Astm-A706-A706m-09b Low Alloy Steel PDF
Astm-A706-A706m-09b Low Alloy Steel PDF
Astm-A706-A706m-09b Low Alloy Steel PDF
1. Scope*
1.6 This specification is
1.1 General-This specification covers deformed .
inch-poul^d_units (Specilication elOO;
.rpplicable fbr orders in either
ancl plain or in Sf units [Specifi_
low-alloy steel bars in cut rengths or coils for cation A706Ml.
reinfbrcement intended for applicitions where 1.7 The values stated in either inch_pound
restrictive rxe_ units or SI units
chanical properties and chemical composition are to be r.egarded as standard. Within tire
are required for text, ilre SI units are
compatibility with controllecl tensile pr:operty applicatlons shown in brackets. The values stated in
or to ,yrr** are not
_w_eldability. The standard "sizes and clirnensions oi exact eqnirralents; therefore, each system "u"h
must be used incle-
deformed bars and their number designations pendently of the other. Combining values
'Ibble 1. The text of arc given in from the two systems
this specificatiorireferences notes and may lesult in nonconfbrmance with this specification.
footnotes that provide explanatory material. These 1.8 Tltis statxderd does not purport ta address
notes and alt of tlze
footnotes, excluding those in tabljs, shall not be sctfety concerns, if any, ass,ociatecl with
consiclered as it,c use. It is the
lequirements of this speciflcation. rc,sportsibility of the user of tltis stanclarcl to
1.2 Grade-Bars are of two mjnimum yield strength establislz appro-
levels: priate safety and, health practi.ces a,nd cleterm.irr,e
namely, 60 000 psi [420Mpa] and g0 000 the ap iica_
15501, clesignated as bi.lity of regulaturv lirnitations prior to Ltse.
Grade 60 1420) and Grade g0 [550], respectively.
2. I{eferenced l)ocuments
. l*nars designarecl as Gracle g0 t5501, which were inrroduced in
2.1 ASTM
the A706/A706M * 09a revision, may be outside Sta,ndatd,s:2
consicteration of consen_
sus design codes and specifications, A6/A6M Specification for General Requiremenrs ibr
1.3 Plain bars, in sizes up to ancl including2%in. Strucfural Steel Bars, plates, Shapes, anci Sheet piling
|63.5 mml ,4370 'lbsr Merhocls and Delinitioni for.Mechanical .lesiing
in diameter in coils or cut lengths, wheri ordered,
shall be
fumished under this specification. For ductility proper.ties of Steel pr.oducts
(elongation and bending), test provisions of the A5l0 Specificarion fbr Ceneral Reqniren:ents tbr Wire
nearest smaller
nominal diameter defonned bar size shall apply, Rods and Coarse Rouncl Wire, Carbon Steel
7.4 contrutlled knsile properties-This specification A510lvI Specification frir General Requirements ibr
lirnits Wire
mechanical properties (?rble 2) to pr:ovide ihe desirecl Rocls and Coarse Rouncl \Vire, Car.hon Sreel (Merric)
yield/ A6-15/,4615M Specificarion for Deformecl
tensile properties for controllecl tensile propefty applications. and .Flain
1.5 Welding-This specification limits inemcai composi_ Carbor:-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
tion (6.2) and carbon equivalent (6.4) to enhance the weldabil_ .4700 Practices for packaging, Marking, and Loac.ling
ity of the material. When steel is to be welded, a welding ods fbl Steel products for Shipment
procedure sriitable for the chemical composition A75'l Test Methocls, pr.actjces, anct Ter:minology ibr: Cherni_
and intended
use 0r service should be used. The use o1 the ratest cal Analysis of Steel proclucts
ecrition of F29 Practice irrr Using Signi{icanr Digits ir: Tesr Data
AW,S DI.4/D1.4fo{ is recomrnendecl. This docunent to
describes De lenniir e Confonnarnce with S peci l,i ctiti
the proper selection of the filler metals, preheat/intetpass ons
temporatures, as weli as, perfornance 2.2 AWS Skuulard:3
and proceclure qulin_
cation reqnirements. AWS Di.4/D1.4M Strucrural Welding Code_Reinforcing
specilication is un<icr rhc jurisdiorion of ASTM commirree
A0r on slcer, 2For r.cfclenccd
stainless Steel and Related Alroys ancr is the di.ect responsibility ASTM srandartjs, visit the ASTM rvcbsite, www.asrm.or€,
of subcommittec or
cortact ASTM Custorrer service at se'[email protected]
A0l.()5 on Stet'l Reinlbr.ccmenr. . Fo, Arrnuar llook o7 a37'nl
S.tandatds volumc infonnation, rcfcr to the standard,slfocumctrt
Cunent edition approvecl Nov. 15, 2009. publishecl December Snmma.y page on
2009, Originally fhc ASTM wcbsite.
in 1974. Last prel,ious edition appr.ovecl in 2009 as A706/A106M_09a. 3
DOI: Available American Wclding Society (AWS),
10. I 520/40706-A0706M-098. .550 NW LcJeune Rd.,
lr4iarni, FL 33 1 26, htp://
1) Revised 9. 1 . l. I .
Added Grade 80 [550] to rhe specificarion. (3) Added t\'iots 1 and 4..j.4, andrenumbered subsequent notes
Revised 1.2, 16.3,16.3.4,l(r.3.], and'Ihbles 2 and 3. and subsections.
(1) Deleted Table Footnote A uncler ]'able I ancl relabeled (2) Revised"Iir6le Z.
subsequent footnotes.
{fp nzoo/A7o6M - oeb
committee A01 has identilied the location selected changes to this standard si,ce the last
(4706/A706M - 06a) rhat may impacr the rise of-of
this standard. ffirouro May r, 200g,)