Water On Mars PDF
Water On Mars PDF
Water On Mars PDF
ater on Mars exists at the poles and in the subsurface. It has
summarize some of the most
interacted with crustal rocks, providing geomorphological, recent and intriguing discoveries
geochemical, and mineralogical insights into Mars’ geological about water on Mars. The investi-
history and inferences about its biological potential. The roles of water are gations described utilize imagery
and remote sensing measurements
revealed through studies of altered materials using orbiting-spacecraft
from orbiting spacecraft, analyses
imagery and spectroscopy, instruments mounted on rovers, and laboratory from rovers scurrying across the
measurements on Martian meteorites. surface, and laboratory studies of
Martian meteorites to try to
KEYWORDS: water, aqueous alteration, spacecraft, rovers, meteorites unravel the mystery of when water
ran and where it hides. This is not
The eroded valley networks pictured on the cover of this a comprehensive catalog of research on the topic, but it
Elements issue demonstrate that flowing water once shaped should allow an appreciation of the diversity of scientific
the face of Mars. Borrowing from an old adage, we might approaches and a glimpse into the excitement of planetary
say that water on Mars “can run, but it can’t hide.” But hide geological exploration.
it does. Although frozen water covers the Martian poles,
In his paper, Baker describes geomorphological features that
liquid water is not stable anywhere on the planet’s surface
were carved by running water. He also postulates that the
under present environmental conditions. Finding where
huge basin that forms the northern hemisphere of Mars was
this elusive substance hides and understanding its role in
once filled with an ocean. Orbiting spacecraft carry the
the geological (and possibly even biological) history of Mars
Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and Thermal Emission
require innovative approaches—as revealed in this collec-
tion of articles.
The history of water on Mars is recorded by its chemical
interactions with rocks. Most of the Martian crust consists
of basaltic lavas (McSween et al. 2003). On Earth, basalts are
readily altered to clays and other hydrated minerals, and
they experience profound geochemical and isotopic
changes when exposed to water. However, remote sensing
of Mars by spectroscopic methods has not yet found clays
in abundance, and geochemical changes in texturally
altered rocks seem to be of limited extent. One spectral fea-
ture that is commonly noted, the ferric absorption edge,
indicates that fine-grained ferric oxides (thought to be
weathering products) are abundant everywhere in soils and
rock coatings (Bell et al. 2000), as are sulfates, chlorides, and
other salts formed by evaporation (Squyres et al. 2004).
These oxides and salts are unambiguous indications of
aqueous alteration, but even so, the extent to which Martian
rocks have interacted with water remains controversial.
Water’s hiding places are revealed by an orbiting spacecraft
carrying an instrument that probes the ground for hydro-
gen. Mineral-bound H2O occurs in areas near the equator,
and subsurface ice is thought to be widespread at higher lat-
itudes. Rovers dig trenches and explore craters, both of
which expose salts once carried by groundwater. Enrich-
ments of the heavy isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen meas-
ured in Martian meteorites disclose a cycle that moves
water from the crust to the atmosphere and back again.
Panoramic Camera (Pancam) Martian meteorites – Shergottites, Olivine, pyroxene – Mg, Fe, and Ca
– Color imaging system on Mars nakhlites, chassignites (SNCs) and silicates common in mafic igneous
Exploration Rovers ALH84001—mafic and ultramafic rocks rocks
Thermal Emission Imaging System ejected from Mars by impacts Smectites – Swelling clay minerals rich
(THEMIS) – Imaging system on Mars Palagonite – Amorphous or poorly in Fe or Mg
Odyssey that records heat emitted crystalline clays formed by interaction Zeolites – Hydrated Al silicates, with Na,
from the Martian surface; THEMIS has of volcanic rocks with water K, or Ca
high spatial resolution but low spectral Permafrost – Perennially frozen ground
Surface Types 1 and 2 – Global surface Other terms
Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) units that are distinguished by thermal
– Thermal infrared spectrometer on Albedo – Percentage of incoming
emission spectra; ST1
Mars Global Surveyor that is sensitive radiation that is reflected from a
is interpreted as basalt and ST2 as
to vibrational motions of atoms in surface
andesite or partly altered basalt.
minerals; TES has high spectral Geomorphology – The nature and origin
Regolith – The particulate surface
resolution but low spatial resolution. of landforms and landscapes
materials on a planet; differs from
soil in that organic matter is absent. Geographic locations – See the map on
Martian materials the following website:
Concretions – Rounded masses formed by Minerals i2782_sh1.pdf
percolating waters
Ferrihydrite, goethite, hematite, Noachian, Hesperian, Amazonian –
Cements – Minerals deposited among rock maghemite, magnetite – Oxides Time periods (oldest to youngest)
particles that bind them together and hydroxides of Fe2+ and Fe3+ defined for Mars’ geologic evolution.
Evaporites – Salts formed by evaporation Gypsum, jarosite, kieserite – Sulfates of Estimated time intervals are roughly
of brines Ca, ferric Fe, and Mg before 3.5, 3.5–2.9, and after 2.9
Iddingsite – Assemblage of minerals Halite – NaCl billion years, respectively (Hartmann
formed by alteration of olivine and Neukum 2005).
Sol – A Martian day, approximately 24
and a half hours
artian landscapes and landforms indicate episodic activity by water
and ice, extending from the planet’s earliest history up to the present ALLUVIAL FANS,
day. Most of the relevant fluvial, glacial, volcano–ice, periglacial,
As recognized early in the era of
lacustrine (even “marine”), and related landforms have direct counterparts spacecraft exploration, channels
on Earth. Moreover, they exist in causally related, holistic associations of space and valleys extensively dissect the
and time that confirm their relationship to a long-term history of water-related surface of Mars. Channels are elon-
gated troughs that display clear
activity. Although strong geomorphological evidence for many of these relation- evidence for large-scale fluid flow
ships has been apparent for 30 years, its scientific importance has only been across their floors and on parts of
recently appreciated because of direct geochemical measurements of water their walls or banks (FIG. 1A).
Immense channels, with widths of
and ice features by surface robotic and orbital instruments.
tens of kilometers and lengths of
KEYWORDS: Mars, geomorphology, landforms, climatic change, hydrology up to a few thousand kilometers,
display a suite of morphological
INTRODUCTION attributes that are most consistent
with genesis by cataclysmic flows of water and sediment
Despite 30 years of accumulating, increasingly abundant
(Baker 2001). On Earth, such flows produced the distinctive
and unequivocal geomorphological evidence, the case for
landforms of the Channeled Scabland (FIG. 2A). An important
past water-related activity on Mars remained immensely
recent discovery is that Martian flood channel activity,
controversial until very recently (Baker 2004). Ingenious
involving outbursts of water and associated lava flows,
models were proposed (e.g. Hoffman 2000) to ascribe non-
occurred in the Cerberus plains region on the order of
aqueous origins to individual Martian landforms that other-
10 million years ago (Berman and Hartmann 2002; Burr et
wise had striking similarities to water-generated features on
al. 2002). The huge discharges associated with these floods
Earth. Nevertheless, this view is profoundly changed
and the temporally related volcanism should have
because of recent developments, notably the nuclear
introduced considerable water into active hydrological
physical measurement of abundant, extant, near-surface ice
circulation on Mars.
(Boynton et al. 2002) and direct chemical analyses of aqueous
minerals associated with sedimentary rocks (Squyres et al. While the huge Martian channels are generally well charac-
2004). Recent dampening of hydrophobic theorizing makes terized by the older imaging systems of the 1970s, it was
it appropriate to reassess the geomorphological evidence for not until a new generation of orbital imaging capabilities in
water on Mars, and this brief overview will emphasize the past several years that major advances occurred in
developments. understanding the nature of valley networks (FIG. 1B).
