Partial Discharge Detection and Location in Transformers by Performing Partial Discharge Tests in Oil Using Uhf Sensors

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6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in

Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance




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February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

 Partial Discharge detection & location in Power
transformers and to evaluate the most important
property of UHF sensor i.e. SENSITIVITY through
preliminary testing.
 To de-noise the captured signals and to extract the
original PD signal after de-noising.
 To evaluate the approximate location of PD source

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Partial Discharge (PD)
 PD - Intermittent nanosecond range pulses
 Causes of PD
1. Weak insulation - When electric field across the insulation >
dielectric strength of the insulation = PD
2. Arcing due to poor contacts
3. Corona
4. Surface discharges
 Effects of PD
1. Insulation degradation over a period of time
2. Equipment failure, Effect on men & materials, Disruption of
economic activities, Customer dissatisfaction, Penalty
February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 3
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
PD Detection using UHF – Principle and aspects
 Electrons accelerated under high electric field and immediately
brought to rest (nano sec range pulses) produce Ultra High
Frequency (UHF) EM waves.
 UHF waves = 300 MHz -3000 MHz
 Non conventional method – energy from EM waves can be
captured using sensors and their outputs can be shown in V or
 PD pulses can be detected if wave length of UHF signals < tank
 Narrow pulse , more spectral energy & vice versa

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 4
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
UHF sensors & UHF PD Detector Module

Internal & External sensor respectively, internal sensor placed

inside the drain valve, while external sensor placed in specially
designed dielectric windows on the transformer, both require
modifications on transformer tank.

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 5
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

Conventional Method (IEC

UHF Method
Offline measurements Online measurements
Measurements at factory Measurements at factory and site
Considers the transformer Able to locate multiple faults as the
as a single unit. Hence fault system considers each fault location as a
location is not possible localized unit
Basic method to analyze the Can be coupled with conventional method
overall strength of insulation for diagnosis, while testing transformers in
in the factory the factory.
Less sensitive to noise, as this operates in
UHF range. Even corona and other noises
Highly sensitive to noise
happen only below this range. Hence
sensitivity is high
February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 7
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Types of Sensors

Patch antenna Internal sensor External sensor

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 8
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Preliminary testing of Sensors

 Before inserting the sensor directly in to the drain valve of

Transformer it is necessary to evaluate the performance of

 More over the charge levels in a transformer will be in the order

of some thousand pC.

 So the sensitivity of the sensor is evaluated by keeping the

antenna at a relative distance from PD source.

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6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Sensitivity verification of UHF Conical Monopole Antenna

Experimental Set-up LDIC PD measuring system

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

Applied voltage (KV) v/s charge (pC)

 The charge (pC) was linearly varying with
applied voltage i.e. it has a linear
 The center frequency of received signals
at PD inception voltage was 963MHz.
 The minimum energy of the PD signal is
160μJ with sensitivity 90pC.

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Experimental Set-up

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Preliminary testing in Oil
Internal UHF sensor Signal Signals captured by all the
captured at 10.1KV 4 sensors at 12KV

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
De-noised signal

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

Type of sensor Distance Max Peak to Frequency Energy Time Phase Power Time difference Triggering Triggering
test (m) voltage peak (MHz) (pJ) period (degre (dBm) voltage Channel
(mV) voltage (ns) es) (mV)
(mV) t12 t13 t14
s1 1.4 147 376 960 49.03 13.8 55.8 46.53
in Air
s2 1.4 222 400 970 38.61 32.5 83.75 41.7
41.3 43.2 45.2 50 C1
s3 1.4 245 650 979 40.9 21 177.2 51.47

s4 1.4 245 510 960 137 28.7 146.3 147

s1 1.4 75 186 1000 216 5.7 25.8 61.94

in Oil
s2 1.2 95 216 979 306 4.8 150.7 59.91
43.9 49.5 41.1 50 C1
s3 1.4 43 79 965 210 10.6 104.4 60.8

s4 0.75 61 132 980 245 8.9 25.48 64.98

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Observations from Oil test
 The Internal sensor (conical monopole antenna) has detected the corona
discharge at an inception of voltage of 10.2KV where as all the other external
antennas (Patch antennas) did not capture it.
 As the distance between internal sensor and the electrodes was 8cm where as the
distance between external sensors and the electrodes is 2m, the UHF internal sensor
detected the signal.
 After repeating the experiment keeping all the sensors at same positions and with
voltage being increased, external sensors detected corona at 12KV, where as the
UHF internal sensor detected at 10.6KV.
 The results show that the UHF internal sensor is more sensitive than the
external sensors when placed very close to the PD source without actually
knowing the level of PD.
As the test was carried out under controlled conditions and without any ground
noise de-noising the signal was done in oscilloscope.

