雅思口语题库-January 6, 2018: 1. Animal
雅思口语题库-January 6, 2018: 1. Animal
雅思口语题库-January 6, 2018: 1. Animal
Part 1 新题
1. Animal 2/5
2. Dictionary2/7
1. Do you often use a dictionary?
2. How often do you use it?
3. Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made of paper?
4. If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift, how would you feel?
5. Do you think it would be interesting to write a dictionary?
3. Sleep
4. Outdoor activity
5. Sports / exercise
5. Are there any sports facilities near where you live? (for the public to use)
6. Gift
7. App 2/4
8. Music
0. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
1. When did you start listening to this type of music?
2. What kinds of music are the most popular in
3. China?
4. Do you like to listen to live music?
5. What is your favorite musical instrument?
1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
9. Writing
1. Do you often write things?
2. Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer?
3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
4. When do children begin to write in your country?
10. Travelling
1. Do you like to travel?
2. Do you often travel by air?
3. How long was the longest trip you took?
4. Which country would you like to travel to (in the future)?
Part 1 高频题
13. Hometown
1. What’s (the name of) your hometown?
2. Is that a big city or a small place?
3. How long have you been living there?
4. Do you like your hometown?
5. What do you like (most) about your hometown?
6. Is there anything you dislike about it?
7. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
14. Accommodation
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
2. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
4. What's the difference between where you are living now and in the past
5. Can you describe the place where you live?
6. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
7. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
8. Please describe the room you live in.
9. What part of your home do you like the most?
10. Are you willing to live in the countryside in the future?
16. Housework
1. Do you do housework at home?
2. What kinds of housework do you often do?
3. Did you do housework when you were a child?
4. Do you think that children should do housework?
5. Do you think men and women should share housework?
6. What kinds of housework do you dislike to do?
17. Family
1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?
2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family?
3. Who do you like to go shopping with?
4. Who would you like to have dinner with when you have free time?
18. Teenagers
1. Do you like to spend time with teenagers?Why and why not?
2. Do you know anything about the kind of fashion that teenagers like?
3. What are the best things of being a teenager in your country?
4. How do teenagers entertain themselves?
19. Neighbors
1. Do you know your neighbors?
2. Do you like your neighbors?
3. What do you think of your neighbors?
4. How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors?
5. When do you meet your neighbors?
20. Teachers
22. Jewelry
1. Do you have any jewelry?
2. Are you interested in having any jewelry? /What’s your attitude toward
3. What kinds of jewelry would you like to have?
4. How often do you wear jewelry?
5. How often do people in your country wear jewelry?
6. Why do many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?
7. Why do some people wear jewelries for a long time?
23. Mirror
1. Do you often look at yourself in the mirror?
2. When do you usually look in a mirror?
3. Did you buy many mirrors?
4. Do you think mirrors are necessary ornaments?
5. What do you think of using mirrors to decorate rooms?
6. Have you ever bought mirrors?
7. Do you bring a mirror with you when you go out?
8. Have you tried buying clothes without looking at yourself in the mirror?
24. Meals
1. What food do people where you live usually eat?
2. Which meal of the day do you think is the most important?
3. What do you usually eat for lunch(breakfast,evening meal)?
4. Do you prefer to eat three full meals a day or do you prefer to eat many
snacks throughout the day?
5. Do you think it is better to eat one big meal aday or is it better to eat
several smaller meals each day?
6. Is there any special food that you particularly like?
7. Would you like to try any new food?
8. Do you like cooking?
9. Do people in your country prefer to eat alone or with other people?
10. Where do people in your country usually eat their meals?
11. Where do you usually eat your meals?
12. Do you prefer to sit together with your family for a meal, or to eat
13. What are the benefits of eating with the family?
25. Computer
1. Do you use computers very much?
2. When do you use a computer?
3. What do you use computers for?
4. What part do computers play in your life?
5. How often do you use a computer?
6. What computer skills would you like to learn?
7. When was the first time you used acomputer?
8. When did you learn how to use a computer?
9. What was your impression (or feeling) when you used a computer the
first time?
10. How did you learn to use a computer?
11. Are computers used much in your country?
12.Do you think computers are useful (or important) in everyday life?(how?)
13. Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?
14. Do you think computers are useful for the education of children?
15. Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be
26. Internet
1. Do you use the internet (very much)?
2. How often do you use the internet?
3. How (or, where) do you go onto the internet?
4. Have you ever bought anything on the internet?
5. Is the internet very important (or, useful)to you?
6. When was the first time you used the internet?
7. How did you learn to use the internet?
8. Do you think the internet is a good thing?
9. What are the good and bad points about the internet?
10. Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?