These valleys dissect the Martian highlands much more
Geomorphology concerns the nature and origins of land-
extensively than was apparent from the earlier images
forms and landscapes. Its application to extraterrestrial
(Hynek and Phillips 2003). Many valleys contain relict
planetary surfaces relies upon known associations of form
channels comparable in their dimensions to the active river
and process on Earth. However, the rationale for ascribing
channels associated with terrestrial valleys (Irwin et
genesis to a newly discovered planetary landform is not
al. 2005). Formed about 3.9 billion years ago, Martian high-
simply a matter of comparative image analysis. Landforms
land craters and impact basins were extensively eroded by
and landscapes exist in complex, interrelated assemblages,
surface runoff processes during episodes with Earth-like
in which the different elements relate to one another in
precipitation (Craddock and Howard 2002).
time and space because of their generation by a unique
sequence of formative processes. Scientifically productive Large alluvial fans occur in ancient highland craters at middle-
alternative explanations must not merely satisfy individual, to-low southern latitudes. They are remarkably similar to
simple-minded, “look-alike” criteria. Instead, they must low-relief terrestrial alluvial fans formed dominantly by
account holistically for the entire, genetically related assem- fluvial, as opposed to debris flow, processes (Moore and
blage, in the same way that the solution of a crime depends, Howard 2005). They probably formed during an episode of
not on a single clue, but on the whole interrelated web of enhanced precipitation that followed the transition from
evidence that is built up through connections of time and the early period of heavy impact bombardment (the
space by a master detective. Noachian Epoch) to the period of lower impact rates after
about 3.9 billion years ago. Relatively high denudation rates
1 Department of Hydrology and Water Resources are inferred for the Noachian, and these are much greater
The University of Arizona than in later periods (Craddock and Howard 2002). The
Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA new observations are consistent with the discovery that
E-mail: [email protected]
FIGURE 1 Examples of Mars landforms indicative of water and ice The water body associated with emplacement of the Vastitas
processes. (A) Cataclysmic paleo–flood channel south of Borealis Formation was approximately contemporaneous
Cerberus (3.8°N, 204.7°W). The 3 km wide image shows a relatively
with the floods responsible for the largest outflow channels,
small streamlined island and a cataract. (NASA MGS Press Release No.
MOC2-866) (B) Portion of the Warrego valley network, 24 km wide and it may have covered as much as 3 million km2 to average
(42.3°S, 267.5°W). (NASA MGS Press Release No. MOC2-868) (C) depths of hundreds of meters. The largest estimates involve
Ancient scroll topography and meander cutoff. This 2 km wide image is as much as 20 to 60 million km3 of water, equivalent to 200
located at 24.3°S, 33.5°W. (NASA MGS Press Release No. MOC2-543)
to 400 meters spread evenly over the whole planet and
(D) Debris flow levees on a poleward-facing dune face in Russell crater
(54.7°S, 347.4°W). (MOC IMAGE M19-01170) comparable to the inferred collective flows from the out-
flow channels (Carr and Head 2003; Boyce et al. 2005), as
proposed by Baker et al. (1991). Other periods of outflow
upper layers of the ancient Martian crust of the highlands channel activity and associated inundations of the north-
contain extensive sedimentary rocks that were emplaced ern plains (Clifford and Parker 2001; Fairén et al. 2003) are
during the intense denudation phases (Malin and Edgett far less certain as to the extent, relative timings, and dura-
2000a). Now confirmed by in situ inspection (Squyres et al. tions of the various inundation episodes.
2004), sedimentary rocks were identified from orbit by their
morphological expression. Imagery from the Mars Orbiter Though the debate over the Martian “ocean” has received
Camera (MOC) of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission much attention, even more compelling evidence supports
shows that the Martian highlands do not consist of an initial the existence of numerous lakes and seas, which were tem-
lunar-like surface, underlain by an impact-generated porarily extant on the surface of Mars at various times in
megaregolith, as presumed in previous models (e.g. Carr the planet’s history (Cabrol and Grin 2002). The more
1996). Instead, cratering, fluvial erosion, and deposition of ancient lakes occupied highland craters during the heavy
layered materials probably all occurred contemporaneously, bombardment epoch, spilling over to feed valleys such as
leading to a complex interbedding of lava flows, igneous Ma’adim Vallis (Irwin et al. 2004). The floodwater spilled
intrusions, sediments, buried crater forms, and erosional from lakes that held up to several hundred thousand cubic
unconformities (Malin and Edgett 2000a). kilometers of water, covering an area of about one million
cubic kilometers, and flows achieved peak discharges of
millions of cubic meters per second (Irwin et al. 2004).
Abundant crater paleolakes seem to have developed just
Morphological evidence for past large bodies of water after the heavy bombardment, and very large lakes occu-
covering the northern plains of Mars, apparent by the late pied the floors of the impact basins Hellas and Argyre.
1980s, includes the morphological characteristics of sedimen-
tary deposits and, more dramatically, a pattern of sur- Fluvial deltas are commonly associated with the paleolakes.
rounding shorelines (Clifford and Parker 2001). Evidence One complex of ancient meandering alluvial channels,
for the latter was systematically criticized in a global sense comprising a fan-delta partly filling the crater Eberswald or
(Carr and Head 2003), but was supported for local areas by NE Holden (Malin and Edgett 2003; Moore et al. 2003),
very detailed mapping (e.g. Webb 2004). Nevertheless, the displays Earth-like morphologies that can only be explained
general concept of past inundations on the northern plains, by persistent fluvial activity on time scales ranging from
constituting an “Oceanus Borealis,” at least for geologically centuries (Jerolmack et al. 2004) to hundreds of millennia
short episodes, has been found to be generally consistent (Bhattacharya et al. 2005). Paleo–meander bend topography
with considerable geomophological evidence. The distinc- (FIG. 1C) shows that these were laterally accreting, alluvial
tive water-laid sedimentary deposits that cover parts of the rivers of a similar type to the modern Mississippi.
northern plains, known as the Vastitas Borealis Formation,
afford the most convincing evidence (Carr and Head 2003), THE CRYOLITHOSPHERE OF MARS
including (1) margins that roughly mark the surface to What happened to the huge water inventory necessary for
which a body of water would approximate, (2) a distinctive generating channelized megafloods and relatively short-lived
population of impact craters indicating associated ice and lakes and seas? While a variety of atmospheric-loss
sediments (Boyce et al. 2005), and (3) a phenomenally flat processes undoubtedly occurred, the geomorphological
and smooth surface expression, similar to that of abyssal evidence suggests that water, even the “Oceanus Borealis,”
plains in Earth’s ocean basins. was not on the surface for prolonged periods. Instead it
resided nearly all the time, except for brief, sometimes
spectacular episodes, within or beneath semipermanent, ice- FIGURE 2 Examples of Earth water- and ice-related landforms with
distinctive morphologies that have equivalents on Mars.
