Astm-A706-A706m-09b Low Alloy Steel PDF

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The key takeaways are that this specification covers low-alloy steel bars for concrete reinforcement and describes the mechanical properties, chemical composition, sizes, packaging and other requirements for these bars.

The scope indicates that this specification covers deformed and plain low-alloy steel bars in cut lengths or coils for concrete reinforcement. It describes the sizes, grades, mechanical properties and other aspects covered.

The specification covers two minimum yield strength levels - Grade 60 (420 MPa) and Grade 80 (550 MPa).

Designatio n: ArailAr06M - oeb


Standard $pecification for

Low-Alloy steer Deformed and Frain Bars
Reinforcernentl for concrete
'Ilris standard is issued
unrler.the fixed designatlon A706/A706[
or originar adoption oi ;o.,r,"'"0*" or revision,
,'" ,*, "i,;-f""l'lliiil,"J,##:f il1.J*:i:T1l1ffiiJil?T:'"",Tii:*ilfiJ"T:
A sulrerscript epsilon (e) i'dicates an editoriar
change sincl the last re'ision'r.reapproval.
This sttnrlard has been apprcted.for
ut;e b1, rryerrcies of tlrc Deparnn1tt
of Defense.

1. Scope*
1.6 This specification is
1.1 General-This specification covers deformed .
inch-poul^d_units (Specilication elOO;
.rpplicable fbr orders in either
ancl plain or in Sf units [Specifi_
low-alloy steel bars in cut rengths or coils for cation A706Ml.
reinfbrcement intended for applicitions where 1.7 The values stated in either inch_pound
restrictive rxe_ units or SI units
chanical properties and chemical composition are to be r.egarded as standard. Within tire
are required for text, ilre SI units are
compatibility with controllecl tensile pr:operty applicatlons shown in brackets. The values stated in
or to ,yrr** are not
_w_eldability. The standard "sizes and clirnensions oi exact eqnirralents; therefore, each system "u"h
must be used incle-
deformed bars and their number designations pendently of the other. Combining values
'Ibble 1. The text of arc given in from the two systems
this specificatiorireferences notes and may lesult in nonconfbrmance with this specification.
footnotes that provide explanatory material. These 1.8 Tltis statxderd does not purport ta address
notes and alt of tlze
footnotes, excluding those in tabljs, shall not be sctfety concerns, if any, ass,ociatecl with
consiclered as it,c use. It is the
lequirements of this speciflcation. rc,sportsibility of the user of tltis stanclarcl to
1.2 Grade-Bars are of two mjnimum yield strength establislz appro-
levels: priate safety and, health practi.ces a,nd cleterm.irr,e
namely, 60 000 psi [420Mpa] and g0 000 the ap iica_
15501, clesignated as bi.lity of regulaturv lirnitations prior to Ltse.
Grade 60 1420) and Grade g0 [550], respectively.
2. I{eferenced l)ocuments
. l*nars designarecl as Gracle g0 t5501, which were inrroduced in
2.1 ASTM
the A706/A706M * 09a revision, may be outside Sta,ndatd,s:2
consicteration of consen_
sus design codes and specifications, A6/A6M Specification for General Requiremenrs ibr
1.3 Plain bars, in sizes up to ancl including2%in. Strucfural Steel Bars, plates, Shapes, anci Sheet piling
|63.5 mml ,4370 'lbsr Merhocls and Delinitioni for.Mechanical .lesiing
in diameter in coils or cut lengths, wheri ordered,
shall be
fumished under this specification. For ductility proper.ties of Steel pr.oducts
(elongation and bending), test provisions of the A5l0 Specificarion fbr Ceneral Reqniren:ents tbr Wire
nearest smaller
nominal diameter defonned bar size shall apply, Rods and Coarse Rouncl Wire, Carbon Steel
7.4 contrutlled knsile properties-This specification A510lvI Specification frir General Requirements ibr
lirnits Wire
mechanical properties (?rble 2) to pr:ovide ihe desirecl Rocls and Coarse Rouncl \Vire, Car.hon Sreel (Merric)
yield/ A6-15/,4615M Specificarion for Deformecl
tensile properties for controllecl tensile propefty applications. and .Flain
1.5 Welding-This specification limits inemcai composi_ Carbor:-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
tion (6.2) and carbon equivalent (6.4) to enhance the weldabil_ .4700 Practices for packaging, Marking, and Loac.ling
ity of the material. When steel is to be welded, a welding ods fbl Steel products for Shipment
procedure sriitable for the chemical composition A75'l Test Methocls, pr.actjces, anct Ter:minology ibr: Cherni_
and intended
use 0r service should be used. The use o1 the ratest cal Analysis of Steel proclucts
ecrition of F29 Practice irrr Using Signi{icanr Digits ir: Tesr Data
AW,S DI.4/D1.4fo{ is recomrnendecl. This docunent to
describes De lenniir e Confonnarnce with S peci l,i ctiti
the proper selection of the filler metals, preheat/intetpass ons
temporatures, as weli as, perfornance 2.2 AWS Skuulard:3
and proceclure qulin_
cation reqnirements. AWS Di.4/D1.4M Strucrural Welding Code_Reinforcing

