Crushing and Sizing

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R. Boisvert1, D. Leblanc1, D. Ksinsik1 and C. Roche2

Bécancour Silicon Inc., Bécancour; Canada. E-mail: [email protected]
FAI Production, Domène, France. E-mail: [email protected]


Casting, cooling and crushing/sieving of ferroalloys has followed a well-established pattern in the whole
ferroalloys industry for many years. Usually liquid metal or alloys are cast into flat open moulds of various
shapes and forms, and after solidification the product is removed from such mould to further cool down to a
temperature where subsequent handling steps are feasible. Common to all mechanical product fractioning is
the generation of dust and fine size material with lower product value.

For almost 10 years, Bécancour Silicon has investigated alternative roads to improve technology and/or
reduce or solve problems related to those disadvantages. Since 1995 Bécancour Silicon operates a special
silicon granulation plant targeted to product for the chemical treatment/conversion of silicon for silicones

Prior to the development of the granulation process, various systems had been evaluated, among others the
vibrating casting bed, now in operation elsewhere but judged inappropriate because of the tapping volumes
to be handled at Bécancour Silicon and other disadvantages.

After evaluation of all aspects of heat transfer, radiation, and conductivity in relation to transfer media and
within the product, a novel system was designed and built.


The traditional method of casting silicon metal consists of emptying the liquid silicon holding ladle into
shallow open cast-iron moulds or cast beds, usually lined with a layer of fine silicon metal to firmly insulate
and contain the liquid silicon in shape until it is frozen. The layer of fine sized silicon further facilitates
stripping of the solidified cake. For other than the lowest quality commodity grades, fines are preferably of
the same chemical composition as the liquid silicon in the ladle to provide for a consistent chemical analysis
and prevent contamination from the fines layer that is remolten and forms part of the new cast. In cast iron
mould application, one usually removes the solidified cake from the mould as soon as possible to avoid
mould heating and get the mould ready for the next cast. Before the solidified cake can be further processed
through crushing and sizing devices, it has to be cooled down to almost ambient temperature to allow safe
handling and transporting on conveyor belts or other temperature-sensitive equipment.

Depending on the customer’s further use of the silicon, various size specifications in place complement the
chemical specifications, resulting in a product matrix for the producer. The aluminum industry, as one major
consumer of silicon metal, typically dissolves solid silicon lumps in or by liquid aluminum, thereby slowly
dissolving the specifically lighter silicon in the specifically heavier aluminum. The important criteria are
silicon recovery and dissolution time. To avoid that silicon floats on the surface of liquid aluminum thereby
getting trapped in the surface slag, the aluminum industry usually sets a limitation to the quantity of smaller
size particles. But since any mechanical fractioning of silicon – due to product- inherent friability – generates
fine sizes and dust, these inferior sizes downgrade a product that is chemically 100% suitable. Each silicon
producing plant has its own recipes to minimize this economic impact.

Proceedings: Tenth International Ferroalloys Congress; 1 – 4 February 2004

INFACON X: ‘Transformation through Technology’ Cape Town, South Africa
ISBN: 0-9584663-5-1 Produced by: Document Transformation Technologies

Since the early ‘90s, a lot of systematic work has been done at Bécancour Silicon (Silbec) to understand the
principles of heat exchange between liquid silicon and a surrounding medium, between solidifying and
solidified silicon, and finally of solidified Si, at temperatures from 1400°C down to 300°C, as well as the
heat transfer limitations from silicon to the medium, and the heat transportation within the silicon. This work
enabled us to design and build a water granulation plant converting liquid silicon into a structure optimized
small granule for its application in the chemical industry, in particular for the conversion into
methylchlorosilanes[1]. However, this product cannot satisfy the aluminum industry, even if it would be well
qualified as regards homogeneity. In order to cope with the increasing demands to find more efficient and
thereby less costly ways to convert liquid silicon into a product physically suitable at the maximum
percentage for – or even desirous to – the aluminium industry, our work and that of others published in the
early ‘90s, including the evaluation of the vibrating copper plate[2] as a rapid cooling device, was re-

Therefrom the following requirements were postulated:

• Casting straight from the ladle into the machine without using runner or intermediate guides.
• Maximum casting time of 20 minutes for the highest volume of silicon metal that is received from the
biggest of Silbec’s three furnaces.
• Re-availability of the machine for the next cast within maximum 40 minutes after the previous one.
• Appropriate cast thickness so that no pre-crushing and a minimum of jaw crushing, if at all, is required
to achieve standard aluminum sizes.
• No labour-intensive cleaning or preparation of the casting machine between casts.
• Potential for sequence casting using metal from more than one furnace without overloading the
machine, neither thermally nor volume-wise.
• Clear separation and distinction of different metal grades when handling casting from more than one
• Minimization or avoidance of any wear and tear to the heat exposed surfaces or maintenance sensitive
equipment or sections thereof.