rich permafrost. The long-term existence of this ice-rich (A) Longitudinal grooves and inner-channel cataract complex eroded
layer, constituting a cryolithosphere about 1–2 km thick in into basalt by the catastrophic Pleistocene megafloods of the Channeled
equatorial areas and 5–6 km thick at the poles, is docu- Scabland in east-central Washington, USA. (B) Ice-wedge polygons
mented by a variety of geomorphological features (Kuzmin formed in permafrost terrain near Barrow, Alaska, USA. (C) Small rock
glacier and adjacent periglacial debris fans in the Altai Mountains of
2005). Most of these have been well known since the 1970s, south-central Siberia. (D) Esker on the Waterville Plateau in eastern
including various types of flow-lobed ejecta blankets (ram- Washington, formed by gravel deposition from meltwater that flowed
part craters), debris flows, lobate debris aprons, and polygo- though tunnels beneath the late Pleistocene Okanogan Lobe of the
nal terrains. A variety of landforms related to volcano–ice Cordilleran Ice Sheet. This esker is about 30 m wide and 3 km long.
interactions (e.g. Chapman et al. 2000) document the occa-
sional short periods of volcanically induced water outbursts near-surface ground ice. The gullies are uncratered, and
from this reservoir of ice and underlying ground water. Fol- their associated debris-flow fan deposits are superimposed
lowing these episodes, surface water seems to have very rap- on both eolian bedforms (dunes or wind ripples) and
idly returned to the cryolithosphere. Thus, despite consid- polygonally patterned ground, all of which cover extensive
erable theorizing (reviewed by Carr 1996), a clear indication areas that are also uncratered (Malin and Edgett 2000b).
of the size of Mars’ mostly hidden global water inventory The patterned ground is itself a very strong indicator of
cannot be gleaned from the isotopic composition of the near-surface, ice-related processes in the active (seasonally
tiny fraction of that inventory which was subject to long- thawed) layer above the Martian permafrost zone (Siebert
term exospheric escape processes. and Kargel 2001).
At the regional scale, gullies occur in high-latitude bands on
RECENT GULLIES, GLACIERS, Mars. They are associated with a variety of other landforms
AND RELATED ACTIVITY that indicate direct emplacement and local degradation of
Recent discoveries from Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) mantles of ice and dust, possibly even dirty snow, all
images show that Mars displays a diverse suite of excep- derived from the atmosphere (Head et al. 2003). The evidence
tionally young, globally distributed landforms that are consists of small-scale polygonal or patterned terrains, similar
water related. If observed on Earth, these landforms would to the ice-wedge phenomena of Earth’s high-latitude
generally be well understood to have aqueous origins, permafrost regions (FIG. 2B); the mobilization of rocky
involving dynamical hydrological cycling on relatively debris on slopes, similar to the rock glaciers of Earth’s peri-
short time scales (hundreds to thousands of years) in a glacial regions (FIG. 2C); and a sort of regional smoothing of
warmer, wetter, and denser atmosphere than occurs on small-scale topography by deposits, a few to several meters
Mars today. Perhaps the most striking of the recent discoveries thick, that are internally layered and locally eroded (Mustard
made from the high-resolution MOC images is that of et al. 2001). The emplacement of ice-rich deposits at low- to
numerous small gullies (Malin and Edgett 2000b), developed mid-latitudes seems to be consistent with geologically
on hillslopes associated with crater rims and channel or valley recent episodes of higher tilt (obliquity) of Mars’ axis of
walls. Morphological similarity of these hillslope gullies to planetary spin. This would result in warming of the polar
terrestrial, high-latitude, periglacial gullies suggests an caps, thereby increasing the sublimation of ice and migra-
origin by aqueous debris flows, involving the melting of tion of water vapor to the then-cooler lower latitudes.
This necessarily brief overview cites only a small sampling
from hundreds of geomorphological publications that doc-
FIGURE 3 Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera perspective
view (30X vertical exaggeration) of debris that has flowed ument past aqueous activity on Mars. The author both
from a 4 km high mountain massif, into two adjacent craters. The debris thanks and apologizes to authors of studies not included,
is organized into crater-filling flow patterns of parallel ridges that spread especially to the many who recognized, as early as the
out to a width of 16 km in the foreground. This landform assemblage, 1970s and 1980s, the compelling geomorphological
evidence for Mars’ aqueous past. .
located east of Hellas, is analogous to terrestrial debris-covered pied-
mont glaciers. Numerous pits and depressions show wastage of the gla-
cial ice, which may have been active only several tens of millions of years
ago (Head et al. 2005).
he Martian surface is dominated by primary igneous minerals common
bright (high-albedo), globally
in basaltic rocks. Limited chemical alteration exists in fine-grained dust, homogeneous, fine-grained dust and
and is likely in sands and rocks at high latitudes and in the northern dark (low-albedo), locally derived,
lowland plains where materials have interacted with ice and snow. Evidence sand drifts and dunes atop variably
indurated soil, rock fragments, and
for extensive production of secondary phases is revealed at higher spatial
layered bedrock exposures. The
resolutions, where alteration effects of unique, and perhaps time-limited, ancient southern highlands are of
aqueous environments are observed. The distribution of ice on Mars thus Noachian to Hesperian age, whereas
the northern lowlands are com-
appears to have a global influence on the production of alteration materials,
posed of younger Hesperian to
whereas the effects of water are discovered in unique and locally diverse Amazonian materials covering a
geological settings. Noachian basement. The white
line in FIGURE 1A approximates a
40 km crustal-thickness dichotomy
INTRODUCTION separating thinner crust to the north from thicker crust to
Recent observations by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) the south (Zuber et al. 2000), and the yellow line marks the
TES, Mars Odyssey (MO) THEMIS, and Mars Express (MEX) boundary of the Vastitas Borealis Formation (VBF) (Tanaka
OMEGA instruments (see glossary on page 138 for et al. 2003). VBF materials have been interpreted as sediments
acronyms in text) have greatly improved knowledge of the reworked by near-surface, in situ volatile-driven processes
abundances and distributions of Martian minerals and have (Tanaka et al. 2003) and as a sublimation residue from
provided insight into past geological environments. This frozen bodies of water (Kreslavsky and Head 2002).
paper summarizes major discoveries about surface composi- There is a bimodal distribution of near-surface H2O ice
tions from orbital experiments, focusing on investigations measured by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) (e.g.
of altered materials and their implications for the history of Boynton et al. 2002) and MOC- and THEMIS-observed ice-rich
water on Mars. The search for chemically derived secondary mantles (FIG. 1B). Mantles have been interpreted as meter-
phases on Mars is driven, in large part, by physical evidence thick, ice-rich sediments (Mustard et al. 2001) or remnant
of surface–volatile interactions in the form of ancient, fluvial, snowpacks (Christensen 2003) and are thought to form during
dissected channels and surfaces recently modified by ice. phases of high obliquity. Development of near-surface ice is
The search began over four decades ago with the use of likely connected to surface ice deposition as abundances are
Earth-based telescopes and early robotic explorers. Only too high to be accounted for by vapor diffusion alone (e.g.
recently, however, have observations from TES, THEMIS, Mustard et al. 2001; Christensen 2003; Head et al. 2003).
and OMEGA been used to construct global surface-compo-
sition maps and search for local exposures of altered materials EARLY SEARCHES FOR ALTERATION
at high resolution. The production of secondary phases
depends on a number of factors, including the composi- Investigations of high- and low-albedo surfaces with visible/
tions of precursor igneous minerals and glasses, the nature near-infrared (VNIR) spectra from Earth-based telescopes
of the alteration environment (gas, aqueous, solid), temper- and early Mars spacecraft provided a framework of Martian
ature, pH, and time. Global variations in surface mineralogy compositions (reviewed by Bell 1996). Spectral observations
are crucial to understanding the dynamic interaction in the VNIR are sensitive to electron transitions of metals,
between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and crust. especially iron, and molecular vibrational transitions in
minerals, which can be used to determine chemical and
mineralogical compositions. FIGURE 2A shows composite,
telescopic-orbital (Phobos-2 Imaging Spectrometer for
A globally projected simple-cylindrical image (FIG. 1A) made Mars) VNIR spectra representative of Martian high- and
from MOC and MOLA datasets provides the geological context low-albedo surfaces (Mustard and Bell 1994).
