Lantana Camara Linn. Chemical Constituents and Medicinal Properties

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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy (SAJP) ISSN 2320-4206

Sch. Acad. J. Pharm., 2013; 2(6):445-448

©Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher
(An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Resources)

Review Article
Lantana Camara Linn. Chemical Constituents and Medicinal Properties:
A Review
N M Reddy
Farm Foreman, NAR Agriculture Farms, Appannapeta, Garedepally-508201, Andhra Pradesh, India.

*Corresponding author
N M Reddy

Abstract: India has a rich tradition of plant based knowledge in health care. Among the large number of herbal drugs
existing in India, very few have been studied systematically so far. Lantana camara is an evergreen plant found
throughout India. Traditionally it has been used in treating various ailments and they were supported by scientific data’s.
Various literatures have reported the phytoconstituents present in all parts of Lantana camara. In last few decades,
scientist and researchers around the globe have elaborately studied the chemical composition of whole plant of L. camara
as well as biological pharmacological activities. These studies established the therapeutic potential of Lantana camara in
modern medicines and a possible candidate for the drug discovery. This article reviews the pharmacological activities
and toxicology of Lantana camara.
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Lantana camara Linn, pharmacology, Herbal drugs.

INTRODUCTION L. camara is an important medicinal plant andin

Lantana camara Linn. is a flowering ornamental recent history this plant is reported for various
plant belonging to family Verbenaceae. L. camara is medicinal properties.
also known as Lantana, Wild Sage, Surinam Tea Plant,
Spanish flag and West Indian lantana. In India, L. Anticancer and antiproliferative activity
camara was probably introduced before 19th century. Different varieties of L. camara plant parts were
Currently L. camara is distributed throughout India reported for anticancer and antiproliferative activity.
where there is a moderate to high summer rainfall and Leaves of L. camara were reported for antiproliferative
well-drained sloping sites. Most variants have a activity against HEp-2 (laryngeal cancer) and NCI-
preference for fertile organic soils, but some or all can H292 (lung cancer) cell lines. In vitro antiproliferative
survive on siliceous sands and sandstone-derived soils test was performed by MTT assay. Methanol extract of
where these are of moderate depth and other conditions, L. camara leaves exhibited antiproliferative activity
especially year-round moisture, are suitable. It is a against NCI-H292 cells (% living cells= 25.8±0.19).
native to tropical regions and exists as dozens of strains Leaves of L. camara were reported to exhibit
and varieties that are highly variable in appearance. L. cytotoxicity effect on Vero cell line. In vitro
camara is known by different name in various different cytotoxicity test was performed by MTT assay. The
languages in India viz, Raimuniya (Hindi), Chaturangi methanol extract (500 μg/ml) concentration inhibited
and Vanacehdi (Sanskrit), Arippu and Unnichedi the growth of cells 2.5 times less than did Triton 100 ×
(Tamil), Aripoov, Poochedi, Konginipoo and 1% [3, 4].
Nattachedi (Malayalam), Thirei, Samballei and
Nongballei (Manipuri), Tantani and Ghaneri (Marathi), Oleanonic acid isolated from L. camara was screened
Pulikampa (Telegu), Kakke and Natahu (Kanada) [1, 2]. for anticancer activity against a murine tumour (Ehrlich
ascites carcinoma), and three human cancer cell lines,
L. camara is a well known medicinal plant in namely A375 (malignant skin melanoma), Hep2
traditional medicinal system and recent scientific (epidermoid laryngeal carcinoma) and U937
studies have emphasized the possible use of L. camara (lymphoma). Oleanonic acid exhibited promising
in modern medicine. The present review aims to cytotoxicity against A375 cells [5].
document the medicinal properties of L. camara and its
future prospects for the further scientific investigation Antibacterial activity
for the development of effective therapeutic Ethanolic extracts of L. camara leaves and roots were
compounds. reported for antibacterial activity. The in vitro
antibacterial activity was performed by microdilution
Medicinal Properties of Lantana Camara method. The extracts exhibited antimicrobial activity
against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris,

Reddy NM et al., Sch. Acad. J. Pharm., 2013; 2(6):445-448

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Víbrio cholareae, Antioxidant activity

