School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile

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School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile

(This replaced Form 12-Monthly Status Report for Teachers, Form 19-Assignment List,
Form 29-Teacher Program and Form 31-Summary Information of Teachers)

School ID Region Division

School Name District

(A) Nationally-Funded Teaching & Teaching Related Items (B) Nationally-Funded Non Teaching Items (C ) Other Appointments and F
Title of Designation
(Designation Appointment:
Title of Plantilla Position Title of Plantilla Position (Contractual,
Number of Number of as appeared in the
(as appeared in the appointment (as appeared in the appointment Substitute,
Incumbent Incumbent contract/document: Teacher, Clerk, Volunteer, others
document/PSIPOP) document/PSIPOP)
Security Guard, Driver etc.) specify)


Employee Subject Taught
Nature of
No. (or Tax Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
(include Grade &
Identification (Arrange by Sex Section), Advisory Class DAY
Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/
Number Position, Descending) Minor & Other Ancillary (M/T/W/
-T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization Assignment TH/F)

Ave. Minutes
Employee Subject Taught
Nature of
No. (or Tax Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
(include Grade &
Identification (Arrange by Sex Section), Advisory Class DAY
Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/
Number Position, Descending) Minor & Other Ancillary (M/T/W/
-T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization Assignment TH/F)

Ave. Minutes

Ave. Minutes

Ave. Minutes

Ave. Minutes
Employee Subject Taught
Nature of
No. (or Tax Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
(include Grade &
Identification (Arrange by Sex Section), Advisory Class DAY
Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/
Number Position, Descending) Minor & Other Ancillary (M/T/W/
-T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization Assignment TH/F)

Ave. Minutes

Ave. Minutes

1. This form shall be accomplished at the beginning of the school year by the school head. In case of movement of teachers and other personnel during SY, updated Form 19
must submit to the Division Office .
2. All school personnel, regardless of position/nature of appointment should be included in this form and should be listed from the highest rank down to the lowest. This form (Sign
shall also serve as inventory list of school personnel.
3. Please reflect subjects being taught and if teacher handling advisory class or Ancillary Assignment. Other administrative duties must also reported.
4. * Daily Program Column is for teaching personnel only.

School Year

tments and Funding Sources

pointment: Number of
ontractual, Fund Source Incumbent
ubstitute, (SEF, PTA,
nteer, others NGO's etc.) Teaching Non-
specify) Teaching

* Daily Program (time duration)

Remark/s (For
Total Actual Detailed Items,
Teaching Indicate name of
From To school/office, For
(00:00) (00:00) IP's -Ethnicity)
per Week

Ave. Minutes per Day

* Daily Program (time duration)
Remark/s (For
Total Actual Detailed Items,
Teaching Indicate name of
From To school/office, For
(00:00) (00:00) IP's -Ethnicity)
per Week

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

* Daily Program (time duration)
Remark/s (For
Total Actual Detailed Items,
Teaching Indicate name of
From To school/office, For
(00:00) (00:00) IP's -Ethnicity)
per Week

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Submitted by:

(Signature of School Head over Printed Name)

Updated as of: ___________________________

School Form 7, Page 2 of ________

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