for the distributions of Martian mineral abundances. The
High-Albedo Surfaces
1 Department of Geological Sciences VNIR observations of high-albedo surfaces are consistent
Arizona State University with highly oxidized, fine-grained materials characterized
Tempe, AZ 85287-6305, USA by poorly crystalline iron oxides and a small amount of
E-mail: [email protected]
crystalline iron oxides (e.g. Morris et al. 1997). Subtle spectral
2 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences differences in high-albedo surfaces suggest small variations
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1410, USA in the abundance, and possibly composition, of crystalline
E-mail: [email protected] iron oxide materials. A weak spectral band in the 2.2 µm
FIGURE 1 (A) Major subdivisions of Martian crust illustrated by using ice (blue) (e.g. Boynton et al. 2002) and mantle deposits (shaded gray
MGS MOC and MOLA datasets. VBF—Vastitas Borealis from 30° to ~60°; poleward of 60°, continuous mantle deposits overlie
Formation (Tanaka et al. 2003). (B) Distribution of near-surface H2O ice GRS-measured near-surface ice). MOC observations of discontinuous
and ice-rich mantles. MOC-MOLA context image with GRS near-surface mantle deposits are shown as white points (Mustard et al. 2001).
(e.g. Si–O stretching and bending in silicates). In complex FIGURE 2 (A) Composite telescopic-ISM VNIR spectra representa-
mixtures, such as rocks, spectral features of component tive of Martian high- and low-albedo surfaces (Mustard
and Bell 1994). (B) TES spectrum representative of high-albedo surfaces
minerals combine linearly to produce a mixed, composite (Bandfield et al. 2003) and ST1 and ST2 spectral end members of low-
spectrum. Conversely, mixtures can be deconvolved into albedo surfaces (Bandfield et al. 2000). (C) TES ST1 and ST2 spectral
abundances of their component minerals (i.e. modal min- end members compared to Meridiani Planum spectrum showing
eralogy) using a spectral end-member library of known hematite absorptions (Christensen et al. 2000b).
mineral compositions (Ramsey and Christensen 1998).
The Martian surface is dominated by primary igneous minerals
common in basaltic rocks. However, an imprint of limited
chemical alteration exists in fine-grained dust and is likely
in sands and rocks at high latitudes and in the northern D
lowland plains where materials have interacted with ice and
snow. These secondary phases do not require abundant
water and indicate that Mars has likely been a cold and
frozen planet for an extensive period of geological time.
However, it is at higher spatial resolutions that we observe
the alteration effects of unique, and perhaps time-limited, FIGURE 5 THEMIS daytime infrared mosaic of Aram Chaos and Ares
environments where water once existed. Further detailed Vallis showing TES-measured (A) olivine (Rogers et al.
2005) and (B) hematite abundances (Glotch and Christensen 2005) and
studies have resulted in the discovery of additional expo- (C) sulfate detected by OMEGA (Gendrin et al. 2005). The three- dimen-
sures of altered materials. sional image of the THEMIS mosaic (D) has been overlain on MOLA
The discovery of hematite and sulfate in Valles Marineris
and of sulfate in the dark longitudinal dunes of Olympia
Planitia indicates that water played a major role in the and easily altered igneous minerals are mapped in close
formation of interlayered strata and northern circumpolar proximity. Hematite and sulfate occur in the center of the
terrains (Christensen et al. 2000b; Gendrin et al. 2005; flat-floored impact crater Aram Chaos, where possible lake-
Langevin et al. 2005). Phyllosilicates that originate from the bed sediments formed from the release of subsurface water
alteration of mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks have been (Glotch and Christensen 2005; Gendrin et al. 2005).
identified in ancient terrains of Syrtis Major (Bibring et al. Olivine has been identified in bedrock layers within Ares
2005). Each of these new local occurrences represents addi- Vallis, a fluvial-dissected channel, but one where subsequent
tional evidence for environmental change as compared chemical alteration is limited (Rogers et al. 2005).
with the cold and dry Martian climate of today. Such These mineral signatures reveal that Mars has been a
change is clearly illustrated in FIGURE 5, where secondary dynamic and changing world. The orbital search for alteration
he poles and mid-latitudes of Mars contain abundant water in ice caps,
thickness of the seasonal CO2 ice
thick sequences of ice-rich layers, and mantles of snow. The volume
caps has been estimated from Mars
of the known reservoir is ≥5 x 106 km3, corresponding to a layer ~35 m Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter
thick over the planet. Hydrogen in subsurface H2O ice has been detected Laser Altimeter (MOLA) observa-
at latitudes poleward of 50°. Morphological features show downslope flow tions to reach approximately 1.5 m
of ice-rich sediment, and recent gullies have been produced from subsurface near the pole in both hemispheres
(Smith et al. 2001), corresponding
aquifers or melting snowpacks. Variations in Mars’ orbit on timescales of
to ~25% of the total mass of the
50,000 to 2,000,000 years produce significant changes in climate, which Martian atmosphere.
result in the transport of water from the poles, where it currently resides,
As the seasonal caps condense,
to the lower latitudes, where it may play a critical role in surface geology, they incorporate minor amounts
mineralogy, and geochemistry. of dust and H2O ice, which signifi-
cantly affect the sublimation rates
KEYWORDS: Mars, ice, water, polar caps the following spring. Assuming a
water vapor mass fraction of
INTRODUCTION 1 × 10-5 in the condensing atmosphere, the amount of
Water has long been recognized as a major morphological water stored in the seasonal caps is estimated at ~3 × 1010 kg
agent on Mars (Baker this issue), but its present abundance (~3 × 10-2 km3) (the Martian atmosphere contains ~10-1
and location remain enigmatic. A possible reservoir for a km3 of water). Overall, however, the water within the sea-
substantial amount of water is surface and subsurface ice at sonal caps plays a relatively minor role in the global inven-
the poles and mid-latitudes. Recent observations have sub- tory or annual cycle of water on Mars.
stantially improved our knowledge of this reservoir, but
major questions remain as to its volume, age, and history.
Oscillations in the axial tilt, eccentricity, and timing of clos-
est approach to the Sun cause major changes in surface
heating, which produce cyclic changes in Martian climate
on timescales of 105 to 106 years (e.g. Pollack and Toon
1982). These changes redistribute polar ice, transferring it
to lower latitudes as snow and ice during Martian “ice ages”
(e.g. Jakosky et al. 1995). Today the major ice-bearing fea-
tures are the polar ice caps, the layered units that surround
them at both poles, and the mid-latitude permafrost zones
that present morphologies strongly suggestive of subsurface
ice. Each of these has unique properties, water abundances,
and histories, and contributes to the water cycle in
varying ways.