After this short list, the focus was directed towards plain metal surface with maximum heat transfer
properties to avoid interface reaction between liquid silicon and the solid cooling surface.



Silbec carried out the first tests of copper thin casting in 2001. The experimental device of these starting tests
(Figure 1) consisted of a copper plate with internal pipes to allow heat extraction by coolant circulation,
manufactured by FAI Production, a French company specialized in copper mouldings. The plate itself was
mounted on a frame with a horizontal axis whereas the ladle was hanging in its trunion support of the bridge
crane. Thus distribution and the height of free fall of the silicon stream could be easily controlled and
adjusted. A hydraulic cylinder allowed to tilt the plate over when the silicon had solidified to evaluate
whether a free sliding of silicon from the mould would be possible or whether the Si would stick to the
copper surface, so that mechanical scraping would be required. It was also evaluated whether at essentially
the same thickness of product a correlation would exist between the amount of heat extracted per time unit
and the physical properties of the product thus solidified in order to determine the fractioning behaviour of
these different product types when dumped from the plate into the receiving bin underneath. A layer of 1 to 2
cm of liquid silicon cast from a ladle was spread on the plate (Figure 2). One of the early results proved that
due to the very fast cooling process, the product obtained had the desired brittleness and was easily breakable
under the impact of the fall from a relatively minor height.

More than 500 tests have been performed to understand not only the above- mentioned factors, but also to
determine the flow behaviour of silicon at various temperatures and thereby viscosities with silicon either
freely falling on the static copper bed or simulating vectorial influences of the stream by moving the ladle in
predetermined directions and at predetermined speed over the surface of the plate.
The results of all these tests allowed us to determine not only the minimum amount of heat to be extracted as
per formulae (1), (2), and (3) below, but also the surface area needed to allow an offering of a clean mould
surface at a controlled temperature as long as silicon would pour out of the ladle.

The evaluation of the test results of several months enabled us to determine the parameters for the design of
our thin cast installation. These were, among others, the cooling system of the copper plates, the best way of
thin casting of the liquid metal, and the stripping technique. All these factors were evaluated and measured
with the aim of setting up a mechanically simple installation while being reliable and secure.
Figure 1. Experimental device for the first cast tests Figure 2. Thin cast test on copper plate.
on copper.
The theoretical heat extraction requirements for the design of our machine were based on heat transfer
calculations with a liquid silicon flow of 4 kg/sec at 1500ºC, and stripping at 1000ºC. The calorific power
having to be absorbed by the copper carrousel was calculated as follows:

Energy 1 kg = (1500 − 1412)°C x 0.968 kJ + 1787 kJ + (1412 − 1000)°C x 0.946 kJ = 2262 kJ (1)
kg x °C kg kg x °C kg

where: Energy1kg is the energy needed to heat 1 kg of silicon from 1000 to 1500ºC.

kg kJ (2)
Power4 kg / s = 4 s x 2262 kg = 9.0 MW
where:Power4 kg/s is the power to be removed from liquid silicon at 1500ºC to reduce its temperature at
1000ºC, at a casting flow of 4 kg/s inclusive of transfer from liquid to solid.

PowerCu = 9.0 MW = 4.5 MW (3∗)


where:PowerCu is the power the cast copper system must be able to remove to prevent heating the copper

These theoretical calculations were reasonably in line with the results obtained from the practical tests on the
single plate, so that a dimensional layout determining the total copper surface and the optimal subdivision
into individual copper segments – with sizes and dimensions still allowing a commercial manufacture and
treatment – could be done still enabling uniform heat extraction through the cooling system.

Assuming that solidification fronts of the lower and upper surface of the cast silicon meet in the center of the silicon
For this specific task the accumulated knowledge of our development partner FAI Production was vital as it
allowed us to determine the total copper surface, the minimum copper volume, the optimum arrangement for
the cooling channels in the copper plates, the optimum number of subdivisions into identical sections, as well
as the choice of the heat extraction medium.


The following two evaluations had a decisive influence on our layout:

• The heat flow evaluation in the experimental copper plate as shown in Figure 3.
• A surface erosion test of the copper surface to understand the impact of the temperature of the liquid
silicon and of the height of a free fall on potential surface damage.

