Our World Was Forged in The Dark
Our World Was Forged in The Dark
Our World Was Forged in The Dark
This document is for play testing purposes:
The Typhoon Atolls is a game about mythical heroes in an island world haunted
with restless spirits. We will play to learn about myths surrounding the heroes,
The Typhoon Atolls is a game that uses John Harper’s superb “Blades in the Dark” the growth of the islanders’ culture, and their dramatic dealings with the spirit
rules, if you somehow found this without being aware of John Harper, you should realms. Along the way they battle elements, cross roiling seas, steal hidden secrets
go to onesevendesign.com posthaste and download everything there. It will of nature, and protect the islanders from calamities. These tricksters, sages and
change your games for the better! hunters need their stories to be told, and to remain memorable. For heroes of
folklore, to be forgotten is worse than death.
Blades in the Dark™ is a trademark of One Seven Design. The Forged in the Dark
Logo is © One Seven Design, and is used with permission. In the Typhoon Atolls, a cluster of islands in a vast ocean, a fledgling group of
humans carves out a life surrounded by primeval horrors, hungry ghosts of lost
This hack could not have been made without a lot of dedicated playtesters, special peoples and teeming spirits. Unknown islands on the horizon loom and beckon
thanks should be given to: to Home Islanders, from beyond the reefs. But braving the seas and exploring new
Corwin Campbell, Stacey Shintani, Chris Kolz, Drue Gilbert, Lindsay Darling & lands is a job best left to the masked heroes of campfire tales that the islanders call
Justin Argenio The Pellikoi.
CHANGES IN THIS VERSION: You the player will take up the mask of a Pellikoi and build the mythology of
your people as a boatbuilder completes their work. Together with your fellow
+ADDED REMAINING ISLANDS heroes you will shape the keep that is your Home Island. In sessions you will add
+ADDED BACKSTORY & CREDITS plank after plank as you go on Journeys to discover, steal or negotiate for the
+ADDED OPPORTUNITIES resources, inventions and wisdom that your people will need to thrive in this harsh
May your craft be true and may you find your way home again!
The PC’s are Supernatural Beings: They should be able to split mountains in twain,
argue the Sun into reversing its course and climb free of the Underworld.
The PC’s are also Mortal Beings: They can and should get beaten, crushed, stabbed
and occaisionally killed. See above though.
Every Journey is a story told around the fire concerning this world’s mythology. Like
all mythologies it will have its share of silly and deadly serious moments. The best
tales have both for contrast.
A good tale also wraps up with the players and GM now able to say: “..and that’s
why - the moon flees across the sky - the ants work together - we set our dead
afloat in canoes - there is a giant crater in the center of the island - etc..”
Renown builds the Island’s Tier, the players build its character.
When a player does something challenging we make an action roll to see how it turns out.
1. The player states their goal for the action.
An action is challenging if there’s an obstacle to the PC’s goal that’s dangerous or 2. The player chooses the action rating that matches what their character is doing in the
troublesome in some way. fiction.
Stalk 3. The GM sets the position for the roll.
The player rolls a number of D6 equal to their character’s action rating (from 1 to Observe 4. The GM sets the effect level for the action.
4). The action rating they use depends on what their character is doing. If they’re Navigate 5. Add bonus dice.
fighting it’s Battle, if they’re using magic it’s Invoke, etc. See the list of actions to Craft 6. The player rolls the dice and we judge the results.
the right.
For each roll we set the position and effect level. Position tells us how dangerous Elude +1D from a teammate if they take 1 duress.
it is for the PC. A controlled position isn’t very dangerous. A risky position is Battle +1-3D from a Spirit Invocation or +1D if you push yourself.
pretty dangerous. A desperate position is very dangerous. The effect level tells Raze
us how much impact this roll will have on the situation. Great effect means a Invoke FORTUNE ROLL
big impact, enough to overcome a tough obstacle. Standard effect means decent 1. The GM determines the dice pool, generally 1-4 dice, based on the fictional trait that
impact, enough to overcome a standard obstacle. Limited effect means poor Inspire applies to the situation (morale, toughness, quality, etc..)
impact, requiring multiple rolls to overcome an obstacle. Beguile 2. Roll the dice and read the single highest result to determine how strongly that trait
Persuade manifests in the situation at hand.
