Softwre Project Management
Softwre Project Management
Softwre Project Management
Introduction to Software Projects – An Overview of Project Planning – Project Evaluation –
Selection of an appropriate Project approach – Software effort Estimation.
Activity Planning – Project Schedules – Sequencing and Scheduling Projects – Network
Planning Model – forward and backward pass-Identifying the Critical path-Activity float-
Shortening Project Duration – Identifying Critical Activities-precedence networks.
Risk Management – Resource Allocation – Monitoring and Control – Managing People and
Organizing Teams – Planning for Small Projects.
Software Configuration Management – Basic Functions – Responsibilities – Standards –
Configuration Management – Prototyping – Models of Prototyping.
Case Study – PRINCE Project Management.
1. SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT – Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell, 4th ed,
Introduction to Software Project management: Introduction – Why is Software project
management is important? – What is a project? – Software project versus other types of project –
Contract Management and technical project management – Activities covered by software
project management – plans, methods, methodologies – some ways of categorizing software
projects. Stepwise: an overview of project planning. Programme Management and Project
Evaluation: Programme Management – Managing the Allocation of resources within
programmes – strategic programme management – creating a programme – aids to programme
management – Benefits Management – Evaluation of Individual projects – technical assessment
– cost-benefit analysis - cash flow forecasting – cost-benefit evaluation techniques – risk
1Marks Questions – PART A
1. Define software project management.
Software Project Management has key ideas about the planning,
monitoring, and control of software projects
2. What is a phase?
A phase is a collection of related activities or tasks that produce a
deliverable or work product.
3. Define system.
A system is a group of elements organized and arranged so that the
elements can act as a whole toward achieving a common goal; is a collection of
interacting subsystems.
4. What is an activity?
An element of work performed during the course of the project.
5. Define method.
A method is a manner, means, or process for accomplishing something.
6. Write any five competencies of project management skills.
Documenting plans, estimating cost, estimating effort, managing risks,
scheduling, tracking processes
7. What is software engineering?
Software Engineering is a practical application of scientific knowledge in
the design and construction of computer programs and the associated
documentation required to develop, operate, and maintain them.
8. Write two types of processes.
Product process, project process.
9. Define technology.
Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in industry or
10. Name five maturity levels of CMM.
Initial, repeatable, defined, managed, optimizing
11. Define process.
A software process provides the framework from which a comprehensive
plan for software development can be established.
12. Write any two goals of organizational process focus.
S/W process development and improvement activities are coordinated
across the organization.
The strength and weakness of the s/w processes used are identified relative
to a process standard.
13. Write any four process standards.
14. Write any two goals of organizational process definition.
1.A standard s/w process for the organization is developed and
2.Information related to the use of the organization’s standard s/w process
by the s/w projects is collected, reviewed, and made available.
Part – B
Part – A
15. Write the difference between project process and product process.
Project process-Describe and organize the work of the project.
Defined by the PMI PMBOK.
Product process-Specify and create the project product.
Defined by the life cycle used.
Defined by the American society of quality(ASQ),
Certified Software Quality Engineer(CSQE)
16. Name the six classes of product domain.
Customer, business, industrial, real_time, really_timely, scientific.
17. Name any three individual personality models.
The Myers_Briggs Type Indicator, fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation –Behavior(FIRO-B) model, the Keirsey Temperament sorter.
18. What are the two kinds of stress in McFletcher Work style Patterns Inventory?
Personal, Organizational.
19. Mention the Leader’s style
Telling, selling, participating, delegating.
20. Write the five processes of Project Management Institute(PMI)
Initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing.
21. What is milestone?
A milestone is a significant event in a project, usually associated with a
major work product or deliverable. Stages or phases are not milestones but are
collections of related product activities.
22. What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?
A WBS is a hierarchical list of the work activities required to complete a
23. What are the three project activities that are needed for WBS?
Cost estimating, cost accounting, schedule performance.
24. Write the stages of Team Formation Model.
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjouring.
25. Differentiate Leaders and managers.
Leaders- set direction, do the right thing
Managers- Follow process, do things right.
26. Define charter.
A charter is a documentation that formally recognizes the existence of
a project.
27. Give some unites for measuring the size of the software.
Lines of code (LOC), Function points, feature points, number of bubbles
on the data flow diagram, number of entities on entity relationship diagram.
28. Write the any two advantages of LOC.
1. It is widely used and universally accepted.
2. LOC are easily measured upon project completion.
29. What are dependencies?
Dependencies are one form of constraints for any project. Dependencies
are any relationship connections between activities in a project that may impact
their scheduling.
