Planning and Scheduling of High Rise Building Using Primavera

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T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144


Planning and Scheduling of High Rise Building Using Primavera

T. Subramani1, A. Sarkunam2, J. Jayalakshmi3
Professor & Dean, Department of Civil Engineering, VMKV Engg. College, Vinayaka Missions University
Salem, India.
PG Student of Construction Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, VMKV
Engg.College,Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India.
PG Student of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, VMKV Engg. College, Vinayaka
Missions University, Salem, India.

Although the long-introduced Industrialized Building System (IBS) has promised to solve and improve the
current construction method and scenario in our country, but the IBS method has not gained enough popularity.
One of the reasons is due to lack of research works done to quantifying the benefit of IBS especially in
construction time saving. In lieu with such scenario, this study conducted to quantify evidence of time saving in
IBS application. The methodology adopted for this study is by modelling the construction process for high-rise
residential building for both conventional and IBS with shared more a less the same nature and size of the
structure. The model was developed using Primavera (P3) project planning software. The comparison was made
by comparing selective building components for both method of construction. Different high-rise residential
projects have been selected for this study. The result of the study clearly indicated that sufficient time saving can
be archived. Also from this study shown not all IBS components can improved to the overall construction
duration, however by adopting IBS components can improve and expedite the construction of 18 stories
residential building from the point of departure of the project throughout of the whole of project‘s with a total
405 days or 42% the time saving.
KEYWORDS: Planning, Scheduling, High Rise Building, Primavera

I. INTRODUCTION building, pipe line projects, and even utility projects.

Due to an increasingly competitive environment, Some researchers declare that LOB software is ready
construction companies are forced to be more for commercial usage (Arditi, Sikangwan, and
efficient and achieve competitive operational Tokdemir, 2002).
advantage. Companies are always looking for However utility projects have their own features.
improvements in equipment features, communication The application of LOB and Linear scheduling
tools, efficient management techniques, and training techniques in utility projects are questioned by
human resources. Construction companies are also industrial professionals. For the underground utility
narrowing their focus, becoming specialists in certain project, the layouts of several utility lines are
types of construction projects. This specialization diverged. But on some locations, these utility lines
requires more focused project planning and intersect with each other, one over another. The
controlling techniques that prove to be better for construction of each utility line must be sequenced in
certain type of projects while providing specialized this situation to avoid workspace conflicts, or lines
construction services. The benefits of effective with higher elevation are constructed ahead of the
planning, scheduling and control of construction ones with lower elevation, and to provide work
projects are: reduced construction time, reduced cost continuity for crews or resources.
overruns and the minimization of disputes. This study will focus on the comparison of
These benefits accrue to the contractors, owners, construction scheduling technique application in
suppliers and workers in the form of improvements in utility projects, such as Gantt chart, CPM, and LOB,
productivity, quality and resource utilization. (Mattila and indicate advantages and disadvantages of each
and Abraham, 1998) been applied to highway type technique. It develops the modified LOB method
construction projects by the transportation which uses a group of linear equations to identify the
departments in most states. The ability of CPM to construction interference locations of utility lines,
these kinds of projects raises questions (Selinger, estimate the interference time based on the historical
1980; Reda, 1990; and Russell and Wong, 1993). production rate, and adjust the construction schedule
Line of Balance (LOB) and its variations are to satisfy the construction constraints. It helps to
developed to search for a better solution for highway avoid the construction interruption, keep the
type projects, such as tunnel construction, high rise 134 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

continuity of crew work, and avoid the delay of

construction and cost overruns.