11. Is the internet very popular in China?
12. What age group of people most often use the internet?
13. What is the difference in internet use between different age groups?
14. How has the internet changed your life?
15. How can people learn things on the internet?
16. Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?
27. Boats
1. Do you often travel by boat?
2. Have you ever been on a boat tour while you were on holidays?
3. Would you like to have a holiday on a boat?
4. Where in your country do people most often use boats or, travel by boat
5. Do many people in your country own their own boat?
6. Would you like to buy a boat?
7. If you had your own boat, what would you do with it?
15. Is the news important to you?
16. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?
17. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?
18. Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?
19. Do you think magazines and newspaper will exist 50 years from now?
33. News
1. Do you like to keep up with the latest news?
2. Why do you want to know the latest news?
3. How important is it to you to get the news every day?
4. What sort of news are you most interested in?
5. What types of news do you like?
6. How do you usually get your news?
7. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?
8. Do you ever get your news from the internet?
9. Do you think it's important to keep up with the news?
10. Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international
11. Would you say the news affects your life very much?
12. Who is more interested in the news, older people or younger people?
13. Do you ever discuss the news with your friends?
14. Would you like to be a news reporter (or, a journalist)?
34. Punctuality
1. Do you think it's important to be on time?
2. In your country is it important to be on time?
3. How do you feel when others are late?
4. Are you, yourself, late very often?
5. How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?
6. Do you wear a watch?
7. Do you think everyone should wear a watch?
35. Names
1. Do you like your name?
2. Does your name have any particular meaning?
3. Who gave you your name?
4. Why did they choose that name?
5. What do your friends call you?
6. Did your family have a certain name that they called you when you were
a child?
7. How are babies given their names in China?
8. What names are popular to give to babies in your country?
9. How are Chinese names and Western names different?
10. If you have a child in the future, what name do you think you will give it?
11. Do many people in China have a nickname?
12. Are there any names that are very commonly used?
13. Do people in China ever change their names?
14. Would you like to change your name?
36. Advertisement
1. Are there many advertisements in your country?
2. How do you feel about advertisements?
3. Do you think advertisements should be amusing or serious?
4. Have you ever bought anything because of advertisement?
5. Do you often see some advertisements in the place where you live?
6. How do you like advertisements on TV?
7. Do they encourage/persuade you to buy some related products?
8. What do you think about the developing in advertising in China today?
9. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
10. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
37. Birthday
1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
4. Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the
38. History
1. Do you like to learn about history?
2. What historical events do you find most interesting?
3. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?
4. Do you think you can really learn history from films or TV programs?
5. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
6. Can you name a person from history who you could like to learn more
about? Why would you like to learn more about him/her?
39. Politeness
1. Do you think the politeness is important? Why?
2. How do people show politeness in your country?
3. Who taught you to be polite?
4. Do you think people in your country are politer than in the past?
5. Do you think you are a polite person?
6. Do you think people should be polite?
7. What do you think makes someone polite?
8. Who teach you to be polite?
9. Do you think it is important to be polite?
10. Have there been any changes to the rules of politeness in your country?
40. Transport
1. How did you come here today?
2. Do you like to take public transport?
3. Have you ever travelled by bus or by taxi?
7. Are you ever late for anything?
8. If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?
0. A situation when you have to be polite(new)
1. An event or festival that you celebrated (new)
2. An unusual meal you had(new)
3. A good service you received from a shop or a company (new)
4. An occasion that someone gave positive comments on your work(new)
5. A special day out that didn’t cost you too much (new)
6. A period of history you are interested in(new)
7. A time when you saved money to buy something special(new)
8. An activity with an older person ( in your family )(new)
9. Your idea of perfect vacation or holiday(new)
10. An achievement that you proud of
11. A leisure activity near the sea
1. An experience/time that you taught a friend or relatives
2. An activity that you do to stay healthy
3. A car journey you enjoyed
4. An experience when you are pleased with your mobile phone
0.A city/ country where you want to live or work in the future(new)2/4
1.A public place that you think needs improvements(new)
2.An important river in your country(new)
3.A public garden/park that you went to when you were a child(new)
1. A place in your city you would like to go with your friends(new)
2. Describe a city you like
3. Describe a place where you can listen to music
4. Describe a public garden or a park
5. Describe an interesting place but not many people visit
6. A city or town you visited that you liked
7. A dream house
8. A shop just opened in your hometown
9. A popular place where people like to go swimming
10. A sport stadium that is important in your city
0.A toy that you had in your childhood(new)
1.A good photo of you taken by someone else(new) 2/5
2.Your favorite season of the year (new)
3.A piece of technology that you like using (not computer)(new)