Sunways Pt30 33 Manual en
Sunways Pt30 33 Manual en
Sunways Pt30 33 Manual en
PT 30k, PT 33k
english EN
All rights reserved
© Copyright by:
Sunways AG
Photovoltaic Technology
Macairestraße 3 - 5
78467 Konstanz, Germany
This user manual may only be reprinted or copied in whole or in part with the express, written approval of
Sunways AG. Any type of reproduction, distribution or storage on data carriers in any form and of any kind
not authorised by Sunways AG represents a violation of the applicable copyright laws and will be prosecuted.
We reserve the right to make technical changes which serve to improve the device, or which increase the
safety standard – even without separate prior notice.
Thank you for purchasing a PT Series Sunways Solar This user manual contains explanations on using the
Inverter, an innovative, high-quality product with Sunways Solar Inverter. You will learn to recognise
unique features and a consistently high efficiency. the many possibilities of the Solar Inverter. Informa-
This Solar Inverter is equipped with HERIC® topology tion is provided on safety, installation, commission-
and innovative PT circuitry and enables operation on ing, operation and system monitoring.
a large number of silicon modules – as accustomed
from Sunways – without the use of a transformer. Please observe the safety precautions exactly to
ensure increased safety at the operating site of the
Solar Inverter.
1 Product Description 4
2 Safety Precautions 8
3 Installation 11
4 Commissioning 22
5 Operation 27
6 System monitoring 46
6.1 General 46
7 Maintenance 63
8 Appendix 65
1 Product Description ·· Alarm relay for realising simple monitoring
1.1 Proper use
·· Interface for connecting a irradiation and tem-
The Sunways Solar Inverter PT is the link between perature sensor
your solar generator and the public power grid.
The energy from the connected solar generator is Data logging
converted to grid-compliant AC current and fed into The PT Solar Inverter is equipped with internal data
the grid. Solar modules which require fixed earthing logging for recording and saving system data:
of the positive or negative terminal cannot be oper-
ated with the PT Solar Inverter. If in doubt, always ·· 5-minute mean values of voltages, currents,
ask your module manufacturer whether the modules output, temperature and irradiance (if sensor is
can be used without earth reference. installed)
Conversion from direct into alternating current ·· Memory for malfunction messages
The PT Solar Inverter converts the direct current
produced by the solar generator into alternating Grid monitoring
current. The alternating current is then fed into the The PT Solar Inverter assumes the task of grid
public power grid as a three-phase current. monitoring for the protection of the device and
persons. In case of abnormal grid conditions, feed-
Operating and display elements ing is immediately interrupted and the Solar Inverter
·· Various interfaces are available for system con- disconnects from the grid.
figuration and monitoring:
Solar Inverter configuration
·· Operator panel (LCD display and keyboard) for The basic configuration of the PT Solar Inverter is
displaying operating and status values or for shown in the block diagram. The solar generator
inputting system parameters voltage connected to the inverter input is initially
adapted by the DC actuator and then converted
·· Operating LED to alternating current by the high-efficiency
HERIC® inverter. The AC connection is made with
·· Integrated web server for display and configura- 5 wires due to the 3-phase feed and passive grid
tion via a web browser monitoring.
·· Bus interface for connecting a Sunways Modem,
analog modem, ISDN modem or GSM/GPRS
1 Product Description
Block diagram
Solar generator
+ DC+ = = L2
– DC– = ~
DC actuator HERIC® inverter L1 L2 L3 PE N
1.3 Integration in solar system ·· Check your solar generator approx. every three
years for soiling. This occurs especially on the
Solar generator configuration lower edge of the modules and forms a veil
that cannot be washed off even by heavy rain.
The technical data of the selected solar generator Reduced yield can be prevented by cleaning with
must be within the Solar Inverter‘s specifications a wet cloth or a brush.
(see Technical Data). Incorrect dimensioning can
lead to reductions in the yield and to destruction of ·· Avoid shading of individual modules or solar cells
the device. in your system. This can lead to major reductions
in yield.