The most common scheduling method used in
the construction industry is the Gantt chart (Bar
Chart) and Critical Path Method (CPM). Gantt chart
(Bar chart) has gained wide acceptance and
popularity because of its simplicity and ease of
preparation and understanding. No ―theory‖ or
complicated calculations are involved. CPM network
can show logic dependencies of activities, and
estimate and predict the completion date of the Figure1.1Bar Chart for Placing a Slab on a Grade
project based on mathematical calculations. But both (Mubarak, 2003)
Gantt chart and CPM are unable to accurately model
the repetitive nature of linear construction. This
includes the inability of CPM to provide work
continuity for crews or resources, to plan the large
number of activities necessary to represent a
repetitive or linear project (Harris, 1996), and the
inability of Gantt chart (Bar chart) and CPM to
indicate rates of progress, and to accurately reflect
actual conditions. (Mattila and Abraham,1998). The
consequence of this is that there have been many
attempts to find an effective scheduling technique for
linear construction. These include, but not limited to,
the Line of Balance (LOB), the vertical production
method (VPM), the linear scheduling method, the
repetitive project modeling (RPM), the linear
Figure1.2Bar Chart
scheduling model (LSM), and the repetitive
scheduling method (RSM). (Mattila and
Abraham,1998). All of these concepts and methods 1.3 Advantage of Bar Chart
Bar charts have gained wide acceptance and
are the variations of LOB, which is originally
popularity mainly because of their simplicity of and
developed in the manufacturing industry. This section
ease of preparation and understanding. No ―theory‖
discusses the popular scheduling methods in
or complicated calculations are involved. Anyone can
construction industry, such as Gantt chart and CPM,
understand them. Bar charts particularly appeal to
review current application of LOB and its variations,
persons who do not have a technical background. For
and indicates the inability of LOB in solving the
example, some clients and upper-level managers may
construction interferences of two or more utility
better understand the plan for carrying out a
construction project by looking at a bar chart than by
looking at a schematic of logic network. The advent
of the critical path method (CPM) and the evolution
The bar chart was originally developed by Henry
of powerful computers, bar chart did not perish or
L. Gantt in 1917 and is called a Gantt chart. A bar
lose importance. Instead, they evolved to a different
chart is ―a graphic representation of project activities
supporting role that made them more valuable and
which are shown in a time-scaled bar line with no
popular. (Mubarak, 2003). The advantage of bar chart
links shown between activities‖ (Popescu and
can be concluded as:
Charoenngam, 1995). It quickly became popular in
construction industry because of its ability to  Bar charts are time scaled, the length of the
graphically represent a project‘s activities on a time activity bar represents the time duration of the
scale. A bar chart has become a vehicle for activity). Both the node, in the node networks,
representing many pieces of a project‘s information. and the arrow, in the arrow networks, are not
A project must be broken into smaller, usually time-scaled.
homogeneous components, each of which is called an  Bar chart are simple to prepare
activity or task. Bar charts basically use the x-axis to  Bar chart are easy to understand
depict time, and the y-axis is used to represent
individual activities. (Fig.1.1& Fig.1.2) 135 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

 Bar chart are acceptable for presentation, experiences, the presentation of CPM is not as
especially for field people and people who are acceptable for field people as bar chart. And resource
unfamiliar with the CPM information can not be loaded in CPM. Some
 Bar charts can be loaded with more information, scheduling software vendors tried to take the
such as cash-flow diagrams and man-hours. advantage of time-scaled feature of bar chart and
impose it on network which some persons called
Limitation time-scaled logic diagrams. On the other hand, there
The main limitation of bar chart is lack of logical is evidence that contractors do not use networks in
representation. Bar charts do not reveal the answers highly repetitive jobs because of their belief that high
of relationship. Although some software repletion would reduce the chances of successful
programmers tried to depict logical relationships on scheduling and control by networks (Arditi and
bar charts, the result was not always clear. The logic Albulak, 1986).
lines would get tangled, and unlike networks, bar For example, network method presents
charts do not allow the length of the bars to be complications in projects of repetitive nature such as
changed or moved around to make items clearer or high rise building construction. CPM-based
look better. (Mubarak, 2003). While applying the bar techniques have been criticized widely in the
chart to linear construction project, a huge diagram literature for their inability to model repetitive
would repeat n times in scheduling linear and projects (Russell and Wong, 1993). The first problem
repetitive project. And the bar chart is unable to is the sheer size of the network. In a repetitive project
indicate progress rate and actual location. of n units, the network prepared for one unit has to be
repeated n times and linked to the others; this results
1.4 NETWORK SCHEDULING METHOD in a huge network that is difficult to manage.
One of the major network scheduling methods This may cause difficulties in communication
which have been used in the construction industry is among the members of the construction management
CPM (critical path method). This method involves team. The second problem is that the CPM algorithm
the use of a geometric representation of flow chart is designed primarily for optimizing project duration
which depicts the precedence between activities. The rather than dealing adequately with the special
critical path method (CPM) is a duration-driven resource constraints of repetitive projects. The CPM
technique in which the basic inputs are project algorithm has no capability that would ensure a
activities, their durations, and dependence smooth procession of crews from unit to unit with no
relationships. Activity durations are functions of the conflict and no idle time for workers and equipment.
resources required (rather than available) to complete This leads to hiring and procurement problems in the
each activity. The CPM formulation assumes that flow of labor and material during construction
resources are not restricted in any sense (Ammar and (Arditi, Sikangwan, and Tokdemir, 2002).
Mohieldin, 2002). The use of network techniques and A new format was developed for work of a
CPM by construction companies has reached a steady repetitive nature, such as work on floors in a high-
level after the enthusiastic boom of the early 1960‘s. rise project, or work on sections in underground pipe
Computer programmes eliminate the need to prepare line or utility line project. In the pipe line or utility
a network, but the network notation provides an line instance, the use of basic CPM was laborious;
easily understood output format for management the input for work on a typical section was
personnel. (Lutz and Hijazi,1993) duplicative and tedious. Further, once the schedule
had reached the typical section, it was possible to
1.5 Advantages of Network Scheduling Method predict a result through basic arithmetic without the
When comparing bar charts with networks, three use of a computer. This suggested that there were
advantages over bar charts(Mubarak, 2003): ways of graphing the result other than network
 Network show logic, the relationships among the presentation; this realization resulted in the
activities. Bar charts do not development of some methods for use in linear and
 Networks can better represent large and repetitive projects. Line of balance (LOB) method is
complicated projects. one of them using a unit network to portray repetitive
 Networks can estimate, or predict, the activities.(Fig.1.3)
completion date of the project, or other dates, on
the basis of mathematical calculations of the