The polar caps of Mars (FIG. 1) have been observed since the
17th century and are assumed to be composed of some
combination of H2O and CO2 ice. The Martian atmosphere
is composed of >95% CO2 with a pressure of only a few
millibars. This fact led to the prediction that CO2 would
accumulate at the poles during winter (Leighton and Murray
1966). This prediction was confirmed by orbital tempera-
ture measurements (e.g. Kieffer 1979), and global mapping
has shown that seasonal CO2 caps grow well into the mid-
latitudes during winter, with perennial ice caps surviving
FIGURE 1 The north polar cap of Mars as seen by Viking. This mosaic of images was
acquired during northern summer when the ice had retreated to its
1 Department of Geological Sciences perennial size. The relatively bright material is H2O ice. The cap has shrunk to essentially
Arizona State University the same location every year that it has been imaged by spacecraft (1971 to present)
Box 871404, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404, USA (James and Cantor 2001). Image width is ~900 km. IMAGE CREDIT NASA/JPL
E-mail: [email protected]
MAWD data showed no indication of water vapor coming The topographic slopes and gently undulating surface of
from the perennial south polar cap (e.g. Jakosky and Farmer the northern layered materials are consistent with the slow
1982), consistent with measured temperatures that corre- radial flow velocities for H2O, but not CO2, ice rheology.
spond to CO2 ice (Kieffer et al. 2000). A notable exception Assuming that the layered deposits are made of essentially
to this pattern was the ground-based water vapor measure- pure H2O ice, the upper limit for the quantity of water in
ments in 1969 that showed a significant increase in water the northern layered terrains is ~1.6 × 1018 kg (~1.6 × 106
vapor as compared with other seasons or other years. This km3), which corresponds to an equivalent global layer of
has been interpreted to indicate that H2O ice was exposed water ~12 m deep. The areal extent of the southern
that year in the south (e.g. Jakosky and Barker 1984). TES deposits, which have a similar average thickness, is roughly
observations have confirmed the release of water vapor twice that of the northern deposits, suggesting a water
(~45 pr µm) along the edge of the southern perennial cap, inventory (again assuming pure H2O ice) that is roughly
providing conclusive evidence that H2O ice is now being twice that in the north.
exposed on the southern cap (Smith 2004). The presence of
this exposed ice has been confirmed by direct temperature Units within these deposits can be traced for hundreds of
measurements using the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission kilometers at both poles, suggesting a regional process of
Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared imager (Titus et al. formation (Byrne and Murray 2002; Milkovich and Head
2003) and by near-IR spectral measurements from the Mars 2005). A stratigraphic horizon near the base of the northern
Express OMEGA spectrometer (Bibring et al. 2004). units is interpreted to have been an extensive sand sea that
formed during a period when no icy cap was present (Byrne
A remarkable result from the high-resolution MGS Mars and Murray 2002). The lack of an ice cap would require a
Orbiter Camera (MOC) was the discovery of quasi-circular dramatic climate change and would represent a major event
depressions in the perennial south polar cap that are up to in Martian history. Analysis of layers within the upper units
1 km in diameter and uniformly ~8 m deep (Thomas et al. of the northern layered terrain shows the existence of
2000; Malin et al. 2001) (FIG. 2). Some depressions are ~30 m periodicity, possibly associated with the 50,000 year
expanding at rates of 1–3 m per year (Malin et al. 2001). obliquity cycle (Milkovich and Head 2005); a 100 m unit
They have been modeled as a layer of CO2 ice over a sub- within this sequence lacks this layering and may represent
strate of either H2O ice or high-albedo (dust-free) CO2 ice a recent (0.5–2 Ma) period of ice removal and the formation
(Byrne and Ingersoll 2003). This thin layer of CO2 ice may of a sediment-rich lag. Crater counts also suggest an active
be relatively young and, even if completely sublimated, process, with ages for the upper surfaces of these deposits of
would be a minor contributor to the atmospheric CO2 ~30–100 Ma for the southern and <0.1 Ma for the northern
inventory. In this case, the atmospheric CO2 partial pres- deposits (e.g. Herkenhoff and Plaut 2000). These ages likely
sure, and therefore the atmospheric temperature, would not reflect only the most recent cycle in this process, and cyclic
be much higher than its current value. deposition and erosion may have been occurring in the
polar regions throughout Martian history.
Thick stacks of sedimentary deposits extend up to 600 km SUBSURFACE ICE
outward from the poles in both hemispheres. These units
are ~3 km thick at both poles and are layered down to the
Ice Stability Models
resolution of the MOC camera (Malin and Edgett 2001). The stability of subsurface ice depends strongly on the
These layers may have been produced by differences in the porosity, tortuosity, and thermal conductivity of the sur-
amount of airfall dust incorporated into the ice, perhaps as face (Mellon and Jakosky 1995; Mellon et al. 2004). Ice sta-
a result of orbit-driven cyclic changes in climate (e.g. Pollack bility models predict that H2O ice will be stable at all lati-
and Toon 1982; Milkovich and Head 2005). tudes for obliquities >32° but will diffuse outward from the
upper 1–2 m in the equatorial and mid-latitude regions
The volume of the north polar layered deposits is estimated when the obliquity decreases. Mars is currently in an “inter-
to be ~1.2–1.6 × 106 km3 (Zuber et al. 1998). Attempts have glacial” period, with an obliquity of ~25° (Mustard et al.
been made to determine the density, and thus the ice to 2001; Christensen 2003), and near-surface ice is predicted
sediment ratio, of the layered materials using gravity and to be stable only poleward of ~50° (Mellon and Jakosky
topography, but this value has been difficult to constrain. 1995; Mellon et al. 2004).
FIGURE 4A Ice-rich terrains in the northern mid-latitude region. Ice-rich FIGURE 4B Lobes of ice-rich material flowing off mesas in the north-
soils have flowed down the wall of this valley centered ern hemisphere. THEMIS VIS images colorized using
near 37.6°N, 15.8°E. This image is a mosaic of THEMIS VIS images that nighttime temperatures from the THEMIS IR camera. Lobes of material
has been colorized using the daytime temperatures determined by the are colder at night, and therefore they are finer-grained and less rocky
THEMIS IR camera. Bands of bright material can be traced more than 10 than the substrate over which they are flowing. These distinct differ-
km downslope. They show the flow reaching the bottom of the local ences in surface properties between the lobes and the substrate provide
slope and turning northeast to continue to flow down the valley. Tem- strong evidence that this process is youthful and possibly active,
peratures range from –40°C to –34°C, with colder temperatures (blue because there has not been sufficient time for the homogenization of
tones) associated with darker or rockier surfaces and warmer tempera- the properties of these different surfaces. Mosaic of THEMIS images cen-
tures (reddish tones) related to brighter or dustier surfaces. IMAGE CREDIT tered near 43°N, 27.5°E. IMAGE CREDIT NASA/JPL/ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY
Head JW and 13 coauthors (2005) Tropical Malin MC, Caplinger MA, Davis SD (2001) Titus TN, Kieffer HH, Christensen PR
to mid-latitude snow and ice Observational evidence for an active (2003) Exposed water ice discovered
accumulation, flow and glaciation on surface reservoir of solid carbon near the south pole of Mars. Science
Mars. Nature 434: 346-351 dioxide on Mars. Science 294: 299: 1048-1051
2146-2148 Zuber MT and 20 co-authors (1998)
Heldmann JL, Mellon MT (2004)
Observations of martian gullies and Malin MC, Edgett KS (2001) Mars Global Observations of the north polar
constraints on potential formation Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera: region of Mars from the Mars Orbiter
Laser Altimeter. Science 282:
2053-2060 .
