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The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way

Spyros Makridakis a,b, *, Evangelos Spiliotis c , Vassilios Assimakopoulos c
University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Institute For the Future (IFF), Nicosia, Cyprus
Forecasting and Strategy Unit, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Greece

article info a b s t r a c t
Keywords: The M4 competition is the continuation of three previous competitions started more
Forecasting competitions than 45 years ago whose purpose was to learn how to improve forecasting accuracy, and
M Competitions how such learning can be applied to advance the theory and practice of forecasting. The
Forecasting accuracy
purpose of M4 was to replicate the results of the previous ones and extend them into
Prediction intervals (PIs)
three directions: First significantly increase the number of series, second include Machine
Time series methods
Machine Learning (ML) methods Learning (ML) forecasting methods, and third evaluate both point forecasts and prediction
Benchmarking methods intervals. The five major findings of the M4 Competitions are: 1. Out Of the 17 most accurate
Practice of forecasting methods, 12 were ‘‘combinations’’ of mostly statistical approaches. 2. The biggest surprise
was a ‘‘hybrid’’ approach that utilized both statistical and ML features. This method’s
average sMAPE was close to 10% more accurate than the combination benchmark used to
compare the submitted methods. 3. The second most accurate method was a combination
of seven statistical methods and one ML one, with the weights for the averaging being
calculated by a ML algorithm that was trained to minimize the forecasting. 4. The two
most accurate methods also achieved an amazing success in specifying the 95% prediction
intervals correctly. 5. The six pure ML methods performed poorly, with none of them being
more accurate than the combination benchmark and only one being more accurate than
Naïve2. This paper presents some initial results of M4, its major findings and a logical
conclusion. Finally, it outlines what the authors consider to be the way forward for the
field of forecasting.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Institute of Forecasters.

1. Introduction machine learning (ML) methods that required demanding

computations. (A participant, living in California, told us
The M4 Competition ended on May 31, 2018. By the of his huge electricity bill electricity bill from using his
deadline, we had received 50 valid submissions predicting 5 home computers running almost constantly over 4.5
all 100,000 series and 18 valid submissions specifying all months.)
100,000 prediction intervals (PIs). The numbers of sub- After a brief introduction concerning the objective of
missions are a little over 20% and 7%, respectively, of the the M4, this short paper consists of two parts. First, we
248 registrations to participate. We assume that 100,000 present the major findings of the competition and discuss
series was a formidable number that discouraged many their implications for the theory and practice of forecasting.
of those who had registered from generating and submit- A special issue of the IJF is scheduled to be published
ting forecasts, especially those who were utilizing complex next year that will cover all aspects of the M4 in detail,
describing the most accurate methods and identifying the
reasons for their success. It will also consider the factors
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Makridakis). that had negative influences on the performances of the

0169-2070/© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Institute of Forecasters.

Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
2 S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting ( ) –

majority of the methods submitted (33 of the 50), whose competition (see below), which is a huge improve-
accuracies were lower than that of the statistical bench- ment. It is noted that the best method in the M3
mark used, and will outline what we consider to be the way Competition (Makridakis & Hibon, 2000) was only
forward for the field. Second, we briefly discuss some pre- 4% more accurate than the same combination.
dictions/hypotheses that we made two and a half months • The second most accurate method was a combina-
ago (detailed in a document e-mailed to R. J. Hyndman tion of seven statistical methods and one ML one,
on 21/3/2018), predicting/hypothesizing about the actual with the weights for the averaging being calculated
results of the M4. A detailed appraisal of these predic- by a ML algorithm that was trained to minimize the
tions/hypotheses will be left for the special issue. forecasting error through holdout tests. This method
We would like to emphasize that the most important was submitted jointly by Spain’s University of A
objective of the M4 Competition, like that of the previous Coruña and Australia’s Monash University.
three ones, has been to ‘‘learn how to improve the fore- • The most accurate and second most accurate meth-
casting accuracy, and how such learning can be applied ods also achieved an amazing success in specifying
to advance the theory and practice of forecasting’’, thus the 95% PIs correctly. These are the first methods
providing practical benefits to all those who are interested we are aware of that have done so, rather than
in the field. The M4 is an open competition whose series underestimating the uncertainty considerably.
have been available since the end of last year, both through • The six pure ML methods that were submitted in the
the M4 site (https://www.m4.unic.ac.cy/the-dataset/) and M4 all performed poorly, with none of them being
in the M4comp2018 R package (Montero-Manso, Netto, more accurate than Comb and only one being more
& Talagala, 2018). In addition, the majority of the par- accurate than Naïve2. These results are in agreement
ticipants have been requested to deposit the code used with those of a recent study that was published in
for generating their forecasts in GitHub (https://github. PLOS ONE (Makridakis, Spiliotis, & Assimakopoulos,
com/M4Competition/M4-methods), along with a detailed 2018).
description of their methods, while the code for the ten Our conclusion from the above findings is that the ac-
M4 benchmarks has been available from GitHub since the curacy of individual statistical or ML methods is low, and
beginning of the competition. This will allow interested that hybrid approaches and combinations of method are
parties to verify the accuracy and/or reproducibility of the the way forward for improving the forecasting accuracy
forecasts of most of the methods submitted to the compe- and making forecasting more valuable.
tition (for proprietary methods/software, the checking will
be done by the organizers). This implies that individuals 2.1. The comb benchmark
and organizations will be able to download and utilize
most of the M4 methods, including the best one(s), and to One innovation of the M4 was the introduction of ten
benefit from their enhanced accuracy. Moreover, academic standard methods (both statistical and ML) for benchmark-
researchers will be able to analyze the factors that affect ing the accuracy of the methods submitted to the compe-
the forecasting accuracy in order to gain a better under- tition. From those ten, we selected one against which to
standing of them, and to conceive new ways of improving compare the submitted methods, namely Comb, a com-
the accuracy. This is in contrast to other competitions, like bination based on the simple arithmetic average of the
those organized by Kaggle, where there is actually a ‘‘horse Simple, Holt and Damped exponential smoothing models.
race’’ that aims to identify the most accurate forecasting The reason for such a choice was that Comb is easy to
method(s) without any consideration of the reasons in- compute, can be explained/understood intuitively, is quite
volved with the aim of improving the forecasting perfor- robust, and typically is more accurate than the individual
mance in the future. To recapitulate, the objective of the methods being combined. For instance, for the entire set of
M Competitions is to learn how to improve the forecasting the M4 series, the sMAPE of Single was 13.09%, that of Holt
accuracy, not to host a ‘‘horse race’’. was 13.77%, and that of Damped was 12.66%, while that of
Comb was 12.55%. Table 1 shows the sMAPE and the overall
2. The five major findings and the conclusion of M4 weighted average (OWA) – for definitions, see M4 Team
(2018) – of the Comb benchmark, the 17 methods that
Below, we outline what we consider to be the five performed better than such a benchmark, and the two most
major findings of the M4 Competition and advance a logical accurate ML submissions. The last two columns of Table 1
conclusion from these findings. show the percentage that each method was better/worse
than Comb in terms of both sMAPE and OWA.
• The combination of methods was the king of the M4.
Of the 17 most accurate methods, 12 were ‘‘combi- 2.2. The six methods with the lowest OWA and the six ML ones
nations’’ of mostly statistical approaches.
• The biggest surprise was a ‘‘hybrid’’ approach We planned originally to discuss only the five best
that utilized both statistical and ML features. This methods submitted for the competition, but later decided
method produced both the most accurate forecasts to increase the number to six, as the difference between the
and the most precise PIs, and was submitted by fifth and sixth was miniscule (0.005). Of these six methods,
Slawek Smyl, a Data Scientist at Uber Technologies. the most accurate one was the hybrid approach proposed
According to sMAPE, it was close to 10% more accu- by Smyl of Uber, which mixed exponential smoothing for-
rate than the combination (Comb) benchmark of the mulas with a ‘‘black-box’’ recurrent neural network (RNN)

Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of

Table 1
The performances of the 17 methods submitted to M4 that had OWAs at least as good as that of the Comb.

Type Author(s) Affiliation sMAPEc OWAd Ranka % improvement of

method over the
Yearly Quarterly Monthly Others Average Yearly Quarterly Monthly Others Average
(23k) (24k) (48k) (5k) (100k) (23k) (24k) (48k) (5k) (100k)
Benchmark for methodsb 14.848 10.175 13.434 4.987 12.555 0.867 0.890 0.920 1.039 0.898 19 sMAPE OWA
Hybrid Smyl, S. Uber Technologies 13.176 9.679 12.126 4.014 11.374 0.778 0.847 0.836 0.920 0.821 1 9.4% 8.6%
Combination Montero-Manso, P., University of A Coruña & 13.528 9.733 12.639 4.118 11.720 0.799 0.847 0.858 0.914 0.838 2 6.6% 6.7%
Talagala, T., Hyndman, R. Monash University