Figure 3 shows the temperature curve of the copper plate of the experimental device during repetitive casting
and removing of fresh liquid silicon while operating the cooling device at the optimal parameter. It shows
that after 5 minutes a steady state is achieved, and additional repetitions of casting and tilting do not raise the
temperature above the level of about 170 to 180°C, and that at the end of this test, after about 20 minutes, a
relatively rapid temperature decrease could be achieved so that actually continuous casting can be done if
liquid metal would be continuously available.




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Time (min)

Figure 3. Temperature of the copper plate equipped with the chosen cooling system.

Figure 4. Copper plate erosion through a hot point.

Figure 4 shows the surface erosion caused by the impact of overheated silicon at a temperature of more than
200°C above melting point and an intended relatively high free fall. This formed a cavity of a depth of about
5 mm and an erosion crater of about 70 mm at a given amount of silicon thus freely falling onto the copper
surface. This test also allowed to determine the importance of the vectorial movements of the liquid stream to
be designed in horizontal direction compared to the undesired monodirectional force of the static free fall
with no horizontal design flow components.



The accumulated experience with silicon metal granulated in water for more than eight years without any
major damage to our casting equipment because of the extremely precise control devices and mechanisms
allowed us to use this very same design of the ladle tilter and to adjust it to the requirement for the copper
carousel, so that a steady control of the flow of liquid silicon on the copper plate can be warranted and the
length of time between the repetitive fall of liquid silicon onto the very same copper surface would be

Sixteen identical copper segments form a huge horizontal wheel with an entirely flat surface exposed to
liquid silicon. The distribution of the liquid silicon on the surface is determined by the amount of silicon per
time unit added to the surface, and the speed of revolution of the wheel. Before one complete rotation of the
wheel, appropriate devices remove already solidified silicon so that it falls into a collection bin with a
vibrating feeder underneath, from where it is transported into the holding boxes. Heat shields to protect the
surrounding equipment both at the centre of the wheel and towards its outer edges in the area where the
mould tilter is operated are also vital for minimizing splashing. All operating parameters are controlled and
adjusted from an operating cabin at an elevated level close to the casting wheel. There are a series of limit
switches and interlocks, so that even operating errors would not bring the casting beyond certain critical
limits, and failsafe devices are incorporated.

All mechanically moveable parts are designed so that they are not directly exposed to any potentially liquid
silicon. The drive design is so that a minimum of mechanical equipment is used, and any failure would
immediately cause the failsafe features to engage. The centre of the wheel containing the inlets and outlets of
the cooling media into and from each copper section are effectively shielded, and there are no electric
connections in the centre either.

Figure 5. Ladle tilter radially moveable to casting wheel.


In starting up the equipment (Figures 6 and 7), priority was put in observing specific criteria related to
workplace safety and security, and protection of critical parts. This included a systematic hot-run test period
during which the operations were actually run and controlled by Silbec’s engineering team.
On-the-job training was then provided so that initially a one-shift operation and subsequently further use of
the installation towards the ultimate continuous around-the-clock operation would be achieved.

Obviously, as with every new extra-heavy duty equipment design, certain modifications became necessary,
but none of them affected the basic principle. At the end of an eight-hour operation of the machine with
occasionally more than the metal from just one furnace no copper temperature beyond 200°C during the
entire operation was observed.

During the extended start- up it happened that our biggest furnace – 30 MW – was on a campaign of FeSi 75
and higher Si containing specialties[4][5], so that we were able to test the casting carousel with these
products as well. Of particular interest was to observe the fractioning behaviour of certain specialty products
produced during this campaign as well as to accumulate products for evaluation and acceptance by our
various customers.

Figure 6. Thin cast installation.

Figure 7. Operation of casting onto the copper carousel.


During the initial moments of liquid silicon metal touching the copper surface until the first solid crust
formation, heat flow is essentially monodirectional. During solidification, stresses induced by thermal
dilatation and crystal growth cause the silicon metal to deform slightly and as a result breaking of the contact
between the solidified silicon and the copper base. This is the beginning of the separation of the two surfaces,
and from this moment on, heat conduction is substituted by radiation, and consequently the rate of heat
extraction slows down.

Even though the silicon on the plate is still red at the surface after 60 seconds, it can be tipped over into the
collecting metal box. Solid silicon never sticks to the copper, and after deflecting it from the carousel, the
copper plate is free from any material.

