04 - Merlin Gerin - MCB and RCCB
04 - Merlin Gerin - MCB and RCCB
04 - Merlin Gerin - MCB and RCCB
circuit breakers up to 63 A
B, C and D curves
1P 1 24045 24395 24625 Control and protection of circuits against
1 2 24046 24396 24626 overloads and short-circuits.
3 24047 24397 24627 . in domestic installations;
4 24048 24398 24628 . in commercial and industrial electrical
6 24049 24399 24629
10 distribution systems;
24050 24401 24630
. 0 curve: more particularly adapted for
24051 24403 24632
24052 24404 24633 installations with high transient currents (LVI
24395 25 24053 24405 24634 LV transformers, motors,...).
1 protected pole 32 24054 24406 24635 Technical data
40 24055 24407 24636 . current rating: 1 to 63 A;
50 24056 24408 24637 . voltage rating: 230-400 V AC;
63 24057 24409 24638 . breaking capacity:
2P 4 1 24071 24331 24653 0 Icn ultimatebreakingcapacity (a-CO cycle):
1 3 2 24072 24332 24654
3 24073 24333 24655
4 24074 24334 24656
6 24075 24335 24657
10 24076' 24336 24658
2 4
24077 24337 24660
24078 24338 24661
24079 24339 24662
2 protected poles 32 24080 24340 24663
40 24081 24341 24664
50 24082 24342 24665
63 2408324343 24666 ~ 20000
230-240 10000
3P 6 1 24084 24344 24667
400-415 3000
135 2 24085 24345 24668
2,3,4P 230-240 20000
3 24086 24346 24669
400-415 10000
4 24087 24341V24670
24088 24348 24671
24089 24349 24672
440 .
. fast closing contacts;
16 24090 24350 24674 . number of operating cycles (O-C): 20000;
2 4 6
20 24091 24351 24675 . tripping characteristics:
25 24092 24352 24676 0 B curve: the magnetic releases operate
3 protected poles 32 24093 24353 24677 between 3 and 5 In,
40 24094 24354 24678 0 C curve: the magnetic releases operate
50 24095 24355 24679 between 5 and 10 In;
63 24096, 435 24680 0 0 curve: the magnetic releases operate
4P 8 1 24097 57 24681 between 10 and 14 In;
1 3 5 7 ~ 24098 24358 24682
3 24099 24359 24683 . impulse withstand voltage (U imp.): 6 kV;
LLLL 4 24100 24360 24684 . troDicalization: treatment 2 (relative
24101 24361 24685 95 % at 55°C);
10 24102 24362 24686
246 8
24103 24363 24688
24104 24364 24689
24105 24365 24690 . connections: tunnel terminals for rigid
4 protected poles 32 2410624366 24691 cables up to:
40 24107 24367 24692
0 25 mm2 for rating ~ 25 A,
50 24108 24368 24693
24357 24109 24369 24694 0 35 mm2 for rating 32 to 63A;
. approvals: Marine, see page 81;
. installation: in all enclosures designed for
Multi 9 equipment.
The rccb/elcb's residual current devices
provide the functions of isolation switching
L 16204(1)
and earth leakage protection of electrical
100 16205(1 )
N 1 circuits (no overload and short circuit
300 16206(1)
~ ~-rn..363 ~ 16208(1)
r1- They have a residual current operated
n. I \- Lfl 100 16209(1)
300 16210(1) electromechanical release which operates
R 300 [§] 16246 without any auxiliary source of supply to
80 ~ 16212(1) open a circuit automatically in the case of an
16204 N 2 100 16213(1) earth leakage fault between phase and earth
300 16214(1) greater than or equal to a threshold of 30,
100 30 16216 100 or 300 mA.
100 16217(1) .the 30, 100 and 300 mA units
300 16218(1) instantaneous or delayed, provide protection
300 [§] 16248 against indirect contact and insulation faults
(fire ris~s: 500 mA);
4P 8 40 ~ 16254(1)
. the 30 mA units provide complementary
100 162&5(1)
300 16256(1) protection against direct contact;
. RCCB/ELCB's time-delayed version m:J;
63 ~ 16258(1)
100 16259(1) . 300 mA m:Jprovides discrimination with
300 16260(1 ) downstream 30 mA and 100 mA sensitivity
300 [§] 16265 instantaneous re-sidual current devices.
80 ~ 16261 Technical data
300 16263
N 1 3 5 . unwanted tripping:
300 [§] 16266
All RCCB/ELCB's incorporate a filtering
r1- b- ~-~- ~--ID.3
device preventing the risks of unwanted
TE.I \- I
I tripping due to transient voltages (lightning,
R line disturbances on other equipment...) and
transient currents (from high capacitive
N 2 4 6 circuits...);
. isolation and switching;
. positive contact indication:
(1) Approved by PUB. in accordance with 16th edition of the lEE
Wiring Regulations;
. trip indication on the front face by red flag;
. current ratings: 40 A to 100 A;
. voltage ratings:
0 2 poles: 240 V
- minimum voltage: 102 V AC,
- maximum voltage: 264 V ~C;
0 4 poles: 415 V
- minimum voltage (ph/N): 1Q2 V AC,
- maximum voltage (ph/N): 2c62\.V AC;
. sensitivities: non-adjustable;
. operating temperature: - 5 to + 60°C;
. connection: tunnel terminal for cables up
to 35 mm2;
. auxiliaries: these RCCB/ELCB's will
accept a full range of auxiliaries;
. number of operating cycles: (on load)
20000 cycles (O~C);
. tropicalization: treatment 2
(relative humidity 95 % at 55°C);
20 Merlin Gerin
electrical auxiliaries earth leakage protection
electrical auxiliaries / accessories
The electrical auxiliaries provide rccb/ELCB
remote tripping or remote indication
They are mounted on the left side of the
or + device.
An OFS auxiliary switch is always required
for the addition of MN, MX and OF functions.
Remote RCCB/ELCB position reset
. OF.S/OFauxiliary switch is related to the
auxiliary switch shunt trip undervoltage release auxiliary RCCS RCCB/ELCB "ON" or "OFF" position.
OF module MX + OF moduleMNor MNlID switch OF.S This function can be provided by an OF.S
auxiliary switch mounted on the left side of
the device or by another OF switch (OF.S is
Auxiliary combinations
- MX + OF
necessary before mounting an OF);
. RCCB/ELCB remote tripping
RCCB/ELCB may be tripped remotely by an
MX or MN release mounted on the left side
MX + OF OF.S RCCB OF or OES RCCB of an OF.S switch;
or MN . MX shunt trip releasee
- When energized, immediately trips and
opens the device on which it is mounted:
0 fitted with a cut-off contact,
~ 6 mod. -+ 0 equipped with a contact that indicates the
maxi 54 mm
"open" or "closed" position of the RCCB/
OF.S is necessary before mounting other OF on left side of MN or MX
MN or MX never on left side of OF.
ELCB using the coil voltage;
auxiliaries. ..
. MNundervoltage release module
Trips the RCCB/ELCB when the supply
OF.S/OFauxiliary switches voltage drops (between 70 % and 35 %) and
prevents reclosing until the supply voltage is
restored (~85 % Um):
0 comp~ieswith standard IEC 947-2,
0 applications:
- emergency off pushbutton,
MN 2 220-240 V AC 26960
MN lID 4 220-240 V AC 26963
11< ~~
01 02
415 V AC
220-240 V AC
26960 MN 110-130 V AC
110-130 V DC
48 V AC or V DC
MX + OF shunt trip release 24 V AC or V DC
MN/MN lID 220-240 V AC
. connection: terminal pads for:
MX + OF 2 220-415 V AC 26946
110-130 V DC 0 two 1.5 mm2 cables or,
48-130 V AC 26947 0 one 2.5 mm2 cable.
l 48 V DC
.~ 24 V AC and DC 26948
u> ..l
1412 C2 C1
~~~}#):iJ' . accessories
padfocklng device (see page 18)
(baQ of 2 pcs) 26970
sealable terminal screw shield . identification system.
(baQ of 2 pcs) 26981
sealable terminal shielcl
2P 26976 Dimensions: pages 72
4P 26978 Application guide: page 79
Merlin Gerin 21