mechanisms. Icarus 168: 285-304 Interplanetary cruise through primary
mission. Journal of Geophysical
Herkenhoff KE, Plaut JJ (2000) Surface ages
Research 106(E10): 23429-23570
and resurfacing rates of the polar
layered deposits on Mars. Icarus Mellon MT, Jakosky BM (1995) The
144: 243-253 distribution and behavior of Martian
ground ice during past and present
Jakosky BM, Barker ES (1984) Comparison
epochs. Journal of Geophysical
of ground-based and Viking Orbiter
Research 100 (E6): 11781-11799
artian meteorites have delivered to Earth water molecules and
mineralogy and petrology of these
minerals produced by aqueous processes on Mars. The study of these
samples and review in detail the
samples, using powerful analytical instrumentation, provides a basis evidence for a Martian origin. An
for understanding aqueous activity on Mars. Although most analyses are at up-to-date catalog of descriptions
the scale of microns, the conclusions reached have important implications for of the specimens can be found at
large-scale aqueous processes. Secondary minerals, such as clays, salts, and the Mars Meteorite Compendium
website www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/
carbonates, are present at some level in all Martian meteorite subtypes and
are especially important in the nakhlites and ALH84001. Light element stable
isotope analyses show evidence for mixing between atmosphere and magmatic
fluids into a crustal reservoir, and that this crustal water was not in equilib- EVIDENCE FOR
rium with the host rocks. The mineralogical and isotopic data present a fairly A MARTIAN ORIGIN
consistent picture of the aqueous history of Mars: low levels of aqueous Compelling evidence has been found that
some meteorites originated on Mars:
alteration are generally present but extensive aqueous processes are probably
limited in space and time. ♦ All specimens (except ALH84001) are
KEYWORDS: Mars, meteorites, stable isotopes, igneous rocks with geologically young crys-
tallization ages, suggesting they formed on
carbonates, water–rock interaction
a planet-sized object capable of sustaining
OVERVIEW OF MARTIAN METEORITES geological activity throughout the history
Although it would be of the solar system.
The Martian meteorites (also called SNC, for shergottite– extremely desirable to
nakhlite–chassignite) comprise a group of 36 specimens. study Martian sedimen- ♦ Despite variable bulk mineralogy and ages,
Evidence for the Martian origin of these rocks is discussed tary rocks in laborato- the samples are linked together and to a
in the sidebar. The meteorites are igneous rocks, consistent ries on Earth, such rocks common parent object through common
with the abundant evidence for past volcanic activity on are unlikely to be in geochemical signatures, such as bulk oxygen
Mars. However, the igneous nature of the samples also our hands in the near isotope composition, K/La ratios, and
likely reflects the mechanism by which they were ejected future, as missions to Fe/Mn ratios.
from Mars, during a small number (probably 3–5) of impact return samples from ♦ A direct tie to Mars is provided by the dis-
events over the past ~15 million years. Friable samples, such Mars are expensive and covery, in several samples, of gases such as
as poorly cemented sedimentary rocks, would probably not complex. Therefore it N2, Ar, and Xe trapped in impact-produced
survive this violent process. is imperative to extract glasses. The isotopic compositions and rel-
The meteorites can be separated into subclasses on the basis all possible informa- ative abundances of the gases closely
of their mineralogy or rock type. The four major subclasses tion about water on match the composition of the current Mart-
are the shergottites, the nakhlites, the chassignites, and the Mars from the samples ian atmosphere.
unique sample ALH84001. The shergottites are the most we have in hand.
abundant group and are further subdivided into basaltic, Because of the igneous
lherzolitic, and olivine-phyric types. The nakhlites are nature of the samples, in most cases this information is con-
cumulate clinopyroxenites with up to 10% olivine. Chassig- tained within very rare and/or complex minerals, and thus
nites are dunites (olivine cumulates), and ALH84001 is a the desire to extract knowledge has driven the development
cumulate orthopyroxenite. The meteorites show a range in and application of new, cutting-edge analytical techniques.
age, from 4.5 Ga for ancient ALH84001 to 175–575 Ma for In the following sections, we highlight key mineralogical
the shergottites; the nakhlites and chassignites formed at and isotopic observations from these meteorites that provide
about 1.3 Ga (e.g. Nyquist et al. 2001). Photomicrographs of significant insights into aqueous processes on Mars.
two specimens are shown in FIG. 1. McSween and Treiman
Sciences and Exploration Directorate
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Unlike rare primary hydrous minerals, such as apatite and
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA amphibole, crystallized at high temperatures in Martian
E-mail: [email protected] magmas, most hydrous minerals in the SNC meteorites
2 Department of Mineral Sciences formed at low temperatures through secondary processes. If
National Museum of National History the alteration is preterrestrial in origin (i.e. it formed prior
Smithsonian Institution to the meteorite’s entry into Earth’s atmosphere and there-
Washington, DC 20560, USA
E-mail: [email protected] fore presumably on Mars), then by examining secondary
Hydrogen Isotopes
Ground-based infrared telescopic observations have
revealed that the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio (D/H) of
water in the Martian atmosphere is ~5 times terrestrial values,
significantly higher than the D/H of any hydrogen on Earth
(Owen et al. 1988; Krasnopolsky et al. 1997). The high D/H
FIGURE 4 δD values and water contents of apatite grains from Mar-
value is a result of preferential loss of H relative to heavier
tian meteorite QUE94201. The data are interpreted to
D from the Martian atmosphere throughout the planet’s represent a mixture of two end members, and most plausibly represent
history. The initial Martian D/H ratio, the timing of water addition (or exchange) of water with an atmospheric D/H signature (δD
loss, and the evolution of the deuterium enrichment ~+4000‰) to minerals that initially uniformly contained water with
remain matters of debate. Nonetheless, the heavy isotope δD of ~+900 ± 250‰. The curve shows the mixing model from which
the initial D/H of the minerals was calculated. FROM LESHIN (2000)
enrichment in the atmosphere can be used as a tracer of the
interaction of the atmospheric volatile reservoir with other minerals analyzed in the QUE94201 shergottite, Leshin
water in the crustal or interior reservoirs. (2000) proposed that magmatic water on Mars has a δD
Martian meteorites record elevated D/H signatures that provide value of about +900‰, approximately twice the terrestrial
direct evidence of surface–atmosphere interaction on Mars value (FIG. 4). This value has been used to argue for an
and offer important windows into Martian hydrologic accretionary history for Mars dominated by small bodies,
cycles. Many Martian meteorites contain D-enriched water, and that the mechanism for water acquisition was different
both in bulk samples (Leshin et al. 1996; Eiler et al. 2002a) from Earth’s (Lunine et al. 2003). An alternative view is sug-
and in individual hydrous minerals (e.g. Watson et al. 1994; gested by the SIMS work of Gillet et al. (2002) and Boctor et
Leshin 2000; Boctor et al. 2003). For example, shergottites, al. (2003). Although Boctor et al. (2003) observed D-rich
nakhlites, and ALH84001 all show D-enriched water in bulk water in all phases analyzed (many of which are nominally
extraction (when bulk samples are heated under vacuum) anhydrous minerals), they also found low δD values, con-
(Leshin et al. 1996), with δD values† approaching +2000‰. sistent with a more Earth-like composition for the low δD
In situ SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometer) analyses of end member. Gillet et al. (2002) analyzed secondary alter-
individual minerals and glasses in meteorites from all sub- ation in nakhlite NWA817 by SIMS and found only low,
classes, including apatite, amphibole, biotite, feldspathic Earth-like values for δD. It is difficult to rule out terrestrial con-
glass, silica, carbonate, and mafic glasses, all show some tamination when analyzing minerals that are either nomi-
evidence of D-enrichment (Watson et al. 1994; Leshin 2000; nally anhydrous or highly susceptible to contamination
Sugiura and Hoshino 2000; Boctor et al. 2003). However, and recrystallization on Earth. To resolve these complexi-
these analyses also suggest mixing between two compo- ties, more studies that systematically examine hydrous
nents: a D-rich component derived from the atmosphere magmatic phases in Martian meteorites are needed.