The Sundim design program from Sunways can be
used for this purpose. Sunways Sundim can be
found on the enclosed CD-ROM or on our website
1 Product Description
6 7
3 AC
1 Solar generator
2 Generator connection box (string box)
3 Solar Inverter with integrated DC load break
4 Mains fuse and energy meter
5 Irradiance sensor with integrated temperature
6 PC for system monitoring
7 Large display
1 Product Description
2 Safety Precautions Warranty and liability
2.1 General safety precautions The Sunways AG „General Terms and Conditions of
Sale and Delivery« always apply. Warranty and liabil-
Follow the instructions in the operating manual. ity claims for personal injury or damage to property
Safe handling and trouble-free operation of the PT are excluded, if they were caused by one or more of
Solar Inverter requires knowledge of the basic safety the following:
·· Improper use of the Solar Inverter
This user manual contains the key information on
operating the system safely. ·· Improper installation, commissioning, operation
and maintenance
Each person concerned with the installation, com-
missioning, maintenance and operation of the Solar ·· Operation of the Solar Inverter with defective
Inverter must have read and understood the entire and/or non-operational safety and protective
user manual, and in particular the chapter entitled equipment.
Safety Precautions.
·· Failure to observe the information in the user
In addition, the rules and regulations for accident manual regarding installation, commissioning,
prevention applicable for the operating site/plant operation and maintenance
must be observed.
·· Unauthorised constructional modifications
Dangers when handling the PT Solar Inverter
The Solar Inverter has been built in accordance with ·· Insufficient monitoring of wearing parts
the latest rules of technology and the recognized
safety rules and may only be used ·· Improperly conducted repairs
2 Safety Precautions
To help you quickly understand this manual and The following warnings on the housing of the Solar
safely use the Solar Inverter, the following warnings Inverter point out dangers. Always observe the
and symbols are used. warnings exactly.
High leakage currents. Be sure to make an earth-
This symbol indicates important information which ing connection before connecting the power supply
contributes to a better understanding of the Solar circuit (AC system).
2 Safety Precautions
Electrical work on the Solar Inverter must be con- The following parameters are monitored and
ducted by a qualified electrician while observing the displayed continuously and simultaneously by the
VDE regulations, national and other regulations. inverter controller:
·· Grid-side varistors
These protect the power semiconductors in case
of high-energy, short-term voltage peaks in the
grid and dissipate the energy in the choke in case
of a grid disconnection.
3 Installation ·· If several PT Solar Inverters are operated in an
enclosed space, adequate fresh air supply must
3.1 Mechanical installation be ensured. Larger systems should be configured
in collaboration with Sunways at the design
Requirements for installation location stage.
·· The Solar Inverter may not be installed in rooms ·· The Solar Inverter should not be exposed to
subject to explosion hazards. direct sunlight to protect it from unnecessary
external warming.
·· The Solar Inverter may not be exposed to caustic
·· No combustible materials may be stored within 3
100 cm
metres of the Solar Inverter.
Wall (side)
Wall (rear)
Protection against moisture and foreign bodies
·· The PT Solar Inverter is supplied with IP 42
protection rating for indoor installation. The
optional protection type IP 54 allows installa- m
50 c
tion indoors and in roof-covered areas outdoors,
however the Solar Inverter may not be directly 50 c
exposed to rain.
Mechanical load-bearing capacity 100 Adjacent
·· Note during installation that the Solar Inverter
weighs 155 kg. The installation surface must be
firm and able to carry this weight in the long
Thermal interaction
·· The installation surface must consist of flame-
retardant material (not suitable: surface of wood
or plastic; suitable: e.g. concrete), as the frame
of the Solar Inverter can heat up to a maximum
of 85°C
3 Installation
1 2 3 4 4 5
3 Installation
1 2 3
1. Release the screws of the foam strips, push them
apart and remove the front part of the foam
3 Installation
9. Replace the front part of the foam strip. Solar generator connection
3 Installation
The solar generator can be directly connected to the
Solar Inverter with a string. Use the DC terminals
accessible from inside for the connection. ·· Any kind of soiling (dust, moisture, etc.) has a
negative effect on the terminals with regard to
function over the intended period of use.
