Chemistry II
Chemistry II
Chemistry II
B.Sc. Chemistry-II Total Mark: 100
Appendix ‘A’
(Outlines of Tests)
Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: Preparation of alkanes from alkyl halides, coupling of alkyl
halide and alkylboranes, reduction of carbonyl compounds, Kolbe's electrosynthesis, Corey-
House-Synthesis, Hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes.
Reactions of alkenes with halogens, their mechanism and comparison of the reactivities of
halogens, combustion, isomerization, nitration and sulfonation. Preparations of cyoloalkanes by
Freund synthesis, Hydrogenation of cyclic elkenes, Structure and stability of cycloalkanes, Reaction
of cycloalkanes.
Alkenes and Alkynes: Preparation of alkenes from elimination reaction of alkyl halides and
alcohols, Mechanism and orientation of eliminations, Dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides with
mechanism, Pyrolytic eliminations.
Relative stability and reactivity of alkenes in terms of Hoffmann and Sytzeff rules, Reactions of
alkenes: addition of halogens, additions of halogen acids and the rules governing these reactions,
hydration reactions, oxidation reactions including epoxidation and hydroxylation, polymerization,
Simon-Smith and Diels-Alder reactions.
Reactions of alkynes: addition reactions with mechanisms, hydration reactions, oxidation and
reduction, hydroboration, formation of metal acetylides, polymerization (linear and closed Chain).
Reaction such as addition, hydrogenation, Birch reduction, and oxidation reactions of side chains.
Preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols and carboxylic acids.Chemical reactions: Aliphatic
nucleophilic substitution reactions, SN1 and SN2 mechanism, effects of the nature of substrate,
attacking nucleophile, leaving group and the nature of solvent. Elimination reactions, ' E1 and E2
mechanisms, orientation of elimination (Hoffmann and Sylzeff rules).
Grignard Reagents, synthesis, structure, and reactions with active hydrogen compounds,
carbonyl compounds such as aldehydes, ketones, esters, acid halides and CO2, reaction with nitriles,
ethylene oxide, sulphur and oxygen.
Ethers: Physical properties, Preparation of ether from alcohols, alkyl halides and alkenes,
Reactions of ethers.
Physical properties of aldehydes and ketones, Structure and reactivity of carbonyl group,
Comparison of the reactivity of aldelydes and ketones, Nucleophilic additions of water, alcohols,
ammonia and its derivatives, hydrogen cyanide, bisulfite, reduction and oxidation reactions, Aldol
condensation and related reactions, Cannizaro's reaction, Wittig reaction, oxidation reactions,
Chemical tests of aldehydes and ketones.
Physical properties of carboxylic acids, Effects of different parameters on the acid strengths of
aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids. Chemical properties, like salt formation nucleophilic acyl
substitution, reduction of carboxylic acids, decarboxylation, Hunsdicker reaction, Koehl reaction,
substitution at a-carbon. Preparations, properties and reactions of acids chlorides, acids anhydrides,
amides, cyanides, and esters, Malonic and acetoacetic esters syntheses.
Recommended Books:
1. Younas, M. 2003. Text Book of Organic Chemistry, IImi Kutab Khana Pakistan.
2. Rehmen. A. 2000. Text Book of Organic Chemistry, Carvan Book House Pakistan.
3. Smith, M. B. and March, J. 2006. Advance Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons (6th
Ed) USA.
4. Pine, S. H. 1987. Organic Chemistry. McGraw Hill Inc. (5th Ed) USA.
Paper-B: Applied Chemistry 40 Marks
Electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter, Nature of different transitions
possible in atoms and molecules, Electronic, vibrational, rotational and other possible
transitions by absorption of radiation by molecules and atoms, Development of spectroscopic
analytical techniques employing various transitions, Classification of spectroscopic techniques
on the basis of type of radiation, phenomenon occurring and the nature of the matter. Basic
introduction to atomic and molecular spectroscopic techniques including flame emission,
spectrophotometry, UV and IR spectroscopies.
