Class-6 Army School Holiday Homework
Class-6 Army School Holiday Homework
Class-6 Army School Holiday Homework
Who Did Patrick’s Homework?
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Then one day Patrick found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it
wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a
high tall hat much like a witch’s He yelled ,”Save me !Don’t give me back to that cat .I”grant you a
wish. I promise you that.
i) From which lesson these lines have been taken? Name the author.
ii) Whose cat was playing with a doll?
iii) Why was Patrick surprised?
iv) What was Patrick’s problem?
v) What do you mean by the word ‘britches’?
vi) How did Patrick help the tiny man?
When it came to maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables ?” the elf shrieked.
“We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions ? Here,
sit down beside me you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to
them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter , just got louder. “Go to the library,
I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”
Q.1. In what subjects did the little man need help ?
Q.2. What are the four basic steps in maths ?
Q.3. What did the elf say about history ?
Q.4. What demands did the elf make ?
Q.5. What does the word ‘shrieked’ mean ?
Q.6 Write an application to your Principal requesting him to grant leave. Also mention reason/
Q.7 Your school is planning to held a ‘Tree Planting’ day where the Municipal
Commissioner of your area will be the Chief Guest. As part of the ‘ Enviornment Club’
you have been asked to put up a notice informing students about the event. Write the
notice in about 50 words.
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
What is a house? It’s brick and stone, And wood that’s hard.
Some window glass, and perhaps a yard.
It’s eaves and chimneys and tile floors
And stucoo and roof and lots of doors.
i. What is a house usually made of?
ii. What is the use of windows and doors?
iii. What is eaves?
iv. What purpose do chimneys serve
v. What does the word ‘stucco’ mean?
What is a home ?
It’s loving and family
and doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
and fathers and mothers.
It’s unselfish acts
and kindly sharing
and showing your loved ones
You’re always caring.
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
They walked on and soon saw a herd of cows; but just as they were about to come up to it they
were stopped by a terrible noise. The cows were mooing loudly and running in a panic in all
directions. The Bear looked out from behind a tree, and then he too ran hastily deeper into the
i. Who does “ They” refer to?
ii. Who was the Dog’s new master?
iii. What made the cows moo loudly and run in a panic?
iv. Which animal frightened the Bear and the cows?
v. Pick out a word from the passage that means swiftly.
Q.2 Short answers type questions.
i. Why did the Dog feel the need for a master?
ii. Who did the dog choose next?
iii. Why did Dog serve the Lion for a long time?
iv. Why did the Dog decide to lose his freedom?
v. Who was the Bear afraid of?
vi. What was the Dog’s experience with the Lion?
vii. What sort of life did Dogs live a long time ago?
viii. What major decision did that Dog take?
ix. Why did the Dog say goodbye to the Wolf?
x. Why did the dog decide to serve man ?
xi. Which was the stronger of the two , man or lion ?
xii. Why did a dog once look for a master ? Give two reasons.
A dog , stronger than anyone else ,the strongest of all, a wolf, the bear, afraid of
man, his own master, a lion
This is the story of_____, who used to be_______. He decided to find a master _______.First he
found______,but the wolf was afraid of___. The dog thought the bear was_________. After
some time the dog met______who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time.
One day he realized that the lion was______. To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.
Q.5 You are Kiran, School Captain of Kabir Model School, Rohtak. Write a notice informing
the students about a debate competition to be held on 25th July.
Q.6 You are Abhaya, the Sports Captain of D.A.V. Model School. Write a notice in 50 words for
the school notice board informing the students about the interschool basketball match to be
Q.7 Imagine that you are Rahul Bose. Write a letter to the President of your Resident
Welfare Association complaining about older boys not allowing you to play in the colony
Q.8 Imagine that you are Preeti, a student of class VI H. You were to join your class in
the 5th period in the school auditorium, for rehearsals for the school play. However you
hear the following announcement on the class intercom. Write this message for your
other friends, on the blackboard, as they are not in class. Put the message in a box.
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Q.4 Write a letter to your friend congratulating him for winning the State Level Table Tennis
Q.5 Write a letter to your father informing him about the date when your summer break will
Q.6. As the school librarian frame a notice for the notice-board, informing the students to
return their library books at the earliest, failing which they would be penalized/ fined. Put
the notice in a box.
Q.7 Reading can be a captivating activity.Books can be a person’s best friends. Dwelling
on these ideas and using your own thoughts write a paragraph in 100-120 words on
“Benefits of good reading habits”.
Q.1 Say whether the following sentences are assertive, interrogative, imperative,
Q.4 .Directions: determine whether each noun is common or proper; and singular, plural or
possessive; and concrete or abstract. Write your answers on the appropriate lines.
1. cars ___________________ ___________________
common or proper? singular, plural, or possessive? concrete or abstract?
2. holiday ___________________ ___________________
common or proper? singular, plural, or possessive? concrete or abstract?
Q.6 Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. If there is no need, put a cross mark (✗)
6. ______ Mumbai Queen is an express train which runs from Pune to Mumbai.
11. I ate _______ apple, ______ egg and _______ loaf of bread.
पाठ 1 वह चिचिर्ा जो
प्रश्न-1 चिम्नचिखित प्रश्नोों के उत्तर चिखिए |
कक्षा- 6
पाठ 2 – बिपि
एष: क: ? एष: चषक:| ककम् एष: बृित:? ि एष: िघु:| स: क:? स: सौत्रचक | सौत्रचक: ककं करोत्रत ?
गिा: िृत्र्त्रन्त
ससंिौ गार्त्रत
गार्क: पठत:
बािकौ चित्रन्त
मर्ूरा: गियत:
5 क् +उ + र् +उ + त् + अ: = ----------
प्रश्न 5 ररक्त स्र्ािों की पूर्तय कीत्रिए-
प्रश्न 6 पठ् धातु के िटिकार प्रर्म पुरुष के तीिों िचिों के सभी रूप त्रििो-
प्रश्न – 8 संस्कृ त में ककतिे त्रिङ्ग िोते िैं ? उिके िाम त्रित्रिए |
प्रश्न- 9 संस्कृ त में ककतिे पुरुष िोते िैं ? उिके िाम त्रित्रिए | प्रश्न- 10 संस्कृ त में ककतिे
िचि िोते िैं ? उिके िाम त्रित्रिए |
कार्य पत्रिका 2 (2018-19)
एतौ कौ ? एतौ शुिकौ स्तः| ककम् एतौ गियतः? ि,एतौ उच्चै: बुक्कतः |
6 स् +ऊ + च् + इ + क् + आ = ---------
8 ि् +ई + र्् + आ = ----------
10 म् +अ +र्् + ऊ + र् + अ: = ----------
प्रश्न- 9 भाषा ककसे किते िैं? उसके ककतिे रूप िोते िैं ? प्रश्न- 10 संस्कृ त में ककतिे िचि
िोते िैं ? उिके िाम त्रित्रिए |
कार्य प्रपत्र- 4 (2018-19)
कक्षा 6
( पाठ 4 िाँ द से गप्पें )
प्रश्न 1 चिम्नचिखित प्रश्नोों के उत्तर चिखिए
प्र -क कचव का िाम बताओ।
प्र- ि ििकी चकससे बात कर रही है ?
प्र- ग िाँ द की पोशाक पर क्या जिा है ?
प्र -घ िाँ द के घटिे – बढ् िे का कचवता में क्या कारर् बतार्ा है ?
प्र - ङ िाँ द चकस चदि पूरा गोि होता है ?
प्र -ि िाँ द चकस चदि गार्ब हो जाता है ?
प्र -छ िाँ द का मुँह कैसा है ?
प्र -ज िाँ द अपिी पोशाक कहाँ फैिाए हए हैं ?
प्र- झ ििकी के चविार से िाँ द का मरज़ कैसा है ?
प्रश्न 2 चिम्नचिखित शब्ोों के चविोम चििो –
आदर ,जीवि ,जि ,दर्ािु ,उचित ,आकाश ,डरपोक ,सुि ,अोंधकार आशा
प्रश्न- 3 चिम्नचिखित प्रश्नोों के उत्तर चिखिए |
प्रश्न- क िारोों राजकुमारोों में क्या चवशेरताएँ थीों ?
प्रश्न -ि राजा जिक िे क्या प्रचतज्ञा की थी ?उिकी वह प्रचतज्ञा कैसे पूरी हई ?
प्रश्न- ग राजा दशरथ राम को ही क्योों र्ुवराज बिािा िाहते थे ?
ii) The earth moving in its orbit shows ________________ as well as _________ motion.
v) 1 m =___________cm.
Q1.Name the types of motion in which a body moves along a straight path.
Q13. Why is handspan not used to measure the length of any object?
Q15. State two precautions to be observed while measuring length with the help
of a metre scale.
1. Transparent materials
2. Opaque material
3. Lustre
4. Miscible
13. Omnivores
14. Chlorophyll
2. 2.Describe two ways in which you think the life of the kings would have been different from
those of farmers
3. List one major difference in between manuscripts and inscriptions.
4. Who are archaeologists? What do they do?
5. What were the subjects on which books were written in the past ? Which of
these would you like to read?
(1) Sheep (2) Goat (3) Cattle (4) Dog (5) Buffalo (6) Ox
II Define
a. Data :-
b. Information :-
c. Pen Drive :-
d. Input Device :-
e. Output Device :-
f. Cloud Storage :-
III Name the following
a. Four major parts of the computer system
1. 2. 3. 4.
b. Four input devices
1. 2. 3. 4.
c. Two Output device
1. 2.
d. Two storage device
1. 2.
e. Two types of printers.
1. 2.
f. Two pointing devices
1. 2.
3. What is CPU ?
4. What is the difference between hardware and software ?