The outcome of the roll is determined by the single highest die result. If the
single highest die is a 6 then it’s a full success: The PC’s action is successful and there are RESISTANCE ROLL
no complications. If the highest die is a 4 or 5, it’s a partial success: The PC’s action is 1. The player chooses to resist a consequence.
effective, but there’s a complication. If the highest die is a 1-3, it’s a failure: the PC’s action 2. The GM determines if the consequence will be reduced or negated by the resistance roll,
is not effective, and there’s a complication too. depending on the details of the situation.
3. The GM determines which attribute applies to the consequence at hand: Insight, Prowess
Basically, when someone makes an action roll, we all look for that 6. If they don’t get a 6, or Resolve.
some kind of complication or bad consequence will happen, based on the PC’s position. If a 4. The player rolls the dice for that attribute.
player rolls more than one 6, that’s a critical success-they get an extra benefit of some kind. 5. The PC takes stress equal to 6 minus the highest dice result, and the consequence is
negated or reduced.
A fortune roll tells “how much” something manifests. There’s no position or effect level, just INTERRUPTIONS
a pool of D6 representing a trait. For example, the GM may make a fortune roll for the bad 1. The player announces that they’d like to insert something that the GM may have forgotten
guys’ morale to see if they can stay and fight. If they’re brave, the GM may roll 3D6 and see in telling the tale, something that could prove important to the current situation.
how well they do. On a 6 they definitely stay and fight. On a 4/5 maybe a few of them run 2. The GM briefly sets the scene and the player describes how they heard it differently or
off. On a 1-3 they all break and flee. how they changed some detail before the scene began.
3. The GM sets a duress cost for the interruption:
A PC can make a resistance roll to block or avoid a bad consequence that the GM inflicts. - 0 duress: A cosmetic detail, an easy action, the storyteller barely misses a breath.
For example, if the GM says, “You can do it, but the millipede bites you as you climb over.
You take level 2 Harm,” the player can say, “Nope! I want to resist that.” When a PC resists -1 duress: A complex detail, a tricky action, the storyteller must take a brief pause.
a consequence, it’s always effective-the consequence will be reduced to something less
severe or avoided entirely (depending on the situation.) -2 (or more) duress: A major or magical effect, a large scale operation, the storyteller must
The resistance roll tells us how much duress the PC takes (6 duress minus the highest die take a minute to rework their tale.
4. The PC takes the duress cost and must attempt their action.
These actions replace the
CHANGES IN THE TALE: ones in the original rules
STALK ELUDE When you invoke, you use the true name When you persuade, you use logic,
When you stalk you skillfully follow and When you Elude, you move stealthily of a Spirit to compel an effect. You could reasoning and deal making to gain
bring down an unsuspecting target. You towards, or away from a target. call forth a swarm of tiny whispering what you want. You might engage a
might seek after the flocks of terror birds You might creep through the jungle needlers to steal a target’s memories and whale in a long-winded discussion of
that roam your island to feed your people, undergrowth away from a ravening pack bring them home to you, or you might call the greater good to convince it to carry
or you could disappear in a dark perch of graverobber crabs. You might move forth a new island, steaming forth magma, you from the shores of the isle of the
waiting to assassinate the Lantern Fish quietly through the halls of Father Fire to make a new home for your people. dead, or you might convince the Sky
Queen deep within her slimy caves. looking to steal the secrets of smelting Holder of humanity’s potential, that
metals. INSPIRE now is not yet the time to crush the
OBSERVE When you inspire, you cultivate the seed world under his weary burden.
