rudders for manoeuvrability, and
4. Vehicles

FRACTION SUBSYSTEMS that the cockpit is usually more reinforced and

equipped with environmental protection devices
01-04 R Engine .33 Engine [2] like those found in Mecha.
05-08 L Engine .33 Engine [2]
The following hit location table represent the
09-19 Hull .50 Twin Missiles [2] typical spacecraft found in the Super Robot sub-
20 Cockpit .25 Pilot Seat [2], Sensors [3] genre. Some series will feature vehicles without
Navigator Seat [4] lateral thrusters, or with lateral thrusters mounted
on “wings”, or armed also with beam weapons, but

Basic Roleplaying

Like many other super robots, the Turbo Driver Dairanger is launched as three different crafts and assembled
in flight with a 1-round long manoeuvre (see page 81). Here we will describe the generic statistics of the
three sub-units, and the peculiarities of each of them. Other super robots may be made of subunits that are
so different as to require a separate stat block for each of them.
For the sake of simplicity, we will assign only one hit location to each subunit, in order to be able to record
each subunit on the same Mecha sheet we used for the assembled Dairanger. In your game, you may wish to
make one sheet for the subunits and one for the Mecha, thus allowing for more locations for each subunit
The subunits of the Dairanger can be used as templates for many other kinds of space vehicles found in the
Super Robot sub-genre.
1 80 25 or 30 - - 25 or 30 8 +10


Hull - -  [E]  Engine [], Weapons [,],
Cockpit [], Cannon [ ]


mm Vulcan Hull [ ] Kinetic   [s] - -
Turbo-bomb Hull [,] Energy d  [m]  pp Twin, sub [ ] and [ ]
Turbo-laser Hull [,] Energy d  [m]  pp Twin, impale, sub [ ]
Turbo cutter Hull Kinetic d close - Charge, sub [ ]

Please note that the Turbo-bombs , described in the Mecha stat block, and the Turbo-laser are launched directly from the engines of subunits 2 and 3
and subunit 1 respectively. Subunit 1 is more lightly armed but also more manoeuvrable and has Handling +10 and the ability to attack with its sharp
wings (Turbo cutter). Subunits 2 and 3, instead, have a POW of 30.


Here is the fighter configuration for the AF7 Valiant. The statistics are the same given for its Mecha form,
so the fighter is slightly heavier than a F-15. Its Power Point reserve is also much smaller – even smaller
than the Zero! - since the Valiant regenerates Power Points and thus will never exhaust its fuel. Another
difference with real-world aircraft is that it is armoured, so it will be able to withstand much more damage
than a 21st Century fighter.
In aircraft form, the Valiant has a Move rating of 20, much more than its Mecha form, and can fly in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, the thrusters in the legs act as additional exhaust ports for the engines, thus
increasing its Handling rate to +10.
2 73 65 - - 65 20 +10%*
* an expenditure of  PP per round is required to gain the handling bonus
R Engine - -   Engine [], Thruster []
L Engine - -   Engine [], Thruster []
R Wing  -  -   Various ordnance or pods
L Wing - -   Various ordnance or pods
Hull - -   Fuel tank [], Cannon []
Nose - -   Cockpit [] Sensors [] Lasers []
4. Vehicles


Lasers Nose [] Laser d [s]  pp Twin, Impale
Gatling rifle Hull [] Kinetic 1d4  [m] 15 bursts Burst, Impale
Missiles Wing [t,t] Explo 1d8  [l] 3 each Twin,  pods(wing

Note: the Valiant carries 12 missiles and can fire 1 to 4 missiles per round like fighter aircraft. If it fires two missiles, treat this as a twin shot. If it fires all
four pods in one volley, treat it as a twin weapon with a RoF of two; that is roll twice with a +10% to each shot for twin weapon use. If both rolls are made
against the same enemy, any defence against the second attack is made at -30% as per normal Basic Roleplaying rules. The Valiant can carry other kinds of
missiles and various types of pods attached to its wing pylons, but these are left to the individual GM to describe (see some examples in Chapter 9).

Basic Roleplaying

most vehicles that carry (or are) sub-components of will take a lot of punishment but will probably not
the main Mecha of a series will be similar to the one be destroyed in one blow, unless hit by the main
described here. Hitting the Sensors or an Engine has battery of another ship. Subsystem disablement will
the same effects as with a Mecha. be a frequent event for a ship, and some models will
have so many different systems that 6 “slots” per
Capital Ships compartment will not be enough. We recommend
that you determine the exact die roll used in your
A capital ship is anything too big to be controlled campaign for ship subsystem disablement (d6,
by a crew of two or three men, be it a floating d8 or d10) and use always the same roll for all
vessels or a spaceship. The two categories function compartments for the sake of simplicity.
in the same way, except that one has propellers
Each capital ship has a core compartment,
and the other has high-tech engines. In some
containing the engine, which is not included in the
anime, immense land vehicles appear that can be
hit location table, and can only be hit if one or more
considered the tracked equivalent of capital ships
of the outer compartments have been destroyed.
A vessel is usually way bigger than any Mecha Any hit to a location brought to zero hit points will
or vehicle, and assigning it a Size class is pointless. reach the core and damage its hit points, as the
You may wish to assign a SIZ characteristic to the core has no armour. Any damage in excess of a
ship in order to give your players a raw estimate compartment hit point is immediately carried over
of its mass or length. To determine the SIZ of a to the core, after disabling the compartment itself.
real world ship, use the its standard displacement A disablement roll of 2 when the core compartment
divided by fifty, which provides roughly the disables the engine and causes a blow-up roll. The
following range for ship SIZ: core compartment has the same number of hit
points as the SIZ of the whole ship divided by ten.
SHIP LENGTH SIZ For maximum realism and drama, you may rule that
Frigate/Lt Destroyer 100-120m 200-250 the destruction of an outer compartment has left
Hvy Destroyer 120-160m 300-500
that zone unarmoured, so any further hit will affect
the core without any armour reduction. However,
Cruiser 160-180m 550-1100 halving the armour of a destroyed location is usually
Helicopter Carrier 180-240m 550-1300 enough to represent the hole pierced in the armour
Battleship 240-270m 2000-3500 by the destruction of the compartment. The real
Aircraft Carrier 250-350m 1800-5000 danger for a capital ship when it is hit, however,
is that of having a missile launcher destroyed. The
detonation of the explosive ammunition will cause
Capital spaceships should have the equivalent in extra damage equal to the maximum damage
SIZ as a ship of the same length. allowance for the missiles, ignoring armour, to both
Capital ships are piloted with the Pilot Ship or
the Pilot Spaceship skill, and their weapons are
fired using the Artillery skill. Your Mecha or airplane
training will be of no use when commanding one
of these monsters. As each weapon is usually fired
by a different officer, capital ships can fire multiple
weapon systems per round at no penalty. However,
only one weapon system per round can be fired
against the same target, unless the latter is at least
as big as a capital ship.
The armour coverage of capital ships is usually
4. Vehicles

considerable, due to the thickness of the plates that

cover the internal structure, and the hit point rate
for each section is often high. However, a capital
ship is guaranteed to take a lot of hits during a
battle, as it will be targeted by almost everything
on the battlefield, and it has no defence capability
at all, except for missile interception provided by
point blank batteries. This means that each section

Basic Roleplaying


the compartment hit and the ship core. This effect
only takes place if the subsystem is explicitly hit,
FRACTION SUBSYSTEMS but it is also true that if a blow “passes through”
01-03 Stern .33 Main Engine [2], to the core compartment by means of a destroyed
Auxiliary Engine (x2) [3,4], section of the ship, a GM that favours realism
Rear Cannon Battery [5] over simplicity may ask for a further die roll on the
04-06 Starboard .33 Point Defense Turret (x4)
system disablement table for the outer compartment
hit. Finally, if any section of a navy ship is destroyed
[2,3,4,5] entirely, the ship will sink in 1d6 minutes.
07-09 Port .33 Point Defense Turret (x4)
As explained in Chapter 6, the hit location for a
successful hit on a capital ship is only rolled if the
10-12 Lower Deck .33 Observatory [2], ship is hit by another capital ship or by a weapon fired
Spacecraft Launch Port [3] beyond its normal range. Anything shot within normal
13 Main Deck .25 Command Room [2], range will hit the chosen hit location, or the closest
one for a capital ship that is really bigger than the
Sensors [3], Point
attacking vehicle.
Defence Turret (x2) [4,5]
14-16 Weapon Deck .33 Main Cannon Battery (x2)
The hit location table on the left represents a
spaceship modelled after a 20th Century battleship.
You may remember a similar one from a famous
18-20 Bow .33 Spinal Mount Cannon [2], anime series and several animation and live action
Missile Launcher (x2) [3,4] motion pictures.


Derived from the US Navy Aegis
destroyers of the Arleigh Burke
class, the Kongō destroyers
are the pre-eminent ships of
the Japanese Maritime Self-
Defense Force, where they
often serve as centrepieces
of a task force. This ship
class has been portrayed in
several anime series and live
motion pictures. The ship is SIZ CLASS SIZ POW DEX APP PP MOV HANDLING
bigger than most destroyers, n/a 330 - - - 120 n/a -
almost a cruiser in size, and ZONE MELEE MISSILE AP HP EQUIPMENT
its command deck is more Stern - -   Helo Pad [], SAM []
armoured than usual. The
Starboard - -   Phalanx []
speed of this ship is too low to
Port  -  -   Phalanx []
allow it to manoeuvre on an
air-naval tactical map. It can Main Deck - -   Harpoon [], RIM [], ASROC []
only be used as a centrepiece Cmd Deck - -   Command [], Sensor []
for a battle or remain immobile Bow - -   Gun [], Sam [], Torpedo []
for the duration of combat.
intercepting and destroying mm Oto(Breda Bow [] Kinetic d  [l]  Burst, Impale,
enemy aircraft, but the AA capable
Harpoon missiles it carries Phalanx turret Side [t] Kinetic  [s]  bursts Anti-missile
(nowadays replaced by a point defence
similar Japan-crafted kind of SM-MR SAM Stern [] Explo d  [m]  Twin, AA only
4. Vehicles

missile) give it some anti-ship

SM-MR SAM Bow [] Explo d  [m]  Twin, AA only
capabilities. In a hypothetical
battle against a Kaiju or SM RIM ABM M Deck [] Explo d  [l]  AA only
another alien threat, this ship AGM-  Harpoon M Deck [] Explo d  [l] Twin, Surface only
could stand some chance of Torpedo Bow [] Explo d  [m]  Twin, sub only
dealing damage to the enemy, ASROC Missile M Deck [] Explo d  [l]  Sub only
although the odds are very
high that it would just allow its The main battery can fire both bursts against air targets – decreasing its optimal range to 10 [M] - and single shots
crew and commander to die against surface targets. It can only impale against other ships, not aircraft or Mecha. All weapon fire is commanded
honourably in a battle against a by the computerized AEGIS system, so destroying the Sensors or the command centre will make all rolls Difficult and
superior foe. disable the RIM and Phalanx systems.

Basic Roleplaying

No self-respecting mad scientist would ever
try to take over the world without at least
one of these. This implausible airborne carrier
vessel can carry; one or more Mechanical
Monsters, legions of mindless minions, plus
an almost unlimited supply of missiles that
will shred the external defences of the good
guys’ main base to pieces in every other
episode. If your game features air duels, too,
it will undoubtedly carry fighter crafts, small
individual flying saucers or other vehicles to
allow the player characters to exhibit their
impressive dogfighting skills.
The destruction of such a behemoth
mothership does not necessarily mark the end
of a series or campaign, but it is nevertheless
a climactic moment that should include a lot
of tension and pathos. As such, never forget
to give the ship commander, who is always
one of the mad scientist’s more trusted generals and never a faceless minion, a good supply of Fate Points to guarantee that the
heroes have to build up their way to the destruction of the fortress. You may also want to grant the commander an opportunity to
escape the destruction of the ship by expending Fate Points, if you want to feature him or her in the ensuing episodes; interesting
bad guys are hard to replace.
This model of fortress is radially symmetric, with four fake “faces” that can shoot eyebeams or missiles, or launch Mecha
or aircraft. Because of this geometry, no more than one face can attack a target at a time. The fortress can spin, but its
manoeuvrability is so low that should a face be disabled it would create a dead angle that enemy vehicles could exploit to attack
it without fear of retaliation, provided they can fly. The low MOV rate is related to poor manoeuvrability in combat; if the fortress
accelerates on a straight line, it can easily outrun any pursuer.


n/a 1000 1000 - - 1000 4 -20


South Face - -   Beam [], Missiles [], Launch port []
West Face - -   Beam [], Missiles [], Launch port []
East Face  -  -   Beam [], Missiles [], Launch port []
North Face - -   Beam [], Missiles [], Launch port []
Upper Turret - -   Command Bridge []
Lower Side - -   Engines []


Eyebeam Face [] Energy d  [m] pp Burst, Impale, AA capable
Missile face [] Explo d  [l] - Twin

Damage to the Command Bridge disables the fortress and forces it to retreat. If the enemy commander is on the bridge, he or she must expend Fate Points
to escape harm by retreating to the core section of the ship. Damage to the Engines makes all Pilot rolls Difficult.

Losing one auxiliary engine exhaust port will to design spaceships that are more in line with the
not block the spaceship, but will slow it down Western sci-fi tradition, you can adapt the rules for
and subtract -20% from the helmsman’s Pilot Force Fields on page 105 of Chapter Eight, or simply
(Spaceship) skill. Other models of ships have 2 to increase the Armour rating to represent shields.
4. Vehicles

4 main engines, each of which will decrease the

All kinds and shapes of spaceships have been
Handling rating of the ship by -20% if hit.
depicted in anime series. You are encouraged to
Capital ships in anime sci-fi shows seldom have experiment with these rules to build ships from your
force fields or energy shields protecting them. favourite series, or create your own models. Your
Actually, they hardly ever do. For this reason we imagination is the only limit.
have not included rules for ship shields. If you want


Let us face it: these Mecha may fight for peace and justice, but the part we all
love the best in any Mecha episode is the one where your favourite mechanical
hero obliterates the enemy.

Basic Roleplaying

Giant robots featuring in anime series are almost Statement of Intent

always combat devices. Therefore, most of their
equipment is designed for combat. This chapter We strongly recommend that you use standard Are these rules optional?
describes all standard Basic Roleplaying rules, Statement of Intent as described in Basic
and a series of alternate and optional rules, that Being designed mainly with
Roleplaying and summarized in this book. Some human level characters in mind,
you will need to handle Mecha combat. Combat groups prefer to unify the Statement and Action some rules in Basic Roleplaying
between human sized characters is handled using phase of the Combat Round, but allowing players may become overcomplicated
the standard rules, and any combination of options to make decisions at the same time they carry or cumbersome when handling
from Basic Roleplaying that you see fit. them out promotes tactical thinking, while forcing Mecha level fights. Nevertheless,
For anything regarding Mecha combat that is not them to stick to a plan for the duration of the these rules model aspects of
covered in this and the following chapter, the round conveys a better sense of immersion and combat without which the
corresponding standard Basic Roleplaying rules spectacular nature of Mecha
encourages roleplaying over tactics. Combat is an combat would be lost. Nor would
are considered in effect. If a rule is optional in unpredictable affair, and facing a tactical situation a battle between Super Robots
Basic Roleplaying, then you may choose to adopt that has changed since Statement of Intent time feel right without rules handling
it for Mecha combat, provided you do so by mutual should be a rather common occurrence on the the knockback effect of being hit
agreement between GM and players before play battlefield. When you cannot tell the exact position by rocket-propelled punches.
begins. of your opponent at the moment you will fire at it, Thus, the rules provided here
The following optional rules are not recommended are designed to make a Mecha
you are more incline to follow instinct and think of combat scene simpler. Feel
for Mecha Combat: the right thing to do from a narrative standpoint, free to use the standard rules
z Eliminating or Reversing Statement of Intents rather than the course of action that gives you the found in Basic Roleplaying
best modifiers. Fate points will do the rest. or one of its supplements if
z Splitting Attack and Parry Skills you prefer. When a rule is
The optional rule of adding 1D10 to the DEX particularly recommended for
z Strike Ranks Rank for initiative presented at page 188 of Basic Mecha play, we will mark them
Roleplaying is a useful complement to the above. as recommended. This does not
mean that it is not optional, just
that not using it might disrupt
TACTICAL MAPS the particular anime feeling of
Mecha games.
Needless to say, we strongly
Although Basic Roleplaying does not mandate use of a tactical map or miniatures, Mecha recommend that the group
combat involves a fair amount of tactical movement, which greatly benefits from visual props. agrees beforehand on what
It is therefore suggested that you use a tactical map and plastic or paper miniatures. Bandai rules to use, and that there is
Entertainment has an incredible assortment of appropriately sized Mecha figures, and it is very no situation in which arbitrary
easy to make up your own paper figures using fan artwork or pictures taken directly from anime. changes are made “on the fly” by
Some players may dislike usage of a tactical map for the representation of combat, as they might feel the Gamemaster.
that it turns a roleplaying experience into a boardgame or a wargame. The truth is that when you play a
Mecha game, you are roleplaying a character who is used to tactical thinking, and adding a simple tactical
element to combat will in fact help you to identify with your hero. Nor is the vision “from above” given
by the tactical map inappropriate for Mecha combat. Since your character is piloting a high-tech machine
full of all kind of sensors, there is very little on the battlefield of which he or she will not be aware.
In fact, the simplified tactical rules provided in BRP Mecha have been devised to make decisions easier, and
allow fast calculations, so that you can easily handle elements such as speed, distance and range. Using
a more abstract combat system is certainly possible, but you would probably find out that it forces you to
concentrate more on combat and less on roleplaying than using the simple rules for map play provided here.
BRP Mecha provide rules for both zone-based and grid-based tactical maps. You can use any combination
of these two kinds of maps, but the suggested combination is:

zone-based for aerial maps in any sub-genre;

5. Combat

z grid-based for land combat in the Real Robot sub-genre;

z zone-based for land combat in the Super Robot genre;

Basic Roleplaying

Penalty tokens
In order to keep the rules We recommend marking your grid-based map with a square grid representing 20m (65 feet) per hex/
coherent with both tactical
square. If you are using plastic figures, a square should be approximately 50mm (two inches) wide, but
combat systems, BRP Mecha
introduces the concept of penalty if you prefer paper counters you can use smaller squares.
tokens. These are abstract units In this and the following chapter we will express movement rate and range in 10-metre “steps”.
– although we suggest that you Nevertheless, “step” is just a synonym for “10 metres”,whereas the standard unit for distance in Basic
use actual coloured tokens for Roleplaying is the metre. If you prefer a more precise computation, multiply everything by 10 and you
ease of bookkeeping – used to will obtain the values in metres.
remind you about what your
Mecha has performed or is about Moving from one square to an adjacent one in a straight line costs two “steps”. Moving from a square to
to perform during the current another in a diagonal line costs three “steps”.
combat round. A square can usually contain only one Mecha during combat. The only exception to this rule are SIZ Class
Tokens are divided in three 1 Mecha: two or three of these Mecha can occupy the same square, and a SIZ class 1 Mecha must occupy
groups, identified by their colour the same square as its opponent to make a Close Combat attack against it. If your game involves mainly
Mecha of SIZ class 1, you may want to use ten metre wide squares instead.
z Green token: it represents how
difficult to hit your Mecha has You may want to use a hexagonal grid instead of a square grid. The advantage of hexagons is that it is
become because of its swift easier to gauge distances at a glance, and you do not have to stand the nuisance of diagonal movement
and unpredictable movement. and trajectories. On the other hand, some players who do not have a board game background find
If you have a green token your hexagons counter-intuitive, and the majority of pre-made tactical maps that you can find for free on the
opponents are at a penalty to hit internet are designed for use with a square grid.
your Mecha.
z Red token: it represents how The standard map for a typical Mecha combat is 10x10 squares, or is made of several of these 10x10
movement has delayed and blocks joined together. Such a block can easily accommodate most modern buildings (the Empire State
impaired all attacks and actions Building or the Tokyo Tower would occupy a single 3x3 zone), and two blocks joined together are able to
performed by your Mecha. contain a modern aircraft carrier or any of the spaceships portrayed in the most famous Mecha anime.
If you have a red token, your This also allows the representation of terrain on an even bigger scale, where a square is 200 metres wide
Mecha is at a penalty to hit and corresponds to an entire 10x10 block on the smaller scale. Such a scale is useful for representing
other Mecha. It will also allow battles where one or more of the fighting vehicles can fly.
you to determine if your Mecha
is running (two or more red
tokens). It also makes combat more cinematic by adding as the maximum and minimum distances at
z White token: this token is the unpredictability and allowing more actions per which DEX Rank penalties occur in a round are
most commonly used token, and round. We recommend that both GM and players proportional to human-sized combatants, these
it counts as both a green and must be adapted to the size of the Mecha.
roll the die for each combat round, particularly
a red token when determining
how many tokens of a given if you are playing the Super Robot genre. As the To make things simpler and avoid clumsy
colour you have. If you have a order in which players carry out their action will calculations, the recommended rule is using
white token, both your Mecha often vary anyway, and is calculated and stated multiples of the Basic Move that a Mecha has
and your opponents have a at the start of each round, randomization on a travelled or plans to travel in a round as a measure
penalty to hit. per-round basis will not take away a significant of the penalties to DEX Rank and to-hit rolls related
amount of time. to moving. This is rather similar to the standard
Whenever the rules tell you to
take a token, take a token of the rules provided in Basic Roleplaying. According
colour specified. You keep that... Movement to the multiple – or fraction thereof – of its Basic
Move that a Mecha plans to travel during the
When walking, each Mecha has its own MOV round, the player must pick a given amount of
characteristic like regular characters, but it is white penalty tokens and put them on or near his
expressed in steps, also called movement points, or her Mecha sheet, in the following ratio:
rather than metres. Each step equals ten metres
5. Combat

movement. The cost for moving from one square to

another on the 20m grid is explained in the section MOVEMENT EFFECTS ON TOKENS
about the grid. MOV x1 Take no penalty token
All regular BRP rules about movement during MOV x2 Take one white penalty token
a round apply to Mecha combat, as described on MOV x3 Take two white penalty tokens
page 190 of Basic Roleplaying. Remember that a MOV x4 Take three white penalty tokens
Mecha uses its pilot DEX rank when evaluating MOV x5 Take four white penalty tokens
the time it takes for an action or attack. However,

Basic Roleplaying

Round all fractions up, and remember that a Mecha sheet by sticking a paper clip to the lower
diagonal movement equates three “steps” and not two. margin of your sheet, where a numbered track for ...token until the end of the
Once he or she has taken the appropriate number of DEX Rank is printed. round.
penalty tokens, the player determines the DEX rank at In some cases the rules will tell
Do not be afraid of this procedure: it is not
which his or her Mecha will act, according to the Token you to consider how many red
complicated after you have tried it a couple of times, tokens or green tokens you have.
Effect on DEX Rank table (remember, any white token
and it will not slow down play. By placing a paper Whenever you compute the red
also counts as a red token).
clip on the DEX rank track printed on the Mecha tokens you have, a white token
If you prefer to avoid divisions, you may sheet after you complete your Statement of Intents counts as a red token. Similarly,
substitute DEX Rank -5 for DEX Rank / 2 and DEX you can easily keep track of when your scheduled whenever you compute the green
Rank -10 for DEX Rank / 4. This optional rules is action will take place. tokens you have, a white token
particularly suitable for use in conjunction with the counts as a green token. In fact,
Example: Tetsuro Ray is leading his BX-48 Mecha most of the times you will only
variable DEX rank option, as the higher values for have white tokens, not green
into combat. He wishes to move four squares
base DEX Rank will let Mecha perform actions and or red ones. In some cases the
diagonally, draw an energy sabre and stab an
stunts even with a -10 penalty for movement. rules state explicitly “red/white
enemy Zork Mecha with it. Tetsuro’s DEX is 13, and
tokens” or “green/white tokens”.
After the modifications due to red tokens, his player rolls a 4 for initiative. The BX-48 MOV rate This is the same as “red tokens”
subtract five from the final DEX Rank for each is six, and moving four squares in a diagonal line or “green tokens”, do not count
preparatory action (for example drawing a weapon, equals moving 12 steps, thus MOV x2, or one white white tokens twice.
crouching or aiming) that a Mecha performs during token to pick. Tetsuro’s base DEX Rank is thus 17
the round. If the final DEX Rank is zero or less, then for this round, but he must halve it because of the Example: a Mecha has one
the Mecha cannot attack that round, and its DEX red token (the white token counts as a red one for white token and a red token.
If computing green tokens, it
Rank drops to one. this purpose), for a base DEX Rank of 9. Since he has one (the white token). If
has to ready his weapon, too, he loses another five computing red tokens, it has two
Finally, mark your actual DEX Rank and keep
DEX Ranks for a final adjusted value of DEX Rank 4. (the real red token and the white
your tokens close to your Mecha sheet – you will
Tetsuro’s player marks 4 as his DEX Rank and keeps token).
need them again during the action phase. You can
the white token for later use.
avoid frequent erasing of the DEX Rank box on your

None DEX Rank DEX Rank

One DEX Rank / 2 DEX Rank - 5
Two DEX Rank / 4 DEX Rank -10
Three or more Can only move and not act Can only move and not act


The order in which player and non-player characters state their intents can become very important in a BRP
Mecha combat, and if you go with a “lowest INT declares first” approach a character with a low INT may find
him- or herself at a severe disadvantage. If your players prefer a quick resolution to realism, just have them
declare their intents in clockwise or counterclockwise order around the table, possibly alternating the two
to avoid unfair advantages. If your players are willing to accept a minimal slowing of the Statement of Intent
procedure, instead, you can use this simple method to give low INT combatants the chance to outsmart high
INT ones in certain conditions.
5. Combat

At the start of each round, use the actual DEX Rank at which your character acted during the last round,
which should be still marked on your sheet, as a modifier to his or her INT, and have all players and important
NPCs state their intent in ascending order of adjusted INT. If your Mecha performed an action that lasts for an
entire round and does not allow any other action, assume that your actual DEX Rank was zero. During the first
round of engagement, players will state their intents in unadjusted INT order. In this way, a character who has
engaged in complex activities or has rolled a low number on initiative during the last round will have any INT
advantage offset by this situation, and lower INT characters will have a temporary opportunity to anticipate
his or her moves instead of being anticipated!

Basic Roleplaying


Some groups do not appreciate grid-based tactical play and will prefer to disregard precise evaluation of
range and movement. In order to grant a pleasant game experience to them, too, we have provided a
simplified set of rules for range and movement. Unlike the rules for grid-based play, these are not just an
adaptation of standard Basic Roleplaying rules to a larger scale, but a totally new method for evaluating
range and movement allowance.
With this system, you may either use a map that is divided into zones, or run an “abstract” combat in which
you keep track of the relative distance at which the combatants are located.
When evaluating Mecha movement, consider that all movement within a zone costs nothing in terms of
tokens or DEX Ranks. It just takes place at the appropriate DEX Rank for the Mecha. Each Zone moved costs
the Mecha one white token, unless it has or uses some peculiar movement feature like charging. No Mecha
can move further than its basic MOV in zones.
The rules for statement of intent remain exactly the same as those used for grid-based movement, the only
change is in how maximum movement allowance and number of tokens picked is evaluated.
When evaluating range, each zone equals one range level: the same zone is Close range, one zone is Short
range, two zones are Medium range, three zones are Long range; after Long range, the range rating increases
by two zones per level so X-Long range is five zones, XX-Long range is seven zones and so on.
For each zone beyond its standard range that a weapon is fired at, the skill used to fire it is halved, down to
one quarter of the base skill. For Long or further range weapons, skill is halved for each two zones or fraction
beyond normal range. If distance is such that skill would go down to one eighth of your normal skill, the
attack is considered to fail automatically. If the weapon is subject to damage halving for long range, which is
usually the case for all weapons except missiles, RPG launchers and flying fists, the halving occurs when the
weapon fires more than one range level beyond its effective range, i.e. when skill is reduced to one quarter.
Thrown weapons cannot exceed Short range in any case.
In order to receive cover from a feature on a zone-based map, a Mecha must perform the specific action of
“taking cover” behind it. All fire against it that takes place before the action is not influenced by the cover.
The terrain feature must also be big and sturdy enough to actually provide cover to the Mecha – although you
are allowed to use Fate to assert that it is, if the Gamemaster has not determined it before combat starts. If
you wish to take into account each individual tree and boulder on a map as cover, you should evaluate using
grid-based map combat.
As for grid-based battlemaps, zone-based air maps use zones that are the equivalent of an entire land-based
battlemaps. At most, if your land map is very big, you can divide it into two sectors and assign them to two
different zones in the air map.


Starting from the lowest INT or adjusted INT initiative, or in another order agreed beforehand, all player
characters and non-player characters do the following:
z Determine their basic DEX Rank by reading it on their character sheet.
[Optional] You may apply the optional rule on page 188 of Basic Roleplaying and have each player
roll 1D10 and add it to the basic DEX Rank.
z Declare to what square (or zone) their Mecha will move, up to its maximum movement
5. Combat

allowance, and what kind of attacks or other actions it will perform once it reaches its destination.
z Determine how many tokens the Mecha must pick to execute the planned movement. If the
Mecha has any red/white tokens after this procedure, modify the DEX Rank accordingly.
z Decrease the DEX Rank by five for each preparatory action the Mecha will perform.
z Record the final value for the adjusted DEX Rank in that round, that will be used during the
Action Phase. If DEX Rank falls below one, this means that the DEX Rank becomes one and all
attacks will automatically fail.

Basic Roleplaying

Ranged combat not allow the attack, then the player can neither
declare it during the Statement of Intents phase,
When a Mecha makes a ranged attack, it uses nor execute it during the Action phase.
its pilot’s Mecha Weapon skills to determine It may happen that the intended target is no
whether it hits. Most modifiers used in Basic longer in the expected position when a Mecha
Roleplaying are still valid, and the range executes its move. If this is the case, and the
provided for Mecha Weapons follow the attack becomes impossible, then it must be
standard rules. Thus attacks are Difficult within aborted. If the attack is not impossible, it will be
double range and at ¼ of normal skill within carried over with the range and modifiers related to
quadruple range. One peculiarity, though, is that the new position of the target.
ranges for Mecha weapons are not expressed in
metres but in steps, in order to help you find the If a planned attack is impossible from the
correct value on the combat grid without using final position of the planned movement, but the
range rulers. Add one zero to the range in steps trajectory travelled crosses a spot from which
to find the range in metres. the attack becomes possible, the Mecha may fire
from that spot instead, but must pick one extra
The normal BRP rule about damage reduction red penalty token and modify its DEX Rank and
beyond double normal range (Extended Range, chances to hit and defend accordingly. Note that
page 233 of Basic Roleplaying) is in effect for BRP this extra penalty token might prevent the attack
Mecha, too. However, some categories of weapons altogether. The attacking Mecha must continue
are not subject to this limitation: in its course after firing, unless the attack it
z missiles and RPG launchers performed “on the way” is a close combat attack,
in which case it is locked in melee with the target.
z self-propelled flying fists Note that this might lead to a Mecha not moving
z ballistic cannons fired indirectly (i.e. using the at all in order to attack and still having multiple
Artillery skill or one of its specialities) red penalty tokens. This is an intended effect,
representing the disadvantage of both having lost
z radiation beam weapons the initiative and having been forced to change
Other weapons may be exempt from this rule, or one’s planned course of action after attempting to
constitute special cases. If this is the case, the rule initiate a movement that could not be completed.
detailed in the weapon description supersedes the In general, a player may change his or her
general rules explained here. statement of intent once the planned DEX Rank
Some of the BRP rules refer to range limits arrives, if the group agrees that something so
that are a fraction of the firer’s DEX in feet. important and unexpected has occurred that it is
Replace these “point blank” ranges with an plausible that the character changes his or her
arbitrary range of 3 steps instead of DEX/3 and 6 plans for action. However, this will always cost
steps instead of DEX. For abstract or zone-based one red penalty token, in addition to any DEX Rank
combat, assume that any weapon fired within the penalty for performing the action. No exceptions!
same zone against a target that is not attacking This means also that the action will be delayed
you in close combat is fired at point blank range. and other Mecha might be able to act in the
Firing a ranged weapon against a target that is meanwhile.
already in close combat range and has attacked It may also happen that a target is not yet
or will attack you during the current round, in the position for which the attack is declared
instead, requires a normal success roll (Firing into when the attacker’s DEX Rank comes, but it has
Combat, page 224 of Basic Roleplaying). declared a movement that would bring it there for
a subsequent DEX Rank. In this case, the attacker
5. Combat

Target range and line of fire during can delay the attack until a subsequent DEX
movement Rank at no penalty. The target cannot abort its
The validity of the range for a planned attack, as movement to avoid being hit, unless the above rule
well as the presence of a line of sight, must be for exceptional events apply.
checked using the position of the target during In any uncertain case, the Gamemaster is
Statement of Intent and the presumed position required to make a judgement about whether an
of the attacker after he or she has performed the attack is allowed and the relevant modifiers. The
planned movement. If the range or obstacles do principle to which he should stick when making

Basic Roleplaying

Alternate Burst rules

BRP already includes burst rules,
but they may lead to a very high
number of die rolls in a Mecha
combat encounter, particularly in
the Real Robot sub-genre, where
many Mecha use automatic
weapons as their main ranged
attack. We suggest you use the
following alternate rules for bursts.

z All automatic weapons fire bursts

of 10 rounds.
z Bursts can be aimed at a precise
hit location only if the target is
two size classes bigger than the
z A burst receives a +10% bonus
to hit, rather than a bonus
depending on the number of
rounds fired.