Limitation of Network Scheduling Method

Comparing to bar charts, network scheduling is
not time scaled. It requires practitioners to be trained
to understand the CPM. From the authors‘ 136 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144


No. of Floors


















Pl a


Time (Weeks)

FIG.1.3 LIINE OF BALANCE (LOB) Figure1.4. Balanced Production Curves for Repetitive
Processes (Source: Lutz and Hijazi,1993)
The line of balance (LOB) method was
originated by the Goodyear Company in the early
1940s and was developed by the US Navy during the

Second World War for the programming and control


in W
No. of Floors



of both repetitive and non-repetitive projects (Turban,



ll Cu

e me n
1968). A common characteristic of LOB techniques



Pl a



is the typical unit network. Representative

construction projects that fit into this category are a
ll Re
repetitive housing project or a high-rise building.

(Lutz and Hijazi, 1993) Typical process production

or flow line curves are depicted in Figure1.4. Time (Weeks)
The Figures 1.4 depicts the balanced production
flow line of high rise building and unbalanced Figure1.5. Non-balanced Production Curves for
production flow lines. For example, the sequence of Repetitive Processes (Source: Lutz and Hijazi,1993)
processes for a high rise building construction project
may include form erection, steel installation, concrete The LOB can determine at any time (Lumsden,
placement, form removal, curtain wall installation, 1968):
and glazing. The production curves for activities are  Shortage of delivered materials which may
plotted as a function of time. The production rate for impact production;
a process can be determined from its slope. The  Materials which are being delivered in excess
horizontal distance between the production curves for which may cause additional material handling or
two consecutive activities at given location indicates require additional storage space;
the time buffer. The difference between the  The jobs or processes which are falling behind
cumulative number of production quantities delivered and the required rate of acceleration to satisfy the
and the LOB quantity at any given time is termed the required LOB quantities;
―criticality‖. The negative criticality indicates the  The jobs or processes which are ahead of
actual progress is less than the production forecast. schedule which may b e placing heavier demands
The LOB is a quantity-time diagram. It focuses on on operating capital than necessary, and
the required delivery of completed quantities.  A forecast of partially completed production
Linear construction projects often consist of units by job, work station, or process to support
repetitive processes which have different production the delivery schedule of finished units.
rates. This phenomenon of production rate imbalance
has the potential for negatively impacting project Benefits and limitations
performance by causing work stoppages, inefficient The major benefit of the LOB methodology is
utilization of allocated resources, and excessive costs. that it provides production rate and duration
Production rate imbalance occurs when the information in the form of an easily interpreted
production curves of leading processes intersect the graphics format. The LOB plot for a linear
curves of following process because of different construction project can be easily constructed, can
production rates and insufficient lag between start show at a glance what is wrong with the progress of
times of processes. (Fig.1.5) project, and can detect potential future bottlenecks.
Although LOB methodology can be used to aid
in the planning and control of any type of project it is
better suited for application to repetitive projects as
opposed to non-repetitive projects. A limitation of the
LOB methodology is that it assumes that production 137 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