When you observe, you absorb the details BATTLE of emotion in your target. You might rally
of surroundings to come to a conclusion. When you battle, you take the fight to your villagers in the shadow of a many-
You might watch over an island from a an enemy, through weaponry, wisdom tentacled horror, or you could kindle
high point to gain an understanding of or brute strength. You might crush a fear in the heart of a thieving Spirit by
Mother Earth’s plans, or you may analyze slavering bonefish’s skull with just your describing the torments it would endure
the crumbled ruins of a lost people to hands in a desperate underwater fight, should it ever return.
understand how they perished. or you may lead a band of warriors in a
raid on a faraway shore. BEGUILE
NAVIGATE When you Beguile, you use trickery and
When you navigate, you plot a RAZE sweet lies to gain what you want. You
course across the world to reach your When you raze, you physically destroy could ply the Spirit of Waves to carry you
destination. You might use the stars to something through might or craft. home from a castaway reef with promises
guide a catamaran through dangerous You could topple a mountainside on a of marvelous gifts awaiting, or you might
shoals to a new island, or puzzle out the pursuing behemoth, burying it under a drink a giant intelligent spider crab under
labyrinth of tunnels to find a way home hill of scree, or you may undo the ebon the table, escaping its wrath and leaving it
from the underworld. net that keeps the moon on its path a bubbling, hungover wreck.
with the sharpest knife, allowing it free
CRAFT range of the night skies.
When you craft, you build something
from the materials at hand. You could
make yourself a spear, club or entirely
new tool, or you might guide your people
to erect a stout wall around their village.
When you traverse you quickly move
from one point to another. You may climb
a sheer cliff face to reach the nest of
Kabenogo, the greatest eagle. You could
have to run from one end of Home Island
to another before the sun sets.
THE SPIRIT DECK replaces the
CHANGES IN THE TALE: Devil’s Bargain and Push Yourself
The Spirits of the Typhoon Atolls divide Lastly, the mysterious Sky Holder Most Spirits grant a bonus die, with more As a quick rule of thumb, a neutral
their loyalties between four monarchs. stands above us all. No one knows why powerful Spirits granting more, and the spirit will usually extract a Story, some
he carries the burden of the sky, sun and monarchs and calamities granting three! Duress, a delicious or shiny item, or
Mother Earth is warm, embracing moons upon his shoulders but we are Good luck getting on the good side of a a promise of future aid. A positively
and the matriarch of plants and stones, grateful that he does. The birds carry Monarch, and an Earthquake Spirit inclined Spirit will help for a little bit
creatures that crawl, run and leap their gossip to him and his daughters, would demand a terrible price.. of conversation, news or even for free.
between the branches of her mighty the stars, guide us across the vasty
trees. The depths of the jungles and deep. Should you wish to acknowledge There are a few optional, fledgling Spirits A negatively inclined Spirit will
the grassy, rolling hills belong to her. him, play a melody upon a flute. in this deck, manmade creations just demand twice the cost, or perhaps even
Domesticated plants are her envoys and stretching their wings. Instead of granting leap into the action to attack or hinder
the drum is her instrument for when you These are merely the monarchs, the dice, halve the cost and use the following: the heroes.
sing her praises. greatest spirits, powerful and terrifying,
yes, but also fallible, petty and MAY SEARCH INCREASES GRANTS REDUCES
Father Fire is clever, scheming and changeable. Remember that they and THE DECK EFFECT SPECIAL HARM
inventive. The discovery of fire was the their myriad nations of lesser spirits are FOR ANY SPIRIT ARMOR
beginning of history for our people, and not good or evil, they just are.
it is around the cookfires of the Great
hall that we tell our tales of the Pellikoi. In the Typhoon Atolls this cast of spirits
In some stories Father Fire freely gave is represented by a deck of Spirit Cards.
his gift to us, in others it was stolen Every card is an NPC, a powerful bonus
by the first Pellikoi. Crime is certainly to one roll of the dice, and an ongoing
associated with him. Lightning is his touchstone to the world around the
envoy and great-hearted singing is the players.
best way to please the Brightfather.
Each Spirit Card has a type, a picture
The Queen of the Sea is dark, mercurial and at the bottom, an icon indicating
and rarely rises from the Cold Depths. the Spirit’s power along with a faction
She lords over the innumerable fishes, meter.
crabs, eels and other, stranger things that
fill her realm. The sea is ever-changing, Every Spirit has its price, but as
and it will take wisdom to lift a bounty your heroes gain positive or negative
from it rather than be dragged down status with that Spirit through their
yourself. The Whales speak for her and interactions you will find that the price
should you wish her attention, dedicate a goes up or down correspondingly.
tune to her upon a stringed instrument.