L3 L2 L1 N PE 2
with end splice 15 mm
without end splice 20 mm
Installation C
3 Installation
·· for up to 8 or up to 12 PV strings
Please avoid squeezing the cable insulation or the ·· with/without DC overvoltage protection
end splice. Improper connection may damage the ·· with/without DC load break switch
equipment! ·· fuses for different currents
·· Dummy sleeves
3. Introduce the stripped cable into the cable clamp
and push the screwdriver forward into the origi- Further information can be found in the Solar
nal position. Inverter Accessories section at
String box
+ –
+ –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ –
+ –
3 Installation
3 Installation
3 Installation
Pin Designment Description
1 >1 TXh
2 >2 TX1
3 <3 RXh
4 -4 VCC
5 -5 GND
6 <6 RXI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <7 R1h
8 <8 R1I
3 Installation
The S0 pulse output enables, for example, the con- The optional addition of an irradiance sensor (model
nection of a large display (Sunways Display) for Si-01TC-K from Ingenieurbüro Mencke & Tegtmeyer)
displaying the momentary output, the energy yields with an integrated PT-100 temperature sensor for
and the CO2 reduction. temperature measurement enables the acquisition
of irradiation data and the corresponding mod-
You can use the S0 interface on the master if you ule temperature and storage in the internal data
want to transmit the entire line yields as a sum to a memory as a 5-minute mean value. This additional
large display. measuring device helps analyse the system output.
The S0 interface is adjusted via the display on the Based on the values, any errors on the PV generator,
inverter. Go to the menu «Settings – Network e.g. shading or failure of solar cells, can be detected.
– Interfaces».
The sensor is activated via the display. In the menu
«Settings - Network - Interfaces» you can select the
sensor type in the «Irrad.» and «Temp.» field.
3 Installation
The master also signals faults from other devices in The Solar Inverter is supplied by the feed-in phase
the CAN network via the alarm relay. It is therefore from the AC grid. If the feed-in phase fails the alarm
sufficient for simple alerting to connect the alarm relay cannot switch, even in the event of a fault.
relay of the master.
4 Commissioning Connecting
4.1 Connecting and disconnecting the Solar 1. Establish the grid connection via the external
Inverter circuit breaker.
Switching off
4 Commissioning
The commissioning menu automatically opens the System with one Solar Inverter
first time the Solar Inverter is connected. It guides
you through the standard settings. Single device
Confirm with .
4 Commissioning
Select date with . Change selected number Commissioning several networked devices
with / and jump to next number with /
. System with several Solar Inverters
Save the set date with then set the time master slaves
5. Set password. Select password Before commissioning, all devices must be inter-
Default password is: connected via the CAN bus interface. See section
******** Networking Solar Inverters via CAN bus.
A new password can be set with / / /
as an option. Switch on all devices following installation. Commis-
sioning begins with the master you have selected.
Please note:
In mixed systems containing AT and PT Solar Invert-
Numerals from 0 – 9 and letters from a – z and from ers, the Solar Inverter PT is always the master.
A – Z are admissible.
The password always has 8 characters. If the pass- Commissioning the master
word you choose is fewer than 8 characters in 1. During initial start-up the following appears on
length, the remainder, up to the full 8 characters, is the display:
filled with “*” symbols.
For example:
You choose “Solar” as your password. This password
has 5 characters. The system therefore then auto-
matically adds three “*” symbols, meaning that your
password becomes “Solar***”. Start commissioning with
4 Commissioning
Save the set time with . The password always has 8 characters. If the pass-
word you choose is fewer than 8 characters in
5. CAN network list is set up. length, the remainder, up to the full 8 characters, is
filled with “*” symbols.