The number of rounds that

actually hit the target in case of
success is equal to the attack roll
divided by ten, rounded up. If the
attack roll is a special or critical
success, the number of rounds
that hit is determined by rolling
such a judgement is very simple: always try to multiple of its basic MOV. In this case, evaluate
1D10, but only the first round allow a planned attack if it is somehow plausible, the actual number of “steps” travelled, and
that hits obtains the appropriate and always apply the conditions and modifiers pick one green penalty token for each ten steps
special or critical result. that are the least favourable to the side with the travelled, rounding fractions down. You must
lowest adjusted DEX Rank. Remember: what also pick actual red tokens, instead of white
was declared during Statement of Intent should tokens, according to the number of multiples of
always supersede any tactical minutiae due to the Mecha Basic MOV. This adds both complexity
movement and positioning. and realism, and is only suitable if your gaming
groups favours military simulation over cinematic
Finally, the Mecha Combat table prescribes a
play. If you are in for an action-packed game, do
to-hit penalty to fire on targets that have planned
not use this rule.
a move during Statement of Intent phase.
This penalty is linked to the number of green
penalty tokens that a target has accumulated. Size and Range
Consult the Mecha Action Table to determine As Mecha sizes vary too much, all bonuses and
the actual penalty. This modifier replaces the penalties mandated by standard BRP rules for
standard penalty for firing at a moving target size should not be used in Mecha combat. Fixed
prescribed by Basic Roleplaying. Please note that installations or large ships or spacecraft, on the
this penalty is always applied according to the other hand, are really easy targets for a mobile
planned movement of a Mecha, even if it has craft or a Mecha. Whenever a Mecha or small
not yet moved. The only case the penalty does spacecraft fires a weapon within normal range
not apply is when the target Mecha has already against a capital ship or a fixed installation, all
5. Combat

been forced to completely aborted its move, for to-hit rolls are considered Easy. This means, of
instance because it has been knocked down course, that a Mecha or vehicle can target a
before moving. single location or sub-system of a capital ship or
base – such as a turret or an engine – without
If you wish to enforce a strict realism, you incurring in any penalty, if within standard range
may wish to evaluate the to-hit penalty as a for its weapon. This situation is covered in greater
function of the absolute distance travelled by detail in the Capital Ship Combat section of
the target Mecha, and not as a function of the Chapter Six on page 66.

Basic Roleplaying

Ranged Defence Missile attacks cannot score special or critical

Mecha can dodge projectile and beam weapons, successes. This means that a successful Dodge
although such a feat is not necessarily easy. or Block roll is always effective against a missile, Example: A Mecha fires a burst
Mecha equipped with shields can use them to whatever the attack roll. Even enhancing the attack with an automatic rifle, and rolls
block any attack. The difficulty of evading ranged with Fate will not increase the attack level for the an 18. The attack roll divided
purpose of bypassing a successful defence. On the by 10 and rounded up is 2, so
attacks if compared to using a shield – for those two rounds hit. If the success
Mecha having one – is explained in the Mecha other hand, unlike concussion or energy weapons,
missiles never have their damage decreased chance for the attack was 90% or
Action table. more, then the attack is a special
because of range. success, and the firer rolls 1d10
A shield can block an incoming ranged attack for the number of hits, the first of
at a fixed percentile based on the shield size, Guided missiles are not normally used in anime
series, so they are not described in BRP Mecha. which impales the target.
ranging from 15% to 60%. It can also parry a
melee attack like any other melee weapon, using If you wish to include them in your games, treat Half of the rounds that hit,
the pilot’s Pilot Mecha skill. The shield ability to them as attacks that always hit unless 96-00 rounded up and always including
block incoming ranged attacks is never modified is scored. Dodging a guided missile requires a the impaling round in case of a
because of movement or other factors, although a special success in Pilot Craft when flying, and special hit, land on the location
is impossible to do on the ground. However, that is rolled on 1d20 or that was
prone Mecha is unable to use a shield. Similarly, selected by the attacker in an
as a shield block is a passive defence, it does not guided missiles can be blocked with shields and
aimed shot. The remaining rounds
suffer the cumulative -30% penalty for multiple intercepted with weapons. Any vehicle mounting hit another, randomly rolled hit
defences in a round, although any parry or an ECM pod can evade or intercept a guided location. We suggest you roll
dodge attempted after a shield block will suffer missile with an Easy roll. the two locations first and then
the penalty for all shield blocks made before. all the damage dice together.
In the Real Robot sub-genre, when a missile All weapons capable of burst
Specially constructed shields that are built-in in hits a Mecha, it does damage to more than one fire have a single damage die,
the Mecha body, usually only found in the Super hit location. The number of dice rolled by a missile to speed up damage rolling for
Robot sub-genre, may reach 90% or even 100% determines how many hit locations are affected. multiple hits.
in their ability to block incoming ranged attacks, Each hit location is rolled separately, but after the
forcing opponents to resort to melee combat to first location is rolled, if the subsequent locations
defeat their wielder. are not adjacent to the original one then the
Note that shields used to block incoming location receives no damage. Damage for each hit
attacks based on non-focused energy, like sound, location is scored separately, and if one location is
electricity or radiation, must be able to fully rolled more than once then it is damaged once per
absorb the attack or some of the energy might be each hit scored.
able to pass to the Mecha and affect the pilot. Missiles are rather easy to Dodge, but they can
Only one point of energy passes in this case, so be intercepted, too. Any non-kinetic weapon will
a minimal protection included in the shield is automatically destroy a missile if it hits. In order
usually enough. to intercept a missile with weapon fire, you must
A Mecha that is grappled or entangled cannot forfeit all other attacks planned for that round,
Dodge incoming ranged attacks, although it may and of course this is possible only if you have not
Parry or Block close combat attacks. However, executed your attack yet. As usual, if the anti-
any attack against a grappled Mecha may hit missile attack was not included in your Statement
the grappler, according to the rules for firing into of Intent, performing it requires you to pick a red
melee provided on page 224 of Basic Roleplaying. penalty token for Altering Intents. Spacecraft
cannot usually intercept missiles fired at them,
unless they have turret-mounted weapons devised
Missiles on purpose for missile defence. Spaceships with
Missiles are inaccurate weapons that can deal a lot point defence turrets can use the latter for missile
of damage. A missile can be dodged with a Pilot interception without forfeiting other actions, and
5. Combat

Mecha (or Pilot Craft while flying) roll, blocked can intercept one missile per round per turret
with a shield or even intercepted with a ranged without incurring in any penalty.
or melee attack. Due to its limited speed, when a
missile is fired outside its normal range, dodging or Intercepting a missile directed at your own
intercepting it is an Easy action. Missiles are ideal Mecha requires a simple success roll, while hitting
to use against big, slow targets as they are easy to a missile aimed at someone else requires a Difficult
dodge for Mecha and spacecraft but impossible to to-hit roll. In the Real Robot genre, intercepting
avoid for capital ships or bases. missiles is only useful if you are trying to protect

Basic Roleplaying

another vehicle or an installation. An important that this is the only situation in which a special
advantage of intercepting a missile rather than success with missiles has any effect, and a normal
evading it is that the interception is an attack success in Dodge will still avoid both missiles, as
and not a defence, thus it does not bestow the the success roll is, technically, a normal success.
usual -30% penalty on all subsequent defences,
Many Mecha in the Super Robot genre can
nor does it suffer said penalty if you have already
fire beams from their eyes. Such beams are never
defended in the round. Moreover, in the Super
considered twin weapons.
Robot sub-genre intercepting a missile allows you
to use a Battlecry to replenish your Fate pool (see Some cannons used on capital ship turrets can
Chapter Seven). fire in pairs or triplets. These cannons do not count
as twin weapons when firing against Mecha,
Aiming unless they are specifically designated as anti-
Ranged attacks can be aimed by delaying the Mecha or anti-missile, point defence cannons
DEX rank of the attack, as described in Basic mounted on turrets. All cannons mounted on
Roleplaying. However, the aiming process capital ship turrets can count as twin weapons
in Mecha combat depends more on Mecha when firing against another capital ship, but they
equipment and less on pilot ability. Aiming is will strike the same location of the other ship when
possible only if the weapon specifically supports they score a special success.
a special aiming device. The actual value added
to the attack success chance for each full 5 DEX Close combat
delay is not 10% of the pilot’s skill, but a fixed
amount, usually 10%, related to the weapon When a Mecha makes a close combat attack, it uses
aiming device itself. its pilot’s Pilot Mecha skill to determine whether it
hits. All other regular modifiers are in effect. Melee
The actual chance to hit a target, including weapons seldom provide modifiers to the pilot’s skill.
also bonuses for burst fire, cannot exceed the
base pilot’s skill in Weapons (Mecha) multiplied A Mecha can parry a close combat attack by
by two. Flying Mecha or aircraft can neither aim using its pilot’s Pilot Mecha skill. Parrying a melee
not shoot at a particular location unless firing at a attack requires that a suitable hand weapon or
capital ship. shield is ready, or is being readied during the current
round according to Statement of Intent. If you are
targeted by an unexpected close combat attack
Twin weapons and you have neither a parrying weapon ready nor
Many Mecha and spacecraft have twin weapons stated to draw one during Statement of Intent, you
that can fire two beams or projectiles at once. may opt to draw a parrying weapon by both picking
Weapon descriptions usually specify which a red token for Changing Intents and subtracting
weapons can be fired in pairs. Firing a twin five to your DEX Rank for the readying action. This
weapon gives a bonus to the to-hit roll of +10%. will probably force you to abort all of your attacks,
Firing a twin weapon also uses up twice the but you will still be able to parry.
ammunition or energy listed for that type of
weapon, unless the specific weapon description Dodging a close combat weapon is usually not
specifies otherwise. Mecha can decide to fire only permitted, unless the weapon is thrown.
one of the paired weapons, but spacecraft cannot Some close combat weapons may be also
usually do so. thrown. When throwing a weapon, the attacker
A hit with a twin weapon usually deals only must use his or her Mecha Weapons skill, and the
normal damage to the target. At the firer’s option, Mecha damage bonus is not added to the damage
a special success with a twin weapon can deal roll. The range for a thrown weapon is equal to the
Mecha strength divided by 10, rounded down, or
5. Combat

damage twice to two different hit locations instead

of applying the standard special result for that Short range on a zone-based map.
kind of weapon. Armour is counted against each In general, Mecha can attack any adjacent
hit separately. This effect cannot take place if the square in close combat on a grid-based map. SIZ
Special success has been downgraded to a normal Class 1 Mecha need be in the same square to attack
success by a defensive roll. If the weapon has no a target in close combat.
standard special result, such as missiles, then this
effect takes place for all special success hits. Note All other rules introduced for Mecha ranged
combat are in effect for Mecha close combat.

Basic Roleplaying

Charge z Some special weapons, particularly in the Super

In the Super Robot genre, many Mecha use close Robot genre, are classified as charges even if
combat attacks at the end of a charge or while they are not physical in nature or do not actually
flying by their opponent. To use a Charge, a Mecha end in the Mecha smashing into its opponent.
must have a specific attack classified as a Charge Cutting an enemy in half with a sharp wing or
among its weapons. Charges are not treated like impaling it with a drill attached to the Super Robot
normal close combat attacks. A charge can only arms are good examples of charges. Some high-
be executed if the Mecha has a specific weapon powered energy attacks – usually used for the
or skill indicated as a charge and moves at least finishing blow – that involve enveloping the Mecha
8 steps (1 zone) to reach the target. When a in an energy cocoon that is later directed at the
Mecha is required to change into a specific form to target are considered charges, too. Charges are
charge, it can usually do so in the same round as very rare in the Real Robot genre.
it charges, provided it pays the 5 or 10 DEX Rank
penalty for preparatory actions. Jumps and flying kicks
z A charge cannot be parried, and it is Difficult A common trope of the Super Robot genre is
to dodge jumping and flying kicks. All Super Robots can
perform these feats, unless they are extremely
z A charge can be blocked by any shield that has
clumsy or have assumed a shape that prevent
at least a 60% passive defence score, although
jumping, for instance by adopting a tracked form of
this will not negate the knockback effect
z A charging Mecha can move quickly without
Jump allows a Mecha to move on top of any
incurring in DEX Rank or accuracy penalties.
obstacle that is twice as high as itself – possibly
The first penalty token taken by the player of
more if the Mecha has thrusters and uses them
the charging Mecha is not white, but green.
to jump - thus gaining a +10% to hit with ranged
All movement after reaching the charge target
attacks against any target, but it also costs 2 white
does not generate white or red tokens, but
tokens to perform.
green ones.
In the Real Robot sub-genre, jumps must be
z A charge can be intercepted with a ranged
supported by backpack thrusters. If the Mecha
weapon like a missile. Any attack that can cause
lacks them, it can only jump half its height.
knockback will disrupt a charge if it hits, even
Exceptionally powerful thrusters allow Mecha to
if it would not normally do knockback on the
jump as high as five times their height. Special
rolled result. Other attacks will automatically
grappling devices may also be used to jump on
fail to intercept the charge or to do any damage.
top of obstacles that would otherwise be too high
Remember to count tokens accumulated for the
for a Mecha.
charge when evaluating the chance to intercept
the charging Mecha. The charging Mecha When a Mecha wishes to kick its opponent,
cannot Dodge the intercepting attack, although it must make a Difficult Pilot Mecha roll. Some
it can block it with a shield if it has one placed in peculiar leg-mounted blades may provide a +10%
a suitable position. to hit, and increase damage by +1 or +2, at the
cost of a 5 DEX Rank delay to let the blade sprout
z A successful charge does the standard damage
out. A flying kick is no exception to this. The only
for the attack, possibly impaling if this is
difference is that it can be executed at a distance
allowed by the weapon used, and automatically
of 4 or 5 steps if you are using a grid. A kick does
knocks the target down unless it is one SIZ
no extra damage if it hits, unless the legs have
Class bigger than the attacker, in which case a
special devices attached, while a flying kicks has
Special success is required. Basically, a charge
the same effects of a charge on knockback, that
5. Combat
does knockback as if the attacker was one SIZ
is it does knockback as if the attacker was one
Class bigger.
SIZ Class bigger. A flying kick cannot be used to
z A charging Mecha that is not intercepted by a stop a charge.
successful knockback can move further after
Some Super Robots have a specific battlecry
charging its opponent, if it wishes and if this
connected to flying kicks. Flying kicks are hardly
does not exceed its maximum MOV allowance.
ever used in the Real Robot genre.
If it charged while flying, it is mandatory that it
moves away from the target of the charge.

Basic Roleplaying


Starting from the highest Adjusted DEX Rank, as determined during the Statement of Intents Phase, all player
characters and non-player characters do the following:
z Execute their planned move, if still possible.
z If the move is not possible, the player must execute as much of the move as possible, or find a way around
any obstacle that has just appeared if the Game Master judges this plausible.
z The player must then check if the intended target is still reachable from the square in which the movement
z If the target is unreachable but was reachable from an earlier position, the attacker may backtrack the
Mecha to that position and fire from there, picking an extra red penalty token, and then move back the Mecha
to its final destination after the following step.
z After the evaluation of all penalties, if the to-hit chance is still higher than zero, the attack is carried out
and the results are applied according to the procedure provided in the Attack resolution section.

Grappling and entangling until it has broken the grapple. However, any
Blocking the enemy with a deadly grasp, a whip ranged attack against a grappled Mecha not
or a chain is a very common type of attack in performed by the grappler becomes Difficult,
Mecha anime. In fact, this is one of the deadliest and failure means that the grappling Mecha
forms of attack, as the grappling or entangling has been hit instead. Close combat attacks
Mecha can also electrocute its target while against grappled Mecha can only be attempted
holding it. Although usage of hit locations is by the grappling Mecha, if they are equipped
mandatory in Mecha combat, grappling or with devices specifically designed for this: for
entangling of limbs is not a common occurrence instance, the grappling Mecha may grapple its
in anime TV shows. Therefore, assume that a opponent with its arms and then bite it with a
Grapple always affects the torso of an enemy head attached to a long, flexible neck.
Mecha. On the second round of grappling, the
A grapple attack can be parried with a close attacking Mecha can also attempt one of the
combat weapon if the Mecha has one ready, but it manoeuvres described on page 61 of Basic
cannot be dodged as Mecha cannot dodge close Roleplaying, provided it is not attempting any
combat attacks. Once a hold is established, the other attack. The allowed manoeuvres for Mecha
rules for Grapple detailed on page 60-61 of Basic are Immobilize Target, Knockdown Target and
Roleplaying are followed, with the variations and Throw Target.
additions provided in this section. The grappling In addition to these manoeuvres, many Mecha
Mecha must make a Grapple roll each round can apply some form of Radiation Beam (see
to maintain the hold, but this becomes Easy if Chapter 8) – usually electricity - to a grappled or
the target is knocked down or if no additional entangled target. No additional roll is required
grappling manoeuvre is attempted. The grappled to apply this effect: the damage is automatically
Mecha can break free only by the means described done to the target’s torso, starting with the first
by the rules, or by successfully obtaining a round of entanglement or grappling. This is a
knockback special effect against the grappler. really deadly attack, and the damage dealt by
5. Combat

Please note that flying punches, missiles and such Radiation Beams should never exceed 1d4
close combat weapons cannot be used against a per round. If the Grapple attack can convey a
grappling enemy Mecha, and any other weapons Radiation Beam attack, it starts doing damage on
that are not in a convenient position (for instance the round the Grapple connects, and continues
on the torso) require a Difficult to-hit roll. doing damage on subsequent rounds, provided
A grappled Mecha cannot move, Dodge or the Power Point cost is paid. If a Radiation Beam
parry, although it may use shields if equipped attack is only usable on a grappled target, the
with them. If knocked down, it cannot stand up weapon description will specify it.

Basic Roleplaying

Many Mecha are also able to entangle their Attack resolution

opponent with whips, tentacles, nets, ball&chain
weapons and other kind of chain-like weapons. When a weapon successfully hits a Mecha, the
The effect of being entangled is similar to that attacker must roll 1d20 and consult the appropriate
of being grappled, that is the entangled Mecha hit location table to see where it was hit. We
can no longer Dodge and may be subject to a suggest using the optional separate tables for melee
Radiation Beam attack delivered through the and ranged weapons for added realism. The damage
entangling device. It can also be subject to one done by the weapon is then rolled and the armour
of the special manoeuvres allowed for Mecha for that hit location is subtracted from damage.
grappling, that is Immobilize, Knockdown or Remember to check which armour value applies
Throw. An entangled Mecha can hit its entangler for the damage type inflicted, as different armour
with any weapon, but it is harder for it to break ratings usually apply for different types of damage.
free: a Special success with a Knockback weapon
is required, or else the entangling device must If armour is overcome, the remaining damage
be broken by attacking it with a slashing thrown is applied to the location hit points. If a location
weapon (it has armour equal to the entangling hit points are brought to zero or less, the location
Mecha and one hit point). is disabled, severed, or blown off. Regardless of
whether the location is disabled, the GM must
Example: In our previous example, Tetsuro check whether the blow damaged one of the system
Ray is about to move for the equivalent of contained in the hit location. To do this, roll 1d6
one white token against an enemy MC-6 Zork and cross-check it with the number assigned to the
Mecha with his BX-78 and hit it with a beam system or device on the Mecha sheet. Individual
sabre on DEX Rank 5 (16 DEX plus 4 for the Mecha may have single locations with more
initiative roll, halved to ten for the white token elements than normal: in this case, a bigger die may
and decreased by 5 to draw the beam sabre). be needed for the determination of the potential
The enemy pilot is keeping his Mecha still damage to internal systems.
and firing an assault rifle at the BX-78 at an
adjusted DEX Rank of 18. Each system present on the Mecha sheet is
marked with one or more hit numbers in brackets
The Zork goes first at DEX Rank 18, and close to the location name. If the die roll indicates
fires a 10-round burst at the BX-78. The BX-78 that particular system number, then the system
is still 12 steps away when the Zork fires its has been hit and destroyed or disabled. The
120mm rifle (base range 4), so the weapon is Gamemaster may call for a Luck roll to have the
being fired between double and triple normal pilot survive if the cockpit is destroyed, unless the
range, thus at ¼ of normal skill. The attack cockpit itself has an ejection system, in which
suffers a further -10% for the white token that case a Pilot (Mecha) roll is required to activate the
indicates the BX-78 movement (remember, it ejection system. A die roll that does not correspond
counts as a green token in this case), and a to a system indicates that no system has been
+10% for the burst, so the final roll is at ¼ damaged by that hit. No system can be assigned to
skill. The Zork fires with an overall chance of the “1” result, so a die roll of 1 results in no extra
15%, as the pilot’s Mecha Weapon skill is 60%, effect. However, a very realistic GM can rule that
and hits with a lucky roll of 12, which means when the torso is hit a die roll of 1 means that the
that two bullets hit. Unwilling to Dodge at a Mecha power source is hit, with the unpleasant
reduced chance for moving, Tetsuro’s player consequences described below. This is in addition
tries to block the two 120mm bullets with the to the chance that the power source is hit because
BX-78 large shield, with a 60% fixed chance its own hit number, usually ‘2’, has been rolled.
roll. He rolls a 38 and the bullets bounce off
the sturdy BX-78 shield. A die roll of “1” against an arm means that any
5. Combat
hand held device has been hit. This means that
Tetsuro Ray can now attack at DEX Rank 5. the item held in that hand is knocked away, if not
His Pilot Mecha skill is 80% and close combat destroyed. If the item is a weapon with explosive
attacks suffer no penalty for having moved, ammunition, the GM may require a Pilot (Mecha)
so his player rolls at a full 80% and the Zork roll to throw it away before it explodes, or else the
cannot Dodge the melee attack. Tetsuro hits Mecha will suffer the same negative consequences
with a roll of 44, and the beam sabre slashes as being hit by one of its own missiles in the
the Zork in the torso. corresponding arm.

Basic Roleplaying

When the Mecha engine or reactor is hit, its is negative and it is actually added to the success
player must make a percentile roll equal to the level, so any normal hit translates to a Special
damage that got through armour multiplied by 10. success for knockback purposes only. This rule
If the roll succeeds, then the Mecha blows up and does not apply to Dodge. A successful Dodge that
the pilot must use an ejection system, if the Mecha downgrades a Special attack to a normal success
cockpit includes it, to survive. negates knockback, unless the attacking Mecha is
bigger by at least one SIZ class.
When a location is disabled by means of being
brought to zero or less hit points, all systems in it Brawl and blunt weapons always have the
cease to function. If the torso location is brought Knockback special effect in Mecha combat. The
below zero (not exactly zero) hit points, then its Crush special effect never takes place. Flying
player must roll for an engine explosion, at double kicks and charges have an enhanced chance of
base chance. knockback: they treat the attacking Mecha as one
SIZ class bigger for knockback purposes.
As Mecha have no general hit points, losing
a limb or even the head has no other effect on When a Mecha is knocked down, all of its
them than disabling the systems present in it. If actions planned for the current round and not yet
the cockpit is not in the head, beheading a Mecha executed are cancelled. A Mecha that is knocked
usually only affects its sensors (all combat rolls down can stand up in a subsequent round, but this
become Difficult). will cost the standard 5 DEX Ranks for preliminary
actions, in addition to all the other issues
In some anime, pilots are able to target specific
described on page 229 of Basic Roleplaying.
systems of a Mecha and not just locations. If your
BRP Mecha game features such heroic feats, the A Mecha that is forced to remain down because
attacker must make a doubly Difficult (one quarter of loss of a leg can only crawl by one square (not
of normal skill) attack roll in order to ensure a hit to step) per round, and is forced to pick two red
a specific system. penalty tokens to do so. Furthermore, if it fires
while crawling it can only use head-mounted
Knockback weapons, as its arms are used for movement and
Knockback is usually the result of a special its torso is not in the correct position for firing.
success with a weapon that is designed to knock
an opponent back, usually a brawl attack, shield Special effects
bash or some sort of ball&chain or flying punch Apart from Knockback that has been explained
weapons found in the Super Robot genre. A above, most special effects that can take place
successful knockback pushes back the opponent during a Basic Roleplaying melee are found in BRP
by one single square (even along a diagonal line) Mecha, too. There are however, some differences:
and automatically knocks it down, unless the z The Crush and Bleed effects never occur during
Mecha is constructed in such a way that it cannot
Mecha combat. The Crush special effect is
lie prone at all. The distance, potential damage
always replaced by Knockback, and the Bleed
for crashing into obstacles and Agility roll to
special effect is replaced by Impale for all
remain standing described on page 197 of Basic
swords, sickles and scythes.
Roleplaying do not apply. All disadvantages of
being prone apply, instead. z The Entangle special effect is allowed, and is
often the prerequisite for a subsequent attack
In the standard Basic Roleplaying rules,
made with electricity or other forms of energy.
knockback is often negated by a successful parry
The entangled Mecha cannot use an Agility
that downgrades the attack to a simple success,
roll in order to free itself. As in normal combat,
or by the fact that the opponent is bigger than the
if the entangler is still holding the entangling
damage rolled. In Mecha combat, things are a bit
5. Combat

weapon, it can attempt a Grappling special

different, as most Mecha battles that feature hand
manoeuvre during the next round of combat.
to hand combat (or flying punches) involve a great
Follow the same rules provided for Grapple
deal of knockback. Once a success with a knocking
between Mecha.
weapon is achieved, subtract one “step” from the
rolled level of success for each SIZ Class the target z The Impale special effect works as described
Mecha is bigger than the attacker, before the roll is in the rules, except that no additional damage
downgraded because of parries. If the attacker is is dealt during attempts to yank an impaled
bigger than the target, then the number to subtract weapon free. An impaled Mecha suffers no

DECELERATE Automatic Easy Pilot (Mecha) Automatic Easy Pilot (Spacecraft) Pilot (Spacecraft)
STOP ABRUPTLY Automatic Pilot (Mecha) Easy Pilot (Mecha) Pilot(Spacecraft) Impossible
FAST TURN Automatic Easy Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Spacecraft) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft)
(90° OR MORE)
VERY FAST TURN Automatic Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft) Impossible
(180° OR MORE)
HIT WITH Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha)
CLOSE COMBAT WEAPON and Pilot (Spacecraft) and Difficult Pilot
HIT WITH Mecha Weapons Difficult Mecha Weapons Mecha Weapons Lower of Spacecraft Lower of Spacecraft
RANGED WEAPON Weapons and Pilot Weapons and Difficult
(Spacecraft) Pilot (Spacecraft)
DODGE MISSILE OR Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Mecha) Pilot (Spacecraft) Difficult
THROWN WEAPON Pilot (Spacecraft)
DODGE BULLET OR Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Impossible Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Impossible
BEAM Pilot (Spacecraft)
PARRY CLOSE COMBAT Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Difficult Pilot (Mecha) Lower of Pilot (Mecha) Lower of
ATTACK and Difficult Pilot Difficult Pilot (Mecha) and
(Spacecraft) Difficult Pilot (Spacecraft)
BLOCK RANGED As per shield As per shield As per shield As per shield, halved Impossible
TO HIT PENALTY - 10% per green token 10% per green token 20% per green token 20% per green token

Basic Roleplaying

5. Combat
Basic Roleplaying

penalty when impaled, but may still wish to Example: In our previous example, Tetsuro Ray
break the impaling weapon in order to get rid hit an enemy Zork with his BX-78 beam sabre.
of the impaler. Note that physical swords may The location roll was 13, so the blow landed on
remain stuck in a Mecha, while weapons made the Mecha torso. Damage for a beam sabre is
of energy never remain stuck when they impale 1d10, and the BX-78 damage bonus is 1d8, so
and are ready for combat again in 3 DEX ranks. the total damage is 1d10+1d8. Tetsuro’s player
rolls a 9 for damage. The Zork has 4 points of
In any case, whenever the rules call for a
kinetic armour, but since it has been hit by an
roll of STR versus Hit Points or Damage points
energy weapons this value is halved for a total
of a Mecha weapon, never forget to multiply
protection of 2. Seven points of damage pass
the HP or damage value by ten before rolling.
through. An MC-6 Zork has five hits points in the
Note that this will often result in an automatic
torso, so the location is overcome by damage. The
success or failure.
Zork must also check for explosion, rolling the
damage suffered times ten on a percentile die.
Energy weapons However, the percentile is also doubled, as the
Many Mecha weapons, even melee weapons, Mecha torso was brought to negative hit points,
are heat or energy based. These are particularly for a total of 140%. Tetsuro Ray has his BX-78
effective at penetrating armour not specifically step back and take cover behind the shield, as
designed to block that kind of energy. Unless the Zork reactor blows up. Unfortunately for the
specified in the Mecha description, armour enemy pilot, his outdated Mecha had no ejection
rating refers to their effectiveness against system in the cockpit.
kinetic weapons, and is halved, rounding
fractions down, against energy attacks. Pilot damage
Types of energies used in the anime are: Whenever a Mecha is damaged, a percentage of
the damage usually passes through to the pilot.
z heat (can affect pilot)
For every point of Mecha scale damage dealt, the
z energy (not better specified) pilot receives one point of human-scale damage.
This is true for kinetic, explosion, heat, cold and
z electricity (can affect pilot)
radiation damage, and for some peculiar examples
z sound (can affect pilot) of corrosion. Damage absorbed by Mecha armour
z corrosion (can affect pilot – only if specified can still damage the pilot: it is the cockpit that has
by weapon) to provide protection from this indirect damage.
Consult the entry for the cockpit device in the
If a type of energy is listed as (can affect Equipment chapter to see what kind of damage
pilot), if a beam made of that energy is parried absorption a typical cockpit may provide.
or blocked by a shield or force field instead of
being dodged, then the blocking device must In the Super Robot genre, some pilots use no
be able to absorb the energy type or some of cockpit, as they actually merge with the Mecha
its negative effects will pass on to the pilot. they are piloting. In such a case, the rules for
The damage dealt is the same that is dealt to damage transfer apply only to damage taken by
the Mecha, minus any points that the parrying the Mecha torso or head, after subtracting armour.
device can absorb. However, only 10% of it When a pilot receives damage before acting
actually passes to the pilot, so the damage he or during a round, he may be stunned: subtract
she takes is on human scale and not on Mecha ten from his or her DEX Rank for each point of
scale. Most cockpits will have some form of damage taken. When a pilot receives damage
energy protection device that block at least one after acting during a round, subtract five for each
point of such damage. point of damage instead, but apply the penalty on
5. Combat

This also applies to melee weapons that use the following combat round. If the DEX Rank for
that type of energy, like electrically charged a combat round drops below one, all attacks and
whips or corrosive claws. In the case of melee other actions planned by that pilot are aborted for
weapons charged with energy, though, only a that round. Please note that preparatory actions
small part of the damage dealt is actually of and movement are also aborted. A successful
energetic nature, so only that part has a chance Stamina roll made by the pilot prevents these
to pass on to the pilot. effects altogether.