30. Write the special types of relationship in dependencies.
1. Lag and lead relationship
2. Hard versus soft relationship
31. Define project portfolio?
Project portfolio is group of project carried out under this sponsorship
and/or management.
32. What are the project charter contents?
Objectives, Fucntions, Performance, constraints, scope, cost or benefits.
33. Write the disadvantage of feature point analysis.
The disadvantage of feature point analysis is the subject to classification
of algorithmic complexity.
34. What is modified code?
The code developed for previous application that is suitable for a new
application after a modest amount of modification.
35. Write the goal of software project planning?
Software estimates or documented for use in planning and tracking the
software project.
36. Give any two examples for product attributes.
Database size (DATA), Product complexity (CPLX)
37. Write the advantages of COCOMO.
1. It is repeatable process.
2. It is easy to use.
3. It is thoroughly documented.
38. Define gold plating.
The work that does not drive towards a deliverable is called gold plating.
39. Write the three COCOMO Modes.
Organic, Semidetached, Embedded.
40. What is Legacy code?
Code developed for a previous application that is believed to be of use for
a new application.
41. Write the categories of cost drivers.
Product attributes, computer attributes, project attributes, personnel
42. What are the characteristics of an organization?
Model, Maturity, Thickness, Size, Structure.
43. Short notes on Finish- to-Start(FS) Dependency Relationship
One activity can start only when the preceding activity finishes.
44. What is RISK management?
Risk management is the procedure that explains the process of managing
risk through analysis. This procedure does not provide solutions to perceived
45. What is brainstorming?
Brainstorming refers to the process of a group of colleagues meeting and
working collaboratively to generate creative solutions and new ideas.
46. What is knowledge management?
Knowledge management is the combination of activities involved in
gathering, organizing, sharing, analyzing, and disseminating knowledge to
improve an organization’s performance.
7. Explain the software quality assurance tools.
Review and Inspections:
Formal review and inspections are among the most effective tools to weed
out the defects from as close as possible to the point of injection. The salient features
of a formal review are
review is formal.
senior management schedules periodic audits
Audit can be conducted by external body
Each audit is assigned to a lead auditor.
Cross SQA info sharing:
Early warning signals of organizations wide can be got.
Defect classification and analysis tools:
SQA can add significant value to the project teams if besides just identifying the
defects the can also perform some analysis and classifications.
Pareto analysis.
Fish bone diagrams.
8. Explain the common risk tools and techniques.
There are atleast six different ways of identifying the potential risks. These are:
Examining organizational history.
Preparing checklists
Information buying
Framework based risk categorization
Decision trees
9. List the activities during project Initiation
Important activities during project initiation phase:
Management Team building
Enables the team members to understand one another.
Minimize the impact of cultural and language barriers.
Scope and high level work division agreements
Management reporting and escalating procedures.
Involvement of infra structure/support groups.
Team formation
i. Project kick off meeting is attended by formally all concerned so
that everyone has a common understanding of what is expected.
10. What is work breakdown structure?
Work break down structure is the decomposition of the project into smaller and
more manageable parts with each part satisfying the following criteria…
Each WBS unit has a clear outcome
The outcome has a direct relationship to achieve the overall project goal
Each point has single point of accountability.
Why do work breakdown structure?
Divide and conquer
Estimate the size of final product
Means to explore reuse
Ability to identify skill sets
Ability to multiplex people and hardware resources
Linking WBS units with milestones as ways of measuring progress
Meaningful interface
11. What are the issues that get discussed during project closure?
What were the goals that we set out to achieve?
How effective were the in process metrics?
What were the root causes for under-achievement or over achievement?
Was our estimation effort correct?
What were the factors in the environment that would like to change?
What did we gain from the system or environment?
Was our estimation of the hardware correct?
12. What are the dimensions of requirements gathering?
Responsibilities : Commitments on either side
Requirements form the basis for the success of further activities in a
Current system requirements
i. Functionality requirements
ii. Performance requirements
iii. Availability needs
iv. Security
v. Environmental definitions
Acceptance criteria
Ongoing needs
Ongoing support.
13. List the skill sets required during the requirements phase:
availability to look the requirements
domain expertise
Technology awareness
Storing interpersonal skills
Strong negotiation skills
Ability to tolerate ambiguity
Strong communication skills
Software Effort Estimation: Where are estimation done? – Problem with over and
under-estimates – basis for software estimating – software effort estimation techniques – expert
judgment – estimating by analogy. Activity Planning: The objectives – When to plan? – Project
schedules – project and activities – sequencing and scheduling activities – Network Planning
models – formulating a network model – adding time dimension – forward pass – backward pass.