Silicon produced by casting in moulds solidifies in about 30 minutes, whereas silicon granulated in water
needs just some seconds. On our casting wheel, this process takes about 60 seconds. Such fast cooling results
in a very homogenous product that could improve the performance of the product in certain downstream
processing. Indeed, the solidification speed directly influences the grain size and the primary impurity
distribution of the silicon (= formation and composition of intermetallics)[6]. As impurities have less time to
segregate, the uniformity of the chemical distribution of each piece is much higher than traditionally cast

During the tests a certain amount of very shiny silicon was produced at low casting temperatures, as no
surface oxidation had taken place (Figure 8a). When casting at 1550°C and higher, a thin oxide layer of
whitish appearance formed at the surface. Its maximum thickness, as measured by the electronic microscope,
is about 1µm (Figure 8c). While optically remarkable, the total SiO 2 contamination thus added is less than
100 PPM by weight (g/MT), thus with no negative impact on product utilization whatsoever.

Figure 8. Silicon metal cast on a copper plate.

When casting silicon metal on our machine destined for standard sizes for the aluminum industry, no
mechanical crushing whatsoever is required thereafter. In order to properly size the product, the material is
fed directly to the multi-deck sizing machine, thus bypassing the existing crushing equipment. Basically,
when the product falls off the copper plate into the collecting bin it breaks like a china plate falling on a hard
floor, and very little small splinters or powder occur.

Figure 9 shows the grain size distribution of silicon metal of the same chemistry cast conventionally and then
passing the precrusher, the jaw crusher and the screening deck, compared to the thin cast metal as described
after having passed the screening deck. We have determined the quantity of small sized material below 3 mm
to be not even 1%, whereas conventional casting and crushing yields above 5%. A separation of small size
material at 10 mm gives an improvement of 10% points, i.e., only 2% of downgrading compared to
approximately 12% in the conventional crushing and sizing.
Conventionally cast

Thin cast
Passing 12.0

% Cumulative



0.1 3.0

0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0

Size (mm)

Figure 9. Grain size distribution of conventionally cast, cooled, and crushed silicon to
0 x 100 mm compared to thin cast product


At the time of writing this paper, in the early operation, substantially more than 100 t of silicon were cast
over that machine and immediately broken into the desired size. Various small modifications to the machine
have become either required or recommendable in order to increase the probability of achieving the
previously mentioned postulations. However, none of these changes or additions affected the core of the
machine, i.e., size and arrangement of the copper plates, the heat extraction system, the positioning of the
ladles relatively to the copper plates, the tilter control, the silicon flow rate, and the flow/distribution vectors
of liquid silicon pouring onto the copper plate.

We intend to present further operating results at the conference presentation and, very likely, also report on
casting of FeSi 75 and other specialties, which are part of the production program at Silbec during certain

The initial success of this new equipment justifies once more our trust and confidence in its own technology
development efforts, as evidenced by its silicon granulation plant, its flexible electrode technology SKTEC,
the injection of small size material through the graphite core of the compound electrodes[7] and the
determination of basic factors of alternative furnace technology[8], which became the foundation of all our
production process related developments. These various technological developments are Silbec’s response to
the ever-increasing challenge in developed countries to maintain production facilities competitive despite
ever enlarging requirements for environmental protection as well as labour, and health & safety costs,
unknown to our competitors in developing countries or non -market economies. We firmly believe that
strategic Si metal consumers will honour such commitments of a producer by awarding him at least the
preferred supplier status.


[1] Pachaly, B., “Process development in the MCS production: for example water granulated silicon metal,”
Silicon for the Chemical Industry II, Loen, June 1994, pp. 55-60.
[2] Bullón, J., More, A., “Experiences at Ferroatlántica using the new casting machine,” Silicon for the
Chemical Industry VI, Loen, June 2002, pp. 47-53.
[3] Mühlbradt, T., “Cast to shape: a new method to cast silicon metal,” Silicon for the Chemical Industry
III, Sandefjord, June 1996, pp. 57-65.
[4] Boisvert, R., “The SKTEC electrode – An adaptable electrode design for the production of silicon metal
and ferrosilicon,” Infacon 9, June 2001, Quebec City, pp. 264-267.
[5] Boisvert, R., Ksinsik D., “The SKTEC process – An adaptable system for various concentrations of
silicon to service the chemical and the metallurgical industries,” Silicon for the Chemical Industry V,
Tromsø, June 2000, pp. 41-50.
[6] Margaria, T., “Influence of cooling on silicon structure,” Silicon for the Chemical Industry III,
Sandefjord, June 1996, pp. 87-94.
[7] Larochelle, P., Boisvert, R., Ksinsik, D., “Hollow electrode injection in silicon metal production,”
Silicon for the Chemical Industry IV, Geiranger, June 1998, pp. 33-42.
[8] Ksinsik, D., “Silicon metal production in an open DC arc furnace: is this the way towards cheaper
silicon metal production costs?”, Silicon for the Chemical Industry II, Loen, June 1994, pp. 25-26.

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