Basic Roleplaying

At the Gamemaster’s discretion, the rule for what is the maximum distance at which you can
stunning may apply to enemy Mecha controlled by fire at your full skill rate, but most weapons will
an AI in the Super Robot genre. In the latter case, have an effective range of 6-15 steps, regardless
it is damage actually taken by the robot in the torso of how far their projectiles or beams can travel.
location – as it happens for pilots who actually In fact, the effective range of a weapon is more
merge with their Mecha – that counts, and no related to the mobility of its mount than to its
Stamina roll is allowed. actual range, with weapons mounted in the head
or arms being very accurate and weapons in the
Is the Artillery skill ever used? torso or legs, or aircraft-mounted weapons, being
Many of the weapons mounted on Mecha are the least accurate.
described in Basic Roleplaying as employing the
Artillery skill (actually one of its specialities like Fate
Cannon or Turret or Missile) to fire, and having an Mecha pilots are heroes chosen by Destiny,
effective range of several kilometres. In BRP Mecha, not mere fighters, and are supposed to die in
the same weapons use the Mecha Weapons or battle only when Fate dictates so, not when
Spacecraft Weapons skill, and have an effective an enemy rookie pilot places a lucky hit in the
range of hundreds of metres. How is this possible? weakest spot of their Mecha’s torso armour. To
reflect this, usage of the rules for Fate Points
The answer is very simple: the Artillery skill is
described on page 176 of Basic Roleplaying
related to indirect fire, in which you calculate aim at
is recommended in BRP Mecha. This section
a distant, possibly invisible spot by computing the
includes additional rules and modifications to
firing parameters or by using a guided projectile that
the Fate rules.
“locks” on its target. This means that you can hit a
very distant target, provided it is immobile. But this All these rules are technically optional, but
is not what happens during a Mecha battle. When they are strongly recommended as they are the
Mecha fight – or when aircraft dogfight – all fire driving force that enables you to “build up” the
is directed manually and by means of sight, so the passionate feeling of an intense, anime-style
actual range that a projectile can reach is irrelevant: Mecha battle, without which your combat might
your accuracy is too low to hit a moving target that become an arid exercise of tactical simulation.
is farther than a few hundred metres away.
These are the minor changes to the Fate rules
This means that in situations when you have found in Basic Roleplaying.
the time and ability to fire after computing – which z Mecha Damage cannot be influenced by Fate,
is only possible if your target is immobile or is a
neither positively nor negatively.
low manoeuvrability target like infantry or a ship
– you must use your character’s Artillery skill (or a z Damage suffered by characters is absorbed by Fate
speciality thereof) and the effective range of your at a rate of 1 HP per Fate Point, not 1 HP per 3 Fate
main ordnance is that listed on page 265 of Basic Points.
Roleplaying. On the other hand, the same weapon z Changing the result of a roll or rerolling is
fired at close range against a moving target like an
allowed, but the Fate Point costs are changed
aircraft or Mecha must use the Mecha Weapon or
according to the table below. Please note that
Spacecraft Weapon skill, and its effective range is
this is not the complete Fate table. The complete
the one listed in BRP Mecha.
one is found in Chapter Seven.
Note that Mecha pilots seldom have a
good Artillery skill, thus firing indirectly is
not their cup of tea. In anime shows, in fact, EFFECT FATE COST
main ordnance is usually fired by the base
Reroll 5
5. Combat
ship commander or one of the supporting crew
members. Note also that some fictional anime Increase success level by one, chance of success 01-30 6
universes include imaginary technology that Increase success level by one, chance of success 31-60 5
prevent long range scans and detection, making Increase success level by one, chance of success 61-90 4
indirect fire impossible, and the Artillery skill
Increase success level by one, chance of success 91+ 3
only usable against immobile land targets.
Automatic failure of engine blow-up roll 3
In Mecha combat, the nature of a weapon is of Automatic success of cockpit ejection roll 1
some importance in determining its range, that is

Basic Roleplaying

Only one Fate effect can be applied per roll, with a heat axe ready, Tetsuro realizes that the
and only rolls made by one’s own character can technological superiority of his Mecha will grant
be affected by the “Increase success level” effect. him victory, but not without a severe death toll.
When a particularly good hit is scored against his Tetsuro has to trust his heroic luck to save the
or her Mecha, a character can apply fate to his day and avoid further innocent victims. As the
or her own defence roll, if a defence is allowed Zork charges with its hand weapon, Tetsuro
at all. aims the BX-78 Gatling gun at the enemy Mecha
cockpit. Tetsuro fires the weapon beyond normal
The “Increase success level” effect can be
range, and aiming at a particular system implies
applied more than once to the same roll. However,
a further division by four, so his final chance
for each subsequent time it is applied to the
will be his Mecha Weapon skill divided by eight,
same attack roll, the cost doubles. For instance,
with a minus ten for the enemy movement and a
if an attack with a 70% chance to hit resulted
plus ten for burst fire, so the final chance is 10%.
in a failure with a roll of 80, turning it into a
Tetsuro rolls a 54, which is a failure, but spends
simple success would cost 4 points. Turning it
eighteen Fate points to shift the result by two
into a special success would cost twice, or eight
levels of success to an impale (6 points to shift
points, for a total of 12 Fate Points. Turning it into
the result from failure to success, as the original
a critical success would require 16 more points,
percentile is in the 1-30 range, and double that
for a total of 28 Fate Points, an amount that few
number to grant the second shift from simple
heroes can afford. This rule does not apply to
success to special). He cannot rely on a simple
Parry, Block, Dodge or manoeuvring rolls.
success, as the gun damage is 1d4 and the
Moreover, while upgrading a failure to a enemy Mecha has four points of kinetic armour,
success requires nothing but the expenditure of but he does not have enough Fate Points to go for
the appropriate number of points, using Fate to a critical hit, either. As he is going for a Special
“force” a special or critical success in an attack result the player describes the great tension
or defence roll requires that the player using Fate that Tetsuro experiences while collimating the
describes a special stunt manoeuvre performed BX-78 aiming system on the small area of the
by his or her Mecha to score the critical blow cockpit and firing the cannon. Luckily, the other
or to avoid the enemy attack. The description players find the description satisfactory and the
provided must be as epic and awe inspiring as Zork pilot fails his Dodge roll, so Tetsuro gets his
one would expect in a Mecha anime. If it is not special success, which is not downgraded by the
amusing for the GM and the other players, the defensive action. The damage roll of 2d4 for the
Fate effect cannot take place. impale results in five points of damage, which are
enough to pierce the Zork armour by one point.
Note that these rules have one important
The damage goes straight to the cockpit and even
effect. They change the victory/defeat condition
one point is enough to disable the system, so the
for a character from the point where he or she
60mm shells kill the pilot outright and the Mecha
is out of Hit Points to the point where he or she
collapses to the ground without exploding. This
is out of Fate Points (“his luck has run out”).
cost all of Tetsuro’s Fate Points, but they were
Once Fate Points are so low that a lucky shot by
well spent.
the opposition cannot be turned into a miss or a
failed Dodge cannot be turned into a success, the
hero is advised to retreat and live to fight another
day. Careful usage of Fate can win a battle. The
Bad Guys cannot easily score hits against Player
Characters, unless they are heavily out of Fate.
The Game Master can decree that major
5. Combat

enemies are allowed to use Fate Points, too. In

the Super Robot sub-genre, almost every enemy
will have Fate Points, whereas in the Real Robot
sub-genre only important opponents will use Fate.
Example: After blowing up a first MC-6 Zork
with a beam sabre hit to the engine, Tetsuro
Ray realizes that the explosion has caused
civilian casualties. As a second Zork approaches


Most mecha are designed as ground fighting devices. But, in addition to the fact
that they may have to battle airborne enemies, almost all of them become capable
of flying, in the end. As a consequence, you must always be ready to stage an
aerial battle in your game.

Basic Roleplaying

When it is operating on the ground, you can see means that one square/zone on an aerial map is
your Mecha as a humanoid weapon platform, the equivalent of a whole land map. At the start
equivalent to a legged tank. However, Mecha of a combat involving both ground and airborne
are also capable of flying in most anime series, vehicles, the Gamemaster will name one square or
making them the natural opponents of aircraft and zone on the aerial map – two of them if the land
spacecraft, too. Moreover, many Mecha have one map used is particularly big – as “containing”
or more configurations in which they are aircraft- the land map. All vehicles appearing on the land
shaped, and most series also include a capital map are also considered to be occupying the
ship or mobile base that launches the individual appropriate space on the aerial map.
vehicles of the heroes. This chapter includes
If most combat takes place between airborne
detailed rules for aerial and space combat.
opponents, you can place ground vehicles on the
While the Basic Roleplaying rulebook provides aerial map, too, specifying they are ground based.
the core rules for episodic air combat, the Mecha However, two landed pieces that are placed onto
genre requires more detailed rules for battles in an aerial map cannot interact with each other. You
both planetary atmosphere and deep space. The have to sketch a land map and place them there
skill used to control one’s craft in both cases is to let them fight, or one of them must take off and
the Pilot Spacecraft skill, rather than the Pilot become airborne.
Mecha skill. For the sake of simplicity, we will
Flying between the land map and its equivalent
treat the Pilot Aircraft skill as a variant of Pilot
space on the aerial map, either when landing
Spacecraft. Gamemasters who want more realism
or when taking off, counts as the equivalent of
can require players to keep track of both skills for
moving one square on the aerial map. Moving
their characters.
to and from an adjacent space or zone counts as
Of course, while the general framework remains another aerial “step”, and so on. When evaluating
the same, the rule details will vary between the range between the aerial and the land map is
grid-based and zone-based mapping modes. We subject to the same restriction, that is the effective
provide the rules for zone-based play first, and then range is increased by one square or zone.
treat the rules for grid-based play as advanced
rules intended for players who are used to detailed Aerial range
tactical simulations. We recommend that you use Even though distances are bigger on an aerial map,
zone based maps for aerial combat, as keeping the numeric ranges given on the Mecha sheet for
track of the relative position and heading of weapons are valid also when the vehicle is flying
vehicles might turn out to be too heavy if you are or is firing at an airborne target. This represents
not a hardcore simulationist. the fact that it is much easier to have a clear line
of fire when one or more of the combatants is
Generic Aerial Movement airborne. The only difference with ground-based
combat is that all kinetic, laser or particle weapons
Some rules are the same for both zone-based and used beyond Medium range (Range 14, or 1400
grid-based play. metres) have their damage halved, no matter
what their listed effective range is. Self-propelled
First Token Rule weapons like flying fists and those few radiation
Whenever a Mecha or spacecraft move by flying on weapons that have a range longer than Medium
any type of tactical map and the rules decree that Range are exempt from this rule and have their
it has to pick one or more white tokens, replace the damage halved only when the normal rules dictate
first white token picked with a green one. If the it. Missiles, which are not so effective on the
vehicle has not moved enough squares or zones ground, become more useful when launched from
to gain white tokens, it gets one green token. a spacecraft, as they will still be able to deal full
This represents the intrinsic difficulty of hitting a damage when launched from kilometres away.
moving spacecraft.
6. Flight

No ground obstacle represented on a land

map may obstruct the line of fire from the aerial
Aerial maps map. Unless a vehicle is inside a bunker, it can
Whether zone- or grid-based, aerial and space be attacked from above ground, and it can attack
maps have spaces that are approximately ten times anything above ground. If a ground target is
as big as their equivalent on a land map. This actively seeking cover behind an obstacle, grant

Basic Roleplaying

it a white token that will give airborne targets a minimum of one zone on a zone-based map, or its
-10% to hit it. Attacks from above are supposed MOV in steps on a grid-based map. This minimum
to be dangerous. movement will give the vehicle one green token, as
a consequence of the First Token Rule. Whenever
Fuel expenditure the vehicle is not moving at all because it is
When moving in space at any speed, crafts Hovering, it will not gain this green token, thus
spend no more than one PP per full turn, and becoming an easy target.
Gamemasters may rule that they spend no PP A vehicle is not forced to move its minimum
at all. When moving in the atmosphere at cruise movement in space, as it cannot stall. However,
speed and high altitude, crafts spend one PP as there is no atmosphere to hinder it, a vehicle in
per ten rounds, which goes up to one PP per five space will only stop when its momentum is actively
rounds at lower altitudes or higher speeds, and countered by its engines. For the sake of simplicity,
one PP per round at low altitude and maximum assume that a vehicle in space must perform
speed. These numbers refer to travel in a straight the Stop manoeuvre to stop moving completely
line at a constant speed: accelerating, decelerating and start hovering. Failing this, the vehicle will
or manoeuvring cost more PP. continue to move its minimum movement.
In general, Mecha reactors will regenerate
enough PP per full turn to make this bookkeeping Facing and manoeuvres
useless. But in some cases aerial manoeuvres will Weapons not mounted on turrets can only fire
use up so much energy that the pilot risks running straight in front of the firing vehicle, in an arc
out of power or not having enough energy to fire of approximately sixty degrees. And please note
the most powerful weapons mounted on his or her that usually only capital ships and helicopters
craft. The same is true of vehicles which rely on have turret-mounted weapons. This means that a
liquid fuels and do not replenish their PP reserve flying vehicle will usually need to turn its facing
once per turn. The latter may apply to Mecha in towards the enemy to fire at it. As the enemy will
some settings where nuclear or particle based undoubtedly try to be as far as possible from its
engines are not so common, or where reactors are firing arc when its DEX rank comes, the vehicle
fuelled by power cartridges. These considerations might have to perform some manoeuvres to move
are only relevant if your vehicles must face several its facing towards the enemy. If these manoeuvres
combats in a row before refuelling. are more complex than a narrow turn, a Pilot
roll may be required to perform the manoeuvre
Hovering correctly and end your move with your vehicle
Once a Mecha in space has decelerated to speed firing arc towards the enemy. The exact method
zero, it is allowed to use its manoeuvre boosters to used to determine how difficult the manoeuvre
turn and change facing as easily as if it was on the was differs between zone based combat and grid
ground. At this point, all to hit rolls are made with based combat (see page 62 and 66 respectively).
the Mecha Weapons skill for ranged weapons and In any case, this check must be made after making
the Pilot Mecha skill for melee weapons. The Pilot your move and just before firing.
Spacecraft skill no longer limits the final skill roll. Whatever the method used to determine its
A Mecha cannot Dodge while hovering, but it can complexity, if the manoeuvre performed was of 90
still Parry or Block. degrees or more, the Mecha Action Chart will tell
A spacecraft has no advantage when stopping you what kind of Pilot Spacecraft roll you need to
in space, as it cannot turn while standing still like make, according to the angle of your manoeuvre
a Mecha. It still uses its pilot’s Spacecraft Weapon and your speed. Failure to make the roll will force
skill to hit, but in this case firing any weapon not you to pick an extra red token, possibly delaying
mounted on a turret requires a Difficult skill roll. your attack or making it impossible. A fumbled
Spacecraft seldom stop in combat. roll means the attack automatically fails, and the
vehicle might even hit an obstacle if it was flying
6. Flight

on a dangerous trajectory. A special success in

Minimum Movement the Pilot roll lets you drop a red token or change a
While a spacecraft or flying Mecha is moving white one into a green one.
in the atmosphere, it cannot stop completely
unless it can Hover (see the rules in the Hovering The craft Handling rate is added or subtracted
in the Atmosphere boxed section). It must move a to all Pilot rolls, after the halving or doubling

Basic Roleplaying

Hovering in the atmosphere for Easy or Difficult manoeuvring. If it is not an Zone-based Movement
A Mecha hovering in the air intrinsic value for your vehicle, the Handling rate
while being still able to turn can be determined by adding up the bonuses for All units moving on a zone-based aerial or space
around and fight is rather all functioning thrusters present on the Mecha map should move at least one zone, unless they
unrealistic. The power needed to sheet. Remember to check your current Mecha can hover (see page 61, 120). The Move rate of the
keep such a big vehicle in flight configuration before evaluating your Handling rate!
without the lift provided by wings
vehicle is the maximum number of zones it can
is beyond the possibility of any Manoeuvring, that is any movement that move on the map. In space, there is no maximum
realistic nuclear reactor, and true requires a Pilot roll, even an Easy one, will cost speed that crafts can reach, as they do not have
antigravity would be necessary to one PP by default. If the vehicle is using additional to overcome air resistance, so the Move rate of
achieve such a result. However, thrusters to increase its Handling bonus, the latter spaceborne vehicles is the number of zones that
while Mecha portrayed in the they can move while still being able to manoeuvre.
first series of both the Real Robot
will usually cost additional PP to use. The pilot
can choose not to employ the thrusters in order to Moving at a higher speed forces a craft to move
and the Super Robot sub-genres
flew, or jumped, realistically save power. More complex manoeuvres may cost on a straight line, or to manoeuvre by only a few
while in the air, later series tend additional PP at the Gamemaster’s option. degrees per combat turn, like a clumsy capital ship.
to represent Mecha as having the
Keep in mind that an attack planned during Diagonal movement is forbidden on a zone-
power to hover in the air at will.
If the Gamemaster allows it, Statement of Intent must be carried out during based map. If two zones touch each other only by
the rules for hovering in space the Action Phase if the target is still visible and means of corners, direct movement between them
combat can be applied to aerial reachable with a manoeuvre. If it is turned into is impossible.
combat too. We recommend an automatic failure by excessive manoeuvring or
that the GM allows hovering Determining the angle between the current
increased range, the ammunition will still be spent. facing of a vehicle and its last move can be tricky
when it is appropriate for the
anime being emulated and not
If your ammo is limited, wait until you are sure on zone-based maps. In general, you can disregard
according to personal taste. that you have won the Initiative or that you have angles and use the following rule of thumb: if the
Hovering in this case costs one outmanoeuvred your opponent before declaring fire! vehicle wishes to fire at something that is in a zone
Power Point per round just to it has crossed with its current movement, assume
keep the Mecha airborne. Crashing it has made the equivalent of an 180 degree turn; if
Many atmospheric crafts in the
Super Robot sub-genre have In the Super Robot genre, a flying vehicle can the vehicle is firing at something in a zone that did
VTOL capabilities and the ability often survive a crash, so assume that a single Pilot not cross but has been behind it or clearly at its side
to hover in the atmosphere, albeit roll is enough to keep the pilot alive, even if the at some time during this combat round, then the
the latter is not so realistic. The vehicle goes down. vehicle has made the equivalent of a 90 degree turn.
Gamemaster may allow support
vehicles the ability to hover in the
atmosphere in this case, but this
kind of manoeuvre will only be a MAPS AND SPACE COMBAT
disadvantage in combat, and will
be only useful for lifting weights
or rescuing people in danger. In space combat, using grid-based maps could become inconvenient because of the great speed of
On the other hand, helicopters, in crafts. In general, unless you want to use maps with 100m squares or even larger, grid-based maps are
the few Mecha series where they only recommended for assaults on space stations. We suggest you use zone-based maps for aerial or
are featured, are supposed to be space combat, or abstract combat altogether if only two vehicles are facing each other. It is however
able to hover in the atmosphere recommended that you use miniatures for combat, in order to keep track of the relative positions and
and to have full manoeuvrability headings of opposing crafts.
while hovering. A hovering
helicopter is an easy target, but You can also use one of the spacecraft in the battle (usually a mothership or space station) as the centre of
it can hit anything within range the action, and place other vehicles around it, keeping track of the number of zones they are away from
at its full offensive ability. It the centrepiece. If you wish, you can use the concentric zone-based map on page 122 to stage battles
can even dodge missiles with a centred on a capital ship. Place the miniature of the ship or space station on the centre space, that may be
Difficult Pilot roll if needed. considered as two spaces if you are on a grid-based map and the ship is more than 150 metres long. Each
ring of spaces around the centrepiece is considered to be the equivalent of 100 m, or one range level, thus
allowing you to handle the correct range for weapons fired at assaulting spacecraft. You can also have a
more detailed map of the capital ship, for use by landed Mecha or for combat inside the ship. The latter
6. Flight

map is considered a ground map, and it interacts with the space map like any other pair of ground/air
maps for the purpose of movement and fire between each other. Of course, you may use this technique
for a battle centred around a capital ship within the atmosphere of a planet, too, or for staging the classic
“assault on the research centre” in a Super Robot game.
These rules will lead, of course, to a bi-dimensional representation of space, as there is no easy way you
can run a realistic three-dimensional combat on tabletop. But this will not subtract from the fun.

Basic Roleplaying

Grid-based Movement 0 to a Speed of Move 14 in one round. However,

when a craft is moving in the atmosphere, its
The following rules are advanced rules that allow acceleration rating is reduced by one for air
very detailed in-flight movement for combat. Most resistance, so a craft with a 1G acceleration
games will not need this level of detail to represent capability has an actual MpR rating of 13. Note
an enjoyable space combat, and will benefit from that acceleration is expressed in Mecha MOV, not
usage of a zone-based aerial map. aerial MOV.
Airborne vehicles move on grid-based maps Accelerating with a craft does not require a Pilot
divided into 200 metre wide squares. Their speed is skill roll. If however the pilot wishes to increase
measured in 100 metre long air “steps” per combat his craft normal acceleration, he can make a skill
turn just like the speed of ground based units is roll, usually modified by his craft Handling bonus.
measured in 10 metre long steps. Moving one A normal success allows to increase the MpR
square in a straight line costs two steps, moving one rating by one per each ten MpR or fraction the
square diagonally costs three steps. craft normally has, not counting the atmospheric
penalty. A special success increases this rating
Moving one step per round is the equivalent of by one, a critical success by two. A fumbled roll
moving at 30 km per hour, the speed of a slow car or a overheats one or more of the craft engines, or the
vintage tank. The speed at which a Mecha or aircraft main reactor in the case of a Mecha.
is moving at any one time is given in steps per combat
round, or Moves. The cruise speed for a modern Stalling
airliner is Move 8, and Mach 1 (the speed of sound)
is Move 9. Speeds above Move 10 are uncommon in Winged crafts that move in the atmosphere
combat, and although Mecha can fly at a Move rate of (including winged Mecha) must move at a
30 or even 40, these speeds are only useful for chasing minimum speed or stall, losing the lift that keeps
very quick targets and not for battle. them airborne. The stall speed for a craft is
usually Move 3 to Move 7, but it can decrease
Each craft has its peculiar acceleration, cruise if the craft is climbing. If a craft stalls it begins
speed and maximum speed values. These values accelerating towards the ground at 13 MpR (one
are different for atmosphere and space if the craft G minus the air resistance) until it crashes or
can fly in both environments. The ratings can be the pilot succeeds in a Pilot roll to regain control
deducted from the in-flight Move rating of the of the craft. Note that once control is regained
vehicle or Mecha, according to the following table a second roll may be necessary to resume
(round all fractions up): horizontal flight and avoid the crash. In the Super
Robot genre, a flying vehicle can often survive a
crash, so assume that a single Pilot roll is enough
to keep the pilot alive: missing the second roll will
Acceleration Mov x2 usually result in some damage to the vehicle and
possibly unconsciousness for the pilot.
Deceleration Mov x1
Cruise Speed Mov x3 A craft deceleration capabilities are usually
less than its acceleration ones. If no particular
Top Speed Mov x5 deceleration values is given for a craft, then
assume that it is equal to one fifth of its
Note that there is no maximum speed in space, acceleration rate, rounded up. If the craft is a flying
but spacecraft and spaceborne Mecha still have Mecha, its deceleration capability is instead half of
a cruise speed that influences manoeuvre rolls. its acceleration value, rounded up.
Stopping abruptly – that is, going down to a
6. Flight

Acceleration speed of Move zero – is usually not allowed in

All crafts receive an acceleration rating the atmosphere, unless a craft wishes to land,
measured in Moves per Round (MpR). One G (the but is possible in space where there are no stall
acceleration that Earth’s gravity causes on a falling problems. In the latter case the craft need only
object) equals 14 MpR, so a craft that is capable decelerate to speed 0: if it can do this in the
of 1G acceleration can go from a Speed of Move current round then it can stop in that round.

Basic Roleplaying

Deceleration is not as easy as acceleration, it is often convenient also in space, as moving fast
so when a pilot wishes to decelerate more than is a very good way to avoid being hit.
his or her usual allowance per round, he or she
A craft can usually end a round moving in a
must make a Pilot skill roll, modified by his craft
direction which forms up to a 45 degree angle
Handling rate. This roll might become Difficult if
with the one it faced at the start of a round. A
the craft is moving at a very high speed. Consult
pilot can attempt to make greater turns, up to 90
the manoeuvre table to check which rolls are
degrees, by succeeding in an Easy Pilot skill roll.
Difficult and which are Easy. All acceleration/
This roll becomes an unmodified roll when the
deceleration manoeuvres that require a skill roll
craft is travelling at more than its cruise speed.
also cost one Power Point.
The Gamemaster may wish to apply further
If a deceleration roll is failed, then the craft penalties for turns that are really close to 90
has decelerated by one less Move than desired, or degrees. Simple manoeuvres like this require one
has gone farther than intended if it was trying to power point to perform.
stop, missing the intended target. If the craft was
Turning by more than 90 degrees in a round is
attacking an enemy in the same round, then the
something that few crafts can do, and is usually only
attack automatically misses, but the ammunition
done by special spacecraft and Mecha. In general,
is still spent. On a fumbled roll, the craft could
only a craft with a positive manoeuvrability bonus
crash into something or hit a nearby friendly craft
can attempt such a feat. Such a steep turn requires
that was flying in formation.
an unmodified Pilot skill roll at cruise speed, and a
A craft travelling in the atmosphere Difficult skill roll above cruise speed.
decelerates automatically by one Move per round
If a pilot is attempting both a deceleration
if its engines are not on, until it reaches stall
and a manoeuvre in the same round, the PP cost
speed and starts falling.
6. Flight

of the manoeuvre is raised by one and the skill

roll required is raised by one difficulty level, with
Manoeuvring Difficult rolls becoming impossible.
In general, crafts will turn and change facing
rather than stop in combat. While this is mandatory The results of a failed manoeuvre on a craft’s
in the atmosphere, where there is a minimum ability to fire at its intended target have been
speed that a craft must maintain to avoid stalling, explained on page 61.

Basic Roleplaying

In flight combat been moving at Move 2 on a zone-based map and

are at a distance of 4 zones. Tetsuro declares first
Most sorties in the skies or space will end in and decides to accelerate to Move 3 (one green and
combat in a BRP Mecha game. two white tokens) to become a harder target and to
fire his BX-78 hand-held beam rifle. He rolls a 4 for
When a Mecha or craft wishes to attack a initiative and adds it to his DEX of 15 for a total of
target in flight, it must follow the normal BRP 19, which is quartered for the two white/red tokens
Mecha rules about Statement of Intent, Movement to a final DEX Rank of 5. Knowing that Tetsuro will
and Action. When the DEX Rank for the Mecha accelerate (having won the INT initiative let him
comes, the following conditions must be verified: guess his opponent’s tactics) Chad declares to keep
1. the craft must be facing the target’s position at its speed of 2 (one green and one white token) and
the end of the round (or the weapon firing arc move to the square that is behind Tetsuro’s planned
must be facing the target if it is no the same as position at the end of movement, in the meanwhile
the craft forward arc, as it might happen for an firing a missile at the BX-78. He rolls a 2 for initiative,
arm-mounted or turret-mounted weapon), possibly which added to his DEX of 16 is a 18, but since he
forcing you to perform a manoeuvre (see page 61) has only one white/red token, his final DEX Rank is
only halved to 9, higher than Tetsuro’s.
2. any Pilot rolls called for by the manoeuvre(s)
performed during the round must have Both pilots will now execute their planned
succeeded, or at least the penalty for a failed roll manoeuvres in DEX Rank order. Chad moves
must have been paid forward and fires a missile, having Tetsuro in his
firing arc without any trouble. The skill roll is not
3. the target must be within maximum range of the modified by Chad’s single white/red token, but is
weapon used at the end of your movement -60 for Tetsuro’s three white/green tokens. Chad’s
If any one of the conditions above is not met, skill of 93 is then reduced by 60 to a final score
the attack automatically fails, but the relative of 33%. Chad rolls a 48 and misses, not willing to
ammunition or energy is still spent. Your pilot spend 5 Fate points to force a hit.
is assumed to have realized that the target had It is now Tetsuro’s turn. His movement ends
become impossible to hit after pulling the trigger. behind Chad, and he wishes to fire at a zone that
Note that since knowing where your opponent he has crossed (he must follow the trajectory
is going is a great advantage in this case, it is planned during Statement of Intents or pick another
advisable that in rounds that involve in flight red token, which would turn his attack into an
combat the Gamemaster has all combatants automatic failure), so it should make a 180 degree
state their intentions in INT Rank order. It is also manoeuvre, which is Impossible at Tetsuro’s speed,
advisable that the optional rule for INT initiative as it gives his Mecha a penalty of two white/
presented on page 45 in Chapter Five be used, red tokens. However, since his weapon is hand-
in order to keep the tension high and provide a held, the Gamemaster allows Tetsuro to fire at
further level of balance. Chad’s Mecha with just a 90° manoeuvre, since
the rifle can be in fact fired at a 90° angle from the
For a more realistic combat, the Gamemaster Mecha heading. Tetsuro must make a Difficult Pilot
may allow the combatants to shoot if the Spacecraft roll to manoeuvre, with an extra red
conditions about the firing arc are met during token being the price of failure. Tetsuro’s Pilot skill is
movement, and not only at the end of the round. 85, halved to 43, and he succeeds with a roll of 23,
This means that the weapon firing arc at end of thus avoiding to pick the third red token that would
round need only cross the trajectory that the target doom his shot to an automatic failure. He can thus
describes during the round. Note that the actual shoot from his new position, with his skill limited to
trajectory might vary due to unsuccessful Pilot half his Pilot Spacecraft because of the two white/
rolls, so this must be checked at end of round and red tokens, and reduced by -40% because of Chad’s
not at start. If the firing pilot uses this option, it two white/green tokens, for a total of 3% chance
6. Flight

must take one additional red token. (although he will still shoot at 5% chance because
Example: Tetsuro Rey is facing Chad the Invincible in of the automatic success rules of standard Basic
space combat. Both are INT 18, but Chad acted on Roleplaying, which is not negated by the special
an adjusted DEX rank of 10 during last round against rules in BRP Mecha). Tetsuro rolls a 23, which is not
Tetsuro’s 9, so Tetsuro must choose his trajectory enough to hit Chad, and since he does not want to
and declare his fire before Chad. Both Mecha have use Fate, either, the round ends with a double miss.

Basic Roleplaying

To-Hit Rolls When a ship is hit by a smaller vehicle within

When a craft attacks a target while moving, the normal weapon range, the location where the
skill rolled to hit is always the pilot’s Spacecraft blow lands is not rolled but chosen by the firer.
Weapon skill, even if the craft is a Mecha. When By making the attack roll Difficult, the pilot can
a Mecha makes a melee attack while flying, the choose even the single subsystem hit, hoping to
skill used is still Pilot Mecha. In both cases, the disable a vital system. This rule applies to Mecha
modified attack roll cannot be higher than the melee attacks, too. All weapons that have an
pilot’s Pilot Spacecraft skill, as it happens with impaling capability can impale against a capital
the Riding skill in mounted combat. If the craft or ship, while all other special effects of weapons
Mecha is moving at more than cruise speed, then never apply. A radiation beam used against a ship
the attack roll cannot be higher than half the pilot’s does not hit its biggest location but a specific one,
Pilot Spacecraft skill. either random or chosen by the firer if the attack is
within normal range.
Note that unless both Mecha decelerate to speed
0 in the round they make a melee attack (or one was Capital ships cannot dodge or block any attack
already standing still and the other decelerates) two (unless some very peculiar device is used) but
moving Mecha will not be in range of melee attack they are often equipped with energy shields or
at the end of a round. Nevertheless, the rule that even more frequently with point-blank guns,
requires that the target must be in range and within usually mounted in turrets, that they use to
the Mecha firing arc at the end of one’s movement intercept incoming missiles. The rules for missile
does not apply to close combat weapons, so when interception are the same used for Mecha combat.
two Mecha pass close to one another and have Capital ships can fire any number of weapons
melee weapons ready (or declare they are readying per round at no penalty, as each weapons is
them in that round) they can swing at one another supposed to be operated by a separate gunner.
at normal skill. Even the Mecha that was stationary
at the moment of the clash can attack on its turn, In some rare cases the capital ship itself will
using a sort of opportunity attack. The total chance attack another ship. These events are not covered
to hit after all modifiers are applied can still not in detail in BRP Mecha, and the Gamemaster will
exceed each pilot’s Pilot Spacecraft skill (halved if have to use the generic BRP rules for vehicular
moving at high speed). combat applied to the spaceship, or make a ruling
on the spot. Remember that firing capital ship
The few spacecraft that can attack with close weapons requires a specialization of the Artillery
combat weapons (cutting wings or ramming) also skill. Once the capital ship is within firing range of
use the rules provided for melee attacks. its target, any exchange with the latter may begin.
Given the long range of capital ship weapons, a
Capital Ship Combat ship and its target are hardly ever placed on the
Most Mecha space battles will feature one or more same map, and all combat between capital ships is
capital ships or space stations. Each ship is a ground handled at an abstract level.
battle map on which Mecha can land and fight, and Of course, a Mecha battle can still take place
occupies one or two squares on the in-flight battle while a capital ship assaults its target, and this is
maps. A capital ship does not usually move on the in fact one of the most thrilling occurrences in a
tactical map during battles, as the map is centred Mecha game. In this case, a space combat map
around it, as explained in the map section of this centred around the ship must be used to stage the
chapter. Capital ships may change facing by no more battle against the enemy Mecha trying to stop the
than 45 degrees per round during combat, and even ship, but the latter will not move on the space map.
this simple manoeuvre requires a successful Pilot All Mecha flying around it are considered to move
Spaceship skill roll made by the helmsman. Note in the same direction as the ship, and only their
also that this skill is way different from the Pilot position relative to it is recorded on the tactical map.
Spacecraft used to handle small vehicles.
As the explosion of a main base reactor hit by a
6. Flight

A capital ship is always considered immobile stray missile is a rather anticlimactic ending for a
when firing, as its velocity is extremely stable and its Mecha game, all players can apply Fate to the rolls
effect on accuracy is easy to calculate for its firing made by other PCs or NPCs in order to keep their
computers. On the contrary, if the ship targets move mothership safe, including missile interception,
on the tactical map the accumulated green tokens point-blank defence and engine blow-up rolls.
will influence the ship weapon chance to hit.