For example:
You choose “Solar” as your password. This password
Depending on the size of the network, it may take has 5 characters. The system therefore then auto-
a moment until the master has found all slaves and matically adds three “*” symbols, meaning that your
added them to the list. password becomes “Solar***”.
4 Commissioning
5 Operation Keyboard
5.1 Control elements The keyboard can be used to navigate in the menu,
edit text fields, select entries from lists and enter
Operator panel numbers consecutively and digit by digit. User
entries can only be made if the value to be changed
The Solar Inverter is controlled via the operator is selected. The cursor changes visibly in the editing
panel at the front. mode and indicates the digit to be changed.
A graphics-capable, monochrome dot matrix display The combined red/green LED indicates the Solar
is integrated in the operator panel. In standard Inverter status:
mode the current output, daily yield and status are
displayed. The bar graph shows the output curve for ·· LED off
the current day. A bar represents a value averaged Solar Inverter is not active (night mode)
over 15 minutes.
·· LED green, continuously lit
Press any key to activate the display light. If no key Solar Inverter is active and feeds into power grid
is pressed with approx. 1 minute the display light (MPP mode)
goes out.
·· LED green, flashing
Solar Inverter is active and feeds into power grid,
although with current, output or temperature
The LCD display is not a calibrated measuring device. ·· LED red, continuously lit
A deviation of several percent is inherent in the A fault has occurred (malfunction)
system. Exact accounting of the data with the power
supply company requires a calibrated meter. ·· LED red, flashing
5 Operation
The standard screen is always shown when no This screen shows the system data for a CAN-net-
keyboard entry is made for more than 1 minute. It worked system.
can also be called up manually with the menu item
«Solar Inverter – Instantaneous Values».
Temp.lim. Feeding with temperature limitation ·· If a status message is shown, then you can open
the error list directly with .
Output lim. Feeding with output limitation
·· You can access other instantaneous values from
Feed. Feeding the standard screen with and .
5 Operation
Operation of the Solar Inverter is divided into vari- In this area the installer can make special settings on
ous areas protected with passwords. the Solar Inverter which are available after consult-
ing the Technical Hotline. Request a device-specific
The password has 8 digits or characters. password from the Technical Hotline. These pass-
The password can be entered in the menu item «Set- words are only relevant for the Sunways Browser. All
tings – Login». commissioning procedures are accessible from the
customer area.
Customer area
·· For example:
You choose “Solar” as your password. This pass-
word has 5 characters. The system therefore then
automatically adds three “*” symbols, meaning
that your password becomes “Solar***”.
5 Operation
Standard screen
Instantaneous value 1
Instantaneous value 2
Cooling system
General information Memory
Login Mode
LCD contrast
Receiving time*
CAN bus
5 Operation
Display of heat sink and choke tempe- Solar Inverter – Instantaneous values –
rature and load of the two fans – –
AC yields and operating hours for to- Solar Inverter – Energy yield
day, yesterday, week and month
5 Operation
Events – Device
History – Device
5 Operation
Information – Device
5 Operation
5 Operation
Solar system daily yield for 1 week Solar system – System history
– Yield for week
Solar system daily yield for 15 days Solar system – System history
– Yield for 15 days
5 Operation
Settings – General
Set receiving time (starting time and Settings – General – Receiving time
duration in which the device can also
be addressed in the night mode via
the network). (only possible with cus-
tomer password)
5 Operation
Settings – Login
Have CAN bus ID for the slave assigned Settings – Network – CAN bus
by the master
5 Operation
101:U-DCmax Your Solar Inverter of the PT series is The maximum DC voltage was exceeded.
approved for a maximum solar genera-
tor open-circuit voltage of 1000 V. All ·· Check the dimensioning of your PV
DC input components are adequately generator.
dimensioned with a safety factor. If the
threshold is exceeded, the Solar Inverter Too many modules are connected in series.
stops feeding.
