02 P3M3 Portfolio Model
02 P3M3 Portfolio Model
02 P3M3 Portfolio Model
P3M3® – Portfolio Model
This model was created from information gathered as Characteristics of portfolio management
part of the Cabinet Office and OGC research into the Good portfolio management will be expected to have
concept of portfolio management. the following characteristics.
Focus will be on leadership and alignment with
Definition of portfolio management
organizational strategy
The OGC definition of a portfolio is the totality
of an organization’s investment (or a segment Visions and blueprints will cover the entire,
thereof) in the changes required to achieve its defined organization
strategic objectives.
Timescales for the portfolio may be vague, flexible
Portfolio management describes the management and long term
of an organization’s portfolio of business change
Risk will be viewed from a strategic perspective and
initiatives. It is a coordinated collection of strategic
in a business continuity context
processes and decisions that together enable the
most effective balance of organizational change and Integrity of the entire business transformation is
business as usual. P3M3 views portfolio management managed through programmes and projects and
as an important and active discipline, critical to business as usual
the success of achieving effective change in
Benefits orientation will be towards the
an organization.
organizational benefits that affect all areas and
Effective portfolio management leads to processes are linked to strategic organizational goals
and behaviours that enable successful delivery across
Stakeholder engagement will have a strategic and
an organization’s entire change investment, and it
external focus
ensures that:
Governance requires the setting of policies
change initiatives address and achieve strategic
and standards
Quality will be viewed from the perspective of
maximum business value is realized and at an
portfolio alignment and effectiveness
early stage
Planning will be viewed in the context of outcome
risks are managed
dependency and conflict resolution
the total change investment is coherent, prioritized
A combination of programmes and projects and
and scrutinized
other business change activity is likely.
the broad allocation of skilled change resources
The management of internal elements of programmes
is optimized
or projects is not considered part of portfolio
new initiatives can be evaluated against strategic management.
objectives, business value and current commitments
Attributes of portfolio management
demands from change initiatives on the operational
The following sections set out the attributes for
business can be managed and coordinated at an
each of the seven Process Perspectives within the
organizational level.
Portfolio Management Maturity Model, at each of
Organizations may choose to subdivide their portfolio the five Maturity Levels, along with a description
or manage only a portion of it. This is often done of each attribute.
in relation to a financial portfolio, a buildings and
accommodation portfolio or an IT-enabled business
change portfolio, for example.
6. Organization Portfolio Office reports to Executive 3. High-level reports on key aspects of portfolio
Board made available to Executive Board to support
informed decision-making
7. Documentation explaining context, purpose and
expectations of portfolio 4. Process in place for evaluating and handling
major changes within portfolio
8. Portfolio has a defined perimeter, enabling
demarcation and understanding of what it 5. Continual assessment of organization’s
contains capacity to manage initiatives, and of
appropriate prioritization
Generic Attributes
6. High levels of operational engagement with
1. Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly
decision-making and direction of portfolio
7. Decision-making based on maintaining
2. Organization-wide information standards on
alignment and balance within portfolio,
confidentiality, availability and integrity
and its optimal configuration, to achieve
3. Formal information release management strategic objectives
8. Initiative management process capability
4. Independent reviews take place determined and used to establish suitable
performance goals, which are then monitored
5. Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons,
identifying failures rather than opportunities 9. Trend reporting on progress, actual and
for improvement projected cost, level of risk, and initiative and
stakeholder confidence, are routinely collected,
6. Plans developed to a central and consistent
reviewed by Executive Board and used for
standard that is output- or goal-based
7. Plan development takes into account a range
10. Quantitative and qualitative measures and
of relevant factors
lessons identified are routinely used to improve
8. Evidence of effective estimating techniques effectiveness of portfolio management
9. Dependencies are identified, tracked and
Generic Attributes
managed effectively
1. Information is current and extensively referenced
10. Training is focused on the organization’s for better decision-making
approaches and raising competence of
2. Trend analysis and measurement undertaken
individuals in specific roles
on performance information to identify
11. Forums exist for sharing organizational improvement opportunities
experience to improve individual and
3. Knowledge management is a central function
organizational performance
and is used to help improve performance
12. Centrally managed role definitions and and planning
sets of competencies defined and used
4. Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as
to support appointments
well as compliance
5. Plans kept up to date, with the application
PfM3 - Management Control – Level 4
of sophisticated planning techniques and
recognition of interdependencies
Portfolio management processes exist and are proven.