S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting (

J. & Athanasopoulos, G.
Combination Pawlikowski, M., ProLogistica Soft 13.943 9.796 12.747 3.365 11.845 0.820 0.855 0.867 0.742 0.841 3 5.7% 6.3%
Chorowska, A. & Yanchuk,
Combination Jaganathan, S. & Prakash, Individual 13.712 9.809 12.487 3.879 11.695 0.813 0.859 0.854 0.882 0.842 4 6.8% 6.2%
Combination Fiorucci, J. A. & Louzada, F. University of Brasilia & 13.673 9.816 12.737 4.432 11.836 0.802 0.855 0.868 0.935 0.843 5 5.7% 6.1%
University of São Paulo
Combination Petropoulos, F. & University of Bath & Lancaster 13.669 9.800 12.888 4.105 11.887 0.806 0.853 0.876 0.906 0.848 6 5.3% 5.6%
Svetunkov, I. University
Combination Shaub, D. Harvard Extension School 13.679 10.378 12.839 4.400 12.020 0.801 0.908 0.882 0.978 0.860 7 4.3% 4.2%
Statistical Legaki, N. Z. & Koutsouri, National Technical University of 13.366 10.155 13.002 4.682 11.986 0.788 0.898 0.905 0.989 0.861 8 4.5% 4.1%
K. Athens
Combination Doornik, J., Castle, J. & University of Oxford 13.910 10.000 12.780 3.802 11.924 0.836 0.878 0.881 0.874 0.865 9 5.0% 3.7%
Hendry, D.
Combination Pedregal, D.J., Trapero, J. University of Castilla-La Mancha 13.821 10.093 13.151 4.012 12.114 0.824 0.883 0.899 0.895 0.869 10 3.5% 3.2%
R., Villegas, M. A. &
Madrigal, J. J.
Statistical Spiliotis, E. & National Technical University of 13.804 10.128 13.142 4.675 12.148 0.823 0.889 0.907 0.975 0.874 11 3.2% 2.7%
Assimakopoulos, V. Athens
Combination Roubinchtein, A. Washington State Employment 14.445 10.172 12.911 4.436 12.183 0.850 0.885 0.881 0.992 0.876 12 3.0% 2.4%
Security Department

Other Ibrahim, M. Georgia Institute of Technology 13.677 10.089 13.321 4.747 12.198 0.805 0.890 0.921 1.079 0.880 13 2.8% 2.0%

Combination Kull, M., et al. University of Tartu 14.096 11.109 13.290 4.169 12.496 0.820 0.960 0.932 0.883 0.888 14 0.5% 1.1%
Combination Waheeb, W. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn 14.783 10.059 12.770 4.039 12.146 0.880 0.880 0.927 0.904 0.894 15 3.3% 0.4%
Statistical Darin, S. & Stellwagen, E. Business Forecast Systems 14.663 10.155 13.058 4.041 12.279 0.877 0.887 0.887 1.011 0.895 16 2.2% 0.3%
(Forecast Pro)
Combination Dantas, T. & Oliveira, F. Pontifical Catholic University of 14.746 10.254 13.462 4.783 12.553 0.866 0.892 0.914 1.011 0.896 17 0.0% 0.2%
Rio de Janeiro
Best ML Trotta, B. Individual 14.397 11.031 13.973 4.566 12.894 0.859 0.939 0.941 0.991 0.915 23 −2.7% −1.9%
2nd Best ML Bontempi, G. Université Libre de Bruxelles 16.613 11.786 14.800 4.734 13.990 1.050 1.072 1.007 1.051 1.045 37 −11.4% −16.4%
Rank: rank calculated considering both the submitted methods (50) and the set of benchmarks (10).
Com: the benchmark is the average (combination) of Simple, Holt and Damped exponential smoothing.
sMAPE: symmetric mean absolute percentage error.
OWA: overall weighted average of the relative sMAPE and the relative MASE.

