Algorithm 1 FFT
Algorithm 1 FFT
Algorithm 1 FFT
Ali Saidi
transform (FFT) algorithm is introduced. This formula-
tion generalizes both the decimation-in-time (DIT) and the
decimation-in-frequency (DIF) FFT algorithms for various
radices in multidimensions. This alternative derivation of $n? = 0 and y = 0
the decimation method FFT algorithm has the advantage of
clearly showing what is exactly being computed in the inter-
mediate stages of the algorithm. This information is used to
present an efficient algorithm for computing the large dis-
crete Fourier transform (DFT) coefficients of a correlated
data sequence which reduces the computations associated
with the small coefficients. Another application of this new
formulation is discussed in [8].
where v = 1,.. . ,log N and y = 0 , . . . , 2 ” - 1.
DECIMATION-IN-FREQUENCY FFT Note that, if input and output are in normal order then
the nodes at every stage are also in normal order, but if
The DFT of a finite-length sequence of length N is defined the computation is done in-place then the output and the
as follows. nodes at every stage are in bit-reversed order.
X ( k )= z(n)W;3” k = O , l , . . . ,N - 1 2. RADIX-2 DECIMATION-IN-TIME FFT
The derivation of the DIT FFT algorithm is very similar to
where W N = e-jZsIN. Assuming N is a power of two, the that of the DIF FFT algorithm. Consider the construction
DFT can be broken into two (N/2) -point DFT of odd- of the binary tree in the DIF FFT, but this time every node
indexed and even-indexed frequency samples. Each one of
the two (N/2) -point DFTs can then be broken up again
y of the stage v contains a sequence g7,,,(n) of length &
which is defined as follows:
into two (N/4) -point DFTs. We proceed by recursively
decomposing each DFT until only %point DFTs remain.
The recursive decomposition in the DIF FFT algorithm
is analogous to the construction of a binary tree with log N m=O
stages, where every stage v , v = 1 , 2 , .. .,log N , consists 2”
of 2” nodes. Each node contains either the odd-indexed or =-
E X(k)W,-k” n = O , l , . .. , & - 1
the even-indexed coefficients of its parent. More specifically, kmod 2 ” = 7
each node y of the stage U , contains a sequence q7,”(n)of The recursive procedure in the DIT FFT algorithm yields
length & whose DFT is either the odd-indexed or the even- the following recurrence for q7,”(n),
indexed coefficientsof its parent. The qy,,,(n) in the DIF
FFT algorithm is defined as follows:
(2Y)-l = 0 and y = 0
q7,.(n) = z(n + m 3”q w p +Im$)
_ -2y
N E X(k)W-(k-’)”
N n =O,l, . .. , g - 1
k mod 2 “ = 7
The above equation can be proven by simply replacing z(n+
m f ) by its inverse DFT. Also in the above equation, when
v = log N , n = 0 and q-,,,,(n) = X ( k ) .
where U = 1,.. ,log N and y = 0,. ,2” - 1. ..
Similarly, if the computation is done in-place then the out- In previous sections we described a formulation that in-
put and the nodes at every stage are in bit-reuerued order. troduces a unified generalization of the decimation method
The flow graph of Fig-1 displays the in-place computation FFT algorithm. The extension of the above formulation
of 16-point DIT FFT algorithm. to multidimensions results in the vector-radix FFT algo-
rithm. We first extend our formulation to two dimensions
3. RADIX-R FFT ALGORITHM and then the higher dimensions will follow. To extend
our formulation to two dimensional FFT, we decompose a
To drive the radix-R FFT algorithm we use the same anal- NI x NZ input in both dimensions. Assuming N I = NZ = N
ogy that was used to formulate the radix-2 FFT. In the and N is a power of two, the 2-D DFT can be broken
radix-R FFT, we decompose the input to R smaller subse- into four N/2 x N/2 point DFT. This decomposition re-
quences of length N/R. This decomposition is continued sults in constructing a tree with logN stages, where ev-
recursively until the DFT coefficients are obtained. The .
ery stage v , U = 1,2,. . ,log N ,consists of 2” x 2” nodes.