rates are linear. Due to the stochastic nature of

construction processes, the assumption that The Gantt chart and critical path method
production rates of construction projects and (CPM) scheduling technique are populous in
processes are linear may be erroneous. Additionally, construction projects for the easy-to-use softwares,
the objective of many planning techniques based on such as Primavera Project Planning. Traditionally
the LOB concept is to reduce project duration with CPM scheduling has originally been applied to
little regard for project cost (Reda, 1990) industrial process and later been introduced to the
building construction projects. The technique has also
Barriers to Implementing LOB Time, cost, quality target and participation
The application of the LOB methodology by the satisfaction have been identified as the main criteria
US construction industry had been very limited. for measuring the overall success of construction
Some barriers to implementation of the LOB projects (Dissanayaka and Kumaraswamy, 1999). Of
methodology include the following: these, cost and time tend to be the most important and
 There is a lack of awareness among practitioners visible, always considered as very critical because of
in the US construction industry that the LOB their direct economic implications if they are
methodology exists. unnecessarily exceeded. This study to compare time
 Owners and contractors began adopting network performance of the conventional method of
techniques as planning tools at about the same construction for high- rise residential and Industrial
time that the LOB methodology was originated Building System (IBS) method by formulate
and developed. These entities are reluctant to benchmark measures of industry norms for overall
adopt new planning tools which are not being construction period using ‗scheduling simulation
used by their counterparts or competitors. modeling. Such model development necessitated the
 Computerized tools employing network enumeration of a group of significant variables
techniques are widely available whereas affecting construction times by adopting IBS of
computerized tools employing the LOB public housing projects. Actual project schedule and
methodology are not currently commercially project information from 15 case studies of
available. conventional and IBS method of construction were
Due to the popularity of the relatively collected from the client organization and their
inexpensive computer in the US construction registered building contractors to develop the
industry, there is a resistance to change to a planning prediction model by using mean analysis. The
method which is currently not supported by derived model was verified and confirmed significant
computer. However, researchers at several statistically. Both the client organization and the
universities have attempted to computerize the LOB contracting firms could obtain many benefits from
methodology and have working prototypes. such improvements in their own in-house
construction time planning and control systems.
METHODS The aim of this study is to develop
Although scheduling methods, such as Gantt Scheduling Modelling that can be used to analyse
chart and CPM are popular in the construction time optimization using Industrialised Building
industry. The applications of these popular methods System (IBS) components or products (off-site)
do have problems in scheduling linear construction compared with the conventional method usually
projects. The LOB and its variations are beneficial to adapted in-situ method. The study basically to
linear construction. The researchers apply them to the analyse of improvement involves reducing the
activity level of linear project. It application in production time, identifying and eliminating
construction industry is limited (Table gives the unnecessary wet works, which is can optimize
comparison of Gantt chart, CPM, and LOB on their production line according to a specific layout. To
advantages, limitations, relationships, and application achieve the above aim, the following objectives have
in linear construction project). been identified:
In addition, the current LOB and its variations  Develop scheduling modelling base on
have not solved the location interference problems in conventional and IBS practices for High-rise
the underground utility project. For the underground building;
utility project, the layouts of several utility lines are  Identifying IBS products/components that can
diverged. But on some locations, these utility lines optimize construction time;
intersect with each other, one over another. The  Simulate scheduling modelling to proof time
construction of each utility line must be sequenced in saving using IBS products for High-rise
this situation to avoid workspace conflicts, and to building; and
provide work continuity for crews or resources. 138 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