Risk Management: Risk – Categories – Dealing with risk – Risk identification, assessment,
planning and management – Evaluating risk to schedule.
Resource Allocation: Introduction - Nature of resources – identifying the resource
requirements – scheduling resources – creating critical path – counting the cost – being specific –
publishing the resource schedule – cost schedules – scheduling the sequence. Monitoring and
Control: Creating framework – collecting the data – visualizing progress – cost monitoring –
earned value analysis – prioritizing monitoring – getting the project back to target – change
Part A
47. How you can collect internal data and external data?
Internal data are collected within the organization, usually by transaction
processing systems, but also through employee and customer surveys. External
data is collected from a wide array of sources outside the organization.
48. What is unstructured data?
Unstructured data are the data drawn from meeting discussions, private
conversations, textual documents, graphical representations and other “non
uniform” sources.
49. What is structured data?
Structured data are numbers and facts that can be conveniently stored and
retrieved I an orderly manner for operations and decision-making.
50. What are the phases in systems development life cycle (SDLC)?
1. Planning
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Implementation
5. Support
51. What is ROI?
The Return on Investment is a calculation of the difference between the
stream of benefits and the stream of costs over the life of the system, discounted
by the applicable interest rate.
52. Write some ways to collect information for system requirements.
1. Interviews
2. Questionnaires
3. Examination of documents
4. On-the-job observation
53. Write the goals of project management.
1. Complete the project on time
2. Complete the project within budget.
3. Meet requirements.
4. Meet expectations
54. What is outsourcing?
Outsourcing-trusting all or part of an organization’s IS operation to an
outside company.
55. Write any four competencies to define goal and scope of the software project.
Defining the product, documenting plan. Estimating cost, estimating
56. Write the characteristics of activities.
Label, size, source.
57. Differentiate product view and project view
Product view-hierarchical relationship among product elements
Project view- hierarchical relationship among work activities.
58. Name any four guiding principles for selecting a project team.
Public, client and employer, product, judgment.
59. Write any two disadvantages of using LOC
LOC is difficult to estimate for new software early in the life cycle
There are no industry standards for counting lines of code.
60. What is regression model?
A regression model is derived from a statistical interpretation of historical
data to describe a mean or typical relationship between variables.
61. Write the three levels of COCOMO.
Basic, Intermediate, detailed.
62. Give basic COCOMO effort formula.
Effort (E) = a* (Size)b
Where a, b are constants.
Size- thousand of lines of code (KLOC)
E-effort expressed in staff months.
63. Write the three models of COCOMO II.
The application composition model, the early design model, the post
architecture model.
64. Write the putnam equation
S= C*K1/3*td 4/3
S= software size in LOC
C=Environmental factor= S/K1/3 td 4/3
K=Total effort for the overall project
td=Delivery time constraint in years
65. Give any two disadvantages of SLIM.
1. To use the model, the software size must be identified in advance.
2. Estimates are extremely sensitive to the technology factor.
66. Give any two advantages of SLIM.
1. Offers value-added effective planning, especially on large projects.
2. Simplifies decision making.
67. Write the types of roles.
Database designers, Configuration Management experts, Human interface
Designers, Web Masters, Network Specialists, System architects, Programming
language experts.
68. Characteristics of roles
Responsibility, authority, accountability.
69. What is Activity-on-arrow (AOA)?
One Representation of Network diagram puts the activity information on
The arrows between the nodes are called an activity-on-arrow representation
70. What is Activity-on-Node (AON)?
One Representation of Network diagram puts the activity information on
nodes and is called an activity-on- node representation(AON).
71. Define Load Leveling.
Load Leveling is the process of rescheduling tasks that have available
slack to achieve a more balances distribution of resource usage.
72. Name the three forms of presenting a project schedule
Table, Gantt chart, Network diagram.
11. Briefly explain about COCOMO: A Regression Model.
Explain -COCOMO: A Regression Model with examples
Modes of COCOMO, levels of COCOMO, Advantages
and disadvantages of COCOMO.
12. Briefly explain about function points to measure the software size.
Guidelines for counting Function points
-Count number of function in each category
- Apply Complexity weighting factors.
-Apply Environmental factors
-Calculate Complexity Adjustment Factor (CAF)
- Compute Adjusted Function Points (AFP)
- Convert to LOC.
-Write the Formulas and explain with example.