In order to properly represent the great difference between Real Robots and
Super Robots and among the individual series which make up the two sub-
genres, BRP Mecha must in fact behave as if it was two games in one, or even
several games in one.

Basic Roleplaying

This chapter describes the general characteristics In order to avoid battles being decided by
of the two main sub-genres of the Mecha genre, bumps instead of skill, the Power Point cost of
Fate Point pool for opponents
Super Robots and Real Robots. It also contains each Fate invocation is higher when the skill roll
It may be easier for the a description of the rules used to recreate the is low. In this way, even if they intend to use Fate,
Gamemaster to avoid assigning particular feel of a given sub-genre in your game. players still have to look for the most favourable
Fate Points directly to enemy These rules are mainly about Fate Points, as position to shoot, as this will allow a greater
pilots or Mecha and only keep
a generic, all-inclusive pool of described on page 176 of Basic Roleplaying and “bump” at the same Fate point cost. The cost in
Fate Points that can be used for expanded throughout this manual. A general Fate points is provided by the following table:
any enemy Mecha. This pool discussion of Fate Points precedes their specific
Please note that these rules can turn Mecha
should include from 7 to 12 Fate usage in the two genres.
Points per enemy in the Super battles between ace pilots from duels based on
Hit Point attrition into duels based on Fate Point
Robot genre, and from 0 to 50
points in the Real Robot genre,
Fate Points attrition, with one side forced to retreat for lack
depending on the presence of of Fate Points or push it to the limit, accepting
significant NPCs among enemy Mecha games are extremely heroic ones. Their
the consequences of possible failed rolls. This is
pilots. In any case, the GM must heroes are often the only obstacle that still stands
intentional, and represents the situation in which
tailor the size of the Fate Point between the world and total annihilation. As
one side was not favoured by the gods of war
pool to the dramatic level of the such, Mecha pilots should be treated as always
battle: the final confrontation (actually, of dice) for that day.
“favoured by destiny,” and never allowed to die
with the Enemy may well need or fail in an anti-climactic way. Basic Roleplaying The Gamemaster should allow at least major
100 Fate Points, while a minor
skirmish should not go beyond
suggests the Fate Point Mechanics to keep heroes NPCs to use Fate Points as well.
20 Fate Points. The GM should alive and help them triumph even when the dice
also avoid to use more than half are not right. This option is recommended when Fate Point reserve
of the initial Fate Point allotment Mecha combat is involved, as the result of an Power Points are used only to fuel Psychic abilities
in one go when a Fate Point pool automatic failure on a Dodge roll against a missile
is used. and superhuman powers in those infrequent cases
when in space can be extremely anti-climactic. when characters have them. However, all Mecha
The players should be informed However, due to the different damage scale of
of the number of Fate Points that pilots are subject to the laws of Fate, so they will
are currently in the pool as soon Mecha combat and the availability of very powerful gain and use Fate Points. Human pilots – and
as the Gamemaster starts using weapons in character combat, only two uses of sometimes enemy robots controlled by an AI in the
Fate on behalf of enemy Mecha. Fate Points should be allowed in BRP Mecha: Super Robot sub-genre – have a Fate Point reserve.
This is in order to avoid revealing re-rolls and result shifts (bumps). Unlike Power Points, the limit of Fate Points that
the presence of an important
NPC among the opponents. A result shift means that your success or failure a character can store is checked against APP
is improved by one level, turning a fumble into a and not POW. A character’s maximum number of
failure, a failure into a success, a success into a stored Fate Points is equal to twice his or her APP.
special and a special into a critical. This effect can A character’s maximum number of stored Fate
be applied more than once, thus improving the Points between battles is equal to his or her APP.
success level by two or more steps. Note that the This means that in all cases in which a character
actual roll is not modified, only the success level has Fate Points stored in excess of his or her APP
is. This is rather important when a higher die roll at the end of a battle, Fate Points in excess are
yields some extra advantages. immediately lost before any out-of-combat action
begins. In the Super Robot sub-genre there may
be a further limitation linked to abandoning the
COST TO COST TO Mecha or vehicle.
RE-ROLL “BUMP” Significant NPCs, that is enemy pilots that
7. Sub-Genres

are not just cannon fodder, should have a Fate

Non-skill roll 5 n/a
Point reserve depending on their APP, too, usually
Skill roll 01-30 5 6 between 8 and 12 points. Enemy robots controlled
by an AI in the Super Robot genre may also
Skill roll 31-60 5 5 have a Fate Point reserve equal to the robot APP.
Skill roll 61-90 5 4 In this case, the Mecha itself is given an APP
score, usually of 10. However, this rule may be
Skill roll 91+ 5 3 substituted with the general Fate Point pool rule
Engine blow-up 5 3 (see boxed section).
It is important to note that a given Player
Character’s Fate Point reserve at the start of a

Basic Roleplaying

session or adventure is strictly zero. Unlike other Motivations are the basic way a player gains
scores in Basic Roleplaying, Fate Points are not Fate Points for his or her character. When a player
replenished automatically when resting. Instead, wishes to bring a Motivation into play, all he or
Fate drops to zero once all stress situations she has to do is to pick a moment outside any
are over. In this case, all Motivations are also combat scene and introduce a scene of his own
deactivated. The Fate Point reserve must then during which his or her character actively pursues
be refilled by the player with appropriate deeds the Motivation. It is also possible that the player
in line with his or her character profile and the describes a scene where his or her character
mood of the game. fails in the pursuit of the Motivation – this will
nonetheless grant the activation of the Motivation.
On the contrary, enemy characters always
The player should limit the description of the
start an encounter with their Fate Points equal to
scene to the actions that the player character can
their APP or even twice their APP for particularly
perform only, and introduce environmental details
climactic encounters. The Gamemaster may even
or actions by other characters only if the Game
wish to give a particularly important Non-Player
Master or the player of said character approves.
Character a Motivation or two in order to let him
However, it is not difficult to improvise a scene that
or her replenish the Fate Point reserve during or
brings the Motivation into play by simply narrating
between battles.
what the player character is doing or is planning
The Gamemaster is the final judge of whether to do. This will, of course, only make up the start
the PC Fate Point reserve should drop to zero due of the scene, and the Gamemaster and the other
to an adventure ending. The GM must not, though, players are then free to give their contribution to
use this power to empty the players of Fate Points its evolution, possibly bringing other Motivations
when the enemies faced during that adventure into play or messing up the situation for the first
are still dangerous. If the same bad guys are still player character.
around, they should suffer the same Fate penalty
Example: Takuya Ono’s player wishes to
assessed against the PCs and be forced to use a
activate the motivation “I am secretly in love with
Motivation to replenish their Fate Point reserve.
my combat partner Mayu”. He decides that Takuya
In the Super Robot sub-genre, if an AI-controlled
will visit her apartment with a bunch of flowers,
Mecha is still functional, then the adventure has
and see what happens next. Since the action so
not ended and the players should still have some
far involves only Takuya, the player does not need
Fate Points left.
the Gamemaster’s approval, nor any cooperation
The exact way in which Fate Points are gained by Mayu’s player. The player checks the motivation
will be explained in detail in the sub-genre as active on his character sheet and Takuya knocks
sections, as the procedure is different for Real on Mayu’s door.
Robots and Super Robots.
In no case should the Game Master prevent
the activation of a Motivation. If nothing else is
Motivations and Fate gain plausible in the situation at hand, the GM may
Each character in BRP Mecha has one ore more rule that a flashback is the only way to bring that
Motivations marked on the character sheet. Each motivation into play, but the player is still allowed
individual campaign also has a maximum number to activate the Motivation. Of course, the player
of active Motivations defined. Motivations are is still responsible for narrating the scene in a
rather similar to regular Basic Roleplaying skills as convincing way that must be judged satisfactory by
they are expressed as a percentile score, and may the whole group, and the Game Master is still free
be subject to experience gain rolls at the same
time as skills are checked for increase. However,
to introduce extra elements in the scene that may 7. Sub-Genres
lead to complications and even to physical combat,
there is not a list of standard Motivations, as each but the latter cannot be used to prevent the
Motivation is strictly personal for the character activation of the Motivation: once brought into play
involved and is an expression of his or her feelings, in an appropriate way the Motivation is activated.
ideals and aspirations. Examples of Motivations
may be “Secret love for (Character)”, “Desire of If another player wishes to intervene in the
revenge against (Alien race)”, “Wish to become the scene with which the first player activated the
greatest pilot of all times”, “Wish to clear off the Motivation, the Gamemaster should allow him
false accusation against father”, “Samurai code of or her to do so. Only in case this intervention
honour” and so on. causes a major inconsistency (that is, some sort of
teleportation or time travel would be necessary to

Basic Roleplaying

bring the character there) should the Gamemaster Using motivations in combat scenes
veto the participation of the other player character. Whenever a player uses four or more Fate Points for
If a scene is fun for both players, then have them a single effect in combat, he or she must uncheck
play it, by all means! The GM still has the authority one of his or her active Motivations. If no active
to add other elements to the scene to “spice up” Motivation remains, Fate Points are still expended,
its contents, of course. but no Motivation is deactivated. A player may opt
Example: The Gamemaster is definitely not in to spend more Fate Points than required for an effect
a romantic mood today and does not wish to see in order to deactivate a Motivation.
the players roleplay Takuya and Mayu flirting. Thus When a Motivation is active, the Gamemaster
she interrupts the romantic scene and interjects is encouraged to introduce it somehow in violent
an action scene. An enemy spy breaks into Mayu’s or stressful situations. The object of the Motivation
room from the window and tries to grab her. As might be endangered by an enemy attack, or be
Mayu’s player also likes this turn of events more somehow connected to the enemy pilot of the week.
than a romantic break, she decides that Mayu This is not mandatory for all active Motivations, but
fails to resist the aggressor and is subdued. it surely helps to set the mood of the game.
However, she can also use the scene framed by
Takuyas’s player and the Gamemester to activate a Once a Motivation has been clearly inserted into
motivation of her own. Highlighting the motivation a combat scene (or another kind of action scene,
“I love Takuya but would never admit I need his for what it is worth), any player who has that
help”, she states that before succumbing she Motivation active is forced to act accordingly, even
screams “Takuya, help me!” Note that in this case if this implies taking extra risks in combat. Failure
Mayu’s player is roleplaying her failure to uphold to do so will result in a severe penalty (see the Fate
her Motivation, but this is perfectly acceptable. Penalty section on page 71).
Mayu’s player checks the Motivation as active, Whenever a character uses Fate Points in a
and a lot of action follows when Takuya breaks in clear attempt to pursue one of his or her active
and starts battling the alien spy with his mastery Motivations, he or she must deactivate that
of Martial Arts. motivation, and not another, as the consequence
Whenever a motivation is activated, it is marked of the Fate expenditure. However, the player may
as Active on the character sheet. This will later try to re-activate the Motivation at the same time,
allow an experience gain in the Motivation, even thus gaining extra Fate. In order to do so, he or
if the Motivation is deactivated before the session she must roll the Motivation like a skill on D100
end. No roll is required to activate a Motivation – the player may even use Fate to alter this roll,
outside combat. Immediately after the activation, possibly deactivating another Motivation – and if
the player adds seven points to his or her the roll is successful the Motivation is immediately
character’s Fate Point reserve. Since Motivations re-activated and another seven points of Fate are
are activated outside combat, the maximum value added to the character’s Fate Point reserve. This
that the Fate Point pool may reach by activating time the maximum possible value for the Fate Point
Motivations is the character’s APP. Any excess pool will be doubled, as this is a combat scene.
points are lost, unless combat is so obviously The Gamemaster may award a bonus up to +20%
imminent that the Gamemaster considers the to this roll for appropriate roleplaying related to
scene a prelude to the next battle. the Motivation. Even if this takes place in combat,
players are encouraged to use flashbacks or other
Each campaign has a maximum number of recitative elements to bring the motivation into
7. Sub-Genres

motivations that are allowed at the same time for play and remark the fact that they are pursuing it.
each character. If the activation of a Motivation
would bring the total number of active Motivations In exceptional cases, a player may wish to
above the maximum, then that Motivation activate a Motivation that was not active at the
cannot be activated until another one has been start of the battle. This may only occur if the
deactivated. All exceptions to this rule are related Motivation itself has been introduced explicitly by
to activating Motivations in combat. In general, the Gamemaster (or another player), and requires a
Super Robot games only allow the activation of Motivation roll. The Gamemaster is the final judge
one Motivation at a time, while Real Robot games of whether a new Motivation can be activated
are best played by allowing three or more active during combat, but he or she should never use
Motivations at a time. this veto power to interrupt a sequence that is
producing fun to all players.

Basic Roleplaying

In a game that includes a lot of non-Mecha when this is so obvious that the GM need not
action, the players may agree beforehand that this even say so. The typical example is someone’s
rule applies to all action scenes, and not only to crush being kidnapped by the bad guys and
combat or Mecha combat. imprisoned in an enemy robot. Naturally, a player
who has not activated that Motivation before
Please note that since not all uses of Fate
combat may wish to do so during a battle. If this
cost seven points, characters who pursue their
happens, the player must declare this intent at
Motivations in combat may end up actually
the start of a combat round, before his or her
increasing their Fate reserve after applying Fate to
Statement of Intent, and roll the Motivation as
a roll. Moreover, since all this takes place during
a skill on D100. If the roll is successful, then the
Combat, the upper limit for the reserve becomes
Motivation is activated. Note that the player may
twice the character’s APP, thus allowing him or her
apply Fate to this roll, possibly leading to the
to accrue large amounts of Fate Points.
deactivation of another Motivation. This allows
The end result of this process, if handled with players to “switch” between active motivations if
care by both GM and players, is the progressive they wish to play more “in tune” with the themes
build-up of Fate whenever a Motivation is at a introduced by the Gamemaster, while remaining
stake, thus allowing the most significant battles in control of what elements they want to
to be also the ones in which the players perform introduce into play. It is also a good way to earn a
better. At the same time, the opposition’s Fate lot of Fate Points.
Points, which is usually not tied to Motivations,
If the activation of a Motivation during combat
will slowly wear off, leaving them open to
would lead to a player having more active
spectacular finishing blows.
Motivations than allowed for that campaign, then
the Gamemaster may, at his or her discretion,
Fate Point awards request that one active Motivation be deactivated
The Gamemaster may wish to grant a Fate Point by applying four or more Fate Points to the
or two to players as a reward for good or fun roll used to activate the new Motivation. This
roleplaying. We recommend that this procedure is is recommended but not mandatory, and the
not used as the main way of earning Fate Points, Gamemaster may wish to allow excess active
because this would move the focus from the Motivations to keep the action level high.
players to the Gamemaster. In a good group with
proactive players, awarding Fate Points should not Fate penalties
be necessary at all.
When a Motivation has been explicitly introduced
by the Gamemaster into a combat or action scene,
When are Motivations Activated? any player with that Motivation currently active on
Usually, a Motivation may be checked by a his or her character sheet must do his or her best
character only during a non-combat scene called to act according to the Motivation. At any moment,
for by the character himself. An exception to the Gamemaster may declare that failure to
this is a scene introduced by the Game Master achieve a given objective – which must be clearly
in which the character wishes to adhere to a and unarguably coherent with the Motivation –
suggested Motivation introduced by the GM. will produce a Fate Penalty for that Motivation. The
In any case, an explicit request by the player is objective must be clearly and neatly obtainable by
needed to activate a Motivation. Unlike other normal means, like catching a falling “innocent
systems, in BRP Mecha the Game Master cannot bystander” or intercepting a missile that could
force a character to introduce a Motivation into
play. If a player does not wish to bring that
endanger a loved one. 7. Sub-Genres
Motivation into play for that session, then it This fact must be highlighted by the
will not be used to generate Fate Points. The Gamemaster at the start of Statement of Intent
Gamemaster is, of course, free to reference that phase when in combat. Players should at this point
Motivation during the course of that session, but act according to the Motivation, possibly taking
without any effect on Fate. extra risks because of this. Players can and should
use Fate to solve the situation at hand if needed,
A Motivation may be brought into play by the but they can also use Fate, for instance, to defend
GM unexpectedly during combat. This may occur from enemy attacks while pursuing the Motivation,
only if the Gamemaster explicitly mentions the if they have been forced to disregard an opponent
Motivation during combat, but there are cases in order to do something else.

Basic Roleplaying

All these uses of Fate are connected to the Takuya. Takuya has to move towards the enemy
Motivation and thus require its deactivation if 4 spy so he acts at half of his DEX of 16, while the
or more Fate Points were used, or to attempt a roll spy will shoot him at DEX rank 12 with a blaster
under the Motivation in order to keep it active – in gun. The spy hits Takuya with a Critical Success,
which case it is recommended that the player be and Takuya achieves a simple success with his
given a +20% bonus for appropriate roleplaying. 90% Dodge skill, so the blaster will do impaling
A Player cannot choose to deactivate another damage (2d8+4) unless Takuya’s player expends
Motivation in this case, but must attempt a roll to Fate. Takuya has 7 Fate points, and he can spend
keep the Motivation on. four to turn his Dodge into a Special success, thus
reducing damage, but then if he fails a Motivation
Should the goal set by the GM – for any reason
roll he will have just 3 Fate Points when his DEX
– remain unattended, then all players who had a
rank arrives. Takuya chooses to gamble and take
relevant Motivation active when the Gamemaster
the damage, but this turns out to be the wrong
set the goal, or who activated it during that
course of action as the GM rolls 17 points of
Combat Round if in combat, receive a Fate Penalty.
damage – a Major Wound, even if he has 32 hit
A Fate Penalty is a severe drawback. Basically, points because as a PC Takuya uses the Total Hit
the player has bestowed Very Bad Karma upon Points option. Ouch!
his or her character. The player immediately loses
At this point, Takuya’s player is facing going
all Fate Points from his or her Fate pool, and all
down if he receives a bad roll on the Major Wound
Motivations become inactive. Furthermore, the
table and suffering a Fate Penalty, which he
player cannot regain any Fate Point until he or
wished to avoid at all costs. He asks the GM if he
she has managed to re-activate the Motivation for
can use the “Choose your crippling” option given
which he or she was penalized. The player must
on page 24 instead of wasting Fate on the Luck roll
concentrate on that Motivation in order to offset
to avoid permanent injury. The GM is very happy
the Penalty. If the character is still engaged in
to agree, and the player decides that Takuya takes
combat, the Gamemaster may veto the reactivation
a permanent damage to his left arm (results 21-30
of the Motivation during the same battle, thus
on the major wound table) that costs him 2 points
forcing the character to retreat (the player can use
of STR but leaves him able to fight. Takuya’s Fate
Scene Withdrawal, although this will aggravate
Points go up by seven for a total of 14. It is now
his or her Fate debt) or to take additional risk by
his turn to strike, and since he is wounded in the
fighting with an empty Fate pool.
arm he goes for a Karate kick. Takuya’s player rolls
More important, a Fate Penalty marks the a 45, a success on both his Martial Arts skill and
only moment when a player cannot activate the brawl required for the flying kick. Since his skill
a Motivation without the collaboration of the level is 85, he spends 4 points to turn the success
Gamemaster or one of the other players. In order into a Special success, and another 8 points to
to describe a scene that causes the Motivation turn the Special into a Critical success, for a total
to be reactivated, another player character must of 12 points out of his 14. Takuya does 6 points
be present or the Gamemaster must explicitly of damage for his critical Martial Arts, and rolls 2
state that the scene constitutes a challenge points for the damage modifier. A Major Wound for
to the penalised Motivation. It is, in fact, more the alien spy, too. As the attack was a flying kick
appropriate to let someone else start the recovery and the knockback spot rule is in effect, it knocks
scene and not the penalised character. the enemy down on a failed Agility roll. The alien
is not disabled by the Major Wound, but fails the
Trying to recover from a Fate Penalty is one
7. Sub-Genres

Agility roll and drops to the ground, letting Mayu

of those situations where a Mecha pilot has a
go. Takuya managed to fulfil the Gamemaster’s
great chance of dying a heroic death, making
amendment for previous failures. Even in this case,
however, the death of the player character should As the spy is not out of action yet, Takuya’s player
be the consequence of a course of action that the also re-activates the Motivation with a die roll. His
player has voluntarily chosen. roll of 75 is enough to do so, as the Gamemaster
gives him a well-deserved +20% bonus, so Takuya
In the above example, Takuya’s player is
gains 7 extra Fate Points for a total of 9.
fighting the alien spy who kidnapped Mayu, and
the wicked Gamemaster states that if Takuya does The Gamemaster, however, is in a real bad
not knock it down in the current round, the spy mood today, and at the start of the second round
will carry Mayu away, causing a Fate Penalty for of combat decides that Mayu should not be so

Basic Roleplaying

passive and let Takuya be wounded, after all. more). Most important of all, the Motivation must
He decrees that Mayu shall avoid Takuya taking be active for the penalty to take place.
damage during this round or suffer a Fate Penalty.
Fate Penalties may, at the Gamemaster’s
Mayu’s player trusts Takuya’s ability to defend
option, carry over to the next episode in your
himself and declares a disarm attack against the
campaign, thus forcing a player to activate the
downed spy, just in case it is still active on her DEX
penalized Motivation to “shake off” the bad
rank of 15. This round Takuya must not move and so
Karma. It is very important that the Gamemaster
he goes first at DEX Rank 16 with another Martial
enforces this if the players are treating their
Arts attack. He makes the roll and, since it is Easy
Motivations light-heartedly or if they resort to
because his opponent is down, he could upgrade
Scene Withdrawal too often.
it to a critical success by spending all of his 9 Fate
Points. However, the player decides that this is not In general, the Gamemaster should not hesitate
appropriate as Takuya is taking advantage of the to “hit hard” when a player character is subject to
situation as he wants to embarrass Mayu and only a Fate Penalty. Even if the player recovers from it, it
hits the spy for 2d3+1d4 damage, which results is appropriate that the Gamemaster introduces new
in a 5 point wound that does not disable it. Mayu elements in the story as a consequence of it. The
hits with an unadjusted skill of 55 – easy for the character may be blamed by his or her superiors,
downed foe, and Difficult for hitting the weapon and his or her comrades might feel either
hand – and uses 5 Fate Points to turn her failed roll sympathetic or outraged about what happened.
of 84 into a hit, but the spy succeeds in keeping The other players should absolutely cooperate
hold of his weapon with an Effort roll. It is the spy’s with the Gamemaster to help the Penalized player
DEX Rank now, and it succeeds in hitting Takuya feel the burden of failure on his or her character’s
with another blast. Knowing that a simple blaster shoulders, and demand that the player roleplay this
hit cannot kill his character, Takuya’s player says correctly before the Motivation can be reactivated.
with a wicked grin: “Oh, my crippled arm! I cannot Remember, many of your characters are Japanese
dodge this deadly beam!” and takes 1d8+2 extra in origin; failure is a stain on their honour!
damage, for a total of 7 points of damage, which are
After Mayu’s failure to help him, Takuya easily
not enough for another Major wound as he has 15
dispatches the spy with a critical Karate blow on
left. However, they are enough for the Gamemaster
the following round, then collapses to the ground
to declare that Mayu has failed her task and is
in pain from the two blaster wounds, his player
now subject to a Fate Penalty! She loses all Fate
laughing out loud while Mayu rushes to his side
Points and cannot regain any more Fate until her
to tend his wounds. Her player is forced to stage a
Motivation has been properly reactivated.
major recital to roleplay out her character’s sense
Please note that the GM can never inflict a of guilt and reactivate her Motivation in order
Fate Penalty for a Motivation that the player him- to shake off the Fate Penalty. Luckily Takuya’s
or herself has not activated. Thus, even if the player is willing to let her do it immediately, and
Gamemaster wishes to leverage the Motivation the Gamemaster agrees that this is appropriate.
by introducing it in an action sequence, a Penalty Takuya is now crippled and his player must find
can only occur if the player accepts to take the some explanation to justify his eventual recovery
risk and activate the Motivation. In this case, of the permanently lost STR, but the resulting
the Gamemaster announces that the inactive scene was definitely worth it!
Motivation will be challenged, and the player may,
at his or her option, choose to roll for its activation. Improving Motivations
7. Sub-Genres
The +20% bonus is automatic if it was the GM Motivations improve just like skills in BRP
who introduced the Motivation into play. Mecha. If a Motivation has been activated during
In exceptional cases, when an action that a play, it will be subject to a Motivation Increase roll
player character takes is so blatantly and clearly at the end of an adventure. Moreover, if you roll
against an active Motivation, the Gamemaster under an active Motivation during combat in order
may inflict a Fate Penalty to the player even to keep it active and succeed, you will receive an
without giving a warning and an objective during immediate increase of one point to your Motivation
Statement of Intents. This rule must be used only score. This does not apply to Motivations that were
to prevent utterly stupid and out-of-character not active before combat began. Only Motivations
actions, and the Gamemaster can use it only with that you chose to activate out of combat will
the approval of at least one other player (possibly receive this benefit.

Basic Roleplaying

Acquiring new Motivations allowing the player to keep the Motivation active
A player may try to start a new Motivation at for the duration of the battle.
any moment his or her character is not engaged The player cannot use Scene Withdrawal (see
in combat. Roll 1d10: if the result is higher than page below) for that battle, although he or she
your current total number of Motivations, you can use Scene Safety without deactivating that
gain a new motivation with a score of 30 plus particular Motivation, and all rolls under that
the rolled number. The Gamemaster may grant Motivation succeed. All Fate Points used to fulfil
you a bonus of +2 to this roll if he or she deems the Motivation during the battle are added up, and
that your new Motivation is appropriate to how if the total is greater than the current Motivation
you have interpreted your character during play. score divided by five, the starting score for the new
If the roll fails, you cannot try to acquire new Motivation that replaces the fulfilled one is thirty
Motivations until the next game session. points plus the Fate spent on the old Motivation.
During the course of play, you might discover Of course, this procedure may also be of use in
that one of your character’s Motivations no case you wish to retire your character from play at
longer makes any sense, as the goal has been the end of a given battle, or to lead the character
achieved or is no longer achievable. This is either to a meaningful, glorious death for the sake of his
the moment to retire your character from active or her loved ones.
play, or to swap your fulfilled goal with another
related Motivation. In order to do so, you must Example: Baron Fried is fighting against the
agree with your Gamemaster on a Motivation that evil Tyrant of Rigel, who destroyed his home
is an appropriate replacement for the old one. planet of Fried and forced him to flee to Earth.
Once you have agreed on a suitable replacement, This is the final battle against this apparently
you need not roll to see if the new Motivation is invincible enemy, and, after a brief consultation
gained, and its score is now 30 plus one fifth of with the Gamemaster, Baron’s player activates
you old Motivation score. his Motivation “I will not let Earth fall like my
homeland” for the last time before going into
Mayu has completely failed to show that she battle. During the course of this epic combat,
is not dependent on Takuya’s protection and Baron uses his Motivation over and over, burning a
help, and her player finds it uninteresting to go total of thirty-seven Fate Points to finally overcome
on with this Motivation. However, it would not the Tyrant. Once the battle is over, Baron’s promise
be appropriate to completely drop the Motivation to save Earth is fulfilled, and his Motivation is no
that keep the romance between the two player longer meaningful. However, Baron now decides
characters going, so she suggests to the to change his main goal into “I will rebuild my
Gamemaster that she changes it into “I will never homeland.” As this promise is related to the
forgive myself for letting my beloved Takuya be previous Motivation, the Gamemaster allows a
crippled,” which contains both the theme of love direct transfer of the accumulated Fate to the new
and that of sense of guilt, with plenty of room Motivation, thus allowing Baron’s player to give it
for roleplaying. The Gamemaster (and Takuya’s a score of 30+37=67%. Baron leaves Earth for a
player) agrees, and Mayu’s player erases the old while and his player retires him from active play,
Motivation, which had a score of 50, and writes but should he reappear in game his new goal is
down the new one with a total score of 30 plus now established.
one fifth of 50, for a total of 40.
Scene Withdrawal
Final battles
7. Sub-Genres

A player who sees his or her character at a definite

Of course, the best time to declare that a disadvantage and out of Fate Points should retreat
Motivation is fulfilled is during or after an from battle to fight another day. However, in a
epic Mecha battle! A player may declare, with real battle, the moment when most casualties
Gamemaster approval, that a given battle will take place is during a retreat, especially when the
mark the end of a Motivation effect in game. enemy has effective ranged weapons and you do
Once this is agreed upon, the player activates the not have a lot of cover fire.
Motivation for the last time before combat, and
faces a battle to the death to achieve his or her This is not the case in anime episodes, so the
goal. For the duration of that battle, all checks of realistic weapons used in BRP Mecha could spoil
that Motivation succeed without a die roll, thus the theatrical effect of your strategic withdrawal
with an unintended, anti-climactic casualty. In

Basic Roleplaying

order to avoid this while still keeping the realism be shy to make players pay dearly for using
of BRP weaponry in your game, we provide this Scene Withdrawal, raising the cost of defeat
optional rule that will keep your pilots – but not by introducing scenes in which the character is
their honour and self-confidence! - unharmed chastised for his or her failure. Hit your players
while retreating. Use it only if your group hard whenever they use Scene Withdrawal. They
prefer cinematic battles rather than realistic have to learn that a blow to their character’s self-
confrontations where they have to think tactically. esteem is not always better than letting them die.
When a player wishes to invoke a Scene If the appointed or acknowledged leader of a
Withdrawal, he or she is removing the character team uses Scene Withdrawal, he or she may order
and Mecha from that battle. This will prevent any the rest of the team to follow. If the other pilots
further offensive action, and force the Mecha comply, they gain the benefits of Scene Withdrawal
to run or fly away at full speed. The player can without losing Fate. They can, however, choose to
introduce obstacles and scenic elements that will remain in the battle. If this is the case, they may
hinder any pursuers or block the line of fire during immediately try to activate a suitable Motivation
retreat at the usual cost of 3 Fate Points, and fire with a +20% bonus to the Motivation roll. They may
weapons to activate them, but these obstacles are later decide to use Scene Withdrawal on their own,
temporary, and in no case will they do any damage but this will cost them the normal Fate Point cost.
or allow other Mecha any advantage over the
The Gamemaster may use Scene Withdrawal
affected opponents. The player can also state that
with opponents, too. Once a NPC has used Scene
the Mecha has just hidden and thus remains near
Withdrawal, his or her Fate Point pool drops
the battle. In no case will it be able to re-enter
to zero, and cannot be replenished during that
combat until the current battle is over.
session or episode. If encountered again in the
When a Mecha is performing a Scene same story, the enemy will be out of Fate. He
Withdrawal, its player can use Fate in excess of or she can, however, reappear in subsequent
his or her Fate Point pool to dodge, block, parry or episodes with a regenerated Fate Pool. The only
intercept incoming attacks, or to get rid of Scenery exception to this rule is when an enemy has a
Effects. Only one attempt can be made to evade Motivation. By using the Motivation, he or she can
a Scenery Element: if a single roll or shot is not recover Fate quickly, up to seven Fate Points.
enough, then the player must use the Scene Safety
option to save the Mecha. All enemies firing at Scene Safety
the retreating Mecha gain one Fate Point per shot, There will be times when a retreat is clearly not
even if the attack misses. possible, as the Mecha is in the clutches of an
Once the Scene Withdrawal is over, the Fate enemy or blocked into a puddle of lava with no
Point pool of the retreating player character drops clear way out. The player can then invoke Scene
to zero, and all Motivations are deactivated. At Safety instead of Scene Withdrawal, spending as
the Gamemaster’s option, one of the Motivations many Fate Points as he or she wishes, but at least
still active at the time of the Retreat might suffer as many as needed to bring his or her Fate Pool
a Fate Penalty. to zero. The player can bring his or her character’s
Fate Point pool to a negative amount, if desired,
In fact, a Retreat is a really suitable moment but this will eventually have a cost. The Mecha
for a Fate Penalty. The Fate Point pool, however, immediately becomes unable to act until Scene
might have already dropped below zero because Safety ends, but also ceases taking any form of
of defence rolls during the retreat. If this is the damage from continuous weapon fire or adverse
case, the Fate Point pool remains below zero until
it has been brought up to normal level through any
environmental conditions that were affecting it. In 7. Sub-Genres
cinematic terms, a cliffhanger where the hero is
available means, starting with the activation of the in deadly danger is reached, but focus is moved to
penalised Motivation if a Fate Penalty has been someone else before resolving the current scene.
applied by the Gamemaster. This represent a sort The player must describe in a plausible way how
of Karmic debt that the pilot has contracted due to the pilot gets temporarily out of the Mecha with
his or her failure to win the battle. an ejection capsule, or how the Mecha remains
Like Fate Penalties, negative point pools hanging on the edge of an abyss while the bad
may carry over to subsequent episodes or guys shoot missiles to have it fall down. Scene
sessions if the Gamemaster wishes so. And Safety allows the rest of the players to run a
like Fate Penalties, the Gamemaster should not number of scenes (or of minutes if you prefer to

Basic Roleplaying


Motivations in BRP Mecha are not there to force you to roleplay your character in a given way. They
are there to invite you to insert interesting and meaningful scenes into the narration, and to invite the
Gamemaster and other players to take part in your scene if they like it, or to step aside if they are not
enjoying it – thus telling you that they would like you to provide other kinds of input to the game.
The Gamemaster still has the final choice whether to threaten you with a Fate Penalty to keep your play
consistent with the Motivations you have chosen for your character, but he should use it only as a last
resort against bad play, never – and we stress never – to make the plot go the route he or she prefers.
Motivations are there to help you build your story, not the GM’s!
This brief example taken directly from a Super Robot playtest game will showcase a good way to use
Baron Fried is having a hard time in the harbour of Tokyo, where a Space Robot from the Rigel Imperial
Guard has disabled Cosmizer and is about to destroy it. While the GM is considering whether to suggest
using Scene Safety, one of the other players intervenes and says: “But what about my character? Is
Kazuya around? Did he see what happened? I wish to activate my Motivation of ‘I never turn my back to
danger’ to have him see the battle in the distance and decide to intervene!”
Technically, the scene described by the player is not a combat one, and it is perfectly plausible that
Kazuya is somewhere in Tokyo minding his own business, so the Gamemaster cannot veto any part of
it. In fact, he actually enjoys the narration and says: “Sure, Kazuya is not far, taking a hike with his
armed motorcycle, and sees the smoke in the distance. There is definitely some trouble in the Tokyo
harbour that requires an investigation.” The player activates the Motivation and marks seven Fate
Points on his sheet.
The player then replies: “Good, Kazuya rushes to the main base and takes off with Super Gozinda!” This
time the Gamemaster does not agree and says: “This does not sound like ‘never turning your back’ to
me. You should go now, not waste time going back to the base”. The player objects that he Kazuya only
has minor weapons on the bike, but the Gamemaster encourages the player to act accordingly to the
Motivation he activated. The GM now has the opportunity to force the player to go by setting a Fate
Penalty if he does not, but this is not necessary as the other players agree with the GM and recommend
him to go, so Kazuya’s player reluctantly agrees. Persuasion and reasoning have worked better than
imposition. Note that the GM did not force anything here, as it was the player who chose to take part
in the action. The GM only added the concept that if he wishes his player to be on the scene, he should
accept some risk, as stated in his Motivation.
Oh, and if anyone is now wondering what happens when Kazuya enters the battle without Gozinda,
here is what actually happened in game. The rules about scenery elements referenced in the example
are on page 79.
Kazuya arrives just in time to see the enemy Mecha beating Cosmizer up. It is clear that the bike
weapons are useless against this foe.
Player: “Weren’t those things that you drew on the map tanks filled with oil?”
GM: “Sure, they are. There is never any shortage of oil tanks in the harbour of Tokyo.”
Player: “My, they are rather close to that bastard of a Mecha. I suppose I can hit them.”
GM: “Sure. They are scenario elements so you can hit them with an Easy attack roll.”
7. Sub-Genres

Player: “Okay, here I go. 74, I hit this tank.”