specilication is un<icr rhc jurisdiorion of ASTM commirree
A0r on slcer, 2For r.cfclenccd
stainless Steel and Related Alroys ancr is the di.ect responsibility ASTM srandartjs, visit the ASTM rvcbsite, www.asrm.or€,
of subcommittec or
cortact ASTM Custorrer service at se'[email protected]
A0l.()5 on Stet'l Reinlbr.ccmenr. . Fo, Arrnuar llook o7 a37'nl
S.tandatds volumc infonnation, rcfcr to the standard,slfocumctrt
Cunent edition approvecl Nov. 15, 2009. publishecl December Snmma.y page on
2009, Originally fhc ASTM wcbsite.
in 1974. Last prel,ious edition appr.ovecl in 2009 as A706/A106M_09a. 3
DOI: Available American Wclding Society (AWS),
10. I 520/40706-A0706M-098. .550 NW LcJeune Rd.,
lr4iarni, FL 33 1 26, htp://

*A surnmary of changes section

appears at trre entr of this standard.
copyright oASTM lnternational' 100 Barr Harbour Dr' P.o box c70o west conshohocken, pennsyrvania
r9428.2959, united states
,{$}p nzoonToom - oeb
TABLE 1 Deformed Bar Designation Numbers; Nominal Weights [Masses], Nominal Dimensions, and Deformation Requirements
Bar Nominal DimensionsA DeJormation Requirements, in. [mm]
Nominal Weight, Ib/lt
nation lNominal Mass, Diameter, Cross-Sectional Area Perimeter, Maximum Average Maximum Gap
Minimum Average
No. in. [mm] in.2[mm2] in. [mm] Spacing Height
(Chord of 12.5o/o ol
Nominal Perimeter)
3 [10] 0,376 0.5601 0.s75 [ e.5] 0.11 711 1.178 to ol 0.262 | 0.01s 0.143
6.71 [0.38] [ 3.6]
t13l 0.668 0.9941 0.500 [12.7] 0.20 2el 1.571 39.91 0.350 [ 8.e] 0.020 0,191
5 1.043 1.s521 0.625
[0.51] [ 4.e]
116l [15.9] 0.31 1.963 49.91 0.437 [11.1] 0,028 [0.71] 0.239 [ 6.'r]
6' ll el 1.502 2.2351 0.750 [19.1] 0.44 2841 2.356 5e.81 0.525 0.038 0.286
7 2.044 3.0421 0.875
[13.3] [0.e7] [ 7.3]
122) 122.21 U,OU 3B7l 2.749 6e.Bl 0.612 0.044 .] 2l 0.334
B 2.670 3.9731 1.000
[15.5] [1 [ 8.5]
[25] [25.4] 0;79 51 0l 3.142 79.81 0.700 0.050 0,383
e 3.400 5,0601 1.128 pe.7l
[17.8] [1,27] I 9,71
t2el 1.00 6451 3.544 90.01 0.790 [20.1] 0.056 [1.42] 0.431 [10.9]
10 [32] 4.303 6.4041 1.270 132.3) 1.27 81 9l 3.990 t101.31 0.889 [22.6] 0.064 0.487
[1.63] 112.41
11 [36] 5.313 7.9071 1.410 [35.8] LCO 1 0061 4.430 [112.5] 0.e87 [25.1] 0.071 0,540
11,B0l [13.7]
14 t431 7.65 111 .3Bl 1.6e3 [43.0] 2.25 14521 5.32 [1 35.1 ] 1.r85 [30.1] 0,085 0.648
1a lR7) [2.16] [16.5]
13.60 [20.24] 2.257 157.31 4.00 [2581] 7.09 [1 80.1 ] 1.58 [40.1] 0.102 [2.59] 0.864 [21.9]
The nominal dimensions of a deformed bar are equivalent to those ol a plain round bar having the same weight
lmass] per foot lmetre] as the deformed bar.

TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements 4,1,3 Size,

Grade 60 [420] Grade 80 15501 4.1.4 Grade,
Tensile strength, min, psi [MPa] B0 000 [5s0]A '100000 [690]4 4.1.5 Cut lengtlrs or coils,
Yield strength, min, psi [MPa] 60 000 14201 80 000 15501 4.1.6 Defonned or plain,
Yield strength, max, psi [MPa] 78 000 [540] 98 000 [675]
Elongation in in. [200 mm], min, % 4.1.7 Packaging (see Section 1'l),and
Bar Designation Nos. 4.1,8 ASTM designation and year of issue.
3,4,5,6 110, 1s, 16, 191 14 12
7,8,9, 10, 11 t22,25,29,32,361 12 12
5. Material and Manufacture
14, 18 [43,57] 10 10
5.1 The bars shall be processed from properly identified
^ Tensile strength shall not be less than 1.25 times the actual yield strength.
heats of mold-cast or strand-cast steel.
5.2 The steel shall be made by one of the following
2.3 Government Standurd:a processes: electric-furnace, basic-oxygen, or open-heiuth.
h{IL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
2.4 Ll.S. Federal Standard:a
.123 6. Chemical Composition
Fed. Std. No. Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies) 6.1 The chemical analysis of each heat shall be determined
in accordance with Test Methods A751. The manufacturcr sha1l
3. Terminology
make the anaiysis on test samples taken preferabiy during the
3.1 Defnitions of Terms Specific to Tltis Standard: pouring of the heat. The percentages of carbon, manganese,
3,1 ,1 deforntations, r?-transverse protrusions on a de, phosphorus, sulfur, siiicon, copper, nickel, chronium, molyb-
forrned bar. denum, and vanadiurn shall be determined.
3.1;2 deformed ba.r, rz-steel bar with protrusions; a bar 6.2 The chemjcal composition as shown by heat analysis
that is intended for use as reinforcement in reinforced concrete shall be limited by the following:
and related construction.
Element max,7o
3.1.2.I Discussion-The surface of the bar is provided with
lugs or protrLrsions that inhibit longitudinal movement of the Carbon 0,30
bau relative to the conclete suroundilrg the bar in such
construction, The lugs or protrusions conform to the provisions Sulfur 0.045
of this specification. Sillcon 0.50
3.1 ,3 plain bar, n-steel bar without protrusions. 6.3 Choice and use of alloying elements, combined with
3.7.4 rib,n-longitudinal protrusiolls on a deformed bar. calbon, phosphorus, and sulfur to produce the mechanical
properties prescribed in Thble 2 and Thble 3, shall be made by
4. Ordering Infornation the manufacturer. Elements commonly used include manga-
4.1 It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to specify nese, silicon, copper, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vana-
all requirements that are liecessary for material ordered to this dium, columbium, titanium, ancl zirconium.
specification. Srich requirements shall include, but are not
limited to, the following:
4.1.1 Quantity (weight) [mass], TABLE 3 Bend Test Requirements
4.1.2 Name of material (low-alioy steel deformed and plain Bar Designation No.
Pin Diameter for 1B0o Bend Tests
bars for concrete reinfbrcement). Grade 60 [420] Grade 80 [550]
3,4,5 110, 13,16j 3dA 31/z dA
6,7,8 119,22,251 4d 5d
'' Available tiom Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4, 9, 10, 11 [29, s2,36] 6d 7d
Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, htrp:// 14, 18 143,571 Bd 9d, 4 d= nominal diameter of specimen.
,{$fp nzooraTooM - oeb
6.4 The heat analysis shall be such as to provide
a carbon determinations on each lot (see Note
equivalent (C.E.) not exceeding 0.55 Vo as caiculated 2) testecl that typical
by the deformation height, gap, ol. spacing do not conform
foilowing formula: to the
lilimum rcquirements prescribed in Section 7, No lejection
\,.8. :_o"/a n
VoMn , VoCtt , VcNi . VoCr VoMo Vay
rE r *, *T_ * *?0* + *zo* * _i0* * *30* _ *i0- shall be made on the basis of measurcments
if fewer than ten
adjacent on each side of the
bar are measured.
6.5 P ro duct ( C he c k ) Ve rific: at i on Ana ly s i s_ A procluct No're 2-As
usecl rvithin the intent of 8.3, the term ,,lot,,
shall mean all
check the bars of one bar size and pattem of deforrnaiions
analysis made by the purchaser shall noi exceed-the contarned in an
followinj lndividual shipping r.elease or shipping order..
max, ok 9. Mechanical Requirements
0.33 o/o
9.I Tensile propertie.r:
Manganese 0/. 9.1.1 The material, as represented by the test
1 .56
Phosphorus specimens,
