Hyperthyroidism in Childhood: Causes, When and How To Treat: Review
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood: Causes, When and How To Treat: Review
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood: Causes, When and How To Treat: Review
Léger J et al.
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood
of debate (9,10,11,12,13), and prospective randomised long-
term clinical studies are required to compare treatment failure
frequencies and the short- and long-term side effects of the
10 different therapeutic options. Current treatment options include
antithyroid drugs (ATD), subtotal or near total thyroidectomy and
5 radioactive iodine (RAI) - I131. There is no specific cure for the
disease and each therapeutic option has associated
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 complications. Most patients are initially treated with ATD.
Age (years)
However, it is difficult to achieve long-term compliance and the
Figure 1. Distribution of patients with Graves’ disease rate of relapse is high. Surgical removal of the thyroid gland and
destruction of the gland by RAI treatment are therefore often
used as alternatives. Indications for radical treatment in children
Table 1. Causes of thyrotoxicosis in children include relapse after an appropriate course of drug treatment, a
- Graves’ disease lack of compliance on the part of the patient or the parents, and
- Autoimmune neonatal hyperthyroidism (passage of maternal TRAbs
ATD toxicity. As in many rare diseases, there is currently no
across the placenta) evidence-based strategy for the management of this disease in
- Thyroiditis children, in contrast to the situation in adults, in whom the
disease is more frequent (14,15). GD treatment policy varies
• Subacute thyroiditis
considerably within and between countries and depends on
• Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease)
local traditions and resources, the age and preference of the
- Exogenous causes patient, the size of the goiter, and the severity of the disease.
• Exogenous thyroid hormone (acute or chronic) Additional treatment with ß blockers (except in patients with
• Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (iodine, radiocontrast agents, asthma or cardiac failure) during the first two weeks of
amiodarone) management may help to reduce the patient’s symptoms. This
- Autonomous functioning nodules treatment can be given orally twice daily, at a dose of 2
• Somatic activating mutation of Gsα (McCune-Albright syndrome) mg/kg/day, and stopped when the patient becomes euthyroid.
• Somatic activating mutation of the TSH receptor gene ATD Therapy
• Toxic adenoma ATD therapy is usually recommended as the initial treatment
• Hyperfunctioning papillary or follicular carcinoma for hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents. The most
commonly used ATDs are carbimazole and its active metabolite,
- Congenital activating mutations of the TSH receptor gene (hereditary or
de novo) (congenital hyperthyroidism) methimazole (MMI) and propylthiouracil (PTU). These drugs
- Selective pituitary resistance to thyroid hormones inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis by interfering with the thyroid
peroxidase-mediated iodination of tyrosine residues in
- TSH-secreting pituitary tumours
thyroglobulin. PTU can also block the conversion of thyroxine
TRAb: thyroid hormone receptor antibody, TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone,
(T4) to triiodothyronine (T3), whereas MMI can not. Both MMI
Léger J et al.
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood
and PTU are associated with minor reactions (rash, urticaria, easier to treat, and hyperthyroidism is associated with serious
arthralgia, gastrointestinal problems) in about 5% to 25% of morbidities such as cardio-vascular diseases and osteopenia.
cases. The frequency of agranulocytosis is between 0.2 and Unfortunately, prospective randomised trials are still lacking to
0.5% for both drugs, and other rare but serious side effects evaluate the efficacy of short- and long-term ATD therapy to
include drug-induced hepatitis and production of cytoplasmic increase the remission rate in children, and further studies are
anti-neutrophil antibodies. Antibody-positive vasculitis occurs required to increase our knowledge of ATD treatment in
only in exceptional cases. Recently, it has been recommended children.
to avoid the use of PTU because of the high risk of PTU-induced Surgical Treatment
hepatitis and to use only MMI (or carbimazole) as an ATD Total (or near-total) thyroidectomy is often currently
(16,17). The frequency of side effects may be dose-related and preferred to subtotal (or partial) thyroidectomy to reduce the risk
is very small for severe side effects in patients receiving MMI in of recurrent hyperthyroidism (11). The vascularity of the gland is
a dose of less than 10 mg/day (15). Adverse events to MMI decreased by adding iodine to ATD (5 to 10 drops of lugol
were reported to occur within six months of therapy in 90% of solution) for one week before surgery (28). L-T4 replacement
patients (18). MMI is also more effective in the short term than therapy should be initiated within days of surgery and the
PTU (19) and presents a major advantage over PTU in terms of patient should be subject to long-term follow-up. Complications
compliance as MMI has a longer half-life and is effective when such as hypoparathyroidism, vocal cord palsy due to recurrent
given as a single daily dose. The initial starting dose of MMI (or laryngeal nerve injury, and keloid formation are relatively rare
carbimazole) is 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day, with a maximum dose of 30 when the operation is performed by a paediatric surgeon with
mg per day. After two to four weeks, when thyroid hormone extensive experience and are estimated at about 15%. For
secretion is effectively blocked and thyroid hormone levels have patients with recurrent hyperthyroidism after surgery, RAI
normalised, the initial dose is gradually reduced by 30 to 50% treatment is recommended because the risk of complications is
(15). No additional benefit accrues from the maintenance of a higher for a second operation (11).
high dose of ATD administered with replacement doses of levo- Among radical options, surgery is less commonly used than
T4 (L-T4). Recent studies have even suggested that high-dose RAI as a first-line choice and is often recommended only in
therapy may be harmful, because the frequency of side effects patients with a large goiter or with ophthalmopathy. For other
is dose-dependent. There is also currently no rationale for the cases, however, there is still some debate about whether RAI
use of L-T4 in combination with ATDs to enhance remission treatment or surgical ablation should be preferred as the
rates (15). GD remission on ATD therapy is linked to the definitive treatment for paediatric GD (10,11).
restoration of euthyroidism rather than the immunosuppressive Iodine Treatment
effects of the drugs. Hyperthyroidism itself has been shown to RAI treatment is effective in children with hyperthyroidism
worsen the autoimmune aberration, and autoimmunity leads to due to GD, and most patients can be successfully treated with
the generation of more TRAb and worsening of a single oral dose. Low dose aims to cure hyperthyroidism
hyperthyroidism. Once this cycle is broken by ATD treatment without resulting in hypothyroidism, but the relapse rate is high.
rendering the patient euthyroid or by surgery, the patient may Consequently, larger doses (220 to 275 μCi/g, corresponding to
experience gradual remission of the disease (20). More about 250 Gy) should be preferred over smaller doses of I131
prolonged use of ATD (at least 2-4 years) in children than in (29). Hypothyroidism is likely to occur after treatment, and
adults may be required to achieve remission. Compliance is appropriate doses of L-T4 must therefore be administered
therefore an important issue in the management of these throughout the patient's life. If hyperthyroidism persists 3 to 6
children and should be improved by educational strategies. months after therapy, retreatment with I131 is indicated. There is
However, the inhibition of autoantibodies obtained on treatment no evidence of reproductive dysfunction or higher frequencies
is difficult to predict, probably because the treatment does not of abnormalities in the offspring of treated patients (30).
target B cells or autoantibodies directly. B lymphocytes are However, RAI is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy
important self-antigen-presenting cells and precursors of and breastfeeding. RAI should also be avoided in very young
antibody-secreting plasma cells. Temporary B-lymphocyte children because of an increased potential risk of neoplasia.
depletion with the monoclonal antibody rituximab may therefore Concerns about potential thyroid malignancy, hyperparathyroidism
efficiently decrease or abolish the production of TRAb. Large and high mortality rates have highlighted the need for a large,
clinical trials of such treatment are currently required (21,22). randomised control study with long-term follow-up to settle this
Less than 30% of children achieve lasting remission after issue definitively (31).
about 24 months of ATD (23,24,25,26,27). Near-total Long-term Outcome
thyroidectomy and RAI therapy are the definitive therapeutic While ATD treatment results in long-term remission in about
options, but both carry a high risk of permanent hypothyroidism. 40 to 60% of adult patients, less than 30% of children treated
However, hypothyroidism is preferable to hyperthyroidism as it is with ATDs for an average of two years achieve remission lasting
Léger J et al.
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood
at least two years (23,24,25,26,27,32). Consequently, the overall thought to modulate individual responsiveness in adults
frequency of relapse after a first course of about 2 years of ATD (32,40,41,42). Large prospective randomised studies in children
treatment is higher in children than in adults and may reach are therefore required to resolve these issues.
frequencies as high as 70 to 80%. About 75% of patients Negative consequences for the patients’ health-related
relapse within six months of the end of drug treatment, quality of life during and after treatment, even after 14 to 21
whereas only 10% relapse after 18 months. Methods for years, particularly considering mental performance and vitality,
identifying the patients who are unlikely to have remission after have been demonstrated in adult patients with GD. These
drug treatment would greatly improve patient management, as problems do not seem to be accounted for by the patient’s
they would facilitate the identification of patients requiring long- thyroid hormone status during follow-up. However, the mode of
term ATD or early radical treatment. Previous studies had their treatment, whether drug-based, surgical or based on the use of
limitations but evaluated age, goiter size, decrease in body mass RAI, has been shown to have little impact on health-related
index and severity of biochemical hyperthyroidism at onset, quality of life in the long term (43). These aspects have not been
TRAb levels at onset and at the end of treatment, and duration studied in children, but it would seem prudent to monitor
of medical treatment as predictive markers of GD relapse during subjects with hyperthyroidism in childhood in the longer term
childhood (23,27,33,34,35,36,37). However, all these studies for neuropsychological, emotional and/or behavioural
but one (37) were retrospective and none has led to widespread functioning.
changes in clinical practice. Our prospective study (38) showed Neonatal Hyperthyroidism
that the risk of relapse after a first course of ATD for about 2 Pathogenesis
years increases with non-Caucasian origin, young age, and the Autoimmune neonatal hyperthyroidism is commonly
severity of the disease at diagnosis as demonstrated by high caused by the passage across the placenta of maternal
serum TRAb and free T4 (fT4) levels. Conversely, relapse risk stimulating antibodies directed against the TRAbs, antibodies
decreased with duration of first course of ATD as every which stimulate the adenylate cyclase in foetal thyrocytes
additional year of treatment was associated with a decrease in leading to thyroid hormone hypersecretion. Hyperthyroidism in
relapse rate. These results highlight the positive impact of a long pregnancy has a prevalence of approximately 0.2% and is
period of primary ATD treatment on outcome to minimize mostly associated with GD (44). Graves’ thyrotoxicosis generally
thyroid autoimmunity and recurrence of the disease. In our improves in the second half of pregnancy, due to decreases in
study, a prognostic score was constructed allowing the serum TRAb concentration, but then worsens after delivery (45).
identification of three different risk groups at diagnosis. This type In maternal gestational autoimmune GD, the preservation of a
of score would greatly improve patient counseling and normal fetal thyroid hormone state to ensure normal brain
therapeutic decision making. However, little is known about development is a complex issue. High levels of antibody
long-term outcome, because there have been few studies of the transmission are associated with the occurrence of fetal
relationship between ATD treatment duration and remission rate thyrotoxicosis. Fetal hyperthyroidism may develop when fetal
or relapse risk in paediatric patients. The need to prescribe TSH receptors become physiologically responsive to TSH and to
longer courses of treatment than in adult patients is widely TRAbs, during the second half of gestation, at around week 20,
accepted. Our recent prospective study investigated the effect mostly in women with high levels of TRAbs. It may also occur
of ATD treatment duration after three consecutive courses, each in the offspring of mothers treated years before for
lasting for about 2 years (39). With a median study period of 10.4 hyperthyroidism who still have circulating TRAbs. Thus, all
years, about half the patients achieved remission after the pregnant women with GD and euthyroid pregnant women with
discontinuation of carbimazole. An increase (by a factor of about a history of GD should undergo TRAb determinations at the
2.2) in the predicted remission rate achieved with ATD treatment beginning of pregnancy. If TRAbs are detected, the fetus should
was related to less severe forms of hyperthyroidism at diagnosis be considered at risk of developing thyrotoxicosis and monitored
and with the presence of other associated autoimmune accordingly (44,46).
conditions. This study suggests that children with GD displaying Non-autoimmune neonatal hyperthyroidism due to McCune-
good compliance with treatment and without major adverse Albright syndrome (activating mutation of the Gsα gene) (47) or
effects of ATD medication may be offered up to 8-10 years of an activating mutation of the TSH receptor gene is a rare disease.
medical treatment with ATD before definitive treatment is Molecular abnormalities of the TSH receptor, leading to its
envisaged (39). However, continuous treatment, rather than constitutive activation, may be responsible for severe permanent
treatment cycles of 2 years, should be considered in future congenital fetal and postnatal hyperthyroidism. Germline
clinical trials. Long-term therapy should also be optimized by mutations are found in cases of hereditary autosomal dominant
educational strategies to improve compliance with treatment hyperthyroidism, and de novo mutations may cause sporadic
and by strategies in medical care, particularly during the congenital hyperthyroidism. The clinical course of these diseases
transition from paediatric to adult services. Other factors such requires careful management. Even with high doses of ATDs to
as genetic background, gender, iodine intake, and smoking are control severe congenital thyrotoxicosis, thyroid nodules and
Léger J et al.
Hyperthyroidism in Childhood
goiter enlargement develop early in life, requiring subtotal maturation (delayed bone maturation in cases of fetal
thyroidectomy followed by RAI therapy (48,49,50). hypothyroidism) and fetal heart rate (greater than 160/min in
Transient hyperthyroidism may be observed in pregnant cases of foetal hyperthyroidism) may also facilitate the
women with a hydatidiform mole. Surgical removal of the mole diagnosis of hypo- or hyperthyroidism, guiding the choice of
cures the hyperthyroidism. Familial gestational hyperthyroidism the most appropriate treatment. Invasive fetal blood collection
caused by a mutant thyrotropin receptor hypersensitive to and amniotic fluid sampling are usually not required and
human chronic gonadotropin has also been reported in should be reserved for cases in which the diagnosis is dubious
exceptional cases (51). or intra-amniotic L-T4 injection is required to treat a secondary
Clinical Manifestations foetal hypothyroid state (46,54,55,56,57). A combination of
Fetal hyperthyroidism precedes neonatal hyperthyroidism. maternal criteria (TRAbs titers, ATD use and dose) and fetal
Neonatal autoimmune hyperthyroidism is generally transient, criteria (thyroid Doppler signal, fetal heart rate and bone
occurring in only about 2% of the offspring of mothers with maturation) is used to distinguish between fetal
GD. However, it is associated with a mortality rate of up to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (57).
25%, and immediate and long-term morbidity. Fetal and The prenatal response to treatment, based on fetal status
neonatal thyroid function may be disturbed to various extents and on the results of thyroid function tests carried out on cord
by the presence of TRAbs, the use of ATDs and the maternal blood at birth, may validate the prenatal treatment strategy, but
thyroid hormone state. In cases in which maternal disease is probably cannot predict subsequent neonatal thyroid
untreated or poorly controlled, intrauterine growth retardation, dysfunction (58,59). Remarkably, only a minority of newborns
oligoamnios, prematurity, and fetal death commonly occur. from mothers with gestational autoimmune thyroid disease
Tachycardia, hyperexcitability, poor weight gain contrasting have a disturbed thyroid hormone state (57,58). Within two to
with a normal or large appetite, goiter, stare and/or eyelid five days of birth, hyperthyroidism may develop in cases in
retraction and/or exophthalmia, small anterior fontanel, which TRAbs continue to be present in the neonate after the
advanced bone age, hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly are clearance of transplacentally transmitted ATDs from the mother.
the most frequently observed clinical features during the Thyroid function tests should therefore be repeated in the first
neonatal period. Cardiac insufficiency is one of the major risks week of life, even when normal (or high TSH levels due to
in these infants. Biological abnormalities of the liver may also excessive ATD in late gestation) results were obtained with cord
be observed in the absence of cardiac insufficiency. blood. Strong suspicion of neonatal autoimmune
Craniostenosis, microcephaly, and psychomotor disabilities hyperthyroidism, when TRAbs are detectable in cord blood and
may occur in severely affected infants (52). FT4 levels are high in the two to four days following the birth
Diagnosis and Management During Pregnancy and (FT4 levels >35 pmol/l), should lead to the initiation of ATD
Neonatal Period treatment in the infant shortly after birth to prevent the
The early diagnosis and treatment of fetal hyperthyroidism development of clinical hyperthyroidism, thereby protecting
or hypothyroidism are crucial and highlight the importance of infants from the serious consequences of this condition (46).
TRAb determination throughout pregnancy in women with GD. Treatment
The experience of the ultrasound operator also has an impact on During gestation, fetal hyperthyroidism can be prevented by
the management of pregnancy in women with GD. Fetal thyroid administering ATDs to the mother. PTU and MMI both cross the
width and circumference should be evaluated starting from 20 placenta and are equally effective for treating hyperthyroidism in
weeks of gestation (53). In fetuses with goiter, the main clinical pregnancy (60). However, PTU is the more commonly used of
issue is determining whether the cause is maternal treatment these two drugs as the administration of MMI during
that is appropriate for achieving normal maternal thyroid function organogenesis has been associated with neonatal aplasia cutis
but inappropriate and excessive for the fetus leading to fetal (a scalp defect), tracheoesophageal fistula and embryopathy
hypothyroidism, or whether the problem is associated with fetal (61). The fetus benefits directly from the maternal ingestion of
thyroid stimulation by maternal GD with the presence of TRAbs these drugs, which cross the placenta and act on the fetal
causing fetal thyroid stimulation and hyperthyroidism. thyroid gland. However, these drugs may also expose the fetus
Fetal ultrasound scan is a non-invasive tool for detecting to the risk of hypothyroidism, and small doses (usually 100-150
fetal thyroid dysfunction. Scans should be taken monthly after mg PTU or less daily; 10-15 mg MMI or less daily) are therefore
20 weeks of gestation to screen for goiter and/or evidence of recommended.
fetal thyroid dysfunction in women with GD testing positive During the neonatal period, MMI is preferred (1 mg/kg/day,
for TRAbs and/or receiving ATDs. Thyroid gland enlargement is in three doses). Propranolol (2 mg/kg/day, in two divided doses)
the starting point for the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction and can also be needed to control tachycardia during the first one to
ultrasonography is used to assess the presence and two weeks of treatment. It is usually possible to decrease the
vascularity of the goiter. The determination of fetal bone ATD dose progressively, according to thyroid hormone levels.
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