4 S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting ( ) –

forecasting engine. It is also interesting that this forecasting of estimating the forecasting uncertainty. Once again, the
method incorporated information from both the individual hybrid and combination approaches led to the most correct
series and the whole dataset, thus exploiting data in a hi- PIs, with the statistical methods displaying significantly
erarchical way. The remaining five methods all had some- worse performances and none of the ML methods man-
thing in common: they utilized various forms of combining aging to outperform the benchmark. However, it should
mainly statistical methods, and most used holdout tests be mentioned that, unlike the best ones, the majority of
to figure out the optimal weights for such a combination. the methods underestimated reality considerably, espe-
The differences in forecasting accuracy between these five cially for the low frequency data (yearly and quarterly).
methods were small, with the sMAPE difference being less For example, the average coverages of the methods were
than 0.2% and the OWA difference being just 0.01. It is also 0.80, 0.90, 0.92 and 0.93 for the yearly, quarterly, monthly
interesting to note that although these five methods used and other data, respectively. These findings demonstrate
a combination of mostly statistical models, some of them that standard forecasting methods fail to estimate the un-
utilized ML ideas for determining the optimal weights for certainty properly, and therefore that more research is
averaging the individual forecasts. required to correct the situation.
The rankings of the six ML methods were 23, 37, 38,
48, 54, and 57 out of a total of 60 (50 submitted and the
10 benchmarks). These results confirm our recent findings 3. The hypotheses
(Makridakis et al., 2018) regarding the poor performances
of the ML methods relative to statistical ones. However, we We now present the ten predictions/hypotheses we
must emphasize that the performances of the ML methods sent to the IJF Editor-in-Chief two and a half months ago
reported in our paper, as well as those found by Ahmed, about the expected results of the M4. A much fuller and
Atiya, Gayar, and El-Shishiny (2010) and those submit- more detailed appraisal of these ten hypotheses is left
ted in the M4, used mainly generic guidelines and stan- for the planned special issue of IJF. This section merely
dard algorithms that could be improved substantially. One provides some short, yet indicative answers.
possible direction for such an improvement could be the
development of hybrid approaches that utilize the best 1. The forecasting accuracies of simple methods,
characteristics of ML algorithms and avoid their disadvan- such as the eight statistical benchmarks included
tages, while at the same time exploiting the strong features in M4, will not be too far from those of the most
of well-known statistical methods. We believe strongly in accurate methods.
the potential of ML methods, which are still in their infancy This is only partially true. On the one hand, the
as far as time series forecasting is concerned. However, to hybrid method and several of the combination
be able to reach this potential, their existing limitations, methods all outperformed Comb, the statistical
such as preprocessing and overfitting, must be identified benchmark, by a percentage ranging between 9.4%
and most importantly accepted by the ML community, for the first and 5% for the ninth. These percentages
rather than being ignored. Otherwise, no effective ways of are higher than the 4% improvement of the best
correcting the existing problems will be devised. method in the M3 relative to the Comb benchmark.
On the other hand, the improvements below the
2.3. Prediction intervals (PIs) tenth method were lower, and one can question
whether the level of improvement was exceptional,
Our knowledge of PIs is rather limited, and much could given the advanced algorithms utilized and the com-
be learned by studying the results of the M4 Competition. putational resources used.
Table 2 presents the performance of the 12 methods (out 2. The 95% PIs will underestimate reality consider-
of the 18 submitted) that achieved mean scaled interval ably, and this underestimation will increase as the
scores (MSISs), (see M4 Team, 2018, for definitions) that forecasting horizon lengthens.
were at least as good as that of the Naïve1 method. The last Indeed, except for the two top performing meth-
two columns of Table 2 show the percentages of cases in ods of the competition, the majority of the remain-
which each method was better/worse than the Naive1 in ing methods underestimated reality by providing
terms of MSIS and the absolute coverage difference (ACD); overly narrow confidence intervals. This is especially
i.e., the absolute difference between the coverage of the true for the low frequency data (yearly and quar-
method and the target set of 0.95. The performances of terly), where longer-term forecasts are required,
two additional methods, namely ETS and auto.arima in and therefore the uncertainty is higher. Increases in
the R forecast package (Hyndman et al., 2018), have also data availability and the generation of short-term
been included as benchmarks, but Naïve1 was preferred forecasts may also contribute to the improvements
due to its simplicity, low computational requirements and displayed in the case of the high frequency series.
intuitive understanding. Some of the results in Table 2 are It is also verified that underestimation increased
impressive. The improvements in the performances of the on average at longer forecasting horizons for the
top five methods range from almost 50% for the first to yearly, quarterly and monthly data, while it re-
nearly 34% for the fifth. Moreover, the coverages achieved mained rather constant for the rest of the data.
by the methods of Smyl and Montero-Manso et al. are 3. The upward/downward extrapolation of the trend
0.948 and 0.960 respectively (compared to a perfect score will be predicted more accurately when it is
of 0.95), meaning that both of them did an excellent job damped for longer horizons.

Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of

Table 2
The performances of the 12 methods submitted to M4 with MSISs at least as good as that of the Naïve.

Type Author(s) Affiliation MSISc ACDd Ranka % improvement

of method over
the benchmark
Yearly Quarterly Monthly Others Average Yearly Quarterly Monthly Others Average
(23k) (24k) (48k) (5k) (100k) (23k) (24k) (48k) (5k) (100k)
Naïve 1: Benchmark for methodsb 56.554 14.073 12.300 35.311 24.055 0.234 0.084 0.023 0.019 0.086 15 MSIS ACD

S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting (

Hybrid Smyl, S. Uber Technologies 23.898 8.551 7.205 24.458 12.230 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.001 0.002 1 49.2% 97.4%
Combination Montero-Manso, P., University of A Coruña & 27.477 9.384 8.656 32.142 14.334 0.014 0.016 0.016 0.027 0.010 2 40.4% 88.8%
Talagala, T., Hyndman, R. Monash University
J. & Athanasopoulos, G.
Combination Doornik, J., Castle, J. & University of Oxford 30.200 9.848 9.494 26.320 15.183 0.037 0.029 0.054 0.039 0.043 3 36.9% 50.0%
Hendry, D.
Combination Fiorucci, J. A. & Louzada, F. University of Brasilia & 35.844 9.420 8.029 26.709 15.695 0.164 0.056 0.028 0.005 0.065 5 34.8% 24.6%
University of São Paulo
Combination Petropoulos, F. & University of Bath & 35.945 9.893 8.230 27.780 15.981 0.171 0.064 0.035 0.012 0.072 6 33.6% 16.4%
Svetunkov, I. Lancaster University
Combination Roubinchtein, A. Washington State 37.706 9.945 8.233 29.866 16.505 0.167 0.049 0.021 0.004 0.061 7 31.4% 29.4%
Employment Security
Statistical Talagala, T., Monash University 39.793 11.240 9.825 37.222 18.427 0.165 0.074 0.056 0.048 0.085 8 23.4% 0.9%
Athanasopoulos, G. &
Hyndman, R. J.
Other Ibrahim, M. Georgia Institute of 45.028 11.284 9.390 52.604 20.202 0.211 0.086 0.050 0.011 0.094 10 16.0% −9.1%
Statistical Iqbal, A.,Seery, S. & Silvia, Wells Fargo Securities 53.469 11.295 11.159 32.721 22.001 0.214 0.047 0.048 0.050 0.086 11 8.5% 0.1%
Combination Reilly, T. Automatic Forecasting 53.998 13.537 10.344 34.680 22.367 0.293 0.102 0.057 0.046 0.121 12 7.0% −41.1%

Systems, Inc. (AutoBox)
Statistical Wainwright, E., Butz, E. & Oracle Corporation 58.596 12.426 9.714 31.036 22.674 0.295 0.100 0.056 0.028 0.120 13 5.7% −39.6%

Raychaudhuri, S.
Combination Segura-Heras, J.-V., Universidad Miguel 52.316 15.058 11.220 33.685 22.717 0.132 0.039 0.014 0.052 0.049 14 5.6% 43.1%
Vercher-González, E., Hernández & Universitat
Bermúdez-Edo, J. D. & de Valencia
Corberán-Vallet, A.
Rank: rank calculated considering both the submitted methods (18) and the set of benchmarks (3).
Naive: the benchmark is the Naïve 1 method.
MSIS: mean scaled interval score.
ACD: absolute coverage difference, i.e., the absolute difference between the coverage of the method and the target (0.95).