Coin does not exist in the Atoll. The When you return to your Island
people of Home Island may have a rough you may record your stories in the
hoose a playbook. Your playbook You have access to all of the items on barter system, but Heroes are above such Great Hall and erase them from your
represents you character’s mythic your character sheet. For each Journey, things, and no Spirit has yet been met that hero’s sheet. Once recorded, the
archetype, their special abilities and decide what your character’s load will cares to understand currency. Stories remain there, and cannot be
how they will advance. be. During the Journey you may say that withdrawn.
the character has the item on hand by Instead, you will deal in Stories, short
N ame your Hero, then collectively tales, songs and poems of the goings-on When you would mark your Hero’s
checking an items box until you have hit
name the Island that tells the tales in the Atoll. Spirits and other mystical fourth Fate’s Price, or perhaps when
full load. Your load also determines your
of your group of heroes. Finally, write denizens will frequently take Stories in it’s just their time, you Pass into
movement speed over the rough terrain
down something that your hero trade for services and goods. This replaces History. Fold up their character sheet
of the atolls, as well as your ability to
invented, discovered, or brought to the coin/retirement system from Blades in and place it between the pages of the
conceal yourself from the the many
your people. the Dark with the following: book that you most rarely take down
hostile inhabitants found there.
from the shelf.
D raw your mask. A Pellikoi’s mask 1-3 load: Light. You’re faster, less 1 Story: a comic tale or recounting. A fine
is their identity, this is the face of weapon, a minor Spirit’s favor, a delicacy Check the Great Hall and determine
conspicuous and less likely to arouse
the character you will be bringing to for Home Island. how many Stories have accumulated
the enmity of those you come across.
life. It can be as simple or as detailed 2 Stories: a heroic tale or song. A magical there concerning your Pellikoi, then
as you like. artifact, an outrigger canoe, a sentient consult the following table:
4/5 load: Medium. You look like an
adventurer of some capability. beast’s favor, or a Minor Spirit’s services.
A ssign four action dots. No action Enough food for Home Island to get by.
may begin with a rating higher than 3 Stories: a sung ballad with 0-8 Stories: Forgotten, even those that
6 load: Heavy. Your’re slower, anyone
2 in character creation. instrumentation. A fine boat, a Major knew you will move on in time, telling
encountering you is going to assume
Spirit’s favor, entrance to a Spirit Court, a your tales as their own.
you’re prepared for trouble. Thick
C hoose a special ability. If you can’t new crop or discovery for Home Island. 9-16 Stories: A minor hero, mostly you
undergrowth becomes impassable.
decide which, then choose the first 6 Stories: a tale told from sunset to dawn. show up in other, greater Pellikoi’s
one on the list, that is the iconic ability A Major Spirit’s services, an audience tales, as a sidekick perhaps, or a
7-9 load: Encumbered. You’re
for that playbook. with one of the Monarchs. romantic interest.
overburdened and unable to do
10 Stories: three days and nights of epic 17-32 Stories: A major hero, There are
anything other than stagger under all of
Y our hero begins play with an ally song and dance with orchestration. A songs, morality tales for children, once
that weight.
and an enemy in the Spirit world. Monarch’s favor, convince the Sun or the a year they hold a feast or a solemn
Choose one of each from the list below Moons to rise and set on command. memorial in your name. The people
Some special abilities may increase load
the special abilites. Mark one upward of Home Island will remember you for
limits. Some items, marked with two
and one downward pointing arrow. If you are wondering how you “spend” as long as they persist, even if they
boxes, count as double load.
stories, then know that the Spirits gabble someday forget why.
C hoose your appearance, either by with each other like the elders around the 33 Stories: A Constellation,
circling one of each of the options cookfire my friend, and they never forget a somewhere up there in the sky is a
presented under the mask box, or tale. You’ll never be able to tell them the patch of stars in the shape of your
writing in your own. same Story twice, though if you’re lucky mask that they named for you. You will
they’ll tell you one back in return. Mark a always be there for the people of Home
spent tale with a strikethrough. Island, gazing down and reminding
them of what you stood for.