·· Reduce the number of modules and
re-commission the system.
102:Insulation Before each connection, your Solar The Solar Inverter has discovered an
Inverter checks the PV system for a insulation fault in the PV system during
possible earth fault or insulation faults. run-up.
Should this kind of error be detected, no
feeding takes place. ·· Check your PV system for possible
The mode of operation is compliant with insulation faults (damaged DC cables
DIN VDE 0126-1-1. etc.).
5 Operation
103:AFI>30mA Your Solar Inverter is equipped with a A sudden fault current increase has
104:AFI>0.3A AC/DC sensitive AFI according to DIN occurred during Solar Inverter operation.
VDE 0126-1-1. The monitoring device has
detected a sudden relative fault current ·· Check your PV system for possible
increase of >30 mA or an absolute fault insulation faults.
current of >300 mA.
105:I-DC max. Your Solar Inverter of the PT series is The maximum solar generator current
approved for a maximum DC current of permitted for the inverter was reached.
75 A.
If the threshold is exceeded the Solar ·· Check whether the module intercon-
Inverter limits the DC current by moving nection generates an input voltage
the operating point. of less than 420 VDC at full load and
rewire the modules according to the
min. DC input voltage of 420 VDC.
AC network fault
207:UAC1>10% AC overvoltage for 10 minutes ·· Ask your power supply company (PSC)
208:UAC2>10% Your Solar Inverter continuously moni- about grid stability and design.
209:UAC3>10% tors the voltage levels for feed phases L1,
L2 and L3. If the permitted limit value of ·· Ensure that the cross-sections of the
+10% (253 V) is exceeded for 10 minutes feed lines are adequate, depending
on average, the Solar Inverter stops feed- on country-specific standards and
ing and restarts after approx. 1 minute. guidelines.
5 Operation
222:Uexternal External conductor voltage outside toler- ·· Ask your power supply company (PSC)
ance range. Invalid phase shift between about grid stability and design.
L1, L2 and L3.
·· Ensure that the cross-sections of the
feed lines are adequate, depending
on country-specific standards and
223:Surgef. Your Solar Inverter continuously moni- The Solar Inverter has detected a high
tors the quality of the AC grid. During voltage peak on a phase feeding in.
high voltage peaks on the phase feeding
in, the Solar Inverter stops feeding and ·· After troubleshooting the Solar
attempts a restart. Inverter restarts automatically.
5 Operation
Inverter fault
301:HS temp Your Solar Inverter is designed for an The maximum permissible ambient tem-
302:Choke temp ambient temperature of up to +40 °C at perature has been exceeded.
303:PCB temp full feed-in power. These warnings refer
(Warnings) to violations of the temperature thresh- ·· The installation location may be
old for the heat sink (HS), choke or PCB. unsuitable. Please try and find an
The feed-in power is reduced linearly in alternative installation location or
order to prevent further temperature improve the ventilation of the instal-
increase. lation space.
304:Mains rel.. The Solar Inverter of the PT series checks ·· Restart the Solar Inverter.
the operation of the mains relay prior to
every switch-on. An error was detected If the error still occurs, please contact the
during this check. Technical Hotline. The phone number is
provided on the back of the manual.
305:HS overtemp. These error messages refer to violations The maximum permissible ambient tem-
306:Choke of the temperature threshold for the perature has been exceeded.
overtemp. heat sink (HS), choke or PCB. Feed is
307:PCB overtemp. stopped. ·· The installation location may be
The Solar Inverter automatically switches unsuitable. Please try and find an
back on again once the temperature at alternative installation location or
the corresponding measuring point has improve the ventilation of the instal-
dropped again. lation space.
5 Operation
Interface/communication fault
401:SD Card The Solar Inverter cannot find an SD ·· Restart the Solar Inverter.
If the error still occurs, please contact the
Technical Hotline. The phone number is
provided on the back of the manual.