GM: “The bike weapons only do 1 point of damage on the Mecha scale and you need two to activate
the tank. But I think the bike weapons are twin-mounted, so the damage is doubled and it is enough to
make the tank blow up. A stream of burning oil hits the enemy Mecha for 1d6 fire damage. You rolled a
6, the enemy does not look very pleased and quickly dives into the Pacific Ocean to douse the flames. It
appears it was less tough than it looked. Cosmizer hardly suffers any damage from the heat and Baron
manages to regain control of his Mecha. You have just saved the day.”
Player: “Okay, let the world rejoice. And now I go back to the base and bring Gozinda before it makes
up its mind and comes back!”
As Kazuya is not turning his back to any enemy, this time the Gamemaster agrees.

Basic Roleplaying

keep track of time instead of scenes in your game) The GM has the final saying on whether it will
equal to the number of Fate Points spent before intervene or not in the fight, and when, during the
the scene where the Mecha is in danger must rounds in which it is not activated by the players.
be resolved. If the rest of the players cannot get We recommend that support vehicles are used in
their comrade out of trouble by that time, then combat only by means of player activation, in order
the action scene must go on, possibly with the to keep the spotlight on what the main heroes
destruction of the Mecha if overcome. are doing. However, once the vehicle has been
included in the scene, the GM cannot withdraw
Support Vehicles it without player approval, and it will remain
Many Real Robot series and almost all Super Robot available for player activation. The GM should keep
ones feature support vehicles and Mecha that help track of the vehicle’s position on the map, even in
the hero’s Mecha overcome obstacles and save rounds it does not act. The GM can, on the other
the day. A support vehicle can be either piloted hand, have the enemy forces attack and disable
by another character, who is a NPC in this case, the support vehicle. Note that this can prevent the
or more rarely controlled by an AI. The statistics main Mecha from using some configurations. A
for support vehicles are determined normally as player can use his or her own Fate Points to help
per the Mecha or spacecraft support rules. If the the support vehicle defend against attacks or hit
support vehicle has only one hit location, you the intended target, or use his or her own Mecha
can keep track of its hit points using one unused to intercept threats directed at the vehicle.
hit location on the main Mecha sheet. Devices In general, a player can only activate support
mounted on the Support vehicles should be vehicles that are recorded on its Mecha sheet,
recorded on the Mecha sheet, too, and labelled as whether they are sub-components of its Mecha or
though the support vehicle was a configuration. minor allied crafts. Vehicles “assigned” to other
A support vehicle can use its weapons or Mecha cannot be activated except in exceptional
devices to help a Mecha. Even if the vehicle itself cases of danger authorized by the Gamemaster.
is not controlled by a PC, the player can have the However, the GM can rule that other minor
vehicle act by stating this during Statement of vehicles intervene in a battle, and these can be
Intent phase and spending one single Fate Point. activated by any player, possibly by different
The vehicle will act at the appropriate DEX Rank, players in different combat rounds. The first player
and for that round only it will be controlled by the to name the vehicle in its Statement of Intents
player. All other normal rules are in effect, and gains control of it for the duration of the round.
of course the main Mecha can act during that The vehicle must have a well-known identity to
round, too. The player can apply Fate to the rolls be activated by a player, that is its pilot must be a
made by the vehicles. If the vehicle weapon used named NPC, not a faceless expendable pawn. A
has a specific Battlecry, the player can gain Fate heroic death is not inappropriate for a support pilot
Points for the Battlecry, but he or she must spend when he or she is controlled by a player.
them immediately to support the vehicle attack,
or the Mecha attack if it occurs later in the round: Super Robots
they cannot be added to the Fate Point pool for
the player character. Super Robots are huge battle robots that can
perform feats that are extraordinary even for
Some support vehicles are absolutely essential giant robots. They are the Japanese equivalent of
for an assembly sequence, as they must attach American superheroes. Although some examples
to the main hero’s Mecha or launch some
7. Sub-Genres
of human-sized superheroes with some sort of
special components that are required for some secret identity exist in classic Japanese manga and
combinations. If this is the case, the activation anime, like Fantaman or Spaceman, even those
of the vehicle for the assembly sequence does heroes who turn into humans in their everyday
not cost anything in terms of Fate Points, and life are often giant-sized when they take on their
the vehicle itself is protected from harm if the “defender of the Earth” persona. Think of Ultraman
player controlling the main Mecha invokes Scene or Spectreman, for instance.
Protection for the assembly sequence (see the
Assembly Sequence section). As these huge heroes are not described
as being more powerful than their Western
When a support vehicle is not activated using counterparts like Superman or Thor, this love
Fate, the Gamemaster is in full control of it. for gigantic proportions that characterizes the

Basic Roleplaying

Japanese superheroic comicdom in the last While any anime connoisseur will never deny
century is probably derived from the Kaiju movie the artistic superiority of the Real Robots, Super
tradition, i.e. that genre of movies depicting gigantic Robots elicit an unsurpassed emotional response
animal-like monsters, offspring of ruthless atomic in those people who were young in the 70s or 80s
experiments or other fantastic causes. The Kaiju are of the previous century. Part of this is due to the
epitomized by the world-famous Gojira, renamed ritual rhetoric and Battlecries that accompanied
Godzilla in English. Gojira and friends pre-date the key sequences of each episode, building up
Mecha, although the latter are now more famous. the excitement from the appearance of everyone’s
beloved Mechanical hero to its final victory and the
A Super Robot TV show has little or no pretence
cathartic conflagration of the enemy. The rules that
of realism. Heroes perform incredible jumps while
follow promote the re-enactment of these narrative
in human form, as well as impossible motorcycle
elements of the show in your BRP Mecha game.
stunts, and use captured alien weapons when they
should not be able to even locate their trigger. The
base design of Mecha tries to keep a minimum Critical hits
7. Sub-Genres

of plausibility, mainly to allow the toy industry The instant explosion of an enemy Mecha after a
to design action figures from them. Impossible single shot may be appropriate for the Real Robot
transformations are common, and many sequences sub-genre, where Mecha are little more than ultra-
show the apparent “creation of matter” when the mobile two-legged AFVs and the heroes sometimes
parts of a robot are shot or extracted from a hold fight against hordes of enemy Mechanoids, but it
that is smaller than themselves. No Super Robot is seldom satisfactory for the Super Robot genre.
ever runs out of ammunition. In other words, you Thus, critical hits in the Super Robot sub-genre
need a good deal of suspension of disbelief to never ignore armour, though they still do maximum
watch a Super Robot show. damage or the equivalent of a Special Effect
appropriate to the weapon, at the attacker’s option.
Yet, the Super Robot genre is the one which A critical hit still requires a critical parry or dodge
accompanied the childhood of most anime fans. to defend against it.

Basic Roleplaying

Scenery Elements A player can affect more than one Mecha with
A common trope of the Super Robot sub-genre the Scenery Element. In order to do so, he or she
is the usage of scenery elements to harass, trap must spend one additional Fate Point for each
or damage your foe’s Mecha. This ranges from Mecha beyond the first that will be affected. These
destroying the narrow rock passageway under a extra Fate Points are spent after the Activation
Super Robot’s feet and having it fall into a puddle Attack has been made.
of lava – a common trope of the genre – to blowing When the GM wishes to activate an unplanned
up a dam and having Mecha washed away by the element, he or she must take the Fate Points from
subsequent flood. Such scenes seldom happen in the pool belonging to the Mecha that will attempt
Real Robot shows, where the pilots tend to stay the Activation Attack, unless a global Fate Point
away from such dangerous spots and use their pool is in use.
Mecha like realistic combat vehicles.
New elements can, of course, be introduced by
While leaving these cases to the Gamemaster mutual agreement between player and GM. For
may be appropriate to the Real Robot sub-genre, instance, if the Gamemaster has not mentioned
Super Robot battles clearly need specific rules to that a particular building can collapse, but a player
include such effects, so that players can introduce wants to have his or her Mecha smash into it to
them into play without addressing pleas to the GM. reach the other side, the GM will probably say
“You can do this, but if you fail your Pilot (Mecha)
Adding scenery elements with Fate. roll the rubble will bury your Mecha.” This is fine,
At the start of a battle, the Gamemaster will and does not require any Fate Point expenditure by
mark special spots on the battle map, or describe a the GM, as the one looking for trouble is clearly the
special situation if you are using abstract combat. player.
The Gamemaster may use as many dangerous spots
as he wishes, and make them as big as he or she Effects of Scenery Elements
wishes, as far as he or she clearly states the nature Each Scenery Element can have one or more effect.
of the potential threat. The Gamemaster may also The intensity of the effect often varies according
write down the effects on a sheet of paper, fold it to the damage rolled for the activation attack, if
and put it on the table to keep the dangerous spots any, which is referred to as “initial damage” in
secret until activated. This rule may be used even the effect description. Available effects usually
in the Real Robot genre if the Gamemaster wishes. include:
If the players have devised some peculiar tactics
for that battle (a minefield protecting their main Grapple: prevent all action by the blocked
base, etc.), this might also be considered a scenery Mecha, and fire coming from any weapon
element and set up before the battle by mutual except head-mounted ones. The Mecha cannot
agreement between the players and the GM. be targeted by enemy fire unless it is aimed at
the head. This usually represents being buried
Once the battle begins, new scenery elements by fallen debris or immersed in a thick fluid.
may be turned into potential dangers by spending The grapple STR is equal to 80+initial damage
Fate. Unless the GM has described the battlefield (but the GM should adjust the base value of the
as a flat sand desert, it is easy to find a reason STR to fit the average STR of the Super Robots
why a scenery element might turn into a threat. in the game), and the Super Robot can free
By spending three Fate points during Statement itself as if blocked by a real Grapple. The Super
of Intent phase, a player or the Gamemaster may Robot can invoke Scene Safety (see page 75)
decree that a scenery element that is depicted on
the map – or that is plausibly there, according to
by stating that the substance is covering also
the head, waiting for help to come. Weapons
7. Sub-Genres
the group’s collective judgement – is a potential are usually useless against this kind of threat.
threat. The player must succeed in an Activation External help or a heroic effort is needed.
Attack (see below for the definition of Activation
Attack) to use the threat – he or she cannot wait Entangle: prevents movement by the
for the opposition to just walk into it. The player or entangled Mecha, but not action or fire.
GM may use Fate points again on the Activation However, the Mecha can only fire against the
Attack. If the activation fails, however, the threat entangling substance, which has 10+initial
is still there: no more Fate points are needed to damage HP and 3 points of armour against
activate it in a subsequent round. any sort of attack, plus 6 points of armour
against one form of attack chosen by whoever

Basic Roleplaying

introduced the Scenery Effect (within the Mecha can voluntarily opt to be carried away.
limits of plausibility). Any attack directed at
The Gamemaster can define that a pre-
the Mecha does damage to both it and the
generated Scenery Element has different statistics:
entangling element.
more damage, more STR, more HP, etc.
Impromptu weapon: the Super Robot gains
All Mecha currently grappling or otherwise in
control of a scenery item that can be used as a
close combat with the target Mecha are affected
weapon doing 1d6 blunt damage, or doing no
by the activated Scenery Element, too. Be careful
damage but having the Entangle or Knockback
to not damage your own allies when using a
special effect. If combined with the Damage
Scenery Element!
effect, the damage done can be of a non-kinetic
type. If the Entangling option is chosen, this may An Element may be activated by stepping into or
represent, if the player wishes, using a chain, onto it because you are unaware of it, or because
cable or other kind of metallic rope (high voltage you failed a manoeuvre that would let you pass
cables are rather appropriate, especially if you the obstacle unarmed. The most obvious example
use the Damage effect, too) as a sort of lasso. is crashing into a building: if your character fails a
Pilot (Mecha) roll, the Mecha will take 1d8 kinetic
Damage: the Element, when activated, does a
damage, or become Grappled, at the GM’s option.
one-time damage of 1d8 (if kinetic or explosive)
Better break it down first and then walk through
or 1d6 (if any other kind) points to a random
the rubble!
location, except the head. If the effect is
combined with Grapple or Entangle, this may The second, most spectacular way of activating
be replaced by a continuous damage of 1d4 a dangerous Scenery Element is that of firing
points per round to the Mecha torso. The type a weapon at it, so that your opponent gets
of the damage is defined when the element itself into trouble. This is called an Activation
is set up, within the limits of plausibility (no Attack. Since a Scenery Element is immobile by
Scenery Element may deliver cold damage in a definition, any attack against is Easy, although
desert environment). other, unfavourable modifiers may apply. 2 points
of kinetic/explosive damage or 4 points of heat/
Obstacle: one or more Mecha or vehicles that
energy damage are enough to activate the threat.
had planned to move through the obstacle or
Sound or corrosion damage immediately activates
near it during Statement of Intents stop there
any Scenery Elment effect, regardless of damage.
instead, and forfeit all attacks. No change
Cold and radiation damage is useless to activate
of intent is allowed. This scenery element is
troubles. Twin weapons do double damage on any
usually activated during Statement of Intent
successful hit against a scenery element. Punches,
against a Mecha that has already stated its
close combat weapons, thrown weapons and
battle plan for the round. The Obstacle occupies
impromptu weapons are perfectly valid tools to
one entire Zone or an area that is 10 steps in
activate a threat.
diameter. The effect of the Obstacle lasts only
one round, as it can be circumvented during If a special success is scored in the Activation
later rounds. Attack, activation is automatic regardless of
damage, and two special effects are activated.
Sight Obstruction: no fire can pass through a
For instance, a Super Robot may become totally
given Zone or through an area that is 6 steps in
buried under the rubble, suffering both the
radius. A second activation attack is necessary
Grapple and the Entangle effect, which must
to clear the obstruction, and this must be
both be countered to get free. The Gamemaster
7. Sub-Genres

performed in a subsequent round.

is the final arbiter of which additional effects
Wash away: this effect can only be used are allowed. Of course, Fate may be applied to
with Gamemaster approval. Water or other the Activation Attack to ensure its success or
fluids come out of the scenery element, or a increase the number of effects.
breach is opened in an airborne or spaceborne
Example: Gozinda has docked with its jetpack
environment, causing a decompression. All
and is about to lift off and attack Kiroda K7 from
Mecha in an area or within a 6 step radius are
above. As this would put Kiroda at a definite
knocked down, and must make a Difficult Pilot
disadvantage, the wicked metallic beast decides
Mecha roll to avoid being carried 1d6 zones
to use a nearby building to keep Gozinda on the
away or be thrown out of the environment,
ground. By taking advantage of a lucky initiative
possibly crashing into the ground. Of course, a

Basic Roleplaying

roll, Kiroda aims its missiles at the building, not-so-rare case when the secondary vehicle
trying to bury Gozinda under the debris before used to bring the pilot into the Mecha is a bike,
it can move. K7 uses 3 Fate points to create the a Pilot (Motorcycle) roll may be required. Failure
potential threat, hits the building with an Easy in the roll indicates that the sequence must be
Mecha Weapon roll and uses 3 more Fate points to re-attempted during the next round, while fumble
upgrade its roll to a special success, thus gaining means that one component crashed into the
two effects. The Gamemaster chooses the Grapple ground or somehow managed to take 1D6 collision
and Damage effects, and Gozinda takes 6 points of damage, minus armour. If the assembly sequence
kinetic damage to a wing (which cripples it) and is attempted outside combat no roll is required,
is covered by the debris, with only its head free. although performing may still yield Fate Points
Unable to do anything and anticipating that the from the Battlecry (see below).
next move by Kiroda will be throwing a sickle to
It is rather evident that an assembly sequence,
behead Gozinda while it cannot Dodge, the player
if attempted during combat, is the perfect
decides to spend all of his remaining Fate point to
moment for the enemy to strike. Still, no Super
buy Scene Safety for several minutes and declares
Robot combat would feel “right” without one
that other debris fall down and cover the Mecha
or more assembly sequences or shapeshifting
completely. Both opponents are now out of Fate
actions by the heroes’ Mecha. In extreme cases,
Points, a cliffhanger has been reached and the
transformations take place just a few paces away
action moves to another location until someone
from the enemy, producing the most climactic and
else’s Mecha arrives on the spot to help Gozinda.
exciting of all combat scenes. But how do you
The Gamemaster is also the final arbiter ensure that this does not cause the destruction of
of whether a Difficult Pilot (Mecha) or Pilot the heroes’ Mecha every other battle?
(Spacecraft) roll is allowed to avoid the threat,
BRP Mecha solves this problem by using a
once the Activation Attack is a success. In general,
special form of “plot protection” for these combat
unless the Mecha is already in bad shape, it is
sequences, which we will call Assembly Safety.
more fun to let the effect take place!
The Super Robot still has to spend one combat
round or a variable amount of DEX Ranks for
Assembly Sequences the transformation, but it can buy protection
Another classic trope of Super Robot anime is from damage by spending three Fate Points at
that the hero’s Mecha is not built in one single Statement of Intent time. If more than one PC pilot
part, but rather assembled – possibly in mid air is involved in the Assembly Sequence, the cost in
– from several parts or sub-vehicles. All sort of Fate Points may be split among the participants in
combinations have been devised by the Japanese any proportion. An Assembly Sequence is a good
animeka during the years, and the component way to give a break to a pilot who is out of Fate
vehicles are often less powerful Mecha that can Points. Any enemy Mecha firing at the assembling
act and fight on their own. or transforming Super Robot does no damage or
The sequence in which the main Super Robot is special combat effects to the transforming vehicle or
assembled is generally the most spectacular part vehicles, but it gains one Fate Points for the attempt.
of an episode and is usually accompanied by a Additionally, if the attack is a special or critical
specific music and a peculiar Battlecry. It may last success, it still does no damage, but it prevents
several seconds, with vehicular parts switching successful transformation, forcing the Super Robot
places with limbs, or humanoid or animal-shaped to repeat the assembly sequence on a subsequent
robots becoming limbs. In other cases, the pilots
7. Sub-Genres
round. Since the assembly sequence usually
assume a superhuman form and actually become a involves a Battlecry, the player of the transforming
part of the Mecha, or are linked to it through some robot may try and gain the necessary Fate Points
cybernetic implants. during the transformation itself, as explained in
Such a sequence is assumed to last for the next section of this chapter. In this case the
approximately one combat round, and may require Battlecry is performed during Statement of Intent
a Pilot (Mecha) or more often a Pilot (Spacecraft) and the Fate gain roll is made immediately, hoping
roll to execute correctly, although the Gamemaster to get enough Fate Points to “buy” safety. The
should require this roll only the first time the player can also spend extra Fate to make sure that
assembly is attempted during combat or when any Pilot roll is a success.
there is an environmental threat in action. In the If the transformation process involves a

Basic Roleplaying

“disassembly” sequence as well, this part is glorious Battlecries that are tied to the childhood
considered to require no time or rolls. If the memories of all true anime fans. Furthermore,
disassembly sequence involves a Battlecry, instead, while weapon use in a Real Robot battle is
it is considered a preparatory action and as such it aimed at destroying the enemy at the first
will cost the usual five DEX Ranks to perform, and available opportunity, attacks in a Super Robot
it may yield Fate Points normally. Special cases duel are often used to “build up” the tension in
may exist, but they are better left to the description preparation for the final blow, often dealt with
of individual Super Robots. the same weapon in spite of the huge variety of
available options.
Battlecries BRP Mecha uses Fate Points to recreate this
As explained before, the way characters gain particular mood in your game, letting you revive
Fate points is the main tool used to stress the the loud, unrealistic merriness of traditional
difference between a Real Robot game and a Super Robot TV shows.
Super Robot one. Standard equipments like flying
punches or rifles are important in differentiating At the start of a Super Robot action sequence,
between, and making combat unique, in each when the Super Robots or vehicles are boarded,
genre, but the Fate Point economy is the actual each pilot has an amount of Fate Points
factor used to set the mood of a BRP Mecha determined by the number of Motivations active
game. at that time, which is usually limited to one as
explained above. A character with no active
While Motivations should be used in the Super Motivation starts the action sequence with zero
Robot series, too, we recommend that you limit Fate Points, but this is not as problematic as
the number of maximum active Motivations to it would be in a Real Robot game. Players can
one. Super Robot pilots are humans, too, but charge their characters’ Fate Point pools by using
they need not be as three-dimensional as the ritual Battlecries.
typical characters of a Real Robot series, where
romance might be prevalent over the action- Each Super Robot or vehicle has its own
oriented aspects of the anime. Of course, you can characteristic Battlecries that must be used
still have several Motivations per character, but when the Mecha is launched, changes
only one at a time should be able to provide Fate configuration or fires a particular weapon. The
points to the character. Battlecries must be noted on the Mecha sheet
by capitalizing the weapon or configuration
The rest of the Fate Point charge used by a name or appending an exclamation mark to it,
Mecha pilot should come from the Mecha action and the player must use the one appropriate to
itself. Super Robot combat is often a ritualized the situation at hand. For each Battlecry used,
affair; the launch or assembly sequence of the a player can immediately roll 1d6 and add the
main Mecha is played before each combat, result to his or her Fate Point pool, up to twice
accompanied by a blood-heating music and the character APP. If the Battlecry involves an

Poor execution (no Fate gain Normal execution Excellent execution
or penalization) (+1 or +2 Fate Points)
Launching a vehicle “I take off with Gozinda” “Cosmizer go!” “BrainJet... HASHIN!”
7. Sub-Genres

Changing into “I become super soya bean” “Antares Guest!” “Become Cyborg....
superhuman form Buildoooooooo UPPPPP!”
In-flight assembly “So, we form the Lion King Robo” “Gozinda Cross!” “Suuuper-booster-jet CROOOOSS!”
Shooting a punch “I fire my punch in its face!” “Nuke-Punch!” “Screw-flying-JETTOOO-
Firing a beam “Hah! I hit it with my laser.” “Eye-beam!” “Purple-zetto-BEEEEEAAAMMM!”
Ultimate weapon “I finish the bastard” “Nuclear Burst!” “I invoke the godly power to bring me victory...

Basic Roleplaying

action requiring a die roll, the roll is made after First Weapon Use
the Fate point gain, and Fate gained can be The first time that a Super Robot uses a specific
applied immediately. However, the Battlecry weapon in an episode, or in a single battle if the
must be executed in such a way that it actually episode is supposed to feature several battles,
recreates the atmosphere of Super Robot it receives a one-point discount if it applies Fate
anime. Random noises or unconvincing cries to that roll. In case the player wishes to apply
will not be awarded any points, and a player several uses of Fate – for instance, bumping up
who skips a Battlecry when it should be used more than one level of success – the discount
could be penalized (see below for the effects applies to the overall cost, not to the single cost
of penalties). A really good Battlecry which of each effect. Weapons with different names
entertains the group, possibly shouted out loud and Battlecries for twin or enhanced weapon
in Japanese or “Japanized” English, should use still count as one weapon. This rule does
be rewarded with +1 or even +2 Fate Points, not apply to adversary Mecha, but it applies to
added to the die roll. The Gamemaster is in weapons fired by support vehicles.
charge of adjudicating whether the performance
was good, but he should use the other players’ This rule is specifically devised to have a Super
reaction to determine its adequateness. If they Robot use its least effective weapons first, and
look bored, no extra points should be awarded, leave the most effective ones for the final blow,
but if they are having fun and look involved in when it will use the accumulated Fate points to
the game, a bonus is due. secure the finishing hit.
Remember that Battlecries should be used
whenever the player is acting out an action The Role of Fate in a Super Robot battle
performed by his or her Mecha. If the player The rules for Fate gain due to Battlecries
describes or even mentions the take-off scene, for encourage “choreographic” use of minor weapons
instance, he or she must perform the appropriate to warm up the battle, much like the starting
Battlecry or suffer a penalty. If the Mecha enters moves of a wrestling match are not intended to
action without any mention of the launch scene, actually subdue one’s opponent but to provide
then the player forfeits the Fate Points but suffers some show for the public and make fans incite
no penalty. their champion. Once a player feels confident that
his or her Mecha can finish off the enemy, the real
A player who suffers a penalization cannot battle can begin, waiting for a decisive blow to be
apply Fate Points to the next roll or situation changed into a critical hit with a timely use of Fate.
where he or she is eligible to do so, which can When you have ten or more Fate Points and your
be the very situation that has caused the penalty. foe’s pool is depleted, it is time to use your most
For instance, if the player fires a weapon and powerful weapon and end the fight!
forgets the Battlecry, he or she cannot use Fate
to reroll a fumble. However, if the player forgets An opponent’s Fate Points will not recharge
the Battlecry when taking off or performing some during a battle, with the exception of fire against
other manoeuvre that does not include a roll, he a Super Robot using Assembly Safety, but he or
or she must wait until the next opportunity to she will enter combat with a Fate Point pool equal
mark the penalty off. to his or her APP, or even twice as much in case
of a major opponent. Once a battle is over, Fate
Remember, you must shout the Battlecries out Points for villains go back up or down to their APP.
loud like a real anime hero to receive the bonus In general, unmanned enemy robots controlled by
7. Sub-Genres
points. If the neighbours call the police, you know an AI have an APP value of 10 and their APP worth
that your BRP Mecha game has been a success! in Fate, while enemy Mecha with a humanoid
Once a Mecha action sequence is over and pilot have twice the pilot’s APP in Fate Points.
the characters get out of their Mecha or vehicles, Particularly nasty robots may have a higher APP,
their Fate Point pools will go down to the and the main villain of a series will probably have a
maximum allowed by their active Motivations, very high APP (in addition to a strong Mecha), and
possibly zero, unless they are already lower. If a is allowed to use Motivations to replenish his or
Mecha battle ends but the player characters are her Fate Point pool during a battle.
still piloting their Mecha, then all Fate Points in Since in the Super Robot genre all enemy
excess of their APP are lost, but they can keep Mecha have Fate Points, not just the ones piloted
the rest of the Fate gained in the battle. by significant NPCs, you will need a lot of Fate

Basic Roleplaying

Points to defeat your enemies. A good GM will the presence of Psychic Abilities. Weapons and
keep players on their toes and force them to use missiles are often based on real world ordnance,
Fate to defend themselves, preventing them from with limited examples of energy weapons.
accumulating enough Fate Points for a critical
This credibility is often accompanied by a
hit. Evasive and tactical manoeuvring is thus very
deep exploration of character psychology. In the
important to avoid wasting Fate Points to defend
same way as robots are believable products of
against successful enemy attacks. The Gamemaster
human engineering rather than godlike alien
will also take advantage of his or her ability to set up
machines, characters in the Real Robot genre
scenery threats at no Fate Point cost in order to force
are well-rounded, three-dimensional people with
you to waste Fate Points or suffer major drawbacks.
a coherent psychology that evolves during the
If your enemy’s Fate pool is still greater than yours
course of the TV show. The theme of universal
after a few rounds, you might very well be forced to
peace and violence as “necessary evil”, even
use Scene Withdrawal to avoid a defeat.
if present also in Super Robot shows, become
Players are advised to retreat from battle when paramount in the Real Robot genre. Real Robot
their Fate Point pool hits or approaches zero. series often turn into a crude, realistic description
This has two main purposes. First of all, it avoids of the horrors of war. The reason for this is not
the loss of a character or Mecha, an event that hard to imagine, as the first generation of Mecha
is really uncommon in a Super Robot game and anime authors are old enough to have witnessed
should occur only in exceptional cases and with an the atomic bombing of Japan.
intense and dramatic scene, not because of a lucky
enemy shot. Secondly, it provides a motivation for Fate Points in the Real Robot genre
the characters to retreat and live to fight another The Real Robot genre is usually characterised by
day, an event that is quite common in Mecha heroes with intense feelings and great interior
anime but not... – well, let’s say that it takes some struggles. These heroes usually have several
effort to persuade an RPG player to withdraw! Motivations, sometimes conflicting among
The death of a player character or main villain themselves or with someone else’s Motivations.
is a significant event, which should be carefully Their Motivations tend to be deeper than the ones
prepared by the group and not occur by chance. present in the Super Robot genre, too, and to touch
These rules are designed to help you stage such serious issues like war and racial discrimination.
an event in a moment that you wish to explicitly Although some series also include a lot of romance
mark as significant. Please note that these rules among protagonists.
place a lot of stress on player initiative, so this To represent these peculiarities, Real
marking is not an exclusive task of the GM, but Robot game campaigns should set the limit of
requires the willing cooperation of the players. active Motivations to two at least, with three
Players should use Fate in a proactive way to bring recommended. This allows characters to enter
the adventure to a climax with their own means, combat with their Fate Point reserve already at a
avoiding both situations where the Gamemaster decent level, and provides the Gamemaster with
uses “Deus ex Machina”’s to solve problems, and interesting hooks to insert complications into the
unpleasant events in which it is lucky or unlucky story “on the fly”.
dice that decree the end of the main villain’s evil
Ammunition depletion
Real Robots While Super Robots never run out of ammunition
7. Sub-Genres

and very, very rarely exhaust their energy supply,

In general, the Real Robot sub-genre is ammunition is indeed an issue in the Real Robot
characterized by a generally high degree of sub-genre. Climactic moments in which the hero
realism, especially in the design of vehicles. It runs out of bullets are the norm in many memorable
is still science fiction, but it is rather believable. episodes of the most classic anime series. Even
Many details of the spacecraft used may be close combat weapons, if their blade is made of
derived from real world aircraft or from actual plasma, particles or energy, may run out of power.
projects of spacecraft or space stations made by The easiest way to handle these occurrences
NASA or ESA. Details that are purely speculative is to keep track of how many rounds or bursts
fiction are limited to the propulsion system, to are left in the weapon energy or bullet clip, and
the physiology of alien races if present, or to mark one off whenever you fire that weapon. Once

Basic Roleplaying

you hit zero, you are out of ammo, unless you have
z if you wish to save the Fate for later use, you
some extra clips stored somewhere on your Mecha. should simply describe that you run out of ammo
In order to facilitate calculations, all bursts in BRP one moment before finally hitting your enemy.
Mecha are considered 10-round bursts, so you This method cannot be used for weapons that
can simply divide the number of rounds in your use the power of the Mecha reactor directly,
automatic weapon clip by ten and you have the nor for weapons that have less than five rounds
number of bursts available. of ammunition. Moreover, the players and the
However, this method requires some Gamemaster must agree beforehand that this
bookkeeping. Besides, many players who are rule will replace ammunition bookkeeping in their
interested in a tense story rather than in realism will game. You are not allowed to start counting rounds
prefer that their weapons run out of ammo at the and then run voluntarily out of ammo when you
most climactic moment, not when you have finished need Fate.
counting rounds. BRP Mecha provides a special rule NPCs that have Fate Point pools may also use
for Real Robot games that allow you to replicate this rule to replenish their Fate during combat.
these events.
Starting with the second time your Mecha fires Elements from the Super Robot genre
a given weapon, if you do not hit your opponent If all players agree, some elements from the
because you missed your attack roll or your enemy Super Robot genre can be used in the Real Robot
successfully defended, you may opt to voluntarily genre. Battlecries are not recommended, though,
declare that your weapon has run out of ammo or as they are really not part of the genre.
energy. If you do so, you will gain a number of Fate
Points equal to the weapon rolled damage (1d4, 1d6, Scenery Elements are always allowed if set up
etc.). The description you will give in-game depends in advance by the Gamemaster. However, in this
on when you are going to use the Fate gained: case it is mandatory that the GM writes down the
effect on a small slip of paper before the battle.
z if you wish to use the Fate immediately, to change By mutual agreement between all players, the
the miss into a hit, you must describe how your introduction of Scenery Elements by paying Fate
sustained fire managed to connect in the end; Points can be used, too, but in this case the GM
your opponent can still apply Fate to his or her always has a veto power as the genre requires a
defence roll to avoid being hit; greater plausibility in the scenes described.

