Verruciform Xanthoma of The Orall Cavity

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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/6559.

Case Report

Verruciform Xanthoma of the

Dentistry Section

Oral Cavity – A Case Report

Shyam Prasad Reddy Dorankula1, Pratibha Ramani2, Priya Premkumar3,

Anuja4, Herald J Sherlyn5

Verruciform Xanthoma (VX) is a relatively rare benign mucocutaneous lesion of unknown aetiology. VX occurs predominantly in oral cavity
which also occasionally affects skin and genital mucosa. It was first reported in the oral cavity in 1971. This rare harmless lesion usually
presents as sessile or pedunculated, appear as a papule or single plaque showing verrucous or papillomatous mucosal growth with vari-
able color from reddish pink to gray. In majority of oral cases, it affects gingiva and alveolar mucosa that may be mistaken for benign, pre-
malignant and malignant conditions. VX is diagnosed with certainly only on histopathologic examination. Histologically VX is characterized
by the presence of parakeratinized epithelium showing papillary or verrucous growth with thin rete ridges and connective tissue papillae
extending up to the surface. The papillae characteristically consist of foam cells also called xanthoma cells. Here we describe a case report
of verruciform xanthoma occurring on the buccal mucosa in a 42–years old male patient along with its clinical, pathogenesis, histological
features and treatment modalities discussed.

Key words: Verruciform xanthoma, Oral cavity, Pathogenesis, Xanthoma cells

Case report filled the connective tissue papillae between the epithelial rete ridges
A 42–years old male patient reported with a chief complaint of are called foam cells or xanthoma cells. The underlying connective
growth in the left buccal mucosa since 8 months. Medical, surgical, tissue stroma was showing mild to moderate chronic inflammatory
dental, family and personal histories were not noteworthy except cell infiltrate chiefly composed of lymphocytes. Based on these
the patient has the habit of smoking 8 to 10 beedies per day histopathological features, a diagnosis of verruciform xanthoma
from the past 20 years. Intra–oral examination revealed a solitary was made. On follow up, neither malignant transformation nor
pedunculated cauliflower like growth seen on the left buccal mucosa recurrence of the lesion has been reported after excision.
opposite to 36 and 37, measuring about 2 x 2 cm in size, soft to
firm in consistency, non tender and not fixed to the underlying Discussion
mucosa [Table/Fig-1]. Based on the habit, site and solitary growth, Verruciform Xanthoma (VX) is an uncommon clinicopathologic entity
clinically diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma was made. An excisional that predominantly affects the oral cavity and sometimes skin and
biopsy was performed under local anesthesia and was sent for genital mucosa [1]. It was first described by Shafer in 1971 where
histopathological examination. he described 15 cases of this condition in the oral cavity and coined
On histopathological examination, haematoxylin and eosin stained the term ‘verruciform xanthoma’ [2]. Most frequently encountered
sections showed papillary projections lined by stratified epithelium sites in the oral cavity is masticatory mucosa with gingival margin
along with underlying connective tissue stroma in scanner (4X) view followed by hard palate, tongue, buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth,
[Table/Fig-2]. Under low power magnification (10X) the epithelium alveolar mucosa, soft palate and junction between hard and soft
was parakeratinized stratified squamous type. Between the palate [3]. VX also occurs in non–oral sites and the first report of
strands of epithelium, the connective tissue papillae extends up to involvement of an extra–oral site was described by Santa Cruz in
the surface with a thin layer of epithelium present over it. In these 1979 where he reported two cases of VX in the vulva [4]. Since then,
extensions the connective tissue appeared to be replaced by large several reports of VX in non–oral sites especially on anogenital skin
cells [Table/Fig-3]. Under high power magnification (40X) these large have been appeared in the literature [5].
swollen cells showed clear to eosinophilic granular cytoplasm with VXs are usually asymptomatic, solitary though multi–focal lesions
eccentrically placed nuclei [Table/Fig-4]. The large swollen cells that have reported. They are slow growing lesions, evolves to sizes varying

[Table/Fig-1]: A solitary cauliflower like growth seen on the left buccal mucosa
[Table/Fig-2]: Photomicrograph showing papillary projections lined by stratified epithelium along with underlying connective tissue stroma. (H & E, 4x)
[Table/Fig-3]: Photograph showing papillary projections lined with thin epithelium and core of connective tissue extending into the epithelium. (H&E,10x)
[Table/Fig-4]: Photomicrograph showing large swollen cells that filled the connective tissue papillae between the epithelial rete ridges. The cells show
clear to eosinophilic granular cytoplasm with eccentrically placed nuclei and are called foam cells or xanthoma cells. (H & E, 40x)