FEAT OF STRENGTH - You may spend 3 Stress to perform an act of mythical
fortitude. An example might be sinking part of an island below the waves, or INSIGHT
NAME: raising one. Throwing a spear beyond the horizon, or drinking a river.
MASK You may never perform the same act twice. Stalk
ISLAND: Observe
NAMED WEAPON - You wield a legendary weapon. You gain potency when
DISCOVERER OF: using it and may push yourself and Invoke a Spirit while using it. Navigate
Towering Giant - Gymnast’s Build - Gnarled like Hardwood Craft
DURESS WHIRLWIND - With great prowess, you fight all foes in a fray as though they
Unplaited Tresses - Shaven Scalp - Complex Woven Braids PROWESS
were one. You ignore any change in effect brought about by enemy numbers.
Brightly Dyed Tunic - Shell & Bone Armor - Simple Leather
BRAVE SHIELD - You can jump in front of any non-magical attack againt a
FATE’S PRICE When you fill your last Duress box, your character must pay a price to Fate, circle one of the below: Elude
friend. You add +1D to your Resistance roll against this attack
You may never: Wear Armor, Touch the Dead, Shed Blood, Speak a Lie/Truth, Miss a Yearly Festival in Your Name, Flee From Mortal Peril, Battle
You must always: Keep Your Feet on Earth, Accept a Challenge, Punish the Guilty, Mark Your Victories, Accept Hospitality, Live in Poverty,
BONDED PREY - You bear a mark of your target – war paint, tattoo, or a Raze
carved figure. As long as you carry that mark, you gain +1D to any Hunt,
You will never: Know Love, Be Believed by Your People, Defeat (Spirit Name,) Enjoy the Taste of Food, Be Remembered, Return from (Place) Skirmish or Study Rolls against it RESOLVE
HARM HEALING STALKER OF SPIRITS - You have learned the hidden weaknesses of Spirits, Invoke
NEED project Ghosts and other supernatural beings, your attacks may harm them, Inspire
3 HELP clock
GIANTKILLER - You may use your Special Armor to Push Yourself or ignore a
Consequence when engaged with a creature or Spirit much larger than yourself. Persuade
2 -1D
TROUBLE NOT THE SERPENT - When you resist Harm from an enemy you can
1 describe how you retaliate: instead of reducing or avoiding that Harm, you may Take 2 stress and push
SPECIAL immediately inflict the same amount of Harm to that enemy. yourself -or- draw upon
COURAGE- the flickering spark a fine large hand weapon a second hand weapon
AWE - the world is bigger than you, hero a hand weapon a spear
GIFT OF PROPHECY - After a few minutes of concentration, you may make a
Invoking roll and speak a prophecy. When any roll is made that might bring that
prophecy to pass, you may add to it any 6’s from your Invoking roll. Only one INSIGHT
prophecy can be active at a time.
MASK Stalk
ISLAND: GIFTGIVER - You may Craft an item for a fellow hero that allows them the use Observe
of one of your other abilities once before it is consumed. The ability will
DISCOVERER OF: automatically have its maximum effect, without the need to roll dice. Navigate
Emaciated & Frail - Short & Virile - Tough as Leather
DREAMSPEAKER - You may enter the dreams of any sleeping person who you
DURESS Saltwhite Hair - Waist Length Braid - Shaven Scalp have previously met and Inspire or Persuade them with increased effect. PROWESS
Flowing Robes - Simple Loincloth - Jeweled Feathers
WOUNDBINDER - You may cure incurable diseases, reattach lost limbs and Traverse
raise the dead, everyone in your Tales gain +1D to Healing Rolls.
