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People are more what they hide than what they show

Victor Gregorovitch - Supreme Mugwump

Childrens :

Lemonade Sunshine Riddle - Ilvermorny Headmaster

Oberyn Matthew Riddle - Wandmaker at Ollivander & Riddle

Zoe Heart Riddle - Reporter at The Daily Prophet

Nicci Rose Riddle - Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Stefan Night Riddle - Leader of the anti-muggle group 'The Night Watch'

Fumseck/Fawkes the Phoenix

Hornbeam(charme) - Thestral Tail Hair

Rowan(Sorbier) - Thunderbird Feather

Cherry(Cerisier) - Phoenix Feather

The Peverell Ring , Relic of the Dead

The Slytherin Heirloom Locket

1st Year (2007) :

Join the Slytherin's Quidditch team despite being a 1st year in Hogwarts and win
the Cup.
Found the dual club of the 'The Parseltongues' and win the dual tournament as 1st
3 Basiliks are placed back in the Secret Chamber and Slytherin wins the Houses Cup
of Hogwarts.
Accepted as wandmaker's apprentice by Ollivander for his holidays in England.

2nd Year (2008) :

Surprisingly selected in the Triwizard Tournament to represent Hogwarts.
Wins the Triwizard Cup despite the participation of the Genius Gregorovitch.
Arrestation of The Grinderwald's Fanatic serial killer before he steals the last
Time-Turner of the Ministy.
[He was disguised as a Drumstrang Proffessor]

3rd Year (2009) :

Slytherin wins the Quidditch, Dual and Houses Cups.
Been sent at the Castelobruxo Wizarding School as a student exchange for the year.
Annoucement of Amnisty in favor of Ex-Deatheaters close to the Malfoy's family.
Quit the Phoenix's Order from where he was raised since childhood.

4th Year (2010) :

Slytherin wins the Quidditch, Dual and Houses Cups.
Selected to represent Hogwarts at the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship
Won the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship.
Leave for America to discover the MACUSA.

5th Year (2011) :

Slytherin wins the Quidditch, Dual and Houses Cups.
Spend the entire year at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a student
Join the Horned Serpent House at Ilvermorny after the sorting ceremony.
Meet Michael Fassenberg and spend the all year together as close dear friends.
Come-back at Hogwarts only to pass the O.W.L tests and obtain 11 Outstanding

6th Year (2012) :

Slytherin wins the Quidditch, Dual and Houses Cups.
Attack Azkaban to free his Loyals Deatheaters from the jailplace.
Protect Hogwarts students from a werewolfs and giants attack against the Poudlard
Express at winter.
An investigation is started by the Ministry of Magic.

7th year (2013) :

Slytherin wins the Quidditch, Dual and Houses Cups.
Win the Triwizard Tournament in a spectacular way in France .
Participate actively in the civil war between the loyal Deatheaters and the
Malfoy's clan.
Kill Lucius Malfoy and arrest many of his followers during their attack at the end
of the year.
Achieve 9 N.E.W.Ts mention Outstanding at the end of his scholarship in Hogwarts.


2014. Join the Ministry of Magic in the Auror office as Auror Applicant.
2016. Complete the Auror training under the tutelage of H.Potter and becomes
officialy Auror.
2019. Becomes the Head of the Auror's Office after H.Potter's promotion.
2025. Gregorovitch start the 3rd Magic World Wide War.
2026. Fassenberg becomes the new President of M.A.C.U.S.A


11 Outstanding Achieved O.W.L ( Ordinary Wizarding Level)

Defence Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures
Ancient Studies
Ghoul Studies
History of Magic


9 Outstanding Achieved N.E.W.T (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test)

Defence Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures
Advanced Arithmancy Studies



1. rough

2. observe

3. country

4. skirt

5. swift

6. galaxy

7. stove

8. toward

9. ladder

10. upper

11. stamp

12. empower

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