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Aug, Vol-7(8): 1799-1801 1799
Shyam Prasad Reddy Dorankula et al., Verruciform Xanthoma of the Oral Cavity

from 0.2 to 2 cm. VX though has a slight male preponderance with subsequent release of lipid material through the epithelium that
a reported male: female ratio of 1.1:1; below the age of 50 years finally is scavenged by the macrophages. [15] This theory was
male to female ration is 1.6:1 and this ratio is reversed in favor of supported by several authors and suggested a local irritant as the
females which is about 0.8:1 respectively after the age of 50 years. initiator of this process. Ide et al., suggested few possible oral agents
Majority of cases have been reported in Caucasians [3,6,7]. In most as etiological factors such as wet micro–environment, periodontal
of the cases VX tends to occur as an isolated lesion but in many pathogens, mechanical stimuli, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sensitizing
cases the lesion developed in association with the other diseases or allergic substances of food stuffs and dental materials [16].
like oral pemphigus vulgaris, carcinoma in situ, lichen sclerosus, Mostafa et al., suggested that epithelial hyperplasia with elongation
solar keratoses, discoid lupus erythematosus, lichen planus and of the epithelial rete ridges is illusory and is not a proliferation of
congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and epithelial cells with downward growth of the rete ridges but
limb defects (CHILD syndrome) [8]. Similar findings are seen in rather results from the upward pushing effect of the accumulated
the present case where VX is occurring in a male patient of age macrophages towards the epithelium. This reflects the thinning of
42 years on the left buccal mucosa measuring about 2 x 2 cm in the epithelium overlying the macrophages in the connective tissue
size, asymptomatic, not fixed to the underlying mucosa and is not papillae [17]. Nowparast et al., suggested that the verrucous and
associated with any other lesion. papillary architecture may be secondary to the presence of foam
Clinically VX appear as a papule or single plaque showing verrucous cells which affect the nutrition and metabolism of the epithelial cells
or papillomatous mucosal growth with variable color ranging from leading to a hyperkeratotic change [14].
reddish pink to gray that may be mistaken for a viral wart, benign, Viral infection could be associated to VX since extra–oral lesions
premalignant and malignant conditions. Differential diagnosis usually occur in the genitalia. Despite the lack of intraepithelial
includes squamous papilloma, verruca vulgaris, verrucous inclusions or pronounced vacuolation, Santa Cruz and Martin also
carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Clinically, majority of suggested that a viral cause was possible. However Hu et al., did not
the squamous papillomas are found to be round in shape, whitish, detect human papilloma virus in their cases by in-situ-hybridization.
flaccid in consistency and pedunculated [9]. The lesions of verruca [18] Many histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural
vulgaris are circumscribed, firm, elevated papule with papillomatous studies have been done so far but even today the pathogenesis of
hyperkeratotic surface [10]. Verrucous carcinoma lesions are almost VX is obscure and needs to be clarified.
always large, exophytic, soft, fungating, slow growing neoplasms
No conclusive evidence of the malignant transformation of
with a pebbly mamillated surface [11]. Whereas squamous cell
preexisting VX exists in the literature. Murat-Susic et al., presented
carcinoma presents as an ulcer with fissuring or raised exophytic
a case of VX associated with epidermolysis bullosa and highlighted
margins. It may also present as a lump, as a red lesion (erythroplakia),
that the concomitant presence of VX in patients with epidermolysis
as a white or mixed white and red lesion, as a non-healing extraction
bullosa could pose an increased risk of SCC occurrence. [19]
socket or as a cervical lymph node enlargement, characterized by
hardness or fixation [12]. Diagnosis is made on the basis of histological
appearance of the lesions showing hyperplastic parakeratinized
In conclusion, Verruciform Xanthoma (VX) is a localized lesion whose
squamous epithelium showing papillary or verrucous growth with
correct diagnosis requires surgical excision and careful histological
elongated thin rete ridges of relatively uniform depth [13].
examination. Although VX has an asymptomatic clinical course,
Now parast et al., demonstrated three architectural appearances histopathologically it still poses a challenge to the understanding
of VX when viewed under light microscope: of its pathogensis. A need to investigate associations with other
1. A warty or verrucous appearance, epithelium lesions especially, those related to greater carcinogenesis
2. A papillary or cauliflower architecture and
risk is also required.
3. A slightly raised or flat lesion [14].
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1. Senior lecturer, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences, Narketpally, Nalgonda (dt), Andhra Pradesh, India.
2. Professor & HOD, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
3. Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
4. Reader, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.
5. Reader, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.


Dr. Shyam Prasad Reddy Dorankula,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology,
Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences, Sreepuram, Narketpally, Nalgonda (dt), Andhra Pradesh–508254, India.
Phone: 09966183199, Date of Submission: May 27, 2013
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of Peer Review: Jun 24, 2013
Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS: None. Date of Acceptance: Jul 07, 2013
Date of Online Ahead of Print: Jul 19, 2013
Date of Publishing: Aug 01, 2013

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Aug, Vol-7(8): 1799-1801 1801

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