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Experiment on real time Transformer
in to one
of the

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
UHF FFToutput
De-Noising 0.3

Wavelet De-noising Principle Maximum Amplitude = 0.2669 volts

at a frequency of 979 MHz
FFT of original 0.15


De-noised signal using 0

Original signalUHFcaptured by sensor 0 2 4 6 8 10
output wavelets in MATLAB
Denoised signal FFT ofFrequency(Hz)
Denoised signal x 10

0.15 0.06 0.12

0.1 0.04 0.1 Maximum Amplitude is 0.1153 at

1000 MHz


0.02 0.08
0 0.06
-0.02 0.04

-0.15 -0.04 0.02

-0.2 -0.06 0
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0
1.5 2 4 6 8 10
Time(seconds) -7
Time(seconds) -7 Frequency(Hz) 9
x 10 x 10 x 10

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
PD location using UHF – Time of Arrival Approach

• There will be definite time difference between arrival of signal

from a particular PD source at each sensor.
• The time difference governed by minimum time delay path
traveled by the EM wave front to reach each sensor.
• Distance traveled (D) = EM Wave speed (v) x time (t)
• 2 or more distinct but repeatable time period = multiple PD
February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 1
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Flow Chart of TDOA
Enter the sensor
coordinates in 2D/3D

Calculate the sensor position


Read the time

Call TDOA domain signal Cross correlation
from each sensor

TDOA values
Solve the non-linear equations

Newton Raphson
Non-Iterative method
Iterative method

Source location

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Evaluation of 2-Dimensional PD source Location
using MATLAB Applied Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Time Computed Source Computed Error Error
voltage Position Position Position Difference Of Velocity of position position in in

(KV) (x1,y1) cm Arrival (TDOA) electromagneti (x,y) cm (xc,yc) cm X (%) Y (%)

(x2,y2) cm (x3,y3) cm
T12 T32 c waves
(ns) (ns) Cm/sec
1 14.4 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
2 14.6 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
3 14.7 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
4 14.8 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
5 17 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
6 13.3 (150,100) (50,175) (50,0) 2.2 2.1 1.13*10^10 50,100 50.069, 0.14 -0.07
Comparison of actual source and evaluated source with sensor 2 as reference
February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
Evaluation of 2-Dimensional PD source Location
using MATLAB Applied Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Time Difference Computed Source Computed Error in Error
voltage Position Position Position Of Arrival Velocity of position position X (%) in

(KV) (x1,y1) cm (TDOA) electromagnetic (x,y) cm (xc,yc) cm Y (%)

(x2,y2) cm (x3,y3) cm
T13 T23 waves
(ns) (ns) Cm/sec
1 10.4 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 52.85,103.41 5.7 3.41
2 14 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 12.5 25 2*10^10 50,100 53.55,102.6 6.9 2.6
3 14.2 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 54.35,101.7 8.7 1.7
4 14.2 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 54.214,101.4 8.4 1.4
5 14.22 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 54.214,101.4 8.4 1.4
6 11.4 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 54.214,101.4 8.4 1.4
7 18 (150,100) (50,175) (50,50) 3.4 1.7 1.3*10^10 50,100 54.214,101.4 8.4 1.4

Comparison of actual source and evaluated source with sensor 3 as reference

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

When the FFT of 2-D source has

original signal was The amplitude of de-
been located in a
performed, the noised signal is less
steel tank with an
dominant frequency than that of the
error of 8% using
was 979MHz and original signal
iteration method
the dominant amplitude. This gives
frequency in de- clear information that
noised signal was noise levels are
found to be generally higher than The accuracy of 2-
1000MHz. This PD signal amplitude. Dimensional source
shows that the location has been
Wavelet de-noising
noise which the improved to 96%
using Daubechey’s
sensor captured when Newton-
filter is the best
even between Raphson method is
method among
900MHz-1000MHz implemented on de-
different techniques
is eliminated noised signals

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance
So the UHF sensors 2-D PD source has been
UHF method has can be installed at located in steel tank
numerous applications sites, factories using iteration method
and one of them is without de-energizing (Newton-Raphson
transformer. The the transformers and method) with a error of
sensor designed for the approximate 8%, where as 3-
inserting it in to the location of PD source Dimensional source
drain valve of can be traced such localization is done with
transformer has very that the insulation non-iterative method like
good sensitivity of strength of that TDOA, PRPA. 3-
90pC under controlled particular area is Dimensional PD
conditions. increased and also source is also localized
the life of transformer but with a certain error
is increased.

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

FUTURE SCOPE  This research is vast and can be extended

to on-line monitoring of the transformer
with a suitable hardware. The best way to
implement this technique on-line is by
using DAQ unit along with LABVIEW.
 This gives important information about
condition monitoring and diagnostics of
power transformers for a full day, week,
month depending upon the size of data to
be analyzed. So the best way to implement
this technique on-line is to reduce the
amount of data recorded in the hardware
every second by erasing unnecessary data

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2
6th International Conference on Large Power Transformers – Modern Trends in
Application, Installation, Operation & Maintenance

February 22nd - 23rd , 2017, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India 2

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