Portfolio management has established metrics against 6. Extensive training is provided, focusing
which the strategic success of the organization can be on personal development and performance
measured. improvement
7. Evidence of interventions to avoid conflicts and
Specific Attributes
take advantage of opportunities
1. Robust organizational framework for categorizing
initiatives, measuring and monitoring 8. Mentoring and individual development is used to
organizational performance, and measuring improve organizational performance
contribution from portfolio
9. Succession plans exist for key roles
2. Executive Board responsible for ensuring delivery
of portfolio
4. Some alignment of identified benefits to the 5. Benefits are owned and the performance
organizational objectives, but likely to be management process ensures their realization;
unquantified and patchy ownership may be cascaded but with a clear trail
of accountability for benefits realization
Generic Attributes
6. Strategic benefits fully documented with
1. Localized information structures, with some
clear links between initiatives and business
information sharing between teams
change activities
2. Focus on documentation during start-up and
7. Changes to individual initiatives are assessed for
definition, but not maintained over initiative’s
impact on benefits realization
life cycle
8. Defined process for identifying and realizing
3. Limited localized information controls, with no
formal release management arrangements
9. Process in place for validating the realization of
4. Local reviews, with some corrective actions
benefits and refining targets
undertaken within the group
10. Benefits realization objectives linked to
5. Generic training may be provided in key
operational business plans
concepts, and there may be individuals
undertaking qualification training
Generic Attributes
6. Local sharing of knowledge may exist but 1. Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly
mostly ad hoc accessed
7. Key individuals may have practical delivery 2. Organization-wide information standards on
experience and track record confidentiality, availability and integrity
8. Roles, responsibilities and competencies 3. Formal information release management
defined in some areas but not consistently procedures
across the organization
4. Independent reviews take place
9. Plans exist but are not underpinned by consistent
5. Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons,
development methodology, yet may still be
identifying failures rather than opportunities
effective locally
for improvement
10. Planning seen as activity tracking rather than
6. Plans developed to a central and consistent
standard that is output- or goal-based
11. Estimation is more “guesstimation” and does
7. Plan development takes into account a range of
not use standard techniques
relevant factors
8. Evidence of effective estimating techniques
PfM3 - Benefits Management – Level 3
Description 9. Dependencies are identified, tracked and
There is a centrally managed framework used for managed effectively
defining and tracking the realization of portfolio-level
10. Training is focused on the organization’s
benefits across the business operations.
approaches and raising competence of
individuals in specific roles
Specific Attributes
1. Explicit statements on how benefits enabled by 11. Forums exist for sharing organizational
initiatives actually contribute to business value experience to improve individual and
and strategic objectives organizational performance
2. Clear organizational policies relating to benefits 12. Centrally managed role definitions and sets
management deployed through initiatives (e.g. of competencies defined and used to support
programme benefits management strategies) appointments
3. Business or service areas actively engaged in
defining and realizing benefits
4. May be an organizational design authority with
responsibility for benefits across portfolio
2. Investment management process and practice 12. Centrally managed role definitions and
in place across organizational portfolio, within sets of competencies defined and used to
which departmental or specialist portfolios fit support appointments
3. Common investment management process and
practice within portfolio for initiative approval, PfM3 - Financial Management – Level 4
monitoring and delegation Description
The organization has effective and robust financial
4. Business and portfolio planning cycles work
control of its investment decisions and the approval
and monitoring of initiatives. There is proactive,
5. Costs, expenditure and forecasts monitored at evidence-based management of the portfolio
portfolio level in accordance with organizational investment funds and costs.
