NOW The Modern Action Roleplaying Game v12
NOW The Modern Action Roleplaying Game v12
NOW The Modern Action Roleplaying Game v12
A What's O.L.D. Is N.E.W.
Core Rulebook
by Mike Myler
Artists Bartlomiej Fedyczak, Bien Flores, Felipe Gaona, Additional Text by Russ Morrissey
Carl Holden, Darren Morrissey, Claudio Pozas, WOIN System Design by Russ Morrissey
Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge, jupeart, Dabarti CGI, Art Directors Alida Saxon, Gayle Reick
cigdem, Yuttana Samol, diversepixel, denisgo. Art Commissioned by Savage Mojo
Some art © 2004 Ed Bourelle. Used with Layout and Graphic Design by Eric Life-Putnam
permission. ©2017–2018 EN Publishing
Also includes artwork in the public domain. ENP0301 • Version 1.2b • ISBN 978-1-912007-71-4
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................. 1 Cybernetics.......................................................30
N.O.W. IS…...........................................................2 Organic Limitations................................................... 30
FOREWORD........................................................3 Cybernetic Alterations.............................................. 30
Welcome to N.O.W...............................................5 Origins...............................................................34
What You Need....................................................5 Careers..............................................................36
Example of Play............................................................ 6 Repeating Careers...................................................... 36
How to Play..........................................................6 Career List................................................................... 37
“Rule Zero”.................................................................... 8 Occult & Magic............................................................ 42
About this Book..................................................8 Martial Arts & Chi...................................................... 55
The Setting...........................................................9 Martial Arts.......................................................56
N.O.W. What’s O.L.D. Is N.E.W.................................... 9 Martial Arts Careers.................................................. 56
A Brief Glossary..................................................9 Universal Martial Arts Exploits................................. 56
Setting the Tone................................................ 11 Once per Turn...............................................................61
Default Assumptions........................................ 12 Paying for Effects..........................................................61
That Seems Familiar!................................................. 12 A Fistful of Chi..................................................62
CHI Attribute.............................................................. 62
Chapter 1 Stances........................................................................ 62
Action Careers.......................................... 13 Universal Exploits............................................65
About This Chapter........................................... 14 Age.....................................................................68
Character Creation........................................... 14 Young Characters....................................................... 68
Total Checklist............................................................ 15 Old Characters............................................................ 68
Descriptor................................................................... 15 Trait...................................................................69
Character Creation Walkthrough.............................. 15 Derived Statistics.............................................. 71
Attributes.......................................................... 16 Recording Dice Pools................................................. 71
Attributes & Dice Pools.............................................. 16 Cinematic Mode...........................................................71
Example Descriptors....................................................16 Careers & Defensive Skills........................................ 73
Grade................................................................. 18 Equip Your Character.......................................73
Skills.................................................................. 18 Attacks...............................................................73
Starting Grade..............................................................18 Advancement.................................................... 74
Skill Notation.............................................................. 20 Defeating Enemies and Overcoming Challenges... 75
Skill Levels.................................................................. 20 Planning...................................................................... 75
Heritage.............................................................20 Completing Milestones............................................. 75
Attributes.................................................................... 21 Incremental Advances............................................... 75
Gender & Ethnicity.................................................... 21 Age............................................................................... 75
Humans....................................................................... 21
Chosen......................................................................... 22 Chapter 2
Mutant......................................................................... 23 Modern Equipment.................................... 77
Augmented................................................................. 23 About This Chapter...........................................78
Mutations..........................................................24 Starting Money.................................................78
Dice!............................................................................. 27 It’s the Real World!...................................................... 78
Mutations & Power Levels.......................................... 27 Equipment, Skills, and Quality........................79
Optional Profession.................................................... 29 Currency...................................................................... 79
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
N.O.W. IS…
Intense battles against
overwhelming odds!
I first met Morrus at the 2013 ENnies. I was a young spitfire game designer with a penchant
for weird things and a work ethic that can’t be beat (yay hard labor), and looking back, I
can honestly tell you that I did not anticipate writing an entire game system for EN World
at the time—I was mostly preoccupied with being there and starting to be somebody.
In a lot of ways, I was like a first level character. I like to think I’m level two at this point.
N.O.W. started developing half a year ago (as of this Foreword being penned, anyway)
while the breakaway What’s O.L.D. Is N.E.W. Kickstarter blew through stretch goals and
funding ramped up to places Morrus didn’t know what to do with—as soon as he solicited
ideas I put together a robust outline prepared with different ideas. What stuck was one
for a game about action movies, a topic very close to my heart. I’m such a fan that I went
to school for Film Studies, and if we aren’t talking Gilliam, chances are good my favorite
films fall into the shoot-em-up and exploding things genre. I’ve written academic papers
about Last Action Hero, collected and watched every Jackie Chan film (even The Spy Next
Door), and generally made it my thing to cheese out with action flicks.
I cannot explain how wildly excited I was when Morrus put me on as a stretch goal,
or how crazy amazing it felt when we broke that level of funding. This is by far my big-
gest foray into game design thus far (am I allowed to plug Veranthea Codex here?) and I
literally feel like bouncing off the walls (and did at first) whenever I think about N.O.W.—
I reckon that after playing it, you will as well.
Taking this bound was not a simple thing, however, and several people need to be
thanked directly for their contributions. Jonathan G. Nelson, owner of AdventureAWeek.
com, is chief amongst them, alongside Owen K. C. Stephens and L. J. Stephens of Rogue
Genius Games. The former saw a diamond in the rough and has been polishing it ever
since, and the latter pair have been providing all the mentoring Jonathan skips over.
Russell Morrissey, master of EN World and EN Publishing, also deserves a shout-out
alongside all of the membership of EN World and everyone who backed the What’s O.L.D.
is N.E.W. Kickstarter!
And milady of course, Stephanie, for convincing me to make that first pitch. You are
amazing, female.
Anyway, forget all of that! Shoot things, punch through walls, and start piling up dead
bad guys N.O.W.!
P.S.: Thanks again to Morrus for giving me a title I can be punny with N.O.W. and then.
P.P.S.: R ight N.O.W. I’m in the rough draft of revisions and wanted to let yins know that I’m
still not tired of that pun.
ot one of you respects the The young girl is not amused. “It was not
armory, and I’m going to shove a mischief.”
golf club up the backside of the next Just as Lady Anarchy hefts back a lead-core
person who sweats all over a bench and doesn’t hockey puck, the door to the armory slams open
clean it up. You are not children—clean up af- with a kick. A bandaged Mack Marlowe, his trench-
ter yourselves.” Lady Anarchy hefts her bag of coat rife with bullet holes, stands supported on
bloodied sports equipment up onto a work table, the shoulder of the team’s leader, Duke Roosevelt.
inspecting a gouge in her tungsten carbide hockey Both look at the hockey-masked vigilante and say
blade. “Oh and Senny, what the hell was that?” in unison, “don’t.”
Eternal Senpai, the youngest among them, a The old soldier walks Mack over to the ex-
teenage girl not yet four feet tall but with the private eye’s locker, pulling out a carafe of aged
demeanor of an old man, shrugs. “They should not whiskey and pouring two tumblers full of it be-
have done what they did. It is a simple thing.” fore addressing the team. “You all did good today.
Lady Anarchy’s expression under her hockey Though she’s right, Senpai—pull a stunt like that
mask can’t be seen, but it can certainly be heard. again and we’ll find a new ninja. How did we do on
“For littering? You endanger an operation that intel, Alejandra?”
took months of planning because some idiot As she gulps down the last of her first glass
tossed a balled-up burger wrapper out their car of champagne the hacker waves her hand in the
window? It was absolutely necessary to sprint air, the metal of her fingers forming into playful
after their car?” streamers. “All good, boss! We’ve got warehouse
Once more the diminutive and ever calm young schedules, some behind-the-scenes payroll, and
woman merely nods as if it were the most normal maybe a few contacts I can dig out of their net
thing in the world. “I believe that they learned a activity. Should be able to hit them again before
most important lesson.” the week is out.”
Seeing the rage building up in his street-bred Duke nods, his stark white hair like snow against
ally, a slender gentleman in a slightly rumpled the blood—not his own—spilled during the hectic
tuxedo holds up both hands, gesturing to each of highway car chase just thirty minutes ago. “After
his quarrelling compatriots. “Ladies, please! The you’re done with that bottle, get on it. Everybody
engagement proceeded, we succeeded, and all get some rest, check your gear, and be ready to
is well. There’s positively no reason for this argu- head out again before dawn tomorrow.”
ment to continue.”
“As usual, Ben’s right.” Alejandra says, ap-
pearing from around the corner with a bottle of
champagne in one hand. Her other hand—the cy-
bernetic one—is reconfigured into a bottle opener
and she laughs as it winches the thing open. “No-
body’s dead, the getaway vehicle can be salvaged,
and we’re in a good place to make our next move.
Let little Senpai have her little trastada.”
Welcome to N.O.W.
N.O.W. is a modern-day roleplaying game, set
in a very exciting version of the present or near-present.
Players take on the roles of action heroes and play through
scenarios presented to them by a Game Master (GM). The
GM creates the universe, the places, the allies and ene-
mies who populate the world, and the adventures that the
player characters (PCs) will encounter.
N.O.W. is set in the modern era, at some indeterminate
time in the late 20th or early 21st century. Whether there
are cell phones or car phones, laptops or DOS, smart links
or phone jacks, wireless Internet or broadcast television
is ultimately up to you, though the rules for using near-
future and near-past technology are all included here.
In N.O.W. you’ll create a character and adventure across
the globe with characters created by other players. Your
characters might be private eyes, mercenaries, covert ops
specialists, spies, loner badasses, masters of martial arts,
or vigilantes. You could be Human, Augmented in some
way, a Mutant, or a Designed experiment. Each player
creates his or her own player character, decides on a per-
sonality, abilities, and attributes, and plays that character
through numerous adventures.
N.O.W. allows you to blow up your enemies in style,
perform fantastic feats of martial prowess, root out cor-
ruption in the dark streets of the city, uncover duplicitous
organizations bent on world domination, or make your
way across the world as a soldier for hire.
How to Play
This book provides you with the core rules of play. It tells will be more difficult than others, and some characters
you how to create characters, adjudicate challenges and will be better at certain types of activity than others.
combat, and more. As your character makes his or her way through adven-
During a game of N.O.W. the GM will describe the en- tures across the globe, there will be money and equipment
vironment and events of the game world, and the players to find or earn and Experience Points (XP) to be gained.
will describe what their characters do within that sce- These XP can be spent to improve your character’s capa-
nario in a collaborative story-telling manner. Often the bilities by purchasing new careers, and they are awarded
success of an action is not guaranteed, at which point you to characters by the GM when the characters complete
will use your dice to determine the outcome. Some tasks storylines or defeat challenges and enemies.
Example of Play
David, Linda, Lucy, and Dirk are playing Duke Roosevelt, David (playing Duke): Wait, what? Outside? Planning
Eternal Senpai, Alejandra Vanistos, and Ben Madjos, re- on going somewhere?
spectively, in an adventure being run by Sigourney, the Dirk (playing Ben): You wait and see! It’s from my days
GM. The group is preparing for an attack by the Crimson at MI-6. It has a few tricks.
Sparrows, a sinister and villainous organization. They’ve Lucy (playing Alejandra): By “trick” do you mean “ma-
selected an abandoned warehouse where they plan to chine guns”?
ambush their foes, and Ben Madjos, international super- Dirk (playing Ben): (grins) And other things. I’ll be ready
spy, has used his contacts to ensure the Sparrows know to gun the engine and charge in from behind.
exactly where to find them. Sigourney (the GM): OK. So Senpai is above the en-
Sigourney (the GM): It’s evening now. You’re in the trance, and Ben is in the old Aston Martin parked outside.
warehouse you selected at the end of Goldacre Street. That leaves Alejamdra and Duke. Where are you guys?
According to Ben’s sources, the Sparrows plan their at- Lucy (playing Alejandra): I’ll be ready with my pistol
tack any minute now. How are you readying yourselves? behind some crates on the balcony, off to the left as they
David (playing Duke): We need to set up an ambush. Is come in.
there an upper level to this building? David (playing Duke): And I’ll be directly opposite the
Sigourney (the GM): There’s a balcony running round entrance. I want them to be able to see me so that I can
the inside about 30 feet above you. It’s about 15 feet draw them in.
wide, and it's cluttered with crates and boxes. Sigourney (the GM): You’re all set, and just in time.
Linda (playing Eternal Senpai): Good. Plenty of cover Ben, you hear the sound of engines outside—the Crim-
for you gunslingers. I’ll be right in the middle of the ac- son Sparrows are here! Around the corner, a small truck
tion, of course! Does the balcony extend above the drives into view. On the back you can see six ninjas clad
entranceway? I’d like to be able to jump down into the in black, with the signature red headband of the Spar-
bad guys from above. rows. They're armed with swords and submachine guns.
Sigourney (the GM): It does indeed. The jump would be Dirk (playing Ben): Grrr. I’m fairly sure ninjas don’t
about 30 feet though. traditionally use Uzis … ah well. I raise one eyebrow ironi-
Linda (playing Eternal Senpai): No problem. I'll use my cally, and then alert the others using my radio.
death from above exploit and some of my Chi power; I David (playing Duke): Everyone who needs to be, get
won’t be hurt by the drop. The bad guys will be, though! into cover!
Sigourney (the GM): Right. So Senpai is on the balcony Sigourney (the GM): I believe Eternal Senpai and Ale-
above the entrance. Where are the rest of you? jandra are hiding. Duke is remaining clearly visible as bait.
Dirk (playing Ben): I will be in my car, outside. Ben, are you trying to remain hidden in your car?
Dirk (playing Ben): You betcha. I won’t be much of a Dirk (playing Ben): Let’s see what this puppy can do!
surprise if they see me! I open fire with the Aston Martin’s machine guns at the
Sigourney (the GM): Great. Then I need Agility checks the three ninjas still outside! Here we go … Agility 3d6 … I
from Senpai, Alejandra, and Ben. Ben, add your stealth need a bit of luck, though, so I’ll use up 2d6 out of my Luck
skill to your dice pool. You too, Alejandra. pool to make sure this one counts. I roll 19.
(All: Various rolls are made, and the results are report- Linda (playing Eternal Senpai): And I leap down on the
ed; Lucy makes an unlucky low roll for Alejandra.) three inside the entranceway, summoning up my Chi for
Sigourney (the GM): The truck rolls to a stop outside a devastating attack! It’s Agility for me, too, plus my
the warehouse, and the Crimson Sparrows disembark. martial arts skill. This is what I’m really good at! I roll 21!
They clearly haven’t seen Ben. Fanning out, three enter It’s a shame Lady Anarchy isn’t here … she’d make mince-
the building. They spot Duke immediately, and one of meat of these guys with her golf clubs and stuff!
them points up at Alejandra behind the crates. Sigourney (the GM): They’re both excellent rolls, and
David (playing Duke): What is it they say? No plan sur- both of your attacks succeed. Ben, your car’s machine
vives first contact with the enemy? Anyway, I grin, take guns tear into the ninjas in front of you; Senpai, you land
a puff of my cigar, and wave cheerfully at them. Let’s among the ones in the warehouse and lash out with fist
spring the ambush! and foot! Roll some damage and let me know about any
Sigourney (the GM): Only Ben and Senpai get to act in other effects from your attacks!
the Ambush Turn. The rest of you don’t, unfortunately, David (playing Duke): I do love it when a plan comes
because you’ve been spotted! together …
“Rule Zero”
The GM is the final arbiter of what happens in the
game. If a rule needs to be interpreted, it is the GM
who decides how to resolve it. At times, the GM may
need to create new rules, or alter existing rules. In
other words, the rules in this book should be viewed
as guidelines, and should not interfere with or be a
hindrance to your game-playing.
The ultimate goal of this game—like that of any
game—is to enjoy it and have fun. There is no right or
wrong way to play N.O.W. If you’re all enjoying your-
selves, you’re playing it correctly.
Chapter 1
Action Careers
ach player in N.O.W. plays a character— •• A walkthrough of the character creation process.
a genetically modified soldier, a stalwart ex-cop, a •• Details about character descriptors and grades.
secret agent, a talented martial artist, an outcast •• Information about attributes, what they mean, and
mutant, or one of many possible options. You can choose how they are used.
from a variety of heritages and careers to build the char- •• A list of over 150 example skills.
acter you want to play. •• A selection of 4 character heritages, along with their
This section of the rulebook tells you how to create a descriptions and abilities.
player character. It includes information on attributes, •• Over 40 distinct careers your character can adopt.
skills, careers, exploits, and equipment. By working •• Universal exploits—distinct abilities which can be
through this chapter, you will be able to easily create a acquired by any character.
fully playable character ready for play in a N.O.W. cam- •• Details on how to calculate a number of derived
paign. All you need is a character sheet, a pencil, and a statistics.
copy of this rulebook. •• Nearly 40 traits.
•• Information about how age affects your character.
Character Creation These elements are building blocks that contribute to your
A character, in its basic form, is simply a collection of character. It may seem like a lot, but creating a character
three types of element: attributes (core capabilities), skills is actually very simple—you simply choose a heritage, five
(areas of special competence or knowledge), and exploits careers, a couple of items like exploits and traits, and then
(special abilities and traits). The rest of the elements listed you buy equipment for your character. When you’re used
below, such as careers, age, heritage, and so on, are simply to the process, a character shouldn’t take more than a few
choices which help determine your attributes, skills, and minutes to create.
exploits. This chapter on character creation includes the
Action Careers
Total Checklist Trait. The trait is the name of a special ability defined
When you are finished, you will have chosen: by a character’s lowest or highest attribute.
•• 5 careers, including one origin. Age. The age entry is only used if the character is young-
•• 10 skill ranks from careers plus 3 from heritage, er than adult or older than middle-aged. You may choose
making 13 in total. any synonyms for young and old (adolescent, youthful,
•• 20 attribute points from careers, plus 24 you started aged, mature, etc.); age can give you a free exploit (see the
with, adjusted by heritage. section on Age, below).
•• 2 universal exploits, including either aim or feint. Career. The career entry can be one of two choices. It
•• 1 possible age exploit, a trait, and a hook. can be the character’s current career, or it can be the char-
acter’s longest-serving career. If the longest serving career
Descriptor is not the current career, it should be prefixed with “ex-”
At the top of each character sheet is a descriptor. This is (for example, an ex-Cop or an ex-Soldier).
a short introductory character summary. For example, Hook. The hook is a broad background, skill, or area
Alejandra Vanistos’ descriptor reads: of interest chosen by the player. It can be anything, but
it’s designed to round out the character with personality,
A nimble Augmented burglar who loves automobiles interests, or hobbies. For example, a player might choose
“who enjoys hard liquor” or “has a taste for romance” or
The descriptor is made up of the following elements, some even “who collects insects as a hobby.”
of which are not always used. The hook complements career and skill choices as a
background aspect, unconnected to specific vocations
a[n] [age] [trait] [heritage] [career] who/with [hook]. and training. The hook works as a broad skill. Any time
a character makes an attribute check, if the activity is
Action Careers
Example Descriptors
Each player should read their full descriptor to the
rest of the group before beginning play. For example:
• Ben Madjos is a suave human spy who likes to
• Alejandra Vanistos is a nimble Augmented
burglar who loves automobiles.
Monsters, too, are described in terms of attributes. A
mighty Tyrannosaurus rex might have a Strength attri-
related to the character's hook, the player's dice pool ex- bute of 20 or more. Non-human heritages have different
plodes (each six rolled grants an additional die). The GM averages and norms compared to humans; this is repre-
should be generous in allowing this; the hook should pro- sented by their different starting attributes.
vide a frequent reminder of a character’s background. Attributes change during character generation and
What a player can’t do with the character’s hook is sneak through character advancement, as your character un-
in a combat bonus—a bonus to either attack or damage dertakes careers. A stint in the military might make you a
rolls. Characters can certainly have hooks like “…who bit tougher, increasing your Endurance attribute, while
enjoys the firing range” or “…who likes bar-room brawls,” years spent as a con-man might increase your Charisma.
but hooks like these that imply proficiency in combat The attributes are described in more detail below.
can’t actually help a character in combat. For example, a Attributes sometimes combine to create derived sta-
firing range hook won’t ever benefit a character who’s fir- tistics—for example, the physical attributes can affect
ing a pistol; a brawling hook won’t ever assist a character a character’s Defense score, and the mental attributes
who’s throwing a punch. affect a character’s Mental Defense score. Other attri-
Have each player read their full descriptor to the rest of butes are used to determine how fast your character can
the group before beginning play. run, how much he can carry, how far he can jump, or how
much damage he can take.
Player characters are defined by a set of attributes, a se- Attributes & Dice Pools
lection of values which help describe a character. They Attribute scores are only used during character creation
measure things like strength, agility, and intelligence; and advancement. During play, you will use your attri-
somebody with a higher Strength attribute is stronger butes’ associated dice pools. There is more detail on this
than somebody with a lower one. The core attributes are later, but dice pools are groups of dice which you roll when
Strength, Agility, Endurance, Willpower, Intuition, your character attempts a task; the more dice you roll, the
Logic, Charisma, Luck, Reputation, and Chi. higher you’ll likely score.
There is no upper limit to an attribute. The human heri- Your attributes determine how many dice you can roll.
tage is used as a benchmark for “average,” with a score of The total that you roll is compared to a difficulty bench-
with 4 in each physical, mental, and personal attribute mark; if you roll equal to or higher than that benchmark,
being roughly average for an adult human. An attribute your character succeeds at the task.
of 12 typically represents performance exhibited by top In running text, a benchmark looks something like this:
world-class athletes or legendary geniuses. Einstein and “a Challenging [13] AGI check.” This means that you roll
Sherlock Holmes exhibit a score of 12 in their Logic at- your dice pool, and if you roll 13 or more, your character
tributes, while Adolf Hitler and Rasputin have scores of 11 succeeds. There is much more information on difficulty
or 12 in Charisma, although player characters and NPCs benchmarks and attribute checks in the section on adju-
in N.O.W. sometimes exceed these values. dicating the game.
Action Careers
Action Careers
Your grade is equal to the total number of career grades
you have taken, and the largest dice pool you can form
during play is defined by your grade. A starting character
with 5 career grades is grade 5, and has a maximum pool
size of 5d6. Some NPCs, civilians, or weak monsters may
be lower than grade 5, and their maximum dice pool is
equal to their grade (but see the “Starting Grade” sidebar).
For example (this will be explained in more detail lat-
er), Kilrave the Assassin has 9 AGI, 4 ranks in knives, and
an exceptional dagger. That would normally give him a
dice pool of 7d6 (3d6 for his attribute, 2d6 for his knives
skill, and 2d6 for his exceptional weapon). However, he is
grade 7, which makes his maximum dice pool 6d6 (see the
table below). In effect, some of the dice Kilrave would be
entitled to are wasted until he can gain some experience.
Skills represent things your character is good at. Skills are
picked up as a character progresses through his life, and
reflect training and background. Some are academic skills,
such as sciences; others are physical skills like running or
climbing. Still others reflect social skills like intimidation,
technical skills like engineering, and more.
Maximum Dice Pools by Grade
Grade <5 5 6–7 8–10 11–14 15–19 20–25 26–32 33–40
Max Pool see sidebar 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 11d6 12d6
Starting Grade
A typical character begins at grade 5, which includes an monster’s maximum dice pool is 2d6 at grade 2 and 1d6
origin and four career grades. However, the GM may wish at grade 1.
to start the game at a different grade. Starting charac- Conversely, starting characters at grade 10 makes
ters at grade 1 will make them very young, and they will them highly competent, experienced professionals.
have only an origin. They will be below average in terms These characters know what they’re doing, and they’re
of competency, but have limitless scope to grow. Alter- good at it. They’ve probably maxed out one entire career—
natively, starting at grade 2 can give characters an origin perhaps they could be ex-military or reformed criminals.
and the start of a career. A rookie cop or a teenaged run- A grade 10 character has a maximum dice pool of 7d6.
away longing for adventure might fit this approach. The GM can set any starting grade. You may find
A grade 4 PC has a maximum dice pool of 4d6. A grade you enjoy certain styles of game over others, and the
3 or lower PC has a maximum dice pool of 3d6 (a PC’s starting grade can play a major role in flavor. It is recom-
maximum dice pool cannot be reduced to lower than 3d6, mended, however, that all players begin with characters
no matter how low their grade); however, an NPC’s or of the same grade so that none overshadow the others.
Action Careers
A skill forms part of a dice pool. When making an at- drive a car, and having no ranks in pistols does not prevent
tribute check, you may add skill dice to your attribute dice you from taking a shot at an attacking ninja.
(you may also add equipment dice) to form a dice pool The skill list is open-ended—anything can be a skill;
which is rolled against a target difficulty benchmark. even if it’s not on the list below. You might wish to choose
You don’t need to have training in a particular skill in flower arranging, origami, or interior decorating. The list
order to attempt a task. Having ranks in a skill indicates below is simply a list of examples; feel free to add to it.
that you have particular expertise in that subject; howev-
er, even if you have no ranks in driving, you can still try to
Example Skills
Artistic Skills Scientific Skills
Examples: painting, sculpting, calligraphy, pottery, po- Examples: physics, astronomy, chemistry, ecology, geol-
etry, literature, film-making, photography, printmaking, ogy, meteorology, biology, zoology, botany, mathematics,
modeling archaeology, criminology, psychology, sociology, medicine
Action Careers
Your character may be nothing like you. There are a num-
ber of heritages to choose from; they all have different
starting attributes representing typical members of that
heritage. Some were born different, while others may be
Skill Notation deliberately designed. Each heritage is different.
Sometimes the rules refer to categories of skills instead of Heritages in N.O.W. include Humans, Augmented,
single skills. When this happens, the category is noted in Chosen, and Mutants. Whether you want to play an in-
square brackets in order to avoid confusion. For example, ternational superspy, a better/stronger/faster cyborg, a
an entry which says [outdoor] refers to the entire list of generational vampire hunter, or a human-sized turtle,
survival, animal handling, tracking, farming, mining, and there’s something for you.
any new skills players devise, as long as they fall within Start by choosing a heritage and sex for your charac-
the category and the GM approves them. ter. Your heritage will determine your starting attributes,
For example, if a career tells you that you may choose which are the attributes of a youngster of that heritage
a [performance] skill, you can choose any of the listed ex- (human adult average is 4 in each attribute). Your sex does
amples in that category, or you might decide instead on a not affect your attributes or skills at all.
new skill like podcasting or voice-over artist. Humans provide the simplest, most straightforward
When noting a skill, you do not need to indicate catego- playing experience.
ries or placeholder titles. You simply note “chess” rather Once you have selected your heritage, record your
than “gaming (chess)”; similarly, you simply note “pistols” starting attributes and choose three skills from the list
or “nunchaku” rather than “ranged weapon (pistols)” or of available skills. Each heritage also has natural exploits
“melee weapon (nunchaku).” (such as the Augmented’s bonus cybernetic alteration).
Local Knowledge. When selecting local knowledge, This book presents four basic heritages, although oth-
you need to specify a locale you know. ers may be available from other sources. The heritages
Weapons. In combat, unarmed fighting and weapon presented herein are “generic” in the sense that they are
skills all add to relevant AGI, INT, or STR attack checks. designed to suit a multitude of campaign settings in the
Weapon skills are based on weapon type; unarmed com- same way that elves, dwarves, and halflings suit a mul-
bat skills are based on approach. For example, melee titude of fantasy campaign settings. A given setting may
weapon skills include swords, axes, clubs, and knives; well have a different set of heritages, especially if it’s based
ranged weapon skills include pistols and rifles; and un- on a popular action franchise.
armed combat skills include wrestling, brawling, boxing, We use the term “heritage” because characters of all
and martial arts. these heritages are humans.
Armor. Armor is divided into light, medium, and heavy •• Humans are regular people, although they may
armor. You can wear armor in which you have no skill have special skills or training.
ranks, but—as with all equipment—you need skill ranks •• Augmented are people who naturally take to
to benefit fully from higher quality armor. cybernetic augmentation. While anybody can use
cybernetics, Augmented take it to an extreme.
Skill Levels •• Chosen are special people; they may be spoken
Skills are used to form dice pools in the same way that of in prophecy, or they may have been purposely
attributes are. They use the same scale as attributes to de- designed in a lab.
rive the size of the dice pool. •• Mutants display special powers and abilities
As a general rule, 1 skill rank is proficient, 3 is a roughly granted by their anomalous genetic code. They
equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, and 6 is a doctorate level might be able to shoot fire from their hands or see
of expertise. through solid walls, amongst other things.
Action Careers
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Action Careers
Health. If you take it a third time, you may heal up to though they were the floor.
their normal maximum Health. Remember that no 36) Internal Combustion Engine. Simply put, you are on
creature can benefit from the same source of healing fire. You have managed to convert your radiation into
more than once per day. a boiling inferno. The inferno can be unleashed from
26) Invisibility. Once per day you can turn invisible for up your body for up to one minute per day by spending
to one minute. If you take this mutation a second time, two actions, covering your skin in raging flames. You
you can turn invisible for up to five minutes; if you take are immune to fire damage. While you are aflame, any
it a third time, you can turn invisible for up to one hour. creatures starting their turn adjacent to you take 1d6
31) Toughness. You gain natural Soak 5. If you take this a fire damage. If you take this a second time, you may set
second time, your natural Soak increases to 10. If you yourself aflame three times per day. If you take it a third
take it a third time, it increases to 15. time, you may turn your flames on and off at will.
32) Drain Life. You can drain the very life from another 41) Living Weapon. You can transform parts of your body,
creature. This may be a bite like that of the vampire, or usually hands or feet, into sharp blades. This is often
it may be an icy touch which draws out their very es- done by extruding the bone from underneath the skin,
sence—how you describe it is up to you. This melee and thanks to the mutation the bone is as strong as steel,
attack requires two actions and causes 1d6 damage; sometimes stronger. You can manifest any standard-
you gain the amount of Health you cause, up to your quality medium-sized or smaller one-handed bladed
normal maximum Health. If you take this a second melee weapon by spending two actions.
time, the drain becomes 2d6, and a third time makes it 42) Rubberized Body. You have stretchy skin and bone.
3d6. However, you cannot reduce any creature below No one’s quite sure how you do it, but you can elongate
half Health using this power. parts of your body. You take half damage from falling,
33) Poison Bite. Your sharp teeth deliver poison. Your half damage from attacks which do blunt damage. If
natural damage increases by +1d6 and becomes piercing/ you take this a second time, your reach increases by +5',
poison. If you take this a second time, your bite inflicts and your Speed increases by +2. A third time makes you
one of the following conditions (chosen when you first immune to falling and blunt damage.
gain this ability): Poisoned, Sick, or Sleeping. If you take 43) Ice Cold. You are freezing cold. You are immune to
it a third time, your bite inflicts a disease of your choice. cold damage, and Vulnerable (1d6) to fire damage. Your
34) Shapechange. You are able to alter your form. You touch does cold damage and pushes the target one
cannot make yourself look like a specific person, but stage down the Mobility status track. If you take this a
you can make yourself generally taller, shorter, fatter, second time, your touch does +1d6 damage and freezes
thinner, older, younger, or of a different ethnicity or liquids within 5'. A third time increases the damage by
gender. This changes none of your attributes or skills in another +1d6, and allows you to freeze solid objects (but
any way. If you take this power a second time, you are not creatures) up to one 5' square in size and make them
also able to change your voice to match the form you brittle so that any Soak they have no longer applies.
have adopted. A third time allows you to take the form 44) Acid Blood. Your blood is a strong acid. When you are
of specific people; however, you will need to make a hit by a slashing weapon, the attacker—if within 5'—
CHA check against the INT of anybody who knows the takes 1d6 acid damage. If you take this a second time,
person being mimicked. the damage increases to 2d6 acid damage. A third time
35) Spiderclimb. You can climb your normal Speed. If makes the acid strong enough to melt through half an
you take this a second time, climbing becomes a natu- inch of steel in one minute; this requires you to do 1d6
ral movement mode for you, meaning that you do not damage to yourself to extract enough blood, however.
need to make checks to climb. Taking it a third time 45) Tentacles. You look part human, part “something else.”
makes you able to literally walk on walls and ceilings as Some part of you has been replaced by tentacles rather
than hands, or feet. Perhaps your whole lower body has
Action Careers
been replaced in this way and you have an unusual form 55) Probability Fields. You are able to literally influence
of locomotion. Roll 1d6. On a roll of 1–3, your arms are luck. You can recharge your LUC pool an additional
replaced and you gain +5' reach; on 4–6, your legs are time per day. If you take this a second time, you are
replaced and you become immune to difficult terrain. If able to suppress the ability of another creature within
you take this a second time, you gain the other benefit. 30' to use its LUC pool. A third time means that you can
A third time gives you one extra action each round (but change the LUC pool of an ally you can see to d8s once
you can still not take any given action more than twice). per day for one check.
46) Projectile Spines. Rather like a porcupine, you have 56) Shockwave. You are able to emit a shockwave which
quills that you can eject at some force. Your quills have attacks everybody within 10' of you. It does your natural
a range increment of 3, and do your natural damage. If damage, but the damage type is force damage. If you
you take this a second time, your quills gain +1d6 dam- take this a second time, those successfully stuck are
age or do poison damage. Taking it a third time allows pushed back 5'. A third time increases the radius to 30'
them to do both. and knocks down medium or smaller creatures.
51) Extra Appendage. You have more than the normal set 61) Growth. You can increase your size to large or small
of appendages—extra arms, legs, more than one nose, for up to one minute. Taking it a second time allows you
or four ears. Arms give you +1d6 STR, legs give you +1d6 to change to enormous or tiny. A third time enables you
AGI, and noses or ears give you +1d6 INT. However, you to change size for up to one hour.
have a permanent –1d6 CHA. 62) Multiple Personalities. Create a second Mutant char-
52) Animal Form. You can change into a medium-sized acter. At the start of each day you must roll randomly to
animal. Choose your alternate form; it takes two ac- determine which character your are today. Taking this
tions to change. When you change, you adopt the a second time allows you to create a third character. A
physical statistics of that animal, but your maximum third time allows you to choose which character you
dice pool does not change. Any damage you take in that are each day, although you must remain that character
form remains when you change back. If you take this a until the next day.
second time, you may change into a large or small ani- 63) Immobile. You cannot be moved against your will
mal; taking it a third time means you can change into for up to one minute per day. If you take this a second
any animal. time, this lasts for up to one hour. A third time makes
53) Mimic. By touching another mutant, you can “bor- it permanent.
row” their power for one minute (the target does not 64) Energy Absorption. You can absorb impressive
lose their own power—you are merely copying it). You amounts of harmful energy. You gain Soak 5 to two
may only borrow one power at a time. If you take this types of energy or Soak 10 to one type of energy, cho-
a second time you may borrow up to three powers at a sen from the following list: acid, cold, electricity, heat/
time. A third time allow you to borrow as many powers fire, or sonic. When you Soak energy, you gain half
as you wish. An unwilling target requires a melee attack that amount (round down) in Health up to your maxi-
roll in order to lay your hands on them for long enough mum Health. If you take this a second time, your Soak
to copy the power. values double. A third time allows you to gain the full
54) Teleportation. You can spend two actions to teleport amount absorbed as Health.
up to 30' as long as you can see your destination. Your 65) Power Nullifier. Within 30' of you mutant powers do
clothing goes with you, as does gear you can carry up to not work. If you take this a second time, this also ap-
your first Carry increment, but you cannot take other plies to psionic powers from N.E.W. A third time makes
living creatures with you. If you take this a second time, it apply to magic from O.L.D.
you can teleport as a single action; a third time allows 66) Speedy. You gain an extra action each turn, although
you to teleport as a reaction to an attack. you cannot attack or move more than twice. If you take
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extra damage. However, anybody attempting medical 36) Levitation. You can hover above the ground at a height
assistance on you suffers a –2d6 to their check. If you of up to 3 feet. This does not give you the ability to move
take this a second time, your Soak increases to 4 and horizontally, however. Taking it a second time allows
you are immune to critical hits. A third time increases you to hover up to 10' high, and a third time means you
your Soak to 6 and allows you to ignore damage from an can hover up to 30' high.
attack by spending one LUC die. 41) Claws. You have sharp claws. Your unarmed damage
24) Taller than Normal. Your height is greater than nor- becomes slashing damage. Taking this a second time
mal, even taller than the tallest member of the human increases your unarmed damage by +1d6. A third time
race. Roll 1d6+6 to determine your height in feet. You increases it by another +1d6.
are considered large-sized. 42) Leaper. You increase your Jump distances by +10'. If
25) Dwarfism. You were born smaller than normal, and you take this a second time, you instead double your
you age at an accelerated rate. You might be mistaken Jump distances or increase them by +10', whichever is
for a child. You are Small-sized, and you reach each age greater. If you take it a third time, you may jump up to
category at half the normal number of years. 30' horizontally and vertically.
26) Linguist. You are able to converse in any language. 43) Scent. You have an unnaturally sensitive sense of
31) Atmosphere Processor. You can breathe in a variety smell. You get +1d6 to INT checks where scent might be
of gaseous atmospheres, surviving in areas that would a factor. If you take this a second time, the bonus goes
normally kill humans. You are immune to all gases. If up to +2d6, and a third time increases it to +3d6.
you take this a second time, you can also breathe in any 44) Tail. You have a thick tail. As a free action you may
liquid. A third time means you do not need to breathe make an unarmed attack against a foe behind you,
at all. within 5'. If you take this a second time, your tail gains a
32) Animal Affinity. You have an affinity with one animal stinger which changes it to piercing/poison damage. A
type, such as cats, dogs, bears, or Tyrannosaurus rexes. third time gives you a tail-sweep attack which attacks
If you take this a second time, you have affinity with everybody in a 10' cone behind you; this attack does not
one animal class, such as mammal, reptile, bird, fish, use the stinger, but it knocks down anybody medium-
or dinosaur. A third time gives you affinity with all ani- sized or smaller that you successfully hit.
mals. While you do not gain the ability to talk to these 45) Furry. You are covered in a coat of fur. You gain natu-
animals, they will naturally regard you with friendship ral Soak 5 (cold). If you take this a second time, you gain
unless you give them a reason not to. They will not put natural Soak 5 (all) and Soak 10 (cold). A third time
themselves in danger for you, however. gives you Soak 10 (all) and immunity to cold.
33) Longevity. You double the normal age categories. If 46) Horns. You have horns, or a horn. You gain +1d6 un-
you take this second time, you do not age, and remain armed damage, which becomes piercing. If you take
in your current age category forever. this a second time, you gain a gore attack which allows
34) Weather Control. You can influence the local weather you to move your Speed and impale a target on your
within 30'. If you take this a second time, you can in- horn, doing +1d6 damage. Taking it a third time allows
fluence the weather within 100'. A third time lets you you to inflict the Restrained condition on an impaled
control it within one mile. The weather you create is not target, which takes your natural damage at the start of
so intense that it can be used to directly attack another each of its turns until it gets free (which requires a
creature. melee attack against you).
35) Mutant Sense. You can detect the presence of mu- 51) Sticky Tongue. You have a sticky tongue like a frog’s.
tants within 30'. Taking this a second time increases You can use it to pick up small items within 10' as a free
the range to line-of-sight. A third time enables you to action. If you take this a second time, your tongue can
determine their mutant powers (assuming they are not reach 30'. A third time, and it is strong enough to hold
immediately visible). Medium-sized items.
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character may discharge this energy against the attacker, Voice Synthesizer. The character can precisely mimic
dealing electric damage equal to the character’s total others’ voices. When doing so, the character gains a +1d6
number of career grades. bonus to CHA checks made to deceive others in situations
Weapon Integration. A character with an existing cy- where the deception relies upon the assumed voice.
bernetic limb can have a weapon integrated into it. The Wavelength Receiver. This implant alters the cerebral
character is able to use the weapon exactly as normal, cortex and the vision center of the brain, allowing the
except the weapon cannot be dropped or disarmed. The creature to perceive normally invisible energy types. As a
weapon must be two size categories smaller than the reaction, a creature with a wavelength receiver can tune
character, and whatever its quality it must be paid for in it to detect magnetic, radio, cellphone, or radar waves or
addition to the integration. even chi energy (any type of energy the GM sees fit).
Cybernetics Table
Enhancement Type Cost ($) Effect
Artificial arm Major 100,000 +1d6 to Strength dice pool
Artificial leg Major 125,000 +1d6 to Agility dice pool
Digi-claws Minor 100,000 +1d6 natural damage
Durarmor/sub-dermal plating Major 200,000 Soak 5
Duraskin Major 50,000 Soak 2, Soak 5 (fire)
Exosuit, partial Major 75,000 +1d6 to Strength dice pool
Exosuit, full Major 175,000 +1d6 to Strength, +1d6 to Agility
Hormonal regulators Minor 30,000 +1d6 to social interactions three times per day
Injector implant Minor 18,000 One drug type, injects as a free action three times per refill
Input jacks Minor 50,000 +1d6 to computer operations or hacking
Memory chip Minor 25,000 +1d6 to LOG dice pool
Olfactory sensors Minor 25,000 +1d6 to scent-based INT checks
Retinal implant Minor 15,000 Night, telescopic, magnifying, and/or infrared vision
Skeletal reinforcement Major 110,000 +1d6 to Endurance dice pool
Skill implant Minor 15,000 1 new skill at 1d6
Static dynamo Major 50,000 Discharge electricity in response to an attack
Weapon integration Major 50,000 Integrate weapon into cybernetic limb (add weapon cost)
Voice synthesizer Minor 25,000 Speak with counterfeit voice
Wavelength receiver Minor 50,000 Sense/read/hear energy/radiation wavelengths
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Military Brat [2d6+6 years] Be Prepared. Once per day you can produce a small ob-
You spent time getting shuffled around from military base ject worth $10 or less from your pockets.
to military base or otherwise learning from modern soldiers.
Prerequisites: none. Scion [15 years]
Attributes: END +1, LOG +1, WIL +1, LUC +1 You had a privileged upbringing in a wealthy family, heir to
Skill Choices: [vehicle], pistols, rifles, carousing, survival old money. You have never known hardship.
Tactical. You gain 3 ranks (2d6) in the tactics skill. Prerequisites: none.
Attributes: INT +1, CHA +1, REP +2
Nerd [2d6+6 years] Skill Choices: [trivia], [social], [artistic], [gaming],
You’ve been obsessed with computer systems. [sporting]
Prerequisites: none. Privileged. You gain two sets of superior quality clothing
Attributes: LOG +2, LUC +1, REP +1 and start play with a bonus $1,000.
Skill Choices: [computers], bureaucracy, cryptology, gam-
ing, [scientific] Street Tough [2d6+6 years]
White-hat. You are practiced at hacking and anti-hacking You fell in with local gangs and the lower echelons of orga-
techniques. You can actively provide a computer sys- nized crime, looking up to gangsters as role models. You
tem with a +4 Electronic Defense score and gain a joined a gang, played truant, and engaged in petty crime.
+1d6 bonus to electronic attacks. Prerequisites: none.
Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, CHA +1, LUC +1
Novice [2d6+6 years] Skill Choices: intimidation, thievery, appraisal, brawling,
You were brought up in a monastic or religious order. knives, clubs
Prerequisites: none. Fell Off a Truck. You may acquire starting equipment at
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, Chi +1 half cost. However, any items you acquire this way are
Skill Choices: religion, [artistic], linguistics, insight actually stolen.
Confidant. You can discern a lie through a mix of intu-
ition and experience. You gain a +1d6 bonus to discern Survivor [2d6+6 years]
lies and deceptions. The story of your childhood is one of hardship and war
zones; you’ve grown a thick hide from conflict or war.
Orphan [2d6 +6 years] Prerequisites: none.
Your childhood was not a happy one. Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, INT +1, WIL +1
Prerequisites: none. Skill Choices: [outdoors], stealth, [vehicle], running
Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, CHA +1, LUC +1 Endurance. You've endured a lot, and you have the scars
Skill Choices: brawling, stealth, thievery, running, bluffing, to prove it. You gain +2 natural Soak.
Urchin. You’re familiar with urban backgrounds and can Traveler [2d6+6 years]
blend in easily. After spending one hour in a new city, Your parents travelled a lot, which gave you great exposure
you learn the names of some local crime figures. to the wonders and goings on of the world.
Prerequisites: none.
Scout/Eagle [2d6+6 years] Attributes: END +1, INT +1, LUC +1, REP +1
Always prepared, you were a member of the Boy or Girl Skill Choices: piloting, sailing, navigation, bureaucracy,
Scouts or a similar organization. linguistics
Prerequisites: none. Stargazer. Your extensive travels have heightened your
Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, LOG +1, WIL +1 sense of location. You can tell which country and city
Skill Choices: [crafting], [miscellaneous hobby], [outdoor] you are in if you can see the sky.
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Actor [1d6 years] Direction Sense. You always know where you are, and you
A star of screen or stage, you make your living pretending to never get lost.
be somebody else. Each time you take this career, roll 1d6. If Linguist. You can speak and understand any language, al-
you roll a 6, you win an award. Roll again: (1) BAFTA, (2) though it might sometimes take you a moment to figure
Emmy, (3) Tony, (4) Soap Opera Digest, (5) Razzie, (6) Oscar. it out.
An award gives you +1 REP.
Prerequisites: none. Assassin [1d6 years]
Attributes: LOG +1, INT +1, CHA +1, REP +1 A killer for hire, you mastered the skills of assassination.
Skill Choices: swords, acting, singing, dancing, flirtation, Prerequisites: stealth, tracking, [combat].
carousing, bluffing, linguistics, movie trivia, celebrity Attributes: STR +1, AGI +1, INT +1, REP +1
trivia, theater trivia, disguise Skill Choices: [combat], stealth, thievery, perception, in-
Box-Office Star (requires B-movie). You were in a block- timidate, disguise
buster movie. You gain REP +2 and begin play with Killing Blow. Any attack you make during the ambush
an extra $1,000. You also learned one new skill of your turn gains a +2d6 bonus to attack.
choice at 1 rank (1d6). Name your movie. Ambush. You gain +2d6 to rolls made to access the am-
Method Actor. You immerse yourself into your roles. In- bush turn.
crease your acting skill to 6 ranks. Weak Point. Once per enemy you may ignore any Soak
Stage-Fright. You learned to overcome your nerves on the score he possesses by targeting a weak spot.
stage. Once per day you may ignore a fear-based effect. Sneak. If nobody is actively looking for you, you are able
Costumer. You are used to wearing costumes in your roles. to move silently and unseen at half your normal speed.
Gain the disguise skill at 6 ranks. You are effectively invisible. However, if anybody is
B-Movie. You were in a classic B-movie. You gain REP +1 actually looking for you, they may make INT checks as
and and begin play with an extra $500. You also learned normal to spot you.
one new skill of your choice at 1 rank (1d6). Name your
movie. Astronaut [1d6 years]
Catchphrase. You are associated with a catchphrase. You trained to become an astronaut and travelled into
Once per day you can use your catchphrase and gain space, either into orbit or to the moon or a similar body.
+1d6 on any roll. Write down your catchphrase. Prerequisites: [scientific] or piloting.
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, LOG +1, REP +1
Archeologist [1d6 years] Skill Choices: piloting, zero-g, engineering, physics, medi-
As an archeologist, you explored dark caves, tracked down cine, astronomy
lost treasures, and dug a lot of holes. G-Forces. You are trained to resist g-forces. You gain Soak
Prerequisites: none. 5 to crushing damage.
Attributes: INT +1, LOG +1, WIL +1, LUC +1 Space Sickness. Nearly every astronaut gets sick. You
Skill Choices: literature, history, art, linguistics, theology, learn to ignore it. You become immune to sickness
geography, climbing, archeology, cryptology, appraisal conditions.
Not Another Trap! You can spend a LUC die to automati- Spacewalker. You gain a zero-g Speed equal to your regu-
cally avoid a trap. lar speed.
Great Discovery. You discovered something incredible—
the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, or something Athlete [1d6 years]
equally impressive. You gain +2 REP. You are a professional athlete, whether that be in a team
Antique. You start play with an antique weapon, which is sport or a track and field event.
of exceptional quality. Prerequisites: [sport] or [physical].
Attributes: STR +1, AGI +1, END +1, REP +1
Action Careers
Skill Choices: [physical], [sporting], carousing, flirtation, Make a Challenging [13] CHA check before advancing
[unarmed combat] any attributes. If you succeed, you automatically gain a
Athletic. Choose four [physical] skills. You gain these four second military rank.
skills at 1 rank (1d6). This does not increase the rank of
an existing skill. Bouncer [1d6 years]
Runner. You gain a +1 Speed bonus. You stood guard at the door to a bar, club, or other private
Fit. You gain a +5 Health bonus. venue.
Signing Bonus. You are signed to a team and gain a $1,000 Prerequisites: none.
signing bonus. Attributes: STR +1, END +1, INT +1, CHA +1
Skill Choices: hardy, insight, perception, brawling, reac-
Bartender [1d6 years] tions, carousing, law
Bartending is a great way to pay the bills. Some make a life- Immovable Object. You know how to plant yourself in
long career of it. place and refuse to budge. You may spend a LUC die
Prerequisites: none. to negate any forced movement from a creature of your
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, CHA +1, LUC +1 size or smaller.
Skill Choices: [social], carousing, perception, brewing, Quick Search. You are adept at spotting concealed weap-
cooking, brawling, clubs ons, drugs, and other things. You automatically spot
Bouncer. You gain a +1d6 bonus to checks vs. an intoxi- hidden items concealed about somebody’s person.
cated creature. Age Check. Not only can you discern somebody’s age at a
Fake ID. Knowing how to spot a fake ID helps you spot the glance, you can see through disguises.
telltale signs of falsified documents of many kinds. You Fake ID. Knowing how to spot a fake ID helps you spot the
gain a +1d6 bonus to detect forgeries. telltale signs of falsified documents of many kinds. You
Gossip. You can gather local gossip and information sim- gain a +1d6 bonus to detect forgeries.
ply by spending an hour in a bar or other watering hole, Pin. You know how to pin somebody in place. Make a me-
effectively giving you the local knowledge skill wherever lee attack against an adjacent target your size or smaller.
you go as long as you are able to refresh your knowledge On a success, the target is pinned in place unless they
at a local bar weekly. escape with a melee attack against you. You may move
at half-speed, taking your pinned target with you. A
Boot Camp [1 year] pinned target may not make any attacks other than an
You joined the military and completed basic military train- attempt to escape.
ing. Some programs send recruits to college to gain degrees
before returning to cadet assignments. Bounty Hunter [1d6 years]
Prerequisites: none. As a bounty hunter you spent time tracking down and cap-
Attributes: AGI +1, LOG +1, WIL +1, CHA +1 turing wanted criminals.
Skill Choices: carrying, pistols, rifles, leadership, tactics, Prerequisites: none.
survival Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, LOG +1, REP +1
Basic Training. You gain a uniform which incorporates a Skill Choices: tracking, piloting, stealth, law, computers,
kevlar vest. You also gain one rank in tactics, rifles, law, perception, intimidate, [combat]
and survival. Prey. You may choose a target species. You gain a +1d6 bo-
Officer Training [requires Basic Training]. A second stint nus to attempts to track targets of that species.
in the Academy prepares you for command. You auto- Datamining. You are able to locate a target’s current loca-
matically gain a military rank and the leadership skill tion down to a specific city by accessing credit, criminal,
at 1 rank if you do not already have it. You gain +2 REP. customs, and other records if you have access to a com-
puter link.
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Action Careers
Hacker [1d6 years] Heavy Specialty (requires This Ain’t Heavy). You deal
Hacking into computer systems to find information or ma- +1d6 damage with the weapon you chose when you took
nipulate events comes easily to you. the This Ain’t Heavy exploit. You can repair it if broken
Prerequisites: computers. (it takes 1 minute), and draw it as a free action.
Attributes: LOG +1, INT +1, LUC +1, REP +1
Skill Choices: computers, reactions, cryptology, appraisal, Infiltrator [1d6 years]
forgery, linguistics, electronics, bureaucracy The pinnacle of special operations, either police, military or
Hacking Rig. You gain a high quality laptop or portably freelance, the infiltrator aptly describes the occupation of
computer designed for hacking on the move. many men and women whose job it is to infiltrate enemy
Red Lights (requires Hacking Rig). You can use your locations and accomplish dangerous missions. An infiltra-
hacking rig to change traffic lights to any configuration tor needs a range of skills beyond the mere ability to kill that
you wish. is the hallmark of the assassin.
Bank Job. A virtual bank job gains you $1,000 and +1 REP. Prerequisites: stealth, [combat].
City Hall. You can hack into security agencies, including Attributes: STR +1, AGI +1, END +1, INT +1
the police and intelligence agencies, to gain information Skill Choices: [combat], stealth, thievery, escape arts, acro-
about any individual whose name you know, assuming batics, climbing
those agencies have that information. This takes you Quick-Hide. You can disappear while in plain sight. You
one hour. can make a stealth check even while under observation
Security Override. You can remotely unlock an electronic to move your speed and become effectively invisible for
lock for up to one minute. a round. You may then make regular stealth checks as
CCTV. You are able to access the CCTV cameras of a giv- normal, but cannot repeat this feat against the same
en location. This gives you poor quality video, and no observer.
Laborer [1d6 years]
Heavy Gunner [1d6 years] You did a regular physical job, whether skilled or unskilled,
A real weapon is the kind that requires a strap, and if it performing manual work for a fair wage. You may have
doesn’t kick like a mule when you fire it, the gun just isn’t been in construction, a grave digger, even a street-sweeper
for you. Whether a specialist for a security team or merce- or cleaner; or perhaps a delivery person, baker, brewer or
nary group, or a member of a military heavy weapons team, other worker.
you’ve spent plenty of time around big guns. Prerequisites: none.
Prerequisites: heavy weapons. Attributes: STR +1, END +1, CHA +1, LUC +1
Attributes: STR +1, END +1, INT +1, WIL +1 Skill Choices: [crafting], carousing, hardy, computers,
Skill Choices: carrying, hardy, heavy weapons, running, [outdoor], bureacracy, engineering, [vehicle]
gunnery, engineering Jack of All Trades. You gain three skills from your skill
Lay Down Fire. You can spray an area 15' × 15' (3 squares choices list above at rank 3 (2d6). This does not increase
by 3 squares), doing 1d6 damage to every target within a skill above 3 ranks.
that area when using a heavy weapon designated auto. Danger Pay. Some work is dangerous. Perhaps you worked
This Ain’t Heavy. Choose one heavy weapon; when you high on a skyscraper or cleaned toxic waste. You gain
carry one of these weapons, it does not count against $1,000 bonus money and +1 REP.
your carrying capacity. Union. You were a member of a union. Your pay is high-
Long Range. Increase the range of heavy weapons you er (gain +2 REP) and you gain 1 rank (1d6) in law and
wield by 10'. bureaucracy.
Action Careers
Worker’s Clothes. Over the years you have patched to- Medic [1d6 years]
gether a “uniform” of sorts which protects you from the You enter the medical profession. If you have gained a doc-
sorts of hazards you typically encounter in your voca- torate at college, you do so as a doctor; otherwise you are
tion: hard hat, goggles, high-durability clothing, gloves, referred to as a nurse, medic, or nurse practitioner.
sturdy boots, and so on. This constitutes light armor Prerequisites: medicine.
with a Soak of 5, but is a custom piecemeal outfit which Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, LOG +1, CHA +1
can only be worn by you. The uniform also includes an Skill Choices: computers, medicine, bureaucracy,
engineer’s toolkit, hearing protection, and a respirator, psychology
and it protects you from non-extreme environmental Medical Knowledge Base. Choose four [medical] skills.
effects. You gain these four skills at 1 rank (1d6). This does not
increase the rank of an existing skill.
Lawyer [1d6 years] Consultant (requires Doctorate). Your expertise is sought
You became a lawyer, learning the complexities of the legal by other doctors. Your REP increases by 2 and you start
system, and you know how to get yourself and others out of play with a bonus $1,000.
(or into) trouble. Bedside Manner. You gain a medical kit. Your long-term
Prerequisites: law. care is of such quality that your patient gains an ad-
Attributes: LOG +1, WIL +1, CHA +1, REP +1 ditional 1d6 Health per day. You may only have one
Skill Choices: law, interrogation, bluffing, bureaucracy, patient under your long-term care at a time.
local knowledge, negotiating Ward Management (requires Bedside Manner). You are
Get Out of Jail Free. When arrested for a minor offense, an expert at running and managing a ward or sickbay.
you are able to use legal techniques and your connec- The number of patients you can have under long-term
tions to keep yourself out of jail. care is increased to the value of your LOG attribute.
Court Records. You have access to court records; you can Diagnosis. You gain +1d6 bonus to identify or treat dis-
look up the criminal record of any named individual eases. Make a Difficult [16] LOG check before advancing
given an hour’s notice and a computer connection (or any attributes. If you succeed, you discovered a new
physical access to a courthouse, a police station, or disease or illness which is named after you; you also
some other place where such records are kept). gain 1 bonus REP attribute point.
Orator. You can be very persuasive, and you know how Psychologist. An expert in matters of the mind, you gain +2
to bend a jury or other group of people to your point of Mental Defense. Once per day you can remove a
view. You can influence up to 12 people within 30' with mental condition (Angry, Afraid, etc.) from yourself or
a 15-minute speech. Make a CHA mental attack and an ally as a free action.
apply it to each target within the area; if the attack is Healing Hands. Using basic medical equipment, you can
successful, the group becomes Charmed. heal 1d6 points of Health to an adjacent creature as a
Ambulance Chaser. You spent time making money the single action. Any given creature can only benefit from
only way you could: settling personal injury cases for a your healing in this way once per day.
quick buck. You start play with a bonus $1,000. Exceptional Healing Hands (requires Healing Hands).
Crusader. A principled public defender or prosecutor, Your Healing Hands ability restores 2d6 points of
you’re in it because of your ideals. You’ll make the world Health.
a better place using the power of law. You gain the fol- Resuscitation (requires Exceptional Healing Hands).
lowing skills at 1 rank (1d6): intimidation, bureaucracy, You can revive a seemingly dead creature with a LOG
conviction. This does not increase a skill beyond one check. The creature must have “died” within the last
rank. five minutes, and the difficulty value of the check is
20 + the damage of the attack that killed it. The creature
wakes up with 1 Health.
Action Careers
Miner [1d6 years] Weapon Mastery. You can draw and sheathe a sword, staff,
There’s nothing like a few years spent down a coal mine to club, spear, naginata, kusarigama, or shuriken as a free
build character. action. Choose one of these weapons; you receive a +1d6
Prerequisites: none. to damage with this weapons.
Attributes: STR +1, END +1, WIL +1, LUC +1 Death Strike. Once per day you may strike a creature that
Skill Choices: carrying, climbing, survival, [technical], is not aware of your presence or does not realize you are
mining, appraising, carousing, picks, hammers an enemy with surprising, lethal force. Make an attack
Underground Sense. When underground you can always roll using your Chi attribute; if you hit, you deal double
determine direction and depth, and you can determine damage.
a route to the surface. Shadow Warrior. You may move at full Speed while hid-
Darksight. You have spent so much time below ground den if you succeed in your AGI (stealth) check.
that you’ve developed darksight to a distance of 30'.
Mining Hazards. You gain a +2d6 bonus to spot under- Performer [1d6 years]
ground hazards and traps. You became a musician or other performer, and made your
Toxic Gases. The underground is full of toxic fumes, and way working bars, clubs, and theaters.
you’ve become used to them. You gain a poison Soak Prerequisites: [performance].
of 5. Attributes: CHA +2, LUC +1, REP +1
Identify Substance. You can identify by sight any mineral- Skill Choices: carousing, [performance]
or metal-based substance automatically. Triple-Threat. You gain the skills singing, dancing, and
acting at 1 rank (1d6). This does not increase the rank of
Ninja [1d6 years] an existing skill. You gain +1 REP.
The skills and tactics of Japan’s warriors of subterfuge, Gigs. You can make money by playing at bars and doing
sabotage, and deception are known to you, either through a local performances. You can make an amount equal
Ninja master that took you in as an apprentice, or by travel- to a CHA check × $10 per day by doing this. This
ing to the ancestral homeland and earning the right to train exploit cannot be used during downtime. Gain +2 REP.
among those who still practice ninjutsu. Captivating. You have the ability to captivate people
Prerequisites: martial arts. with your musical ability. While using your musical in-
Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, INT +1, CHI +1 strument or voice, all those who can hear you become
Skill Choices: acrobatics, climbing, disguise, perception, Charmed until you stop. This requires a CHA vs.
stealth, martial arts Mental Defense check and a full two actions each turn
Poison. With one minute of preparation, you can craft to maintain.
poison and apply it to one weapon; for one minute, Lullaby. Your music can make people drowsy. While us-
that weapon deals +1d6 poison damage; you must deal ing your musical instrument or voice, all those who can
enough damage to bypass a target’s Soak to deal this hear you gain the Sleeping condition until you stop.
poison damage. This requires a CHA vs. Mental Defense check and a
Fast Climb. You gain a Climb speed equal to your regular full two actions each turn.
Speed. Fearful. You can use voice or music to instil fear in those
Gas Poison (requires Poison). By spending an action, you who hear it. While using your musical instrument or
can deliver your poison as a dust or small burst of gas voice, all those who can hear you become Afraid until
that ignores the target’s Soak. You can throw this with a you stop. This requires a CHA vs. Mental Defense
range increment of 2. check and a full two actions each turn.
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Inside Source. You have a contact in or connected to the Scientist [1d6 years]
police force, the mayor’s office, the governor’s mansion, You take your science with you as investigate phenomena in
an exclusive club, or a similar place where movers and strange locations. Field scientists are viewed by academia
shakers circulate. You can call on this contact for inside as adventurous types, and include archaeologists, meteo-
information or a juicy lead once per month. You may rologists, zoologists, oceanographers, geologists, botanists,
take this exploit multiple times, gaining a new contact astrophysicists, and much more.
each time. Prerequisites: one [scientific] skill.
Tabloid Hack. You worked as the lowest of the low, a tab- Attributes: INT +1, LOG +1, WIL +1, REP +1
loid journalist interested only in shocking your readers. Skill Choices: computers, [scientific], [technical], survival,
Sadly, it’s a profitable job, and you start play with $1,000 perception
extra money. However, if you take this exploit, you lose Scientific Knowledge Base. Choose four [scientific] skills.
any contacts you had from the Inside Source exploit, You gain these four skills at 1 rank (1d6). This does not
and may not take that exploit in future, as your cred- increase the rank of an existing skill.
ibility is forever tarnished. Analytical Eye. You are able to identify the resistances,
immunities, and vulnerabilities of any creature you
Sailor [1d6 years] can see with a Difficult [16] LOG check. This requires
At home on the sea, you spent time aboard a ship mastering two full actions of observation.
the art of sailing. Improviser. In the field, you need to improvise. Using
Prerequisites: none your scientific know-how, you can create a crude object
Attributes: AGI +1 INT +1 LUC +1 END +1 or device from your surroundings. This requires a LOG
Skill Choices: carousing, climbing, clubs, fishing, knives, check, with a difficulty value equal to the purchase
leadership, navigation, sailing, swimming value of the object, and takes 30 minutes.
Any Port. You may take this exploit multiple times. Each Experimental Device. You may produce an experimental
time you take it, you may designate an additional port device once per day which allows you to use your LOG
town. At that location, you will have one contact upon attribute in place of any other attribute for one attribute
whom you can (generally) rely, and one bar at which check. The device breaks permanently after you use it.
you can drink for free.
Grog. While you may well enjoy a drink, you never suffer Scout [1d6 years]
any penalties from intoxication via alcohol. You became a scout—a specialized special forces soldier
Hold Breath (requires Swimmer). You gain two addition- able to operate alone and perform reconnaissance.
al countdown dice when holding your breath. Prerequisites: stealth, tracking.
Lookout. Lookout duty is a mandatory part of a sailor’s Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, INT +1, WIL +1
life. You gain +1d6 to perception checks. Skill Choices: stealth, perception, survival, tracking,
Sea Legs. You adapt to the motion of a ship; this makes you climbing, running
very hard to knock down. When you are knocked prone, Ambusher. You gain a +1d6 bonus to access the ambush
you may spend one LUC die to remain standing. turn.
Seasick. You are immune to the Sick condition. Hustle. Your Speed increases by 2.
Sea Weather. You are able to ignore the effects of rain, Hostile Terrain. You do not suffer penalties for moving
wind, mist, and fog. across difficult terrain.
Swimmer. You gain a Swim speed equal to your regular Swimmer. You gain a Swim speed equal to your regular
Climber. You gain a Climb speed equal to your regular
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Stuntman [1d6 years] Improvised Weapon. You can craft a spear, knife, or bow
You’ve rolled brand new cars, fallen from tall buildings, from your natural surroundings. This takes you five
jumped open drawbridges, kissed dirt, and even been on minutes, and the item does not count as an improvised
fire in the name of entertainment. weapon when you use it.
Prerequisites: none.
Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, LUC +1, REP +1 Teacher [1d6 years]
Skill Choices: [physical], [vehicle], hardy Your calling is teaching others. You are a mentor figure, a
Broken Every Bone. You’ve broken what seems like most font of learning, and a source of inspiration.
every bone in your body at one time or another. You Prerequisites: any [academic], [artistic], [performance] or
gain natural Soak 5. [scientific skill], or linguistics.
Fast-Healer. You need to show up on set every day if you Attributes: INT +1, LOG +1, CHA +1, LUC +1
want to make it in the stuntman business. When you Skill Choices: teaching, insight, leadership, linguistics,
roll for natural healing each day, add an extra 2d6. [scientific], [academic], [artistic]
Patched Up. Once per day you can patch yourself up, re- Advice. You may freely donate your LUC dice to anybody
covering 2d6 Health. This takes two actions. within 30'. The dice must be used immediately.
Resilient. You have an extra 2d6 Health. Role Model. Allies within 30' of you gain +2 Mental
Jumping Off B uildings. You take half normal falling Defense.
damage. Textbook. Choose any non-physical skill (one you don't
Grit Your Teeth. You are immune to the Pained condition. use STR, AGI, or END with): you are carrying a textbook
It’s not that you don’t feel pain, it’s that you’re used to it. about that subject on your person. While you have that
textbook, you also have that skill at the same number of
Survivalist [1d6 years] ranks as your LUC score. You may change your textbook
Some choose to spend time in the wild, testing their mind (and switch to a different non-physical skill) by visiting
and body against nature, living off the land, and existing a library, bookstore, or other source of books.
with animals. Professor. You became a professor. You gain +1 REP and
Prerequisites: any [outdoor] skill you have published a textbook. Name your textbook.
Attributes: END +1, INT +1, WIL +1, LUC +1 When dealing with people in your field of study, your
Skill Choices: geography, reactions, [crafting], fishing, REP dice explode.
hunting, climbing, swimming, carrying, medicine, sur-
vival, cooking, animal handling, tracking, navigation Trader [1d6 years]
Spot Poison. A survivalist needs to know what to eat and Life as a trader can mean profit, but it can also bring ruin.
what not to. By sniffing and taking very tiny tastes, you Prerequisites: none.
are able to detect the presence of poison. Attributes: INT +1, CHA +1, LUC +1, REP +1
Poison Resistance. You gain Soak (5) to poison. If you Skill Choices: appraisal, [social], carousing, [crafting],
take this exploit a second time it increases to Soak (10). bureaucracy, accounting, law, local knowledge, bribery,
A third time, you become immune to poisons. forgery
Animal Knowledge. You know a lot about animals. You Sale of the Century. You worked hard on a great deal, and
automatically know the vulnerabilities and abilities of it netted you $1,000. You may repeat this exploit, gain-
any creature of the beast creature type. ing $1,000 each time.
Move Without Trace. You know how not to leave tracks. Trade Routes. You know the best, most profitable trade
You gain +1d6 to checks related to avoiding or evading routes. Your fuel costs are reduced by 20%.
trackers and to avoiding detection by non-visual senses Haggler. You know how to get a good deal. You reduce the
such as scent. cost of any purchase by 2d6%.
Action Careers
Vigilante [1d6 years] Iron Fist. Your unarmed damage increases by 1d6. This
Something about the world asks—no, demands—that you does not stack with other exploits or equipment which
rise above the law. You might battle crime, fight against a increase unarmed damage, except for Elemental Fist.
corrupt corporation, or combat dirty politicians, but you Iron Skin. Your training grants you +2 natural Soak.
are often at odds with the law, using measures they can’t. Martial Leap. Increase both your vertical and horizontal
Prerequisites: none. Jump distances by 5'.
Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, INT +1, REP +1 Martial Technique Base. You gain two of the following
Skill Choices: [subterfuge], [combat], intimidation universal exploits: Trip, Throw, Sidestep, Flying Kick.
Inside Contacts. You know people—you have a reliable You may take this exploit again to gain the remaining
ear in the underworld, a police detective neighbor two exploits.
who talks too much, a wiretap on the commissioner’s Foot of the Mountain (requires Defensive Stance). You be-
phone, or some such. You can spend 4 hours to make come as immobile as a mountain. No knockdown or
a Challenging [13] INT check to learn valuable infor- knockback attempt by a creature of your size or smaller
mation about a target. For every stage you exceed the will work against you.
minimum check, you learn one more piece of informa- Weapon Synthesis. When using any Eastern weapon, you
tion; for example, an INT check result of 16 would tell gain one free unarmed melee attack whenever you
you two pieces of information, an INT check result of make two weapon attacks.
21 would tell you three pieces of information, and so on. Zen Mind. You gain +4 to your Mental Defense.
My City. Choose a city or other area. In that area, you re-
ceive +1d6 on checks made to hide or move quietly.
Iconic Vehicle. If you possess a vehicle, it gains two en-
Martial Arts & Chi
hancements. If you don’t yet have one, you receive a Martial arts can be acrobatic displays of great skill, or
vehicle with one enhancement. they can harness mystical powers of great force.
Signature Weapon. You gain a high-quality melee weap- Any character can learn the martial arts skill, which
on of your choice. You do +1d6 damage when using this gives them skill in unarmed fighting. They can also
weapon. learn exploits like Flying Kick, or other martial arts
techniques, which do not rely on supernatural powers.
Warrior-Monk (1d6 years) For those who want to delve more deeply into the
You became a member of a martial monastic order, and mystical side of martial arts, the Chi attribute comes
were trained in philosophy and martial arts. You should into play. While a flying kick or a punch requires an
also take grades in a martial arts career. AGI or STR attack as normal, Chi powers are super-
Prerequisites: religion or martial arts. natural in nature—these powers allow characters to
Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, WIL +1, Chi +1 run across water, levitate, heal wounds, or perform
Skill Choices: [artistic], acrobatics, dancing, martial arts, miraculous feats.
philosophy, religion, staves Chi is dealt with separately. It is perfectly possible
Defensive Stance. You gain +2 to your Melee Defense as to build an accomplished martial artist without the
long as you are unarmed and not wielding a shield or use of Chi—the martial arts skill and a selection of
wearing armor. This does not stack with Drunken Fist. unarmed combat exploits are all that’s needed. Some
Drunken Fist. When intoxicated through alcohol, you careers, such as the Warrior-Monk or the Ninja help to
gain +2 to both your Melee and Ranged Defense. This focus that training.
does not stack with Defensive Stance. However, if you want your character to perform
Elemental Fist (requires Iron Fist, Chi 2+). Your fist glows mystical feats, you will need to use the Chi rules as
with elemental energy. The damage type becomes heat, well. Not all settings will use these rules; it is up to
and does an additional +1d6 damage. the GM how martial arts work in the campaign.
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Krav Maga [1d6 years] One-Inch Punch. When pinned or grappled, you may
Studying one of the newest and most practical martial arts make an unarmed attack against your foe as a free ac-
has taught you to end a fight as soon as it starts and to make tion and add +1d6 damage to it.
the most out of your attacks with the least effort. Double Strike. With one action you may strike two op-
Prerequisites: martial arts. ponents with a melee attack each. You cannot add
Attributes: STR +1, AGI +1, END +1, Chi +1 additional exploits to these attacks.
Skill Choices: perception, reactions, throwing, martial Sticking Hands. You remain in constant contact with your
arts foe’s arms and hands, allowing you to easily deflect at-
Curriculum Exploits. Choose any three hard exploits tacks and counter. You gain +2 Melee Defense against
from the Universal Exploits for Martial Artists sidebar. one adjacent opponent, and may counterstrike with a
Know the Arena. In any location, you automatically note basic (no additional exploits) unarmed attack against
any escape routes from the vicinity that aren’t hidden. that foe as a reaction to any missed attack.
You are easily able to improvise weapons using your Active Resistance. Once per day, spend an action to pre-
surroundings—discarded bottles, rocks, and so on— pare and gain Soak to one type of damage equal to your
such that you always count as carrying a knife or club. Chi for one minute. This resistance stacks with any oth-
Brutal Counter. After an enemy makes a successful melee ers you or your equipment possess.
attack on you, you gain +1d6 damage in melee against Kung Fu Weapons. You may use your martial arts skill
that foe. If any other enemy strikes you, your bonus with any Eastern melee weapon.
damage switches to that target.
Weak Points. You are adept at targeting weak or vul- Muay Thai [1d6 years]
nerable points in your foes, and can ignore Soak by Dedicated conditioning is a part of your daily routine, and
spending one LUC die. you cannot count the number of times you’ve struck out
Impromptu Weapon. No matter the size of an impromptu against a tree trunk with your leg, but it doesn’t matter:
weapon (so long as it is Tiny or larger), you can deal your body truly is a living weapon. You have mastered the
slashing, blunt, piercing, or blunt damage with it by art of Thai boxing.
making a thrown ranged attack. This does not count as Prerequisites: martial arts.
an improvised weapon. Attributes: STR +1, END +1, WIL +1, Chi +1
Skill Choices: acrobatics, climbing, jumping, reactions,
Kung Fu [1d6 years] martial arts
Through intense and dedicated training, you’ve begun to Curriculum Exploits. Choose any three hard exploits
unlock the secrets of the ancient martial arts of China. You from the Universal Exploits for Martial Artists sidebar.
can sense and feel the essence of your being and are able to Mae Maei. You gain +2 natural Soak.
manipulate not only that life energy, but also your body, to Thip. You make a devastating kick; on a successful hit, in-
its maximum effect. With these skills at your disposal, you stead of dealing damage the target is dazed until they
are a fearsome opponent in combat and able to perform shake the condition off.
feats of finesse and strength that dazzle your peers. Chok-Te. Gain a cumulative +1d6 to attack every time you
Prerequisites: martial arts. make an unarmed attack which misses. Once an attack
Attributes: AGI +1, END +1, WIL +1, Chi +1 hits, your bonus resets to zero.
Skill Choices: acrobatics, meditation, perception, reac- Ti Khao and Sok. You leap quickly (up to your jump dis-
tions, staves, martial arts tance) and drive the momentum of your jump into a
Curriculum Exploits. Choose any two hard or soft ex- knee or elbow strike that ignores a target’s Soak; you
ploits from the Universal Exploits for Martial Artists take an amount of damage equal to half of what you de-
sidebar. liver to the target.
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Universal Exploits start of each of his turns. You may move at half SPEED,
Universal exploits are distinct exploits a character has taking your victim with you.
learned; any character can learn a universal exploit as
Blinding Attack (requires AGI 6+). You throw sand into your
long as he qualifies for it. A universal exploit costs XP
opponent’s eyes, cover him in a cloak, pull his helm down, or
equal to half the cost of a new grade to purchase; it is the
gash his forehead; on a successful hit your target gains
only type of exploit that can be purchased directly with
the Blind condition.
XP. Characters begin play with one free universal exploit
Blindfighter. Skilled at using senses other than sight for
of their choice plus either Aim or Feint.
combat, you may ignore darkness and the Blind
Prerequisites: Most exploits have pre-requisites in
condition for melee combat.
terms of attribute scores or previous exploits. In order to
Blind Shot (requires LUC 5+). While in full cover, you
purchase a universal exploit, a character must meet those
may pay 2d6 to take a shot without looking at what you
are shooting at or exposing yourself. You use your Luck
Achilles Heel (requires LOG 5+, Aim, any [academic]
attribute instead of your AGI or INT for this shot.
skill). Identifying a weakness in your target, you pay
Brush Off (requires STR 8+). You contemptuously brush
2d6 and bypass its Soak score. This exploit can only be
aside some melee attacks. Once per turn you may
performed once per target.
remove one die of damage from a successful melee at-
Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged
tack against you, as long as the attacker is your size or
combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in
the same turn. The attack action must come immedi-
Burst of Speed (requires piloting skill). Your mount, ship,
ately after the feinting action. All characters get either
or vehicle gains a speed boost of 2 hexes or squares for
the Aim or Feint exploit for free.
the turn.
Always Prepared (requires LOG 8+). You have a bril-
Charge. When making a melee attack, move up to your
liant tactical mind, and are always prepared. You may
speed in a straight line and then attack at the end of it
declare a single action which you took prior to the
and pay 2d6. You gain +1d6 damage to your attack. You
encounter (even if you didn’t know the encounter was
must move at least 10'.
going to take place) which helps you in this exact sce-
Cleave (requires STR 8+). When using STR as your attack
nario. This must be an action you were capable of.
attribute, you follow through in one mighty swing, and
Analytics (requires LOG 6+). Studying your target’s be-
make an additional attack at –1d6 against an adjacent
haviour, you notice a pattern to its actions. You grant all
foe if the first one hits.
allies within 30' a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until
the start of your next turn. This costs one action. Crippling Strike (requires AGI 5+; Deadly Strike). You
expertly target your opponent’s legs, causing a
Arm Lock (requires AGI 8+, martial arts skill). When
wound which inflicts the Slowed condition.
you successfully grab a foe, you place your target in a
Dart In (requires Charge). You move your Speed, make
painful armlock. The target gains the Restrained
a melee attack at –1d6, and then move your Speed back
condition, drops any items in that hand, and cannot
again to your starting position. You cannot combine
use that arm until he escapes. You may move at half
this exploit with other exploits, not can you dart in
SPEED, taking your victim with you. If you apply this
while on difficult terrain.
twice, the attacker gains the severe Restrained
condition. Deadly Critical. Critical hits on one specific designated
weapon occur on a roll of double sixes, not triple sixes.
Bear Hug (requires STR 8+). When you successfully
You must designate the weapon when you take this
grab a foe, you grab your target with both arms,
exploit. You may take it multiple times for multiple
squeezing him. You can only bearhug a target of your
weapons; if you lose the weapon, the exploit does not
size category or smaller. The target gains the
transfer over to a new weapon of the same type.
Restrained condition, and takes 1d6 damage at the
Action Careers
Deadly Strike (requires AGI or STR 5+). You inflict an ad- Fortitude. You gain a permanent +2 Melee Defense, able
ditional 1d6 damage with a successful hit. For a ranged to shrug off many attacks
attack, this is likely a head shot. This can only gain you Improviser. You are adept at using bar stools and other
one bonus damage die. items as weapons. You suffer no attack penalties for im-
Death from on High (requires Charge). You pay 2d6 and provised melee weapons.
drop down on your opponent from at least 5' above him. Iron Will. You gain a permanent +2 to Mental Defense,
This counts as a charge but knocks your opponent prone able to shrug off many mental attacks.
and does 2d6 extra damage instead of 1d6. Jury-Rig (requires LOG 6+; engineering skill). You
Die Hard (requires WIL 8+). While at negative Health modify a weapon (yours or an adjacent ally’s) to either
you are still conscious, and can take one action per increase its range by 50% or its damage by +1d6 until the
round. You still form the death countdown pool as start of your next turn.
normal. If you take any further damage, you fall uncon- Knockback (requires Knockdown). When you use a
scious as normal. Called Shot to move a target, you do not have to pay
Disarm (requires AGI 6). Pay 3d6; the target drops its the 2d6; however, for each 1d6 you choose to pay, the
weapon or other hand-held item. target is pushed one extra square.
Dive for Cover (requires AGI 7+). If a ranged attack misses Knockdown (requires STR 5+). When you use a
you, you may immediately move half your speed and ei- Called Shot to knock a target prone, you do not
ther throw yourself prone or get behind cover if it is in have to pay the 2d6; additionally, the target gains
range. This is a free action. the Downed condition.
Dodge (requires AGI 6+). Once per turn you may, as a re- Leadership (requires CHA 8+). You are able to donate
action, remove 2d6 from an attack against you as long as one or more of your LUC dice to another character
you are not in cover. You must declare this before the as a free reaction to their attempting an attribute
attack is rolled, and you must be aware of the attack. check. You must declare this before they roll.
Double Tap (requires AGI 7+; Aim). Once per turn you Leaping Attack (requires AGI 8+, Charge). You leap into
may fire two quick shots at your target at the cost of just
the air as you make a melee attack. You gain +1d6 dam-
one action, paying 2d6.
age, but if you miss your opponent gets a free attack.
Dual Defense (requires AGI 8+). When dual-wielding, you
can use both weapons defensively; you count as wield- Lightning Reflexes. You gain a permanent +2 to Ranged
ing a large shield until your next turn, but you cannot Defense, able to dodge many ranged attacks.
attack until your next turn. Lucky Escape (requires LUC 6+). You may avoid all dam-
Draw a Bead (requires INT 5+). The penalty for firing at a age from one attack as a free reaction. You can only do
target engaged in melee is reduced from 2d6 to 1d6. this once per day.
Far Shot. You increase range increments by 50%. Lunge. You increase your reach by 5' for one attack at a
Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee cost of –1d6.
combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in Mighty Sunder (requires Sunder). Half the damage from
the same turn. The attack action must come immedi- your sunder also applies to the target weapon’s wielder.
ately after the feinting action. All characters get either Opportunist Stomp. You can stomp on an adjacent prone
the Aim or Feint exploit for free. opponent as a free action. This is an unarmed attack
Fleet. You are faster than you look. You gain +2 Speed be- and uses your natural damage value.
yond that granted by your STR and AGI attributes. This Opportunity Strike. You can make an attack as a free ac-
does not stack with other Speed bonuses. tion attack against a foe who disengages from melee
Flying Kick (requires AGI 8+; martial arts skill). You combat with you.
Pep Talk (requires CHA 6+). You can spend your ambush
move up to your speed and launch a flying kick, dealing
turn (if you have access to it) giving your allies a pep
your martial arts damage with a bonus 1d6 damage.
talk, who gain a +1d6 bonus to Initiative next round.
Action Careers
Pile Driver (requires STR 8+, wrestling skill). You grab unless something blocks his way. If he collides with a
your opponent, lift him, and then drop to the ground, solid object, he takes 1d6 blunt damage.
driving his head into the ground. Both you and your Spinning Kick (requires AGI 8+, martial arts skill). A
opponent end up prone. The exploit costs 2d6 and, if quick turn, and your foot lashes out to strike an oppo-
successful, the target takes double damage and gains the nent behind you. This attack is a free action. You do
Dazed condition. your normal unarmed damage.
Point-Blank Shot. You get +1d6 to hit ranged targets Spray. When using a weapon designated auto you may
within 10'. This does not stack with the +1d6 from using spend all your actions to spray a 30' cone, making one
a sidearm against an adjacent foe. attack against every target not in cover within the cone.
Predictive Reflexes (requires INT 6+). You are good at Make one attack roll and apply it to the Ranged De-
reading the situation. You gain a permanent +1d6 bo- fense of all within that area.
nus to your Initiative checks. Stop Right There! Enemies which try to move past you
Protector (requires END 5+). You can intercept an attack (move within your reach) are subject to a free action at-
meant for an adjacent ally. If the attack hits your ally, tack, which stops their movement if successful.
you take the damage instead. If you have a shield, the Strafe. When using a weapon designated “auto” you may,
ally also benefits from your shield’s defense bonus. as a single action, spray an area 15' × 15' with fire. Ev-
Quick Draw (requires AGI 6+). If you are disarmed, you eryone in that area takes 1d6 damage of the appropriate
may immediately draw another weapon as an immediate type. This is the only attack you can make with this
Quick Stand (requires AGI 6+, martial arts skill). Once Sunder. You target your opponent’s weapon or shield
per turn you can stand immediately from prone as a with the intention of breaking it. The weapon has same
free action or reaction and you are immune to the Melee Defense as its wielder; you take –2d6 to strike a
previously was none. weapons, which count as improvised when used in this
you reduce damage by 2d6. You cannot use any instant- Trip (requires AGI 6+). When you use a Called Shot
stand exploits in combination with this exploit. to knock a target prone, you do not have to pay the
Scattershot. When using a shotgun, you can attack two 2d6; additionally, the target gains the Downed
adjacent targets within 15' of you with a single attack condition. You still do your normal attack damage.
action. Additionally, if you are a smaller size category than
Sidestep (requires AGI 8+). When an attacker charges your target, you gain +1d6 to your attack.
you, you casually step aside, causing him to rush right
on past you. If the attacker’s attack misses, he continues
onwards in a straight line to the extent of his movement,
Action Careers
Your age is determined by the total of your character’s
years in each career. Age falls into three broad bands—
young, adult, and old.
If you are young or old, choose any synonym for that
word and insert it into your descriptor. It’s up to you what
adjective you choose. If you are adult, you do not need to
add it to your descriptor.
Adding years. Players may always add extra years to
their age at character creation or during downtime with
no corresponding advancement. This allows players to
play older characters without unduly high attributes.
NPCs may similarly have years added. In Cinematic Mode,
adult characters gain an additional LUC die, and old char-
acters gain a further LUC die, representing experience.
Young Characters
Characters under 26 years of age are young.
Young characters are characterized by curiosity and
brashness. You gain the following exploit. You lose the ex-
ploit when you are no longer categorized as young.
Example synonyms: young, youthful, adolescent, child-
ish, teenaged, juvenile.
Young. Once per day, when rolling a dice pool, you may
declare it to be an exploding dice pool. Any 6s that you
roll may be rolled again, the new roll adding to the ex-
isting 6. If you roll a 6 again, repeat, until you roll less
than a 6.
Old Characters
Characters over 59 years of age are old.
Old characters are characterized by experience. Old
characters can no longer improve physical attributes (STR,
AGI, END) through career advances or experience expen-
diture, although they may do so via other means (magic,
cybernetics, etc.) The bonus gained from your hook in-
creases to +2d6, and you gain the following exploit.
Example synonyms: old, elderly, mature, venerable,
aged, aging, hoary.
Old. Once per day, when rolling a dice pool, you may de-
clare it a careful dice pool. You may reroll any 1s you roll,
with the new roll replacing the 1. If you roll a 1 a second
time, however, you must keep the 1.
Action Careers
from undertaking extended physical exertion. However, make a completely random comment which jogs their
you have developed coping strategies which enable you memory and grants them a +2d6 bonus to the check.
to recover quickly. Once per day you may gather your Egotistical. You have a very high opinion of yourself,
strength and determinedly recover 1d6 Health. which manifests itself as extreme confidence and
Characteristic Traits
Attribute Highest Attribute Lowest Attribute
STR [1–2] Massive, [3–4] athletic, [5–6] brawny [1–3] Feeble, [4–6] tottering
AGI [1–2] Nimble, [3–4] deadeye, [5–6] ambidextrous [1–3] Clumsy, [4–6] lame
END [1–3] Rugged, [4–6] tough-as-nails [1–3] Coughing, [4–6] asthmatic/anemic
INT [1–3] Empathic, [4–6] alert [1–3] Naive, [4–6] distracted
LOG [1–3] Brilliant, [4–6] erudite [1–3] Illiterate, [4–6] forgetful
WIL [1–3] Stoic, [4–6] unflappable [1–2] Alcoholic, [3–4] reckless, [5–6] spendthrift
CHA [1–2] Commanding, [3] inspiring, [4] suave, [5–6] persuasive [1–2] Unwashed, [3–4] disfigured, [5–6] obnoxious
REP [1–2] Egotistical, [3–4] well known, [5–6] flamboyant N/A
Action Careers
surety. You gain a +4 Mental Defense bonus. Unfor- Inspiring. You are able to instill positive emotions in peo-
tunately, you sometimes ask “don’t you know who I am?” ple with your words, using an action to give them a +1d6
Empathic. You easily understand how others feel. Once bonus to their next attribute check if they are within 30'
per day you can attempt to adjust another’s mood with of you.
a CHA vs. Mental Defense check. If you succeed, you Lame. You have a limp, and move slowly, possibly with a
can make them either bad-tempered or happy. You cane. This causes people to underestimate you, grant-
must be able to converse with your target to do this. ing you a +1d6 bonus to Initiative checks.
Erudite. You remember a vast catalog of knowledge. At Massive. You are enormous and solid. You are immune to
any time you may make a LOG check in place of any knockdown and knockback effects by anything of your
CHA check to interact with them by recalling trivia of size category or smaller.
interest to your target, though only once per target. Naive. Naivete can be an endearing trait in some; it can
Feeble. You are physically weak and frail, which taught also act as an insulation. Once per day you may com-
you the value of brains over brawn. Once per day you pletely ignore a fear-based effect or condition.
may use a LOG check in place of a STR check and ac- Nimble. You gain a Climb speed equal to your regular
complish your goal through cunning and ingenuity. Speed.
Forgetful. You constantly forget and misplace things; of- Obnoxious. Your personality really repels people. You are
ten they are still about your person. Once per day you an expert at insults, and can use an action to make a
may produce an item you didn’t know you were LOG vs. WIL check to enrage and distract others,
carry-ing. The item can be any type of item, and can be caus-ing them to gain the Angry condition.
worth up to the result of your LUC check. Persuasive. You are adept at negotiating with others.
Illiterate. You cannot read. Instead, you have learned to
When you purchase anything under $1,000 in value,
memorize common words which you need to recognize
you are able to reduce the final price you pay for the
often. You have a fantastic memory and can automatically
item by 3d6 percent.
recall information you have been exposed to.
Action Careers
Reckless. Your poor judgment often lands you in trouble, Derived Statistics
but it leads to a certain confidence. If you completely ig- Derived statistics are values which are calculated based
nore cover, you gain a +1d6 attack bonus as long as you on existing statistics. You’ll need to calculate each of the
are not using a shield. derived statistics in the section below, and record them
Rugged. You are tough and shrug off hardships. Once per on your character sheet. All derived statistics increase
day you can spend two actions (a full turn) to recover to or decrease if their underlying statistics change through
half your normal maximum Health. character advancement or for other reasons.
Spendthrift. You lack self-discipline and spend your
money on trivialities. This can have its advantages, Recording Dice Pools
however; once per day you can pull an item from your For each attribute and each skill, record the derived dice
pocket that you forgot you’d bought, retroactively pool on your character sheet. These are noted on the char-
spending the value of your LUC check in dollars acter worksheet for convenience. They are as follows:
Stoic. You are able to hide pain and discomfort. Once
per day, when you would normally be reduced to zero Dice Pools by Value
Health, you are reduced to 1 Health instead. 1–2 3–5 6–9 10–14 15–20 21–27
Tottering. You find it a struggle to stand and require the 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6
use of a wheelchair which gives you a +1 Speed bonus
on normal terrain. The actual attribute scores are not needed during play;
Tough as Nails. You gain a +2 natural Soak bonus which you need only refer to the dice pools. The attribute scores
stacks with any other Soak scores you may have. are used during character creation to provide an expand-
Unflappable. You are not easily distracted or surprised. ing granular scale to attribute development.
The Feint exploit does not work on you.
Unwashed. Your unkempt appearance causes others to Health
overlook you. You can hide in plain sight using INT in Health is a mixture of physical and mental stamina. Roll
place of AGI. an END dice pool and a WIL dice pool. If you have the
Well Known. You are famous; people recognize you, for hardy skill, you may roll that also. Record the total as your
good or ill. You have learned to use this reputation. Health. If the total is less than 10, then increase your
Once per day you may substitute your REP attribute for Health to 10. When you are hit, you take damage; when
another attribute in order to make an attribute check. you reach 0 Health you are unconscious.
Cinematic Mode You need to determine your regular Speed, and your
Combat in WOIN is a quite deadly affair, especially if Climb speed. Note that this process also applies to Swim
you are accustomed to heroic fantasy games. Even and other forms of movement.
an advanced character can be downed by just one or Your Speed is equal to the size of your STR dice pool
two shots. plus your AGI dice pool. You may also add your running
For a more heroic feel, the GM can opt to use Cin- dice pool if you have that skill.
ematic Mode. In Cinematic Mode, characters and For climbing, swimming, etc., replace the running skill
creatures also roll a LUC dice pool when calculating and halve the final total unless a career tells you other-
their total Health. Lucky characters can be very resil- wise. You only need to note these values if you have the
ient, though not necessarily deliberately so! appropriate skill—otherwise, it will work out to half your
In Cinematic Mode, adult characters also gain an Speed (without the running bonus).
additional LUC die, and old characters gain a further Small (or smaller) characters suffer a –1 penalty to
LUC die, representing experience. Speed.
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Action Careers
Completing Milestones
The GM awards XP for completing major storyline mile-
stones. Milestones are major non-combat challenges
or obstacles which require substantial effort on the part
of the characters. The award is equal to the character’s
existing grade (the same as for a Medium encounter). A
Defeating Enemies and grade 5 character, therefore, receives 5 XP for completing
Overcoming Challenges a milestone. The frequency with which the PCs complete
The core advancement assumption is that you need to milestones is fairly arbitrary, but a good guideline is to in-
defeat or overcome 10 encounters of Medium difficulty to clude one in every session of play.
advance to the next grade. The XP requirement for each
grade is shown in the table below; it is equal to ten times Incremental Advances
the next grade. For a Medium difficulty encounter, char- Sometimes a character increases just her STR attribute by
acters gain XP equal to their own grade. working out, or just her pistols skill at the shooting range.
The GM evaluates how difficult the players found the To do this, the character needs to spend XP. The cost of
encounter and awards XP accordingly. Round down when the increase is equal to three times the new score—so an
calculating half grade values. increase from 9 to 10 STR costs 30 XP, while an increase
from rank 2 to rank 3 in pistols costs 9 XP.
Encounter XP Awards A universal exploit (but not a career exploit) can be pur-
Encounter Difficulty XP Award chased for half the price of a new grade.
Trivial No XP You cannot spend time to make incremental advances;
Easy Half grade (round down) you must spend XP. Only full career grades can be pur-
Medium Equal to grade chased with time. Incremental advances take place in
Hard Two times grade the background at the same time as regular activity, and
Extremely hard Three times grade are assumed to have involved current and prior training.
Therefore a character gains the benefit of an incremental
GMs are free to set different advancement rates. Chang- advance immediately upon spending the XP.
ing the speed of character advancement can affect the Incremental advances are not as cost effective as career
tone of a campaign, and the GM should be sure to inform grades, but they allow for fine-tuning and granular ad-
the players before play what the campaign’s advance- vancement. Note, however, that a character’s maximum
ment rate is. To set a different advancement rate, simply dice pool is always based on his overall grade, so incre-
increase or decrease the cost of a new career grade from mental advancements should always be viewed as a
10 XP per grade to a higher or lower value. supplementary advancement method.
Planning Age
If the PCs research and plan to the extent where they make Each character’s age should be tracked. Characters are
a supposedly difficult encounter into easier encounter categorized as young, adult, or old. For more information,
by virtue of their preparations and forethought, they are see the aging rules.
awarded XP for an encounter one difficulty level higher Once a character reaches old age, their physical at-
(for example, an encounter which turned out to be Easy tributes (STR, AGI, END) can no longer be increased by
because of good planning becomes a Medium encounter non-supernatural, non-technological means. Career ad-
for the purposes of XP awards). Planning awards require vances which would normally increase those attributes
GM discretion, and ensures that players aren’t penalized no longer do so, and incremental increases to those attri-
for thinking their way around a problem. butes can no longer be purchased.
Action Careers
Chapter 2
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Equipment Quality
Quality Price ($) Rarity Dice Pool Min. Skill Upgrades Armor Vehicle
Improvised — — –2d6 — — — —
Standard Normal Common — — — — —
High quality ×3 then +100 Uncommon +1d6 1 (1d6; proficient) +1 +2 Soak +1 Speed
Exceptional ×5 then +250 Rare +2d6 3 (2d6; skilled) +1 +4 Soak +2 Speed
Mastercraft ×10 then +500 Very rare +3d6 6 (3d6; expert) +2 +6 Soak +3 Speed
Artisan ×100 then +1,000 Very rare +4d6 10 (4d6; mastery) +2 +8 Soak +5 Speed
Legendary ×1,000 then +2,500 Unique +5d6 15 (5d6; authority) +3 +10 Soak +10 Speed
This same rule applies in combat. When trying to attack from equipment than you have from skills. For example, if
somebody, the character rolls a dice pool made up of an at- you have 2d6 in your dice pool from lockpicking, you gain
tribute, a skill, and sometimes equipment bonuses. When only 2d6 from mastercraft lockpicks.
Ben Madjos fires a pistol at a ninja, he normally rolls 4d6, This minimum skill rule applies to all equipment,
which includes his attribute and his skill. If he picks up his including gear, weapons, and armor. WOIN is a game
high-quality Walther PPK, that increases to 5d6. system which relies on attributes and skills more heavily
An item cannot change in quality or be upgraded to a than equipment; excellent equipment can help make up
higher quality, because quality starts with basic materials. for a shortfall, but an optimized character in terms of skill
The table above details the various quality levels. and raw ability is often near the peak of his potential even
Dice Pool. This indicates the quality contribution to a without superior gear. The mark of a true master is one
dice pool the equipment grants (subject to minimum skill who can accomplish a incredible tasks without aids.
limits). Conversely, the same is applied as a penalty to op- If the user doesn’t have the minimum skill level re-
pose a higher quality item (for example, break out of an quired to benefit from equipment quality, then the quality
exceptional pair of handcuffs or pick an exceptional lock). of the equipment is effectively reduced to match the user’s
Rarity. This is an indication of how common high qual- skill level. For example, a character with 3 ranks (2d6;
ity equipment is. skilled) in the light armor skill treats artisanal light armor
Min. Skill. Effective equipment quality is limited by as exceptional, and only gains the benefits of exceptional
skill level—you cannot gain more dice in your dice pool light armor.
Modern Equipment
Upgrades. Weapons and armor can be upgraded with Facilities and Quality
new features. The upgrade capacity depends on size (for Facilities also have quality levels in exactly the same way
weapons) or type (for armor). Higher quality weapons and that weapons and equipment do. From a mercenary club-
armor gain additional upgrade slots. house to a hospital, the quality of a facility has the same
Armor. High-quality armor gains a Soak bonus. effect that higher quality equipment does. However, the
two do not combine—a superior quality medical bay is of
Selling Gear superior quality because the equipment in it is superior
Items can normally be sold to an appropriate buyer for quality. Bringing a superior quality medical kit into the
half their listed value—some careers or exploits may en- superior quality hospital doesn’t improve the hospital—it
able characters to sell items for more. If a character wishes already has dozens of superior quality medical equipment.
to haggle, make an opposed CHA check versus the mer- A facility, in effect, is a large piece of equipment able to
chant and adjust the price up or down by 1% per point handle greater volumes than a single item of equipment.
of difference (to a maximum of 20%), depending on who
wins. A typical merchant will make a 5d6 check (combin- General Gear
ing her CHA and negotiation skills), but some merchants General gear consists of a variety of basic, universal
may be much more proficient. equipment types. All general gear has an Advancement
Generally speaking, characters will know the value of Level between 4.5 and 5 (available in any modern setting,
an item. Unique items, however, require LOG checks (and though some older technology is also listed). General gear
a good appraisal skill), otherwise the characters will have is widely available, and can be purchased easily at even
no idea of their worth. Usually, that will be a check with the smallest of towns.
the following difficulty benchmarks: Most of the items in the table below simply allow
character to perform a particular task under normal
Appraisal Benchmarks circumstances. A compass, for example, allows a char-
Item is worth.... Difficulty acter to automatically determine which way is north; a
Under $100 Challenging [13] flashlight sheds light in a specified area. Other items, like
Hundreds of dollars Difficult [16] the various toolkits available, are used to assist attribute
Thousands of dollars Demanding [21] checks, and it is these items which benefit the most from
Tens of thousands of dollars Strenuous [25] being of higher quality. That’s not to say that a mastercraft
Hundreds of thousands of dollars or more Severe [29] compass is not a beautiful, valuable, and obviously ex-
pensive object, or that exceptional soap is not delightfully
fragrant and rare, but in game terms certain high-quality
Improvised Equipment items won’t do a lot more than standard ones do.
Standard quality equipment al- If you are setting your game in the modern era, you can
lows you to perform an action use real-world prices for any object. The list below con-
without suffering any penalty for tains examples, but if the object exists in the real world, it
improvisation. is easy to determine its price.
If you don’t have basic equip- Most of the objects below have obvious uses. We haven’t
ment, you can often still attempt expended too much effort describing to you what a coat
an action by improvising. For is for or how your characters use sleeping bags. Remem-
example, lacking lockpicks, you ber, this is just a short sample list—in the modern era your
might try to use a hairpin (or a character can buy anything you would normally be able
large nail) as a lockpick. When to buy given your character’s funds. Just look the price up
improvising, you suffer a penalty online and run with it!
of –2d6 to your dice pool.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Weapons If the wielder has skill with a weapon type, the size of
There are many weapons available to a character—melee the dice pool may be added to the damage. For example, a
weapons, ranged weapons, archaic weapons, small weap- knives skill of 6 (3d6) adds 3 to a knife’s damage, resulting
ons, all sorts of firearms, and more. The following sections in a total of 2d6+3 piercing damage rather than the listed
list a number of common weapons and their statistics. 2d6 damage. Alternatively, the size of the wielder’s STR
The weapons in this chapter are divided into different pool can be added to melee weapons if that is larger than
groups—melee weapons, Eastern (martial arts) melee the skill pool.
weapons, modern firearms, Western handguns, Western When damage is completely negated by Soak, any 6s in
longarms, and World War II firearms. the damage roll cause 1 point of damage each anyway.
Type. This is the type of damage the weapon does, such
Reading the Weapon Tables as piercing, or ballistic. Sometimes different armors have
The weapons tables in this book contain the following different Soak values vs. different types of damage, or cer-
information. tain creatures or objects might be vulnerable to certain
Damage. This entry tells you how much damage a damage types. This also determines what type of effect
weapon does to a target on a successful hit. Damage may occurs when a critical hit (rolling triple-sixes on a suc-
be reduced by Soak values often found in armor or large cessful attack roll) occurs.
vehicles. Most weapons do at least 2d6 damage. Cost. The cost in dollars to purchase a standard version
of this weapon.
Size. The size of the weapon (Tiny, Small, Medium, or
Resistance Large) can be used to determine one or two-handed use
Some armor, vehicles, objects, or materials have of a weapon, eligibility for two-weapon use and more. Size
typed Soak values—this means that they are particu- is a relative term—the table indicates a weapon’s size as
larly good at resisting damage of a certain type and so compared to a human, but larger or smaller species will
ignore a certain amount of damage of that type each adjust the (relative) size up or down. For example, a large
time it is inflicted. Fire-resistant armor, for example, Mutant using a longsword, which is size Medium, con-
might have a Soak entry which reads Soak 5 (heat). siders it a Small weapon. Similarly, a size Small Mutant
Many creature stat-blocks will also list resistances considers a shortsword (a Small weapon) size Medium.
(and, in some cases, immunities) to certain damage
types. A Soak value is the amount by which damage of
that type is reduced when it affects the target.
Soak only applies to attacks which target Melee or Conversely, something might be particularly vul-
Ranged Defense (not Mental Defense), with the excep- nerable to a damage type. Petrol-covered items are
tion of Soak that specifically works against psychic or vulnerable to heat damage, and mechanoids (such as
psionic damage. an Augmented character with more augmentations
When damage is fully negated by Soak, some may than their END score) are vulnerable to electricity
still get through—any sixes in the damage roll auto- damage. A vulnerability entry will generally note how
matically do 1 point of damage regardless of Soak. vulnerable the target is—typically 1d6 or 2d6—and
This means that it is always possible to damage a tar- that entry tells you how many extra damage dice to
get, even if it’s just a little. roll when affecting the target. A robot, for example,
Targets benefit from resistances only if they are re- has vulnerability 1d6 (electricity) which means that
sistant to all listed damage types. A target resistant a taser, which normally deals 2d6 electricity damage,
to heat damage does not benefit from resistance to would deal 3d6 electricity damage to the robot.
a weapon which does heat/sonic damage. The target Targets suffer from vulnerability to a weapon if the
would need to be resistant to both damage types. keyword is listed among the weapon’s damage types.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Weapon Traits Holdout. These tiny pistols are easily concealed. They
Some weapons have special traits, which are noted in the grant +1d6 to stealth checks to conceal them about one’s
weapons tables below. person.
Agile. An agile weapon is complex and difficult to use. Hook. Many polearms incorporate hooks. Against a
You need an AGI of 8 to use it without penalty, otherwise mounted target, a successful strike can dismount the rid-
you take a –1d6 penalty to your attack rolls. These weap- er. When using it to dismount a target, a hooked weapon
ons always use AGI for their attack rolls. does no direct damage and costs 2d6.
Arc. The weapon fires in a ballistic arc; no direct line-of- Huge. A huge weapon (which is almost always heavy as
sight is required, as long as there is a ballistic route which well) is so large that medium-sized or smaller creatures
can be taken. need STR 10 to avoid the heavy penalty.
AT. Anti-tank (or anti-materiel) ability allows a weapon Initiative bonus. Some weapons are lighter and faster
to instead be fired directly at a vehicle, doing double dam- than others. These may grant a bonus to Initiative.
age to vehicles and objects. When used in this manner, Melee Defense bonus. Some weapons grant a flat bo-
burst weapons do not do burst damage. nus to the wielder’s Melee Defense score.
Auto. A weapon designated auto can be used for certain Min. Weapons with this trait have a minimum range.
exploits which take advantage of its high rate of fire; these They cannot target anything within that range. The mini-
weapons also produce an additional die of cover when us- mum range is noted in parenthesis—e.g. “Min (8).”
ing suppressive fire. Additionally, two actions can be used Mounted. These weapons must be affixed (mounted or
to attack a 30' cone rather than a specific target; make one stood on the ground) and take two full actions to set-up
ranged attack roll against all targets within the cone area. before use. If they are moved, another two actions is re-
When used to attack an area, the weapon does 1d6 less quired to set them up at the new site.
damage, and cannot cause critical hits. Reach. A reach weapon is a longer melee weapon. It
Bypass. A weapon with this trait is able to ignore shields. can attack opponents up to 10' away. Weapons with long
An example is the Eastern three-section-staff, which can reach can attack up to 15' away, but cannot attack adjacent
be used to strike around a shield. targets.
Climber. A weapon with this trait counts as climbing Revolver. While the very earliest revolvers took a full
gear. minute to reload, by the late 18th Century revolvers can
Close-quarters. A close-quarters weapon can be used be reloaded by spending two actions. A revolver holds
even when its user is grappling. These weapons gain +1d6 six shots before needing to be reloaded again, but can be
to attacks against foes in the same square. fired twice per round.
Combust. While most weapons that deal heat damage Sacrificial. Sacrificial weapons are often used in ritual
have a chance of setting fire to their targets with a criti- and rites. They gain +1d6 to attack a prone foe.
cal hit, those with the combust trait do so automatically. A Set. Some piercing polearms can be set as a single ac-
critical hit from such a weapon moves the target along the tion against incoming attackers. This creates a cone (10'
status track by an additional step. for reach weapons, 15' for long reach weapons) in the di-
Double. Double weapons are melee weapons treated rection in which the weapon is set. As an attacker enters
as though they were two weapons, one in each hand. This the cone from the front edge, it is subject to an automatic
typically means that the attacker will gain an additional attack from the polearm. If successful, the attacker is
attack per turn with it. Review the combat rules on dual- stopped in its tracks, and its movement ends for that ac-
wielding and double weapons. tion, as well as taking damage as normal. The attacker
Heavy. A heavy weapon is difficult to use. You need a may attempt to enter the cone again.
Strength of 8 to use it without penalty, otherwise you take Shield. The wielder of this weapon is automatically
a –1d6 penalty to your attack rolls. Heavy melee weapons considered to be also wielding a shield of the same size cat-
always use STR for their attack rolls. egory. This applies for the purposes of Melee Defense only.
Modern Equipment
Shotgun. These weapons can be used with exploits Armor-Piercing ($100). Armor-piercing rounds ignore
such as Scattershot, which require a shotgun. 10 points of Soak, but do half damage.
Sidearm. Weapons designated as sidearms gain +1d6 to Hollow Point ($100). Hollow point rounds do extra
hit when the user is adjacent to the target and do not suffer damage to unarmored targets. They increase the damage
a penalty for firing at an adjacent target. of a firearm by 1d6 but double the target’s Soak.
Single. A weapon with this quality can only be used Rubber Bullets ($100). Rubber bullets can be used to
once per round, even if the user is able to make multiple cause non-lethal damage to the target (see the Stun weap-
attacks. on trait, above). They are popular with bounty hunters
Stonebreaker. These weapons are designed to break seeking to take their prey alive, although the most valu-
stone and do +1d6 damage to stone targets. able targets tend to be “Dead or Alive”; and dead is easier.
Stun. When the target is reduced to 0 Health by a Tracers ($100). Highly visible rounds which assist in
weapon with the Stun trait, it is unconscious but not dy- aiming, directing fire, and marking targets at the expense
ing. It wakes with 1 Health 5 minutes later. of revealing the gunner’s position. Using tracer rounds
Thrown. A melee weapon with this trait can be thrown causes a –1d6 penalty to any cover or concealment bonus
with the noted range increment. For example, a weapon enjoyed by the gunner, but grants a +1d6 bonus for one
with the trait “Thrown (3)” has a range increment of 3. round to all ranged combatants firing on the same target
Without this trait, a thrown weapon has a range increment (a successful hit is not required to grant this bonus). Using
of 2 and counts as improvised (inflicting a –2d6 penalty to tracer rounds requires two actions and a weapon with the
the attack roll). Auto trait.
Trap. A weapon which can trap an enemy renders the
target immobilized on a successful hit. This status lasts Melee Weapons
until the target shakes it off. You might expect melee weapons to fall out of favor in a
Versatile. A versatile weapon has two damage values: world full of firearms and explosives. However, this is not
the first is for the weapon used one-handed, and the sec- the case—hand-to-hand combat is still an important part
ond is for the weapon used two-handed. of conflict, especially within confined spaces, and a sword
Vicious. Some weapons are barbed or jagged; condi- is just as deadly as a bullet when it skewers you in the eye.
tions from such weapons are harder to shake off, and Even if that were not the case, plenty of cultures use exotic
inflict a –1d6 penalty to attempts to do so. weapons in a ceremonial capacity, and some primitive
Woodbreaker. Designed to split wood, these weapons civilizations still exist in the few unexplored areas of the
do +1d6 damage against wood targets. world not yet aware of the civilization beyond their realm.
And, of course, exotic Eastern weapons are used frequent-
Special Ammunition ly by expert martial artists.
Special ammunition can be obtained for projectile weap- Modern versions of primitive weapons may be made
ons in clips of 20 rounds at the indicated price. A weapon from materials other than steel, but most of the weapons
can only hold ammo of one type at a given time unless below are made from the alloy of carbon and iron.
otherwise noted. Switching ammo counts as reloading. Axe, battleaxe. This is a two-handed axe designed for
Only projectile weapons can use special ammunition. combat. Many variations on the battleaxe exist, some
Reloading. The fire rate of a projectile weapon (a projec- primitive and, in many cultures, some ceremonial.
tile weapon is assumed to be semi-automatic unless it has Axe, handaxe. A much smaller, one-handed axe, this
the Single or Auto trait) takes into account regular reload- weapon can also be thrown.
ing. You only need to take actions to reload when you are Brass knuckles. This brutish piece of metal fits around
changing ammunition types: it’s a free action to reload a the wielder’s fingers. When used in unarmed combat, at-
pistol, one action to reload a rifle, or two actions to load a tacks with brass knuckles deal +1d6 damage in addition to
heavy firearm. the wielder’s natural damage.
Modern Equipment
Club. A simple wooden or metal stick or bat. This in- durable material such as stone or metal and fastened to
cludes baseball bats, cricket bats, tire-irons, and other the shaft. It can be thrown.
crude blunt weapons. Sword. A sword is basically a long blade with a handle.
Hammer, light. A light hammer is heavier than a stan- Rapiers, scimitars, shortswords, and longswords are all
dard tool, but lighter than a sledgehammer. one-handed swords.
Hammer, warhammer. A warhammer is a bludgeon- Whip. A whip is essentially a long leather rope with a
ing tool designed especially for close battle. Warhammers handle and a 10' reach. Skilled practitioners can perform
weigh about the same as a sledgehammer, although some impressive tricks with whips.
designs are larger and heavier.
Knife/dagger. Knives and daggers range from kitchen-
ware to ceremonial blades.
Melee Weapons and Size
Quarterstaff. A quarterstaff is a six-foot staff, often Weapons can be increased or decreased in size to
made of wood, but sometimes of metal. Extendable ver- make oversized or undersized versions suitable for
sions exist that can be collapsed to half their standard larger or smaller creatures.
length (these cost $250). An oversized weapon is one size category larger
Sap. A sap is a small, blunt object used to render a tar- than listed, weighs twice as much as the regular
get unconscious. It does little damage, and that damage weapon, and does an extra 1d6 points of damage.
is non-lethal (stunning) damage, and it is a weak melee Oversized weapons cost three times normal.
weapon, but if the target is unaware of the attack he must An undersized weapon is one size category smaller
make a Difficult [16] END check or be stunned for two and weighs half as much as the regular weapon.
rounds. The wielder of a weapon must use two hands to
Spear. Probably the most commonly used weapon in use a weapon one size category larger than himself,
human history, a spear is a pole weapon comprising a and must use his Strength attribute for attacks even
shaft, usually of wood, and a pointed head. The head may when the regular sized version offers an option to use
be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, possibly Agility. Creatures cannot effectively wield weapons
hardened by fire, or it may be fashioned from a more that are two sizes larger than themselves.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Butterfly sword. These short, single-edged swords are Kama, double-chained. The kama can sometimes be
usually used in pairs. About the length of a forearm, they used in pairs, with a chain linking the two weapons.
can easily be concealed. The swords are only sharpened Katana. A katana is a curved, single-edged sword, not
for half their length, enabling the user to deliver blud- dissimilar in role to the longsword. It is designed for two-
geoning attacks and to parry easily. handed use, but, like the bastard sword, can be used with
Gunbai. The gunbai, or war fan, can be used as a blade, one hand.
a shield, and signalling device. War fans are typically Kusarigama. The chain-sickle consists of a kama on a
made of wood or metal. kusari-fundo, or weighted chain. The weapon is swung in
ˉ . The hanbo
ˉ , or half-staff, is about 3' long. The a circle over the head and then whipped forward. It can be
stick is often used as a walking cane, and can be used in used to both strike and trap.
a variety of ways to strike, block, and achieve joint locks Kyogetsu-shoge. This is a double-edged knife which has
and throws. a back curving blade extending like one half of a cross-
Hu cha. A hunting trident, this weapon is also known guard. The device is attached to the end of about 15' of
as the “tiger fork.” rope or chain, on the other end of which is a metal ring. It
ˉ . The jo
ˉ is a wooden staff, shorter than the rokushakubo
ˉ, has multiple uses, and can be used for slashing, stabbing,
typically around 4' in length. climbing, and entangling. The weapon counts as climbing
Jutte/Sai. A weapon often used by militia, the jutte gear when climbing.
is used to block and parry sword attacks. Often made of Nagamaki. With a shorter staff and longer blade than
heavy iron, the jutte can also be used to deliver very pain- the naginata, this weapon is considered more upper-class
ful close-quarter strikes. The sai is a two-pronged variant than the latter.
with the same statistics. Naginata. The naginata is an Eastern polearm consist-
Kama. The kama is a sickle-type weapon. ing of a pole with a curved blade at the end.
Modern Equipment
Niuweidao. This heavy bladed saber is sometimes turns it into slashing damage.
called the “ox-tailed sword.” Testsubo. The tetsubo is a heavy one-handed club cov-
Nodachi. This is a large, curved longsword, designed for ered in metal spikes or knobs.
two-handed use. The blade is at least three feet in length, Tonfa. A short stick with a handle one-third of the way
and is worn across the back. down its length. It can be used to strike or block.
Nunchaku. This traditional martial-arts weapon is Urumi. This unusual weapon is a cross between a
made of two sticks connected by a short chain or rope, sword and a whip. The blade is thin and whip-like, and
derived from a rice-threshing tool. The weapon can strike able to curl around shields. It is worn coiled around the
around shields. waist like a belt.
ˉ . A long hardwood staff, typically around Wakizashi. A short sword, often worn with a katana,
6' in length, the rokushakubo
ˉ uses thrusting and swinging the wakizashi is used as a back-up weapon or for some
techniques based on movements similar to empty hand ceremonial uses, including executions and ritual suicide.
movements. The same literally translates as “six foot staff,” It is often used instead of the katana when close-quarters
ˉ staff,” al-
although it is often referred to simply as a “bo fighting is expected.
though this is a little inaccurate as it means “staff staff.” Whip, nine-section. A nine-section whip, or chain
Sansetsukon. This is a flail weapon made of three short whip, is made of connected metal rods. The other end of-
staffs connected by short chains, rings, or ropes. It can be ten has a blade. It is sometimes simply called a “steel whip.”
spun over or around shields.
Shang gou. A longxsword with a hook near the tip Firearms
which can be used to deflect other weapons. Any modern action setting probably needs a suitably wide
Sibat. A sibat is a bamboo spear with a metal, often selection of firearms. The following pages detail modern
barbed, head. It can be used for melee or ranged combat. firearms, Western handguns and longarms, and World
Tekko-kagi. An Eastern cestus, this weapon has four War II firearms, comprising a range of over 100 years of
iron “claws.” It increases unarmed damage by +1d6 and ballistic weaponry.
Modern Equipment
Firearms Terminology
The following notes should help you sound like you know of weapon (such as machine guns, assault rifles, and so
what you are talking about when discussing firearms in on) will have different model numbers, such as the M1,
your game. M16, and so on.
Automatic. Automatic rifles continue to fire founds Magnum. A large type of firearms cartridge, usually
while the trigger is pressed. Note that, however, in the derived from a smaller one. If a weapon uses such a car-
case of pistols, an “automatic pistol” actually means a tridge, it is known as a magnum. In the movie Dirty Harry,
“semi-automatic pistol”; a pistol which continues to fire the title character’s signature weapon is a Smith & Wes-
rounds while the trigger is depressed is correctly called son Model 29, which uses .44 Magnum ammunition.
a “machine pistol.” Pump action. Faster than bolt- or lever-action firearms,
Bolt-action. A weapon with a handle on the side which these allow the user to chamber a new round without
is used to manually eject a spent round and chamber a removing either hand from the weapon. The hand sup-
new one. This was the standard rifle mechanism through porting the barrel is moved backward and forward again
both World Wars, and bolt-action rifles are still popular to eject a spent round and chamber a new one.
with hunters. They are slower than pump-action or lever- Semi-automatic. These weapons fire a bullet and then
action firearms. prepare the next for immediate firing (ejecting spent
Caliber. The diameter of a firearms projectile (or the cartridges, etc.) This allows the bearer to fire repeatedly
inside diameter of the gun barrel) is its caliber. It is usu- by simply pulling the trigger. In the case of pistols, “auto-
ally measured in hundredths of an inch, so a “forty-five matic” and “semi-automatic” tend to be used colloquially
caliber” weapon uses rounds .45 inches in diameter. as synonyms, although this is not technically accurate.
Caliber can also be measured in millimeters (such as an Semi-automatics are sometimes called “autoloaders.”
8 mm Remington Magnum). A 9 mm bullet and a .38 caliber
bullet are the same size, and rounds of this size are stan-
dard in many military and police forces.
Carbine. A shorter version of a rifle, historically suited
for cavalry.
Double action. In a double-action firearm, the trigger is
also used to cock the weapon.
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ). A common bullet type which
has a core made of a softer metal (usually lead) sur-
rounded by a harder metal like brass or copper.
Gauge. A shotgun’s gauge is the number of balls in
one pound of shot (so in a 12-gauge shotgun, there are
12 balls to a pound). The larger the number, the smaller
the barrel, and vice-versa. 12-gauge is the most popular
shotgun round; 20 gauge is smaller, and 10 gauge is larger.
Hollow Point (HP). The tip of the bullet is hollow and
designed to expand when they hit, giving increased stop-
ping power. Also known as a “dum-dum.”
Lever action. A lever near the trigger is used to load a
new round.
M. As used in the “Mx” nomenclature, “M” stands for
“Model.” Common in US-made weapons, different classes
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Firearms it also replaced the Browning Hi-Power in the British Army.
Many of the most famous—and infamous—weapons ever Heckler & Koch G3. The 7.62 mm Heckler & Koch G3—
developed appear in this list. the Automatisches Gewehr G3—is a post-WW2 German
Barrett M82. Known as the “Light Fifty,” this is a .50 battle rifle.
caliber anti-materiel rifle designed to be used against Heckler & Koch MP5. The 9 mm Maschinenpistole 5 is
military equipment. It is used by military and police one of the world’s most popular submachine guns, and is
forces around the world to immobilize vehicles (usually common in North American SWAT teams. It was made
by shooting at the engine block) and can penetrate most famous when used by the SAS when they stormed the Ira-
brick walls. nian embassy in London.
Benelli M1. This semi-automatic is a 12-gauge shotgun Heckler & Koch PSG1. “Präzisionsschützengewehr”
known for easy maintenance. means “precision shooting rifle.” The Munich massacre
Beretta 92F. An Italian semi-automatic 9 mm pistol, the at the 1972 Olympics promoted the West German police
military spec (the 92F) is used by US armed forces. to commission this weapon, an accurate, high capacity
Beretta 93R. A 9 mm machine pistol manufactured by 7.62 mm sniper rifle.
the Italian company for police and military use, derived Kalashnikov AK-47. The world’s most popular assault
from the early Beretta 92. The “R” in the name means “Raf- rifle, this Russian 7.62 mm firearm was developed at the
fica,” which means “volley” in Italian, but is sometimes end of WW2 and adopted by the Soviet Army shortly
taken to mean “Rapid” in English. It has a reputation for thereafter; the “47” in its name refers to its first manufac-
being difficult to control. ture, in 1947. Since then, it has been widely adopted across
Beretta M3P. An Italian police shotgun, this firearm the world, and it is suggested that a sixth of all firearms
never got wide distribution, but was used by the French are AK-47s. It is a simple, incredibly reliable rifle.
police and Italian counterterrorism units. M60. This general-purpose machine gun has been used
Browning BPS. A solid, respected pump action shot- in every US military branch. It’s a belt-fed, crew-served
gun, this is a flagship firearm from Browning. weapon (typically 2–3 crew) which began development
Colt Double Eagle. This double action 10 mm semi- during WW2 and is still in use today. The unwieldy weap-
automatic pistol was based on the Colt M1911, and was on was nicknamed “The Pig” during the Vietnam War. The
the company’s first pistol in that caliber. It was never very weapon is being generally phased out due to its unreli-
popular and was only produced from 1990–1997. ability in humid conditions and after extensive use.
Colt Python. This .357 Magnum caliber revolver, some- M16. This M16 5.56 mm assault rifle entered service in
times known as a “Combat Magnum,” is a premium the mid-1980s, and underwent rapid modification. The
revolver. It was introduced in 1955, and continued to be full automatic setting was later removed, replaced with a
manufactured all the way through to 2005. The Python three-round burst.
was popular with law enforcement. M2HB Browning Machine Gun. The M2HB is a heavy
Desert Eagle. A semi-automatic .50 AE handgun machine gun. The M2 was designed at the end of WW1 and
designed in 1979 by Magnum Research in the US but has been in production longer than any other machine
manufactured mainly in Israel, this popular weapon has gun in the world. It is primarily used as a vehicle-mounted
a large cartridge which allows it to match the stopping weapon or on aircraft, and saw extensive service in most
power of many magnum revolvers. It is most often used every war of the 20th and early 21st century.
for target shooting and hunting. M4 Carbine. A shorter version (same caliber) of the
Glock 17. The Austrian Glock “Safe Action” 9 mm au- M16A2 assault rifle, which it is largely replacing.
toloader pistol is made of polymer. It is the most popular M72 LAW. A Light Anti-Tank Weapon, this rocket
pistol used by US law enforcement, as well as in many oth- launcher is an unguided solid rocket propulsion unit. It
er countries. The Glock 17 eventuality became a standard replaced the M1 HEAT and the M2 Super Bazooka in the
NATO-classified sidearm, after passing multiple tests, and 1960s. The M72 is essentially a smaller bazooka.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
M79 Grenade Launcher. A single-shot, shoulder-fired Uzi 9-mm submachine gun. An infamous Israeli sub-
launcher know as the “Thumper” (the Australians call it machine gun developed in the late 1940s and still used
the “Wombat Gun”) which can fire a variety of grenade today all around the world, including by the US Secret
rounds. In appearance, it looks a lot like a large sawed-off Service.
shotgun, and is designed to be easy to operate. Walther PPK. The Walther Police Pistol is a German
MAC-10. A .45 caliber machine pistol designed by Gor- weapon. The PPK (Polizeipistole Kurz, or “Police Pistol
don Ingram and officially named the “Military Armament Short”) is a smaller 7.75 mm version of the PP, easy to con-
Corporation Model 10.” ceal, and famously James Bond’s weapon of choice.
Mossberg. These shotguns were designed in the US Winchester 94. A .444 hunting rifle, and one of the most
in the 1960s and are used to this day. A pump action, popular hunting rifles ever made. The weapon dates back
12-gauge shotgun. to the late 1800s and was still produced up until 2006. This
Nighthawk Falcon .45. A custom M1911 pistol known was the first commercial sporting rifle to sell more than
for high quality. The Nighthawk Falcon company focuses seven million units, and the first American repeating rifle
on custom pistols, but also produces rifles, shotguns, and to use smokeless powder.
even knives.
OICW Assault Rifle. The Objective Individual Combat World War II Firearms
Weapon is a prototype which fires air-bursting projectiles. The Second World War saw the invention of a number of
Its a semiautomatic grenade launcher and carbine with a fondly remembered firearms.
computer-assisted targeting system. The prototype is not FG 42 Assault Rifle (German). The Fallschirmjäger-
in current production. gewehr (“paratrooper”) 42 was produced by Germany in
Remington 700. The 7.62 mm Remington Model 700 WW2 and was used in limited numbers; it was considered
bolt-action rifle is a mass-produced hunting rifle, al- one of the most advanced weapons of the war, and strong-
though variants include a police version. Some of these ly influenced the US’s later M60 machine gun.
weapons suffered from issues with misfiring. Sturmgewehr 44 Assault Rifle (German). The StG 44 is
Ruger Service-Six. This .38S revolver is designed for a selective-fire rifle (also known as the MP 43 and MP 44)
law enforcement, and is also popular with civilians for produced late in the war, and it was the first weapon of
self-defense. The standard-issue service weapon of many its size with controlled automatic fire. The StG 44 is the
US police departments until the 1990s. weapon which gave rise to an entire class of weapons
SITES M9. An Italian 9 mm autoloader from the 1980s, know as “assault rifles” (although it was not the first to use
small enough to be easily concealed. that term).
Škorpion. A Czechoslovak .32 machine pistol, designed Browning HP (Hi-Power) (American). This handgun—
in the 1950s for special forces, and adopted as a standard initially developed for the French by the American John
sidearm in several Eastern European armies and popular Browning, although he died before seeing the weapon—
with the IRA. is one of the most widely used pistols ever, and was used
Smith & Wesson Model 29. The S&W M29 is a .44 double in the armed forces of a large number of countries. It had
action magnum revolver. When introduced in the 1950s, it twice the capacity of its rivals, the Luger and the Colt M1911.
was the world’s most powerful production handgun (and Colt M1911 Pistol (American). The standard-issue side-
featured as such in the Dirty Harry movies). arm for US forces for over 70 years, this weapon’s design
Steyr AUG. An Austrian 5.56 mm assault rifle dating became the blueprint for a vast range of modern pistols.
from the 1960s and used as a the Armee-Universal-Gewehr The M1911 is popular at competitive shooting events.
(“universal army rifle”) of the Austrian Army. Enfield No. 2 (British). A standard British (and Com-
TEC-9. A 9 mm Swedish machine pistol designed in monwealth) sidearm during the war, this revolver was
1985. This weapon is banned in many US states due to its designed for stopping power at very short range. The
use in various public shootings. weapons were never produced in enough quantity to
Modern Equipment
supply wartime demands, and as a result the Webley Mk short range. The FP-45 was also known as the “Woolworth
IV was often substituted. Pistol” because its original cost was just $2.10.
Luger P08 (German). Georg J. Luger’s “Pistole Parabel- Smith & Wesson Victory Model (American). A popular
lum 1908” was initially adopted by the Swiss army before revolver worldwide, this pistol was a standard sidearm
being used widely by the Germans in both World Wars. for US air crews and was widely used by security guards
The Luger is the weapon most often associated with Nazi during the war. The S&W Victory remained in service un-
Germany (especially officers), and it still shows up in til the 1990s and was used by the Coast Guard and other
popular fiction as a weapon of choice for sneering villains. forces, as well as many police forces, before eventually be-
FP-45 Liberator (American). American-made, this ing supplanted by the Beretta M9.
weapon was never used by the US. Instead, it was designed Webley Revolver (British). First rising to prominence
to be dropped into German-occupied countries and used during the Boer War, this weapon was a standard-issue
by resistance fighters. A tiny, single-shot pistol, cheaply service pistol for Commonwealth forces. Webleys are one
made and mass-produced, the FP-45 had an incredibly of the most powerful top-break revolvers ever produced,
Modern Equipment
and they are still used by police in some countries. is a different weapon altogether. A lightweight weapon,
MG 42 (German). The Maschinengewehr 42 was a ma- popular with the military, police, and with civilians, the
chine gun used extensively in the second half of WW2. weapon served as a standard firearm from WW2 all the
Known for its durability and reliability, it is noted for its way into the Vietnam War.
high volume of suppressive fire. Thompson M1A1 “Tommy Gun” (American). The
Browning M1911 Machine Gun (American). A tripod- iconic Thompson submachine gun is most famous for its
mounted, air-cooled machine gun, this weapon was use during America’s Prohibition era. It was used by crim-
widely used in WW2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam inals, soldiers, and police alike, and had a large cartridge
War, generally as a support weapon with a two-man gun and high volume of fire.
team. It could be mounted on a tripod or on jeeps and Owen Gun (Australian). The Owen Machine Carbine
other vehicles. was the only entirely Australian submachine gun of WW2.
Bren Light Machine Gun (British). A British light ma- Somewhat bulky, the weapon’s reliability made it popular.
chine gun fitted with a bipod, this distinctive weapon Sten Gun (British). Known for its simple design and
featured a curved, top-mounted magazine. The name low cost, the Sten Gun was used often by resistance
Bren came from Brno, the Czechoslovakian city where the forces in WW2. The name is an acronym made from the
gun’s parent, the Czechoslovak ZGB 33 light machine gun, designers’ names—Shepherd, Turpin, and Enfield. The
originated. The weapon is still manufactured today. Sten Gun rose to popularity after the Dunkirk evacua-
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (American). A tion, during which many weapons were lost. The British
bipod-mounted light machine gun, this weapon was Army purchased as many Tommy guns from the US as the
originally designed for the US Expeditionary Corps, and Americans could make, but there weren’t enough, and a
carried by infantrymen in assault. It never really lived up quick-to-manufacture alternative was commissioned.
to expectations, and tended to be used more often as a The Sten has a distinctive side-mounted magazine; it had
portable mounted light machine gun. a reputation for being unreliable and inaccurate, but it
Vickers Machine Gun (British). A six-man water- was very cheap.
cooled machine gun known for its reliability; the weapon
was famously usable for twelve hours continuously with- Western Handguns
out failure. The Vickers was the standard British machine These handguns are strongly associated with the Ameri-
gun, and was not retired until the later 1960s. During can Wild West.
WW1, the Vickers gun was a standard weapon on British Allen and Thurber Pepperbox. The pepperbox revolver
and French aircraft, including the well-known Sopwith is a multiple-barrel repeating pistol, with the barrels
Camel. During WW2 it gradually became replaced by the grouped around a central axis. Pepperbox pistols are
Browning M1919. mainly designed for civilian use in England, and the main
M1 Garand (American). The M1 was the standard US producer was Ethan Allen.
American service rifle through WW2 and the Korean War. Colt Lightning. The Colt M1877 was a double action re-
It is still used by military honor guards, as well as for tar- volver. The Lightning variation was the little brother to the
get showing and hunting. The British Army considered Colt Thunderer.
replacing its Lee-Enfield rifles with the M1; however the Colt Peacemaker. The Colt Single Action Army was
M1 did not operate well under muddy conditions. designed for US government use, and was the standard
Lee-Enfield Mk IV (British). The main British rifle of military revolver until the late 1800s. This is the weapon
the first half of the 20th century, it is still used in some also called “The Gun That Won the West.”
armed forces. After Russia’s Mosin-Nagant, it is the lon- Colt Thunderer. The Colt M1877 was a double action re-
gest serving bolt-action rifle. volver. The Thunderer variation was the big brother to the
M1 Carbine (American). It may share a designation Colt Lightning, and was the weapon most famously used
and similar appearance with the M1 Garand, but this by Billy the Kid.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Reid Knuckle Duster. This tiny .32 caliber revolver, M1842 Percussion Springfield Musket. The Model
sometimes known as a “ring gun,” was designed by James 1842 Musket was the final US smoothbore musket, and is a
Reid as a compact weapon; these little 3-inch knuckle continuation of the 1816 line. The weapon was used in the
duster revolvers were part of the “My Friend” series. The American Civil War.
revolver has no barrel; the rounds fire from the open Harper’s Ferry Rifle. The Harper’s Ferry Model 1803
cylinder, and the weapon is gripped by lacing a finger was the first rifle made by an American armory. It fea-
through the “ring.” This weapon also doubles as a cestus, tured a flintlock firing mechanism, and a short octagonal
increasing unarmed damage to 2d6 blunt. barrel. The shorter rifle reduced its range, but made it
Remington Double-Derringer. This double barrelled more reliable.
derringer came in a number of variations, and was man- Hawken Rifle. Designed by the Hawken brothers in the
ufactured from 1866 all the way until 1935. It was also 1820s, this muzzle-loader was used on the prairies of the
known as the “Over-Under Derringer” and was popular US during the early frontier years; these rifles were known
for its small size and weight. as “plains rifles” or “Rocky Mountain” guns—reliable,
Remington Pocket Pistol. The 1863 Pocket Remington light, and capable of taking down large targets.
has a five-shot cylinder and is designed to fit in a coat Sharps Rifle. Designed by Christian Sharps in 1848
pocket. these large-bore single shot rifles are known for their long
S&W Schofield. The Smith & Wesson Model 3 was a range. The weapons were used by US Army marksmen
popular revolver from the late 1800s to the early 1900s., known as “Berdan’s Sharpshooters” in the US Civil War.
and was the first standard issue cartridge firing revolve in Sharps Carbine. A cavalry version of the Sharps Rifle,
US service. these weapons featured prominently in the Indian Wars
Sharp’s Pepperbox. A breechloading four-shot pepper- in the years following the US Civil War. They feature an
box pistol, patented by Christian Sharps in 1849. Unlike unusual hand-cranked grinder in the stock, designed to
revolving pepperboxes, the four barrels in this weapon do grind corn or wheat. This was the most popular weapon
not revolve. with Union cavalry regiments up to the mid-1800s.
Starr Army Revolver. The Starr DA is a double-action Spencer Carbine. A replacement for the Sharps Car-
revolver used in the American Civil War. bine, this was used by Union cavalry in the US Civil War.
U.S. Model 1842 Percussion Navy Pistol. Based on the Henry Rifle. The Henry repeating rifle is famed as the
British Navy boxlocks, this is a . 54 caliber smoothbore precursor to the iconic Winchester rifle, and for its use at
single shot pistol manufactured by MP Ames and Henry the Battle of the Little Bighorn. A sixteen-shot .44 caliber
Derringer. It was the first percussion pistol delivered un- rifle, this weapon was favoured by scouts and skirmishers.
der contract to the US government. Winchester ’73. This iconic repeating rifle claims to be
Webley RIC. The Webley Service Revolver was the stan- “The Gun That Won The West” (a claim contested by the
dard-issue service pistol for the UK armed forces, from the Colt Peacemaker).
late 1800s through to beyond WW2. The RIC (Royal Irish Sharps Big Fifty. A .50 caliber Sharps rifle used for buf-
Constabulary) variation was the first Webley double-ac- falo hunting.
tion revolver. General Custer is known to have used a pair Loomis Side-by Side. This early double barrelled shot-
of Webley RIC’s during the battle of Little Bighorn. gun is a single action muzzle loader. It takes a full minute
to load the shotgun. The damage indicated is for one bar-
Western Longarms rel; however both barrels can be fired simultaneously at a
In the American Wild West, if you’re armed with a musket, single target, with only one attack roll being required.
rifle, or shotgun, you probably have one of these. Remington Single-Barrel. The Model 10 pump action
M1816 Flintlock Musket. The Model 1816 Springfield shotgun from John Pedersen was used by the US military
Musket was used in the early 1800s and served during the for guarding prisoners and, in limited, numbers, by the
Texan Revolution and the Mexican-American War. Marine Corps.
Modern Equipment
Remington Whitmore M1873. A side-by-side shotgun; Winchester Lever-Action. The Winchester Model 1887
the damage shown is for one barrel, but both barrels can shotgun is a lever-action weapon and the first successful
be fired simultaneously at a single target, with only one repeating shotgun.
attack roll being required.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
While it can’t guarantee one’s life through a dangerous
conflict, armor is one of the fundamental forms of protec-
tion against gunfire, knives, and all the rest of the death
life throws at you. The technology has improved from the
days of chainmail and plate armor, but the principle re-
mains largely the same: wearing something resistant to
damage in the hope that it will absorb any incoming dam-
age before it gets through to you. Some armor types are
less effective against certain damage types—for example,
flexible armor usually doesn’t help the wearer against
blunt damage, and metallic armor may be vulnerable to
electricity damage.
Modern Armor
Armor Soak Cost ($) Type Weight (lbs) Ineffective
Leather jacket 2 40 Light 5 Heat/fire
Flak jacket/vest 3; 10 (explosives) 60 Light 12 —
Stab vest 3; 10 (piercing, slashing) 90 Light 10 —
Tactical vest 5 200 Medium 30 Piercing
Kevlar (bulletproof) vest 5 100 Light 30 Piercing
TALOS body armor 10 5,000 Heavy 200 —
Bomb suit (blast suit) 10; 15 (explosives) 2,500 Heavy 75 —
Long kevlar coat (trenchcoat) 6 200 Medium 50 Piercing
Hazmat suit 2 (10 radiation, acid, heat) 4,000 Medium 40 Piercing
Riot armor 7 1,000 Medium 50 —
Military body armor 8 2,000 Heavy 60 —
Spacesuit 5 (15 radiation) 10,000 Heavy 110 Piercing
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Additional Upgrades by Armor Quality Spikes. This medieval looking adjustment looks in-
Quality Upgrades timidating and exotic; however, their primary purpose
High +1 is to cause damage to opponents who attempt to grab the
Superior +1 wearer. Any attempt to grab the wearer of spiked armor
Mastercraft +2 causes the attacker 1d6 stabbing damage.
Artisan +2 Thermal. Thermal armor both protects against cold en-
Unique +3 vironments, and also grants 5 Soak vs. cold (cryo) damage.
Weighted. Weighted armors are entire outfits with small,
Therefore mastercraft military body armor, which is heavy precise lead weights sewn into the cuffs, arms, shoulders,
armor, can support a total of 7 upgrades. hips, hems, and shoes. These impose a –1 penalty to the
wearer’s physical ability scores when calculating derived
Armor Upgrade Costs attributes, but grant a +1 bonus to damage with melee
Armor Upgrade Cost attacks and if worn throughout a campaign, the cost for
Ablative $500 increasing their actual attribute is similarly reduced.
Camouflage $300
Reinforced $700 Shields
Spikes $80 Shields aren’t terribly common in the modern day, but
Thermal $250 riot police, assault teams, and other combat-oriented in-
Weighted $250 dividuals make use of them. Shields add to the wielder’s
Defense rather than absorbing damage. A shield requires
Ablative. Highly effective, ablative armor absorbs dam- a free arm, and so shields cannot be used with two-hand-
age by vaporizing when hit, successively destroying many ed weapons.
overlapping sheets of protective material. Ablative armor A small shield is about two-feet across, a medium shield
starts with an additional 2 points of Soak. Its Soak value is about three-feet across, a large shield is three-feet
reduces by 1 point with each hit, and the actual weight of across and four-feet in height, while a tower shield is five
the armor lessens by 5 lbs. or more feet in height. Modern shields are typically made
Camouflage. Camouflage armor is an easy and cheap of polycarbonate, although other materials are possible.
way to blend into the surroundings. Camouflage can be
applied to any armor, and must be selected for a specific Example Modern Shields
terrain (desert, snow, jungle, night, urban). Wearing the Cost Weight Melee
correct camouflage armor for the terrain grants a +1d6 Shield Defense ($) (lbs) Damage
bonus to checks to hide. Small, polycarbonate +1 25 5 1d6
Reinforced. Reinforced armor is built with heavy boots Medium, polycarbonate +2 60 8 1d6
and a framework of metal that runs along the skeletal Large, polycarbonate +3 150 20 2d6
structure of the wearer and customized to fit their body. Tower, polycarbonate +3* 275 32 2d6
*+4 v. ranged
Only heavy armors can be reinforced, and they reduce the
wearer’s movement by 1 but grant a +1d6 to opportunist Attacking with a Shield
stomp, throw, and trip combat exploits. Shields can be used as a weapon (as a primary weapon
Resistant. For every $1,000 spent (and each slot used), or as an off-hand weapon). They cause blunt damage as
the armor gains +2 Soak against a specific damage type shown in the table above.
(but not ballistic damage, and not a damage type the ar- A shield used as a weapon does not grant its Defense
mor is ineffective against). The type is chosen at the time bonus until the beginning of the wielder’s next turn.
of the upgrade. This stacks with the armor’s existing Soak. Shield spikes change the damage type to piercing.
Modern Equipment
Speed. This is the vehicle’s top speed. One point of
Vehicle Statistics Speed is equal to 10 mph.
Vehicles of various kinds can be purchased easily (for Acceleration (Accel). This is the amount by which
those inclined to get a customized mode of transportation, the vehicle may increase or decrease its current speed in
see “Pimp my Ride,” later in this chapter). It’s important one round.
to note that a vehicle’s Speed rating is not the same as a Handling (Handl). This value determines how well
character’s—it represents a different, much larger scale. the vehicle turns; the lower the number, the better. The
Year. The model year of the vehicle. number indicates how may 10' squares the vehicle
Cost. This is the price the vehicle cost when it was origi- must travel before it is capable of making a turn (up to
nally produced. 45 degrees).
Adjusted Price (Adj.). The adjusted price is the same Health. This score is similar to a character’s Health—
price adjusted for inflation. It is used to determine quality. it indicates how much damage a vehicle can take.
Quality. The vehicle’s quality is used to determine any Soak. The larger the vehicle, the higher its Soak. Vehicle
equipment die bonuses the driver might get. This is based Soak applies to both the vehicle itself and its occupants
on the vehicle’s type and adjusted price. (unless they already have a higher Soak score).
Upgrades (Upg). This is the number of slots the vehicle Defense (Def). A vehicle’s Defense is a factor of its size.
has available for customizations, weapons, and so on. Note that scores lower than 10 are shown, because a ve-
Occupants (Occ). The number of occupants includes hicle adds its current speed to its Defense score; however,
the driver. if the total ends up less than 10, it must be increased to 10.
Modern Equipment
Example Vehicles
Automobiles Year Cost ($) Adj. ($) Quality Upg Occ Speed Accel Handl Health Soak Def
Aston Martin DB5 1963 7,000 43,400 Standard 10 2 14 3 3 57 5 10
Aston Martin DB9 2004 230,000 483,000 Mastercraft 12 2 20 4 2 63 10 9
BMW 3-Series 1984 20,970 85,977 Exceptional 11 5 12 2 2 52 10 10
BMW 3-Series 2012 42,800 55,640 High 11 5 14 3 2 67 10 9
Bugatti Veyron 2014 1,500,000 1,650,000 Artisanal 12 2 23 7 3 64 5 9
Delorean DMC-12 1982 12,000 51,600 High 11 2 10 2 3 52 5 10
Dodge Charger 1969 6,005 33,628 Standard 10 2 16 4 4 60 5 10
F212 Ferrari Tes- 1986 220,000 858,000 Mastercraft 12 2 18 4 2 60 5 10
Ferrari 308 GTS 1981 47,440 208,736 Standard 12 2 14 3 2 53 5 10
Ferrarri Daytona 1972 68,970 365,541 Mastercraft 12 2 18 4 2 53 5 10
Ford Falcon XB 1974 6,510 33,201 Standard 10 5 12 2 3 53 5 10
Ford Focus 2014 21,135 23,249 Standard 8 5 14 2 3 54 5 10
Ford Gran Torino 1975 4,314 21.570 Standard 10 2 10 2 4 65 5 9
Ford Mustang 1964 2,368 14,445 Standard 8 4 14 3 4 50 10 10
Ford Mustang 2012 22,200 28,860 Standard 10 4 16 4 4 60 10 10
Honda Civic 2015 31,250 31,250 High 8 5 12 2 3 34 5 10
Jaguar E-Type 1963 5,895 36,549 Standard 10 2 14 3 2 50 5 10
Jaguar XJ 1969 6,465 36,204 Standard 10 5 12 2 2 60 10 10
Jaguar XJ 2012 73,200 96,160 Exceptional 11 5 16 3 2 64 10 9
Jeep Grand 2015 29,995 29,995 Standard 10 5 16 3 4 67 10 9
Koenigsegg 2010 2,100,000 3,150,000 Artisanal 12 2 24 7 2 57 5 10
Land Rover 2014 60,453 66,498 Exceptional 11 5 12 3 4 63 10 10
McLaren F1 1998 450,000 1,215,000 Artisanal 10 3 24 6 2 50 5 10
Mini Cooper 1964 2,093 12,767 Standard 8 4 10 2 2 37 5 10
Mini Cooper 2015 20,700 20,700 Standard 8 4 14 3 2 50 5 10
Pagani Zonda 2009 1,246,599 1,994,558 Artisanal 12 2 22 6 2 52 5 10
Pontiac Firebird 1982 10,396 44,703 Standard 10 2 12 2 3 57 5 10
Trans Am
Porsche 911 1963 6,370 39,494 Standard 8 4 16 2 2 47 5 10
Porsche 911 2012 82,100 106,730 High 11 4 18 4 2 57 5 10
Range Rover Sport 2014 63,495 69,845 Exceptional 11 5 16 2 4 69 10 9
Volkswagen 1950 1,280 9,600 Standard 8 4 10 1 4 41 5 10
Volkswagen 2012 19,795 25,734 High 10 4 14 2 4 57 5 10
Modern Equipment
Motorcycles Year Cost ($) Adj. ($) Quality Upg Occ Speed Accel Handl Health Soak Def
Harley Davidson 1990 10,299 36,047 Mastercraft 6 1 10 3 2 26 0 12
FLSTF Fatboy
Harley Davidson 1952 1,850 13,505 Exceptional 6 1 10 4 2 17 0 12
Kawasaki Ninja 1984 9,950 30,845 Exceptional 6 1 16 5 1 22 0 12
GPZ 900R
Kawasaki ZZR 250 2003 12,950 28,490 Exceptional 6 1 18 4 2 17 0 12
Triumph TR-6 1961 1,200 7,680 High 6 1 12 4 1 19 0 12
Trucks & Vans Year Cost ($) Adj. ($) Quality Upg Occ Speed Accel Handl Health Soak Def
Cadillac Miller- 1959 9,748 64,337 High 16 5 12 1 5 77 10 9
Meteor Hearse
GMC Vandura Van 1983 10,187 42,785 High 11 5 10 1 4 71 10 9
Kenworth K100 1977 45,000 216,000 Exceptional 15 3 8 1 5 161 10 4
Cabover Truck
Kenworth W900 1974 36,000 183,600 High 15 3 8 1 5 138 10 5
Seagrave Fire 2013 450,000 540,000 Exceptional 17 6 6 1 5 245 10 2
Tanks Year Cost ($) Adj. ($) Quality Upg Occ Speed Accel Handl Health Soak Def
Challenger 2 Main 1998 4,217,000 11,385,900 Exceptional 17 4 4 1 4 354 20 2
Battle Tank
M1 Abrams Main 1980 4,300,000 19,350,000 Exceptional 19 4 4 1 4 346 20 2
Battle Tank
M60 Patton Main 1961 790,000 5,056,000 High 17 4 4 1 4 316 20 2
Battle Tank
M706 Cadillac 1963 510,250 3,163,550 High 20 5 6 2 5 148 20 4
Gage Commando
Armored Car
Panzer VIII Maus 1944 1,200,000 9,720,000 High 17 6 1 1 5 643 20 2
Stingray Light 1988 890,000 3,293,000 High 17 4 4 1 4 213 15 2
Police Vehicles Year Cost ($) Adj. ($) Quality Upg Occ Speed Accel Handl Health Soak Def
Ford Crown 1995 12,500 37,500 Standard 10 5 13 2 4 64 10 9
Victoria Police
Ford Police Taurus 2014 26,780 29,458 Standard 10 5 13 3 4 63 10 9
Interceptor Sedan
Plymouth Belve- 1968 7,000 39,900 Standard 8 5 12 3 4 56 10 10
dere Pursuit
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Converting Vehicles
If you have a vehicle catalog to hand, you can use it to high speeds, it can be very difficult to maneuver and turn.
derive the WOIN stats of any real-world vehicle. You will Most drivers will typically operate at half this value in
need price, maximum speed, 0–60 mph acceleration, and combat — combat is not (usually) a race.
weight, which you should be able to find in any car listing. Acceleration. This is equal to 20 divided by the vehi-
Price. This is the price the vehicle costs in the real cle’s 0–60 mph time. It is the amount by which a vehicle
world. This may vary by time period, depending when may increase or decease its speed each round.
your game is set. In general, use the price when the ve- Defense. Use the table below to determine the ve-
hicle was new. hicle’s Defense.
Adjusted price. This value takes into account inflation. Handling. Use the table below to determine the ve-
An Aston Martin DB5 cost only about $8,000 in 1963; its hicle’s Handling.
equivalent these days costs many times that. Vehicle Health. A vehicle’s Health is equal to the square root
prices are increased by 10% per year for the purposes of its weight in pounds.
of determining quality on the tables below. This allows Soak. A vehicle’s Soak depends on the vehicle type.
older, classic cars to qualify for a quality level appropri- Compact cars, sports cars, and smaller vehicles have
ate to their actual quality. Soak 5. Larger vehicles have Soak 10. Armored vehicles
Defense. The weight of a vehicle determines its De- have Soak 15 (light armored) or 20 (heavy armored).
fense attribute (use the table below). A vehicle also adds Quality. The vehicle’s quality is determined by its type
its current speed (not its Speed score) to its Defense and price. Quality is mainly used to determine the number
score. Note that the minimum Defense is 10, as always, of available upgrade slots. It also provides an equipment
but lower numbers are provided as they can effectively bonus to drivers. Quality can be gauged by the adjusted
mitigate high speeds. Use the figures shown, and if the price of the vehicle (after inflation). This does not affect
final result is less than 10, increase it to 10. the actual cost of the vehicle — it is simply used to com-
Upgrades. The number of upgrade slots available is de- pare like for like with older vehicles when determining
pendent on the vehicle’s size (see the table below). quality. If you have a vehicle’s price (when new), you can
Speed. Speed is equal to the vehicle’s maximum speed establish its quality using the Default Vehicle Quality by
in miles per hour divided by 10. For example, a car with a Price tables on the next page.
listed maximum speed of 120 mph has a Speed of 12. This For example, the original price of a 2014 Bugatti Vey-
is the vehicle’s top speed, designed for a straight line; at ron is $1,500,000, making it an artisanal sports car.
Modern Equipment
Motorcycle, Semi–tractor,
Large ATV Motorcycle sport cab Truck, small Van
Standard Up to $46K Up to $4,500 Up to $16,500 Up to $120K Up to $42K Up to $36K
High $46K–$78K $4,500–$7,500 $16,500–$27,500 $120K–$200K $42K–$70K $36K–$60K
Exceptional $78K–$155K $7,500–$15K $27,500–$55K $200K–$400K $70K–$140K $60K–$120K
Mastercraft $155K–$1.5M $15K–$150K $55K–$550K $400K–$4M $140K–$1.4M $120K–$1.2M
Artisanal $1.5M–$15M $150K–$1.5M $550K–$5.5M $4M–$40M $1.4M–$14M $1.2M–$12M
Legendary $15M+ $1.5M+ $5.5M+ $40M+ $14M+ $12M+
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Cable launcher. A vehicle with this upgrade may grab requires from the vehicle’s occupants. It can operate
vehicles and creatures within 50' of it, latching on with a three times before it needs to be replenished.
steel cable that embeds into the target (2d6 slashing dam- Hidden compartments. The vehicle has several caches
age). A successfully grabbed vehicle can have its Speed integrated into its structure. Finding one of these com-
reduced by the Speed of the vehicle that grabbed it. A partments requires a Difficult [16] INT check. This upgrade
side-mounted cable launcher can be used to make a free may be taken multiple times.
90-degree turn in that direction only at any speed. Cable Imaging matrix. The vehicle has external sensors
launchers can only be deployed once. capable of radial thermal imaging, allowing it to detect
Cement/paint blaster. This upgrade gives the vehicle a creatures in pitch blackness or through smoke or other
unique weapon ideal to obscure windshields or muck up obscuring material. It can fire upon such targets with no
the engines of other vehicles. The cement/paint blaster penalty.
has a range of 3 hexes (30'); on a hit, the target vehicle is Kevlar tires. This vehicle’s tires are invincible and can-
blinded (-2d6) until the wet cement is removed. A cement/ not be shot out or destroyed by any attack that deals less
paint blaster can be fired 3 times before its ammunition is than 15 points of damage. Only land vehicles may take
exhausted. Creatures struck by a cement/paint blaster are this upgrade.
restrained for 1d6 rounds. This upgrade may be selected a Mines. The vehicle can dispense mines or grenades once
second time to increase the capacity of the cement/paint per turn; this upgrade holds up to 6 mines or grenades. For
blaster by 3. an additional $2,000, the capacity of this upgrade can be
Conversion vehicle. Over the course of a round, a con- increased to 9 mines or grenades. Mines occupy an adja-
version vehicle may change the type of terrain it traverses cent hex and do 2d6 heat damage upon contact.
(for instance, a car might become a submarine or take Parachute. A parachute is used to rapidly halt a vehi-
flight). This type of terrain is chosen when the upgrade is cle’s forward momentum. It grants an Accel of 12 for the
purchased. A vehicle’s speed rating is halved for this new purposes of deceleration only. A parachute can only be
terrain type. This upgrade covers the gamut of modifica- deployed once. When the vehicle has stopped decelerat-
tions required, adding in oxygen tanks, compensating for ing, the parachute is cut loose.
the pressure of the depths, and so on. Ram plate. This upgrade allows a vehicle to ram other
Dubious license plates. This simple upgrade is almost targets without suffering any internal damage. The ve-
essential for clandestine vehicles; with the flip of a switch, hicle gains 50 Soak to collisions from the direction of the
the license plate can obscure or rotate to reveal a different ramming attachment.
license plate. Reinforced chassis. A vehicle with a reinforced chassis
Ejector seat. One vehicle occupant can rapidly flee, fly- increases its Soak by 2 and becomes much heavier, re-
ing out into the air in their chair before safely parachuting ducing its Acceleration rating by –1 (if its Accel rating is
to the ground. If a vehicle spins out or explodes, an ejec- already 1, then Speed is reduced by 1 instead).
tor seat ensures that the occupant is safely removed. The Remote control. This vehicle may be controlled re-
position of the ejector seat must be designated. Optionally, motely. When doing so, the driver uses computers for skill
the ejector seat may retain the chair, and simply eject the checks and is at a -1d6 for using a wireless connection.
occupant without a parachute, causing them 3d6 damage This upgrade may be taken a second time to eliminate the
upon landing. penalty. A vehicle must have the Wide-Band Receivers up-
Fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher can be used by grade before it can take this upgrade.
an occupant to extinguish a fire. A fire extinguisher can Retractable skis. A vehicle with this upgrade may ig-
be used once; multiple extinguishers can be installed. nore difficult terrain caused by snow. If taken a second
Halon fire suppression system. A halon fire sup- time by a vehicle with the spiked wheels upgrade, a land
pression system operates automatically, putting out vehicle can be made buoyant and able to move on water at
any vehicle fire the round after it starts with no actions half its normal speed.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Mounted Weapons ROF 1 can fire every turn; one with ROF 2 can fire once ev-
Weapons must be allocated a specific firing arc (forward, ery other turn; ROF 3 means once every 3 turns, and so on.
left, right, or rear) unless the weapon is turreted. Each Artillery. Artillery does not require line-of-sight.
weapon requires an occupant to use it (the driver counts Ignite. Targets stuck catch fire for 1d6 heat damage per
as one occupant). As noted above, no more than one third round until extinguished.
of a vehicle’s upgrade slots may be located in one arc. Limited range. These weapons can only fire out to one
Turrets. A turreted weapon costs twice the listed price range increment.
and takes up one additional upgrade slot. A turreted Rounds. This weapon can be loaded with different
weapon may fire in any direction if mounted on top, or in ammo types including high explosive shells, high explo-
two arcs if mounted on a specific firing arc. Only one tur- sive anti-tank (HEAT) shells, armor piercing shells, and
reted weapon may occupy any given side (or the top of a shrapnel (anti-personnel) shells.
vehicle). •• High explosive. Regular shells. Cost $200 each.
Linked. Weapons may be linked in pairs. Linked weap- •• HEAT. Ignores 10 points of Soak. Cost $2000 each,
ons take up one extra upgrade slot for the linked set, and •• Armor-piercing. Ignores 5 points of Soak. Cost $1,000
require only one operator. Linked weapons must share each.
the same firing arc. Quench. This weapon automatically puts out fires in
ROF. This is a recharge rate for weapons. A weapon with the target vehicle.
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
“What? It’s just a pen.”
Gadgets are a broad category of items which include
advanced technology, mysterious artifacts, prototypes,
experimental gear, unusual contraptions, and other giz-
mos, trinkets, and rare items. A gadget might be able to do
anything, and is rarer or more expensive than common
Gadgets are assigned an Advancement Level. To pur-
chase a gadget, you must be located within a civilization
of the appropriate Advancement Level—you cannot
purchase a rocket pack from a village in the wilderness,
or an EMP device from a medieval government. At the
GM’s discretion, an item may be available at an earlier ad-
vancement level (one category earlier) as a unique item or
prototype at ten times the regular price.
Food and Services Anycard. An anycard is a disposable plastic card that
Food and accommodation are regularly available in civi- looks like any other credit card or super shopper rewards
lized areas. For the most part, characters should not need card. The magnetic strip is designed to automatically
to keep track of each drink, tank of gas, or snack, but when disable an electronic lock of the same quality of crafts-
the cost of such things becomes relevant, these values are manship, though after one use it becomes worthless.
shown below. Of course, the costs of modern foods and Aquatic motor. This device can be used to smoothly
services will be well-known to the players anyway. carry someone through the water at a Speed of 4. This
gadget only functions underwater.
Average Food and Services Costs Autopick. An autopick looks like a complex staple gun.
Services Cost ($) From the barrel a plethora of small sectioned tendrils
Drink, beer 2 extend forward and worm into a lock. An autopick auto-
Drink, coffee, tea 1 matically disables a mechanical lock of the same quality
Drink, spirit, common 3 of craftsmanship, though after one use it becomes worth-
Drink, spirit, exotic 10 less. Unlike other items, no skill ranks are required to use
Hotel, average, day 100 an autopick.
Hotel, cheap, day 30 Brilliant phone. A smart phone is one thing, but a bril-
Hotel, luxury, day 500 liant phone is practically a supercomputer and can be
Limousine, per mile 2 much, much more. First of all, you can make cracking
Meal, cafeteria/diner 5 tests with a brilliant phone as though it were a laptop. For
Meal, fast-food 3 every level of craftsmanship quality beyond high, a bril-
Meal, restaurant, typical 7 liant phone gains one of the following abilities:
Meal, restaurant, luxury 20
Public transport, per mile 1
Taxi, per mile 2
Theater, play or show 10
Theater, movie 5
Sea or Air transport, per continent, basic 400
Sea or Air transport, per continent, luxury 1,550
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Grappling harness. A grappling harness can be dis- miniature motors in the back. A device in the buckle can
guised as suspenders and a belt or within a bulky outfit. fire a grapnel to a distance of 75'. The grapnel will anchor
Once tethered or anchored, the wearer can ascend at a the rope to whatever object it strikes, allowing the user to
speed of 20' (4 squares) per round or rappel down as fast swing across a gap, for example. The line can be retracted
as 60' (8 squares) per round. Once used to ascend or for and reset without effort, but only superior-quality or bet-
controlled descent, a grappling harness becomes unus- ter rappelling belts can hoist weight while retracting (at a
able until rewound, which takes one minute. rate of 10' per round).
Homing pill. This oral pill has a resilient electronic chip Remote control exploding watch. This timepiece con-
inside of it, one capable of remaining intact and operat- tains a receiver allowing the explosives within it to be
ing while within the digestive tract. The chip transmits a remotely detonated from as far as 1,000' away. The explo-
radio signal detectable by bug sweepers and anyone that sion deals 3d6 heat damage to all objects within 2 squares.
knows the frequency (which reaches to a range of 5 miles). Rocket pack. A rocket pack is exactly what you think it
Industrial laser. This experimental technology requires is—rockets strapped onto the wearer’s back, with throttle
a considerable power source but is incredibly accurate at controls available at their hands. It has a range of about
great distances and can deal 1d6 point of heat damage to 10 minutes, although an additional thruster add-on can
a target per turn, increasing by +1d6 for each consecutive be purchased (8 lbs., adds 5 minutes). Use of a rocket pack
turn the laser remains on the target, up to a maximum of requires a Difficult [16] AGI check but allows a creature to
6d6 heat damage. move through the air at a Speed of 6.
Laser watch. High-energy capacitors in this timepiece Seismic mapper. This gadget consists of a screen and a
fuel a powerful focused light that creates a laser cutting handle that affixes to a safe or radial lock; after four rounds
beam able to slice through up to 1 inch of steel. After 10 of being so affixed, the screen displays a small three-di-
rounds of operation the laser watch is depleted. The laser mensional map of everything within the 6” cube of solid
watch can be used as an improvised melee weapon that material where the handle is affixed. A Challenging [13]
deals 1d6 heat damage. INT check reveals the combination of any mechanical
Microchip. A microchip operates as a homing pill but lock scrutinized this way.
has no range and is undetectable to scanners. Further- Wire watch. This wristwatch doesn’t tell time particu-
more, it can be used to watch a creature’s vitals, telling larly well, but hides within it a high-tensile, durable kevlar
both how much damage the subject has taken and their cord capable of withstanding up to 400 pounds of tension.
emotional state (calm, agitated, or panicked). The cord has 1 Health but a Soak of 12. There are two
Pen gun. This small device is capable of firing up to four varieties—a monofilament line suitable for use as a grap-
bullets before it is destroyed. A Challenging [16] INT check pling line (has a toughness of 4 and a length of 30'), or a
recognizes it as such. As a weapon, the pen gun does thicker cord good for strangling opponents (has a tough-
1d6+3 ballistic damage. Scanners detect that the pen gun ness of 6 and a length of 5').
is metal. X-ray camera. This device operates much like a regular
Projectile cigarette case. This small pack of cigarettes camera, but flashes an x-ray at everything within the view
is unusually heavy but otherwise resembles a regular pack screen. After 5 rounds of development within the gadget, it
of cigarettes. A person familiar with the gadget (requiring reveals everything within 1' of thickness behind any non-
instruction or a Difficult [16] INT check) can use it to fire lead material. The x-ray camera has a range of only 30'. An
up to four small rockets (2d6 ballistic damage, range 4). x-ray camera can take 5 photographs before it needs re-
Rappelling belt. This heavy duty belt has a slender placement parts (costing half the cost of the camera).
but sturdy rope coiled through both sides and powerful
Modern Equipment
Modern Equipment
Chapter 3
Modern Core
Playing the Game The Role of Luck. Luck is a special attribute that pro-
One of the Game Master’s primary functions is that of ref- vides characters with a replenishing dice pool that can be
eree. He or she needs to adjudicate the result of actions by drawn upon as needed to assist in various tasks.
using the rules found in this book. This section is the core Combat. Combat is a common occurrence in the game,
of the What’s O.L.D. is N.E.W. roleplaying game system. whether with assault rifles at range or duels between nin-
While other sections tell you how to create a character, de- jas and secret agents. This section tells you how to move,
sign a setting, or buy equipment, this section tells you how attack, and perform other actions in combat. Combat in
to play the game. To that end, you will find the following W.O.I.N. is a tactical skirmish system where position and
information in the pages to come. cover are very important.
The Attribute Check. This is the core mechanic of the Injury & Death. It’s a dangerous world, and harm can
game. Almost everything revolves around the attribute befall any character. Such harm takes three forms: Health
check. When you know how to make and adjudicate an damage, status tracks, and diseases.
attribute check, you know how to play most of the game. Objects. This part of the book explains how objects can
This section includes guidelines on assigning difficulty be broken or damaged, how to break down a door, or how
benchmarks, running opposed or extended tasks, and much damage an office desk can take. It details various
details some common situations including medicine, materials, from wood to steel.
chases, scanning, engineering, and more. The Environment. The environment affects many
Countdowns. A countdown is a special type of dice things. Variations in gravity, severe weather, slippery
pool that depletes as time passes. Countdowns depict surfaces, and many other environmental traits can be ap-
a race against time, such as a ticking bomb or a disease, plied to areas both big and small. Fighting in the middle
when the characters don’t know exactly how much time of a self-destructing villain’s lair as fire rages all around
remains before disaster strikes. Countdowns are used to is very different to fighting on a frozen wasteland in the
create suspense and tension. midst of a blizzard.
Modern Core
Modern Core
Forming the Dice Pool If basic equipment is not available, improvised equip-
To make an attribute check, the player must form a dice ment inflicts a –2d6 penalty. For example, using a hairpin
pool. Each attribute’s associated dice pool is noted on the to pick a lock instead of an actual set of thieves’ tools re-
player’s character sheet. For example, if a character at- duces the dice pool by 2d6.
tempting to pick a lock has an AGI of 6, his AGI dice pool The number of dice that equipment contributes to a
is 3d6. dice pool can never exceed the number of dice that skills
To this, the player may choose to add a skill. This is up to contribute to it; you need a certain degree of expertise to
the player to choose and—if necessary—justify. It would fully benefit from higher quality equipment. If the equip-
be hard to justify adding botany when trying to pick a lock, ment dice exceed the skill dice, reduce the equipment
but it would be easy to justify thievery. The GM may disal- dice to equal the skill dice.
low the use of any skill she feels is not justifiable. This includes the armor skill, weapons (skills in swords,
To add the skill, simply locate the associated dice pool bows, rifles, staves, knives, etc.), and general equipment for
for the skill (just like with the attribute) and add those dice which an associated skill might be relevant (skill in medi-
to the dice pool. If the above character has thievery 3 (2d6), cine when using a medical kit to prepare an antidote, for
he adds 2d6 to the existing 3d6 dice pool. This makes his example).
dice pool 5d6.
Finally, the character chooses equipment to use. A stan- Dice Pool Adjustments for Quality
dard item of equipment allows him to attempt the action Equipment Quality Dice Pool
with no penalty. A high quality or better item may grant Improvised –2d6
extra dice in his dice pool—a high quality set of thieves’ Poor –1d6
tools grants an additional 1d6 to a dice pool, bringing the Standard —
erstwhile thief’s dice pool up to 6d6. High +1d6
The GM has already determined that picking this lock Exceptional +2d6
is a Difficult [16] task. The player grabs his dice pool of 6d6 Mastercraft +3d6
and throws it, scoring 19. This is higher than the target of Artisanal +4d6
16, so he succeeds in picking the lock! Legendary +5d6
Modern Core
The Math
The math behind difficulty benchmarks is fairly simple.
Each benchmark represents a roughly 50% success
chance for a given dice pool size. An Easy [7] bench-
mark is a 50% success rate for a 2d6 dice pool; a
Routine [10] benchmark is about a 50% success rate
for a 3d6 dice pool; a Challenging [13] benchmark is
about a 50% success rate for a 4d6 dice pool, and so
on. Each successive benchmark represents one extra
die in the dice pool.
To put this into perspective, a starting grade 5 char-
acter with a dice pool of 5d6 will succeed on a Difficult
[16] check about half of the time.
Modern Core
Modern Core
henchman rolls 3d6, and if the spy beats the guard’s roll,
he sneaks past unnoticed. If he doesn’t, the henchman
Assisting Another
sees him.
Below are some examples of opposed checks. Suggested Usually, an extended skill task is used when multiple
skills are noted in parentheses. characters are contributing to an activity. Three (or
sometimes more for longer tasks) successes are re-
Opposed Check Examples quired, and multiple characters can make checks of
Opposed Check Attributes (and Skills) various kinds.
Arm-wrestle STR vs. STR Sometimes, when the task is very simple, and the
Bluff a guard CHA (bluffing) vs. INT (bluffing) combined efforts of the characters would be merely
Bribe an official CHA (persuasion) vs. WIL additive, you may allow characters to add their attri-
Disguise yourself CHA (disguise) vs. INT (perception) butes together and see what dice pool the combined
Foot race STR/AGI (running) vs. STR/AGI (running) figure would allow. In other words, if two characters
Interrogate CHA (intimidation) vs. WIL (bluffing) (STR 5 and STR 6) are trying to break down a door
Motorcycle race AGI (riding) vs. AGI (riding) together, you would treat that as a single character
Pick a pocket AGI (thievery) vs. INT (perception) with STR 11 and allow them a 4d6 STR dice pool.
Play chess LOG (chess) vs. LOG (chess) Strength-based tasks are the most common types
Sneak/hide AGI (stealth) vs. INT (perception) of simple additive tasks. Generally, cooperative tasks
Track a thief INT (tracking) vs. AGI (stealth) won’t be additive, and will require multiple checks
from one or more characters.
Static scores like a Defense score are actually pre-calcu- Note that when performing a simple additive task,
lated opposed checks. This speeds up combat by ensuring only one skill from one character applies to the dice
that players (and creatures) do not have to form dice pools pool. Choose the most appropriate one.
each time they are attacked—you can simply refer to the
static score.
types of checks (although the difficulty level should re-
Extended Tasks main constant for all the checks in the extended task).
The preceding section described how to adjudicate simple Some tasks, such as when curing a disease, have pre-
tasks (those which require just a single attribute check to defined complexity levels. When an hourly challenging
resolve). Not all tasks require just a single attribute check, medical task is called for, this means that it is a hourly task
however. Some tasks are extended efforts which require (1 hour intervals) with a difficulty benchmark of Challeng-
considerable time to accomplish. In these cases, the GM ing [13] which uses skills focused around medicine, while
may call for multiple attribute checks at specified inter- a daily routine chemistry task is a daily task (1 day inter-
vals, which might be each minute, hour, day, week, or vals) with a difficulty benchmark of Routine [10] which
even longer. The GM assigns the difficulty benchmark of uses skills focused around chemistry. The GM, as always,
those checks as usual. is the arbiter of whether any given skill applies.
Unless otherwise specified, three checks is appropriate
for an extended task. However, the GM can require more Time Between Checks
checks if she feels it is appropriate. The task will have an associated interval, which is the time
Unless there is something preventing it, multiple between each attribute check. This can be quick (each
people can contribute to an extended task. Subject to the minute), hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, even yearly in
GM’s approval, the characters may be able to use different some cases (although the latter will be rare).
attributes or skills to contribute in different ways. Indeed, During an extended task, failed checks can be retried,
different stages of an extended task may require different but the time is wasted.
Modern Core
From time to time you will need to combine the rules
for opposed checks and for extended tasks. A long poker
game, or a motorcycle chase across a crowded city, might
require an extended sequence of opposed checks.
In these situations, simply use the rules for extended
tasks as normal. The first to reach the required number of
successful opposed checks wins. You do not need to track
failures in an opposed check (a failure is, by definition, a
win for your opponent).
To run an extended task, the GM should ask each player For example, you could simulate arm wrestling like
what they intend to do. Armed with that information, she this. Rather than using just a single check, the first to
may assign attribute checks to the players. The players reach three wins on the opposed rolls wins the game. A
can attempt any action to assist with the task, but the long race might look for the first to reach a dozen opposed
GM is the final arbiter of whether any given action can checks.
contribute. The opposed checks do not have to be the same. As
always, each participant uses checks appropriate to his
activity. When tracking a suspect across a city, the suspect
Task Lexicon may be making AGI checks and calling upon the stealth
• Simple task—a task requiring a single attribute skill, while the pursuer may be making INT checks and
check against a static difficulty benchmark. the tracking skill. The first to reach—for example—6 wins
• Opposed task—a task requiring a single at- on the opposed rolls wins: either the suspect escapes, or
tribute check that is opposed by another the pursuer catches up with him.
creature’s attribute check. As with other extended tasks, different stages might
• Extended task—a task requiring more than one require different checks. Perhaps in a foot chase the first
attribute check to complete. checks might both be STR (running) checks, and then the
• Simple extended task—a task requiring multiple second might be AGI (climbing) checks as both partici-
attribute checks against a static benchmark. pants scale a wall, followed by another stage of running,
• Opposed extended task—a task requiring a jump across an alleyway, even a sequence in which the
multiple attribute checks that are opposed by suspect tries to lose himself in a crowd using AGI and
attribute checks made by another creature, stealth checks versus the pursuer’s INT and perception. In
with the first to reach a target number of wins such a scenario, the suspect might even define the checks
being the victorious participant. by choosing what to do at each stage of the process, forc-
• Group check—an attribute check where all PCs ing the pursuer to match his skills. Contests can be as
make a check, and the party succeeds if more exciting and detailed as you wish to make them, or they
than half the PCs succeed. can be quickly resolved with a single check.
Modern Core
Common Tasks
The previous section described the overall framework in
which actions are resolved. What follows is a selection of
common situations, ways to handle them, and resources
for spicing them up. From races and chases, to applica-
tions of medicine and interrogations, these situations are
ones which crop up regularly in the game.
Modern Core
Modern Core
Common skills: computing. following table and read off the result in the format alpha
Computing results are read in the format alpha the beta the beta gamma delta (e.g. “reconfigure the virtual pat-
gamma delta. These include hacking attempts. To add tern algorithm”). This doesn’t result in “real” computing
some flavor to a computing task, roll d66 four times on the terminology, but it can add some flavor.
Modern Core
Common skills: medicine focused on medical situations. Like chemistry, it is based
Much like chemistry, medicine is a science. It’s a simple on Logic. Medicine can be used to remove permanent
extended task which works in exactly the same way as an conditions, treat diseases, or perform other medical tasks.
chemical task, but it uses different skills as it is largely See the Chemistry section above for details on how to ad-
judicate this type of task.
Medicine Task Table Like chemical concoctions, drugs
d66 Alpha Beta Gamma Delta can also be used to inflict conditions,
11 irradiate inverted neural cells thus creating a truth drug or a sleeping
12 excise assymetrical basilar pathways draught. The drug must be delivered
13 decontaminate malignant berylite neurons (imbibed by the target, or similar). A
14 transplant persisting biomimetic tissue drug which is injected, eaten or drunk
15 clone periodic cardiac protoplasm is an hourly task, a poultice, salve, or
16 balance infected reticular nerve ointment costs –1d6, and a gas, incense,
21 incise swollen synaptic muscle or smoke costs –2d6. The check is a
22 puncture degenerate bile bone simple opposed one versus the target’s
23 fuse obstructed cranial cyst Vital Defense, and success inflicts a
24 remove restless nodular joint condition with a critical success inflict-
25 secure spasming endocrine gland ing a severe condition.
26 reshape detached neurological ganglia To add some flavor to a medical task,
31 strengthen misaligned aplastic membrane roll d66 four times on the following ta-
32 replace infected autonomic protein ble and read off the result in the format
33 repair defective sympathetic enzyme alpha the beta gamma delta (e.g. “by-
34 divert impaired idiopathic genome pass the infected neural cluster”).
35 bypass scarred subcutaneous tumor
36 excite hemorrhaging fungal clot
41 drain inflamed frontal cluster
That’s Not Real
42 regenerate failing temporal gene
43 resequence occluded parietal receptor The chemistry, computing, and
44 massage carcinomic occipital capillary medicine task tables in this book
45 reconstruct disrupted pituitary deposit create what is lovingly referred to
46 disrupt paralyzed corellium abscess in scriptwriting as “technobabble.”
51 stimulate weak anchilles hematoma Technobabble makes characters
52 freeze blocked aphasic cartilage sound intelligent without actually
53 magnetize deviated leutscher tissue having to refer to reality. We know
54 cauterize damaged biotic cord there’s no such thing as an idiopathic
55 electrify eroded mutagenic artery genome, and we know that boiling
56 modulate abscessed genetic vein zinc can’t cure radiation sickness.
61 pressurize toxic peripheral molecules That’s fine. It’s all as fictional as an
62 pulse foreign core valve international superspy or a mystical
63 compress contracting radial anomaly levitating martial arts grandmaster!
64 cleanse dislocated amniotic chromosome The idea is to provide in-game flavor,
65 perforate deformed transient cavity not to create real solutions to real
66 inoculate mutated intrinsic lobe problems.
Modern Core
Common skills: tracking, stealth, perception, local
Tracking someone is an opposed extended task similar
to a chase, although much less energetic and more cere-
bral. Rather than physical tasks, opposed checks are more
focused around a contest of mind and skill. The target tries
to hide his tracks, while the pursuer tries to uncover them.
A simple tracking scenario involves AGI checks for the
target and INT checks for the pursuer, along with the
stealth and tracking skills, respectively. This assumes that
the target is aware of and trying to shake off the trackers.
If the target is unaware of the trackers, simply use a Rou- questions which the GM can answer with a single, short
tine [10] benchmark and a simple extended task. sentence. Any question can be asked, and each question
A more complex tracking scenario allows the target to takes one full minute—the more questions asked, the
try different things. To help spice up a tacking scenario, more detailed information can be determined, but each
you can use the following table to generate different subsequent question past the first inflicts a -1d6 die penal-
stages and obstacles. Depending on the distances and the ty. An example sequence of questions might look like this:
time scales involved, these could be minutes, hours, or
even days apart. Example Tracking Questions and Answers
Question Answer
Tracking Complications Has anybody passed through Yes, a group of people was
2d6 Event this room in the last hour? here very recently.
2 Cross a river to hide tracks (swimming vs. tracking) How many people? Six people.
3 Create a decoy or false trail (tracking vs. tracking) Was any of them one- Yes, there was a one-legged
4 Hide (stealth vs. tracking) legged? person present.
5 Outpace the trackers (running or riding vs. tracking) Were there any politicians Yes, two politicians, based
6 Set a trap (thievery vs. perception) present? on their shoe prints.
7 Double back (bluffing vs. tracking) Were the politicians prison- Yes, from the way they were
8 Change shoes and other clothing (bluffing vs. track- ers? walking, it seems they were
ing) restrained in some way.
9 Traverse difficult obstacles (swimming or climbing
vs. swimming or climbing) Tailing
10 Use minor spycraft techniques (stealth vs. tracking) A simple tailing scenario is an opposed extended task
11 Use animals to create confusion and distraction which involves INT checks for the target, and AGI checks
(animal handling vs. animal handling) for the pursuer (the reverse of the tracking process). The
12 Stage misdirecting witnesses (bluffing vs. insight) pursuer is the one trying to stay out of sight and not be
spotted by his target. The target will use perception, while
An expert tracker can also glean a lot of information the pursuer may use stealth or bluffing. This assumes that
about a location or about creatures who have been pres- the target is trying to be inconspicuous or use anti-sur-
ent. This is a simple, single-check task using LOGIC and veillance techniques. If the target is not worried about a
the tracking skill. The tracker simply makes a Routine [10] tail, simply use INT (perception) checks.
LOG check and ask one closed question which the GM •• Change appearance (disguise vs. perception)
will answer. The question asked must be specific closed •• Blend with a crowd (stealth vs. perception)
Modern Core
Modern Core
Modern Core
Other Uses of Luck cover are vital components to a What’s O.L.D. is N.E.W.
Other uses of Luck manipulate situations where the odds combat encounter. Characters and their foes will move,
are normally even. use suppressive fire and overwatch, set up crossfires,
•• When determining a 50/50 chance of an outcome, and try to gain higher ground in an attempt to gain the
roll a Routine [10] Luck check instead. Characters advantage. Those who do not use these tactics will find it
with higher Luck succeed more often on an ostensi- difficult to succeed in combat-based situations.
bly 50/50 chance.
•• When randomly determining a PC, have each player The Combat Sequence
roll Luck. Either the highest or the lowest wins, Combat follows a set sequence. The encounter progresses
depending on the situation. in rounds, which are a small but unspecified unit of time
measured in seconds. In each round, every participant
Combat gets a turn which consists of one or more actions—mov-
While things like skills, hacking, chases, and social en- ing, shooting, aiming, giving emergency medical aid,
counters make up a large part of a campaign, combat is an attacking with martial arts, climbing a ladder, and so on.
important pillar of the game. Characters will sometimes The order in which combatants act is determined by
find themselves in situations which can only be resolved their Initiative score, which is determined by making
by violence—and it is then that the bullets and grenades an attribute check. Those with higher scores act first, fol-
start flying, and the fists start swinging. lowed by those with lower scores.
Combat takes place on a battlemap. A battlemap is a When combat begins, follow the procedure outlined
grid on the tabletop which depicts the environment. Each below.
square on the grid represents 5’. Players place miniatures 1. Make attribute checks—if appropriate—for ac-
(or other tokens) on the map to represent their charac- cess to the ambush turn. Those who succeed take
ters, and the GM places miniatures to represent their one action; all actions in the ambush turn occur
opponents. simultaneously.
Combat is a tactical skirmish-like affair. Position and 2. Everyone rolls Initiative. This is simply an
Intuition check, although some characters may
get bonuses from skills or other abilities. On a tie,
compare Agility, and if still tied, simply have each
roll 1d6 and the highest wins.
3. All combatants then act in order from highest
initiative to lowest. Each character may take two
actions unless otherwise noted. An action is a
move, an attack, or a regular action. You can move
twice, or attack twice, or move and attack, or any
other combination. Creatures with three actions
take two actions on their turn and one action on
their Initiative count –10. Those with four or more
actions take two actions on their turn and one ac-
tion every 5 Initiative counts later up to their total
number of actions.
4. Once everybody has acted, return to step 3 and
repeat until the combat ends.
Modern Core
Modern Core
Movement is a vital part of any combat encounter. Any
Long-Distance Travel
creature can use one action to move up to its Speed. A Long-distance movement takes place at a charac-
creature’s Speed indicates the number of 5-foot incre- ter’s Speed in mph. Hustling (moving with both actions
ments (squares) it can move in one action (it also indicates in a turn) doubles this movement rate but can only be
its normal speed in miles-per-hour). sustained for a number of hours equal to half a char-
Speed is the total of the raw dice pool of Strength and acter’s Endurance attribute before an equal period of
Agility plus one relevant skill. Movement skills include rest is required.
(but are not limited to) running, climbing, swimming, fly-
ing, and zero-g.
Movement methods. For non-primary movement attempt another check next turn. A high quality climbing
methods, the movement rate is halved. For most charac- kit can assist with climbing. The surface determines the
ters, this means that walking/running is at the full rate, difficulty of the climb.
and climbing, swimming, zero-g, etc. are at half rate (after
adding the bonus from the skill). Some exploits may grant Climbing and Balancing Checks
a full movement rate. Some creatures (such as birds) may Situation Difficulty
have a different primary movement mode, and walk/run Cliff, rough, many handholds Challenging [13]
at half speed. A skill cannot turn a movement method into Brick or stone wall, few handholds Difficult [16]
a primary method; only an exploit can do that. Ice or smooth metal Demanding [21]
Vehicles. Vehicles have their own Speed. Driver and Overhand or ceiling Demanding [21]
passengers move with the vehicle for free when it moves; Narrow ledge or plank Challenging [13]
the driver must spend one of his actions driving. Tightrope Strenuous [25]
Hustling. A character who moves with two actions in
a turn is “hustling,” and effectively moving at twice its Fighting while climbing. Fighting while hanging from
normal speed. Creatures with more than two actions a wall is difficult. A non-climber attacking a climber gains
available may not move more than twice in a turn. An a +2d6 bonus to the attack. A climber attacking a non-
Olympic sprinter typically has a Speed of 10 or more, and climber suffers a –2d6 penalty. If both combatants are
is using both actions to run, resulting in movement in the climbing, nobody gets any bonuses or penalties.
range of 20 miles per hour. Creatures with primary climbing modes. If a crea-
Grids. If no grid is being used, the creature can move a ture has climbing as a natural movement mode, it simply
number of inches on the tabletop equal to its Speed. If a moves its Speed along walls and ceilings with no checks
square grid is being used, a diagonal movement counts as requires or combat checks imposed.
5’, but creatures may not move diagonally around a corner. Falling. Characters who fall from a height take 1d6 dam-
Difficult terrain. Difficult terrain (deep snow, swamp, age for every 10’ fallen. (Falls of less than 10’ do not cause
ice, high or low gravity, etc.) halves ground movement damage.) Any fall results in the character landing prone
rates. Some exploits may allow full movement rates on unless an AGI check with a difficulty value equal to the
one or more difficult terrain types. number of feet fallen is made (this represents an attempt to
Climbing and balancing. Climbing is an AGI check. A reduce falling damage by jumping down; see below).
successful check allows the climber to move at her climb Jumping. Every character and creature has a “free”
speed up a vertical surface. The climber need only make Jump allowance noted on its character sheet or stat block.
one check per turn—this check applies to all climbing This is a distance that the character may make a running
movement in that turn. Balancing on a narrow ledge or jump without making any check at all; it simply happens
beam is a form of climbing. A failed check simply means automatically (for a standing jump, simply half the val-
that the character cannot climb the wall or object. She may ues). A jump counts as one action.
Modern Core
Modern Core
Sometimes a character might have a weapon in each Offense. When a shield or a weapon is used for offense
hand. This might be a pair of knives, or a pair of pistols; it it cannot grant a defensive bonus until the start of the
might be a sword and a dagger; it even includes—techni- wielder’s next turn. Instead, it grants an additional attack
cally—the use of a sword and shield. Dual-wielding also as a free action if the wielder has attacked twice already
includes the use of double weapons, such as a two-blad- in the round (in other words, the wielder can spend two
ed sword. actions to get three attacks—two with the primary and
Generally speaking, any single-handed item (weapon or one with the off-hand weapon). If an off-hand weapon
shield) can be used for offense or defense. Most items is used for offense, all the character’s attacks for that
can be used for offense, including shields; shields and round are subjected to a –2d6 die penalty.
weapons with the Shield trait can be used for defense. Attributes. Dual-wielding characters must use their
Even improvised weapons and other items can be used, AGI attribute to attack with their secondary weapon.
although they are subject to the usual improvisation They cannot use STR (melee) or INT (ranged).
penalties, which may make them near useless to all but Ambidexterity. Characters with the Ambidexter-
the most proficient of combatants. ity trait do not suffer the –2d6 penalty to attacks when
Defense. When a shield or a weapon with the shield dual-wielding.
trait is used for defense, it grants a bonus to the wielder’s Shields. As mentioned above, shields can also be used
Defense scores. Characters are assumed to use these in offense. Shields typically do 1d6 blunt damage (or 1d6
items for defense unless they specifically choose to use piercing damage for a spiked shield).
them for offense. Double weapons and missile weapons Exploits. You can incorporate exploits into attacks,
cannot usually be used for defense, and weapons with but exploits can only each be used once per round as
the Shield trait only apply to Melee Defense. normal (and thus usually only apply to one attack).
Called Shots •• Make a Called Shot, and if you hit you knock or trip
Additionally, you may pay 2d6 and spend two actions to your target prone. You must pay an additional 1d6
make a Called Shot against Vital Defense and choose for each size category that the target is larger than
one of the following options: you, and also if the target has more than two legs or
•• Make a Called Shot, and if you hit you move your has no legs.
target one square (plus up to one square for each •• Make a Called Shot, and if you hit you disarm your
size category by which you exceed the target in opponent, giving it the Disarmed condition.
melee, or by which your weapon exceeds the target •• Make a Called Shot, and if you hit you disable your
at range). You must pay an additional 1d6 for each target, giving it the Slowed condition.
size category that the target is larger than you, and •• Make a Called Shot specific to your target as out-
another 1d6 if the target has more than two legs or lined in its stat-block.
has no legs.
The movement you apply to your target must Aiming & Feinting
be one that makes sense; for example, if it is the Aiming or feinting, both of which are universal exploits,
result of a blow or ranged attack, your target will be cost one action and grant a +1d6 bonus to an attack roll
pushed away from you. taken in the same turn. The attack action must come
immediately after the aiming or feinting action. All char-
acters get either Aim or Feint for free. Aiming applies to
ranged attacks, while feinting applies to melee attacks.
Modern Core
Positional Effects
Combat in What’s O.L.D. is N.E.W. is a highly position-
al, tactical affair. Using crossfires and avoiding getting
pinned down or falling into the enemy’s crossfires, com-
batants move about the battlemap in an attempt to gain
an advantage over their foes.
The five important positional effects are range, higher
ground, cover, getting pinned down, and crossfires/flanks.
In ranged combat, every weapon has a range increment.
Any ranged attack which exceeds that range increment
suffers a –1d6 die penalty for each range increment be-
yond the first. Unless otherwise noted, weapons can only
fire out to five range increments.
Higher Ground
Combatants on higher ground than their targets gain a
+1d6 bonus to attack them. Higher ground is defined as at
Overwatch least 5’ for melee attacks or at least 10’ for ranged attacks.
Overwatch is a special type of action. When you choose
to enter overwatch, you wait ready with a ranged weapon Cover
to fire on any targets which make themselves available. Targets without cover are very vulnerable to gunfire and
Usually this means targets which break cover and enter other missile fire. A target In Cover inflicts a –2d6 penalty
your line of sight, but you can attach any trigger to it. For to attack rolls made against him (although this can be al-
example, overwatch can be used to cover prisoners, with leviated by the “pinned down” rule, below).
the intention of shooting them if they move. You enter It’s important to distinguish between cover and blocked
overwatch in your turn, and remain in overwatch until line of sight. A character cannot be completely immune
the start of your next turn. to gunfire and simultaneously able to fire himself, and
You may only fire on a given target once during a turn cannot be in a position where line of sight is completely
when on overwatch, and may only fire when the target blocked except for when he pops up to fire his pistol.
has zero cover. Your shot interrupts his turn at the earliest There are three positions which require a move action
point possible. to switch between:
The maximum number of targets you can fire upon dur- •• Open: A character without the benefit of any cover
ing a turn when in overwatch is equal to your Intuition is considered In the Open.
attribute. Each subsequent target beyond the first takes a •• Cover: If a character can fire on an enemy without
–1d6 penalty to hit. expending a move action, he is In Cover; line of sight
Entering overwatch uses one action and always ends is not blocked.
your turn, so it should be the final action taken by a crea- •• Blocked: If a character must spend a move action
ture. Your overwatch status lasts until you take another to fire upon an enemy, line of sight is Blocked. The
action. A very common maneuver used by SWAT teams move action need not involve leaving the square;
is to use two actions to move and then enter overwatch, what’s important is that a move action is needed to
proceeding from one location of cover to the next. This is a move to a firing position, and another one is needed
very effective tactic for advancing safely upon the enemy. to move back to the fully blocked position.
Modern Core
The direction you face can matter when using miniatures
in combat. It determines whether somebody is attacking
you from the rear, and which directions certain attacks
can be used in.
You can change which direction you face at any time
while moving. If you don’t move in your turn, you can still
change your facing for free at any point during your turn.
This is not an actual action or a free action.
Most attacks can be used in any direction. However,
occasionally an attack will only be valid in a particular
direction—a vehicle’s flamethrower might only be able to
affect a cone to the front, for example. If this is the case,
the attack (or exploit) will specify that direction.
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Modern Core
Conditions Bonuses
Each condition has two effects. In the lists below, the first Some creatures gain bonuses to shake off conditions.
time a condition is inflicted, the target suffers from the ef- •• Humans gain +1 to any die roll made to shake off a
fect in the first bullet-point. If they are affected twice by a condition.
condition, this is called a severe condition, and the second •• Many creatures are immune to certain conditions,
bullet-point is used. have an ability to shake conditions off automatically,
Conditions can represent different things—paralysis or gain bonuses to shake off conditions. These abili-
might be caused by freezing, petrifaction, entanglement, ties are noted in the creature’s stat block.
and so on, and blindness might be a medical issue or the
result of a blindfold. Illnesses & Disease
From bubonic plague to influenza, illnesses can be debili-
Removing Conditions tating without a trained medic to treat them.
Shaking off temporary conditions is simple: just roll 1d6. Illnesses and disease all use a countdown pool, usu-
On a roll of 5 or 6, the condition is removed. ally based on the victim’s END attribute, although some
Shaking off a specific condition takes one action, and are based on other attributes, including mental illnesses
can only be attempted once per turn. Conditions which do based on WIL. Some stronger or weaker viruses and dis-
not allow you to take actions still allow you to try to shake eases may increase or decrease the start of the countdown
off conditions (in effect, all conditions have a chance of pool. Most countdown pools require a check every day,
simply ending on their own). but a few may allow for weekly checks or inflict hourly
You may use multiple actions to try to shake off multiple checks. This information is noted in the table below.
conditions. Unless otherwise noted, a creature infected with any
At the GM’s discretion, suitable methods can be used disease suffers one or more conditions until cured.
to end a condition (diving into water when on fire, for
example). Catching a Disease
Shaking off a condition is an action; it might be a physi- To be affected by a disease, a character is subjected to an
cal action (wiping blood from your eyes to remove the attack against Vital Defense. This could be as a result
Blind condition), or an effort of will (summoning up the of a creature attack, or poison, or even an attack by the
courage to ignore the Afraid condition). It might even in- environment. If the attack is successful, the character
volve healing or application of medicine. contracts the disease.
Removing a severe condition removes that condition in Each disease mentions the basic method of transmission.
its entirety; it does not reduce the condition down to its
lower state. Treating Diseases
Treating a disease requires a LOG check. This must be
Persistent Conditions performed at the same time interval that the disease pro-
Some conditions cannot be shaken off. Persistent condi- gresses—so if a disease requires daily dice pool rolls, the
tions are not cleared until the creature gets a full night’s LOG check must be made daily. Of course, medical skills
rest (unless another duration is specified. Some condi- and facilities help enormously with the LOG check. The
tions cannot be persistent (these would kill any creature difficulty of the LOG check is noted in the table below.
long before the day was out). These are marked with an Success. Every time the LOG check is successfully
asterisk. made, the dice pool is increased by 1d6. Sometimes this
means that the progression will be held steady temporar-
Conditions and Luck Dice ily (since the dice pool is being depleted by time) but it can
You can use a LUC die to cancel out a condition. You must also mean that the pool grows in size.
do this as a reaction when the condition is initially applied.
Modern Core
List of Conditions
Afraid Confused
The target displays fear towards the attacker. The target is confused and unsure of his surroundings.
• You cannot approach the source of your fear. • You drop any items you are holding and cannot tell
• You must flee the source of your fear, or simply friend from foe.
cower if that is not possible. • Roll 1d6 to determine your condition each turn: (1)
Angry afraid, (2) angry, (3) forgetful, (4) manic, (5) drunk,
The target feels irrational anger. (6) dazed.
• You cannot take any non-attack actions other than Dazed
moving directly towards an enemy. The target is unstable and disoriented.
• You must attack the nearest foe. If none are avail- • You lose one action per round and any hit knocks
able, you must attack the nearest ally. you prone.
Bleeding* • You cannot take any actions.
The target suffers ongoing damage from a lingering Deaf
wound. The target’s hearing is affected by a ringing in the ears or
• You take 1d6 damage at the start of your turn. a physical obstruction.
• You take 2d6 damage at the start of your turn. • You cannot hear sounds more than 30’ away and
Blind suffer –1d6 to Perception and Initiative.
The target’s vision is obscured by a helm, blood, or wound. • You cannot hear anything and suffer –2d6 to
• Your vision is limited to 30’, and you move at half Perception and Initiative.
Speed. You cannot benefit from flanks or crossfires. Disarmed
• You cannot see, cannot use ranged weapons, move The target’s weapon is temporarily dropped, broken,
at half Speed, and suffer –2d6 to all sight-based jammed, or entangled.
actions. • Your weapon cannot be used.
Burning* • As above, but the condition now requires a 6 to end.
The target suffers ongoing damage from fire, acid, or a Disarmored
similar substance. The target’s armor is displaced, straps are cut, or a sig-
• You take 1d6 fire damage per round. Clothes are nificant opening is made.
ruined. • You have half Soak (round up).
• You take 2d6 fire damage per round. Clothes, hair, • You have no Soak.
and eyebrows are ruined. Downed
Charmed The target is knocked to the floor.
The target feels friendship and loyalty towards the • You are prone and cannot stand.
attacker. • You are prone and helpless; your Defenses become
• You will not attack the source of the charm, nor 10.
will you willingly allow harm to come to them; Drunk
neither do you provide flank or crossfire bonuses The target is intoxicated by drink, drugs, or another sub-
against them. stance, or is punch-drunk from a heavy blow.
• You will obey commands which do not overly • You cannot move more than once in a round.
conflict with your nature or which are obviously • You cannot move, but at the start of your turn you
harmful to you. wander 1d6 squares in a random direction.
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Modern Core
Curing. If three successful checks in a row are made, infected creature, generating cysts that travel through the
with no failures in-between, the illness is cured. digestive system before exploding in the intestines, where
Failure. If the pool is depleted to zero, the victim per- amoebas burrow into the organ’s walls and create abscess-
manently suffers the effect noted—often death. If the es or ulcers. Victims are Sick while suffering this disease.
victim is still alive at this stage, permanent effects can be Hookworm. Always take care to make sure that
removed with major medical task. The difficulty of this whatever water you find in the jungle, you clean it care-
task is noted in the table below. fully—otherwise you may soon find yourself with a
hookworm living in your intestines. There is no obvious
List of Diseases immediate means to determine this infection has taken
The list of diseases runs the gamut from serious to very root aside from anemia and iron/protein-deficiency,
serious. and once the victim starts coughing, feeling chest pain,
Bacterial pneumonia. This sickness causes fever, rig- wheezing, and becomes feverish, they are suffering more
ors, coughing of blood, dyspnea, chest pains, and teeth from the hookworm’s larva than anything else. Victims
chattering as fluid continually fills the victim’s lungs. Vic- are Sick while suffering this disease.
tims are Sick while suffering this disease. Influenza. The common flu is deceptively dangerous
Bubonic plague. This incredibly potent disease has, at despite the effectiveness of vaccinations. Victims are Fa-
times throughout history, wiped out entire thirds of pop- tigued while suffering this disease.
ulations. Any contact with an infected creature’s blood, Macrovirus. This airborne illness is particularly dan-
saliva, or bodily fluid chances transmission of the disease gerous because it reduces the victim’s desire to actually
(which, even with excellent care, has only a 50% survival do anything about it. The illness causes extreme lethargy,
rate). Victims suffer from gangrene of the extremities, worsening to the point where the victim will not eat, and
chills, malaise, fever, muscle cramps, seizures, and swell- simply wastes away. Victims are Fatigued while suffering
ing of the initial infection site, lymph glands, armpits, and this disease.
groin. Victims are Sick while suffering this disease. Radiation sickness. Radiation sickness is a painful,
Dysentery. One of the most common killers of soldiers debilitating condition which ends in the victim’s death.
throughout the 18th and 19th century, this disease is the Symptoms include vomiting, intestinal pain, bleeding,
result of poor sanitation and hygiene. Victims have drunk hair loss, and fever. Victims are Poisoned while suffering
or eaten something with traces of feces from an already this disease.
Illness Transmisison Pool Interval Difficulty End Effect
Bacterial Pneumonia Airborne END Daily Difficult [13] Death
Bubonic Plague Exposure END Daily Demanding [21] Death
Dysentery Ingestion END Daily Difficult [16] Death
Hookworm Exposure END Daily Demanding [21] Death
Influenza Airborne END Daily Routine [10] Death
Macrovirus Airborne WIL Daily Demanding [21] Death
Radiation Sickness Exposure END Daily Difficult [16] Death
Retrograde Psychosis Airborne WIL Daily Difficult [16] Infantilism
Sepsis Exposure END Daily Difficult [16] Death
Syphilis Exposure END Weekly Demanding [21] Mutation
Tetanus Injury END Weekly Difficult [16] Paralysis
Tuberculosis Airborne END Daily Demanding [21] Death
Zombie fever Contact END Daily Difficult [16] Death
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The Environment
Adventurers can’t always rely on the fact that they’ll be in An environment doesn’t typically inflict actual damage.
a comfortable, temperate environment. Deserts, volcano Anything in the environment that’s dangerous enough to
bases, mountaintops, howling storms, blizzards, driving inflict damage (such as an actual fire, lava pit, pool of acid,
rain, underwater lairs, and more can contrive to create a liquid nitrogen, etc.) is a hazard and can do direct dam-
wide array of environments and can make for extremely age to those who touch it. Environments do not have such
memorable set-piece battles. extreme effects, can typically be traversed, but may have
The following environmental templates can be applied effects if characters spend too long in them.
to areas the size of a world or as small as part of a room. Environment types have the following characteristics.
Environments sometimes inflict a persistent condi- Acidic. Acidic environments can be caused by acid rain
tion, such as Sick or Fatigued, which only wears off after or chemical smoke. An acidic environment causes irrita-
a night’s sleep. If a condition mentions that it applies after tion and pain. Those who spend more than an hour in an
an hour, it is considered a persistent condition. acidic environment suffer the Pain condition.
Areas can have more than one environmental type. For Cold. From arctic wastelands to ice dragon lairs, cold
example, an arctic wasteland might be cold and windy. environments can be debilitating and deadly. After an
Some creatures are immune to certain environments. hour, cold environments inflict the Slow condition due
Soak 5 (or more) of an appropriate damage type (where to sluggish reactions and slowing metabolisms. Note that
relevant) makes a creature immune to a condition. Some 5 points of cold Soak, such as that from protective gear,
abilities or exploits may also provide condition immunity. protects from cold.
Modern Core
Difficult terrain. Snow, mud, rubble, debris, swamp, Underwater. An underwater environment eliminates
shallow water, deep undergrowth, and more can create all fire-based effects, reduces fire damage from weapons
difficult terrain. Difficult terrain halves ground move- and spells by –1d6, increases electricity damage by +1d6,
ment Speed. and counts as difficult terrain. It is also airless (see suffo-
Dim/smoky/rain/snow. Dim light, obviously caused by cation, under thick/thin atmospheres).
a lack of light, can also represent smoky, snowy, or raining Vacuum. A vacuum is an area with no atmosphere. It
environments where vision is compromised. Dim light is a myth that vacuums cause spontaneous explosion of
renders a creature which starts its turn in the area Blind human tissue, although exposure is certainly not healthy.
(although this does not progress beyond the first stage); The biggest danger from a vacuum is simply the lack of air.
darker areas inflict the severe Blind condition automati- Without some way to breathe, living creatures in a vacu-
cally unless the creature has some way of illuminating the um will quickly suffocate. Lack of oxygen uses a similar
area or seeing in the dark. Unlike other environmental ef- process to that when an unconscious character is dying.
fects, this wears off as soon as the environmental effect Create a countdown dice pool equal in size to the charac-
goes away. ter’s END attribute. Each turn, the dice pool is rolled and
Hot. From hot volcanic ninja lairs to burning ware- any 6s rolled are removed from the pool. When the final
houses, a hot environment is an environment similar to die is removed, the character falls unconscious and the
that of a desert; somewhere in the region of 100+ degrees unconscious and dying process begins as normal.
Fahrenheit (or 45 degrees Celsius). It causes Fatigue after Wet. A wet environment is a humid or rainy one—tropi-
an hour. A scorching environment is significantly hotter, cal jungles, aboard a sailing ship, in driving rain. In these
and burns those within it; those who begin their turn in a environments, the Burning condition has no effect and
scorching area gain the Burning condition. fire-based weapons cannot cause critical hits.
Radioactive. Radioactive areas are very dangerous. Windy. Windy environments are caused by rushing
Those who begin their turn in a radioactive area gain the air (or other gases). Wind always has a direction of move-
Sick condition. Those who spend an hour in the area con- ment, which is determined beforehand. Moving into the
tract radiation sickness (see the section on illnesses and wind counts as difficult terrain. In a hurricane, it is hard-
diseases). er—to move into the wind, a Challenging [13] STR check
Slippery. A slippery area, caused by things like icy is required. Additionally, at the start of every turn, all
ground or an oil slick, counts as difficult terrain (half creatures must make a Challenging [13] STR check or be
Speed). pushed 1d6 squares in the direction of the wind.
Thick/thin atmosphere. While both thick and thin at-
mospheres are very dissimilar, their effects on creatures Example Areas
are not so different. Both types of atmosphere can quickly The following areas are common examples. You can slot
tire a creature not used to it; after an hour, creatures gain these into your game, or devise your own.
the Fatigued condition.
Tremors. Unstable environments could be caused by Arctic Plains
earthquakes, sailing ships under extreme fire, or build- Icy winds batter at your skin. As far as you can see, the
ings about to explode. Tremors count as difficult terrain ground is blanketed with snow as deep as your knees.
(half Speed). At the start of each round, all creatures Traits windy, cold, difficult terrain.
must make a Routine [10] AGI check or fall prone. Quakes
make for an extremely difficult environment—horizontal Burning Warehouse
movement is counted as climbing—and the AGI check is The whole room is aflame, the heat searing your face.
Difficult [16] and additionally inflicts 2d6 blunt damage on Smoke fills the area, reducing visibility.
a failure (as well as knocking the creature prone). Traits hot, smoky.
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Stunt Areas
A stunt area is a particular type of environmental effect. It
Example Stunt Areas
is usually applied to an area within the overall encounter • Banister • Pool
area. Stunts are colorful maneuvers characters may use • Banquet table • Puddle of oil
while in combat. They serve to liven up combats, creating • Curtain or tapestry • Rapids
more interesting and varied battles. • Hanging chandelier • Roaring fireplace
You may perform a stunt when in a Stunt Area. The • Icy patch • Stack of barrels
GM places the Stunt Areas on the battle map before the • Ladder • Statue
combat begins (or designated a zone as Stunt Area is us- • Low branches • Suit of armor
ing theater of the mind play). Each Stunt Area contains a • Pillar, • Trampoline
feature which applies to any stunts performed there; it is floor-to-ceiling • Wall of ivy
up to the player how that feature is used. A Stunt Area may
feature a hanging cable or chandelier, a stack of shipping
crates, a roaring fireplace, an icy patch, or even a tram- Some Examples of Stunts
poline. The character may spend one action to use the How each character uses a Stunt Area is up to them. Below
feature of the Stunt Area as long as he is anywhere within are some examples.
the area (in other words, he doesn’t have to be in the same •• Banister. The character slides down a banister,
square as, or adjacent to, the feature itself). At the end of doubling his movement. The character uses AGI
this chapter, you will find a list of sample Stunt Areas. (acrobatics).
Each character may only make use of a given Stunt Area •• Hanging Chandelier. The character could choose
once, whether he succeeds or fails to perform the stunt. to use the chandelier to swing across a room, giving
A stunt is usually a Challenging [13] check. Agility is the him double movement. The character uses AGI
most common attribute used in a stunt, although any (climbing).
attribute is permitted. Similarly, skills like climbing, acro- •• Icy Patch. The character might slide across the icy
batics, jumping, and bluffing are common skills. patch in an attempt to gain momentum and sur-
Stunts can do any one of the following, at the player’s prise his opponent, benefiting from a +1d6 to hit his
choice: opponent. Alternatively, he might use the same icy
•• Stunts can grant a +1d6 attack bonus. patch to double his movement. The character uses
•• Alternatively, stunts can help with movement, AGI (acrobatics).
granting double movement for one action or double •• Roaring Fireplace. The character might flick coals
a jumping distance. at the opponent in an attempt to distract him, giving
•• Finally, stunts can grant another attribute check a him +1d6 to attack his opponent. The character uses
+1d6 bonus. AGI (bluffing).
Bonus dice granted by stunts can exceed a character’s •• Stack of Barrels. The character might use the bar-
normal maximum dice pool. rels in a similar way, rolling the barrel across the
If you fail the attribute check when attempting to per- room as he works it like a treadmill. The character
form a stunt, you do not gain the benefits of that stunt, uses AGI (acrobatics).
although you may continue to act normally. However, you •• Trampoline. The character is a poor jumper and
cannot attempt to use that Stunt Area again. needs to leap up to a balcony. Using the trampoline,
If the attribute check is a critical success, the stunt does she doubles her vertical jumping distance and
not cost the character an action. reaches it easily. The character uses STR ( jumping).
Modern Core
Chapter 4
Modern Worlds
Building a World set, absent any additional setting elements you choose to
Paul Dirac once said, “God used beautiful mathematics add. You can grab an atlas, or a 1980s shopping catalog,
in creating the world”—and he was absolutely correct! and find much of the work done for you. Of course, you
Worlds are created using a series of random tables and a need to develop the plots, the power groups, the master-
handful of d6s! One of the GM’s most important tasks is to mind NPCs, and the secret organizations, but the world
create the setting in which the player characters operate. itself is already there.
The GM must design the world, its inhabitants, its power
structures and villains, and more. Every place the player Designing a Setting
characters go, every non-player character (NPC) they You may well find that you need to create new heritages or
meet, every creature they track, every combat encounter— careers in order to accommodate your campaign setting.
it all begins with the GM. You are encouraged to do so, and this section is designed
That sounds like a monstrous task—and in some ways to help you in that process.
it is. However, the GM does not need to create an entire These pages contain guidelines and rules for designing
world at once. It is often enough to simply sketch a broad settlements, organizations, new heritages, new careers,
outline of the setting in a few paragraphs, and some de- and new monsters. They are presented in a rough order of
tail around the PCs’ starting circumstances, and expand scale, so that you can design from a “top-down” perspec-
from there as and when it’s needed. You may know there’s tives, narrowing down to the smaller details, but of course
a militant group of drug-abusing occultists called the you should feel free to use any of the parts of the following
Crimson Sparrows, but you don’t need to flesh out all the chapter in isolation as and when you need to.
fine details until the player characters stumble onto one You should not feel constrained by the charts on the fol-
of the organization’s operations (or until you run them lowing pages. They are intended as useful tools to provide
afoul of one!) inspiration where necessary, but always let your imagina-
A campaign set in the “real world” has many advantag- tion guide you.
es. The geography and general political status is already Of course, any WOIN world doesn’t have to be one of the
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Alternatively, you can determine the statistics for a Random Settlement Type
country directly and extrapolate the statistics of settle- 1d6 Type
ments within it instead. 1 Anarchic
Before engaging this part of N.O.W., remember that the 2 Insular
setting needs to match the scope of your game: if you’ve 3 Support
got big-city mobsters planned as your antagonists, don’t 4 Civil
build an outpost! Save that for when they adventurers 5 Progressive
have been dragged out into the frontier looking for a bur- 6 Utopian
ied body as evidence, a made man on the lamb, a hidden
cache of cash and drugs, or what have you. Anarchic. This settlement is violent and unruly, practi-
cally without any form of real law. Generally controlled
Determine Settlement Type by one or more bandits or gangs (the only “authority” to
Settlement type is a measure of the local economic and speak of), it is a haven for criminals and fugitives alike
political climate, which determines how civilians gener- and not the sort of place to settle down and call home.
ally behave with one another and player characters. This Sometimes these types of settlements are a cover for clan-
is a very general reading of an abstract quality over what destine operations—ritual sites for deranged cults, a mad
can sometimes be a very large area; individual NPCs act scientist’s labs, the headquarters of an evil organization—
as individuals, and one city borough might be completely but more often than not, it is simply an area that has fallen
civilized while another is rife with gang warfare. into depravity and decay.
If you’re going backwards, use the statistics of the •• Black-market goods are easier to acquire than
country to guide the building of settlements within it (a normal, but finding any products or services can be
totalitarian state is unlikely to have a progressive or anar- a challenge, and prices can vary wildly depending
chic settlement, for instance). on the scarcity of resources nearby.
Modern Worlds
•• There are few if any shared public resources like Insular. For whatever reason (be it mystical, shameful, or
emergency services, water, electricity, gas, and so from legal compulsion) the residents of this settlement
forth. Those that do exist charge exorbitant fees are xenophobic. Outsiders are distrusted and discour-
(+400% or more). aged, and the authority figures (often autocratic) exercise
•• Police and security forces are rare, and when a surprising amount of control over inhabitants.
authority figures do respond, it is typically with •• Black-market goods are virtually impossible to
blatantly excessive force. acquire, and even some regular products may not
•• Few institutions last in anarchic settlements, but be available (at the GM’s discretion, a regular item
for some reason, saloons and casinos tend to stick may be treated as an illicit good).
around while hospitals, hotels, and merchants don’t. •• Public resources are freely available for most, except
•• Reduce the available AL by –0.5. for foreigners increase the cost to access these by
Civil. This is one of the most typical settlement types, +100%.
analogous to many cities and towns in the real world. •• Police and security forces are virtually omnipresent,
Most of the time these are ruled over in one or another especially when outsiders are about. They respond
democratic fashion, though of course corruption in gov- rapidly in great numbers and use excessive force.
ernment circles can be rife. •• Institutions (hospitals, social services, and busi-
•• Black-market goods are only available to criminals nesses) exist and may in fact be quite good, but
and difficult to find, but typical goods and services only for natives; if emergency services respond to
are available. foreigners at all, they do so reluctantly.
•• Public resources like water, electricity, gas, and •• Increase the available AL by +0.5.
emergency services are available at affordable rates. Progressive. These settlements are self-conscious and
•• Police officers are common, patrolling often in the benevolent, conserving resources and making sure to
settlement’s busiest and nicest areas. They respond efficiently use what’s available. Civilians value and trea-
quickly and in great numbers. sure foreigners, inviting outsiders into their businesses
•• Businesses of all kinds are available, as are hotels and homes (within reason). Authority figures are often
and hospitals. democratically elected, and while corruption is virtually
never absent from the political process, in these cases it is
at least subdued.
•• Black-market goods are more difficult to acquire
than normal, but not impossibly so (increase the
cost of illicit goods by +50%).
•• Public resources are freely available to everyone,
and in these cases can include shelters with privacy,
food, health care, and in some unique instances a
fix for those in the throes of drug addiction.
•• Police and security forces are present but not over-
bearing. They respond quickly in sensible numbers,
but almost never shoot first before asking questions
or attempting a completely peaceful resolution.
•• Institutions are common, thriving, and generally
benevolent. Emergency services respond quickly,
effectively, and perform their jobs well (using high
quality equipment).
•• Increase the available AL by +0.5.
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Agents and
A N.O.W. campaign is filled with evil masterminds, pow-
erful cult leaders, and militant overlords? What sorts of
resources do they have at their disposal, and how does
this increase the challenges set against the adventurers?
How fast can one of these agencies respond to an attack
on one of their interests, and how viciously can they do so?
When push comes to shove, how far will the party have to
go to dismantle an agency or organization?
This section covers these aspects of gameplay in N.O.W.
and is built to be incorporated into both O.L.D. and N.E.W.
as well, meant to be a tool for use by the GM. Note that
it isn’t absolutely necessary to have an agency or organi-
zation in a campaign. You can have plenty of Bonnie and
Clyde gaming sessions without ever having to worry about
just how badly the FBI wants to catch the party!
Player characters may choose to develop their own
organizations throughout the arc of a campaign, but the
effectiveness and direct use of any such institution is ulti-
Naming Settlements mately in the hands of the GM—players looking for more
There is no standard convention for naming settlements or direct control of NPCs need to get hirelings ($10 per point
countries. Names for settlements can be derived from my- of XP; this cost is paid once and should the NPC die, a new
thology, from history, from the names of famous people one must be paid for).
or fictional characters, or even simply after their parent
country (and in the cases of countries, parent continents). Organization Size
Settlements within a given country (and sometimes coun- An organization’s size represents the number of agents
tries within a given region) often follow a naming pattern within it. Destroying an organization requires ridding the
and while some suggestions to follow are below, to main- world of its agents or its leader(s) (removing a leader cuts
tain some level of realism it’s suggested you take a look the organization’s number of agents in half as they splin-
at a map of the real world near the central locale of your ter into factions or seek prosperity elsewhere).
game’s setting. Simply speaking, an agent is someone so devoted to the
Note that these prefixes and suffixes are not intended to cause of an organization that they are willing to die for it.
be comprehensive (there is already a wealth of real world Agents gain a number of bonuses for their affiliation and
names). access to the organization as a resource to be used against
player characters (in combat or as a response to a REP
Settlement Names check).
1d6 Prefix Suffix Loyalty. This is a guideline to roughly how devoted
1 Ginn- -burg the average agent is to their organization. The larger an
2 Happs- -ville organization is, the less loyalty it inspires in its agents. Re-
3 Sharps- -ton member that the given level of loyalty is only a guideline:
4 Pitts- -wood a particular NPCs might be fanatical to even the largest
5 Dorning- -glenn organization, and certain exploits can increase an orga-
6 Mil- -delphia nization’s average level of loyalty.
Modern Worlds
Organizations Table
Size Agents REP Locate Requisition Cap
Coterie 2–12 4 (2d6) Superhuman [37] $1,100
Cadre 13–25 8 (3d6) Severe [29] $1,100
Gang 25–50 12 (4d6) Strenuous [25] $1,400
Family 51–250 16 (5d6) Demanding [21] $1,800
Syndicate 251–1,500 20 (5d6) Difficult [16] $1,800
Executive 1,500–3,000 25 (6d6) Challenging [13] $2,100
Agency 3,001+ 30 (7d6) Routine [10] $2,500
Modern Worlds
A gang is a group of more than two dozen to fifty agents.
This could be a considerable gang in a metropolis, a re-
spected or feared collection of powered individuals, or a
villainous conglomerate of corporations that strongly in-
fluence an entire industry.
•• Loyalty is typically high.
•• Agents are important to the functioning of the
organization, but a dozen can disappear before
operations slow down.
•• Response to an assault on its members is very fierce,
but not every instigation merits an answer. Executive
•• Finding members or operations of an organization An executive is a group of more than 1,500 to 3,000 agents.
of this size is a Strenuous [25] task. This could be a mercenary army, a global smuggling ring,
a national criminal syndicate, a huge corporate-like in-
Family stitution bent on world domination, or an international
A family is a group of more than fifty to two-hundred and terror executive like SPECTRE from the 007 movies.
fifty agents. This could be a powerful Mafia crime family, •• Loyalty is typically considerable.
national terror group, a continental drug cartel, or a ma- •• Agents are not essential to the functioning of the
levolent secret society bent on awakening ancient powers. organization’s major operations, but many minor
•• Loyalty is typically strong. operations cease to function when more than 200
•• Agents are not essential to the functioning of an agents stop showing up for work.
organization. Two dozen can disappear before •• Response to an assault on its members is mild and
operations slow down. several instigations are required to get the attention
•• Response to an assault on its members is fierce, but of its leaders.
not every instigation merits an answer. •• Finding members or operations of an organization
•• Finding members or operations of an organization of this size is a Challenging [13] task.
of this size is a Demanding [21] task.
Syndicate An agency is a group of more than 3,000 agents. No matter
A syndicate is a group of more than 250 to 1,500 agents. what their purpose or structure, they typically have a con-
This could be a continental terrorist network, a cult of mad siderable presence in one location, a stronghold, and can
religious devotees, or a small nation’s armed forces gone affect change on global levels when push comes to shove.
rogue. •• Loyalty is typically considerable.
•• Loyalty is typically strong. •• Agents are not essential to the functioning of any
•• Agents are not essential to the functioning of an one of the organization’s operations. More than 500
organization. Up to a hundred can disappear before agents need to disappear before its leaders focus
operations slow down. their attention on the absent workforce.
•• Response to an assault on its members is consider- •• Response to an assault on its members is mild and
able, but not every instigation merits an answer. numerous instigations are required to get the atten-
•• Finding members or operations of an organization tion of its leaders.
of this size is a Difficult [16] task. •• Finding members or operations of an organization
of this size is a Routine [10] task.
Modern Worlds
Agents Commanders
Any sentient creature in the bestiary sections of O.L.D, Every operation or group of agents has a designated
N.E.W., or N.O.W. can be made into an agent, gaining commander. This agent has a LUC score equal to the
access to the organization’s REP, and possibly some orga- organisation’s REP score, and also has the Leadership ex-
nization exploits. ploit, meaning the commander can donate his LUC dice
Agents. This is the grand total of individuals that treat to members of his team.
this as a very dedicated part-time or full-time job, people
that have invested deeply enough into the organization. Organization Exploits
This number does not reflect their families or any other Organizations receive organization exploits. Below is a
associates, or support staff that aren’t trained to carry out list of suggested exploits, but as with everything else in
the mission (cooks, janitors, and the like). O.L.D., N.O.W., and N.E.W., GMs are encouraged to create
REP. This is the organization’s Reputation score. This their own when the need is merited. Any benefits gained
is how well known an organization is and how likely by being a member of an organization are lost if the char-
people are to recognize its name or importance. Larger acter leaves the organization.
organizations are better known, and depending on its Advanced Tech. The Advancement Level of technology
exploits, an organization may only have a reputation available to the organization increases by one level. Orga-
among certain circles—like investigators and criminals, nizations with this trait must have mystics, scientists, or
mystics and occultists, and so on—but remain hidden some other means to justify their impressive gear.
from the public at large (it can be a bit hard to attain Clandestine. The organization is extremely secretive,
world domination when anybody can find and foil your a cabal as devoted to silence and mystery as they are to
schemes, after all). their cause. Only individuals in the same line of business
Agents can collectively utilize their organization’s REP or of similar interests (criminals, mystics, scientists, and
score once per day for a number of different reasons. More so forth) treat the organization’s REP score as the normal
details on how to utilize these abilities are below, but in value when seeking information about the organization;
short, they can be used the following ways: all others treat it as three sizes lower. This also applies to
•• In response to a player character making a REP its Locate difficulty value.
check. Combat Training. All of the organization’s agents re-
•• In place of a CHA check to influence, threaten, ceive a specific free combat-related exploit.
intimidate, or persuade somebody. Criminal. The organization is able to handle illicit
•• To determine the general amount of resources car- goods, allowing members to access items that would oth-
ried by NPCs. erwise be restricted or illegal.
Locate. This is the difficulty of finding a member of or a Disciplined. The organization has a strong chain of
location belonging to a given organization. The larger the command, and good unit cohesion. In combat, organi-
organisation is, the easier it is to find. it’s pretty hard to zations members gain +1d6 to Initiative as long as they
find The A-Team, but it’s not hard to find CIA headquarters are accompanied by at least three other members of the
in Langley. organization.
Requisition Cap. If the PCs are part of an organization, Excellent Equipment. All of the organization’s agents
this is the amount of (free) gear they can requisition from receive a single piece of equipment that is one stage of
it. At any given time, they may carry up to this value in quality higher than normal. Most of the time the orga-
gear without having to pay for it. They can exchange the nization equips these items with failsafes that destroy
gear at HQ, or outfit themselves differently for each mis- the item if it should leave the agent’s possession, or that
sion, as long as the total amount does not exceed this. at least renders it of mundane quality after it’s used in a
Of course, PCs have their own REP scores which also combat. The item is clearly identifiable as the organiza-
helps them obtain gear in the normal way. tion’s property.
Modern Worlds
Expertise. All of the organization’s agents receive a ba- corporation should be wary of law enforcement, however,
sic curriculum of one rank in two organization-specific along with the sort of deadly talent that truckloads of cash
skills. This does not increase the rank of any of these skills can purchase.
above one rank. Criminal Syndicates. The Yakuza, Triad, Mafia, and
Fearsome. The organization’s reputation instills fear in any other form of mundane organized crime qualifies as
those who hear it. Members can make a REP mental attack a criminal syndicate. As the name implies, these organi-
against one target who can hear and understand them. zations specialize in illicit activity, often with a focus on
This attack can only be made once per day, and no single drugs, vice, and racketeering. Their operations can range
target can be affected by it more than once. If successful, far wider, however, and can sometimes have members
the target gains the Afraid condition. that are incredibly loyal, typically with familial ties.
Gadgets. Each agent of the organization receives a Cults. Steeped in mysticism and belief, cults are an-
gadget that functions for 1d6 rounds (minimum 1 round; other common type of organization. Led by charismatic
except the commander agent, in which case the gadget individuals that indoctrinate their followers, they can ap-
functions until the end of combat). pear anywhere in the world, and they conduct operations
Mental Training. All of the organization’s agents re- as simple as bank heists and as esoteric as demon sum-
ceive a bonus +1 to a specific mental attribute. moning. More often than not, their agents are fanatically
Physical Training. All of the organization’s agents re- loyal (some even bring their families into the fold).
ceive a bonus +1 to a specific physical attribute. Law Enforcement. There are no better team players
Traditional. The organization is very old, and predates than law enforcement, and the vast majority of settings
the current era. This gives it access to certain ancient se- feature authority figures of some kind that keep the
crets, allowing members to use its REP attribute in place peace. The organization rules are not meant to be imple-
of a LOG check once per day to access information about mented with police as a whole, but specific divisions like
a subject. a unit of homicide detectives, paranormal case workers,
Wealthy. The organization has the REP attribute of an and so forth. Of all the different types of organizations,
organization one size classification larger. they are by and far the most responsive and easiest to
Types of Organizations Shadow Services. Who cleans up the bodies piled up
An organization’s concept can be as abstract or concrete by hitmen, and who supplies their guns or sells the art-
as you like: as strange as a hive mind that’s taken over a work stolen by cat burglars? A commonly glossed over set
grocery store to something like the Crimson Sparrows, of organizations exist to support the shadowy underside
a multinational conglomerate of ne’er-do-wells bent on of society and they are essential to its workings. With
world domination! As always, we encourage you to think this fundamental priority, all but the most stubborn and
up creative and interesting organization types of your vengeful choose to dismantle an organization that offers
own to complement the suggestions below. There are re- support to various criminals.
ally only two things you need to worry about when doing Special Forces. Some soldiers keep fighting well after
so: that these grouped individuals have a purpose, and the war ends, and they don’t particularly care whom they
that that purpose has some kind of conflict with the player fight for. These mercenary groups are highly dangerous
characters. and not to be underestimated; each of their agents is a
Corporations. Corporations make great enemy orga- trained combatant that has experienced warfare. Unlike
nizations. They are often enormous in scope, filled with other organizations, their loyalty is not overwhelmingly
so much bureaucracy that not only can individual ex- strong and they can be bribed or coerced into abandon-
ecutives potentially get away with murder, many of their ing an operation with relative ease.
accomplices have lawyers able to get them well away from Spies. Spies work for agencies of covert operatives which
legal trouble. Player characters that decide to take on a are, more often than not, directly affiliated with a national
Modern Worlds
Sample Organization
“When your ancestors were figuring out how to raise sheep
on the Mediterranean coast, ours were already the crime Designing a New
lords of Asia.” Heritage
Organization Size Syndicate The core N.O.W. rules contain four heritages—Humans,
Organization Type Cult Augmented, Mutants, and Chosen. These four heritages
Organization Exploits Clandestine (criminals, mystics), can cover a multitude of character types, but you may find
Fearsome, Expertise (Jumping, Stealth) that you wish to create more.
Typical Agents Ninja commanded by a Martial Artist Modern-era games tend to less exotic in this sense than
Number of Agents 444 science fiction or fantasy settings, which have a pleth-
REP 20 (5d6) / 8 (3d6) ora of races and alien species. Most PCs will be human,
Locate Difficult [16] / Severe [29] and even the “non-human” heritages are variations on
Requisition Cap $1,800 humans. You can certainly grab Elves and Ogres and Bo-
Description The Crimson Sparrows are a secretive rians and Drahzik from other WOIN books and use them
organization with a storied history that stretches back in your modern-day setting.
to the dawn of human civilization. An incredibly strict and New heritages are fairly straightforward to create. The
swift system of deadly justice and renewal within the most important thing is that you make the heritage a via-
organization keeps its ranks at precisely 444 at all times, ble choice—not too powerful, and not too weak. That’s not
and only the enigmatic leaders of the Crimson Sparrows to say every heritage has to be perfectly balanced with ev-
know the importance this holds and how it plays into the ery other—the universe doesn’t work like that, and a little
institution’s past. imbalance will not hurt your game—but you are encour-
Criminals throughout the world have heard of rumors aged to aim for heritages of roughly equal power levels.
and a few have even seen the calling cards of these Follow the process below. You have 18 points to spend.
deadly assassins, shuriken painted with the bloody- Simply follow the steps below! Note that you won’t be able
winged sigil of these near urban-myths. Those that to create the core races with this system; the extra flex-
speak truthfully of seeing one of their agents talk of ibility of freeform race creation comes with its own cost!
disappearing into the shadows and other mystical feats At each stage, an example new heritage will be de-
that cause many to think these warriors do not truly veloped. The heritage we will be designing is suited to a
exist, but for the wealthiest and most knowledgeable, the modern-horror setting: we will be creating a half-vampire
Crimson Sparrows are truly a force to be feared. known as a Dhampir.
Modern Worlds
Concept Skills
The first stage in designing a new heritage is to devise your You should now select some skill choices. Note that a char-
concept. How similar is it to humankind? Are aberrant acter will only choose three of these, so a long list doesn’t
growths or physical features prevalent? Or is it just a blue necessarily make for a stronger character.
human? The heritages presented in this rulebook are all Apply point adjustments as follows:
roughly humanoid (though mutants and certain robots
can be large-sized) but that is by no means a requirement! New Heritage Skills
You should also select the heritage’s size at this time. Condition Points
Select your heritage’s size category. Each single [combat] skill or hardy 1
6 or more skills or [categories] 2
New Heritage Size Category 10 or more skills or [categories] 4
Size Points Each skill [category] except [artistic] 1
Small 2 Choice of “Any” 4
Medium 0 Skill category [artistic] 0
Large 5
Enormous 10 Dhampirs tend to be old, and know how to hide. Their skill
Variable 4 choices include history, stealth, disguise, and bluffing. This
costs 0 points.
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Legs (4+)
•• Four-legged creatures which impose –2d6 to knock
down (and frequently gain a Speed bonus, separate)
cost 2 points.
•• 8 legs make you immune to knockdowns and costs
4 points.
Senses (2+)
Lives (4) •• The ability to sense psionics, emotions, or some-
•• If you get bonus one-use “lives” these cost 4 points thing else within 10’ costs 2 points, or 3 points for 30’.
each. If you have an immortality-style way to re- •• Or within 5’ per point of INT costs 4 points.
cover from death more than once, this costs 8 points. •• A sight type such as darksight costs 2 points.
•• Truesight costs 4 points.
Luck (2+) •• Poor sight which reduces range increments by half
•• Creatures which cannot spend LUC dice save 4 saves 2.
points. •• Being immune to flanks and crossfire costs 4.
•• Creatures which suppress the LUC of others cost 4 •• Direction senses and navigation abilities are worth
points. 2 points.
•• Creatures which can donate LUC dice cost 2 points
Shapechanging (8)
Movement Modes (2–8) •• This powerful ability costs 8 points.
•• Low-g, zero-g, and hi-g cost 2 points.
•• Flight costs 8 points (hovering just 4 points, as does Skill Grant (1+)
gliding or limited flight which requires landing •• An exploit which only grants non-combat skills
every turn). costs 1 point for each skill die (not the raw number).
•• Climbing costs 6 points (perching just 2 points). •• Combat skills cost 2 per die. For the purposes of this,
•• Swimming costs 2 points (walking on water 1 point). Initiative and Perception count as combat skills.
•• A conditional reduced movement mode (e.g. “half •• A condition (e.g. “in bright light”) saves 1 point.
Speed in cold conditions”) saves 2 points. •• If it’s a choice of skills, increase the total cost by 50%
•• The ability to ignore difficult terrain costs 4 points. (round down).
•• The ability to move through enemy squares costs 2
points. Soak/Vulnerability (1+)
•• Those which grant Soak cost 1 point per point of
Ranged Attack (4) Soak.
•• A natural ranged or area attack costs 4 points, and •• Or half (round up) if only to a specific damage type.
can inflict damage or a condition; for both, you must •• Vulnerabilities to a damage type save 2 points per
pay 6 points. 1d6.
•• Natural reach costs 2 points. •• Additional negative effects from a particular
•• Doubling rage increment costs 2 points. substance beyond normal (e.g. alcohol beyond the
•• Telekinesis costs 4 points. normal effect, bright light, or extra damage from
•• An effect with a caveat (e.g. can only be used once falling) save 2 points.
per target, or target resents the effect afterwards)
saves 1 point. Speed (2+)
•• A ranged attack which only affects one adjacent •• Each point of Speed bonus costs (or saves) 2 points.
target counts as a melee attack for costing purposes. •• Doubling Speed costs 8 points.
Modern Worlds
Finally, you will need to describe your heritage. Note its
appearance, culture, and suitable careers. Also note a se-
lection of typical names.
And that’s it. After following this process, you will have
created a new heritage. You might also want to create a
typical member of the heritage in the form of a monster
stat block for later use. To fully realize your new heritage,
you should consider creating at least one career unique to
your heritage and perhaps some new equipment.
You have had a brush with undeath, but you’re not quite EXPLOITS
there yet. Not as strong or as powerful as a full vampire, Vampiric bite (6). Dhampirs can bite a victim and cause
you are able to move in daylight (although you find it un- 2d6 damage, gaining 1d6 Health in return. This requires
comfortable). You share the vampire’s thirst for blood, an unarmed attack and expenditure of a LUC die.
and some of its mythological abilities, but are not con- Spider-climb (6). Dhampirs can climb walls and ceilings
demned to evil in the way that the undead are. with ease. They gain a Climb speed equal to their regular
Dhampirs are created from the union of a vampire and Speed and do not need to make checks to climb.
a human, but they are neither. They exist in a twilight Sunlight sensitivity (–4). Dhampirs do not enjoy sun-
world between life and undeath, and are rejected by light; they are not harmed by it like full vampires are, but
both. Dhampirs are sometimes called “daywalkers.” they suffer –1d6 to INT (including perception) and Initia-
tive checks when in sunlight.
Dhampir Biological immunity (5). Dhampirs do not need to eat
Size: Medium or sleep and are immune to poison. They do require
Attributes: STR +2, AGI +2, INT +2, WIL –1. blood—or at least raw meat—to remain comfortable,
Skill choices: history, stealth, disguise, bluffing however.
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Vampire Slayer
Designing Foes
This creature design engine is a process by which you will
Having followed this process, you should now have be able to easily create a monster, creature, or generic
created a new career. Here’s our Vampire Slayer NPC type.
career. You can create anything from robots and alien mon-
strosities to reusable NPC stat blocks such as “Cop,
Vampire Slayer [1d6 years] “Soldier,” or “KGB Interrogator.” In a modern setting, most
Prerequisites: religion enemies will be humans of some kind, but you can use
Attributes: END +1, LOG +1, INT +1, CHI +1 this system to create just about anything—dinosaurs,
Skill Choices: history, knives, tracking, religion zombies, scientific experiments, invading aliens, or what-
You have been trained to hunt and destroy that unholy ever else you can imagine. We use the terms “creature”
scourge of the night, the vampire. and “monster” interchangeably throughout this section,
Stake to the heart. When using a wooden stake, a and these terms include NPCs in this context.
Vampire Slayer does double damage to a vampire. Monsters and generic NPCs tend to be a bit more ar-
The stench of death. Vampire Slayers can sense bitrary than player characters. Of course, a monster can
the presence of vampires, automatically recognis- have whatever statistics you need—if you need your elite
ing one, and sensing the presence of any within 5’ mystical ninja to have AGI 20 or 200 Health for some rea-
per point of INT. son, you can just assign those values. The following is just
Death strike (requires Stake to the heart). When a a set of guidelines to help your design process; feel free to
Vampire Slayer reduces a vampire to zero Health, the ignore any of them.
creature is immediately and permanently destroyed. This method is the reverse method to creating a char-
Don’t bite me! A Vampire Slayer’s blood is poisonous acter, because you are starting at your desired result and
to a vampire. A vampire who bites a Vampire Slayer working backwards—you will know in advance that you
takes 3d6 damage. want an 8d6 “brute” style robot, and this informs the rest
of the creature’s statistics.
Once you have decided on your creature concept, fol-
lowing these steps.
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Sentience creatures known for specific senses (such as owls) can also
Also consider the creature’s sentience. Sentience typically have extremely high skill ranks in those specific abilities.
comes in the following categories, and can alter the crea- CHA tends to be 1 (for ugly critters) or 2 (for attractive crit-
ture’s mental statistics in the following ways. ters). WIL will tend to be around average (4) unless there
Non-sentient. Non-sentient does not necessarily mean is a compelling reason to do otherwise.
non-intelligent. Non-sentient creatures are immune to Sentient. This includes humans, and most living sen-
mental attacks. tient creatures with LOG attributes of 2 or more. Sentient
Semi-sentient. These are dogs, wolves, bears, and creatures should be assigned mental attributes normally.
other animal-level intelligent creatures. Semi-sentient Super-sentient. Generally with LOG and INT attri-
creatures have 1–2 (1d6) LOG (carnivores are usually butes of 20 or more, these creatures are supra-geniuses
more intelligent than herbivores), and may often have far beyond even the greatest of humans. Super-sentient
INT attributes as high as their AGI attributes. INT repre- creatures automatically have the power of truesight,
sents senses, perception, and animal cunning. Note that which enables them to see through illusions, invisibility,
Modern Worlds
and disguises. They can also see in the dark, and through Soak and Health Adjustments by Role
obscuring effects like smoke, although not through cover. Role Soak Health
Additionally, supersentient creatures can automatically Artillery Low (MDP × 0.5) Low (MDP × 3)
speak and understand any language. Brute High (MDP × 2) High (MDP × 10)
Expert Low (MDP × 0.5) Low (MDP × 3)
Defenses Ninja Medium (MDP × 1) Medium (MDP × 6)
You now need to determine the creature’s four Defenses. Skirmisher Low (MDP × 0.5) Low (MDP × 3)
Each Defense is high, medium, or low, and is based on Support Medium (MDP × 1) Medium (MDP × 6)
the monster’s MDP. The lowest a Defense can be is 10. Trickster Low (MDP × 0.5) Low (MDP × 3)
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
You will also need the monster’s skills. While most of the
time you will just be using its derived statistics, occasion-
ally you may need something more specific. To determine
these, you will need to “reverse engineer” them from its
derived statistics. In particular, the following skills should
be calculated:
•• combat skill*—the monster equivalent of unarmed
combat is simply called combat.
•• perception—this may be named after the creature’s
special senses, such as scent, hearing, etc., or it may
juts be called perception.
•• movement skill*—this may be running or some
similar skill.
•• tactics or reactions—the monster should have one of
these two skills.
•• social skill(s)*—this optional skill, especially for
tricksters and supporters, might include bluffing,
intimidation, persuasion, and so on.
•• stealth—most creatures will have this at some level,
even if it is very low.
•• psionic skill(s)*—assign these if relevant, but most
psionic powers will be in the form of easy-to-use
exploits. them to an exceptional human (a professional athlete, for
•• carrying—four-legged herbivores, and similar example), who would have 10 ranks or so. If the creature
creatures, often have a dice pool in carrying equal would be better than a trained athlete at a skill, then give
to half their Maximum Dice Pool. it 10 or more ranks.
•• defensive skills—you don’t have to reverse engineer If in doubt, just give a creature a skill dice pool equal to
these, but you can if you wish. You may need one for half its Maximum Dice Pool.
each Defense.
You already know the monster’s attributes from earlier in Finishing Up
the design process, and you know what the derived dice Finally, you will need to finish up with the minor (or not
pool is, so the related skill is simply the difference be- so minor!) details. You should feel free to tweak any values
tween the two. on the stat block—if your NPC is from a race of speedsters
For example, if you know that the creature has 8d6 Ini- who only move at light speed, go ahead and give it a Speed
tiative and that it has 5d6 Intuition, you automatically of 100, or whatever is appropriate. If your creature is re-
know that it must have 3d6 to either the tactics or reactions flective and immune to heat weapons, go ahead and add
skill. The same applies to attack dice pools, Perception, that immunity. Remember, as the GM, the monster is ex-
and so on. actly what you need it to be.
You should also manually assign any relevant skills. If you are publishing the creature, it’s probably worth
Remember that creatures can be naturally much better encoding those arbitrary changes as exploits, just so that
than humans at certain things, especially when it comes others can see clearly where they came from, but this is
to senses, movement, and fighting. Don’t be afraid to give not vital. And if you are only using it in your home game, it
them 10 or more ranks in something. If in doubt, compare really doesn’t matter!
Modern Worlds
Modern Worlds
Bear in mind that the average group will need some- Locations
thing with more “oomph” than an outdated two-seater Your adventure might take place in an unusual, unique, or
car and a shabby apartment—if the party is going to get quirky location that is almost a character in and of itself.
anywhere in the world, a secure, secret headquarters and This list is merely a few examples designed to fire your
armored vehicles with reliable engines are likely to be imagination.
essential! •• An isolated jungle village where people are disap-
pearing each night.
Nothing but Your Gumption •• A busy military base that’s been losing track of
The characters do not immediately have access to any ve- incoming shipments.
hicles, having to get around on their own power until they •• A ruined city, destroyed by war.
steal one (a dubious prospect). Otherwise they’ll need to •• A dusty saloon filled with bounty hunters, criminals,
use public transportation and/or favors to get around, and and mercenaries.
if they plan on leaving the country, they’ll need to take a •• A gym that’s producing exceptionally tough and
plane and deal with customs—getting sensitive gear to strong boxers.
where the characters are headed might become an adven- •• A research lab where an experimental super soldier
ture in itself! This also means the party is probably stuck has broken loose.
meeting in public or planning in clandestine locations •• A city borough steeped in gang warfare.
(which can end up being a real trouble depending on how •• A sleepy coastal town where a horror from the deep
discreet their activities are). has awakened.
•• A police station with a fast and loose evidence locker
A Free Ride that’s starting to cause serious concerns.
Giving the party a free “starter” vehicle and/or base of •• An isolated diner on the road in the middle of
operations won’t derail a campaign. The player characters nowhere being robbed by bandits.
could begin play with a basic civilian vehicle (maybe a •• An abandoned military base where some local kids
decommissioned SWAT van or light helicopter) and head- have said weird things are common.
quarters (an abandoned auto shop or hangar), or acquire •• A hospital where the deceased are suddenly rising
one very early in the campaign. The sample encounter at up not long after death.
the end of this rulebook gives the PCs a chance to acquire •• A martial arts tournament where wins are becom-
such a vehicle. In addition, the events of the adventure ing suspicious.
make it obvious that selling the vehicle would be a terrible •• An ancient temple that’s suddenly started to gener-
idea, so the PCs might as well keep it and use it. ate phenomena scientists cannot account for.
•• A metropolis made uneasy and bloodied by a serial
Part of the Job killer and copycats littering its streets with corpses.
Characters may have a vehicle directly related to their •• An isolated or underground combat arena where
work (for instance, a police officer will have ready access gambling is king.
to a cruiser and a jumbo jet pilot will probably be affiliated •• A city filled with graft and sin where the only thing
with an airline). Depending on the campaign premise, you can ever truly trust is your gun.
they could be all tied together through one mutual busi- •• A series of jungle outposts where soldiers are turn-
ness and a crew ostensibly gathered for a more mundane ing up murdered in unnatural ways.
task than adventuring. Either way, this means the char- •• A bank suddenly subjected to a heist while the party
acters do not own a vehicle, as they might in a regular is there handling financial matters.
campaign, but it does grant them some extra resources •• A school where talented and uniquely gifted young-
should they choose to risk losing their day job. sters hone their special abilities.
Modern Worlds
•• A government training facility where exceptional •• A top-secret government base suddenly put into
assets are developed. complete lockdown for reasons unknown.
•• A desert casino suddenly cut off from society and •• A town suddenly taken over by enemy forces that
besieged by a huge gang. are relentlessly wearing down the populace.
•• A business that serves as a front for organized crime. •• A region strictly controlled by drug cartels and rife
•• A hidden ninja fortress isolated from society in with violence.
conflict with violent secret dojos. •• A city filled with strange heroes and dastardly vil-
•• An arena where more than simple fights take place. lains all wielding unnatural powers.
•• A doctor’s office where patients have a mysteriously
low recovery rate. Events
•• A library where poltergeists appear at random. A setting is a living, breathing thing, and the things
•• An office building taken hostage by armed terrorists. that happen within the setting are as crucial to your ad-
•• An asylum for the criminally insane where the ventures as locations are. Events can provide a colorful
patients have taken over. backdrop, or they can be the focus of your adventure.
•• A tropical island where improbable science has •• International crime bosses gather for a secret
brought dinosaurs back to life. meeting.
•• An amusement park where the animatronic enter- •• A peaceful town becomes the site of a hostile
tainment has developed minds of their own. takeover.
•• A line of trenches under constant bombardment. •• A war breaks out that involves one or more nations.
•• A museum with high-tech security to protect the •• The world’s greatest scientific minds gather for a
world class treasures within. conference.
•• A settlement beset upon by a flood, tornado, or other •• An infamous war criminal is taken to trial.
natural disaster. •• Leaders of hostile countries conduct vital treaty
•• A P.O.W. camp that has been running since long negotiations.
after the war ended. •• Otherworldly creatures appear in the skies.
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
For those without the time or inclination to create new characters, or who just want to dive in straight away, this section
presents a group of pre-generated iconic characters, the Alpha Squad: a team of mercenaries who hire themselves out,
although mainly to underdogs. Each is designed as a starting Grade 5 character. Use these characters as-is, or tweak
them to suit you. They differ from the versions found in the Starter Kit because they use the full character creation rules.
A suave Human spy who likes to drink
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 5 (2d6) AGI 7 (3d6) END 5 (2d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 4 (2d6) WIL 5 (2d6)
CHA 7 (3d6) LUC 7 (3d6) REP 1 (1d6)
Health 16
Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 14
Mental Defense 11; Vital Defense 11
Soak 4 (bulletproof suit); Vulnerable —
Initiative 5d6
Perception 4d6
Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 14'/5'
Carry 100 lbs.
Actions 2
Natural Damage 1d6+2
Brawling 4d6 (1d6+2 blunt damage)
High-Quality Walther PPK 5d6 (3d6 ballistic damage;
range 6) Urchin. Having grown up as an orphan, Ben is very familiar
Skills gambling 1 (1d6), pistols 2 (1d6), survival 1 (1d6), with urban backgrounds, and is able to blend in easily.
rifles 1 (1d6), perception 1 (1d6), stealth 1 (1d6), After spending one hour in a new city, he is able to name
running 1 (1d6), thievery 1 (1d6), driving 1 (1d6), local crime figures.
tactics 1 (1d6), dodging 1 (1d6), brawling 1 (1d6) Basic Training. Ben soon joined the army. He gained all of
Gear bulletproof suit, high-quality Walther PPK (with +1d6 the following skills at 1 rank (1d6) (noted, above): tactics;
damage upgrade), thieves tools, $100 rifles; law; survival.
Explorer. Driven by an inquisitive, exploratory nature, Ben Get On With It. Ben was soon deployed overseas. His
gains bonus XP equal to his grade every time he enters a platoon didn’t have much patience for whining about
country new to him. He cannot gain this bonus more than minor injuries. Once per day he can pause for two actions
once per month. and recover 2d6 Health.
Suave. Ben’s words are his weapon; he can distract, charm, Quick-Hide. Ben quickly entered the special forces. He is
and captivate people with ease. If Ben makes a CHA able to disappear while in plain sight. He can make a
mental attack, he can even daze a target. stealth check even while under observation to move his
Aim. By spending one action aiming, Ben gains +1d6 to hit speed and become effectively invisible for a round. He
with a subsequent ranged attack made in the same turn. may then make regular stealth checks as normal, but
Predictive Reflexes. Ben is good at reading the situation. cannot repeat this feat against the same observer.
He gains a permanent +1d6 bonus to Initiative checks Golden Gun. Ben starts play with a high-quality Walther PPK
(factored, above). with the extra damage upgrade (included above).
Careers: Orphan, Boot Camp, Soldier, Infiltrator, Spy.
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
A nimble Augmented burglar who loves
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 7 (3d6) END 5 (2d6)
INT 7 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 7 (3d6) REP 3 (2d6)
Health 16
Melee Defense 19; Ranged Defense 14
Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 10
Soak 5 (kevlar vest); Vulnerable —
Initiative 3d6
Perception 3d6
Speed 7; Climb 7; Jump 14'/6'
Carry 110 lbs.
Actions 2
Natural Damage 1d6+3
Shoe dagger 4d6 (1d6+2 damage)
Pistol 3d6 (2d6 ballistic damage; range 10)
Skills engineering 3 (2d6), computers 2 (1d6), stealth 2 (1d6), White-Hat. A child prodigy and computer-whiz in L.A.,
thievery 2 (1d6), running 1 (1d6), climbing 1 (1d6), Alejandra is practiced at hacking and anti-hacking
dodging 1 (1d6), knives 1 (1d6), techniques. She can actively provide a computer system
Gear kevlar vest, thieves’ tools, shoe dagger, pistol, with a +4 Defense score and gains a +1d6 bonus to
integrated input jacks, $1,100 electronic attacks.