13. (a). Intermediate COCOMO Example:
A10 KLOC embedded mode software product is to perform
communications processing functions on a embedded mode. Find effort.
-using the formula find effort.
Effort (E)= a* (Size)b
Where a, b are constants.
Size- thousand of lines of code ( KLOC) (8)
E-effort expressed in staff months.
(b). Short notes on Effects of reuse on software size (8)
-new code, modified code, reused code, legacy code
14. (i) A development project is sized at 7.5 KLOC and is evaluated as being
simple -in the organic mode. Find Effort, Development time, average
number of staff members (6)
(ii)SEI CMM and estimating (10)
(i).Effort – 20 staff months
Development time - 8 months
Average number of staff members-2.5 staff members
(ii)SEI CMM and estimating-goals, activities
15. Briefly explain about PERT and CPM Scheduling
PERT-Program evaluation and review technique-draw graph and
explain with example
CPM-Critical Path Method-explain forward pass and backward pass
Explain with example to find critical path
16. Explain about Assigning resources.
Explain- Organizational planning, Project roles, types of roles,
Assigning responsibilities to individuals.
17. Explain the following
(i).Organizational form (8)
(ii).Map the schedule to a real calendar (8)
Managing Contracts: ISO 12207 approach – supply process – types of contract –
stages in contract placement, management – acceptance. Managing People and Organizing
Terms: understanding behavior – organizational behavior – selecting the right person for the job
– instruction in the best methods – Motivation – Working in groups – becoming a team –
decision making – Leadership – organizational structures – dispersed and virtual teams -
influence of culture – stress – health and safety.
74. Write any three network diagram methods.
PERT- Program evaluation and review Technique
CPM- Critical Path Method
ADM- Arrow Diagramming Method
75. Define Quality?
ISO provides the definition of Quality as “The totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy specified or
implied needs.
76. Define scope?
It defines the requirements of the company for software design and
development work within the project.
77. What are the measures of software quality?
78. What is LOC?
A line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank
line regardless of the no. of statements or fragments of statements o the line.
79. Write the four basic requirements for an SCM System.
Identification, Control, Auditing, Status Accounting.
80. Draw the Software Configuration Management (SCM) Pyramid.
81Write the legal issues in product development techniques.
Advertising and Consumer, Communications, Contracts, Privacy and Tort.
82. Name the six product component classes.
Software, Hardware, people, Database, documentation and Procedures.
83. Write any two advantages of function print analysis
1. It can be apply early in the S/W development life cycle.
2. It is dependent of programming language, technology & techniques
except for the adjustments at the end.
84. Write the disadvantages of function point analysis
1. It requires subjective evaluation.
2. There is more research data on LOC than on function points.
85. Give any two examples for personnel attributes.
Analyst capability (ACAP), Programming language (LEXP)
86. Give any two examples for Computer attributes.
Execution time constraint (TIME), Main storage constraint (STOR).
87. Name any two external dependencies.
Supplier, Stakeholders
88. What is start-to-start relationship(SS)
It means that one activity can start if and only if another activity starts.
89. What are the uses of Nominal group techniques?
Problem solving, Creative decision making, ideas generating situations
90. Difference between earliest start and earliest finish.
The earliest time period that the activity can start.
The earliest finish means the earliest time period that the activity can
91. Give any one example for Activity on Arrow.
92. Write the relationship between distance, time & speed.
Distance = Time X speed
93. What are three kinds of interfaces?
Personal, organizational, and system.
94. What is Critical path?
The path with Zero flexibility is called the critical path, because it
will have zero float b/w all of its activities.
95. What are the Managerial activities?
Project planning, tracking, control, risk analysis.
96. What are the types of process communication model?
Dreamer, Rector, Rebel, workaholic
97. Difference b/w personal and organizational stress.
Personal stress include apathy low productivity, irritability, frequent
complaints and health disorders
Organizational stress include misunderstandings of work
expectations, product quality and customer service problems.
98. Define tort.
A tort is defined as a wrongful act other than a breach of contract
that injures another and for which the law imposes civil liability.
99. Name any four selection criteria for SCM tools.
Multi user support, Scalability, Easy to setup, Process management.
100. Write the legal issues for project Management skills.
Alternative Dispute Resolution, arbitration, Negotiation and mediation
PART – B & C
Software Quality: The place of software quality in project planning – importance of
software quality – defining software quality – ISO 9126 - practical software quality measures –
product vs process quality management – external standards – techniques to help enhance
software quality- quality plans. Small Projects: Introduction – Some problems with student
projects – content of a project plan – conclusion
Part A