7. Sub-Genres


No self-respecting mechanical wonder can see action without its array of hyper-
technological gadgets and weapons. Here we provide a list of the most common
ones seen in anime episodes, but you are encouraged to make up your own if you
cannot find the right one in this list.

Basic Roleplaying

This chapter describes all equipments, devices,

add-ons and weapons that a Mecha can mount.
Each kind of device has its own section, although
weapons are by far the most common devices
described. Some equipment is only found in the
Super Robot genre, while others are common only
in the Real Robot genre, and yet others are found
in both sub-genres.
Each entry contains the conventional name
for the device, the list of SIZ Classes of Mecha or
vehicles that can mount the item, and a short form
in brackets that you should use in the notes field of
a Mecha Sheet to indicate that the device belongs
to that broad category. For instance, if you have
named your device Super-Bazooka you can use the
[rpg] code to indicate that the entry describing it is
the one labelled RPG Launcher.
easily find the appropriate entry in this list and
The codes for SIZ Class specification uses use it as a reference for the device characteristics.
the following conventions: when a number or Finally, if you are defining a Super Robot,
a range of numbers separated by a dash (-) is remember that the name of most weapons is also
specified, the number means that the device a Battlecry. If this is the case, highlight the name
or modification can be applied to a Real Robot by writing it in all capitals on the Mecha sheet, or
of that SIZ Class; S means that it can be used adding an exclamation mark to it.
on a Super Robot or an enemy mechanical
monster in the Super Robot genre; A means
it can be used by an aircraft or spacecraft; C
means it can be mounted on a capital ship, an Effective range values for all equipment described
installation, or a ground vehicle. When a SIZ here is given in two different formats: steps for
Class is not specified, the device or modification grid map play, and range for zone-based map or
can be mounted on all Super Robots and on Real abstract play.
Robots of all SIZ Classes. These restrictions are
based on the kind of devices that are found in If you wish to make up your own weapons, here
the typical representatives of a given sub-genre is a range table that will show you the different
and SIZ Class in the anime; when designing your values in steps that correspond to the abstract
own Mecha, feel free to ignore them. range values.
Many devices also have modifications that can
alter their function, effects and size. Each entry will
thus list all possible modifications for the device. RANGE STEPS ZONES
The description of each equipment will also deal
with the typical SIZ Class of Mecha that can mount Close 0-3 0*
each type and sub-type of device.
Short 4-8 1
The name of a weapon or device recorded
on the Mecha sheet should be as colourful as 8. Equipment
possible. It is there to provide fun and not to Medium 9-14 2
explain the rules. In most cases, it is up to you to
choose a suitable name or to derive it from the Long 15-20 3
anime of your choice.
X-Long 21-30 5
When recording a device or weapon on a Mecha
sheet, write down its complete name in the name XX-Long 31-40 7
section. If this is not absolutely obvious from the
complete name, write down – in brackets or in * - such a weapon can only be used in a charge on an
small print – the short form of the standard device air map.
and modifications it is based upon, so that you can

Basic Roleplaying

cpit Cockpit - 88
ecm ECM Pod - 89
eng Engine - 89
fue Fuel Tank S, A 89
jcra Jetcraft - 89
lea Learning Module - 89
psi Psi Module - 90
hol Recharge Holster - 90
sen Sensors - 90
spd Speeders 1 90
spin Spin Wheel S 90
thr Thrusters - 91
trk Tracks , S 91
rack Weapon Rack - 91

Generic devices

Cockpit [cpit]
A Mecha cockpit contains one or two pilots who handle the Mecha. It provides air and total protection
from vacuum and hostile atmospheres. When the Mecha is hit by a type of weapon that can harm the
pilot, the cockpit can provide some form of resistance to the hazard, at a cost of 1 PP per round per type
of energy. Note that this resistance operates at human scale, not Mecha scale, like the damage that
passes on to the pilot. Typical resistances for a cockpit are Resist Kinetic 2, Heat 2, Cold 2, Electricity 1,
Radiation 1, Sound 1. If no other parameters are given, assume that these default values are in effect.
Some cockpits have two pilot seats. When a Mecha has two pilots, the second one can devote all of his
attention to system maintenance. As such, all Sensor, Repair or Computer Operation rolls made by the
second pilot are Easy. The same effect is achieved if a single pilot performs no manoeuvre or combat
action for a full round.
Other cockpits in the Real Robot sub-genre are specially designed to enhance the pilot’s Psychic
Abilities. These provide a bonus, with a usual range of +10 to +40%, to his or her rolls to activate any
Psychic Abilities.
Another important modification of a cockpit is that of providing an Ejection System for the pilot if the
vehicle is about to blow up or crash. A successful Pilot Spacecraft or Pilot Mecha is required to activate
the escape mechanism, but the expenditure of a single Fate Point can be substituted for this roll for a PC
or significant NPC.
Some Mecha in both the Real Robot and Super Robot sub-genre have cockpits that are in fact combat
8. Equipment

aircraft (or motorcycles) that integrate into their Mecha. These are called Core Systems, and in case of
vehicle explosion they are treated as an ejection system. The only difference is that the pilot can also
continue to fight with the escape vehicle after the Mecha has been disabled or destroyed.


Environment Protection Present by default, provides Resistances for the pilot all
Double Seat Allows a co-pilot, navigator or gunner -, A [dbl]
Ejection System Allows safe escape for the pilot on a Pilot Mecha roll -, A [eje]
Core System Allows escape, and the escape pod is a vehicle itself , S [cor]
Psionic Enhancement Gives a bonus to all Psychic Ability rolls -. [psi]

Basic Roleplaying

ECM Pod [ecm]

This device is usually mounted on aircraft or Real Robots. It disturbs the electronics of all incoming
missiles or RPGs, making all to-hit rolls Difficult.
If you are using the optional rules for guided missiles, firing at a craft equipped with an ECM Pod cannot
benefit from the 100% chance usually granted by this kind of missiles. The firer’s appropriate Weapon
skill must be used instead, with the penalty stated above.

Engine [eng]
Every Mecha has one or two main reactors called Engines. These can be nuclear reactor devices that
regenerate Power Points on their own, or real engines that consume fuel when they use Power Points.
The POW of a Mecha or vehicle is equal to the sum of the Power Point storages of all the Engines
mounted on it. It does not matter if they can regenerate their Power Points or not. All weapons mounted
on the Mecha that have a PP consumption value instead of an ammunition supply rate are in fact
consuming power from the Mecha engine.
An Engine usually regenerates a number of PP per full turn equal to its POW divided by ten. However, this
is only true for engines that are actual power plants. Engines which function on fuel or on power cells do
not regenerate Power Points, and once the PP reserve of such a vehicle is over, it is considered out of fuel
like a common car. Usually, only SIZ Class 1 Mecha, spacecraft and vehicles have fuel-based engines.
When an Engine becomes unstable, or begins to leak fuel, it starts losing Power Points every round, at
the same rate at which it usually regenerates them per full turn, or 2D6 per round if it is fuel-based. A
successful Repair roll by the pilot is required to stabilize the engine again.


Fuel-based Cannot regenerate Power Points , A [fue]

Fuel Tank S, A [fue]

This device is usually present as a pod mounted on a fighter or spacecraft, or within a special component
that attaches to a Super Robot to allow it to fly (or to fly faster). The device provides a given amount of
Power Points that the vehicle can use to fly or manoeuvre. These PP do not add to the vehicle POW, and
they cannot be used to fuel weapons.

Jetcraft 2-3 [jcra]

These devices are a modification of the normal jet thrusters found in the Mecha legs, and as such are
co-located with the thrusters, being disabled at the same time the latter are disabled. Using a jetcraft
consumes 1 PP / round per thruster used and allows an increase of 1 point per thruster in the Mecha
MOV score.
A Mecha using a jetcraft moves much like a hovercraft would do, not touching the terrain but hovering
a couple of metres above it. When using a Jetcraft, a Mecha also has an additional advantage: the first
penalty token it takes in a round is not white, but green, thus allowing it to be harder to hit without
losing accuracy itself when aiming.

Learning module [lea]

A peculiarity of some Real Robot series, the Learning Module is a complex application of AI technology that 8. Equipment
is capable of self-improving the performances of a Mecha. While it is not so useful immediately after it has
been initialized, providing a 0% bonus, its importance increases as the Mecha pilot improves his or her own
skills. Each time the pilot receives an experience increase check, the Learning Module will gain a 1% bonus
to the relevant skill – whether the pilot actually gained experience or not it is not important, as the module
will just “absorb” part of his or her own tactics and experience. The module can accumulate bonuses for
Pilot Mecha, Pilot Spacecraft, Mecha Weapons and Spacecraft Weapons. Anyone piloting the Mecha with
the Learning module installed will benefit from the bonuses, up to a limit of twice their basic skill. The
Learning Module works only on the exact same model of Mecha on which it has acquired its “experience.”
If the Gamemaster wishes to enforce a great deal of realism, he or she may rule that the skill increase
can affect the Learning Module only if at least one of the successful skill rolls have been made under the

Basic Roleplaying

unmodified chance for the pilot’s skill. If this is not the case, the pilot will learn but the Learning Module
will not. A success in a Difficult skill roll always influences the Learning Module.
Assigning them Mecha with an already-used Learning Module installed is a good way to make rookie pilots
combat-effective at once when you begin a BRP Mecha campaign. However, do not overuse Learning Modules in
your game; they are valuable devices, not designed for mass-produced Mecha but for one-of-a-kind machines.

Recharge holster [hol]

A recharge holster is a particular type of weapon rack that allows the energy of a power consuming
weapon to recharge from a Mecha internal power supply. While the weapon is held into the holster,
energy flows from the Mecha reactor to the weapon at a default rate of one PP per round. Improved
holsters can transfer more than this, but they are uncommon.


Improved Increased energy transfer rate , S
Internal rack Prevents critical damage if armour is not overcome -, S

PSI Module 3 [psi]

This device amplifies the natural ESP capabilities of the pilot. All psychic abilities used from inside the
Mecha cockpit receive a bonus ranging between +10% and +30%, depending on the psi module quality.

Sensors 1-3, A [sen]

Most Super Robots have their sensors integrated in their cockpit, so you will not need to record their
presence on the Mecha sheet. However, most Real Robots that have their cockpit in the torso also have a
sensor array in the head. You can record a Range value for the sensors, but this is seldom important.
Whenever a Mecha sensors are disabled – and this includes beheading the Mecha, if the cockpit is in
the torso – all attack, defence and piloting rolls become Difficult for it.
Super Robots seldom have their sensors damaged. However, assume that all enemy robots in the Super
Robot sub-genre have a Sensor array in their head. They can be beheaded without being destroyed, but
this will bestow a Difficult penalty on all their rolls. Unless, of course, they have multiple heads...

Speeders 1 [spd]
Aka: Land-spinners
This device is a titanium steel wheel attached to the Mecha lower leg, allowing it to travel at increased speed
on a road or railroad. It allows low-speed Mecha of SIZ Class one to outrun tanks and APCs, thus giving them
the same advantage that faster walking Mecha of SIZ Class 2 or 3 have. A Mecha needs to have both speeders
working to receive their bonus, and the devices are vulnerable to shots that do not penetrate armour when in use.
Using a speeder uses 1 PP / round and allows an increase of 1 in the Mecha’s MOV score. An improved version,
as well as a version for rough terrains, exist. All bonuses are improved by +1 if the Mecha moves on a railroad –
although this is hardly useful in tactical combat situations.
When using a Speeder, a Mecha also has an additional advantage: the first penalty token it takes in a round is
not white, but green, thus allowing it to be harder to hit without losing accuracy itself when aiming.


8. Equipment

Improved version MOV +, uses  ppround 

Mountain version Works also on rough terrain, uses up  PPround 

Spin Wheel S [spin]

Rather than a device, this is a peculiar configuration that the Mecha can assume in order to gain speed and
damage potential. The Mecha turns into a spinning wheel (flying or earthbound), possibly with spikes
or blades at its edge. This allows the Mecha to Charge an enemy, damaging it with the spinning edge.
Even if the Mecha does not Charge its target, it can still do the full damage listed for the spinning
wheel, forfeiting only the Knockback effect. Often, the body parts that are used to create the spinning

Basic Roleplaying

wheel can be used also as shields. Most other weapons cannot be used while the Mecha is in the
spinning configuration. In most cases, it costs the Mecha only 5 DEX ranks to change from one
configuration to another.

Thrusters [thr]
Aka: Vernier system
Thrusters are additional jet exhaust ports placed on the Mecha’s legs and other body parts to improve
manoeuvrability rather than acceleration, and they usually work in pairs. Each thruster provides a +5%
bonus to the pilot’s Pilot Spacecraft skill for all manoeuvre rolls.
A Mecha usually has a couple of main thrusters in the back torso that do not provide extra
manoeuvrability but just the basic thrust that enables it to fly. Disabling these prevents any form of air
movement rather than decreasing manoeuvrability.
If one or more thrusters placed on a limb are rendered inoperable, the presence of an unbalanced
thruster on the opposite limb changes the bonus given by that thruster into a penalty. Thus a Mecha
with 2 thrusters per leg which usually has a +20% bonus to manoeuvrability has its bonus reduced to
0% (+10% for the balanced thruster pairs and -10% for the unbalanced thruster) if one of the thrusters
is hit or otherwise malfunctions. The pilot can eliminate this effect by shutting down the unbalanced
thruster with a Repair or Computer Operation roll.

Tracks 3, S [trk]
Tracks or dented wheels replacing a Mecha legs do not increase its speed, which might even become
lower. However, a tracked Mecha is way more stable than a two-legged one. It resists any Knockback or
Knockdown attempts as if it was one SIZ Class larger than it is, while receiving a +10 to its effective STR
when attempting to Throw or Knockdown any foe it has grappled. Also, the greater stability provided by the
tracks counteracts any form of recoil and adds +10% to any to-hit roll with missiles or any attack requiring
an Artillery roll.

Weapon Rack [rack]

Some Mecha use hand held weapons rather than built in ones, so they need a special compartment
to store the weapon when it is not used. These are called weapon racks and can be placed almost
anywhere in the Mecha body except for the head. These racks can be anything from a simple magnetic
hook to hang an axe on, to a hidden compartment from which an energy sword hilt is extracted before
turning on the particle blade.
Readying a weapon kept in a rack costs the usual five DEX ranks. Putting it back in its rack costs another
five DEX ranks. Racks placed on the back (not shoulders) of a Mecha’s torso increase this penalty to ten
DEX ranks.
When recording a weapon rack on your Mecha sheet, write down the weapon that is kept in the rack.
This will usually be a weapon that is labelled as being hand held in use. The weapon will be hit and
disabled on a roll of 1 to the arm when hand held, and on a rack disablement when kept in its storage
In the Super Robot sub-genre, weapon racks are always internal and cannot be disabled by enemy fire,
as hand-held weapons almost materialize in the hands of the Super Robot. Never provide a disablement
number for a Super Robot weapon rack: the weapon will only become useless if the location is totally
destroyed while it was stored in its rack. 8. Equipment
In the Real Robot genre, instead, many weapons are just attached to the external armour of a Mecha.
If this is the case, a GM that values realism may allow a critical die roll whenever a location containing
a holster is hit by at least one, two or three points of damage, depending on the Mecha SIZ Class, even
when the blow is stopped by armour. If the critical damage roll indicates that the weapon rack is hit, the
weapon is disabled or detached from the Mecha. All other rolls have no effect.


Internal rack Prevents critical damage if armour is not overcome -

Basic Roleplaying

smg Assault Rifle - 93
bcan Ballistic Cannon -, C 93
brwl Brawl - 95
claw Claws, Fangs and Tails , S 95
whip Electric Whip - 95
ebm Energy Beam S, A 96
esh Energy Shield - 96
fsh Fixed Shield - 96
fist Flying Fist S 96
gat Gatling Gun -, A 97
har Harpoon  97
lcan Laser Cannon -, A, C 98
lrif Laser Rifle - 98
melee Melee Weapon - 98
mic Microwave Claw , S 99
mis Missiles - 99
pcan Particle Cannon -, A, C 100
prif Particle Rifle - 101
rbem Radiation Beam S 101
rpul Radiation Pulse S, A 102
rep Repulsion Beam S 102
rpg RPG Launcher , S 103
shld Shield - 103
throw Thrown Weapon S 103
ton Tonfa  103

Impaling ranged weapons Mecha are the most manoeuvrable crafts that can
be found on the battlefield, and that spacecraft
Many weapons that can be mounted on Mecha, have an advantage over large or earthbound
small spacecraft and large spaceships can targets, the following table summarizes which
impale on a Special Success. In the case of types of crafts can obtain an impaling special
ranged weapons, however, the ability to impale success and against which targets. Even when
depends on finding a weak spot and hitting it an impale is not possible, a Special Success in an
with precision, which is usually dependent on attack roll will always require a Special Success
in the defence roll to counter.
8. Equipment

a manoeuvrability advantage. Assuming that


Mecha Aircraft or Spacecraft Ship or Tank
Aircraft or Spacecraft - - YES
Ship or Tank - - YES

Basic Roleplaying

Assault Rifle 1-3 [smg]

Aka: Sub-Machinegun, Hand-held Gatling gun
This weapon is an automatic fire ballistic cannon, specially designed to be hand held by a Mecha. The recoil
usually forces the Mecha to fire this kind of weapon with both hands, but a single hand can still be used in many
cases with a -10% penalty. Special optics can be applied to Mecha rifles in order to allow the firer to aim (see
page 48 in Chapter Five).
Mecha assault rifles fire bursts of 10 shots. The ammunition used up equals the maximum number of shots that
could hit, not the ones that actually hit. Rifles usually employ a 100-round clip or drum, thus allowing a maximum
of 10 bursts. A Mecha can carry extra ammunition attached to its waist, back or legs. SIZ Class 1 Mecha are
limited to 40mm or smaller rifles, while SIZ Class 2 Mecha can employ 60mm rifles. SIZ Class 3 Mecha can fire
rifles between 100 and 120mm in calibre, although they will carry energy weapons if possible. Consult the table
for ballistic cannons, AP rounds, for damage done by each calibre class.
Since assault rifles fire bursts, the effective range for their calibre is halved, or decreased by one if you use abstract
ranges, but they receive a +10% to their to-hit roll. If you use zone-based or abstract combat, range is not halved
but reduced by one step. This effect is valid for all assault rifles. Mecha assault rifles cannot fire single shots.
Range and Damage
Statistics for damage are the same as ballistic cannons. Range is halved or reduced by one step, as burst
fire is mandatory.


Optics Allows aiming for a +﹪ bonus, requires two hands  [opt]
Grenade launcher Fires a smoke grenade  [gre]

Ballistic Cannon 1-3. [bcan]

Aka: Impact cannon, Rail gun
This weapon is a more advanced version of the cannons used by 20th and 21st century tanks and battleships.
It is primarily a weapon used by large and slow platforms, but some Mecha can mount modified versions of it.
A cannon can often fire both AP rounds that do kinetic damage and can impale, and HE rounds that have an
explosive type of damage similar to missile fire. Each weapon description specifies whether the cannon can fire
both types of round or just one, but the default type of ammunition used is AP for all weapons that can fire it. The
ammunition for the cannon comes from the cannon or turret internal supply, and each individual weapon has
its normal ammunition capacity listed in its statistics. Cannons mounted on ships have an unlimited amount of
ammunition for game purposes.
Although it is possible to find simple ballistic cannons mounted on Mecha or vehicles featured during Mecha
battles, this weapon category is provided mainly as the basis for determining the characteristics of other weapon
types, like Gatling guns mounted on aircraft or Mecha assault rifles. Many ballistic weapons used in the Mecha
anime genre, for instance, are autocannons with multiple rotating barrels or simply designed to have a rate of fire
of more than 50 shells per minute, thus allowing to fire a 10-round burst in a 12 second combat round.
When mounted on a Mecha, a ballistic cannon is usually built in its shoulders (in which case it is considered a
twin weapon) or hand held if it is a recoil-less version. Hand held cannons usually fall in the Assault rifle category,
but 60mm or larger cannons fired by SIZ Class 1 Mecha cannot be automated, so it is possible to have Mecha
carry and fire hand-held single-shot cannons.
The amount of damage dealt by each cannon depends on the gun barrel calibre, expressed in millimetres (mm). 8. Equipment
The damage normally dealt by each calibre and ammo type is summarized in the Ballistic Weapon Table. If a
calibre does not appear, pick the line with the nearest smaller one. Cannons fired by ships or tanks can choose to
fire either AP or HE ammunition, while those used by Mecha fire only AP rounds.
The Ballistic Weapon table lists the damage and the basic range for different gun calibres. Round the calibre
down when determining damage capability. The actual range of the various calibres may vary if the weapon
has an enhanced aiming system or is capable of autofire. In particular, guns that have a very high rate of
fire (autocannons or Mecha-sized assault rifles) have their range in steps halved, and their range in levels
decreased by one step (M becomes S, L becomes M and so on, with range in squares becoming the maximum
range allowed for that range level). Any gun below 20mm in calibre is considered effectively useless against
an armoured target, and doing 1D2-1 damage against unarmoured ones.

Basic Roleplaying

Example: a 75/76mm cannon was the standard equipment in a WW2 tank, having a relatively long range
and being able to fire AP rounds for tank-vs-tank battles, and HE against infantry and buildings. This
calibre is now mainly employed by frigates and destroyers as a rapid-fire gun for point blank anti-missile
defence, with a reduced range when used for AA purposes. Even if we have listed the stats for single-
shot, HE firing 75mm guns like those mounted on the Sherman tank, which would require the Artillery
skill to use, most 75/76 mm guns in your Mecha games will belong to the autocannon category, and be
mounted in point blank defence turrets on installations and capital ships. Such fixed turrets are used to
intercept incoming missiles and fire at fighter crafts and Mecha swarming around the installation.
The examples given in the ballistic weapons table are related to real-world guns. You will find many more
examples in the technical literature about your favourite anime.
The railgun is a peculiar type of ballistic weapon that has been tested in the real world but not yet
mounted on any weapon platform currently in service. The railgun uses a magnetic field and not a
detonation to propel its projectiles, and thus it is particularly suited for use outside the atmosphere or
in an oxygen-deprived environment. If you wish to use railguns in your Mecha games, simply use the
damage and range for the immediately superior calibre. For instance, a 60mm railgun does 1d6 damage
at a range of 18 (L).
Railgun shells are also lighter, as they do not need any black powder, so a railgun has about half against
the ammunition load of its regular ballistic counterpart. Autofire railgun technology has not yet been
developed, so you may wish to limit railguns to single shot usage. However, you may also assume that a
more advanced technology level can deal with the details required and allow automatic rail weapons in
your game.


20mm 1d2 - 10 (M) M61 Vulcan aircraft gun
30mm 1d3 1d3 12 (M) WW2 AT Gun, GAU-8 aircraft gun (used by the A-10)
50mm 1d4 1d4 15 (L) WW2 tank gun, Cold war era naval autocannon
100mm 1d6 1d6 18 (L) WW2 mortar, Cold war era tank gun
120mm 1d8 1d8 20 (L) Cold war era rapid fire naval gun or tank destroyer gun
150m 1d10 2d4 24 (XL) Howitzer, Cold war era naval gun
200mm - 2d6 28 (XL) Heavy howitzer
300mm - 2d8 32* (XXL) Battleship gun
500mm - 3d6 40* (XXL) Fictional only

Guns that have an asterisked range are very unlikely to be fired directly, and will usually require an
Artillery roll to hit. They are rarely mounted on Mecha, except when the Mecha itself is an indirect fire
platform – something that seldom happens in anime.
Several types of specialized anti-armour rounds have been developed in modern armoured warfare,
a detailed representation of such ammunition in play is beyond the scope of this work. If your game
features small scale Mecha fighting against modern military vehicles such as tanks or APCs, you might
wish to represent HEAT ammunition as well. Decrease the dice size of such weapons by one step, and
add a fixed amount of +1. In this way, a 100mm HEAT round will deal 1d4+1 damage, ensuring that the
shot will penetrate most armours. When using such kind of ammunition, we recommend that you also
use the optional rule that a tank is disabled whenever its armour is penetrated by even one point of
damage (see page 33 in Chapter 4).
Many cannons are mounted on turrets, and when mounted on ships they are often mounted as twin
8. Equipment

weapons. Turret mounted cannons with a calibre up to 120 or even 150 mm can fire bursts, especially
when the turret is specially designed as a point blank missile or Mecha defence weapon.


Twin mount +10% to hit. 3, S, C
Railgun Improve damage and range by one level 2, 3, C
Turret mount Can fire bursts up to 150mm, -1 level to range (or halve) C

Basic Roleplaying

Brawl [brwl]
Aka: [Super Robot] Punch, Dynamite Kick, etc...
Mecha damage when punching is equal to their basic damage modifier. Although this can be enough to
overcome armour, punches are not very effective weapons in Mecha combat, and special devices like claws
or tonfas (see page 103) are often used instead. Whenever a Mecha uses an optional enhancement to one
of its Brawl attack, such as claws protruding from its hand or a spike coming out of its knee, it takes 5 DEX
Ranks for it to ready the enhancement.
Using a flying kick does Knockback as though the attacker was one SIZ Class larger (automatic Knockback
against a target of the same Size, knock back a target one SIZ Class larger on a Special success, etc.), but
is only possible in the Super Robot sub-genre. A flying kick requires a Difficult Pilot (Mecha) roll and can be
performed at a distance of two squares (maximum of 5 steps). Some Super Robots have a specific Battlecry
for flying kicks.
Mecha brawling is usually only used in the Super Robot sub-genre. The only advantage of such attacks in
the Real Robot genre is that they do not use any energy or ammunition.


Flying Kick Improved Knockback S
Claw or Blade Increase damage by one step, Impale special success all
instead of Knockback, " DEX Rank to ready

Claws, Fangs and Tails [cla]

Enemy Mecha in the Super Robot sub-genre and some selected Real Robots have claws, fangs or beaks
that allow them to fight like wild animals. This kind of device allows them to deal improved damage in
combat, thus increasing their brawl damage by one step (1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d8 becomes 1d10 and so on)
or by +1. As they replace and do not complement brawl damage, these weapons are always ready to use.
If you are designing Kaiju opponents for your Mecha, they will invariably have at least one of these
weapons, most commonly the bite. Feel free to design your own variations of these weapons to make your
own Kaiju more scary.


Claw +one step close , S - -
Bite + close S - -
Tail + close S - Knockback
Beak + one step close S - Impale

Electric Whip [whip]

An electric whip is a melee weapon that does little or no damage on striking its target, but releases an
electrical discharge that usually goes straight to the Mecha’s interior structure, not to mention damaging
the pilot. The electrical discharge is treated as a Radiation Beam. This weapon can entangle its target on a
Special Success. This is a particularly dangerous situation for a Mecha target, as the weapon will continue
to do damage on subsequent rounds! 8. Equipment
The general rules for entanglement and for the Radiation Beam damage are found on page 52 and
page 101 respectively, but special instructions can be provided in the individual descriptions of
variations of this weapon.


Whip d  (C) , S rnd Entangle, does d# electric
damage per round after entanglement

Basic Roleplaying

Energy Beam S, A [ebm]

Aka: countless names...
A typical Super Robot weapon, the energy beam is fired from the Mecha’s eyes or hands, and is often
the least effective energy weapon a Mecha has. If hand mounted, energy beams can be considered a
twin weapon, whereas the double beam coming from the eyes is considered a single beam for all gaming
purposes. The usual cost in power is 1PP per beam, taken from the Mecha’s own PP storage.
Range and Damage
Statistics for range, damage and power consumption are the same as laser or particle cannons.


Twin mount +﹪ to hit S, A

Energy Shield [esh]

This device projects a limited area force field that can block incoming attacks. All physical projectiles are
blocked on a successful shield block roll, while some forms of energy can be strong enough to pierce the
The rules for shield blocking are those found in BRP; that is a Pilot (Mecha) roll is required to block a melee
attack, while a roll depending on the shield size is needed to stop a ranged attack. The shield must be
activated in order to use it, costing the usual 5 DEX rank delay to all other actions in the round. If the shield is
not ready at the start of a turn, it can only block attacks that occur on the pilot’s DEX rank or lower. The Power
Point cost to keep the shield up is one per size of the shield, and these shields are usually Large in size (3
Power Points per round to keep it up). If two shields are used at a time, the Mecha receives the same ranged
protection it would receive by kneeling behind one of them – but each shield consumes PP to keep up.


Twin mount Increases chance to block a ranged attack, double PP cost 

Fixed Shield [fsh]

Aka: Arm Shield, Shoulder shield
This device is a simple titanium steel plate fixed to a Mecha’s forearm or shoulder. If applied to the forearm,
it works exactly as a human-sized buckler shield, which can be used to parry close combat weapons and
has a 15% chance to intercept bullets. If fixed to a shoulder, it does not work against melee attacks. Physical
projectiles are blocked by the shield, but when used against energy weapons or missiles, it only adds 1 armour
point per SIZ Class of the Mecha to armour present in the hit location hit.