 Propose planning & scheduling strategy from should understand the processes involved in project
above scheduling simulation for High-rise management and the associated recommendations
building. that help smooth the Primavera implementation that
supports your corporate mission.If you were driving
III. ABOUT THE SOFTWARE to a place you had never seen, would you get in the
Primavera Systems, Inc was a private company car without directions or a map? Probably not. More
providing Project Portfolio Management (PPM) than likely you‘d take the time to plan your trip,
software to help project-intensive organizations consider alternate routes, and estimate your time of
identify, prioritize, and select project investments and arrival. Planning the drive before you even left would
plan, manage, and control projects and project help your trip be more successful. And, along the
portfolios of all sizes. On January 1, 2009 Oracle way, should you encounter road blocks or traffic
Corporation took legal ownership of Primavera. delays, you would have already identified alternate
Primavera Systems, Inc. was founded on May 1, ways to reach your destination.
1983 by Joel Koppelman and Dick Faris. It traded as Project management follows the same
a private company based in Pennsylvania (USA), methodology and purpose—to achieve each project‘s
developing software for the Project Portfolio goals, you need to plan them in advance. Good
Management market. To help expand its product project management is no longer an option in today‘s
capabilities, Primavera acquired Eagle Ray Software corporate world. It is a critical tool to help your
Systems in 1999, Evolve Technologies company stay on target and accomplish its goals.
(a professional services automation vendor) in 2003, Simply stated, project management is the process of
ProSight [2][3] (an IT portfolio achieving set goals within the constraints of time,
management software vendor) in 2006, and, in the budget, and staffing restrictions. It allows you to get
same year, Pertmaster (a project risk the most out of your available resources. Resources
managementsoftware vendor). include
In 2008, Oracle announced it was acquiring  People
Primavera, turning it into the Primavera Global  Materials
Business Unit (PGBU).In 2011, Joel Koppelman  Money
announced his retirement and was succeeded by Mike  Equipment
Sicilia, SVP and General Manager. The co- founder,  Information
Dick Faris, remains in the PGBU as Sr Vice  Facilities
President, Customers. On 8 April 2013[1] Oracle  Roles
Corporation announced the release of version 8.3 of Project portfolio management factors in all of
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio these variables across multiple projects, enabling
Management. This version was stated to enhance and project managers and company executives to see an
extend previous work, improved reporting, user accurate picture of how each project‘s resource use
experience and application integrations. This version affects other projects.
incorporated material from Oracle acquisitions The process of project management is guided by
of Skire and Instantis in 2012. three key principles:
In 2012 Primavera P6 EPPM, upgrade Release  Planning
8.2, added capabilities for governance, project-team  Controlling
participation, and project visibility. Mobile PPM was  Managing
introduced through Primavera‘s P6 Team Member Planning a project The first step in project
for iPhone and Team Member Web Interface, to management is to define your project.
streamline communications between project team  What is the scope of the work? What activities
members in the field and in the office. In addition, will make up the project and what is their
Primavera P6 Analytics Release 2.0 gained new relationship to each other? You‘ll also want to
enterprise-reporting tools and dashboards for identify the major milestones that will help you
monitoring and analyzing performance data, monitor the project‘s progress.
including geospatial analysis. Organizations could  What is the project duration? What are the dates
also investigate comparative trends and cause-and- when the project will begin and end?
effect in multiple projects with Primavera Contract  What resources are available to the project?
Management Release 14 as it now includes the Beyond labor, think about all the types of
report-writing capabilities of Oracle Business resources you will require.
Intelligence Publisher.  Who will perform what tasks? Determining your
labor resources and their available workhours is
3.1 Planning, Controlling, and Managing Projects a key part of building a successful project. You‘ll
Before implementing Primavera to schedule need to plan for downtime and holidays and
projects, team members and other project participants 139 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

determine the regular workweek for various update projects. This regular update will include
staffing types. progress on values such as
 How much will the project cost? What are the  Dates on which activities started or finished
costs per resource? Are there any hidden project  Dates when resources are consumed
costs?  Changes to resource rates
 What is the estimated budget? Establishing a Determine a standard policy for the update and
project budget estimate in advance helps you scheduling procedure, and for reporting progress.The
monitor possible cost overruns. Project Management module provides many tools to
The answers to these questions form the assist you in reporting progress to both team
framework of your project. members and senior management. Use the Project
Controlling a project Once you have built your Web Site option to create a central location where
project and estimated your budgeting needs, you save team members can view project progress.
this original plan as a baseline, or target schedule, to Consider the many system reports as a means for
help you control the project. A baseline provides a communicating change. In addition, senior
solid point of reference as your schedule changes management can use Primavera‘s Web Portfolio
over time. It allows you to compare the original Management module to summarize project data and
schedule to the current one and identify significant easily capture a snapshot of how a project or group of
changes and develop contingency plans. You control projects is progressing.
a project to keep it heading in the right direction.
You‘ll want to track work progress and costs, IV. M ETHODOLOGY
compare them to your baseline, and then recommend The research methodology in this paper serves as
what actions should be taken. a guide in achieving the objectives of the study and
discusses in details the research procedures, from
how the data is collected till how it is processed and
analyzed to achieve the objectives and scopes of the
study. It involves the identification and further
understanding of the research topic, which consists of
problem statement, research objectives and scope of
studies. Literature review has been done on several
references, either from electronic journals, books,
magazines, articles and so on to further enhance the
understanding on the research topic.
The assembly and erection of the conceptual
high rise residential building has been modelled using
computer software and analysed. More emphasize is
3.2 Overview and Configuration on how the scheduling on assembly time is carried
out efficiently at a site using IBS components for the
Primavera - Project Management Effective proposed conceptual high rise residential building.
project control reaps many benefits. It allows you to Therefore, a comparison between the work
keep a close eye on possible problems before they breakdown structure (WBS) between a typical high
become critical. It lets the project team and senior rise residential building construction using
management view cost and scheduling timeframes conventional construction method and the other using
based on the reality of the schedule. Industrialised Building System (IBS) components for
the high-rise residential building been further
3.3 Managing a project: analysed using Primavera (P3). Finally, a conclusion
The process of guiding a project from start to will be drawn out based on the results the analysis
finish is the responsibility of a project manager. A obtained. Figure4.1 show the flowchart of research
good project manager wears many hats, acting at methodology.
various times as a motivator, communicator,
coordinator, and advisor. As you control the project‘s
progress, it is your job to keep your team aware of
changes to the schedule and possible consequences.
In many ways, you are the project‘s ambassador,
ensuring that your project organization is carrying out
its responsibilities for the best possible outcome.To
be an effective project manager also requires
consistency when you update your projects. Select a
day each week, or biweekly, when you will regularly 140 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

Fig 5.1 Scheduling simulator for scenario

Fig4.1 Research methodology flow chart

Study conducted to analyze how long does it
takes to assemble the components at the site to
produce the entire conceptual building of the high
rise residential building. It is important also to
determine whether it takes the same speed and time
to install the Industrialized Building System (IBS)
components compared to conventional cast-in-situ
method. Scheduling of IBS components at site can
also help to further determine the work duration of
the entire project implementing IBS components, as
compared to conventional methods. The assembly
and erection of the conceptual high rise residential
building have been modeled and analyzed using
computer software. More emphasize given on how
the scheduling on assembly time is carried out
efficiently at a site using IBS components for the
high rise residential building.
Therefore, a comparison between the work
breakdown structure (WBS) between a typical high
rise residential building construction using
conventional construction method and the other using
IBS components been further analyzed. Primavera
(P3) will be the scheduling software to be used for
scheduling purposes, and the results generated by the
software been carefully analysed at this stage. For the
better result, scheduling simulation was done into 10
scenarios. In scenario one, an analysis was carried-
out to determine the actual time required for both
method of construction by incorporated all the data‘s
collected. As result, conventional method of
construction required a total 912 days to construct 18
stories high-rise residential building, described in
figure 5.1. 141 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144


Fig 5.3 Earned value reports are automatically

generated based on your dashboard filters

Fig 5.4 Industrial Building System

While a total 529 days required for IBS method

by adopted all the selected IBS components to
develop the IBS scheduling simulator to complete the
construction of the high-rise residential building.
Based on this exercise, it proved to the industries, by
adopting IBS components shall improved the
construction time. As result from this exercise, a total
of 383 days or 42% of saving to the construction
industry if the construction players considered to
adopted IBS component in the project. The same
method was used to analyse for another 9 scenarios
and the result shown in table 1. Conclusions from the
above table it shown that not all IBS components/
products can improve to the overall construction
duration. However, by adopting IBS components can
improved/ expedite the following activities:
 Quality of the construction products, which used
IBS components.
 Minimized or eliminate mistake on height of
each floor by standardized height of each
components. iii. Expedite the construction 142 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 5), June 2014, pp.134-144

duration on each floor and overall construction

duration. iv. The major components that will
improve the overall construction duration are
slab, beam, and column.
 This finding of the study gives an effective
strategy to implement IBS in the current state of
the construction industry.

This study compared time performance of the
conventional method of construction for high- rise
residential and Industrial Building System (IBS) Fig 6.1 Activity With Concluded Output
method by formulate benchmark measures of
industry norms for overall construction period using
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