2. Environmental Chemistry
Introduction to Environment and its Segments, Natural Cycles (Water cycle, Nitrogen, Cycle
and Oxygen Cycle), Green House effect and Global Warming, Acid Rain and its impact on
Environment, Sources of pollution (Soil, Air and Water), Heavy metal pollution in water
Basics of solvent extraction process, Distribution law and distribution co-efficient, Simple,
double extraction and multiple extraction systems, Applications of solvent extraction in
Concepts of mean, mode and median, accuracy, precision, Determinate and indeterminate
errors, Significant figures, Rounding off, Standard deviation, relative standard deviation.
Application of mean, median, mode, rounding off significant figures and standard deviation in
Raw materials, manufacturing process and flow sheet diagrams of following chemical
Glass, Cement, Sugar, Urea, Soda ash and Soap. Metallurgies of Copper, Aluminum and Iron.
Definition and classification, chemistry, physical and chemical properties of various classes of
carbohydrates, biological functions of starch, glycogen, cellulose, and cell wall
polysaccharides, acid mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans.
Definition and classification of lipids, biological importance of fatty acids, waxes, glycerides,
Steroids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, sterols and prostaglandins. Significance of
lipids in biological membranes and transport mechanism.
Chemistry and classification of amino acids, physical and chemical properties of amino acids,
biological significance of amino acids, peptides, proteins, their classification, properties and
biological significance, primary, secondary tertiary and quatenary structure of proteins,
denaturation of proteins.
Recommended Books:
1. Bhatti H.N and Z. H. Farooqi. 2014. Modern Physical Chemistry. Caravan Book House
(Revised Ed.) Pakistan
2. Prutton, S. H. and Prutton, C. F. 1971. Principles of Physical Chemistry. MacMillan
3. Castellan, G. W. 1971. Physical Chemistry. Addison Wesley Publishing Company
(2nd Ed) USA.
4. Younas, M. 2003. Text Book of Organic Chemistry, IlKutab Khana Pakistan.
5. Bhatti, IT. N. and Rahman, R. 2013. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Caravan Book
House Pakistan.
6. Maeder, M. and Neuhold, Y-M. 2007. Practical Data Analysis in Chemistry. Elsevier
1. Identification of organic compounds containing only one functional group with special
emphasis on compounds containing following functional groups. -COOH, - OH, C=0, -NH2,
and -CONH2
1. Preparation of standard molar, normal, molal and percentage, ppm and ppb solutions,
2. Standardization of secondary standard acids and bases by volumetric method and calculation
of standard deviation.
3. Preparation of Arsenious sulfide (As2S3) and ferric hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) sol.
4. Purification of substances using common ion effect.
5. Synthesis of Ferric alum, Potassium tri-oxalato aluminate, Sodium thiosulfate and Ammonium
copper (II) sulphate.
6. Determination of %age purity of HCl by Mohr's method.
7. Determination of silver in the given sample, using KSCN or NH4SCN by Mohr's method.
8. Preparation of Potassium tri-oxalato aluminate and Ammonium Copper (II) Sulphate,
9. Separation of Benzoic acid from Sodium benzoate by solvent extraction.
10. Determination of Naphthalene, Iodine etc. by Sublimation.
Recommended Books:
1. Bhatti H. N. and Z. H. Farooqi. 2014. Physical Chemistry Laboratory Manual for B.Sc.
Students. Caravan Book House (Revised Ed.) Pakistan.
2. Maeder, M. and Neuhold, Y-M. 2007. Practical Data Analysis in Chemistry. Elsevier
3. Vogel, A. I. A. 1995. Text Book of Macro and Semi micro Qualitative Inorganic
Analysis, Longamn Green & Co England.
4. Skoog, D. A.; West, D. M. and. Holler, F. J. 1994. Analytical Chemistry. Saunders
College Publications (6th Ed).
5. Bhatti, H. N. and Rahman, R. 2013. Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Caravan Book
House Pakistan.