guidelines and procedures
Specific Attributes
6. Defined interfaces with other financial functions
1. Funding for next stage of delivery released only if
within the organization
initiative meets agreed performance criteria
7. Criteria within portfolio for organizational
2. Formal review process ensuring that each
investment decision-making are clear
initiative’s actual financial performance and
and communicated
benefits are in line with expectations, with
8. Portfolio management process includes effective corrective actions taken when required
planning of funding availability
3. Executive Board reassures itself that there is
9. Financial data in management reports integrated financial control across portfolio
with schedule data and including trends
4. Investment management process fully integrated
10. Financial modelling of value for money, using with performance management framework
agreed and explicit techniques
5. Investment decisions ensure that initiatives are
not started unless their contribution to the
Generic Attributes
organizational objectives and priorities is explicit
1. Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly
and aligned
6. External financial risks monitored and evaluated
2. Organization-wide information standards on
as part of investment management processes
confidentiality, availability and integrity
7. Analysis prior to investment decisions made
3. Formal information release management
through senior management-owned Investment
Board or other delegated expert body
4. Independent reviews take place
8. Accurate financial management information
5. Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons, on initiative costs and benefits is available,
identifying failures rather than opportunities to facilitate proactive management of the
for improvement organization’s total investment
6. Plans developed to a central and consistent 9. Full integration between organizational and
standard that is output- or goal-based portfolio financial planning cycles
7. Plan development takes into account a range 10. Financial oversight of portfolio is organization-
of relevant factors centric rather than programme- or
8. Evidence of effective estimating techniques
9. Dependencies are identified, tracked and Generic Attributes
managed effectively 1. Information is current and extensively referenced
for better decision-making
10. Training is focused on the organization’s
approaches and raising competence of 2. Trend analysis and measurement undertaken
individuals in specific roles on performance information to identify
improvement opportunities
11. Forums exist for sharing organizational
experience to improve individual and 3. Knowledge management is a central function
organizational performance and is used to help improve performance
and planning
11. Forums exist for sharing organizational 5. Plans kept up to date, with the application
experience to improve individual and of sophisticated planning techniques and
organizational performance recognition of interdependencies
12. Centrally managed role definitions and 6. Extensive training is provided, focusing
sets of competencies defined and used on personal development and performance
to support appointments improvement
7. Evidence of interventions to avoid conflicts
PfM3 - Stakeholder Engagement – Level 4 and take advantage of opportunities
8. Mentoring and individual development is used
Sophisticated techniques are used to analyze and
to improve organizational performance
engage the portfolio stakeholder environment
effectively, and quantitative information is used to 9. Succession plans exist for key roles
underpin the assessment of effectiveness.
PfM3 - Stakeholder Engagement – Level 5
Specific Attributes
1. Sophisticated approach to analyzing,
Communications are being optimized from extensive
segmenting and maintaining stakeholder
knowledge of the stakeholder environment, to enable
perspective information
the portfolio(s) to achieve their objectives. There is
2. Extensive range of communications channels and evidence of continual improvement.
techniques used to deliver messages
Specific Attributes
3. Effectiveness of communications and stakeholder
1. Stakeholder engagement embedded in the
engagement is measured, and is high
organization’s culture
4. Critical stakeholders embedded in decision-
2. Communications active, bi-directional and
making process
embedded in decision-making process
5. Stakeholder reactions analyzed, and evidence
3. Stakeholders fully engaged in change process at
of proactive communications management to
all levels
influence stakeholder attitudes and levels of
support 4. Communications recognized by Executive Board
as a key leadership tool
6. Programme leaders engaged with and
supporting communications activities 5. Communications measured, relevant and trusted
7. Stakeholder identification and analysis covers
Generic Attributes
internal and external groups, with information
1. Information is valued, with continual
maintained centrally
maintenance and reference
8. Portfolios with high levels of market or
2. Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering
community consultation are commonly
processes, with information disseminated
at this level
through a variety of channels
Generic Attributes 3. Review and improvement is continual and
1. Information is current and extensively referenced proactive, with lessons being shared openly
for better decision-making
4. Planning inherent in decision-making process,
2. Trend analysis and measurement undertaken with adjustments and implications managed
on performance information to identify and deployed
improvement opportunities
5. Active management of interdependencies
3. Knowledge management is a central function between initiative plans and other business plans
and is used to help improve performance
6. Estimations are accurate and used effectively to
and planning
ensure delivery
4. Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as
7. High levels of competence embedded in all roles
well as compliance
and seen as part of career paths
8. Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour
within the organization
10. Planning seen as activity tracking rather than 5. Scrutiny largely for compliance reasons,
proactive/forecasting identifying failures rather than opportunities
for improvement
11. Estimation is more “guesstimation” and does
not use standard techniques 6. Plans developed to a central and consistent
standard that is output- or goal-based
PfM3 - Risk Management – Level 3 7. Plan development takes into account a range
Description of relevant factors
Portfolio risks are identified and quantified, and
8. Evidence of effective estimating techniques
response plans are developed and funded. Risk
management across the portfolio(s) is based on a 9. Dependencies are identified, tracked and
common, centrally managed process. managed effectively
10. Training is focused on the organization’s
Specific Attributes
approaches and raising competence of
1. Portfolio management has defined a risk
individuals in specific roles
management process and a risk
management policy 11. Forums exist for sharing organizational
experience to improve individual and
2. All initiatives comply with portfolio risk
organizational performance
management process and risk
management policy 12. Centrally managed role definitions and
sets of competencies defined and used
3. Portfolio processes aggregate risks and external
to support appointments
factors are identified and managed centrally (e.g.