FATE’S PRICE When you fill your last Duress box, your character must pay a price to Fate, circle one of the below: Elude
You may never: Wear Armor, Touch the Dead, Shed Blood, Speak a Lie/Truth, Miss a Yearly Festival in Your Name, Flee From Mortal Peril,
SPIRIT JAR - With a successful Invoking Roll, You may capture any Spirit you Battle
encounter in a vessel of your own design. This Spirit may be used at any time
You must always: Keep Your Feet on Earth, Accept a Challenge, Punish the Guilty, Mark Your Victories, Accept Hospitality, Live in Poverty, for +1D or a reroll. The Spirit will likely resent having been trapped. Raze
You will never: Know Love, Be Believed by Your People, Defeat (Spirit Name,) Enjoy the Taste of Food, Be Remembered, Return from (Place) GHOSTWALK - With a few quiet minutes and a Resolve Roll, you may enter RESOLVE
an astral or spiritlike form. Like Spirits you will be insubstantial and immune
to nonmagical effects, you will be unable to interact with the physical world. Invoke
HARM HEALING This effect ends whenever you like or when you take Stress.
NEED project Inspire
3 clock
HELP SPEAK WITH BIRDS - You speak the language of all warm-blooded creatures. Beguile
ARMOR USES You may ask them to Gather Information with increased effect, among other
things. Persuade
2 -1D
WARD - With a successful Invoking Roll you may declare an area within your
LESS HEAVY sight to be free of bloodshed. No one within this area will suffer from Consequenc-
1 Take 2 stress and push
EFFECT es. You must stay in this area to maintain it and once outside all Consequences
SPECIAL yourself -or- draw upon
catch up at once.
NOTES: one of the available Spirits
VETERAN - Choose a Special Ability from another Playbook. and pay its price.
SPIRITS MET UPON THE PATH ITEMS LOAD 3 light 5 medium 6 heavy
FLUTE - merriest of all the instruments a two handed weapon a second hand weapon
HUNGRY GHOSTS - You carry with you a swarm of tiny, insect-like Spirits that
you may unleash at any time. This is a ranged attack that uses the Invoking action
NAME: and grants increased potency and scale.
MASK Stalk
WRITER OF NAMES - You may make an Invoking roll while interacting with a
ISLAND: Spirit to rewrite one of its tags for the remainder of this Journey. Rewriting a Observe
major Spirit requires a critical success. Navigate
Small & Lithe - Wizened Bony Frame - Imposing Tattoos FAMILIAR - A creature follows you and shares your soul. They may freely relay Craft
DURESS information back and forth with you, as well as granting +1D to all Observe rolls.
Wiry Grey Hair - Coiled Dreadlocks - Flowing Tresses PROWESS
Simple Leather & Furs - Elegant Robes - Shell Adornments GAZED INTO THE ABYSS - You have faced horrors unspeaken of in the Spirit Traverse
relams and know their ways. Gain +1D to all Resolve rolls from supernatural
FATE’S PRICE When you fill your last Duress box, your character must pay a price to Fate, circle one of the below: consequences. Elude
You may never: Wear Armor, Touch the Dead, Shed Blood, Speak a Lie/Truth, Miss a Yearly Festival in Your Name, Flee From Mortal Peril, Battle
BLOODCRAFTER - You may craft any poison in the book within minutes, pro-
You must always: Keep Your Feet on Earth, Accept a Challenge, Punish the Guilty, Mark Your Victories, Accept Hospitality, Live in Poverty, vided that you have access to at least two of the following: insects, fungi, jungle Raze
You will never: Know Love, Be Believed by Your People, Defeat (Spirit Name,) Enjoy the Taste of Food, Be Remembered, Return from (Place) RESOLVE
THE FERRYMAN OWES ME - Even the dead fear you. Take +1D when you at-
HARM HEALING tempt to Battle with or Persuade the souls or husks of the dead. What does Death Invoke
NEED project look like in your world, and why does he or she or it owe you? Inspire
3 HELP clock
CURSE - When you take level 3 or higher Harm, you may pronounce a Curse Beguile
ARMOR USES upon whomever was responsible. The Curse will then cause the same Harm to Persuade
2 -1D befall its victim, with either greater effect or scale.
LESS HEAVY LIFESTEALER - You may expend your Special Armor upon claiming a life to
1 Take 2 stress and push
EFFECT remove one level of Harm from anyone else within sight.
