340 Pumps
340 Pumps
340 Pumps
L.K Reynolds
Mouchel Group Ltd.
S. Bunn
Derceto (NZ) Ltd.
ABSTRACT: Optimisation of water supply systems has been the subject of many papers over the past 20
years of CCWI conferences. Most papers have proposed various methods for off-line optimisation of complex
networks to take advantage of low-priced energy tariffs, whereby the cost saving is achieved by rescheduling
as much of the pumping load as possible to occur at night when the energy tariff is lowest. Whilst cost saving
through time-of-use scheduling is an attractive opportunity for water companies, it does not save actual energy,
it simply redistributes its use; consequently, there is no saving in carbon emissions. The only way the system can
be operated more efficiently and hence save carbon as well as energy cost, is if the pumps themselves can be
operated more efficiently.
The paper presents results following implementation of a closed-loop, real-time optimiser to four actual
water supply systems in US. The data shows that by measuring the efficiency of each pump in real-time and
ensuring that each pump in the system is positioned as close as possible to its best-efficiency point, significant
improvements in average efficiency of between 6–9% can be made in addition to the 10% time of use savings.
This in turn translates into real reductions of the carbon footprint.
d) Accuracy: The underlying models have to capture handle several hundreds of pumps and control-valves,
the exact form of the real system and all its con- multiple water treatment plant and many demand
figurations. This requires a systematic and detailed zones.
analysis and representation of the real-system in
the model. There is no room for approximations or
e) Confidence: there has been a reluctance to close-
the-loop, i.e. take the human operator out of the 2.1 Theory of pumps
loop, because of the critical importance of the
water supply system. As a result, where open-loop Most pumps used for municipal water supply are of
scheduling systems have been applied, the opera- the centrifugal type driven by electric motors. They
tor is applying his own understanding of the risk of have complex and unique head/flow characteristics
how the system should be operating as a filter of the and associated energy efficiency curves.
outputs of the optimized schedules. Inevitably, this Every pump is designed and manufactured to oper-
filter is unpredictable and changes the performance ate most efficiently at a specific “duty point.” The
of the model. duty point is the point at which the pump produces
the required flow (Q) at the required head (H) which
Most of the academic approaches have focused on it has to overcome.
improving the speed of the algorithm and recently have Pump performance is subject to fixed and transient
adopted GA techniques because of the long solve times head/pressures that the pump encounters in the pump-
and huge dimensions of the possible options. ing pipe network in which it operates. The impact of
Figure 1 shows a solution which has been able to all these fixed and transient head/pressures, present a
close the loop and provide real-time optimisation of complex and challenging case for designers, of pump-
large and complex water supply systems. Aquadapt ing systems, to arrive at an optimal and energy effi-
has taken a different approach, it has focused on tech- cient outcome, over the entire range of pump/pumps
niques to improve the robustness of the solution by operation.
ensuring that the interface between the model and the The analysis of pump performance and operational
real-world is engineered to be robust and presents a outcomes is undertaken by utilizing pump charac-
simple intuitive interface to the operator. It connects teristic curves. These curves are generated by pump
directly to telemetry and reads key information on the manufacturers for each specific pump type.
state of the water supply system. The output is in the Figure 2 shows an idealized set of pump curves plot-
form of start/stop and open/close commands which ted on a common X-axis representing flow. In an ideal
are routed directly via the telemetry or SCADA sys- situation, the duty point is arranged to be exactly the
tem to the PLC or RTUs controlling the pumps and point where the energy efficiency of the pump is at
valves in the field. An absolutely critical aspect is the its maximum, in this way the efficiency of the pump
automation of staggered starts and gradual changes of operation will be maximized.
state which ensures robust plant control. By solving In practice, however, the duty point is hardly ever
the optimisation problem quickly(<5mins), it can be located at the best efficiency point for a number of
run many times during the day, which enables it to practical reasons:
adapt quickly to changing demand and availability of
plant and equipment. a) The water demand changes throughout the day and
In a typical installation, the optimizer runs every hence the pump moves up and down the flow-axis.
half hour and produces an optimal pump and valve b) The system pressure will also change, more users
schedule for up to 48 hours ahead. The system can will reduce the back pressure in the network causing
the pump to move along the head-axis. (The flow
Figure 1. Schematic of a real-time, closed-loop water Figure 2. Idealised set of pump curves. Best Efficiency
network optimiser. Point ideally at Duty Point.
