Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) : Polytechnic College of Davao Del Sur, Inc
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) : Polytechnic College of Davao Del Sur, Inc
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) : Polytechnic College of Davao Del Sur, Inc
A leading educational institution in Southern Philippines maximizing human potential. 1. To produce globally competent graduates with knowledge and skills in science,
technology and entrepreneurship responsive to trends of time.
MISSION 2. To advocate and implement researches to provide the evolving needs of the
Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur, Inc. Is committed to educational excellence 3. To provide physical environment conducive to learning maximizing student’s
through instruction, research and community extension that is accessible to all and potentials.
responsive to the global trends. 4. To establish partnerships with stakeholders in building a strong and
empowered region, accelerating socio and economic progresswhile
It endeavours to promote socio-cultural development through programs in Basic safeguarding the environment and preserving cultural heritage.
Education, Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship. 5. To instil moral and ethical values in the spirit of nationalism in the context of
cultural diversity in a global community.
The graduates have the ability to:
1. Be globally competent graduates with knowledge and skills in science, technology and entrepreneurship responsive to trends of time.
2. Advocate and implement researches to provide the evolving needs of the community.
3. To establish partnerships with stakeholders in building a strong and empowered region, accelerating socio and economic progress while safeguarding the
environment and preserving cultural heritage.
4. To instil moral and ethical values in the spirit of nationalism in the context of cultural diversity in a global community.
The graduates have the ability to:
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
4. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility.
5. Preserve and promote ‘’Filipino historical and cultural heritage’’.
6. Apply knowledge of computing, science, and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
7. Understand best practices and standards and their applications.
8. Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an appropriate solution.
9. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.
10. Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under various
11. Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively
12. Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills tools and practices necessary for the IT profession.
13. Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal.
14. Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan.
15. Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities through logical writing,
presentations, and clear instructions.
16. Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on individuals, organizations, and society.
17. Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
18. Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional development.
Course Syllabus
Course This course introduces the data abstract types and implementation of data structure: arrays, two and multidimensional arrays, stacks, queues, linked
Description list, mapping, trees, sets, and graphs; internal and external searching and sorting; dynamic storage management.
<xxxx> By the end of the course/subject the student will be able to:
Course Intended 1. Design, implement, test, and debug a program, based on a given specification, that uses and implements abstract data types (stacks, queues,
Learning priority queues, sets, maps)
Outcomes 2. Argue strengths and weaknesses among multiple implementations for a problem (i.e., on the aspects of iterative vs. recursive solutions and
on the aspects of abstraction, encapsulation, and information hiding)
CILO # 1 Design, implement, test, and debug a program, based on a given specification, that uses and E E E
implements abstract data types (stacks, queues, priority queues, sets, maps)
CILO # 2 Argue strengths and weaknesses among multiple implementations for a problem (i.e., on the E E E
aspects of iterative vs. recursive solutions and on the aspects of abstraction, encapsulation, and information
Grading Criteria
Teaching and Learning
Time Frame Topic/s Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks (Rubric, objective tests,
Preliminary Course and Class Management At the end of the lesson, the Discussion Recitation Rubrics
Orientation learner will be able to: Demonstration The student recites for Programming
Group Work some of rules policy Exercises
Review Basic Java Programming Understand Basic Java about the course and
Lab Exercise class management.
Review on knowledge and skills in Java Programming, Array, Data Rubrics
Structure Basic Concepts and Assignment
Programming, specifically: for Programming
o Basic Input-output Notation, Stack and Queue Student’s prior knowledge Laboratory:
on programming will be Problem
o Variables Programming
o Control Structures considered and be
Determine and differentiate measured. Exercises
Review on java programming algorithm complexities Rubrics
techniques and concepts that will be Advanced Programming
Challenges will be posted Laboratory: on Programming
significant for the course. problems and
Identify and recognize the for students Programming challenges
real application in real world Student will solve the problem
Array of stack and queue. problem as a group. A programming
Short Lecture and problem related to Rubrics
Arrays (Linear Representation) Demonstration array will be given in for laboratory activity
Analyze and implement array,
Review on array concept stack and queue Program Tracing laboratory time.
Assignments Programming Rubrics on Project
Create a program that read, modifies,
Challenges will also
and write values to array. Students past knowledge
be posted for
will be considered
additional points.
Programming Challenges
Array Implementation will be posted for student
programming problem solving involving Quiz: Code will be given
Programming Challenges
array and student will solve
Lecture the space and time
Library Works complexities. Then they
Data Structure Basic Concepts and will decide which of the
Notations o Research on how
code is better that the
notations works to
basic concepts and notations in other
analyze algorithm
algorithms and data structures
Algorithm complexities Code Analysis Quiz: link with real
A code will be shown and world application of
the student will make stack
comparison and analysis.
