Call For Proposals Under State Science and Technology (SSTP) - 2018-19
Call For Proposals Under State Science and Technology (SSTP) - 2018-19
Call For Proposals Under State Science and Technology (SSTP) - 2018-19
Call for proposal under State Science & Technology Programme (SSTP)
a) S&T Studies & Surveys: This includes support for carrying out S&T studies/ surveys
including techno-economic analysis, simulation modelling and studies etc; and
development of State S&T database, S&T resources; State S&T policy issues; specific
status reports etc: The activities under this head should lead to specific action plan
for project generation.
b) Please orient your proposal objective to a few specific outputs, which could be
possible in a duration of 18 months to 36 months (max).
c) While writing the proposal, please ensure that scientific and technical details are
clearly spelt out.
d) Proposals should have specific, concrete, quantifiable objectives.
e) The proposals should be based on innovative technologies/ ideas. Major
programmes of extension based on proven technologies are also not considered.
f) The training programmes should be on specific technologies/ themes. Routine
training programmes are not entertained.
g) Results of ongoing and completed projects of the organization must be reflected
in the formulation of new proposals.
3 years’ maximum
The applicants are encouraged to peruse as per the guidelines of SSTP Programme
available at DST website (
economic-development/state-science-technology-programme). The guidelines contain
various annexures which are to be submitted along with the proposal.
IX. Format: