Investigation of Optimum Operating Parameters For BOD & COD Removal Using Activated Carbon

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International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)

Investigation of Optimum Operating Parameters for BOD &

COD Removal using Activated Carbon
Ghodale M. D.1, Kankal S. B.2
1 2
PG Student, Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, SRES’s College of Engineering, Kopargaon,423603, India
Abstract— This paper deals with the effect of Activated In general, technical applicability and cost effectiveness
Carbon (AC) on adsorption of Biochemical Oxygen Demand are the key factors that play major roles in the selection of
(BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Sugar the most suitable adsorbent to treat effluent.
Industry wastewater using physical adsorption principle. Further, it has been reported activated carbon prepared
Experimental investigation is carried out in batches by using
from tamarind nut, metakaolin, and date nut [1], pecan
AC prepared from Coconut Shell (IAC-C). Effect of various
operating parameters such as Adsorbent Dose, pH, Treatment shell based [5], bamboo and bamboo waste [6], bael tree
Time and Agitation Speed were investigated. The results are leaf powder [7], coconut shell and coconut bunch waste [8,
fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The 9, 10 and 11], wood ash and bagasse pith [12], cocoa shell
results of IAC-C studies revealed that it has higher efficiency [13], and date-pit [14] could be used as possible absorbents
in BOD and COD reduction and hence it can be used as an to treat the effluents for reduction of BOD and COD with
efficient adsorbent for treating sugar industrial effluent. high efficacy.
Further, use of absorbents for BOD and COD reduction
Keywords—BOD, COD, IAC-C, Langmuir and Freundlich
has the advantage of easy sludge disposal when compared
Adsorption Isotherms.
to conventional precipitation technique. In the present
study coconut shell activated carbon which are belonging
to low cost category, have been investigated as the possible
Effluents from sugar industries induce environmental adsorbents for the reduction of BOD and COD from sugar
pollution. India, being one of the major producers of sugar industry effluents. Several parameters like adsorbent
in the world, is prone to large volume of wastes from sugar dosage, pH, contact time and agitation speed were
industries. The byproducts namely bagasse, molasses, optimized.
distillery wastes and press mud are some of the major
objectionable wastes generated by the sugar industries II. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
contributing to high BOD and COD [1].
The physical adsorption is one of the new removal
Activated carbon is one of the major adsorbents used for
mechanisms in the adsorption method. In this the adsorbate
treatment of sugar industry wastes to reduce BOD and
adheres on the surface of adsorbent only through Van der
COD [2, 3]. Ideal adsorbents must obey the following
Waals (weak intermolecular) interactions.
characteristics; a solid, with high surface area, high
porosity, inertness and stability to withstand chemical, A. Materials
thermal and climatic changes, cost effective and good Wastewater samples were collected from a local sugar
physicochemical properties similar to that of commercial industry named Sanjivani Sahakari Sakhar Kharkhana Ltd.,
activated carbon. An adsorbent possessing the above Shahjanandanagar, Sanjivani, Kopargaon. The sample was
properties, would be considered as a good adsorbent in collected from the discharge channel outlets of sugar
water and wastewater treatments [4, 5]. industry and stored at 2-30C. The initial characteristics of
Many researches have been done to identify a low cost the sample were analyzed according to the standard
substitute for activated carbon for the treatment of procedure given in Guide Manual for Water and
industrial effluents to reduce BOD and COD. The low-cost Wastewater Analysis by CPCB [15] and are listed in Table
adsorbents can be viable alternatives to activated carbon for 1. Activated carbon used in the present study is
the treatment of wastewater. It is important to note that the Commercial AC and is directly purchased from local
adsorption capacities may vary, depending on the traders, „Fortitude Enviro Team‟. The raw materials used in
characteristics of the individual adsorbent, surface the adsorbents for the present study is coconut shell.
modification and the initial concentration of the adsorbate.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)
The important characteristics of commercial activated The sample was withdrawn from the shaker at
carbon prescribed by the manufacturer were: surface area predetermined time intervals, filtered through Whatmann
0.9x106 m3/kg, particle density 175 kg/m3, Iodine value of No. 44 filter paper and analyzed for BOD and COD.
1000 and moisture content was 5.8%.
E. Adsorbent Dose
Table 1
Physico-Chemical Properties Of Sugar Industry Wastewater.
To determine the contribution of the adsorbent dose to
BOD and COD reduction, 100 ml of sample was treated
Sr. with different doses of adsorbent ranging between 0.5 to 7
Parameters Characteristic Value
No. gm/100ml., the other conditions includes, initial BOD
1 Colour Greenish Grey concentration: 2515mg/l, initial COD concentration: 6820
2 pH 10.2 mg/l, treatment time: 180 min, pH 4 and 3 for BOD and
3 Temperature 360C
COD resp. and agitation speed: 600 rpm. The samples were
4 DO Absent
agitated for specific time interval of 180 min., filtered and
5 BOD 2515 mg/l
6 COD 6820 mg/l
then analyzed for the residual BOD and COD
7 Alkalinity 930 mg/l concentration.
8 Dissolved Solids 2382 mg/l F. pH
9 Chlorides 580 mg/l
The pH study was performed by varying the pH values
B. Methodology from 1 to 12 using HCl and NaOH solutions. Initial BOD
The colour, pH and temperature of the wastewater concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial COD concentration: 6820
samples were measured on collection site. BOD and COD mg/l, adsorbent dose: 3.5gm/100ml and agitation speed:
were analyzed in laboratory according to the methods 600 rpm. The samples were agitated for specific time
prescribed in Guide Manual for Water and Wastewater interval of 180 min., filtered and then analyzed for residual
Analysis by CPCB. Titrimetric method is used for analysis BOD and COD concentration.
of BOD and Open Reflux method is used for the analysis of G. Adsorbent Treatment Time
COD. The BOD and COD of the wastewater samples were
Effect of contact time (adsorbent treatment time) of the
measured in laboratory before and after treatment with the
adsorbents with wastewater sample was investigated by
agitating 100 ml sample and adding 3.5 gm adsorbent for
C. Batch Mode Treatment of Wastewater Samples different time periods varying between 30 to 300 min.
All the experiments were carried out at ambient Initial BOD concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial COD
temperature (250C) in batch mode. The batch experiments concentration: 6820 mg/l, adsorbent dose: 3.5 gm/100ml,
were run in different flasks of 500 ml capacity using an pH: 4 and 3 for BOD and COD, agitation speed: 600 rpm.
average speed shaker. Adsorption experiments were The treated samples were withdrawn from shaker at
conducted in different batches for the adsorbents, where the predetermined time intervals, filtered and the residual BOD
adsorbent dose, pH of the solution, adsorbent treatment and COD concentrations were measured.
time and agitation speed were changed for the different sets H. Agitation Speed
of experiments.
The effect of agitation speed on percentage BOD and
D. Operating Parameters COD removal was investigated by keeping the agitation
The influence of various operating parameters was speed between 100 rpm to 900 rpm. Initial BOD
studied by varying one parameter and keeping the others concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial COD concentration: 6820
constant. Stirring speed of the shaker was kept constant for mg/l, treatment time: 180 min, adsorbent dose: 3.5
each run throughout the experiment, ensuring equal mixing, gm/100ml and pH: 4 and 3 for BOD and COD. The
except for those, which were meant for investigating the samples were agitated for different agitation speed, filtered
effect of agitation speed. The desired pH was maintained and then analyzed for the residual BOD and COD
using NaOH (0.1N) and HCL (0.1N) solutions. Each flask concentration.
was filled with a known volume of sample having desired
pH and stirring was started.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)
I. Langmuir Isotherm Model For Freundlich isotherm model, a plot of  log qe  vs.
 log Ce  is employed. A linear equation is used to generate
The adsorption data is analyzed according to a linear eq.
of Langmuir Isotherm Model [16, 17] as follows.

1 1

1 the values of constants   and  k F  and coefficient of
qe Qo k L Ce Qo n
qe  amount of adsorbate in the adsorbent at equilibrium III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
i.e. amount of BOD and COD removed/adsorbed per unit The wastewater was treated under batch mode operation
mass of adsorbent (mg/g) using IAC-C and BOD and COD concentrations were
measured before and after treatment with the adsorbent.
Ce  equilibrium concentration (mg/L)
The important operating parameters taken into
Qo  maximum monolayer coverage/adsorption capacity consideration for the present study are time adsorbent dose,
i.e. maximum amount of BOD and COD adsorbed per unit pH of the medium, adsorbent treatment and agitation speed.
mass of adsorbent to form a complete monolayer on the A. Adsorbent Dose
surface (mg/g) A study was done on the effect of adsorbent dose on
k L  Langmuir isotherm constant related to the affinity of percentage reduction of COD and BOD with coconut based
the binding sites (L/mg) activated carbon (IAC-C) as shown in fig. 1. Equilibrium
was reached corresponding to 3.5 gm/100ml adsorbent
For Langmuir isotherm model, a plot of  1  vs. dose for the optimum percentage reduction of 98.27% in
 
 qe  BOD and 98.77% in COD. After equilibrium, further
 1  is employed. A linear equation is used to generate addition of adsorbent results in constant removal of BOD
  and COD. Initial BOD concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial
 Ce  COD concentration: 6820 mg/l, treatment time: 180 min,
the values of constants Qo   and  k L  and coefficient of pH 4 and 3 for BOD and COD and agitation speed: 600
J. Freundlich Isotherm Model
The adsorption data is analyzed according to a linear eq.
of Freundlich Isotherm Model [16, 17] as follows.
log qe  log Ce  log k F

qe  amount of adsorbate in the adsorbent at equilibrium

Ce  equilibrium concentration (mg/L)
k F  Freundlich isotherm constant (mg/g) (dm3/g)1/n
related to adsorption capacity of the adsorbent Fig. 1: Effect of adsorbent dose on percentage BOD and COD
n  indicates favorability of adsorption i.e. if n>1 it reduction by IAC-C
indicates favorable adsorption condition

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)
B. pH
The effect of pH on the BOD and COD reduction from
wastewater is shown in fig. 2. It was clear that IAC-C
shows better adsorption at pH 4 and 3 for BOD and COD
resp. with 98.27% in BOD and 96.31% in COD. The
reason for better adsorption capacity observed at lower pH
levels might be attributed to the presence of larger number
of H+ ions. The reduction in adsorption at higher pH, on the
other hand, might be possible due to the abundance of OH -
ions, causing increased hindrance to the diffusion of
organic (contributing to COD) ions. Initial BOD
concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial COD concentration: 6820
mg/l, treatment time: 180 min., adsorbent dose 3.5
gm/100ml and agitation speed: 600 rpm.
Fig. 3: Effect of treatment time on percentage BOD and COD
reduction by IAC-C

D. Agitation Speed
To investigate the effect of agitation speed on percentage
BOD and COD reduction with IAC-C the agitation speed
was kept between 100 rpm to 900 rpm. Fig. 4 showed that
there was a very slow trend for the percentage BOD and
COD reduction. Maximum BOD and COD reduction of
91.05% and 87.69% respectively was observed around 600
rpm for IAC-C. But at higher agitation speeds, the loosely
attached molecules might re-enter into the adsorbate,
lowering the percentage BOD and percentage COD
reduction. Therefore we kept the agitation speed at 600
rpm. Initial BOD concentration: 2515 mg/l, initial COD
Fig. 2: Effect of pH on percentage BOD and COD reduction by concentration: 6820 mg/l, treatment time: 180 min,
IAC-C adsorbent dose: 3.5 gm/100ml and pH: 4 and 3 for BOD
and COD resp.
C. Adsorbent Treatment Time
The absorption increases with increase in time and
reaches saturation according to its capability. Effect of
percentage BOD and COD reduction was studied as a
function of treatment time with coconut shell activated
carbon (IAC-C) as shown in fig. 3. The optimum
percentage reduction of BOD and COD was 96.47% and
92.61% respectively after a treatment time of 180 min. As
the treatment time progressed, the adsorbent sites had the
tendency towards saturation. Initial BOD concentration:
2515 mg/l, initial COD concentration: 6820 mg/l, adsorbent
dose: 3.5 gm/100ml, pH: 4 and 3 for BOD and COD resp.,
agitation speed: 600 rpm.

Fig. 4: Effect of agitation speed on percentage BOD and COD

reduction by IAC-C

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)
E. Langmuir Isotherm Model The regression coefficient is 0.8687 and 0.8268 for BOD
From the Langmuir isotherm model as shown in fig. 5 and COD resp. Here the value of n is greater than one for
and fig. 6 for BOD and COD resp., constants obtained are: both BOD and COD which indicates favourable adsorption.
Qo  is 0.2769 and 0.9109 for BOD and COD resp. while
 kL  is 5.9484 and 2.2976 for BOD and COD resp. The
regression coefficient is 0.8576 and 08293 for BOD and
COD resp.

Fig. 7: Freundlich Isotherm Model for BOD

Fig. 5: Langmuir Isotherm Model for BOD

Fig. 8: Freundlich Isotherm Model for COD

This study shows that IAC-C has good efficiency in
BOD and COD reduction of sugar industry wastewater.
Fig. 6: Langmuir Isotherm Model for COD The effect of various parameters such as adsorbent dose,
F. Freundlich Isotherm Model pH, adsorbent treatment time and agitation speed showed a
significant variation in percentage removal efficiencies of
From the Freundlich isotherm model as shown in fig. 7
BOD and COD. The optimum operating parameters for
and fig. 8 for BOD and COD resp., constants obtained are:
maximum BOD and COD reduction are, Adsorbent dose:
1 3.5gm/100ml of sample, pH: 4 and 3 for Bod and COD
  is 0.8544 and 0.9399 for BOD and COD resp. while
n resp., Treatment time: 180 min. and Agitation speed: 600
 k F  is 1.8578 and 1.9597 for BOD and COD resp.
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Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014)
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