SPECIAL yourself -or- draw upon
GLOOM - the ever present a concealed fine hand weapon a second hand weapon
THE TALE TELLS ITSELF - Any roll you make during an interruption costs an
extra duress, but also gains +1D and potency. INSIGHT
MASK SLIPPERY MIND - You gain +1D to any Resistance Rolls against consequences to Stalk
ISLAND: the mind or soul. Observe
WHAT HAS BEEN WILL BE AGAIN - You may spend 2 duress to pick up a die
from an Action Roll that you just made and put it on your sheet. The rating is
NAME: reduced by the number of dice picked up until they are used . At any point you
may pick these dice back up and add them to any roll. Stalk
ISLAND: WALKS IN SHADOWS - At any point in any scene in which you have not Observe
participated, you may enter the scene from an unexpected angle and add Potency Navigate
DISCOVERER OF: APPEARANCE: to your next roll.
Weathered Crow’s Feet - Reed-Slender - Shapely & Handsome
DURESS Long Silken Braid - Shaven Sides - Complex Weavings EYES ON THE PROW - You may absorb Harm meant for your boat while on it PROWESS
Colorful Finery - Practical Leathers - Constantly Changes and it may absorb Harm meant for you.
FATE’S PRICE FRIEND MAKER - Your natural calm and curiosity makes strangers trust you.
When you fill your last Duress box, your character must pay a price to Fate, circle one of the below: Elude
Gain +1D when rolling to Beguile or Persuade strangers, Spirit or otherwise.
You may never: Wear Armor, Touch the Dead, Shed Blood, Speak a Lie/Truth, Miss a Yearly Festival in Your Name, Flee From Mortal Peril, Battle
STOW AWAY - As long as you have access to your boat you have an effective Raze
You must always: Keep Your Feet on Earth, Accept a Challenge, Punish the Guilty, Mark Your Victories, Accept Hospitality, Live in Poverty,
Load Limit of 10.
You will never: Know Love, Be Believed by Your People, Defeat (Spirit Name,) Enjoy the Taste of Food, Be Remembered, Return from (Place) RESOLVE
CLEVER PLAN - You can spend 3 Stress to roll any Skill in place of the original,
as long as you could justify the substitution. Invoke
NEED project Inspire
3 clock NEVER LOST - You can always, without fail, pinpoint your physical location in
HELP relation to Home Island. It’s said that even the body of a dead Wayfinder always Beguile
ARMOR USES points toward home.
2 -1D
ARMOR ALWAYS FOUND - If adrift at sea or stranded in a strange Spirit realm, you may BONUS DICE
LESS HEAVY expend your Special Armor to have a useful NPC arrive on the scene. You may
1 Take 2 stress and push
EFFECT have to bargain something for the favor.
SPECIAL yourself -or- draw upon
COLD DEPTHS, the freezing doom a fine spear a second hand weapon
3 physical consequences.
They Break on our Shores - When your
QUALITY UPGRADES people are at war you do not suffer in
Arms & Armor
Tools Hold or reduced downtime actions.
Magical Implements 2 All the World’s Glory - Take +1D to
Weak Impaired Broken Armor
TRAINING UPGRADES Transportation Journey rolls when the object of the
Insight Herbs & Potions
Resolve Musical Instruments
Journey is a violent one.
Prowess & Gifts Shrine of Smoke - You have gained the
Mastery aid of a Fire Spirit. When you advance
COLONIES 1 to another Tier it costs half the Stories it
normally would. Who is this Spirit and
VILLAGE UPGRADES Weak Impaired Broken Armor
what is their relationship to your people?
0 Veteran - Take a special ability from
Secretive another type of island.
New Villagers TRANSPORT:
Insight Herbs & Potions communicate with each other over any
Resolve Musical Instruments distance or obstacle for one scene.
Prowess & Gifts Mountaintop Shrine - You have gained
the aid of a Wind Spirit. When you
COLONIES 1 advance to another Tier it costs half the VILLAGER: BAND ELDER
Stories it normally would. Who is this
VILLAGE UPGRADES Weak Impaired Broken Armor
Harbor Spirit and what is their relationship to
0 your people?
Secretive Veteran - Take a special ability from
Fortifications another type of island.
New Villagers TRANSPORT: