G/C Ratio Calculation: Assumed Values
G/C Ratio Calculation: Assumed Values
G/C Ratio Calculation: Assumed Values
Flug gas stream (Q) 10000 actual cubic feet per minute
Gas Stream Temp 275 degF
Ash Loading 4 grams/actual cubic feet
Particle diameter 7 micrometer
Operating hours 8640 hours/yr
T 275
Pressure Drop
Assumed Values:
K2 15
Pj 100
cleaning interval, θ (min) 10
Ci (gram/ft3) 4 0.04
Wo 0.026795556
DP across fabric 3.313663181
DP additional baghouse structure 3
DP due to ductwork 4
Total Pressure Drop 10.31366318
Bags andCages Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC)
Bags 3604.01 Cost of Baghouse 17582.4542103839
Individual Cage Cost 12.04 Cost of insulation 5796.5860518158
Total Cage Cost 1914.06 Cost 23379.0402621997
Cost 5530.11
Auxilliaries Cost
Ductwork 19,000
Fan 19,000
Motor 12,000 Cost Item Cost
Starter 4,700 Direct Costs
Dampers 9,800 Purchased Equipment Costs
Compressor 8,000 Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC) 23379.04
Screw conveyor 5,000 Bags and Cages 5530.112
Stack 12,000 Auxiliary Equipment 89,500
Total 89,500 Sum=A 118409.2
Site Preparation
Facilities and Buildings
Total Direct Cost 243117.7
Indirect Costs(installations)
Engineering, 0.10B 13972.28
Construction and field expenses, 0.20B 27944.56
Contractor fees, 0.10B 13972.28
Start-up, 0.01B 1397.228
Performance test, 0.01B 1397.228
Contingencies, 0.03B 4191.684
Total Indirect Cost 62875.26
T 275
Pressure Drop
Assumed Values:
K2 15
Pj 100
cleaning interval, θ (min) 10
Ci (gram/ft3) 4
Wo 0.026795556
DP across fabric 3.313663181
DP additional baghouse structure 3
DP due to ductwork 4
Total Pressure Drop 10.31366318
Ryton,Teflon,Nomex,Nextel, FB
Bags andCages Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC)
Bags 9388.89 Cost of Baghouse 114730
Individual Cage Cost 12.04 Cost of insulation 29482.7777777778
Total Cage Cost 9570.32 Cost 144212.777777778
Cost 18971.25
Ductwork 19,000
Fan 19,000
Motor 12,000 Cost Item Cost
Starter 4,700 Direct Costs
Dampers 9,800 Purchased Equipment Costs
Compressor 8,000 Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC) 144212.8
Screw conveyor 5,000 Bags and Cages 18971.25
Stack 12,000 Auxiliary Equipment 89,500
Total 89,500 Sum=A 252684
Site Preparation
Facilities and Buildings
Total Direct Cost 518810.8
Indirect Costs(installations)
Engineering, 0.10B 29816.72
Construction and field expenses, 0.20B 59633.43
Contractor fees, 0.10B 29816.72
Start-up, 0.01B 2981.672
Performance test, 0.01B 2981.672
Contingencies, 0.03B 8945.015
Total Indirect Cost 134175.2
T 275
Pressure Drop
Assumed Values:
K2 15
Pj 100
cleaning interval, θ (min) 10
Ci (gram/ft3) 4
Wo 0.026795556
DP across fabric 3.313663181
DP additional baghouse structure 3
DP due to ductwork 4
Total Pressure Drop 10.31366318
Ryton,Teflon,Nomex,Nextel, FB
Bags andCages Nomex Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC)
Bags 7041.67 Cost of Baghouse 110105
Individual Cage Cost 12.04 Cost of insulation 28694.5833333333
Total Cage Cost 3743.86 Cost 138799.583333333
Cost 10797.57
Ductwork 19,000
Fan 19,000
Motor 12,000 Cost Item Cost
Starter 4,700 Direct Costs
Dampers 9,800 Purchased Equipment Costs
Compressor 8,000 Fabric Filter (with insulation)(EC) 138799.6
Screw conveyor 5,000 Bags and Cages 10797.57
Stack 12,000 Auxiliary Equipment 89,500
Total 89,500 Sum=A 239097.2
Site Preparation
Facilities and Buildings
Total Direct Cost 490914.3
Indirect Costs(installations)
Engineering, 0.10B 28213.46
Construction and field expenses, 0.20B 56426.93
Contractor fees, 0.10B 28213.46
Start-up, 0.01B 2821.346
Performance test, 0.01B 2821.346
Contingencies, 0.03B 8464.039
Total Indirect Cost 126960.6
To determine the length of the compartment and the mirror plate (without spacing):
Assume squre tiling with cage diameter as cage length.
S (in) 64.62379
Number of cages per side 12.60952 or 13