Escherichia coli and two multiresistant strains E. coli Antioxidant activity of the leaves of L. camara was
and S. aureus [6]. Three different solvent extract of reported by reducing power activity and 1, 1- diphenyl-
leaves and flowers of four different varities of L. 2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay.
camara exhibited significant antibacterial activity E. Leaves extracts exhibited high antioxidant effect,
coli, Bacillus subtilis and P. aeruginosa whereas poor however younger leaves exhibited strong antioxidant
antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus [7]. activity than the older or matured leaves. Ethanolic
Methanolic extracts of different parts of L. camara were extract of L. camara exhibited significant antioxidant
screened for antimicrobial activity against 10 bacteria activity in in vivo studies. The extract treatment
and 5 fungi by disk diffusion method and broth decreased the extent of lipid peroxidation in the kidneys
microdilution method. The leaves extract of L. camara of urolithic rats. In vitro studied were carried out by
showed highest activity against Gram positive Bacillus DPPH radical scavenging assay and Nitric oxide free
cereus and Gram negative Salmonella typhi [8]. radical scavenging assay. Extract exhibited high
antioxidant properties in both the assays [14, 15].
Hemolytic activity
The hemolytic activity of L. camara aqueous extract Antihyperglycemic activity
and its solvent fractions was performed by modified Hypoglycemic activity of methanol extract of L.
spectroscopic method at four different concentrations camara Linn fruits was screened in streptozotocin
(125, 250, 500, 1000 μg/ml). The aqueous extract and induced diabeticrats (Wistar albino rats). Extract
its solvent fractions exhibited very low hemolytic treatment at doses of 100and 200 mg/kg body weight
activity towards the human erythrocytes. The hemolytic resulted in dose dependentdecrease in serum glucose
activity of the different extracts was found in the level in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Extract
following order: chloroform fraction > hexane and ethyl treatment also showed improvement inbody weight,
acetate fraction (50:50) > aqueous extract > ethanol HbA1c profile as well as regeneration of liver cells.
fraction >methanol fraction [9]. Antihyperglycemic activity of methanol extract of
leaves L.camara was reported in alloxan induced
Antifungal activity diabetic rats. Oral administration of the methanol
Antifungal activity of ethanol and hot water extract extract of L. camara (400mg/kg body weight) leaves
of L. camara was screened against wood destroying resulted in decrease in blood glucose level to 121.94
white and brown rot fungi. Both extracts exhibited mg/dl in alloxan induced diabetic rats [16, 17].
efficient antifungal activity against white and brown rot
fungi, however ethanol extract was highly potential at Antiinflammatory activity
very low concentration (0.01%) and also L. camara was Aqueous extract of L. camara was reported for anti-
screened against Alternaria sp. which causes different inflammatory activity in albino rats. Extract treatment
plant diseases especially in vegetable plants. The (500mg/kg body weight) significantly decreased paw
antifungal activity was performed by food poison plate volume in carrageenan induced paw oedema test in rats
method at three different concentrations of extract viz, [18].
10 mg/ml, 15 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml. At 20mg/ml dose L.
camara exhibited significant antifungal activity against Wound healing activity
Alternaria sp [10, 11]. Wound healing property of ethanol extract of leaf of
L. camara was reported in adult male Wister rats.
Anti mutagenic activity Topical application of the extract over the wound
22β-acetoxylantic acid and 22β- significantly increased the wound healing activity.
dimethylacryloyloxylantanolic acid from L. camara Histological analyses of healed wounds confirmed the
showed antimutagenic activity. The anti mutagenicity role of extract in healing. In another study aqueous
test was performed by micronucleus test in Swiss mice. extract of leaf of L. camara was stated for wound
Both compounds exhibited high antimutagenic activity healing activity in rats. Topical application of the
in Mitomycin C induced mutagenesis in mice [12]. extract on the wound (100 mg/kg/day) significantly
enhanced the rate of wound contraction (98%),
Antiulcerogenic activity synthesis of collagen and decreased wound healing time
Antiulcerogenic activity of the methanol extract of [19, 20].
leaves of L. camara was reported on asprin, ethanol and
cold resistant stress induced gastric lesions in rats. Pre- Antimotility activity
treatment of the effected rats with the extract (200 and Methanol extract of L. camara leaves was reported to
400 mg/kg body weight) showed significant protective possess antimotility activity in mice. Intestinal motility
effect in aspirin induced, ethanol induced and cold was assayed by charcoal meal test in mice. At a dose of
restraint stress induced ulcers in rats. The extract 1 g/kg body weight, the extract completely inhibited the
resulted in dose dependent antiulcerogenic activity in transit of charcoal in normal mice. Intra peritoneal
all models [13]. administration of 125 and 250 mg/kg body weight the

Reddy NM et al., Sch. Acad. J. Pharm., 2013; 2(6):445-448

extracts significantly reduced the fecal output in castor studies showed that the plant is free from diterpenoids
oil induced diarrhoea in mice [21]. and rich in essential oils. Monoterpenes, triterpenes,
flavones coumarin, steroids, iridoid glycosides, are
Antiurolithiatic activity reported from Lantana camara. Triterpenes and
Ethanolic extract of the leaves of L. camara was flavones are the more common secondary metabolites
reported for antiurolithiatic activity against ethylene in Lantana camara. Leaf extracts of lantana exhibit
glycol and ammonium chloride induced calcium oxalate antimicrobial, fungicidal, insecticidal and nematicidal
urolithiasis in male albino rats. Extract treatment properties. Which possess antimicrobial,
significantly reduced the deposition of calcium, oxalate immunosuppressive and anti tumoractivity. Lantana oil
and also reduced urinary excretion of calcium, oxalate is sometimes used for the treatment of skin itches, as an
and creatinine [15]. antiseptic for wounds and externally for leprosy and
scabies. Most of the pharmacological studies were
Mosquito controlling activity preliminary, carried out in animals and are not
Mosquito larvicidal activity of methanol and ethanol sufficient for the development of a pharmaceutical
extracts of leaves and flowers of L. camara were product. Still, intensive preclinical and clinical studies
reported against 3rd and 4th instar larvae of Ae. aegypti are required to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of
and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquito. Both extracts these plant products.
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