(with values up to ~+4000‰) and a D-poor component, Secondary hydrous minerals in Martian meteorites are
probably representing a mantle or magmatic contribution probably the best indicators of the changes in composition
(FIG. 4). It is important to note that many of the analyses of crustal water on Mars through time, but little is known
that show atmospheric signatures were not performed on about their D/H ratio. The only data come from bulk sam-
secondary minerals but on primary magmatic phases (such ple studies by Leshin et al. (1996) and Eiler et al. (2002a),
as apatite and amphibole), suggesting an overprinting and from SIMS work by Gillet et al. (2002) and Sugiura and
caused by post-crystallization circulation of atmosphere- Hoshino (2000). Studying hydrogen in secondary minerals
derived crustal fluids. is especially difficult because these minerals are often
In addition to providing evidence of an atmosphere-derived highly susceptible to terrestrial contamination and H is an
component in igneous and alteration minerals, these studies abundant contaminant on Earth. As discussed above, the
provide constraints on the isotopic composition of the studies provide conflicting evidence about the absolute D/H
magmatic water reservoir on Mars, critical for comparing value of secondary minerals (ranging from Earth-like values
the accretionary histories of Mars and Earth. From careful to values up to ~3× terrestrial) and therefore result in conflict-
correlation of water content and δD of hydrous magmatic ing hypotheses for their origin. Terrestrial contamination is
probably the cause of the wide range of D/H values, and the
most conservative conclusion is that most meteorites show
† Isotope data are often expressed using the δ notation: evidence of elevated D/H values in secondary minerals and
that these values can be traced to interactions with atmos-
phere-derived D-rich groundwaters. This is consistent with the
results of studies of other isotopic pairs, as discussed below.
where R is the ratio of the heavy to the light isotope, x is the sample
and std is a standard. For the elements hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, Carbon Isotopes
R is D/H, 13C/12C, and 18O/16O (or 17O/16O), respectively. A delta value
is reported in units of ‰ (“per mil”), or parts per thousand deviation As is the case for hydrogen, carbon isotopic signatures in
from the standard. For hydrogen and oxygen, the reference standard Martian meteorites record evidence of contributions from
is Standard Mean Ocean Water (SMOW), and for carbon the standard multiple reservoirs. There have been many reports on the
is a carbonate called Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB).
abundances and 13C/12C values of CO2 extracted from bulk
REFERENCES Krasnopolsky VA, Bjoraker GL, Mumma Saxton JM, Lyon IC, Turner G (1998)
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hydrosphere. Science 255: 1409-1411 Planetary Science XXXVI: #2306
he Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has examined sedimentary
variety of depths; it has also exam-
structures in the Burns formation at Meridiani Planum. The materials ined the formation at several loca-
in this formation reflect, in part, subaqueous deposition of reworked, tions between craters on the plains.
sulfate-rich, clastic sediments that likely formed in a playa–interdune setting. Within the ~150 m diameter
Endurance crater, where Opportu-
The chemistry and mineralogy of the sedimentary rocks record an origin by
nity spent six months, these layered
evaporation of sulfate- and chloride-rich brines mixed with a fine, altered, rocks are informally called the
basaltic mud or dust component, prior to reworking. Cementation and postde- Burns formation (FIG. 2) after the
late Roger Burns, who presciently
positional reactions to form hematite-rich concretions and crystal-mold porosity
predicted the occurrence of jarosite
reflect diagenesis in a groundwater-saturated subsurface. More recent dehy- on Mars (Burns 1987; Grotzinger et
dration events are evidenced by polygonal textures in rocks within craters and al. 2005).
exposed on the plains. The timing of formation of fracture fillings that cut Here, we describe some of the fea-
across bedding is not well constrained and may be early postdiagenetic or tures seen by Opportunity’s cameras
and measured with its robotic arm
later. The fracture fillings may have formed by solutions remobilized along
instruments that tell of this watery
zones of weakness. Alteration rinds may reflect more recent interactions past. Such evidence includes
between rock and atmospheric water vapor. preserved primary sedimentary
structures, as well as chemical and
KEYWORDS: Mars Exploration Rovers, Opportunity, water on Mars mineralogical clues, that allow
interpretation of depositional envi-
INTRODUCTION ronments and the subsequent diagenetic history, both during
The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has now completed and after burial. The rover has also observed features that
investigations of several craters near its landing site on reflect later remobilization of materials, possibly involving
Meridiani Planum (Squyres et al. 2004a, b; Squyres and water, and features that hold a record of more recent and
Knoll 2005) and is roving southward past the boundary of perhaps ongoing interaction with tenuous atmospheric
its landing ellipse, exploring transitions between major geo- water vapor.
logical and geomorphological terrain types identified from
orbit. This surface mobility is unprecedented in the explo-
ration of Mars and is changing how we think about future
surface exploration.
The present-day surface of the Meridiani plains, as seen during
the first year and a half of this trek, could be described as a
sea of ripples across an ocean of sand (FIG. 1). Ironically this
surface is a cold, arid desert where the ripples are driven by
Martian winds. Yet just about a meter or less beneath the
eolian surface sand sheet lies an ancient, layered, sulfate-
rich rock formation that tells the story of ancient Martian
sediments once saturated with water and of the occasional
emergence—and subsequent evaporation—of stable surface
water (Squyres et al. 2004b; Grotzinger et al. 2005; McLennan
et al. 2005). Fortunately, the aptly named Opportunity
rover has been able to investigate the rocks of this formation
in a series of craters of different sizes that have penetrated,
Festoon Cross-Bedding
Lamination alone is not necessarily evidence of a watery
depositional environment because planar laminae can also
form in an eolian sedimentary environment. However,
features resembling fine-scale trough or festoon cross-lami-
nation, seen early-on in parts of the Eagle crater outcrop,
indeed suggest the action of surface water in reworking and
depositing sediments. FIGURE 3 shows the rock named Last
Chance in Eagle crater, which has some of the best-exposed
small-scale festoon cross-laminae. These and other primary
depositional features in Last Chance and other rocks are
described and discussed in detail by Grotzinger et al. (2005).
These rocks occur within the “upper” Burns formation, as
exposed at Eagle and Endurance craters, in what is inferred
to be a “wetting upward” sequence. They mark the transition
from eolian dune and sand sheet facies, below, to interdune
or playa deposits in which groundwater occasionally
One of the great surprises of the mission was the discovery
FIGURE 4 Sol 27 (P2387) L257 portion of the Guadalupe outcrop in
at Meridiani Planum that the surface hematite signature Eagle crater showing bluish concretions embedded in
observed from orbit was largely due to a surface enrichment laminated outcrop rock. Concretions are several millimeters in diameter.
of hematite-rich spherules (Christensen et al. 2004). Litho- Also notable in this exposure are the “bird track” mineral casts formed
logical, mineralogical, and chemical features of the by selective dissolution of lenticular mineral grains. Inset is a cropped
microscopic image of concretions. Width of Pancam image ~20 cm;
spherules indicate that they are concretions, formed during width of inset image ~2 cm. IMAGE CREDIT: NASA/JPL/CORNELL/USGS
Chemical Compositions
Compositional analyses of Meridiani outcrop rocks from
the APXS (Rieder et al. 2004) have shown the rocks to be
extremely rich in S, presumably in the form of sulfate, and
rich in Cl and Br, either as halides or in sulfates. This is the
key bit of evidence regarding the evaporite-rich nature of
Rock Rinds
Weathered rock surfaces, as exposed within craters and on
the smooth Meridiani plains surface, exhibit rinds that differ
in chemical composition and resistance to weathering.