Flying Fist [fist]

Aka: Rocket/Atomic/Crusher/etc. Punch, Knuckle Bomber
Most Super Robots can shoot their forearms like rocket-propelled battering rams to damage and unbalance
other Mecha. Once the fist hits, it will stay in the air for the duration of the subsequent round, re-attaching to the
ankle at the end of the round after the initial attack. Any damage to the arm occurring during this time prevents
reattachment. A Super Robot can shoot one fist only or fire both fists as a twin weapon.
8. Equipment

Rarely, a chain links the forearm to the ankle, thus keeping the launched part attached to the Super Robot
body at all times. Recovery time is the same, but in this case only the intentional severing of the chain can
prevent re-attachment. The real purpose of such a device, however, is entangling the target and keeping it
tied, allowing the attacking Super Robot to throw its opponent over its head in a very spectacular way. If both
arms are launched, they will both entangle the target on a Special Success. The rules for entanglement are on
page 52 of Chapter 5.
Some Mecha have optional blades attached to their flying fists. These may be in the shape of axe blades
protruding from the sides, or be simple spikes that are turned into a deadly weapon by the rotational movement
of the forearm while flying. When the fist uses one of these enhancements, it cannot do Knockback on a special
effect, but the damage die is upgraded to 1d8 or even 1d10 damage due to the cutting appendages. For each
bonus step provided to the damage die, the weapon must be “prepared” before launch, losing 5 DEX Ranks.

Basic Roleplaying


Punch d$  (M) S fist Knockback


Twin mount Almost always present, do not specify S
Chain Entangle S
Boost d&, -" DEX Rank, no Knockback S
Blades d, - DEX Rank, no Knockback S

Gatling Gun 1-3, A [gat]

Aka: Vulcan gun
A Gatling gun is an automatic, multi-barreled rotating version of a ballistic cannon, popular on 20th century
attack helicopters and tank-buster aircraft. Some Mecha can mount it as a built-in anti-infantry or close
defence weapon. Mecha of SIZ Class below 3 can only mount Gatling guns as hand held weapons.
Since they deal the same damage as a the ballistic cannon equivalent, the minimum effective calibre for
these weapons when mounted on a Mecha is 30mm. Although 20mm autocannons are popular on aircraft
for dogfighting, such a small weapon is only effective against an unarmoured target. Gatling guns are fired
in bursts of at least 10 shots. Some Mecha have a double Gatling gun mounted in the head, but this kind of
weapon does not qualify as a twin weapon; treat it as a single gun.
Range and Damage
Statistics for damage are the same as ballistic cannons. Range is halved or decreased by one range level, as
burst fire is mandatory.


Turret mount Popular with helicopters A

Harpoon 1 [har]
Aka: Slash Harken
This weapon is made of a harpoon connected to a chain or a steel cable. A Special Success with it yields
the Entangle results, as the harpoon remains stuck in the enemy and the cable allows dragging the enemy
towards the firing Mecha. A harpoon is basically a limited range projectile weapon, so it is fired using
the pilot’s Weapon (Mecha) skill. It is useful only within one square range, and is subject to the normal
penalties for firing a missile in close combat if used against an enemy that is using melee weapons against
the firer.
This device can be used also as a climbing aid for small Mecha lacking thrusters which cannot jump
past buildings. When used in the Super Robot sub-genre, it is usually capable of transmitting a powerful
electrical discharge to an entangled enemy, like an electric whip (see page 95).
Some Super Robots can fire energy bonds instead of physical ones. In this case, the damage done is zero
but any successful hit produces the Entangle Special Effect.


A d#  (C)  - Entangle
B d$ " (S) S - Entangle
Energy Rope - & (S) S  Entangle even on a
normal success


Electric discharge Inflicts d# extra electric damage per round S
if stuck in enemy, using pp per round. See Electric Whip

Basic Roleplaying

Laser Cannon 1-3, A, C [lcan]

A laser cannon is the laser equivalent of ballistic cannons, but it fires a laser beam. A laser weapon usually takes
its ammunition from a craft’s internal power source. Laser beams can impale, with the normal limitations for
manoeuvrability. When a target is hit by a laser weapon, only its Energy or Heat armour, whichever is higher, is
counted against the damage. If the target has no such armour, half of its physical armour, rounded down, is applied.


 MW  " (S)   -
 MW d & (S) , S, A  -
# MW d# & (S) , S, A  -
& MW d$  (M) S, A # -
Note: the power output of laser weaponry is not consistent between sources. Some laser weapons in American
sci-fi series are given stats expressed in GigaWatts instead of MegaWatts. Read all entries in the table as GW
instead of MW in this case.

Many lasers are mounted on turrets. When used on ships they are often mounted as twin weapons.
Small laser turrets can fire bursts (often called pulses when referring to energy weapons), especially
when the turret is specially designed as a point blank missile or Mecha defence weapon. In this case the
energy expenditure listed for the weapon refers to one round of bursts.


Twin mount Double PP expenditure, except for  MW 2-3, S, A
Turret mount Can fire bursts [pulses] A

Laser Rifle [lrif]

A laser rifle is a hand held version of a laser cannon that has been adapted to Mecha usage. Most laser rifles,
as they are external weapons rather than built in weapons, use their own internal supply of energy, and have
an ammunition score. This ammunition can be recharged by placing the weapon in a recharge holster if the
Mecha has one suitable for the weapon. In some cases, the weapon can be connected to the Mecha reactor
and so use its PP to power its shots.
Most laser weapons can impale, according to the table on page 92.
Range and Damage
Range, damage, power consumption and armour effectiveness are the same as for laser cannons.


Burst fire Allows bursts of  rounds at triple pp cost, -.
range halved or reduced by one level
Mecha powered Uses Mecha pp 
Recharge holster See the appropriate entry -.

Melee Weapon [melee]

8. Equipment

A melee weapon is a Mecha-sized version of a medieval weapon, held in a rack somewhere in the Mecha
body, or carried in hand by enemy Mecha in the Super Robot sub-genre. There are several types of melee
weapons: spears are usually used two-handed and can impale; axes are usually used one-handed and may
have a charged blade; swords can be used one- or two-handed depending on their size, can impale and can be
vibro-charged; flails are used one-handed and are Difficult to parry; and scythes are always used two-handed.
Some melee weapons may be thrown by the Mecha with a Mecha weapon roll. The range for thrown melee
weapons is equal to the Mecha’s strength divided by ten (round up). The Mecha’s damage bonus is halved
when a weapon is thrown.
On a zone-based map, all thrown weapons have a Short range. Spears are the easiest weapons to throw,
while axes can only be thrown when the Mecha description explicitly say so. Swords require a Difficult

Basic Roleplaying

Mecha weapon roll to throw, if their description allows it. Exceptionally large thrown weapons like scythes
are allowed in the Super Robot sub-genre, and in fact they can even return to the wielder after hitting.
Thrown weapons are described in more detail in the Thrown Weapon entry. If your weapon is labelled as
[throw], refer to that entry for a complete weapon description.
Although damage done by these weapons is kinetic in nature, it depends mainly on sharpness and not on
impact. Thus, with the exception of flails and maces, it does not pass on to the pilot.


Sword d$ close , , S - Impale
Axe d& close , S - -
Spear d$ close , S - Impale
Flail d$ close , S - Entangle
Mace d$ close S - Knockback
Scythe d close S - Returns to wielder when thrown

The blades of some weapons, particularly axes, can be enhanced by heating them to thousands of degrees.
In this case. the damage they deal is increased by one or two points. This damage may be negated if the
target has armour that specifically protects from heat. This damage does not pass on to the pilot.
Other weapons, usually swords, have vibrating blades that increase the damage by one point. No armour
can negate this effect.
Some extremely powerful blades are completely made of energy or fire, and thus reduce the effectiveness
of the target armour according to the rules for non-kinetic damage on page 104.


Heat Blade  ppround, usually axe, + damage  [heat]
Vibro Blade  ppround, usually sword, + damage  [vib]
Energy Blade  ppround, usually scythe or sword S [ene]
Rocket-propelled Flail only, + damage  [rock]
Throwable The weapon can also be thrown ﹙ see Thrown Weapon﹚ , , S [throw]

Microwave Claw 1, S [mic]

Aka: Corrosion Claw
This terrifying weapon unleashes a powerful stream of microwaves on contact, doing corrosion damage
that bypasses any physical armour. As an additional effect, if a limb or head is hit and enough damage
is done to disable it, then extra damage passes to the torso, possibly causing critical damage or even an
explosion. The Mecha damage bonus is added to the damage if the attack is not parried, but is negated
by a successful parry. However, a parry with a physical shield or melee weapon is not enough to block the
corrosion damage itself. Only an energy shield or weapon can completely block the claw.
Microwave damage passes on to the pilot, and normal cockpits are not equipped with adequate


8. Equipment
Microwave claw d# close   Corrosion
Corrosion claw d$ close S  Corrosion

Missiles [mis]
A missile launcher can be built into both Mecha and spacecraft, and has a variable missile size that
influences damage. Hand held launchers for Mecha are covered by the RPG description instead,
although the latter weapons use the same table for range and damage. Most Mecha have a limited
ammunition capacity for missiles, while spacecraft in the Super Robot genre usually carry a large, almost
unlimited, supply of missiles.

Basic Roleplaying

Missiles are the most common weapons for regular army aircraft and, in general, for small atmospheric
crafts or for support vehicles that are not equipped with a power source as efficient as a Mecha’s. As they
are rather easy to dodge, missiles are not very effective weapons for anti-Mecha usage, although they are
perfect against big targets like capital ships.
Missiles deal explosive damage, so kinetic armour is fully effective against them. However, they may deal
damage to multiple locations, as explained in the combat chapter.



Tiny d#  (M) -, S Stinger Army helicopters

Small d$  (M) all Sidewinder Army fighter aircraft, fixed
positions [s]
Medium d&  (M) all Maverick PC Spacecraft
Large d  (L) all Harpoon Army bombers, Super Robots
Ship d$ * (XL) all Tomahawk Navy ships [s]
Capital d$ or #d$ * (XL) all ICBM Spaceships [r]

Weapons with an asterisked range are usually used with indirect fire, which requires the appropriate
specialization of the Artillery skill. The range provided is valid only for aircraft- or ship-mounted
missiles. Missiles fired from Mecha are limited to Medium range unless they are fired from a RPG
launcher. Missiles used by transformable Mecha in fighter configuration use the above ranges,
instead. Real-world long-range AA missiles may have a range of 30 (XL).
If your game features small scale Mecha fighting against modern military vehicles such as tanks or
helicopters, you might need to represent HEAT missiles as well as explosive ones. Simply decrease
the dice size of such such weapons by one step, and add a fixed amount of one. In this way, a HEAT
missile of the size of a Sidewinder (the Hellfire missile falls in this category) will deal 1d4+1 damage,
ensuring that the missile will penetrate most armours. If you use this kind of ammunition in your
game, we recommend that you also use the optional rule that a tank is disabled whenever its armour
is penetrated (see page 33).
Missile launchers mounted on fixed turrets or large ships require a speciality of the Artillery skill to
fire. Ship missiles are usually launched by multiple tubes on the ship’s stern and can deal a lot of
damage in the Real Robot sub-genre. Interestingly, they are not very effective in the Super Robot sub-
genre. Thus, treat all ship- or base-launched missiles as Large or Ship missiles in the latter sub-genre.


Twin mount -, S, A
Turret mount C

Particle Cannon 1-3, A, C [pcan]

Aka: Beam cannon, Mega-particle cannon
A particle cannon is the energy equivalent of ballistic cannons, but it fires a flow of hyper-charged sub-
atomic particles. A particle weapon usually takes its ammunition from a craft’s internal power source.
8. Equipment

Particle beams can impale, with the normal limitations for manoeuvrability if not used by a Mecha.
When a target is hit by a particle weapon, only the target’s Energy armour is counted against the
damage dealt by the beam. If no energy armour rating is specified for a given target, half of its kinetic
armour, rounded down, is applied.
Many particle weapons are mounted on turrets. When used on ships they are often mounted as twin
weapons. Small particle turrets can fire bursts (often called pulses when referring to energy weapons),
especially when the turret is specially designed as a point blank missile or Mecha defence weapon. In
this case the energy expenditure listed for the weapon refers to one round of bursts.

Basic Roleplaying


 MW d " (S)  
 MW d# $ (S)  
 MW d$ & (M) , S, A 
# MW d&  (M) , S, A #
$ MW d  (M) S, A $
& MW d$ " (L) A, C &
 MW d& * (L) C 
 MW d * (XL) C 
Motion wave kill * C " Only fired at long range
by spaceships
Weapons with an asterisked range are usually used with indirect fire, which requires the Artillery skill.


Turret Mount C
Twin Mount all

Particle Rifle 2-3. [prif]

Aka: Beam rifle
A particle rifle is a hand held version of a particle cannon that has been adapted to Mecha usage.
Most of these rifles, as they are external weapons rather than built in ones, use their own internal
supply of energy and so have an ammunition score. This ammunition can be recharged by placing the
weapon in a recharge holster if the Mecha has one suitable for the weapon. Special optics can be
applied to particle rifles in order to allow the firer to aim. When these are used, the Mecha must use
two hands to hold it.
Range and Damage
Range, damage, power consumption and armour effectiveness are the same as for particle cannons.


Optics Allows aiming for a +﹪ bonus, requires two hands 
Burst fire Allows bursts, range is halved or reduced by one level -.
Recharge holster See holster entry on page 90 
Mecha powered Uses Mecha PP 

Radiation Beam S [rbeam]

Aka: countless names...
Another typical Super Robot weapon, the radiation beam projects a continuous flow of one particular
type of energy. Damage dealt by a single hit with this weapon is usually rather low for the Super
Robot genre, but the stream of energy can be projected continuously for several rounds.Since
the damage dealt is always done to the torso of the target Mecha, the cumulative effect is very 8. Equipment
dangerous, even if it is entirely possible that no damage passes through armour for several rounds in
a row. After an initial hit, keeping the beam focused on the enemy is an Easy to-hit roll if the attacking
Mecha does not move.
In most cases, some of the damage will pass on to the pilot. If the latter is stunned by the energy and
has to forfeit his or her action (see the Combat chapter), the enemy Mecha has an opportunity to go
on dealing damage.
In many cases, particularly with electricity, the energy is not conveyed through a beam but passes
through chains or a whip entangling the enemy, or through a grapple. In this case, the damage is
dealt automatically, without any subsequent to hit roll, until the target is able to break free in some
way. Electrified grapples are a slow but infallible way to destroy a target.

Basic Roleplaying


Heat d# " (S) S  -
Cold d# $ (S) S  -
Sound d# $ (S) S  -
Corrosion d# $ (S) S  -
Electricity d# $ (S) S  -


Hand launched The beam is projected by the Super Robot’s hands, S
allowing a twin mount effect
GrappleEntangle The beam is carried by an entangling rope, chain or whip, S
or is discharged during a grappling manoeuvre,
and cannot be used otherwise [gra][ent]
High power The beam is more powerful than the standard version, S
and either does d$ damage or the range is increased
by  steps or one level. Power Point cost is doubled.
Environmental The weapon can only be used when the energy can S
be drawn from the environment.
Pulse The beam can also be used as a Pulse weapon, increasing S [pul]
the Range and Damage. See Radiation Pulse.

Radiation Pulse S, A [rpul]

Aka: Fireball, Corrosive Spit, etc.
This weapon is a concentration of a peculiar radiation that is not discharged slowly like a radiation beam, but in a
single, high-powered burst. The shape taken goes from the classic gob of corrosive acid spat by toad-like monsters
to the equally classic fireballs belched forth by dragons. Note that fire from the mouth is the typical weapon that
can take the form of both a Pulse and a Beam, and in some cases it can even function as both types of weapon.
The Pulse can affect any location of the target, and firing it again on the next round provides no bonus.
Furthermore, it is rather slow-moving, so it counts as a Missile if the target attempts to dodge it.


Heat d$  (M) S  Your classic fireball
Corrosion d$ $ (S) S  Your classic gob of acid
Energy d&  (M) S  An energy blast


Hand launched The pulse is projected by the Super Robot hands, S
allowing a twin mount effect
Twin Same as above, but used by a Spacecraft,
possibly coming out of its wings or engines.
8. Equipment

Repulsion Beam S [rep]

Aka: Hurricane, Antigrav Beam
Another typical Super Robot weapon, this attack does no damage but pushes the opponent away and unbalances
it. In game terms, it does Knockback instead of damage, even on a simple success hit. On a Special Success, the
opponent is not knocked down but pushed up, eventually falling down for 1d6 kinetic damage.
This weapon is extremely useful to escape a Radiation beam. As the target will remain motionless to better
aim with its own weapon, the Repulsion beam is more likely to connect. Most repulsion beams are built in
such a way that they can be used against a grappling foe. A Repulsion Beam effective range is 6 (S).

Basic Roleplaying

RPG Launcher 3, S [rpg]

Aka: Bazooka, Hyper-bazooka
This weapon is a hand held tube that contains unguided missiles and shoots them one at a time. The
missile damage and range is the same as the built-in ones, but a bazooka allows a Mecha to fire much
larger missiles, closer in size to those fired by ships. Moreover, bazookas can use optics and as suchallow
aiming. These launchers have a rather limited supply of ammunition, usually between 4 and 10 shots.
Range and Damage
Range, damage, power consumption and armour effectiveness are the same as for missiles.


Optics Allows aiming for a +﹪ bonus, requires two hands 
Nuclear warhead Automatic destruction of target 

Shield [shld]
A shield is usually able to block any damage on a successful Parry or Block roll. See page 49 for details.

Thrown Weapon S [throw]

A thrown weapon is essentially a melee weapon adapted to throwing. It may still be usable as a melee
weapon, or be limited to throwing, like a boomerang. In the former case, refer to the appropriate weapon entry
on the Mecha sheet. Weapons that can only be thrown will be described in this section. A thrown weapon has
the advantage of reach, but it only adds half the Mecha damage bonus to its own damage. Unless the weapon
was already being used in close combat, it requires a 5 DEX rank delay for readying before it can be thrown.
Many thrown weapons return to the thrower’s hands after striking. The rules in this case are the same
provided for Flying Fists.
Other thrown weapons are self-propelled, that is they do not need the superbot’s arms to be thrown. In this
case, the usual 5 DEX rank delay before the weapon can be thrown is not in effect, and the range for the
weapon is 8 [S].


BladeBoomerang d& throw S -
Arrow d$ throw S - Impale
Some extremely powerful blades or scythes or boomerangs are completely made of energy, and thus reduce
the effectiveness of the target armour.


Returning Return to wielder’s hand S [ret]
Energy Blade  ppround S [ene]
Self-thrown Hands not required S [;self]

Tonfa 1 [ton]
Similar to the weapon used by ancient Japanese peasants and modern anti-riot policemen, this device
8. Equipment
adds +1 to a Mecha Brawl damage and allows it to parry melee weapons even if not equipped with
a real melee weapon. It is usually kept retracted along the Mecha forearm, and extended for combat.
Extending the tonfa takes the usual 5 DEX ranks to ready a weapon, and if the weapon is not ready at
the start of a turn, it can only parry attacks that occur on the pilot DEX rank or lower.


Tonfa  close  - Can parry melee weapons

Basic Roleplaying

Armours Stone Skin

Stone skin is a very rudimentary form of armour used
Armour in BRP Mecha is fully effective only against mainly by Mecha of magical origin. It provides only
the type of damage for which it was originally one point of armour per SIZ Class against kinetic
designed. If hit by an attack based on a different attacks, but it has the advantage of providing one
kind of damage, its value is decreased or even point of thermal, vibro and energy armour at all SIZ
nullified. Some types of armour or protective fields, scales.
however, are effective against more than one type of
attack. The following table explains which kinds of Steel Armour
armours and force fields stop which kind of damage This kind of armour provides only one point of kinetic
and how they are reduced when confronted by a armour per SIZ Class of the Mecha or vehicle, and is
different type of attack. used to represent the armour of tanks or non-combat
Mecha. It is also rather useful to represent the armour
Few armour types offer vibro protection. Please of transformable Mecha, which cannot be very thick
note also that Spin armour is not a real type of because of the vehicle ability to change into fighter
armour but rather a special effect found in the Super configuration.
Robot genre and explained later in this chapter.
Titanium Armour
When an armour value is halved, it is always Titanium steel is the standard armour for Real Robots.
rounded down. When two or more armour types It provides an average protection (one and a half per
provide protection against the same type of attack, SIZ Class, rounding down) against kinetic attacks.
always choose the one with the highest value.
Armour values never stack. Advanced Alloys
Advanced alloy armour is used to represent advanced
Example: Cosmizer’s cosmic alloy armour gives armour types for Real Robots, or heroic armour
its six points of energy protection and nine points for Super Robots. They are generally tougher than
of kinetic protection. It is hit by a Laser beam for titanium or steel against kinetic attacks, at two points
8 points of damage. Its kinetic armour is worth per SIZ Class. They also provide one point of thermal
half against laser, for a total of 4 points, while its and energy armour per SIZ Class.
energy armour counts for its full six points. Since
the highest score is six, Cosmizer takes two points Cosmic armour
of damage. This kind of armour is used in the Super Robot sub-
genre to represent armour designed to withstand the
rigours of space, and in some cases to absorb the
Types of armour tremendous heat of entering a planet’s atmosphere.
Scaly Skin It is usually non terrestrial in origin, and very hard to
Scaly skin is the standard protection for Kaiju pierce. It provides three points of kinetic armour per
monsters. It provides 1 point of kinetic protection SIZ Class, two points of energy and thermal armour
per two SIZ Classes of the creature (round up), per SIZ scale, and one point of corrosion armour per
but since many Kaiju are SIZ Class 5 or more it SIZ Class. Consider all Mecha shields as made of
may still be relevant. such a kind of nearly indestructible armour.

Kinetic Energy Thermal Vibro Spin
8. Equipment

Kinetic full - - - half

Explosive full half - - full
Laser half full full - -
Particle half full - - -
Electric - half - - -
Heat - - full - -
Cold - - half - -
Sound - - - full -
Corrosion - - - - full

Basic Roleplaying

Spin Protection S [spro]

Rather than an armour, this is an effect that is commonly used in the Super Robot genre. The Mecha uses
some sort of propeller, or a whip or weighted chain of some sort which it spins at very high speed, and uses
it to repel corrosive fluids and to make missiles explode far from its body. Impromptu weapons can be used
to activate this very cinematic effect, which is absolutely not allowed in the Real Robot sub-genre.

Force Field 3, S [for]

A force field is a form of temporary armour that stops energy and physical attacks. It is usually linked to
the Mecha internal power source, and is a very powerful device that can nullify even the most powerful
weapons. Force fields are usually limited to an effectiveness of one tenth of the Mecha POW, but in some
cases they can operate at one fifth of it, at the cost of a noticeable increase in power point cost. Devices
that boost the power plant output usually affect also the force field effectiveness. In any case, most force
fields are so expensive in terms of energy cost that they can be activated only for a limited amount of
rounds. Use the Force Field super power described in BRP as a guideline.
Force fields are among the few protection forms that are equally effective against both energy and
concussive attacks. When a physical melee weapon with an energy enhancement (electric whip, heat
blade) hits a force field, the enhanced effect does not affect the Mecha if the basic kinetic damage is not
enough to overcome the force field.
Using a Force Field costs 1 PP per SIZ Class per turn, providing POW/10 protection against kinetic and
energy attacks.


Boost Double effectiveness at triple PP cost, must be activated on a , S
temporary basis as it may deplete the Mecha energy very quickly

8. Equipment


A spaceship caravan travels among the stars, in search of a paradise lost.

The player characters are in charge of defending it from mysterious hostile
xenomorphs. Their struggle will eventually lead them to investigate the aliens’
connections with the human race, and their own reason to be in space.

Basic Roleplaying

A human starship fleet has been on a voyage denizens of the fleet, but is not enough for them
towards a “promised land” for such a long time to look really foreign.
that any information about how this came to be
The members of Fleet Command are the oldest
is now sketchy and incomplete. No one among
humans alive, and have been such since the
the living crew members was there when the
beginning of this voyage. They are now more
journey began. As far as they know, they are
machine than human, probably nothing more
the last humans left in the universe and they
than consciences uploaded to artificial bodies,
have fled their mother planet, a lost paradise, for
and are seldom met by common crew members.
unknown reasons. An alien fleet is pursuing them
out of mysterious motivations, which apparently No statistics are provided for capital ships.
does not include their destruction: they want They should be represented as places rather than
something from them. vehicles, with cities and a peculiar landscape
inside of them. In general, any weapon doing
The Exodus goes on while battle between
more than 10 points of damage on the Mecha
these two groups rages among the stars.
scale can pierce a ship hull so that an armour
Exodus is provided as a sample setting for frame can pass through. This is the only
your Mecha game. Although it belongs to the numerical detail that should matter during play.
Real Robot genre, it borrows some elements from
Super Robot stories. You can either use Exodus Player Characters
for a quick start of play, or as an example of
the personalization work that your Gamemaster People on the ships are not exactly like us. Most
should do to prepare a BRP Mecha campaign of them have been born from a clone tank and
setting of his or her own. As you can see, Exodus fast aged to at least eighteen year old to ensure
contains a few unique quirks and exceptions a steady supply of personnel. Knowledge is
to the standard rules for Real Robots. You will imparted through mental conditioning. Thus
probably end up doing something similar when while they still have relationships and normal
designing your own Mecha background story. human interactions, human families are almost
You will notice that some questions about
background facts are left unanswered. If you The Player Characters are newly created
wish to play a long term campaign in the Exodus human Pilots assigned to a single ship in the
universe, feel free to provide your own answers fleet. They are thus among the most important
and to expand the setting according to your taste. personnel on the ship and working closely with
the leading Captain and his bridge crew. They are
The human fleet also granted a lot of freedom and leeway at least
while they are being effective in their duties.
The colossal ships headed for the “promised
They can take part in a lot of mission types,
land” are the only home their crew has ever
from exploration to combat. Being that important
known. An average crew member does not know
they will have to take part in the ship’s politics
what this destination actually is, and is aware
and get involved with important characters.
that he or she will probably not live enough to
see it. This means that most of them just keep Generate characters according to the rules
going with their daily lives on board their ship, provided in Chapter 3. As they are genetically
doing their jobs and asking no questions. engineered to be ace pilots, their INT, DEX and
APP should not be below 13, and their skills
Each ship acts as a community and focuses
should be evaluated using the professions of
on specific tasks for the common interest of the
Engineer, Pilot or Soldier, with Pilot preferred.
fleet as a whole. Each ship has an appointed
Their EDU should be a fixed 15, as their memories
Captain who is in charge of managing the ship
9. Exodus

and skills have been implanted into their

and effectively supporting the fleet. All ship
subconscious during the cloning, but you may
Captains report to the Fleet Command on the
also want to roll 2D3+11 for EDU to represent
Exodus capitol ship. Travel between ships in not
different reactions to subliminal teaching.
common and reserved to important personnel,
Evaluate professional skill points by multiplying
both technical and military. Thus each ship has
EDU by 20. Players should not start the game
developed some cultural differences that allow
with a Status higher than 60 and a wealth level
easy recognition of its crew members from other
above Affluent.

Basic Roleplaying

Use Motivations rather than skills to make your can be seen besides crude WWII style levers and
characters unique: give them three Motivations buttons.
at 30% and allow them to distribute a pool of
Control bridges and engine rooms are usually
100 more percentile among them, to a maximum
very high tech, while crew quarters and everyday
of 70% per each single Motivation. For each 10
facilities tend to employ simpler and pre-stardrive
percentile points they choose to lose from the
technology, providing fewer utilities and even
100 point pool, let them start a new Motivation.
less comfort. Every ship sports at least some
Each character should be able to activate
particle beam cannons and several rail gun
three Motivations at a time, four in case of an
turrets for point blank defence, while military
exceptionally significant combat.
ships also mount more advanced weaponry for
assault purposes.
Human Technology
The ships bear the marks of having been in use
Armour Frames
for a long time, maybe a century, maybe more.
The mainstay forces are represented by Armour
Their once polished hull surfaces have become
Frames: 12 meter tall humanoid Mecha carrying
irregular because of battle damage and general
battleship-grade weaponry. Pilots sit in their
wearing due to interstellar travel. Their systems
cockpit and act as a quick reaction defence for
used to be very advanced and complex, but
the fleet. Armour Frames are versatile and can
since the beginning of the journey, fixing and
cover any battle role. Most weapons are fitted to
patching have made them simpler and cruder to
the AF arms or on shoulder hard-points.
the point that touch screen holographic controls

used for close defence
n/a 330 400 - - 400 2 -
of the capital ships and ZONE MELEE MISSILE AP HP EQUIPMENT
deep space operations Stern - -  Engine Exhaust [2]
away from the fleet. Starboard - -  Railgun Turret [2]
They cannot carry Valiant Port - -  Railgun Turret [2]
spacecraft, but they can Main Deck 09-12 09-12 4 11 Main Gun Battery [2]
be used to resupply them Cmd Deck 13-16 13-16 4 11 Command Deck [2]
in long range missions. In Bow 17-20 17-20 4 11 Missile Launchers [2,3]
general, they are an easy
and Synthezoids if not Main battery Main [2] Laser 1d8 12 [M] 4PP Twin, Impale
Railgun turret Side [2t] Kinetic 1d4 5 [S] 20 bursts ea. Twin, burst
escorted by fighters. Missile Bow [2,3] Explo 3d6 20 [L] 8 ea Twin
The main battery can Skills: Artillery (Laser Cannons) 40%, Artillery (Railguns) 50%, Artillery (Missiles) 40%,
only impale against slow Pilot Spaceship 50%.
targets like other capital
9. Exodus

Basic Roleplaying

The AF7 Valiant Armour Frame is a transformable fighter aircraft employed by the Exodus Defence
Force to fend off alien attacks. It can alternate between aircraft and Mecha shape, turning from
one configuration into the other in 5 DEX Ranks – or one combat round if it does not have 5 DEX
Ranks available.
The Valiant is 11,5m tall (SIZ Class 2) and 15 metric tons in mass. It has two engines rated 400
MW each, and a power converter system with a 100% efficiency. Each leg of the Armour Frame,
in humanoid form, has an exhaust port for the engines. This allows the Valiant to jump in the
atmosphere and to move in space with a Move value equal to 3, but does not provide any extra
thrust or any bonus to Pilot rolls. A damaged thruster makes all Pilot rolls Difficult. When the
Valiant is in spacecraft form, its leg thrusters can act as vernier thrusters, giving it a +10% to
handling if the pilot expends 2PP to manoeuvre.
The Valiant has two low output laser cannons, mounted on either side of the spacecraft cockpit,
which relocate to the shoulders in Mecha form. The standard configuration for the Valiant in
Mecha form includes one single 50mm Assault Railgun held with the right arm. The spacecraft
form usually carries three antimatter missiles in hard-points under the wings, which cannot be
fired in Mecha form.


2 73 65 - - 65 20 +10%*
* an expenditure of  PP per round is required to gain the handling bonus
R Engine - -   Engine [], Thruster []
L Engine - -   Engine [], Thruster []
R Wing - -   Various ordnance or pods
L Wing - -   Various ordnance or pods
Hull - -  Fuel tank [], Cannon []
Nose - -   Cockpit [] Sensors [] Lasers [ ]


Lasers Nose [ ] Laser d  [s]  pp Twin, Impale
Gatling rifle Hull [] Kinetic 1d4  [m] 15 bursts Burst, Impale
Missiles Wing [t,t ] Explo 1d8  [l] 3 each Twin,  podswing

65 73 65 - - 1d4 3*[3F] 3[1E]


R-Leg - -   ThrusterJetcraft []
L-Leg -  -   ThrusterJetcraft []
Torso - -  Cockpit [], Emgines [, ] Lasers [,]
R Arm - -   Rifle []
L Arm - -   -
Head -    Sensors []
9. Exodus

* MOV is 6 if the Valiant users its leg thrusters as a Jetcraft, spending 2pp per round
Brawl - Brawl d close - -
Gatling rifle Arm [r] Kinetic d  [M]  bursts Burst, Impale
Lasers Torso [,] Laser d  [S] pp Twin, Impale

Basic Roleplaying

AF7 Valiant additional equipment A player character can also request that its
This is a sample list of additional equipment that Armour Frame be permanently equipped with
can be mounted on AF7 Armour Frames for special one device, thus making it unique. In order to do
missions. In general, no more than two additional this, he or she must succeed in a Status roll as
items can be mounted, unless one of them is a usual, but his or her Wealth is considered as being
replacement for a standard weapon or equipment. one level lower for the purpose of that roll. If the
Before a special mission, pilots may receive special character succeeds, then the equipment is added
equipment as determined by the Gamemaster, or permanently, but his or her Status is lowered by
they may request a particular item of their choice. one level for the duration of that mission and
The price ratings given here are used to determine the following one. The roll for the permanent
if the pilot can gain the desired equipment with a equipment add-on must be made before any other
successful Status roll, using the rules provided on Status rolls. Losing an armour frame in battle
page 239 of Basic Roleplaying. removes any permanent bonus gained so far.


