Jusko Final Na Ni Nga Thesis
Jusko Final Na Ni Nga Thesis
Jusko Final Na Ni Nga Thesis
A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the Department of Accountancy
School of Business and Economics
University of San Carlos
Cebu City, Philippines
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the course
AC527 Accounting Synthesis
( 9:00 - 10:30 am MWF)
Krysstine Pearl P.Bacaling
Julius Christian L. Boncales
Steven B. Hortizano
Enna Joyce Bates Jorge
Neil Jude N. Mondigo
Kristian Romeo L.Napinas
Katia Ysabel E. Yparraguirre
Chapter 1
Having the most efficient purchases in businesses is the key strategy in achieving
efficient development goals. The amount of purchases outflow will determine the survival and
progress of a business. Any kind of business whether small or large needs a purchase system that
Successful businesses’ purchase systems are usually complicated yet efficient for these
businesses to continue its business despite having millions of transactions from customers,
suppliers, and employees per day. Dependents on such purchases systems are the reason why
these businesses became giants. However, different purchase system is necessary for different
businesses and simply following a system which is used by successful businesses may not be as
effective and may even lead to problems and complications in the flow of purchases of the
Studies regarding how to determine the appropriate purchase system were relatively done
by many businesses in countries around the globe. These businesses wanted to examine through
research and testing in order for them to improve further their purchase system and determine
and fix their systems current flaws and problems. Their willingness to pay millions for these
researches testifies on how much importance a purchase system can affect a business. The
researchers wanted to determine how much cash a business can disburse before it can result in
shortages of cash and how much cash a business should reserve before it becomes an opportunity
cost. The current economies of their respective target country were considered.
The study aims to evaluate the internal control practices of the purchase system of Travel
Bee Business Inn using the framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
1.2.1 Narrative
1.4.3 Supervision
1.4.4 Accounting Records
1.5 Based on the above findings, to make recommendation for the betterment of the
The purpose of the study is to assess and analyse if the current purchase system of the
business is efficient, reliable, effective, and secure and to make suggestions to improve the
The research will focus on only one of the three branches of Travel Bee Hotels which is its
Business in Branch. With the many different departments and systems of the business the study
will focus primarily on the people handling purchases specifically the Purchasing Department
Purchase System - A purchasing system manages the entire acquisition process, from
COSO Framework - The COSO framework defines internal control as a process, affected by an
entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable
that management's response to reduce risks identified during the risk assessment process is
carried out.
Internal Control - is the process designed to ensure reliable financial reporting, effective and
Segregation of Duties -is the concept of having more than one person required to complete a
task. In business the separation by sharing of more than one individual in one single task is an
Procurement - The act of obtaining or buying goods and services. The process includes
preparation and processing of a demand as well as the end receipt and approval of payment.
Chapter 2
According to W.C Benton, Jr., et al (2014), Purchasing refers to an act of buying materials,
equipment, and services that conform to the correct quality, in the correct quantity, and at the
market price, and are delivered in accordance with the promised delivery date. All kinds of
businesses use purchasing as one of its basic functions. Examples of purchasing are the
following: Merchandise Inventory, supplies, furniture and fixtures and many more items that
businesses need.
Purchasing refers to a function in business whereby the enterprise obtains the inputs for what
it produces, as well as other goods and services it requires. Purchasing is one of the basic
functions common to all types of business enterprise. These functions are basic, because no
Purchasing is the responsibility of buying the kinds and quantities of materials authorized by
According to P. Fraser Johnson, et al (2015), Purchases can represent 50-70 percent of costs
for manufacturing organizations and 30-40 percent for service firms. While this indicates the
suggests the challenges of designing an efficient and effective process for a diverse spend. A
purchase originates when a person or a system identifies a definite need in the organization what,
how much, and when it is needed. The purchaser must know exactly what the internal costumers
want. And internal requirements should be driven by a clear understanding of the external
descriptions, or over specified materials, services, or quality levels will lead to unnecessary
needs internally between users/specifiers and supply management according to establish internal
controls. There are several types of purchase requisition, including standard requisitions,
It also talks about the preparation and placement of the purchase order. Purchase orders are
used unless the supplier’s sales agreement or a release against a blanket order is used instead.
Failure to use the proper contract form may result in serious legal complications or improper
documentation. Even where an order is placed by telephone, a confirming written order should
follow. The purchase order format and routing varies. The essential requirements are the serial
number, date of issue, name and address of the supplier, the quantity and description, date of
delivery, shipping directions, price, terms of payment, and conditions governing the order.
Invoices according to Anna E. Flynn, et al(2015) is a claim against the buying organization.
Typically it shows order number and itemized price. Invoice Clearance procedures are not
uniform. Checks and audits of invoices are established based on cost-benefit analysis. The cost
of a person’s time to resolve minor variances may exceed the value of the variance.
Purchasing Departments are created to help companies to help manage and control
purchases. A typical department is responsible for the acquisition of a broad range of materials
and supplies. Depending on the sales volume, the number of employees, and the functional
sophistication, the purchasing activities can be either complex or simple. In most cases, large
multidivisional firms like IBM, Ford, and Toyota usually establish a set of systematic policies
based on the overall corporate missions. Purchase materials at lowest possible cost while
maintaining quality. Maintain good relationship with the supplies. Take advantage of economies
of scale. Maintain records efficiently. Develop highly competent personnel. Coordinate with all
organization include: Coordination with user department to identify purchase needs , doing
conduct market studies for important materials, negotiation with potential suppliers analysis of
(Leenders, 1989).
uninterrupted flow of materials, supplies, and services required to operate the organization, keep
inventory investment and loss at a minimum, maintain adequate quality standards, find or
develop competent vendors, standardize where possible, the items bought, purchases required
items and service at lowest ultimate price, improve the organizations competitive position,
achieve harmonious, productive working relationships with other departments within the
organization, and accomplish the purchasing objectives at the lowest possible level of
purchasing system manages the entire acquisition process, from requisition, to purchase order, to
product receipt, to payment. Purchasing systems are a key component to effective inventory
management in that they monitor existing stock and help companies determine what to buy, how
much to buy and when to buy it. Types of purchasing system are imports, capital equipment
purchase, method petty cash system, E-procurement Subcontracting rate contract, Blanket order
In Tender System the entity invites their supplier to give their quotations. The supplier with
the lowest quotation wins the contract. It is a contract mostly followed by large organizations and
Blanket Order System is most popular method for companies that purchase many small items
on day to day basis which becomes difficult to have inventory for all. There are two methods:
Agreement is made to supply Fixed Quantity of the product at a Fixed Price for a specific period.
Agreement is made to supply for a Specific Period but the Quantity is unknown.
According to P. Fraser Johnson et al(2015) Blanket or open-end purchase orders reduce costs
by reducing the number of purchase orders issued. A blanket order usually covers a variety of
items. Blanket orders are used to buy maintenance, repair, and operations items and production-
line requirements used in volume and purchased repetitively over a period of months.
person or company to perform a certain amount of work. The outside person or company in this
with a wide variety of functions. Example: A small business may use an outside firm to prepare
its payroll. Subcontracting is also known as outsourcing, Outsource means to send part of a
Capital Equipment Purchase is a purchasing system which requires high capital. It is used to
In Petty Cash System a small fund of cash is kept in hand for purchases or reimbursements
which are too small to be worth submitting to the more rigorous purchase and reimbursement
procedures of a company or institution. Petty cash funds must be safeguarded and documented to
ensure that thefts do not occur. The most common way of accounting for petty cash expenditures
government purchase and sale of supplies, work, and services through the Internet. E-
procurement helps to achieve benefits such as increased efficiency and cost reduction. E-
ordering, receiving, invoicing and paying for goods and services through the internet and is
frequently a module in the company’s ERP system. A survey of chief purchasing officers about
their use of e-procurement technology found the benefits were: (1) better visibility of what they
are spending globally by supplier, region and commodity, (2) faster, better product development
by tapping suppliers as an innovative source, and (3) tighter risk reduction and mitigation.
Stockless purchase system can be defined as Arrangement in which a supplier holds the items
ordered by the customer in its own warehouseand releases them as and when required by the
customer. It is also known as just-in-time purchasing. In this system the vendor has a clear idea
of the requirements of the buyer and holds the stock in convenient location. The seller has the
financial responsibility of holding the stock. Examples: Tyre warehouse near automobile
manufacturing units. Petrol pumps in transport undertaking. Aviation fuel pumps at airport.
A policy is a statement that describes in very general terms may intend course of action. If
policies are to function effectively, it is imperative that they be placed in written form. A
purchasing policy manual typically has two distinct sections, one containing company policies
which spells out in unmistakable terms the responsibility and authority at all departments, and
the other containing department policies which inform personnel of the expected patterns of
conduct for major buying activities and for relations with suppliers. The purchasing policies
should be clearly communicated to the staff and other stakeholders. Medias for communicating
this information to the company employee can be published regulation, Company informational
Beacon (2014) is a purchasing partner whom Then Hospitality; a hotel management company
entrusted to manage their hotel purchases. Beacon is an experienced procurement partner that
was able to effectively manage the purchases of Then Hospitality; sourcing a wide range of
products or items for the hotel company. Beacon was able to source Current suppliers and
reduced prices of hotel items such as laundry, biscuits and coffee and was able to reduce the cost
of the hotels complementary items such as biscuits by 25% each which saved the hotel more than
Tanvi Kothari, Clark Hu and Wesley S. Roehi (2006) conducted a case study about e-
Procurement technology in a chain hotel. The aim of the study was to grasp the challenges faced
by the decision makers of the chain hotel in implementing and adopting e- Procurement. Their
conclusion was that the chain hotel lacks purchasing standardization across properties and that
not all e- Procurement vendors are well experienced enough to partner with hotel companies.
Phuong Phan (2016) conducted a case study about the purchasing practices of PAUL
Bakery UK, a Café and Restaurant business. The purpose of the study is to investigate the
business’ purchasing processes to discover areas that needed to be improved. The case study
concluded that the business must improve specifically on supplier relationship management,
Internal communication, Economic Order quantity, discount options, portfolio models and
Christine Mercieca (2011) conducted a case study of Maltese hotel group specifically on
its internal control procedures of the purchasing cycle. The study evaluated the stages of the
purchasing cycle and other elements with regards to stock control. They conducted interviews
with the hotel’s personnel such as their Financial Controller, the Purchasing Officer, Food and
Beverage Manager and Store-keeper. The study’s conclusion was that both hotels that were used
in the study; were able to properly implement their purchasing cycle and segregated the duties of
Kostuch (2015) made an article about supplier relationships and how it leads to the
purchasing success of hotels. The article states that by building long- term relationships with
your suppliers, it enables trust and respect which in turn can benefit both sides. By having a
strong relationship with suppliers, they can go beyond merely business transactions and offer
value – added services that solve the needs and challenges of the business. One example given
by the article is how HD Supply’s Renovation, Brand Conversion, Current Build and Project
Management team; which is like a procurement company; helped hotels on their product prices,
ordering of goods and storing them to warehouses, delivering and brand conversion or Current
Theoretical Framework
The proposed purchase study on the business will result in the assessment of the purchase system
and determination of ways to improve the purchase system. The implementation of COSO to the
purchase system of the business will lead to the creation of a better and improved purchase
system. This may improve the business and result to significant increase in their overall
savings. Apart from cost savings, the implementation of COSO can cut down on lead
times that ensure delivery of quality goods on time. Furthermore, overview of COSO was
tackled to understand it more and to find out how it would positively impact the company’s
purchase system, since the aim of the company is to minimize its costs and maximize its profits.
Figure 1: Pathway for the Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Figures 2 represent the pathway of the evaluation of the purchase system and open the
Implementation of COSO
Suggest recommendations
for the improvement of the
purchase system
The preliminary data gathering takes place from the Rank and file employees to
managers handling purchasing in the Purchasing Department of the business, which was a survey
The preliminary instrument used is a letter of request in which we will ask consent to
study the enterprise. The main instrument used in data gathering for the study was a survey
questionnaire or form and after a follow up interview will be conducted. The kind of questions in
the survey questionnaire will be yes or no questions about the Transaction authorization,
Verification. The study will also conduct interviews to relevant personnel especially those in
This research aims to know the effects of the implementation of the current purchasing
system towards the business. The research focuses on one of the main three branches of Travel
Bee located in Jakosalem, Cebu City. Cebu is a highly urbanized city in Region 7: Central
Visayas, Philippines.
The researchers acquired the necessary information for data gathering which includes the
latest record of the employees of the business and their use of the purchasing system. The
business managers advise were also taken to consideration regarding the employees who uses the
purchase system of the business. From the data collected, the required respondents and the total
Survey forms were formulated as planned and were distributed to the different employees
of the business in reference to the selected respondents that uses the purchasing system. The
distribution however was done randomly regardless of age, position, and gender. After the
survey forms are filled up, a follow up thorough interview about the topic to the participants
were conducted.
dependent) to 5(least dependent). The other data collected was also summarized from the results
and graphs were made to be the basis of the analysis. Analysis and conclusion was then drawn
In conducting this research, assumptions were created with regards to its inherent
limitations, to state theories that are supposedly true and to identify variables that are held
First, it is assumed that the business won’t know the difference between having a
purchase system compared to other purchase system and actually not having one. This is due to
the fact that they are not exposed to different purchase system but are only exposed to one.
Second, in the gathering of data through survey, the truthfulness and honesty of the
feedbacks of the participants are presumed. They are assumed to have sincere interest in
answering the questionnaire because they rely on the purchase system which helps them in their
work. However, the participants may find the questions confusing which may influence the
authenticity of their answers. Biases are inevitable and beyond the control of the researchers.
Lastly, the inclusion criteria of the sample if needed are assumed to be appropriate and
enough to represent the whole population of the employees of the business to be able to
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