recursive decomposition in the radix-R FFT algorithm is Each node 7172, y1,yz = 0,. .., 2” - 1, contains a sequence
analogous to the construction of a tree with N stages, g717a,v(nl, n2) of length $ x $. g717a,u(ni,n2) in the 2-D
where every stage Y , U = 1,2,. ,logR N, consists of R” DIF FFT is defined as follows,
X(k)W,‘(”-7)” n=O,l, ..., + - I
kmod RY=7
w;(ki-~i)ni W;(ka--la)na
and in a manner similar to the radix-2 algorithm, the re-
cursive decomposition in radix-R DIF FFT results in the where n l , nz = 0, 1,... 9- 1, and as in one dimensional
recursive computation of g7,,,(n) from g7,,,-1 (n). case g7,7a,u(n11nz) is computed recursively from g7172,u--1(n1,nz):
z(n1, nz)
44 if U = O and y1 = y2 = 0
if v = 0 and 7 = 0 1 1
if. 7 = X +jR”“ (j= 0,. .., R - 1)
The g7,”(n) in the radix-R DIT FFT algorithm is given
Finally, gr17a,u(nl,n2) for the DIT FFT algorithm is given
X(k)WGk” n = o l l , ...,+-1 m1-0 mamO
k mod RY= 7
and again the recursive procedure in the radix-R DIT FFT WN
algorithm yields the following recurrence for g7,,,(n), 2”
= (TI2 X(k1,kz)
I$”? = 0 and 7 = 0
k 1mod 2” ‘71 ka mod2”nia
WGkini W--kana
if Y = x + ~ R ” - ~ ( j = o , ...,R - I )
Next, we compare the average power at each node to a
threshold f(8). If the average power is less than f ( 8 ) , we
terminate the computations at that node. For example, if
f ( 8 ) = &, and P,,, < f ( 8 ) , then X(k) 5 8 for all k
such that, k mod 2” = y. The choice of 8 and f ( 8 ) depends
on the statistics of the magnitude and distribution of the
coefficients. For example in signal detection, the noise level
is a lower bound on 8, and f ( 8 ) depends on the difference
between the signal and noise level.
Although our algorithm can be applied to both the DIT
and DIF FFT algorithms, a close examination of these two
algorithms show that in the DIT FFT algorithm majority
of the complex multiplications are done in the latter stages
This formulation can easily be generalized to higher di- of the algorithm where in the DIF FFT algorithm it is ex-
mensions by decomposing the input in all dimensions. The actly the opposite. Therefore we choose to use the DIT
constructed tree for the n-dimensional case has log N stages FFT in our algorithm since, finding the small coefficients
and in each stage U there are (2”)” nodes and at every node in the early stages of the algorithm will result in significan
YI . . .7n, 7 1 , . .. ,7n = 0,.. . , 2 ” - 1, grl...7nrY(ni,.
. . ,n”) is reduction in the complex multiplications corresponding to
a sequence of length fi and it is computed recursively. those coefficients.
Here, since we decompose the output to R smaller sub- The above equation shows the relationship between the
sequences of length NJR, the probability of finding the average power of the DFT coefficientsof w(n) at each node
small coeffiqients in each stage is increased by a factor of and the average power of the corresponding DCT coeffi-
(f)”.Furthermore, the number of times that we compute cients of the z(n). Thus, using our algorithm to find the
the average power is bounded by tlogRN, therefore the large DFT coefficients of u(n), one can choose the thresh-
overall computation of the average power is done using on olds based on the DCT coefficientsof the z(n).
the order of G‘tlog, N log multiplications.
The complexity of our algorithm depends in most part to
In two dimensional FFT algorithm, the average power at two parameters, namely G and t. Since the DFT is a linear
each node is computed using the Parseval’s theorem for two transformation, normalizing the data prior to computation
dimensional D F T
will result in reducing GIwhich in turns will result in re-
&-1&-1 duction in the computations. In some applications it is
poesible to divide the input signal into smaller bands and
find the large coefficients in each band separately. In such
applications, number of the large coefficients in each band
may be very small compared to t , or in many cases zero.
A subband decomposition system similar to a sub-band
k1modlu=.r1 L a m o d P - n coder/decoder can be used for this purpose.
The constructed tree in the vector-radix FFT algorithm
has logN stages and at each stage U there are 4” nodes. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Therefore the average power computational complexity for
two dimensional case is the same M the one dimensional The author would like to thank Mojdeh Mohtashemi for her
radix-4 algorithm. This algorithm can be easily extended valuable comments.
to multidimensional FFT in a similar manner
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N-1 N-1
krO ki0