403:CAN user Communication error with CAN user. ·· Check whether an error has occurred
in the secondary CAN device. Restart
the slave and master if necessary.
404:CAN Bus CAN bus not in operation. No communication is possible via the
CAN bus.
405:CAN user CAN user does not respond. ·· Check whether an error has occurred
in the secondary CAN device. Restart
the slave and master if necessary.
5 Operation
If no sensor is connected:
408:CAN comm. Communication malfunctions occur A malfunction occurs in the data trans-
(Warning) repeatedly on the CAN bus. mission on the CAN bus. However, a data
exchange continues to be possible.
409:CAN Cfg. The CAN bus is in configuration mode. At least one device is specified under
(Warning) No measured values are transferred. «Settings – Network – CAN bus».
410:SMTP Ser. Warning: SMTP server cannot be reached Fault during e-mail delivery.
Re-attempt e-mail delivery.
5 Operation
413:DNS failed Warning: DNS has failed (413). Communication fault between the
integrated web server and an Internet
browser in conjunction with the Sunways
414:HTTP Con. Warning: HTTP client connection has
failed (414).
423:CAN Init Warning: CAN initialisation error (423). CAN bus initialisation fault during device
424:NTP failed Time synchronisation with the NTP server Firewall port 123 is blocked.
has failed.
·· Select alternative time server
5 Operation
Service fault
9xx: Service A service fault has occurred. ·· Disconnect the Solar Inverter from
fault the grid and from the solar generator
9xx: Service and reconnect it.
If the error occurs again, please contact
the Technical Hotline. The phone number
is provided on the back of the manual.
6 System monitoring 6.2 Integrated data logger
Energy yields
Number Value
The Solar Inverter is unable to send e-mails via a 2000 5-minute yield
direct connection. Portal connection and active 800 Daily yield
alerting is therefore not possible. 800 Weekly yield
250 Monthly yield
·· Connection via the Internet, e.g. connection of 20 Annual yield
the Solar Inverter to a DSL connection
6 System monitoring
Slave Master
Max. Ethernet connection:
100 m
6 System monitoring
6.4 Network settings on Solar Inverter 4. Enter an IP address suitable for use with your PC.
This means the first three number blocks must be
identical, and the last number block different.
1. Open the menu «Settings – Login». 6. Enter the subnet mask
2. Enter the default password (******** = 8 times 7. Enter the IP address of your PC in the gateway.
star key) or your chosen password.
8. Confirm with .
For example:
You choose “Solar” as your password. This password
has 5 characters. The system therefore then auto-
matically adds three “*” symbols, meaning that your
password becomes “Solar***”.
6 System monitoring
6.5 Network settings on the PC 5. Select «Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)» and click
«Properties» again.
To enable your PC to communicate with the Solar
Inverter certain network settings are required.
The procedure differs slightly depending on the
operating system. A configuration example for
Windows® XP is shown below..
6 System monitoring
8. In the «Status» menu item you can check the After the network configuration is completed you
correctness of your entries and the status of your can start the Sunways Browser by entering the IP
connection address of the Solar Inverter in the address line of
your web browser.
6 System monitoring
Slave Master
If a DHCP server is present in your network, you can
activate DHCP on the Solar Inverter. In this case the
Solar Inverter obtains the network settings automat-
ically. You can display the assigned IP address via the
LCD display (menu «Settings – Network – Ethernet»)
Without DHCP
If there is no DHCP server in your network, you must
set an unused IP address on the PT Solar Inverter
(see section Solar Inverter network setting settings).
6 System monitoring
6.7 Access via DSL router 6.8 Connection via the Sunways Modem
If a DSL connection or a network with Internet A modem connection can be used to bridge longer
access is available you can make the Solar Inverter distances during system monitoring and configura-
accessible via the Internet. tion. Connect the Sunways Modem with the Solar
Inverter. The Sunways Modem is available as an
Requirement: analog, ISDN and GSM type.