Extra thrusters Additional pair of Vernier thruster for manoeuvrability in both spacecraft Expensive
and Mecha form (cost 2 PP per round, +10% to Pilot Spacecraft when
used, cumulative with normal thrusters in Spacecraft form). Expensive
Heavy Armour Armour becomes 4 per location. MOV -1 in Mecha configuration
and -2 in spacecraft configuration.
ECM Pod Replaces missiles on one hardpoint. All missile attacks against Average
the Armour Frame in spacecraft configuration are Difficult.
Anti-ship missiles Replaces missiles on one hardpoint. One single missile per hardpoint, Average
doing 3D6 damage, can only target big and slow-moving spaceships.
Sniper Railgun Single-shot version of the Railgun, does 1d6+1 damage at 20 (L) range. Expensive
Carries 40 rounds, and has optics that allows aiming. Average
Bayonet Blade mounted on the Assault Railgun.
It does 1D6 melee damage and can impale.
Hand grenade A pair of grenades attached to the AF hips in Mecha configuration. Average
They can be thrown at Short range for 1D10 explosive damage,
affecting one entire area. Roll damage separately for each target.
Laser rifle Heavy laser that replaces the railgun. Does 1d6 laser damage Priceless
at 18 (L) range, single-shot only, and can impale. Uses 4 PP
from the Mecha power point pool.
Improved engines Permanent only. Increases engine power at the cost of some Priceless
POW-to-STR conversion efficiency. Engine POW becomes 90,
STR becomes 81. MOV while flying becomes 30.

The Enemy one wonder what becomes of the human prisoners

they take, at least according to propaganda.
Not much is known about the Enemy. Enemy Synthezoids appear to obey some hierarchy,
Armour Frames (Synthezoids) ambush the Exodus with the humanoid ones leading the others. They
fleet and often try to get close to human ships. also have base ships from which they launch their
9. Exodus

While they attack and destroy the defending AF and assaults on the Exodus fleet.
damage the ships, they are clearly trying to cripple
them rather than destroy them outright. The enemy Synthezoids are organic beings, and
are one SIZ class bigger than human armour frames,
Enemy Synthezoids are bio-mechanical devices SIZ Class 3. Even though they do not feel pain, and
and usually not humanoid in design. They have can survive limb amputation, bringing the head or
organic brains but a mechanical body. Their DNA is torso to zero HP will disable them. Loss of a leg or
98% human, something that is surprising and makes thruster makes all Pilot rolls Difficult

Basic Roleplaying



88 84 60 10 8 1d6 3 [1F] 2 [1E]


Tail -    Ball or Laser []
R-Leg - -   Thruster []
L-Leg - -   Thruster []
Torso - -  
R-Arm - -   Claw
L-Arm - -   Claw
Head -    Laser []


Claws Arms Brawl d close
Eye Beam Head [] Energy d  [M] PP Impale
Iron Ball Tail [] Kinetic d  [S] - Entangle
Tail Beam Tail [] Energy d  [M] PP Impale
Skills: Mecha Weapons 40%, Pilot Spacecraft 30%, Pilot Mecha 60,
Spacecraft Weapons 20

Note: The creature can walk on its hind legs, and its fore legs have sharp claws. The head has a single eye that can shoot low intensity laser
beams. The tail contains the creature’s most effective weapon, either a heavier laser or a receptacle for an iron ball linked to the tail arm
with a chain. The weapon works like a ball&chain melee weapon that can entangle the enemy and draw it to close range, where the Synthezoid
can use its claws against the entangled target. The Iron Ball can be used every other round, as it takes one round to retract the chain into the
receptacle if the enemy is not entangled.



84 80 70 13 11 1d4 3 [1F] 2 [1E]


R-Leg - -   Thruster [], Grenade []
L-Leg -  -   Thruster [], Grenade []
Torso - -   -
R-Arm - -   Particle Gun
L-Arm - -   -
Head -    -


Brawl Arms Brawl d close

Particle Gun Arm [r] Energy d  [M] PP Impale
Shock Grenade Leg [t] Energy d  [M]  Area effect,
affects  zone
Bayonet as Gun Melee d close PP Impale
Skills: Mecha Weapons 65%, Pilot Spacecraft 50%, Pilot Mecha 60%,
9. Exodus

Spacecraft Weapons 40

Note: The location for the Grenades refers to the rack where they are held. Some of these creatures carry a combat knife or a bayonet they
can use in close combat. They usually have 6 to 11 Fate Points. Some humanoid Synthezoids behave as if they had human memories and
motivations. The latter usually have a bigger Fate Point pool.

Basic Roleplaying


carry enemy Synthezoids, n/a 520 720 - - 720 3 -
for deep space operations, Bow - -   Synthezoid Launch Port []
to close proximity of the Starboard - -   Particle Turrets x [,]
Exodus fleet. Each of Port - -   Particle Turrets x [,]
these carries a squad of Main Deck - -   Command [], Sensors []
six reptilian units and a Stern - -   Main Gun []
humanoid leader.
impale against slow targets Main Gun Stern [] Energy d  [L] PP Impale
like other capital ships. Particle turret Side [,t] Energy d  [S] PP ea. Burst, Twin,
Skills: Artillery (Laser Cannons) 40%, Artillery (Railguns) 50%, Artillery (Missiles) 40%,
Pilot Spaceship 50

A Strange Discovery force. The PCs have just the time to organize a
hasty defence before the enemy launches an
An exodus scenario for beginner characters assault with the standard force of six reptilian
Synthezoids led by a humanoid one.
This scenario can be used as the first episode of
an ongoing Exodus campaign, or as a plot twist for Fending off the Synthezoids should not be too
a game that has already seen a couple skirmishes difficult, even with the odds against the player
between the player characters and the Enemy. characters, as the Valiants have the upper hand
in space. The humanoid leader, however, has
An asteroid that emits strange radio waves has 15 Fate points and will use them defensively,
been located some million miles from the fleet. It letting his underlings die for him. Tell the
is within range of the fleet secondary ships, but players that the Senophon can be treated as
the defence fleet has only a few hours to reach the a support vehicle in this battle, and they can
asteroid and investigate. In order not to jeopardize direct the fire of any one of its point defence
too many troops, Fleet Command decides to send batteries at the cost of one Fate point per round
only one frigate and six Valiants as an escort. The as if they were a support vehicle.
PCs are among the six pilots dispatched.
At some point, the enemy leader will
Allow all players to stage scenes on the fleet in acknowledge defeat and flee. All inferior
9. Exodus

order to activate Motivations and gain some Fate. Synthezoids but two remain behind and are
They will need it. slaughtered by the PCs. Use Scene Retreat to grant
After an uneventful journey, the Senophon the boss free escape. Emphasize with your players
frigate and its escort are within one hour of that he is escaping because he has been defeated,
the asteroid when sensors detect a spaceship and that this will cost him dearly in terms of Fate.
approaching. After smaller objects have Remind them that firing at the fleeing enemy will
separated from it, it becomes clear that it is an gain them Fate, and that ammunition is not a
alien destroyer sent to annihilate the human problem when they have a frigate around.

Basic Roleplaying

Strangely enough, the leader will not flee The entire cavern is approximately as big as
towards the alien destroyer, but towards the sixteen zones in area, with a four zone distance
asteroid. The players have two options at this between opposing walls. It has no gravity. If the
point: storm the destroyer before it can escape and hatch has been blown up, all crystals in an area of
then deal with the escaped Synthezoids, or head nine zones have been destroyed. An appropriate
directly for the asteroid. If they choose the former Spot roll can reveal that most of the “optic fibres”
option, and succeed, the ship will self-detonate are in fact connecting to one particular spot, which
when damaged beyond hope but they will be able lies at the opposite side of the hatch. Something
to salvage alien technology enough to grant them peculiar is there, but it is not possible to tell what.
a 1d6 Status gain. Stage the battle like the assault A second Spot roll will reveal that the enemy leader
on the human frigate, but with the humans as is hidden there, while the other two Synthezoids
the attacking force, and any surviving aliens that are hidden one or two zones away from the hatch,
did not follow the leader as the defender. If the depending on whether the hatch has been opened
PCs storm the destroyer, they will waste just one or blown up. If the player characters have blown
hour’s time, but they will not be able to repair any the hatch open, the Enemy has set up a very
damage done to their Valiants due to the battle as elaborate ambush, and the inferior Synthezoids are
the fleet is now moving away from the asteroid. so well hidden that it is not possible to spot them
without a Special Success.
Once they approach the asteroid, the Senophon
will detect a metal plate that looks very much like At this point, start combat even if the PCs
a Mecha-sized hatch on its surface, and no traces have not spotted the Synthezoids. If the ambush
of the Synthezoid leader and its escort. The players succeeded, determine what the Enemy does after
will surely guess what has actually happened. The the PCs have declared their intents, otherwise tell
player characters, and only them, are in charge them what the Synthezoids are doing before they
of approaching the astral body while the frigate state their intents. The leader will shoot at any
and any Valiant manned by NPCs remain at a safe incoming Valiant, while the underlings will try to
distance. They have the opportunity to pick any one use their iron balls, if in range, to entangle them
weapon of Average value from the frigate supplies and prevent them from reaching the leader.
before approaching the hatch.
All of them will attack the crystals of the zone
The hatch opening mechanisms seem in where the PCs are, instead, if any of them move
perfect order, but they do not work when the through a zone that has not been damaged (see the
player characters try to operate them, whereas the section about using scenery elements in combat). If
Synthezoid was apparently able to use the hatch. the crystals of one zone are blown up, all Mecha in
It will take an appropriate Science or Engineering that zone suffer 1d4 Energy damage. The underling’s
roll, or a Difficult Repair roll, to activate the piece Iron Balls are perfect for this job, and can strike at
of alien technology. If everything else fails, a one zone distance for this purpose. If a grenade is
couple of missiles from the Senophon will blast the thrown at a zone, all targets in the zone receive both
hatch open, but this may damage what is inside. grenade and crystal explosion damage. Once the
crystals in a zone have been detonated, it is safe to
Once the player characters are inside the
stand in it. Of course, the PCs can use the crystals
asteroid, their eyes are met by a fantastic view.
against their opponents once the trick is known.
Millions of luminous crystals cover the inner
Changing to fighter configuration and shooting
walls of the hollow rocky mass, which appears
missiles, even with a penalty, might turn out to be
to be an immense geode. As if the light was not
the best tactics.
enough to reveal their non-natural origin, several
of them are connected to cables that resemble Much to the PCs’ surprise, the Leader has
huge optic fibres, giving the strange cavern the 1d6 Fate Points! Remark to them that he should
look of a gigantic optical computer. This is, clearly, not, after using Scene Retreat, and that his
9. Exodus

the source of the radio waves. The entire cavern is peculiar behaviour reveals that he is defending,
filled by level 1 radiation, making it dangerous for possibly coveting, “something” that is in the core
humans to leave the safety of the Valiant cockpits. spot of the optic computer. He is clearly using a
There is not enough room in the hollow space to Motivation, and displaying human feelings. He will
operate the Valiants in spacecraft configuration, not move from its position for any reason.
and anyone trying to do so will incur in a heavy
When the PCs down the leader or reach its
penalty – all of his or her rolls become Difficult.
position in forces, it will use Scene Safety again to

Basic Roleplaying

“die a heroic death” at the very core of the optic Any crystal chunks brought aboard the
computer. He will protect the target of his attention fleet are inert, and it will take a long time for
against any explosion or other threat with its own the scientists to discover anything about their
body. The moment the battle is over, the PCs will nature. The woman, however, is alive! She is
find its dead body coiled around something, his comatose, but her brain is still working, and her
hands protecting a glass cocoon of some sort. brainwaves show no sign of damage. Psychic
Once they move his hands away, they will see that powers or neural interfaces will eventually be
the target of his attentions is an ellipsoid made able to establish a mental contact with her,
of glass or energy – or both – that contains a which will result in a semi-onieric experience for
human female figure, dressed in something that the person attempting the communication. Once
may be silk, or perhaps overlong human hair. It is enough information has been gathered about
impossible to tell if she is dead or sleeping. Dozens the Sleeping Beauty’s glass prison, the scientists
of optic fibres connect to the cocoon, and light will discover how to awaken her. But will Fleet
flows towards it in a continuous fashion. Command want to set her free, or will they fear
the secrets she hides?
The moment anyone detaches even one of the
optic fibres, even by mistake – it takes a DEX x1 Who is this woman? How long has she been
roll to handle the cocoon with a Mecha without sleeping in deep space? Was she trying to
damaging a fibre – all of the crystals in the hollow communicate with those radio signals? And with
space start to hum and emit a pulsating light. It is whom, with the humans or with the Enemy?
not very difficult to guess what is about to happen; What sort of link was there between her and the
the huge artificial brain is about to explode. The Synthezoid leader? Did it know her before being
PCs have just enough time to pick up some crystal transformed into an organic war machine? Is
samples – and the cocoon if they wish – and get this the definitive evidence that the Enemy uses
out of the structure. The explosion reduces the former humans as soldiers?
asteroid to small debris, but fortunately no Valiant
All these questions await an answer. You and
suffers any damage unless its pilot has delayed his
your players are in charge of finding it by playing
or her escape for some reason. In the latter case,
your Exodus campaign!
a Pilot Spacecraft is needed to avoid a 1d8 impact
with an asteroid chunk.
9. Exodus



Basic Roleplaying

This scenario is modelled after the several “Super Setup

Robot team up” theatrical anime that were
released in the 70s and 80s, featuring two or Before running this scenario, the Gamemaster
more of the most popular giant robots from the should write down the statistics for the “personal
TV shows gathering to fight some tremendous nemesis” of each of the player characters/Mecha.
“kaiju” monster coming from space or from the This may be the leader of the alien race that
deep of the oceans. It will give you a sample of destroyed his or her homeworld, a monster that
what the taste of a good Super Robot scenario killed his or her family, or whatever. In some cases
might be, and allow you to feature plenty of the nemesis is Mecha-sized, in other cases it will
colourful opponents for your player characters pilot a Mecha of its own. You only need to stat the
and their Mecha. Mecha form, and assign it an APP value for Fate
The adventure is meant to be played with determination purposes. Try and link it to one of
characters and Mecha taken directly from your the player character’s Motivations, if possible, or at
favourite anime series – the only prerequisite is least to his or her background. A player character
that the bases of the Mecha teams are located on may have more than one nemesis if this can
Earth – but you can easily run it with Mecha you provide additional fun.
have generated specially for this scenario, or with
your campaign characters if you are running a Radiation on the Pacific Shore!
Super Robot campaign. We will assume that your Caught in a Mud Trap!
characters are members of one or more teams of Action takes place some years in the future
heroes who defend Earth and Japan from non- from now. 2020 is a good date, but if your game
human threats, each of one based in a fortified takes place in the 22th Century it is still ok.
scientific institute, as it is the norm in classic After the great tsunami of 2011, which killed
Super Robot anime. These teams might be willing tens of thousands and almost caused a nuclear
to cooperate or not, but in any case a minimum of catastrophe, the area around the old nuclear
rivalry among Mecha pilots is assumed. reactors at Fukushima power central has turned
A common trope of anime is the dumb into a nuclear wasteland that no human being
character who is part of the show to provide can inhabit. Strange mutations have started to
comic relief. In this kind of anime, however, this appear among animals living in the area, and the
character may also have a “super” robot of his Japanese government fears the worst.
own. Of course, this robot is not very effective Our story begins when the Radiation
in combat and is there to provide some comic Observatory of the Japanese Academy of Science
relief, too. We recommend that you introduce detects a sudden increase in the radiation level
this ridiculous Mecha in this scenario, too, as a in the sea directly in front of the old nuclear
GM tool to spice up action and give the heroes reactors. This information is transmitted to at
some clumsy comrade to help, but also as a least one of the Mecha bases, nominally the one
means of helping any player character whose with the Mecha which has the best performance
Mecha has been disabled. We will call this underwater (remember that energy weapons do
Mecha the Comic Robot, and it will appear in not work underwater in anime!) Allow all pilots to
any combat in which the GM wishes to have it run introductory scenes and activate Motivation,
feature. Any player may also have it appear at if they wish, particularly if rivalry among pilots is
the cost of three Fate Points. Comic Robot is
10. Fukucalypse

involved. Our underwater-equipped Mecha is then

considered a support vehicle, but it is not tied sent to investigate about the radiation increase.
to a particular player or Mecha, so any player Only one Mecha is sent on this scouting mission.
may activate and control it during Statement
of Intent at the cost of one Fate Point (make a Once on the spot, the Mecha must submerge
Charisma roll or “bid” extra Fate Points if more to carry on its investigation. The Geiger Counter
than one player wishes to control Comic Robot). included in its sensors clearly indicates that there
If no one wishes to control Comic Robot, the GM is a high level of radiation in the sea, though not
will control it and make it act. And cause the enough to put the pilot in any immediate danger.
biggest mess he or she can imagine... It is also possible to detect a specific source for
the radiation, a spot on the muddy sea floor where
radiation emission is even higher. The Super
Robot cannot see clearly what is in the spot as

Basic Roleplaying

the muddy, murky waters interfere both vision and If the Mecha manages to defeat the kaiju, it
sonar. The only solution left is to enter the spot, will self-destruct, leaving only small bits of its
or disturb it with a missile or a concussion weapon. body for the scientific team to examine once the
player character is back to the base. If the Mecha
As soon as the radioactive spot is disturbed,
is disabled, the kaiju will not take advantage of
a crab-shaped kaiju monster (organic, but
this, instead fleeing to the oceanic depths, leaving
comparable in size to a Mecha) appears in the
the unfortunate PC waiting for a rescue team. Have
mud. The creature is hostile and will react to
the Comic Robot intervene to save the unfortunate
any attack, but will eventually flee, using Scene
Mecha pilot if necessary.
Withdrawal, if it takes any damage. The zone
where the kaiju appears contains a STR 88 Grapple A thorough analysis of footage from the Mecha
effect (adjust STR to match the average STR of camera, or of the remains of the monster if
your Mecha) and a Sight Obstruction obstacle that collected, shows no sign of electronic equipments
the monstrous crab can automatically activate with on the kaiju body, and confirms that even its
its claws or spit without any activation roll. It is in ranged weapons are made of organic compounds.
its own habitat, after all. It is entirely possible that the monster is just an
overgrown sea crab.


85 90 30 8 7 1d6 2 [4 swim] 3


R-Leg - -   -
L-Leg -  -
Carapace - -  Spit
R-Claw - -
L-Claw - -   Claw


Claws Claws Brawl d
close - -
Acid spit Carapace Corrosion d  [S] PP -

Note: The creature has 2 groups of thin crab-like legs that allow it to walk. The high HP in this location represent the need to cut all legs on a
side in order to immobilize it. Its fore legs are shaped like lobster claws, allowing it to parry melee weapons. Each kaiju has 7 Fate Points. It is
rather resistant to energy and radiation (AP 3), but not to fire (AP 1).

Nightmare in the Harbour! Motivation yet and give him or her a chance to
An enemy from the past! activate a nemesis-related Motivation before
taking off with his or her Mecha.
While the scientific team is still trying to

10. Fukucalypse
understand the nature of the sea monster, a crisis The player whose nemesis has appeared
occurs in Tokyo. A terrible Mecha attacks the clearly has a good reason to face it single-
harbour, blowing up oil tanks and sinking ships. handed. Other players may wish to interfere, and
Thousands of lives are at a stake, and another use their rivalries with him or her as an excuse to
Mecha is called in to thwart this terrible threat. take part in the battle. If any player character can
activate a Motivation in order to “get involved,”
The monster that is wreaking havoc in Tokyo allow him or her to use his or her power to
Bay is totally unrelated to the crab, and is the describe a scene in order to enter combat at his or
nemesis of one of the players who did not take her discretion, skipping any launch sequence or
part in the skirmish under the sea. If one of the otherwise, at the most appropriate and climactic
eligible players has activated a Motivation that is moment. Have the most involved character try
related to one of his or her nemesis, then go with and keep everyone else out of this fight, and
it. If no one has any eligible Motivation active, threaten him or her with Fate Penalties if this
then choose a player who has not activated a

Basic Roleplaying

does not happen. If there is any sign of inter-PC Once there, the player characters may spend
struggle, the nemesis will take advantage of this several turns investigating the husks of the
and strike its enemy from behind. Have Comic Nuclear Reactors, detecting a high level of
Robot intervene so that the mess becomes even radiation and nothing else. The nearby oceanic
worse, if necessary. waters are still radiating more than usual, but no
more threats are detected in them. It seems that
The harbour of Tokyo is filled with oil tanks,
no sign of the threat can be found.
each of which is a scenery element that deals 1d6
fire damage to anything in its zone if activated. And then something unexpected happens. As
Strangely enough, this fire damage seems to affect soon as one or more of the Super Robots move
the nemesis badly, no matter how tough its armour. away from the central towards the interior of
Japan by two or more zones, a battle starts. A
In the end, the involved player character will
pillar of whirling radioactive sand appears in the
either defeat the nemesis (with a blast that
middle of the nuclear wasteland, and a group of
destroys any sign of the enemy Mecha) or be so
opponents suddenly appear from nowhere in an
endangered that a rescue is needed. If no one
area adjacent to the Mecha and lying between
else is on the scene and the nemesis is winning,
them and the strange radioactive tornado and
have Comic Robot activate an oil tank and shower
immediately engages the heroes’ Mecha. The
the nemesis in burning oil. If this happens, the
area where the pillar of sand has manifested
nemesis will immediately flee towards the ocean
contains an active Obstacle, which cannot be
– even if water is not its natural habitat. A Fate
cleared by normal means but only by means
Penalty may be appropriate if the most involved
of weapons with a wind-like effect, and has
PC fails to defeat the nemesis and is rescued.
an Entangle effect that can be easily activated
Strangely enough, all people taking part in the against anyone entering it. This means that it
battle but the most involved character will not will be very difficult to “see” what is inside the
see the enemy they fought as the nemesis, but as dust pillar. Digging underground, if a Mecha is
a giant crab-shaped monster instead. They will capable, may be a good solution to get to the
also notice that the crab has a couple of shining mysterious opponent without being Entangled.
antennae on its carapace, which glow each time
The opposing force is made of one nemesis,
it strikes the involved PC’s Mecha. The players
related to one of the players present in the area
will also notice that the nemesis Mecha never
under attack, and enough crab-shaped kaiju to
tried to fly, even in case it is normally able to.
equal the number of PCs minus one. Once the
opposing force is down to zero or one enemy,
Nuclear Holocaust! another similar group, commanded by another
Final Confrontation in the Atomic Waste! nemesis, will step out or the dust storm, and
The immediacy of the threat posed by monster so on once the second group is defeated. Once
attacks should at this point be obvious to everyone all nemesis have been used, already defeated
involved. Once the scientific investigation results ones will start to reappear. In no case will any
about the past phenomena are over, an extended of the nemesis try to fly, even if they should
meeting including all Mecha pilots is called normally be able to. If they are normally air-
on. If several research institutes are involved, based, they should just hover in place over their
the meeting takes place at the base where the kaiju underlings. Allow all players to activate
Motivations connected to their nemesis if they
10. Fukucalypse

evidence about the undersea monster has been

analyzed. Rivalries among pilots must be put aside wish, and challenge any active Motivations by
at this point, although grudges may resurface in compelling the player character to attack his or
the course of the ensuing action scenes. her nemesis or suffer a Fate Penalty.
At the meeting, the Professors in charge of At this point, most players will have guessed
directing the Mecha course of action decide that that something is hiding in the dust storm and
a recon in Fukushima is required. Since the nature taking advantage of the pilots’ memories to
and size of the threat is still unknown, all Super materialize opponents. If no one does, have
Robots must take part in the action, while support Comic Robot appear and get stuck in the dust
vehicles that are not required for Mecha assembly storm, crying for help. In any case, this is the
will remain in reserve. All player characters head for right moment to have Comic Robot appear, too.
the rubble of Fukushima Atomic Central with their He might turn out to be useful during the battle.
Mecha set to a configuration that allows flight.

Basic Roleplaying

In any case, once the players have decided to energy coming from the creature’s eye stalks
attack the sand storm, it should be rather easy when the nemeses appear. At least one nemesis
for them to fly around the opposing forces, which will appear, so if all of them have been used
are confined to the ground. Again, no nemesis have the one most appropriate to the player
will try to take off and catch up with the heroes, who uncovered the Mother show up again. This
even if winged. creature is, clearly, the source of all threats.
Once the mysterious threat has been engaged The Mother will fight with no hesitation, and
in close combat or the dust has been blown will try to destroy the player characters. If any
off, the shape of the Kaiju Mother will appear. players are in great trouble have Comic Robot
The creature is highly radioactive, and several help them, but if they are really begging to have
bulging masses on its body show signs of being their characters killed by acting stupidly, so be it.
crab kaiju that are slowly growing and waiting However, the Mother alone is not terribly tough,
to separate from the mother. During the round and if the players guess that killing it or disabling
in which the Mother is revealed, several minor its antennae will make all nemesis disappear
dust turbulences will appear beside it, and at the (they are just mind tricks) they should be able to
start of the subsequent round all nemesis that save the day and vanquish this terrible threat.
have not appeared yet will come out of them,
Japan and Earth are safe once again. But how
ready to defend the Mother. A successful use
did our heroes come out of this confrontation
of a Perception skill or Psychic Ability will allow
with their worst nemeses?
him or her to notice a strong concentration of


90 120 90 10 15 1d8 1 5[3E]


R Tentacles - -  -
L Tentacles - -  -
Body  - -  -
R Stalk -
L Stalk -   Beam


Tentacle Tentacles Brawl d
close Entangle
Eye Beam Stalks Radiation d  [S] pp Twin

Note: The creature appears like a gigantic, soft crab with its legs replaced by tentacles. It moves around very slowly and has two eye stalks that
can emit mildly powerful radiation beams (twin weapon). Disabling both eye stalks immediately destroys all nemeses, although it will not blind
the creature. The Mother is SIZ Class 5, so it is impossible to knock it around. If a tentacle hits with a Special Success, it applies its damage only
once, but it Entangles the target, making it Easy for the eye beams to connect on the next round and preventing any Dodge by the entangled
Mecha. The tentacles can parry melee and thrown weapons if needed. The creature can make only one attack per round.

10. Fukucalypse
The Mother has 15 Fate Points and is rather resistant to energy, corrosion and radiation (AP 3), but not to fire or cold (AP 1).


19-20 Head 20 01-04 R Engine .33 Engine [2]

05-08 L Engine .33 Engine [2]
16-18 Left arm 18-19 09-19 Hull .50 Twin Missiles [2]
20 Cockpit .25 Pilot Seat [2], Sensors [3]
13-15 Right arm 16-17 Navigator Seat [4]

09-12 Torso 07-15

05-08 Left Leg 04-06

01-04 Right Leg 01-03

01-03 Stern .33 Main Engine [2],
D20 LOCATION HP COMMON Auxiliary Engine (x2) [3,4],
FRACTION SUBSYSTEMS Rear Cannon Battery [5]
04-06 Starboard .33 Point Defense Turret (x4)
01-04 R Side .33 Track/Wheel [2]
05-08 L Side .33 Track/Wheel [2]
07-09 Port .33 Point Defense Turret (x4)
09-16 Hull .50 Cargo/personnel
bay [2], Varius weapons
10-12 Lower Deck .33 Observatory [2],
17-20 Turret .33 Sensors [2],
Spacecraft Launch Port [3]
Main ordnance [3]
13 Main Deck .25 Command Room [2],
Sensors [3], Point
Defence Turret (x2) [4,5]
14-16 Weapon Deck .33 Main Cannon Battery (x2)
MOV x1 Take no penalty token
18-20 Bow .33 Spinal Mount Cannon [2],
MOV x2 Take one white penalty token
Missile Launcher (x2) [3,4]
MOV x3 Take two white penalty tokens
MOV x4 Take three white penalty tokens
MOV x5 Take four white penalty tokens


01-03 Tail .25 Secondary Propeller [2]
01-02 R Engine .33 Engine [2], Rudder [3] 04-05 Right Wing .16 Various weapon pylons
03-04 L Engine .33 Engine [2], Rudder [3] 06-07 Left Wing .16 Various weapon pylons
05-08 Right Wing .16 Various weapons pylons 08-13 Hull .50 Fuel tank [2],
09-12 Left Wing .16 Various weapons pylons Cargo hold [3]
13-18 Fuselage .50 Fuel tank [2] 14-15 Rotor(s) .16 -
19-20 Cockpit .25 Pilot Seat [2], Gatling gun [3], 16-20 Nose .33 Cockpit [2],
Sensors [4], Navigator Seat [5] Gatling gun [3], Sensors [4]
Close 0-3 0*

Short 4-8 1
Medium 9-14 2
Reroll 5 Long 15-20 3
Increase success level by one, chance of success 01-30 6
Increase success level by one, chance of success 31-60 5 X-Long 21-30 5
Increase success level by one, chance of success 61-90 4
XX-Long 31-40 7
Increase success level by one, chance of success 91+ 3
Automatic failure of engine blow-up roll 3 * - such a weapon can only be used in a charge on an
Automatic success of cockpit ejection roll 1 air map.


Mecha Aircraft or Spacecraft Ship or Tank
Aircraft or Spacecraft - - YES
Ship or Tank - - YES

Kinetic Energy Thermal Vibro Spin
Kinetic full - - - half
Explosive full half - - full
Laser half full full - -
Particle half full - - -
Electric - half - - -
Heat - - full - -
Cold - - half - -
Sound - - - full -
Corrosion - - - - full



None DEX Rank DEX Rank

One DEX Rank / 2 DEX Rank - 5
Two DEX Rank / 4 DEX Rank -10
Three or more Can only move and not act Can only move and not act
Power Track

Fate Track
9 9
Player Size Class
8 8
7 7
6 6
Damage Power Current Fate
5 Bonus
Points Initiative Points FLY 5

4 Pilot Mecha Pilot Spacecraft 4

Mecha Weapons Spacecraft Weapons
3 3
Zone R Leg L Leg Torso R Arm L Arm Head
2 Melee 01-04 05-08 09-12 13-15 16-18 18-20 2
Missile 01-03 04-06 07-15 16-17 18-19 20
1 1
0 0

ConÀguration Short Time Notes/Battlecries 50

140 40

130 30

120 20

Device Zone Cost Notes Conf.

110 10


All Names in UPPERCASE or with an exlamaton markcount as Battlecries




Weapon Zone Type Damage Range Ammo Notes Conf.







10 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Power Track

Fate Track
9 9
Player Size Class
8 Faction 8

7 7
6 6

Damage Power Current Fate

Points Initiative Points FLY 5

4 Pilot Mecha Pilot Spacecraft 4

Mecha Weapons Spacecraft Weapons
3 3
2 Melee 2
1 1
0 0

ConÀguration Short Time Notes/Battlecries 50

140 40

130 30

120 20

110 10

Device Zone Cost Notes Conf.


All Names in UPPERCASE or with an exlamaton markcount as Battlecries




Weapon Zone Type Damage Range Ammo Notes Conf.





10 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
“Ship Assault” battle map
You can use this map to help you stage a battle around a capital ship or an orbital or land base, as it happens in the scenario provided in
Chapter 9. First of all, print four copies of this page, cut out the battle maps and assemble them into full concentric circles. Place a drawing
or a miniature of your favourite battleship in the centre space. If your base or ship is very big, the centre space will actually represent two or
more spaces. Use common sense to determine which squares are within the line of fire of weapons with a limited firing arc, but do not forget
that many ship weapons are mounted on turrets.
Assaulting or defending mechas may move around the centrepiece in any direction and through any side of the squares. Use the scale on
the map to help you determine the range between firer and target.




Basic Roleplaying

Enslaving aliens, mad scientists and cruel despots: the

enemies of mankind are ready to launch their final
assault. The only hope of survival for human
civilization as we know it lies in its most advanced
weapon: a brood of giant metal warriors clad
in the toughest of metal alloys and wielding
the most advanced energy weaponry that
science ever conceived. Many lives,
including those of your loved ones, were
sacrificed to make the mechanical
titans a reality. But even with all their
might there is still something these
machines lack: and that something is
you, the human being who is brave
and generous enough to pilot them.
For only a pure heart can lead the steel
warriors to victory.

Basic Roleplaying Mecha brings the

Anime genre into the tradition of D100
roleplaying. By leveraging the simple
yet realistic game system used for great
roleplaying hits like Call of Cthulhu, this
supplement allows you to recreate virtually
all of the Japanese giant robot series.

As an anime fan, you are certainly aware of the

difficulty of portraying “super robots” and “realistic
robots” with the same ruleset. By arranging the
equipment list by Mecha category and size and above all by
providing different options for the flow of Fate that governs the
advancement of your story, this supplement allows you to portray your
combat machine either as a realistic weapon platform with a human pilot who
makes the difference, or as an invincible giant metal superhero. BRP Mecha
does it all!

Requires the Basic Roleplaying core rulebook, available from Chaosium Inc.

$24,99 US

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