0.043 y" shall confolm to the requirernents for tensile propefties
0.053 % prc-
Silicon scribed in 't'irble z' The yiercl srrengrh or yield polnt
0.55 % shali be
deternrined by one of the fbllowinfmethods:
7. Requirements for Def'ormations 9.1.I.1 Offset method, (0.2Vo oftser) as descr.ibed in
7,1 Defo'matioiis shail be spacecr arong the bar at substan- Methods and De{initions A370. A second tensile
test result
tially uniform distances. The defbrmationJon opposite sides shall also be required. In aclcJjtion, the stress corresponcling
of to
the bar shall be similar in size, shape, and pattern. a tensile strain of 0.0035 shall be a minimum of
OO OttO"psi
7.2 The defo''arions shall be plaied witri respect to the axis 1420 MPal for Grade 60 {4201ancl a rninimum of g0000 psi
of the bar so that the incluclecl angle .is not less than 45o. 1550 MPal for Grade S0 1550]. The value of stress corespond_
the li'e of deformations forms an includecl angle witrr the axis ing to a tensile strain of 0.0035 shalt be reportecl in the
of the bar from 45 to 70", inclusive, th" d"ior*utions shail reporr (13.t.3).
reverse alternately in direction on each side, or those 9..I.1.2 By the drop of the beam or hait in the gage
on one of the
side shall be reversed in direction from those on the tensile testing machine, where the steel tested his
opposite a sharp-
side. Where the line of deformation is over 70., a revercal knee<j or well-defined rype of yield poJnr,
directiori shall not be recruired. The percentage of elongation shall be as prescribed
1.3 The average spacing or djstance between deformations _? I ? in
Tahle 2.
on each side of the bar shall not exceecl 1,/to of the nominal 9.2 Bending properties:
diameter of the bar.. 9.2.1 The bend test specimen shall withstand being
7,4 The overall length of deformations shall be such that the bent
around a pi' without cracki'g on the outsicle radius
gap (measured as a chord) between the ends of the of the be't
deforma_ portion. The requirements for degree of bending and
sizes of
tions shall not exceed IZ.5 Vo of the nominal pedmeter of pins are prescribed in 'Iirble :. when mater.iar is f'u'rished
the in
bar. where the ends terminete in a rib, the widtir of the coils, the test specimen shall be straightened pdor to ptaclng
rib shalr ii
be considered as the gap between these encls. The summation in the bend tester.
o.f the gaps shall not exceed 25 Vo of the nominal perimeter 9 .2,2 The bend test shall be made on
of specimens of sufficient
the bar'. The nominar perimeter of the bar shall be i.14t6 ti,nes iength to ensure fiee bending and with uppuruto, that provides:
the noniinal diameter. 9,2.2.1 Continuous and uniform application of force
7.5 The spacing, treight, and gap of defonnations shall throughout the duration of'the bending operation,
confbrm to the requirements prescribed in f'able l. 9.2.2,2 Unrestricted movement of the ipecirnen at points
contact with the apparatus ancl bending around a pin
8. Measurements of Deforrnations free to
8,1 The avemge spacing of deformations shall be deter Close wrapping of the specimen around the pin
yiled by measuring the length of a minimum of i0 spaces and .9..2.2.?
during the bending operation.
dividing that le'gth by the number of spaces includecl in the 9,3 Test Specbnens:
measurement. The rneasurement shall begin a point 9.3.1 The tension test specimens shall be the full section
on a
deformation at the beginning of the first space to a conesponcl- of
the bar as rolled. Trre unit stress dete'mi'ation shall be
ing point on a deformation after the last inclucled ipace. based
on the nominal bar area.
Spacing measulements shall not be made over a bar area
9.3.2 The bend test specimens shall be the f'ull section of the
containing biu narking symbols involving letters ol nnmbers. bar as rolled.
8.2 The average height of defbrmations shall be determined 9.3,3 Wherr material is fur:nished in coils, the test specimen
from measurements made on not less than two typical ctefbr_ shall be taken from the coil and straightened priol to placing
mations, Determinations shail be based on three measuremeuts it
in the jaws oJ the tensile machjne. Straightening oi rhe iest
per defon,ation, one at the center of the overall length
a'd the specimen shall be done calefully to avoicl formation of local
other two at the quailer points of the overall lensth. slrarp bends and to minimize cold work. (See irlolc
8.3 Insufficient height, insufficient circumfer6ntial 3.)
age, ot excessive spacing of deformations shail not constitute ,9:3.3.1 Test specimens taken post_fabricated material
shall not be used to determine conformance to this specifica_
cause fbr rejection unless it has been clearly established
by I10n.
,{$}p azoonzoorll - oeb
Nore 3-Tnsufricient straigrrtening prior to aitaclring the extensometer
can resnlt in lower-tha'-actuai yicld strength readi'gs. Murtiple
12,3.2 If a bend test fails for reasons other than mechanical
bencring reasons or flaws in the specimen as described in .l2.3.4.2
distorlion fron mechanioal straightening ancl fhbricating machines and
lead to excessive cold work, r:esulting in lrigher. yield Jtrengths,, a retest shall be permitted on two r.anciom
loiver specimens
elongation valnes, and a loss of deformation heiglri. from the same lot. Both retest specimens shall irieet the
requirements of this speciflcation. The retest shall be per_
10. Permissible Variation in Weight fMass] fgnned on tesf specimens that are at air temperature but not
10.1 Deformed reinforcing bars shall be evaluated on the than 60'F 116'Cl.
basis of nominal weight lmassl. The weight 12.3.3 11 a weight [rnass] test fails for reasons other than
[mass] detennined
using the measured weight [mass] of the test specimen and flaws in the specimen as described in 12.3.4,3, a retest
shall be
rounding in accordance wjth practice il2!1, shafi be at least pendtted on two random specimens from the same lot, Both
94 Vo of the applicable weight fmass] per unit length prescribed retest specimens shall meet the requirements of this specifica_
in Tahle 1. In no case shall overweight [excess maisl of any non.
deformed bar be cause for reiection. L2.3.4 If the original
test or any of the random retests f'ails
10.2 Weight [mass] variation for plain bar.s shall be com_ because of any reasons listeci in t2.3.4.-l ,,or,
puted on the basis of pennissible vadation in diarneter. For the test shall be consiclered an invalid test:
plain bars smaller than 3/s in. l'9.5 mml in diarneter, use The elongation property of any tension test speci_
Specification A5 I 0 [Specification A5 I 0M]. For larger bars up men is less than that specified, and any part of the fracture is
to and includingZVz in. [63.5 mm] in diameter, use Specifica- outside the middle half of the gage length, as indicatecl by
tion A6lA61Vi scdbe marks on the specimen before testing;
NorE_6*Marking specimens rvith muitiple scribe or.punch marks can
11. Finish reduce the occuffence of rracture outside ol near tl'lese lnalts
and the need
I 1.1 The bals shall be free of detrimental surface imoerfec_ for declaling the test invalid.
tions. Mechanical r.easons such as failur.e of testinE
1L2 Rust, seiims, surface in.egulzuities, or mill scale shall ec;uipment ol irnproper specimen preparation; and
not be cause for rejection, provicled the weight, dimensions, ) Flaws are detected in a test specimen, either before
cross-sectional area, and tensile properties of a hand wire or during the performance of tlle test.
brushed test specimen are not less than the requirements of this 12.3.5 The original results from sections, 12,3.4.2,
specification. or shall be discarded and the test shall be repeated on
ll.3 Surface imperfections or flaws other than those sneci_ a new specimen from the sane lot.
fied in ll.2 shall be consjdered detrimental when specimeus
containing such imperfections fail to conform to either tensile 13. Test Reports
or bending requirements. Examples include, but are not limited
to, laps, seams, scabs, slivers, cooling or casling cracks, ancl - 13..1 The following infonlation shall be reported on a per
heat basis. Report additional items as requested or desired.
nill or guide marks. 13.1.1 Chemical analysis including carbon, tranganese,
Norri 4-Deformed reinforcing bars intencled for epoxy coating appli_ phosphorous, sulfur, silicon, copper, nickel, chromium, inolvb_
cations sho'ld have surfaces with a nrinimurn of sharp edgcs to achicve denrrm, and vanadiurn.
proper coverage. Particular attentioll should be given to bal marks and 13.1.2 Carbon equivalent in accordance with 6.4.
defonnations where coating difficulties are prone to occul.. 13.1.3 Tensile properties.
Norn 5*Deformed reinfbrcing bars destined to be mechanicallv_ 13.1.4 Bend test.
spliced or butt-welded nray require a certain degree of roundness in order 13.2 A Material Test Report, Certificate of Inspection, or
for the splices to adequately achieve strength requirernents.
similar document printed from or used in electronic form
an eiectronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall be
12. Number of Tests and Retests
regarded as having the same validity as a counteq)art printed in
12.1 All mechanical tests shall be conducted in accorclance the certifier's facility. The content of the EDI trinsrnirted
rvith Test Metliods and Definitions A370 iricluding Annex ,{9. document must meet the lequirements of the invoked ASTM
12.2 Number of Tests-Otte tension test, one bend test, and standard(s) and conform to any EDI agleement between the
one set of dimensional property tests including bar weight purchaser and the supplier. Notwithstancling the absence of a
lnassl and spacing, height, and gap of defonnations shall be signature, the organization submitting the EDI transrnission is
made of each bar size rolled from a heat. responsible for the contsnli of the report.
72.3 Retests:
12.3.I If the results of an original tension specimen fail to Nore 7-The industry definition invoked hete is: EDI is the coniputer
to computer exchange of business infor:nation i' a standartl lbr.rnat such
meet the specified minimum requirements and are within 2000
as ANSI ASC Xl2.
It+ MPal of the required tensile strength, wirhin j000 psi
[7 of the required yield strength, or within two percent- 14. Inspection
age units of the required elongation, a retest shall be pernritted 14.1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
on two random specimens for each original tension specimen free entry, at all times whiie work on the contract of the
failure from the lot. Both retest specimens shall meet the purchaser is being, to all parts of the manufactuler's
requirements of this specification. works that conceln the manufacture of the material ordered,
.{$fp nzoonzooM - oeb
'he manufacturer shail afford the
inspector ail reasonable by a distinguishing set of rnarks legibly rollecl onto the
acilities to satisfy the inspector that ihe naterial is surface
being of one side of the bar to denote in tne fottowing order:
urnished in accordance with this specification. All tesi 16.3.I Point of Origin-Letter 01. syrnbol established
except product (check) analysis) ancl inspection shall as the
be made manufacturer's mill designation.
t the place of manuf'acture pdor to shipment, unless otherwise
16:3.2 Size Designation*Arabic number corresponding
pecified, ar:d shall be so conducted so as not to
bar designation nurnber of Tablqr l.
nnecessarily with the operation of the works.
16.3.3 Tlpe of Steel-Letter W indicating that
74.2 For Govenunent procurement Onty_Except as the bar was
other. prodrced to this specification, or letters t4z ari jndicating
vise specified in.the contract, the contractor shall S that
lhe bT was produced to meet both this specification
be respon*
ible for the perfonnance of all inspection and test ,"quir=- ancl
Specification ,46 I 51461 5M
nents specified herein a'd shall be permitted to use
one's owl' 16.3,4 Mhdrnumyiel.rJ Strcngth Designatiort_For
rr any other suitable facilities fbr the perfbrmance Grade 60
of the [420] bars,.the marking shall be either ihe number 60
nspection and test requirenrents specified herein, unless [4] or a
cfis_ single contiruous longitudinal line through at least live
pproved by the purchaser at the time spaces
of purchase, The offset from the center of the bar, For Gride g0
rurchaser shall have the right to perform any i5501 bars, the
of ihe inspections marking shall be either the number g0
.nd tests at the sa're fiequency as set forth in this specification [6] or three continuous
longitudinal lines through ar leasr Iive ipices.
vhere such inspections are deemecl necessary to assure
that It shall be permissible to substitute a metdc size bar
naterial conforms to prescribed requirements-
Grade 420 {or the conesponding inch_pound size bar
Grade 60, and a mefiic size bar- of Giacle 550 for the
5. Rejection corresponding inch-pound size bar of Grade g0.
15.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests
nade in accordance with 6.5 shall be reported to the manufac_ 17. Packaging and package Marking
urer within five working days from the receipt of sarrples by 17.1 Packaging, marking, and loading for shipment shall
he purchaser.
in accordance with practices 4700.