Stack Concept A programming problem Laboratory:
Stack Real World application will be posted to be solved
by students in groups Project: Create a
Stack Programming Implementation
program that
Lecture implements stack
Queue Programming Exercises Quiz: link with real
Queue Concept Assignment world application of
Queue Real World application queue
Past Knowledge which is
array will be used to
Introduction to Queue Programming
Implementation implement stack. Laboratory:
Lecture / Demo Introduction to stack
Stack and Queue implementation Programming Exercises and and queue
Assignments implementation
Library Research Project: Stack and
(Student will be deployed to Queue Implementation
the library during the lecture
time to search for a code
that implements stack and
queue) – short presentation
of researched codes will
follow during the laboratory
Pre-Midterm Linked Lists Discussion Problem-Solving Rubrics
Understand and define linked
Link List Introduction lists and binary trees Students were engaged in Challenge problem will for Challenge problem
Algorithms in Link List Operations activities be given to students to
Link List Problems Programming Determine the structure and Challenge problems are solve
posted for students Rubrics
Implementation Code properties of a binary tree. Lab Activity: Create a
Differences and Similarity of Link List Discussion system that implements for the assigned
and Array implementation Analyze and implement linked List system/project
Laboratory Project
Implementation of Stack and Queue list in stack and queue Project: Implement
using Linked Lists operations. Lecture
Stack and Queue using Rubrics
Link List Implementation Student will work as a link list
for the assigned
Discussion on challenges encountered Pop Quiz system/project
in the implementation of Stack and
Group Output (Design
Queue using Link List
of Binary Tree)
Binary Trees
for assignment
definition and basic concepts of binary
properties of a binary tree with other
Data Structures
Midterm Binary Search Tree Basics Understand and define binary Lecture/ Demonstration Quiz (Binary Search Rubrics
properties of a binary search trees search tree Problem solving Exercise Tree Operations) for laboratory activity
operations of binary search trees .
State the properties of binary Individual Laboratory
Programming Codes on the creation of Exercises Laboratory:
search tree Rubrics
a BST Structures and Insertion of a
Lecture Create a program that for group presentation
Determine the structure of Students will be implements BST
BST Traversal binary search tree and binary challenged to create a Group of 4 works for a
Binary Search Tree Traversal and search tree traversal. program in simulation of problem then shared to Rubric for Laboratory
Traversal Algorithms BST Traversal the rest Activity
o Pre-Order Traversal Analyze and implement binary
o In-Order Traversal search tree traversal and
o Post-Order Traversal binary search tree insertion Laboratory:
o Level-Order Traversal and deletion. Midterm Project: Add
Traversal simulation Traversal to the BST
Pre-Final Self Balancing Tree: AVL and RB Trees Problem solving Exercise Individual Work Rubrics
Understand and define self- (Construct self-
Problem and Challenges of balancing tree, graph Group work Exercises for laboratory activity
BST(Complexities of unbalanced BST) balancing tree given the
. Student Individual Work number of inputs)
Introduction on AVL Construct and draw AVL and Discussions Rubrics
AVL operations and Implementation RB Trees, adjacency matrix Quiz
Red-Black Tree operations and and list Graph Traversal Problem will Graph Representation for group laboratory
Implementations be given to students for Individual Activity activity
Differentiate adjacency matrix analysis Group Problem Solving
Graph Basics and list Discussion Activity Rubrics for laboratory
Graph basic concepts and definitions Library Work Individual Problem project
Determine the structure of
graph o Research for the Solving
Graph Representation implementation of Laboratory:
Graph in java.
adjacency matrix Analyze and implement graph Project:
adjacency list traversal structure Demonstration Implementation of
Problem Solving Graph(Representatio
n, traversal, and
Graph Traversal Time will be given for
Shortest Path)
depth-first search Traversal student for practice
breadth-first search Traversal
1. Goodrich (2011). Data structures and algorithms in C++. 2nd ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Lambert, Kenneth A.(2009). Fundamentals of C++ and data structures, advances course. 2nd ed. Pasig City: Cengage Learning
3. Drozdek, Adam(2008). Java : data structures and algorithms. Singapore: Cengage learning Asia
4. Drozdek, Adam(2007). Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. UIC Building Singapore 068808: Course Technology, Thomson Learning.
5. Malik, D. S(2007). JAVA programming : from problem analysis to program design. 2nd ed. Australia : Thompson
Electronic References:
7. (Pat Morin (2012). Open Data Structure in Java. Creative Commons)
Evaluation Criteria:
A. Preliminary Grade
Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Quiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Attendance & Attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Recitation/Homework --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
B. Pre-Midterm Grade
Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Quiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Attendance & Attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Recitation/Homework --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
C. Midterm Grade
Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Quiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Attendance & Attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Recitation/Homework --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
D. Pre-Final Grade
Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Quiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Attendance & Attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Recitation/Homework --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
E. Final Grade
Test --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50%
Quiz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Attendance & Attitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Recitation/Homework --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Absences and Tardiness. A student who comes in ten (10) minutes after the class has started shall be marked T (tardy) but will be allowed to enter the class. A student who
comes in more than 15 minutes late will be marked A (absent). A student who is three (3) times late (per periodical examination) will be marked A for one (1) day. Any student
who goes beyond the allowed number of absences or more than 20% of the required total number of hours shall be dropped from the class rolls.
Missed work or exam. Any student who missed to give class presentation, submit a work assignment, or to take an examination should consult the concerned instructor for
immediate compliance.
Cheating and plagiarism. Any student who committed any form of academic dishonesty shall be given disciplinary action provided in the Student’s Handbook.
Use of technology. Cell phones should be turned off while the session is in progress. Using laptops, notebook PCs, smart phones, and tablets shall be prohibited unless the
instructor is aware of the purpose and permits student’s request.
Instructor BSIT – Program Head Executive Vice President
Date of Revision: December 2015 Effectively: School Year 2015 -2016, Second Semester