6 S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting ( ) –

This is verified through the performances of This prediction/hypothesis is related closely to the
the respective M4 benchmarks. Holt exponential following two claims (9 and 10). If the character-
smoothing displays an OWA of 0.971 (30th position), istics of the M3 and M4 series are similar, then
while Damped has an OWA of 0.907 (21st position), the forecasting performances of the various partic-
thus improving the forecasting accuracy by more ipating methods will be close, especially for eco-
than 6.5% when extrapolating using damped instead nomic/business data, where the data availability and
of linear trends. frequency of the two datasets are comparable. How-
4. The majority of ML methods will not be more ever, excessive experiments are required in order to
accurate than statistical ones, although there may answer this question, and therefore no firm conclu-
be one or two pleasant surprises where such sion can be drawn at this point. We can only state
methods are superior to statistical ones, though that this is quite true for the case of the statistical
only by some small margin. M4 benchmarks.
This was one of the major findings of the competi- 9. We would expect few, not statistically important,
tion, the demonstration that none of the pure ML differences in the characteristics of the series
used managed to outperform Comb and that only used in the M3 and M4 Competitions in terms of
one of them was more accurate than the Naive2. their seasonality, trend, trend-cycle and random-
The one pleasant surprise was the hybrid method ness.
introduced by Smyl, which incorporated features An analysis of the characteristics of the time se-
from both statistical and ML methods and led to a ries (Kang et al., 2017) in each of the two datasets
considerable improvement in forecasting accuracy. demonstrated that the basic features of the series
5. The combination of statistical and/or ML methods were quite similar, though the M4 data were slightly
will produce more accurate results than the best more trended and less seasonal that those of M3.
of the individual methods combined. However, a more detailed analysis will be performed
This is a major finding, or better, a confirmation, to verify these preliminary findings, taking into
from this competition, the demonstration that com- consideration possible correlations that may exist
bination is one of the best forecasting practices. between such features. This conclusion is also sup-
Since the majority of the participants who combined ported through claim 10, as time series character-
various methods used more or less the same pool istics are related closely to the performances of
of models (most of which were the M4 statistical forecasting methods (Petropoulos, Makridakis, Assi-
benchmarks), an interesting question is, ‘‘which fea- makopoulos, & Nikolopoulos, 2014).
tures make a combination approach more accurate 10. There will be small, not statistically significant,
than others?’’ differences in the accuracies of the eight statisti-
6. Seasonality will continue to dominate the fluctu- cal benchmarks between the M3 and M4 datasets.
ations of the time series, while randomness will Similarities were evident when the performances
remain the most critical factor influencing the of the M4 benchmarks were compared across the
forecasting accuracy. M3 and M4 datasets. Not only did the ranks of
Having correlated the sMAPE values reported per se- the benchmarks remain almost unchanged (Spear-
ries for the 60 methods utilized within M4 with the man’s correlation coefficient was 0.95), but also the
corresponding estimate of various time series char- absolute values of the errors (sMAPE, MASE and
acteristics (Kang, Hyndman, & Smith-Miles, 2017), OWA) were very close. This is an indication that
such as randomness, trend, seasonality, linearity and both the M3 and M4 data provide a good repre-
stability, our initial finding is that, on average, ran- sentation of the forecasting reality in the business
domness is the most critical factor for determining world.
the forecasting accuracy, followed by linearity. We
also found that seasonal time series tend to be easier
to predict. This last point is a reasonable statement 4. The way forward
if we consider that seasonal time series are likely to
be less noisy. Forecasting competitions provide the equivalent of lab
7. The sample size will not be a significant factor in experiments in physics or chemistry. The problem is that
improving the forecasting accuracy of statistical sometimes we are not open-minded, but instead put our
methods. biases and vested interests above the objective evidence
After correlating the sMAPE values reported for each from the competitions (Makridakis, Assimakopoulos et al.,
series with the lengths of these series, it seems that in press; Makridakis & Hibon, 1979). The M1 Competi-
the forecasting accuracy is related weakly to the tion (Makridakis, Andersen, Carbone, Fildes, Hibon, et al.,
sample size. Thus, we conclude that statistical meth- 1982) proved that simple methods were at least as ac-
ods are not influenced heavily by data availability curate as statistically sophisticated ones. M2 (Makridakis,
(though this finding needs further confirmation). Chatfield, Hibon, Lawrence, et al., 1993) demonstrated that
8. There will be small, not statistically significant, the use of additional information and judgment did not
differences in the forecasting accuracies of the improve the accuracy of time series forecasting. M3 re-
various methods on the economic/business series confirmed the findings of M1 and introduced a couple of
in the M3 and M4 datasets. new, more accurate methods. Furthermore, even after it

Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.
S. Makridakis et al. / International Journal of Forecasting ( ) – 7

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the M3 data and propose additional, more accurate fore- O’Hara-Wild, M. et al., (2018). Forecast: Forecasting functions for time
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been (a) the introduction of a ‘‘hybrid’’ method, (b) the casting algorithm performance using time series instance spaces.
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Please cite this article in press as: Makridakis, S., et al., The M4 Competition: Results, findings, conclusion and way forward. International Journal of
Forecasting (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.06.001.

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