17 .2 When specified in the contract or order,

and fbr direct
16. Marking procurement by or direct sliipment to the U.S. Government,
marking for shipment, in addition to lequircments specified
16.1 Wren loaded for mill shipment, bars shall be properly in
the contract or order., shall be in accordance with MIL_STD_
reparated and tagged with the manufacturer's heat oi
t"st 129 tor rnilitary agencies ancl with Fecl. Srd. No. 123 for
dentification number, civil
76.2 Each mannf'acturer shall identify the synrbols of his
narking system. 18. Keywords
16.3 Allbars produced to this specification, except plain 18.1 alloy steel; concrete reinforcement; cleformations (pro_
'ound bars, which shail be tagged for gracle,
shall be ide'iineO trusions); steel bars


committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to

this standard since the last issue
(A'706/A706M -09a) that may irnpact the use of this
stanclarcl. (Approved Nov. 15, 2009,)

1) Revised 9. 1 . l. I .

committee A01 has identifled the location of selectecl changes

to this stanclard since the last issue
(A706/A706M - 09) rhar may irnpacr the use ot this srandarcl, (Apiroveo oct. 1, 2009.)

Added Grade 80 [550] to rhe specificarion. (3) Added t\'iots 1 and 4..j.4, andrenumbered subsequent notes
Revised 1.2, 16.3,16.3.4,l(r.3.], and'Ihbles 2 and 3. and subsections.

committee A01 has identi{ied the location of selected changes to

this standard since the last issue
(A706/A706M-08a) that may irnpact the use of this sranclarct. (Approvecl
May l, 2009.)

(1) Deleted Table Footnote A uncler ]'able I ancl relabeled (2) Revised"Iir6le Z.
subsequent footnotes.
{fp nzoo/A7o6M - oeb

Committee A01 has idenrified the location of selected

(47061A706M- 08) that may irnpacr the use
changes to this standard since the last ts$ue
of this standard. (Approved Ocr. 1, 2009.)
fi\ Revised 9.1.1,1.

committee A01 has identilied the location selected changes to this standard si,ce the last
(4706/A706M - 06a) rhat may impacr the rise of-of
this standard. ffirouro May r, 200g,)

(1) Revised 9,1.1.1,

(2) Added 9.3.3,9.3,3,j, and Nore 3.
AsrM lnternational takes no.positio.n respecting the vatidity.of
any patent ilghts assefted in connection with any *em
in this standad' lJserc of this stanaara are expresZy
iaitii nut addrrinutioi, it *'-
'-"s".1 or any suchpatent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, aro entirely tnii, o*i ,""poiiioitity.
This standard is subiect to ravision at any time by
tho tesponsible technicat committee and must be reviewod
rcvised' either reapproved-or withdrawn' vourto,imiii
if not avery five v6ars and
are invited eitherfor revisbn oi thisstandard orfor additional
and should be addressed to AsrM tntornational Headquarters' stanaards
Your comments wii ieii,iivi carefur consideration at
tesponsible technical committee, which you may attend. you a meeting of tho
make yaur views known to the AsrM iommittee
tf feet that your com*"rii niii rot ,"ceived a fat hea4ng you should
on staniiias, at tneaaareis sii;; ;;;;*.
This standard is copyrighted by
asrM International, 100 Barr Harbat Drive, po Box c700, west conshohocken, pA
u^!I?! oy.ryult.ore iopieq or *is staiaaia iay ii"ooiiir"a
or at 610'832'9585 (phone1, ato"asz-sssb (fax), by contactins ASrM at the apove
(tt!;;f]r',;fl .or servnooa,sth.Zig-7ii"iu; or through the AsrM website
Pemission risits to'photocopv ni may atso ae seciiiea'tim rhe AsrM websle (wwwastm.ofs/

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