delivery chain and likely demands/impacts on
operational business) PfM3 - Risk Management – Level 4
4. Portfolio risk management integrated with
The organization’s appetite for risk, and the balance
organizational risk management approach
of threats and opportunities across the portfolio,
5. Efforts to manage risks are appropriate to their are continually reviewed and managed. Senior
significance and priority management owns and oversees risk management
across the portfolio.
6. There is a risk manager or individual with
responsibility and time for the management of
Specific Attributes
risks within portfolio
1. Portfolio risk management embedded within
7. Risks are owned and actively managed by organizational reporting, governance and
nominated individuals management structures
8. Robust risk management includes: identification 2. Portfolio risks periodically re-assessed by
of strategic, delivery (programme/project) and Executive Board to ascertain threats to, and
operational threats/opportunities; consistent opportunities for, achieving organizational
analysis of risk in terms of probability, impact (on objectives
schedule, cost and quality of deliverables) and
3. Focus of risk management is on aggregation and
proximity (timing); response plan production and
balance of risk across portfolio’s initiatives
funding; and continual review by knowledgeable
experts, risk owners and senior managers 4. Executive Board oversees major threats and
opportunities, and their response management,
Generic Attributes and takes accountability for the management
1. Information has a refresh cycle or is regularly of risk
5. Portfolio management identifies common
2. Organization-wide information standards on risks across whole portfolio (which may not be
confidentiality, availability and integrity visible to individual initiatives) and balances the
organization’s overall exposure to risk
3. Formal information release management
procedures 6. Decision-making based on outputs of techniques
for assessing risks, including risk modelling and
4. Independent reviews take place
7. Risk analysis conducted from a number of 4. Adequate resources and funding provided for
perspectives, including strategic, operational, risk management improvement activities
commercial and internal to the initiative
5. Risk management illustrates a proven and
8. Appropriate reference to risk specialists and balanced approach to opportunities and threats
others where appropriate (e.g. business across portfolio
continuity, security, incident management,
6. Risk management underpins decision-making
health and safety, environment, procurement)
process throughout portfolio
9. Clear accountability and ownership of risks and
evidence of appropriate actions being taken Generic Attributes
1. Information is valued, with continual
Generic Attributes maintenance and reference
1. Information is current and extensively referenced
2. Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering
for better decision-making
processes, with information disseminated
2. Trend analysis and measurement undertaken through a variety of channels
on performance information to identify
3. Review and improvement is continual and
improvement opportunities
proactive, with lessons being shared openly
3. Knowledge management is a central function
4. Planning inherent in decision-making process,
and is used to help improve performance
with adjustments and implications managed
and planning
and deployed
4. Reviews focus on opportunities to improve as
5. Active management of interdependencies
well as compliance
between initiative plans and other business plans
5. Plans kept up to date, with the application
6. Estimations are accurate and used effectively to
of sophisticated planning techniques and
ensure delivery
recognition of interdependencies
7. High levels of competence embedded in all roles
6. Extensive training is provided, focusing on
and seen as part of career paths
personal development and performance
improvement 8. Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour
within the organization
7. Evidence of interventions to avoid conflicts and
take advantage of opportunities 9. Skills embedded into organizational leadership
and management development programmes
8. Mentoring and individual development is used to
improve organizational performance
PfM3 - Organizational Governance – Level 1
9. Succession plans exist for key roles
The organization has some inconsistent and
PfM3 - Risk Management – Level 5 informal attempts to align individual initiatives to
Description organizational objectives, and there is an ad hoc,
Risk management is embedded in the culture of the inconsistent and ineffective oversight of initiatives.