and pressure relationship is known as the system c) Selecting lowest cost sources of water. The software
curve.) holds the marginal cost of production for each of
c) The design duty has to allow for growth in demand the water treatment plants in the system, it selects
over say a 20 year period and therefore a larger duty the plant with the lowest production cost for each
is specified than will be seen when first commis- half-hour period.
sioned, this moves the duty point to the left and d) Shortest path through the trunk distribution net-
lowers the efficiency. work. The software has a hydraulic model at its core
d) The motor is usually over-sized for the pump, this and is able to find the path through the network with
will cause it to operate at a lower efficiency. the lowest total headloss.
e) The pump is installed in pipe-work in the station e) Pump efficiency improvement. Because the soft-
which will throttle the flow and create additional ware holds the actual pump operating curve which
headloss in the delivery system. The actual pump is calibrated from flow and pressure measure-
curve of the installed pump will be different to the ments read from telemetry, and from the monthly
curve of the pump as it was tested in the factory. energy bill, it is able to balance the complex
f) There will usually be more than 1 pump installed in problem of selecting the combination of pump
a station to achieve the required range of flow duty. settings which delivers the overall lowest oper-
Multiple pumps will be connected into a common ating cost and highest possible efficiency. Each
manifold and will interact with each other. pump will be positioned as close as possible to its
g) The net positive suction head (NPSH) will have a Best-efficiency-point (BEP).
major influence on the duty and efficiency curve of
each pump.
h) Pumps wear as they get older, various studies have 3.2 Calculating pump efficiency improvements
been performed but a reliable study (Ref2) has Aquadapt has been installed in four major water sup-
shown that as a rule of thumb a pump will lose plies in US. It has proven itself in independently
5% of its new efficiency over the first 5 years and audited measurements to reduce energy consumption
then stabilise thereafter. per ML delivered by operating pumps and pump sta-
i) The pump station will often be operating together tions at higher points on their efficiency curve. It holds
with other pumps delivering into the same net- pump and efficiency curve information in the internal
work. Whilst it might be possible to arrange one database and uses this to predict where each pump or
or other pump station to operate at its most effi- combination of pumps is likely to operate on its curve
cient if operating alone, it will be difficult to get if run, and does this for each half hour period for the
all stations operating at their most efficient point next 24 hours. It then uses the resulting calculations
when operating together. of kWh per ML delivered to determine the lowest cost
In summary, selecting and designing the right pump solution. In fact in any energy tariff market where the
and pipe-work is a compromise between cost and per- differential between peak and off peak rates is low
formance which is not often performed effectively, the optimiser typically determines that the lowest cost
with the result that most pumps usually run a long strategy is to run pumps efficiently even in peak peri-
way away from their BEP. ods rather than inefficiently in off-peak periods, if this
is the overall lowest cost solution.
Unfortunately likely efficiency gains are hard to
3 AQUADAPT CALCULATES PUMP predict in a system planning an Aquadapt installation.
EFFICIENCY IN REAL-TIME It has always been easier to measure “before” and
“after” kWh per ML delivered figures for Aquadapt
3.1 How Aquadapt saves money systems, then try and predict the results beforehand.
What is surprising is that the efficiency figures are
Aquadapt Optimisation software saves costs in five quite consistent in all Aquadapt installations. In all
main areas: four systems in the US measurements were made
a) Time-of-use (TOU) load shifting, this is the move- which verified efficiency improvements of between
ment of pumping operations from daytime into 6% and 8.8% overall; with some individual pump sta-
night-time when the energy is lower cost. Most tions demonstrating gains of over 20%. Three of these
pump scheduling systems do this in some form. four systems were independently audited.
b) Peak charges avoidance (TRIAD); a natural result
of TOU optimisation. The software will naturally
3.3 Characteristics of the US water
chose to avoid running pumps during high tariff
supply systems
periods which is when peak charges such as triads1
occur. In order to predict energy efficiency improvements
for a new client, the pumping stations were cate-
In UK energy market, a triad is one of the 3 highest half- gorised using the efficiency improvement. It has been
hour demand periods in a year. It is calculated at year end and observed that where a pump operates over a wide range
the charge is applied retrospectively. It can account for up to of its pump curve, or where variable speed drives are
5% of the annual electricity bill if it is not minimised. used, there can be quite considerable efficiency gains.
Table 1. Reference sites in US.
Undertaking Popn .K SR Pumps (ML)
Figure 7. Variable speed pump best efficiency curve.