Your DSL modem or Internet router supports static
IP address services, e.g. ISDN – ISDN
Your router supports port forwarding. analog – analog
analog – GSM
1. Connect your Solar Inverter with your DSL router. GSM – analog
Use a CAT5 Ethernet cable with 1:1 RJ45 sockets.
The master is connected to the network as
max. 100 m
2. Register free of charge at, for
1. Connect your the Solar Inverter and your PC with
3. Create an alias for accessing your Solar Inverter, a crossed or 1:1 Ethernet connection cable, type
e.g. You can then access CAT5 with RJ45 sockets.
your Solar Inverter via this address.
6. Also note that the port for access from the Inter-
net set in your firewall must be enabled.
The following modem combinations are permitted:
analog – analog
analog – GSM
Instructions for configuring common DSL routers GSM – analog
are available for download from the Sunways AG GSM – GSM
6 System monitoring
1. Run the wizard for a new connection via Start –
1 4 Settings – Network Connections.
6 System monitoring
4. A list of installed modems appears. Select the When entering the telephone number, you may
required modem and click «Next». have to include one or more digits to connect
to an outside line. (An outside line is usually
obtained by placing a «0» before the actual tel-
ephone number).
Click «Next».
6 System monitoring
6 System monitoring
6 System monitoring
Home – Displays the start page This function can be accessed via Settings – Date/
Time. If you have selected the correct time zone and
an Internet connection is available, you can auto-
Solar Inverter – Displays the instantaneous matically synchronise the time of the Solar Inverter
values, stored operating data, Solar Inverter with a time server with the NTP button.
Alternatively you can transfer the PC time to the
Solar System – Displays a system overview Solar Inverter.
with status, total output, yields and access
to slaves (only available if the device is con-
nected with the master).
Language selection
Software update
6 System monitoring
2. The upper screen section shows the current 6.11 Internet dial-up via modem
software versions. If a new version is available
on our website (, you can Modem settings
download the file and load it via the Sunways
Browser. Select the file on your hard disk via the If you use a modem to connect to the Internet, the
«Browse...» button and confirm with OK. modem must be set up via the Sunways Browser.
First establish a connection between your PC and
3. Then select the software you want to update the Solar Inverter (see section Direct Ethernet con-
(communication software, control software or nection). Enter the following settings via «Settings
monitoring software) – Modem» in your web browser:
Modem type
Select the modem type:
analog, ISDN or GSM
Provider login
User name defined by your Internet provider
Provider password
Password defined by your Internet provider
6 System monitoring
You can reach the Solar Inverter by entering this IP
address in your web browser. The address is set to by default.
MSN for the modem extension (ISDN modem). This
is usually the extension number of without the area
Function buttons
Via «SMTP Test» you can send a test e-mail to the
e-mail address stored for active alerting.
·· Before conducting the modem test, the settings
must be stored in the Solar Inverter by clicking
6 System monitoring
General information The alerting settings can be accessed with the but-
ton «Settings – System Monitoring» in the «Active
With active alerting you can receive status mes- Alerting» section».
sages (errors and warnings) for your solar system
by e-mail. If a status message was active for longer
than 15 minutes or occurred 5 times in one day, you
will receive an e-mail at the next full hour under the
e-mail address stored in the Solar Inverter.
·· The master must be connected to the Internet via
a network or modem.
Function buttons
Click «Send» to save the settings in the Solar
6 System monitoring
Portal connection
The master sends the status messages of all Solar Activation or deactivation of the portal connection.
Inverters if they are CAN-networked.
Portal address
Requirements: Preset for the Sunways Portal
·· The master must be connected to the Internet via
a network or modem. Mailbox file
Preset for the Sunways Portal
·· Correct Email settings must be stored in the Sun-
ways Browser (see «Email settings») System ID
System ID assigned by the portal. This is generated
·· Correct portal settings must be stored in the automatically after portal activation and sent to the
Sunways Browser. Solar Inverter. It can take up to 4 minutes before the
Solar Inverter displays the system ID.
