Power From The Pyramids
Power From The Pyramids
Power From The Pyramids
Said Beltran,
"They were covered with a very smooth
white metal and could be seen glittering
from hundreds of miles away. For this
reason they were called The Lights." (A
similar shimmering crystal covered pyramid
was discovered in Ireland and is now being
renovated by the Government).
Beltran went on to say,
"The metal should have been silver but an
alloy was used instead because silver was
so scarce in Egypt. Some of the metal is
now found on the walls of Mosques, notably
those of the Cairo Mosque which have a
bright silvery sheen, Egyptian
archaeologists know that the metal came
from the pillage of the pyramids!'.
He also commented on the actual age of the
structures by saying,
"The pyramids are much older than they are
generally said to be. Ten thousand years
ago they overlooked a verdant green region
of skillfully cultivated and irrigated land that
produced abundant crops".
According to the Arab historian Abu Zeyd el
Balkhy the inscriptions engraved on the pyramids
were translated into Arabic, and gave the time of
construction as when Lyra was in the sign of
As he put it,
"It sounds highly exotic to think of all solid
matter as concentrations of electromagnetic
waves, but the fact is that everything is part
of the electromagnetic spectrum".
It's also well accepted that a magnetic field around
a body will increase and enhance the psychic field.
In fact, small magnetic jewelry is all the rage right
now, in the belief that the field they produce will
affect the wearer, I sincerely doubt this as they are
extremely small and weak compared to the amount
of magnetism necessary to aid psychic
achievement. However, a huge magnet isn't
necessary either.
He stated
"This human electromagnetic field
fluctuates with variations in the earth's
magnetic field! At present," he continued,
"we can only suspect a general relationship
between man and the electromagnetic
phenomenon that exists in the galaxies".
The fact that the brain is an electrochemical device
also has a lot to do with magnetic effects. Both the
United States and Russia have experimented with
implanting tiny radio receivers in portions of
damaged human brains, in order to enable them to
take over the function of the damaged brain cells.
Further, during the early sixties, Dr. Leonard J.
Ravitz, a very prominent neuropsychiatric, did
some studies based on the electrodynamic theory
of life.
He concluded that,
"all living things have bio magnetic fields.
The electrical rythm in humans coincides
with Lunar phases of the moon and the
distant movements of the stars and
According to him the galactic components are
affected by the very same electrodynamic forces we
In discussing the pyramid effect we mentioned that
it acts as a collector and intensifier of L fields and
cosmic forces. While most of these forces or field
effects are recognized, if not fully understood, they
still remain an unknown when considered as a
coalition. Like throwing strange chemicals into a
beeker, your never sure exactly what will result.
Those are the facts. Here's the part you may or may
not believe.
In my own communication with that plane of
existence, I've been told a lot of things, one of which
was that the voices were from the astral plane...
and what's more, were also being monitored by
occupants of UFO's, who were, coincidently, trying
to use the same means of contact'!
As Heironymus said,
"It makes no difference who does the
tuning. If the operator concentrates on
copper the device will detect the presence
of copper if there is any".
Everyone who operated the machine got the exact
same reading on the dial! Nothing else will cause
the 'sticking' sensation except copper... unless it's
thought of! Of all the people who built the
heironymus machine and tested it I know of no one
who failed to get results! The only 'problem'
involved was that the operator's sensitivity to the
stroked plate varied. Some found it easier to detect
the point of greatest drag than others. But, practice
will ease even this ability. This isn't unreasonable
when you think of it in the light of any other ability.
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A small pkg. or can of FILM developer
A pkg. of CUT FILM ( you can cut it up
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1-TV Bunny Ears type antenna... either
1-roll of 20ga. or 22 ga. hookup wire
grounding wire
1-assorted screws (aprox. No. 4) glue