Such rinds are readily distinguished by their morphology
and subtle differences in Pancam color images (FIG. 6B). The
rinds are observed on exposures within craters and on the
plains. Chemically, they are similar to the rocks on which
they form, but they appear to have less sulfate and a higher
proportion of siliciclastic components. These rinds most
likely represent relatively recent alteration and minor redis-
tribution of salts associated with interaction between rock
surfaces and transient water, possibly in the form of frost,
from the thin, H2O-poor atmosphere.
MINERALS, ROCK COMPOSITIONS, FIGURE 7 Chemical compositions (in wt%) of Meridiani materials
(analyzed from sol 1 through sol 250) illustrating the
AND CHEMICAL TRENDS extreme sulfate enrichment of the outcrop rocks. The highest levels
measured previously by the Viking and Pathfinder landers were around
Mineralogy 10 wt% as SO3. Natural rock surfaces and fracture-filling or lining materials
Mössbauer spectra show that the outcropping sulfate-rich have compositions intermediate between those of abraded rock and
lithology in all Meridiani exposures thus far examined con- soils. Two of the soils measured in Endurance crater were especially well
sorted and rich in basaltic components; these are represented by the
tains the Fe-bearing minerals hematite and jarosite (Klingel- black square symbols. Two rock compositions are shown: (1) Bounce
höfer et al. 2004). Fine-grained hematite (other than con- Rock, which is a pyroxene basalt similar to the Martian meteorites
cretions) accounts for some 40 wt% of the Fe. The firm EETA79001 (lithology B) and Zagami, and (2) Barberton, which is a
identification of jarosite indicates the presence of signifi- small cobble that has a Mg-rich composition and is probably a fragment
of a meteorite. (A) total Fe as Fe2O3 versus SO3, showing the Fe enrichment
cant OH in these rocks and formation by precipitation from of the spherule concretions. (B) Al2O3 versus SO3, showing the trend of
acidic, sulfate-rich brine. Two other Fe-bearing components decreasing alumina with increasing sulfate. Alumina extrapolates to zero
have been identified in outcrop from Mössbauer spectra at about 58 wt% SO3.
REFERENCES Hardie LA, Lowenstein TK, Spencer RJ Squyres S and 49 coauthors (2004a) The
(1985) The problem of distinguishing Opportunity rover’s Athena science
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multispectral imaging results from features in evaporites. 6th Interna- Mars. Science 306: 1698-1703
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vidence of water on Mars dates back to the first observations of channeled
istry of life. At temperatures typical
landscapes made by Mariner 9 and Viking. More recent images from Mars
of the Earth’s surface, liquid water
Global Surveyor and Mars Express strikingly confirm that fluids have coexists with gaseous CO2, N2, O2,
sculpted the Martian surface at least episodically through its history. The H2S, and NH3; it can accumulate
Mars Exploration Rovers Opportunity and Spirit have added evidence for relatively high concentrations of
extensive rock–water chemical interactions in the regions where these remote CO32-, HCO3-, HS-, SO42-, NH4+,
Fe2+, and other ions in solution; it
geologists landed, while OMEGA and THEMIS have shown that similar processes
carries dissolved organic molecules
took place in many parts of the planet. stably in solution; and it interacts
strongly at polar interfaces. Thus,
Because of the close relationship between water and biological activity on
water provides a medium in which
Earth, such observations have been taken as hopeful signs that Mars, as well, carbon and the other chemical
might once have supported life and, indeed, might still do so in subterranean ingredients of life can interact with
oases. There is, however, much more to consider. Water appears to be neces- one another and, in a biological
sary for life, at least as it exists on Earth and can be contemplated on Mars, world, with organisms.
but it does not, by itself, insure habitability. In this paper, we review the Water may not be unique in this
broader requirements for biological activity as they relate to water and use respect—it has been suggested that
these to constrain astrobiological inferences about Mars. ammonia, formamide, and several
other organic compounds might
KEYWORDS: Mars, Meridiani, water, life, astrobiology function as biopermissive fluids at
the right temperature and pressure
WHY IS WATER KEY TO RECIPES FOR LIFE? (Benner et al. 2004). But such compounds are, at best, triv-
In chemistry, geometry is destiny, and it is the distinctive ially important as fluid environments on Earth and are
molecular geometry of H2O that accounts for many of its doubtfully more relevant to Mars. The fact that water mol-
biofriendly attributes (Finney 2004). In water molecules, a ecules interact in complex and specific ways with enzymes
relatively large oxygen nucleus is flanked by two smaller, (e.g. Rand 2004) might be taken as further
asymmetrically placed hydrogen nuclei, forming a distinctly evidence for the unique fit between H2O and life, but this
polar molecule with a mean HOH angle may tell us only that life on Earth has
of 104.5°. Because of their pronounced evolved to maximize biochemical func-
dipole moment, water molecules interact Water, water, every where, tion in an aqueous milieu (Ball 2005).
strongly with one another via hydrogen And all the boards did shrink;
bonding. Not only do these molecular Water, water, every where, WHY THERE IS MORE
interactions determine the crystallo- TO THE RECIPE
graphic structure of ice, which famously Nor any drop to drink.
(and, from a biological standpoint, use- Nutrients
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
fully) floats in water, they also explain Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Water may be necessary for biological
why H2O is liquid at temperatures activity, but as the plight of the Ancient
where most comparably small molecules Mariner illustrates, it is certainly not
are gases. sufficient. Terrestrial life is based on carbon, and collec-
tively, C, H, and O make up nearly 80% of the dry weight
Water ionizes readily, resulting in anomalously high rates
of a bacterial cell. (“Dripping wet,” bacteria are about 70%
of molecular diffusion and a pronounced capacity to conduct
water.) Cells, however, contain many additional elements—
excess protons (Finney 2004). Also, water effectively disso-
more than thirty in typical microorganisms. Other major
ciates ionic species. Thus, water provides a particularly
constituents include N and P, with cellular C:N:P lying near
106:16:1 (what biologists call the Redfield ratio). N and P
1 Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology find obligate use in proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids,
Harvard University the fundamental structural, functional, and informational
Cambridge MA 02138, USA molecules of the cell. It is by no means clear that the same
E-mail: [email protected] molecules will characterize life wherever we may find it, but
2 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences it is hard to conceive of functional and informational
California Institute of Technology macromolecules that do not contain N or P. Sulfur also
Pasadena CA 91125, USA plays key roles in cells, notably in S–S bonds that govern the
E-mail: [email protected]
three-dimensional conformation of proteins and FeS
Several laboratories have reported methane emissions from Of course, the biggest hurdle for astrobiology concerns
the Martian surface (Krasnopolsky et al. 2004; Formisano et biology, itself. To what extent can we generalize from obser-
al. 2005), and the argument has been advanced that these vations of the only biological planet we know? That problem
exceed fluxes expected for abiotic methanogenesis will not be solved soon, meaning that the search for evidence
(Krasnopolsky et al 2004). Hydrothermal alteration of crustal of life elsewhere will remain empirical and difficult. But as
rocks may, however, be sufficient to explain the reported future missions provide improved data on the environmen-
fluxes (Lyons et al. 2005). Moreover, the proximal source of tal history of Mars, we may yet learn whether life on Earth
methane (if correctly identified) need not be limited to current is unique or merely uniquely successful in our solar system.
biological or hydrothermal processes. Possibly, current
methane fluxes reflect release from permafrost as it sublimes, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
decoupling current emanations from physical processes of We thank NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover project for support
formation. and MER’s engineers and scientists for the extraordinary
mission that made this paper possible. .
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