Portal Email
Preset for the Sunways Portal. Alternatively you can
enter a different address if you wish to analyse the
operating data yourself.
6 System monitoring
Email interval
Select the e-mail interval. If you operate the system
on a DSL modem, you can set a short interval. If you
use a modem connection, select a longer interval
(e.g. daily) to avoid excessive telephone charges.
User Email
Enter an e-mail address for the confirmation e-mail
sent by the portal. It contains a link for activating
your system in the Sunways Portal.
User SMS
As an option you can specify an SMS number to
which an SMS message is sent after your system is
successfully set up in the portal.
Function buttons
With «Portal Test» you can test the portal connec-
tion. You receive an e-mail at the address specified
under «User e-mail» and an SMS if you have entered
your mobile phone number under «User SMS».
7 Maintenance 7.2 Servicing interval
7.1 Servicing schedule The Solar Inverter of the PT series must be serviced
Regular maintenance is required in order to ensure
sound operation of the Solar Inverter. Maintenance The first service should be carried out no later than
must be carried out according to the commissioning 12 months after commissioning.
and maintenance protocol from Sunways AG.
The following maintenance tasks should be carried
out once per calendar year.
7 Maintenance
1. Check the open circuit voltage for each string. 8. Manual current and voltage measurements with
multimeter and current probe for all strings.
2. Check the short circuit current for each string.
9. Insulation measurements for the individual
3. Measure the DC voltage strings.
5. Connection test
8 Appendix
Article no.
DC Input
AC output
8 Appendix
DC switch integrated
Grid-connection fuse layout 3 x 63 A (16 mm²)
Data interfaces Ethernet, CAN, voltageless alarm relay, S0 pulse
output, modem
Sensor interfaces irradiation, temperature
Display LCD, backlit, 128 x 64 pixels
Plant supervision active alarm via e-mail, Sunways Browser,
Sunways Portal
Power supply unit protected on PCB T2A/250 V
IP degree of protection according to IEC 60529 IP 42 / IP 54 (optional)
Max. relative humidity 95%
Cooling active cooling with fan
Ambient temperature -20°C...40°C (at full load)
Overload behaviour working point adjustment
Dimensions (height x width x depth) 100 x 60 x 40 cm
weight 155 kg
Type of installation standing installation
Noise development ca. 72 dB(A)
Standard warranty (option) 5 years (with maintenance contract: up to 20 years)
Certificates CE, DIN VDE 0126-1-1
8 Appendix
33 kW
32 kW 500 V – IP54
31 kW 700 V – IP54
AC output power (kW)
850 V – IP54
30 kW
500 V – IP42
29 kW 700 V – IP42
28 kW 850 V – IP42
27 kW
26 kW
25 kW
24 kW
23 kW
36°C 38°C 40°C 42°C 44°C 46°C 48°C 50°C
ambient temperature (°C)
8 Appendix
Installation method A2 - - 63 A
·· Installation in thermally
insulated walls
·· Multi-core or sheathed
·· Electrical conduits or ducts
·· Direct installation
Installation method B2 - 63 A 80 A
·· Installation in electri-
cal conduits or enclosed
electrical service ducts on
or in walls, or in ducts for
underfloor installation
·· Multi-core or sheathed
8 Appendix
·· Direct installation on or
in walls/slabs or in cable
·· Multi-core or sheathed
8 Appendix
Registered trademarks
The Sunways logo is a registered trademark of Sun-
ways AG, Konstanz.
HERIC® is a registered trademark of Fraunhofer
Gesellschaft, Munich.
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Sunways AG
Photovoltaic Technology
Macairestraße 3 - 5
78467 Konstanz
Phone +49 (0)7531 996 77-0
Fax +49 (0)7531 996 77-444
email [email protected]
Technical Hotline
Germany: +49 (0)7531 996 77-577
Spain: +34 93 665 20-40