organization and underpins all decision-making within
the portfolio(s). Specific Attributes
1. May be a recognition that initiatives fit within an
There is evidence of continual improvement.
organizational portfolio, but at best this link will
be notional
Specific Attributes
1. Effective organizational risk management 2. Initiatives may have been defined but there is
framework with which portfolio interacts only notional alignment with organizational
effectively objectives and priorities
2. Formal portfolio gate reviews used to proactively
Generic Attributes
assess and manage investment risk and make
1. Training provision is uncoordinated, with little or
decisions based on their impact on portfolio
no knowledge sharing
3. Organizational risk management process
2. Key individuals lack experience
and outcomes continually reviewed to
ensure effectiveness of the process and the 3. No standard roles, and responsibilities are not
organizational risk management framework defined or are generic
PfM3 - Organizational Governance – Level 5 7. High levels of competence embedded in all roles
Description and seen as part of career paths
The portfolio is managed to ensure that it remains
8. Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour
aligned to support the organization’s strategic
within the organization
objectives. The portfolio management process is
optimized to ensure that it is sufficiently dynamic 9. Skills embedded into organizational leadership
and agile to cater for changes in business direction and management development programmes
and priorities.
There is evidence of continual improvement. PfM3 - Resource Management – Level 1
Specific Attributes Portfolio resource requirements are recognized but
1. Governance of investment management has not systematically managed. Resource allocation is ad
moved from a programme/project-centric hoc, with little, if any, profiling of resources to meet
process to organization-centric the resource requirements of specific initiatives.
2. Portfolio realigned to meet changing
Specific Attributes
circumstances, priorities, drivers and funding,
1. Individual initiatives identify and source their
with resources re-allocated accordingly
own resources, creating a high risk of the
3. The organization has effective and robust organization over-committing key resources
governance for managing change
2. Little or no coordination of resources across
4. Prioritization within portfolio based on priority of different initiatives, and limited alignment to
strategic objectives organizational objectives and priorities, leading
to resource conflicts
5. Executive Board has clear accountability for
stability of the organization and actively 3. Resource acquisition is ad hoc and
manages portfolio to ensure sustainability and uncoordinated
realization of strategic objectives
Generic Attributes
6. Organization proactively enables, supports and
1. Training provision is uncoordinated, with little
achieves business process improvement
or no knowledge sharing
7. Quantitatively measurable goals for process
2. Key individuals lack experience
improvement, with performance against
them tracked 3. No standard roles, and responsibilities are not
defined or are generic
8. Business performance management is
effective and seamlessly incorporates process 4. Some information available but is outdated,
improvements and benefits enabled by initiatives unstructured and dispersed
5. Limited, if any, formal checking or review
Generic Attributes
1. Information is valued, with continual 6. Plans, if any, are conceptual or merely sequences
maintenance and reference of events with rough timescales
2. Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering 7. Planning, if any, likely to be an initial activity with
processes, with information disseminated little maintenance of ownership or tracking
through a variety of channels
3. Review and improvement is continual and PfM3 - Resource Management – Level 2
proactive, with lessons being shared openly Description
The organization has started to develop portfolio
4. Planning inherent in decision-making process,
resource management processes and improve the
with adjustments and implications managed
identification and allocation of resources to specific
and deployed
initiatives. However, this is likely to be reliant on key
5. Active management of interdependencies individuals and does not assess the impact of resource
between initiative plans and other business plans allocation against the strategic objectives
and priorities.
6. Estimations are accurate and used effectively to
ensure delivery
Generic Attributes
1. Information is valued, with continual
maintenance and reference
2. Evidence of extensive intelligence-gathering
processes, with information disseminated
through a variety of channels
3. Review and improvement is continual and
proactive, with lessons being shared openly
4. Planning inherent in decision-making process,
with adjustments and implications managed
and deployed
5. Active management of interdependencies
between initiative plans and other business plans
6. Estimations are accurate and used effectively to
ensure delivery
7. High levels of competence embedded in all roles
and seen as part of career paths
8. Knowledge transfer is an inherent behaviour
within the organization
9. Skills embedded into organizational leadership
and management development programmes