Input jacks. Alejandra’s cybernetic hand contains input Engine-Tuner. A horrible accident stripped Alejandra of her
jacks which grant a +1d6 equipment bonus to computer left hand. It was replaced with a cybernetic replacement
operations and cracking attempts. with computer jacks built in. Alejandra naturally
Retinal implant. Alejandra can see in the dark up to 60'. gravitated into a job as a mechanic. A vehicle in which
Adaptive. When incorporating new cybernetic alterations, Alejandra is an engineer increases its Speed by 1. This
Alejandra does not need to make a check for the does not stack with other engineers' abilities to use this
process to take hold successfully. Additionally, she can exploit, should others be present.
incorporate an additional two alterations beyond the Sixth Sense. Supplementing her income, Alejandra found
normal limit of their END attribute. that her engineering and computer skills were useful aids
Inert. Augmented embrace technology over matters of to thievery. Alejandra has a sixth sense when it comes
spirit. Alejandra may never have a CHI score above zero. to traps, and gains a +2d6 bonus to spot them and a +1d6
Nimble. Alejandra’s climbing speed is equal to her regular bonus to avoid or disarm them.
Speed (factored, above). Grand Heist. Alejandra pulled off a robbery that gained her a
Feint. Alejandra gets a +1d6 bonus to a melee attack roll bonus $1,000 (included, above).
taken in the same turn. The attack action must come Prison Tough. Eventually, she was caught. Alejandra was
immediately after the feinting action. mentally and physically toughened in prison, gaining
Analytics. Studying her target’s behavior, Alejandra notices a +1 bonus to her Defense and Mental Defense (included
a pattern to its actions. She can grant all allies within 30' above).
a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until the start of her Careers: Nerd, Engineer, Burglar ×2, Prisoner.
next turn.
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
An aging rugged Human bounty hunter
who loves 50s music
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 5 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 9 (3d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 5 (2d6)
CHA 4 (2d6) LUC 4 (2d6) REP 2 (1d6)
Health 20
Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 14
Mental Defense 11; Vital Defense 14
Soak 5 (kevlar vest); Vulnerable —
Initiative 7d6
Perception 3d6
Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 12'/5'
Carry 140 lbs.
Actions 2
Natural Damage 1d6+2
Boxing 4d6 (1d6+2 bludgeoning damage) always prepared. He may declare a single action which
M4 Carbine (5.56mm assault rifle) 5d6 (2d6 ballistic he took prior to the encounter (even if he didn’t know
damage; range 12) the encounter was going to take place) which helps him
Skills negotiating 1 (1d6), poker 1 (1d6), rifles 3 (2d6), in this exact scenario. This must be an action he was
leadership 1 (1d6), law 1 (1d6), tracking 1 (1d6), capable of.
running 1 (1d6), tactics 3 (2d6), dodging 1 (1d6), Programming. Duke was created as an army experiment
boxing 1 (1d6), survival 1 (1d6) shortly after WWII, using DNA from Teddy Roosevelt and
Gear kevlar vest, rifle, smartphone, $100 Amelia Erhardt. He was bred and engineered for a purpose.
Explorer. Driven by an inquisitive, exploratory nature, Ben At the start of a fight his “programming” kicks in, granting
gains bonus XP equal to his grade every time he enters a him a +2d6 Initiative bonus (included, above).
country new to him. He cannot gain this bonus more than Basic Training. Given a solid army training, Duke gained
once per month. all of the following skills at 1 rank (1d6) (included above):
Old. Once per day, when rolling a dice pool, Duke may tactics; rifles; law; survival.
declare it to be a careful dice pool. Any 1s he rolls may be Ambusher. Duke was thawed and refrozen several times
rerolled, with the new roll replacing the 1. If he rolls a 1 a over the coming decades. He served in the Korean War as
second time, however, he must keep the 1. Additionally, a scout. He gains a +1d6 bonus to access the ambush turn.
the bonus gained from his hook increases to +2d6. Old Ambush Expert. In the Vietnam War, Duke’s ambush
characters can no longer improve physical attributes expertise increased as he operated as a guerrilla fighter
(STR, AGI, END) through career advances or experience in a special unit. During an ambush turn he can take a
expenditure, although they may do so via other means second action.
(magic, cybernetics, etc.) Datamining. After the Cold War, Duke got out and became
Rugged. Duke is tough and shrugs off hardships. Once per a bounty hunter. He is able to locate a target’s current
day he can spend two actions (a full turn) to recover to location down to a specific city by accessing credit,
half his normal maximum Health. criminal, customs, and other records if he has access to a
Aim. By spending one action aiming, Duke gains +1d6 to hit computer link.
with a subsequent ranged attack made in the same turn. Careers: Experiment, Boot Camp, Scout,
Always Prepared. Duke has a brilliant tactical mind, and is Guerrilla Fighter, Bounty Hunter.
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
A stoic adolescent Chosen kung-fu
practitioner who writes haiku
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 4 (2d6) AGI 8 (3d6) END 8 (2d6)
INT 3 (2d6) LOG 3 (2d6) WIL 8 (3d6)
CHA 4 (2d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 2 (1d6)
CHI 10 (4d6)
Health 20
Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 18
Mental Defense 15; Vital Defense 11
Soak 0; Vulnerable —
Initiative 4d6
Perception 3d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 8'/4'
Carry 120 lbs.
Actions 2 Double Strike. With one action Eternal Senpai may strike
Natural Damage 1d6+2 two opponents with a melee attack each. She cannot add
Martial arts 5d6 (1d6+2 blunt damage) additional exploits to these attacks.
Quarterstaff 5d6 (2d6+2 blunt damage) One-Inch Punch. When pinned or grappled, Eternal Senpai
Skills tactics 3 (2d6), negotiating 1 (1d6), trivia 1 (1d6), may make an unarmed attack against her foe as a free
martial arts 5 (2d6), staves 3 (2d6), acrobatics 3 (2d6), action and gain +1d6 damage to it.
perception 1 (1d6), religion 2 (1d6) Flying Kick. Eternal Senpai moves up to her speed and
Gear quarterstaff, $100 issues a flying kick at the end of it, dealing her martial
Stoic. Eternal Senpai is able to hide pain and discomfort. arts damage with a bonus +1d6 damage.
Once per day, when she would normally be reduced to Whirlwind Frenzy. Eternal Senpai attacks all adjacent
zero Health, she is reduced to 1 Health instead. targets, but only does 1d6 damage to each. She must still
Fast-Healing. Chosen heal faster than most people. Eternal make an attack roll against each target. If she hits every
Senpai may roll an extra 2d6 when determining how much target, all targets are pushed back 5', clearing a space
she naturally heals each day. around her.
Destiny. Once, when she would ordinarily die, Eternal Senpai Wéifeng (Wind) Stance. As a free action, Eternal Senpai
does not die. Instead, she remains at 0 Health until can enter the Wind stance until the start of her next
healed. Once she has used her extra “life” she cannot use turn by spending 1 CHI (she has 4 CHI points, which can
it again. be recovered once per day). While in Wind stance, she
Skill Focus. Enternal Senpai starts play with two bonus automatically gains the following benefits:
skills of her choice at 3 ranks (2d6) (included, above). She may use her CHI attribute in place of her AGI
Feint. Eternal Senpai gets a +1d6 bonus to a melee attack attribute for the purpose of attribute checks.
roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come She doubles her Speed.
immediately after the feinting action. She can walk across the surface of any liquid.
Training. Eternal Senpa’s training proves that the old ways She can ignore a number of attacks equal to her CHI
are often the best, for more reasons than one. She dice pool (4) until the beginning of her next turn as long
receives a +1 bonus to all Defenses (included, above). as she takes her full movement during her turn. She must
Kung Fu Weapons. Eternal Senpai may use her martial arts choose to ignore an attack before the attack roll is made.
skill with any Eastern melee weapon. Careers: Martial Artist, Kung Fu ×4
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
A tough-as-nails young Mutant vigilante
who fights for ecology
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 4 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 10 (4d6)
INT 8 (3d6) LOG 3 (2d6) WIL 7 (3d6)
CHA 4 (2d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 3 (3d6)
CHI 1 (1d6)
Health 32
Melee Defense 14; Ranged Defense 14
Mental Defense 11; Vital Defense 18
Soak 6 (natural); Vulnerable —
Initiative 3d6
Perception 4d6
Speed 8; Climb 5; Jump 22'/14'
Carry 140 lbs.
Actions 2
Natural Damage 1d6+2
High quality hockey stick 5d6 (3d6+2 blunt damage)
Skills climbing 1 (1d6), stealth 3 (2d6), running 3 (2d6),
perception 1 (1d6), hardy 1 (1d6), dodging 1 (1d6),
survival 1 (1d6), clubs 1 (1d6)
Gear high-quality hockey stick, $100 Ambush Expert. During an ambush turn Lady Anarchy can
Tough as Nails. Lady Anarchy gains a +2 natural Soak bonus take a second action.
which stacks with any other Soak scores she may have Street Tough. Life on the streets is tough. Lady Anarchy
(included above). gains a natural +2 Soak (included above).
Feint. Lady Anarchy gets a +1d6 bonus to a melee attack Signature Weapon. Lady Anarchy’s vigilante signature
roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come weapon is a hockey stick. She starts play with a high
immediately after the feinting action. quality hockey stick and does +1d6 damage with it.
Dodge. Lady Anarchy may use a reaction to remove 1d6 Fearless. Lady Anarchy is completely fearless. She
from an attacker’s dice pool on one attack. This must be is immune to the Fear status track, and cannot be
announced before the die roll. intimidated.
Endurance. Lady Anarchy endured a lot, and has the scars to Leaper. Lady Anarchy has mutant leaping powers. Her Jump
prove it. She gains +2 natural Soak (included above). distances are increased by 10' (included above).
Always Ready. Lady Anarchy can sleep in armor with no Careers: Survivor, Guerrilla Fighter ×2, Street Thug, Vigilante
penalty. Anyone sneaking up on her while she sleeps
must make a Difficult [16] AGI check to do so.
Appendix A: The Alpha Squad
An empathic Human private eye who
misses the golden age of cinema
Medium sentient humanoid (grade 5; max dice pool 5d6)
STR 3 (2d6) AGI 5 (2d6) END 6 (3d6)
INT 10 (4d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 7 (3d6) LUC 8 (3d6) REP 7 (3d6)
Health 24
Melee Defense 11; Ranged Defense 11
Mental Defense 19; Vital Defense 11
Soak 4 (padded trenchcoat); Vulnerable —
Initiative 5d6
Perception 5d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12'/3'
Carry 80 lbs.
Actions 2
Natural Damage 1d6+2
Brawling 4d6 (1d6+2 blunt damage)
Pistol 5d6 (2d6 ballistic damage; range 8)
Skills brawling 1 (1d6), thievery 1 (1d6), gambling 1 (1d6),
baseball 1 (1d6), pistols 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6),
intimidate 1 (1d6), driving 1 (1d6), tracking 1 (1d6),
dodging 1 (1d6)
Gear padded trenchcoat, pistol, thieves tools, $200 Ordinary. Mack’s very nondescript nature makes him easily
Empathic. Mack can easily understand how others feel. able to blend in unnoticed, giving him a +1d6 bonus to
Once per day he can attempt to adjust another’s mood attempts to bluff, disguise, or otherwise remain visible
with a CHA mental attack. If he succeeds, he can make but unremarked upon.
them either bad-tempered or happy. He must be able to Trouble Sense. Mack is easily able to spot trouble before
converse with his target to do this. it happens. He gains a +1d6 bonus to Initiative checks
Explorer. Driven by an inquisitive, exploratory nature, Mack (included above).
gains bonus XP equal to his grade every time he enters a Anti-Surveillance. Mack is so familiar with surveillance
country new to him. He cannot gain this bonus more than devices, blind spots, and avoidance techniques that, by
once per month. moving half his speed, he can render himself invisible to
Aim. Mack gets a +1d6 bonus to a ranged attack roll taken in electronic monitoring equipment.
the same turn. The attack action must come immediately Hardboiled. Cynical and rumpled, Mack gains a +4 bonus to
after the aiming action. Mental Defense (included above).
Improviser. Mack is adept at using bar stools and other Great Detective. Mack is used as an informal consultant by
items as weapons. He suffers no attack penalties for authorities who recognize his expertise. He is permitted
improvised melee weapons. access to crime scenes and evidence, and is often called
Careers: Everyman, Police Officer ×2, Private Eye ×2
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
This section includes a small selection of beasts, minions, and skilled enemies which you can use in your game. You can
find a much wider selection in various additional supplements and sourcebooks, or in the expansive online Bestiary on
the official WOIN website.
When you read a published adventure (including the example one at the end of this book), you will often see monsters
mentioned in boldface type. For example, it might say “Four ninjas await the PCs in the warehouse.” The boldface type
tells you to simply refer to the standard ninja stat block (see page 44) for these enemies.
Amazon Ape
Medium sentient humanoid (7d6) Medium semi-sentient beast (6d6)
Proud tribal women warriors. Tree-climbing beasts of the jungle.
STR 10 (4d6) AGI 15 (5d6) END 10 (4d6) STR 10 (4d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 10 (4d6)
INT 10 (4d6) LOG 10 (4d6) WIL 10 (4d6) INT 6 (3d6) LOG 2 (1d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 10 (4d6) CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6)
Melee Defense 28; Ranged Defense 21 Melee Defense 24; Ranged Defense 18
Mental Defense 14; Vital Defense 21 Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 18
Health 42 Health 36
Soak 7; Vuln none Soak 6; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 7d6 Initiative 6d6
Perception 6d6 Perception 5d6
Speed 7; Climb 4; Jump 30’/10’ Speed 6; Climb +6; Jump 20’/6’
Carry 200 lb. (max lift 500 lb.) Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Shortsword 7d6 (4d6+4 piercing damage) Fists 6d6 (3d6+3 blunt damage)
Longbow 4d6 (2d6 piercing damage; range 11) Thrown rock 5d6 (2d6+3 blunt damage; range 9)
Skills hardy 6 (3d6), combat 6 (3d6), perception 3 (2d6), Skills hardy 6 (3d6), combat 6 (3d6), perception 3 (2d6),
movement 3 (2d6), tactics 6 (3d6), stealth 4 (2d6), movement 3 (2d6), reactions 6 (3d6), stealth 4 (2d6),
tracking 3 (2d6), religion 1 (1d6) acrobatics 10 (4d6)
Gear longbow, shortsword, small shield, studded leather Gear —
armor Death from on high. Apes can drop down on their opponent
Quick stand. Once per turn the amazon can stand from at least 5’ above him, making an unarmed attack.
immediately from prone as a free action. This counts as a charge but knocks the opponent prone
Taunt. The amazon taunts her target, enraging it, and make and does 2d6 extra damage instead of 1d6.
a CHA (4d6) mental attack. If successful, the target
becomes Angry.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Assassin Astronaut
Medium sentient humanoid (8d6) Medium sentient humanoid (5d6)
Stealthy, trained killers for hire. Men and women of the spaceways.
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
INT 15 (5d6) LOG 10 (4d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 10 (4d6) CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6)
Melee Defense 16; Ranged Defense 32 Melee Defense 15; Ranged Defense 15
Mental Defense 24; Vital Defense 24 Mental Defense 20; Vital Defense 20
Health 24 Health 15
Soak 4; Vuln none Soak 3; Vuln none
Immune none Immune Sick
Initiative 6d6 Initiative 3d6
Perception 8d6 Perception 4d6
Speed 8; Climb 8; Jump 20’/6’ Speed 5; Zero-G +5; Low-G +5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’
Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.) Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Knife 4d6 (2d6+3 piercing damage) Brawling 3d6 (2d6+2 blunt damage)
Rifle 8d6 (4d6 piercing damage; range 18) Skills combat 1 (1d6), perception 1 (1d6), engineering 3
Skills combat 1 (1d6), perception 6 (3d6), running 15 (5d6), (2d6), piloting 3 (2d6), physics 3 (2d6), medicine 1 (1d6),
tactics 1 (1d6), medicine 3 (2d6), stealth 6 (3d6), thievery astronomy 3 (2d6)
3 (2d6) Gear —
Gear high quality leather armor, knife, rifle Zero-g monkey. Astronauts treat zero and low gravity
Achilles heel. Identifying a weakness in his target, the environments as normal terrain. Additionally, they are
assassin bypasses its Soak score. This exploit can only be immune to the Sick condition.
performed once per target.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Crocodile Cutpurse
Large semi-sentient aquatic reptile (6d6) Medium sentient humanoid (4d6)
Predatory river lizards. Petty thieves and pickpockets.
STR 10 (4d6) AGI 3 (2d6) END 10 (4d6) STR 4 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6)
INT 3 (2d6) LOG 1 (1d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 1 (1d6) CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6)
Melee Defense 22; Ranged Defense 10 Melee Defense 10; Ranged Defense 15
Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 26 Mental Defense 20; Vital Defense 10
Health 60 Health 15
Soak 17; Vuln 1d6 cold Soak 3; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 3d6 Initiative 5d6
Perception 3d6 Perception 5d6
Speed 5; SWIM +5; Climb 3; Jump- Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’
Carry 200 lb. (max lift 500 lb.) Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Bite 6d6 (3d6+4 piercing damage; grab) Knife 4d6 (2d6+2 piercing damage)
Skills combat 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), Skills thievery 6 (3d6), stealth 6 (3d6), local knowledge
stealth 6 (3d6) 6 (3d6), appraisal 3 (2d6), perception 3 (2d6), running
Gear — 3 (2d6), climbing 3 (2d6), dodging 1 (1d6), knives 3 (2d6),
Grab. A creature which is hit by the crocodile’s bite attack reactions 3 (2d6)
is Restrained until it can shake off the condition. The Gear knife, thieves’ tools
crocodile can only grab one victim at a time, and once it Snatch. With an attack, a cutpurse can snatch any small
has successfully struck a victim, the victim automatically item held or worn by his target, as long as he is aware of
suffers 3d6+4 piercing damage at the start of each turn. it. The snatch is not stealthy, and the target is aware of it.
The crocodile cannot bite another target while grabbing,
but it can move at half Speed (possibly drowning its
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Dog Elephant
Medium semi-sentient beast (4d6) Enormous semi-sentient beast (7d6)
Man’s best friend and loyal guardian. Enormous herd animals.
STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6) STR 21 (6d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 21 (6d6)
INT 3 (2d6) LOG 2 (1d6) WIL 3 (2d6) INT 6 (3d6) LOG 2 (1d6) WIL 10 (4d6)
CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 0 (0d6) REP 3 (2d6) CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 10 (4d6)
Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 14 Melee Defense 24; Ranged Defense 10
Mental Defense 10; Vital Defense 10 Mental Defense 14; Vital Defense 32
Health 24 Health 105
Soak 4 ; Vuln none Soak 14; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 4d6 Initiative 4d6
Perception 3d6 Perception 4d6
Speed 8; Climb 4; Jump 12’/3’ Speed 4; Climb —; Jump —
Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.) Carry 420 lb. (max lift 1,050 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 10 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 3
Bite 4d6 (2d6+2 damage) Gore 7d6 (4d6+6 piercing damage)
Skills tracking 10 (4d6), scent 10 (4d6), running 10 (4d6), Skills combat 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6),
swimming 4 (2d6), reactions 3 (2d6) Gear—
Gear— Trample. With a trample attack, the elephant can move
Loyalty. A dog will defend its owner (if it has one) to the directly through a target’s square, attacking the target as
death. it goes. This is a single action, and the elephant moves its
full speed in a straight line. The elephant must be at least
one size category larger than the target. If the attack
misses, the elephant stops in its tracks. If it hits, the
elephant continues moving, inflicts natural damage, and
the target is knocked prone.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Functionary Grey
Medium sentient humanoid (6d6) Small sentient humanoid (8d6)
Bureaucrats, politicians, and corporate lackeys. Telepathic aliens who use influence rather than force.
STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 15 (5d6) LOG 15 (5d6) WIL 10 (4d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6) CHA 15 (5d6) LUC 3 (2d6) PSI* 28 (7d6)
Melee Defense 15; Ranged Defense 15 Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 26
Mental Defense 20; Vital Defense 10 Mental Defense 32; Vital Defense 14
Health 15 Health 24
Soak 3; Vuln none Soak 0; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 3d6 Initiative 8d6
Perception 4d6 Perception 8d6; insight 8d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’ Speed 8; Climb 4; Jump 20’/6’
Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.) Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Brawling 3d6 (2d6+2 blunt damage) Brawling 4d6 (2d6+3 blunt damage)
Pistol 3d6 (2d6 ballistic damage; range 8) Psi-blast 8d6 (4d6+4 psionic damage; range 12)
Skills negotiating 6 (3d6), bureaucracy 3 (2d6), bluffing 3 Skills combat 1 (1d6), perception 6 (3d6), movement 15 (5d6),
(2d6), law 3 (2d6), accounting 3 (2d6), politics 3 (3d6), tactics 6 (3d6), negotiation 6 (3d6), telepathy 1 (1d6),
bribery 6(3d6), computers 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6) telekinesis 1 (1d6), linguistics 4 (2d6), insight 10 (4d6)
Gear — Gear hand scanner, medkit
Charm offensive. The functionary can use his charisma and Empathy. Greys can automatically sense strong emotions in
negotiating skills to render a target who can hear him others within 30’.
Charmed with a 5d6 mental attack. Telepathic message. Greys can freely send short telepathic
messages to other intelligent creatures with whom they
have spent time.
Telekinesis. The grey can freely telekinetically move and
manipulate single objects of size Small or smaller within
40’. It may only manipulate one such object at a time. If
the object is held by someone else, it requires an opposed
PSI vs. STR check.
Telekinetic shield. The grey maintains a telekinetic shield
(included in stats, above).
Combined blast. Two or more greys can combine their psi-
blasts into a spherical burst which attacks all non-greys
within 10’ per grey. The center of the burst can be at any
point which is no further than 10’ from all participating
greys. This costs them all of their actions.
* Greys use Psionics (PSI) rather than CHI. There are
extensive PSI rules in N.E.W.: The Science Fiction
Roleplaying Game, but this stat block contains enough
information for you to run the creature without that book.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Lion Marine
Large semi-sentient beast (7d6) Medium sentient humanoid (7d6)
King of the plains. Trained, professional soldiers.
STR 15 (5d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 15 (5d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 1 (1d6) WIL 10 (4d6) INT 10 (4d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 10 (4d6) CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6)
Melee Defense 26; Ranged Defense 10 Melee Defense 12; Ranged Defense 24
Mental Defense 14; Vital Defense 30 Mental Defense 18; Vital Defense 18
Health 70 Health 30
Soak 14; Vuln none Soak 8; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 4d6 Initiative 6d6
Perception 4d6 Perception 6d6
Speed 8; Climb 4; Jump 12’/12’ Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’
Carry 300 lb. (max lift 750 lb.) Carry 90 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Bite 7d6 (4d6+5 piercing damage) Rifle 6d6 (3d6 ballistic damage; range 14)
Claw 6d6 (3d6 slashing damage) Skills rifles 3 (d6), pistols 3 (2d6), brawling 3 (2d6), heavy
Skills combat 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6) armor 3 (2d6), medicine 1 (1d6), computers 1 (1d6), hardy
Gear — 3 (2d6), swimming (0d6), carrying 3 (2d6), tactics 3 (2d6),
Pounce. With a single leap, the lion leaps upon its victim, dodging 3 (2d6), swords 3 (2d6), hardy 6 (3d6)
bearing it to the ground and inflicting its claw damage. Gear rifle, pistol, kevlar armor, medkit
The target must be within the lion’s horizontal jump Hunker down. Marines take half damage when in cover.
distance (12’). Protector. Marines can take an attack meant for an adjacent
Roar. Some creatures can unleash a roar so loud that its ally. If the attack hits the ally, the marine takes the
victims are stricken with fear. The lion makes a 4d6 damage instead. If the marine has a shield, the ally also
mental attack at any creature within Burst 7. Victims benefits from the shield’s defense bonus.
successfully attacked are made Afraid. Get on with it. Once per day, marines can pause for two
Pack attack. Lions work together in prides. Any allies actions and recover 2d6 Health.
adjacent to the victim count as flanking, gaining the +1d6
bonus to attack. When 3 or more lions are adjacent to the
victim, the victim becomes overwhelmed at the start of
its turn, and becomes Fatigued.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Ninja Occultist
Medium sentient humanoid (6d6) Medium sentient humanoid (6d6)
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6) Students, researchers, and servants of the dark arts.
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
Melee Defense 24; Ranged Defense 18 CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 6 (3d6)
Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 18 MAG 10 (4d6)
Health 36 Melee Defense 18; Ranged Defense 18
Soak 6; Vuln none Mental Defense 24; Vital Defense 18
Immune none Health 36
Initiative 6d6 Soak 6 (thick robes); Vuln none
Perception 5d6 Immune none
Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 20’/6’ Initiative 5d6
Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.) Perception 5d6
Reach 5 ft. Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 12’/6’
Actions 2 Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Ninjato 6d6 (3d6+3 slashing damage) Reach 5 ft.
Shuriken 5d6 (1d6+1 piercing damage; range 9) Actions 2
Skills hardy 6 (3d6), combat 6 (3d6), perception 3 (2d6), Dagger 5d6 (3d6+3 piercing/poison damage)
movement 3 (2d6), tactics 6 (3d6), stealth 5 (2d6) Skills hardy 6 (3d6), knives 3 (2d6), perception 3 (2d6),
Gear — tactics 3 (2d6), religion 6 (3d6), medicine 3 (2d6), healing
Third attack. If the ninja makes two melee attacks, it gets a 3 (2d6), occult 3 (2d6)
third attack for free. Gear knife, holy symbol
Achilles heel. The ninja can strike a weak point, and bypass Sacrificial cut. An occultist knows how to use a dagger —
Soak once per foe. any hit from the occultist’s dagger automatically causes
Dart in. The ninja can move Speed 6, attack, then move Speed the Bleeding condition.
6 back again once per turn as a single action.
Stealthy. The ninja can make 6d6 stealth checks to remain
effectively invisible, even when there is no cover to hide
Poison. The ninja’s weapon attacks inflict the Poisoned
Smoke bomb. The ninja can throw a smoke bomb, obscuring
an area with a 30’ diameter.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Pugilist Saboteur
Medium sentient humanoid (6d6) Medium sentient humanoid (6d6)
Hardy boxers with a heavy punch. Experts at infiltration and destruction.
STR 10 (4d6) AGI 5 (2d6) END 10 (4d6) STR 4 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6)
INT 3 (2d6) LOG 3 (2d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 10 (4d6) LOG 10 (4d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6) CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6)
Melee Defense 24; Ranged Defense 12 Melee Defense 12; Ranged Defense 18
Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 24 Mental Defense 24; Vital Defense 12
Health 60 Health 18
Soak 12 vs. blunt; Vuln none Soak 3; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 3d6 Initiative 6d6
Perception 3d6 Perception 6d6
Speed 3; Climb 2; Jump 6’/6’ Speed 6; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’
Carry 200 lb. (max lift 500 lb.) Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Boxing 6d6 (2d6+4 blunt damage) Knife 3d6 (2d6+2 piercing damage)
Skills carousing 3 (2d6), sports trivia 3 (2d6), perception Pistol 5d6 (3d6 ballistic damage; range 9)
1 (1d6), hardy 6 (3d6), running 3 (2d6), carrying 3 (2d6), Bomb 5d5 (2d6 heat damage; range 5; burst 2)
reactions 1 (1d6), boxing 3 (2d6) Skills demolitions 6 (3d6), engineering 6 (3d6), zero-g 3
Gear — (2d6), computers 3 (2d6), stealth 6 (3d6), bluffing 3 (2d6),
One-two. Once per round the pugilist may make two boxing climbing 3 (2d6), tactics 3 (2d6), dodging 3 (2d6), pistols 1
attacks with a single action. He cannot add any additional (1d6), disguise 6 (3d6), thievery 6 (3d6)
exploits to this, or benefit from any damage increases. Gear pistol, knife, toolkit, explosives
Knockdown. The pugilist’s target is knocked prone as long Trapsetter. The saboteur can set a proximity explosive in
as it is size medium or smaller. an adjacent square which makes a 6d6 attack doing 3d6
Beat the count. The pugilist gets +1 to all checks to shake off heat/ballistic damage in a 30’ burst when anybody other
a condition. than the saboteur comes within 5’ of it (enters the square,
or an adjacent square). The trap’s difficulty to spot and/or
disable is 24.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Scientist Spy
Medium sentient humanoid (5d6) Medium sentient humanoid (7d6)
Professional practioners of science. Elite secret agents and intelligence officers.
STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 10 (4d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 15 (5d6) LOG 15 (5d6) WIL 10 (4d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6) CHA 15 (5d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 10 (4d6)
Melee Defense 15; Ranged Defense 15 Melee Defense 14; Ranged Defense 21
Mental Defense 20; Vital Defense 10 Mental Defense 28; Vital Defense 14
Health 15 Health 21
Soak 0; Vuln none Soak 4; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 3d6 Initiative 7d6
Perception 5d6 Perception 7d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’ Speed 7; Climb 4; Jump 20’/6’
Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.) Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Brawling 3d6 (1d6+2 blunt damage) Martial arts 4d6 (2d6+3 blunt damage)
Skills law 6 (3d6), chemistry 6 (3d6), history 6 (3d6), Pistol 6d6 (3d6 ballistic damage; range 11)
botany 6 (3d6), negotiation 6 (3d6), perception 3 (2d6), Skills martial arts 1 (1d6), pistols 3 (2d6), perception 3 (2d6),
concentration 6 (3d6), medicine 6 (3d6), astronomy 6 tactics 3 (2d6), bluffing 10 (4d6), disguise 6 (3d6), stealth
(3d6), history 6 (3d6), [scientific] 6 (3d6), computers 6 6 (3d6), computers 3 (2d6)
(3d6), tactics 3 (2d6) Gear —
Gear toolkit, hand scanner Suave. A 5d6 mental attack against a target within 30’
Scientific advice. The scientist can offer advice to another makes the target Charmed.
creature. If the creature can understand the scientist, it Taunt. A 5d6 mental attack against a target within 30’
gains +1d6 to an action defined by the scientist taken on makes the target Angry.
its next turn.
Analytical eye. The scientist can identify a target’s
weakness by spending an action and advising an ally of
that weakness. The ally can completely bypass the Soak
of the target once. The scientist can only perform this
trick once per target.
Electronic attack. Using a hand scanner and a toolkit, the
scientist can cause 1d6 ion damage in a 30’ burst.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Thug Tiger
Medium sentient humanoid (5d6) Large semi-sentient beast (7d6)
Thieves and bullies who prey on the defenseless. Ferocious feline hunters.
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6) STR 15 (5d6) AGI 15 (5d6) END 15 (5d6)
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6) INT 10 (4d6) LOG 1 (1d6) WIL 10 (4d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 1 (1d6) CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 10 (4d6)
Melee Defense 15; Ranged Defense 15 Melee Defense 26; Ranged Defense 17
Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 15 Mental Defense 14; Vital Defense 23
Health 20 Health 42
Soak 5; Vuln none Soak 7; Vuln none
Immune none Immune none
Initiative 4d6 Initiative 7d6
Perception 4d6 Perception 6d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/6’ Speed 7; Climb 4; Jump 30’/15’
Carry 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.) Carry 300 lb. (max lift 750 lb.)
Reach 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Actions 2 Actions 2
Club 4d6 (2d6+3 blunt damage) Claw/bite 7d6 (4d6+5 piercing damage)
Pistol 4d6 (2d6 ballistic damage; range 8) Skills hardy 6 (3d6), combat 6 (3d6), perception 3 (2d6),
Skills pistols 1 (1d6), knives 1 (1d6), carousing 1 (1d6), local reactions 6 (3d6), stealth 4 (2d6), hunting 10 (4d6)
knowledge 1 (1d6), thievery 1 (1d6), running 1 (1d6), dodging Gear—
1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), Pounce. With a single leap, the tiger leaps upon its victim,
Gear pistol, leather vest, knife bearing it to the ground and inflicting its claw damage.
Dive for cover. If a ranged attack misses a thug, they may The target must be within the tiger’s horizontal jump
immediately move half their Speed as a free action and distance (30’).
either throw himself prone or get behind cover if it is in Rake. If the tiger attacks twice with its claws in one round,
range. it gets a third bite attack for free.
Roar. Some creatures can unleash a roar so loud that its
victims are stricken with fear. A roar is a 4d6 mental
attack with Burst 5. Victims successfully attacked are
made Afraid.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Werewolf Wolf
A werewolf uses the statistics of a wolf and a civilian (or Medium semi-sentient beast (4d6)
other humanoid). See the appropriate stat blocks for each. Pack-based animals which cooperate to hunt their prey.
When in wolf form, use the regular wolf statistics with STR 4 (2d6) AGI 8 (4d6) END 3 (2d6)
the following alterations: INT 6 (3d6) LOG 1 (1d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
]] A werewolf can only be harmed by silver weapons. CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 0 (0d6) REP 3 (2d6)
]] Those who receive a critical hit from a werewolf contract Melee Defense 10; Ranged Defense 16
lycanthropy. Mental Defense 12; Vital Defense 12
]] A dose of belladonna (wolfsbane) taken within one hour of Health 12
contracting lycanthropy negates the condition if correctly Soak 2; Vuln none
prepared with a Demanding [21] LOG check. Only one such Immune none
attempt can be made. Initiative 3d6
]] If slain, the werewolf reverts back to its natural humanoid Perception 4d6
form. Speed 8; Climb 4; Jump 8’/8’
Lycanthropy is a disease which is contacted from a bite or Carry 70 lb. (max lift 200 lb.)
other injury caused by a lycanthrope such as a werewolf. Reach 5 ft.
The victim forms an END countdown pool and follows the Actions 2
normal disease process. Bite 4d6 (2d6 piercing damage)
Transmission Scratch or bite Skills tracking 10 (4d6), scent 10 (4d6), running 10 (4d6),
Pool END swimming 4 (2d6), tactics 4 (2d6), combat 5 (2d6)
Interval Daily Gear —
Difficulty Strenuous [21] Pack attack. Wolves work together well. Any wolves
Effect Permanant lycanthope adjacent to the victim count as flanking, gaining the +1d6
Once the lycanthopy becomes permanent, the victim bonus to attack. When 3 or more wolves are adjacent
involuntarily changes form at the next full moon and to the victim, the victim becomes overwhelmed, and is
every full moon thereafter. He or she becomes aggressive rendered Fatigued at the start of its turn.
when in that form. Pounce. The wolf can leap its horizontal Jump distance (8’)
from a standing start when making a bite attack. This
counts as a charge (+1d6 damage) and also knocks the
victim prone on a successful attack.
Appendix B: Monsters & Minions
Worker Zombie
Medium sentient humanoid (5d6) Medium evil non-sentient undead
Farmers, engineers, and other laborers. humanoid (4d6)
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6) Walking corpses who hunger for living flesh.
INT 6 (3d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6) STR 3 (2d6) AGI 3 (2d6) END 3 (2d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 6 (3d6) INT 3 (2d6) LOG 3 (2d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
Melee Defense 15; Ranged Defense 15 CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 3 (2d6)
Mental Defense 20; Vital Defense 10 Melee Defense 12; Ranged Defense 12
Health 15 Mental Defense 16; Vital Defense 12
Soak 0; Vuln none Health 24
Immune none Soak 9 ; Vuln 1d6 holy
Initiative 3d6 Immune Sick, Bleeding, Fatigued
Perception 4d6 Initiative 3d6
Speed 5; Climb 3; Jump 12’/3’ Perception 3d6 ; superior darksight, lifesense
Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.) Speed 4; Climb 2; Jump 6’/3’
Reach 5 ft. Carry 60 lb. (max lift 150 lb.)
Actions 2 Reach 5 ft.
Tool 3d6 (2d6+2 blunt damage) Actions 2
Skills [craft] 3 (2d6), zero-g 3 (2d6), computers 3 (2d6), Bite 3d6 (2d6+2 piercing damage; zombie fever)
hardy 1 (1d6), climbing 3 (2d6), carrying 3 (2d6), brawling 1 Skills scent 6 (3d6)
(1d6), perception 1 (1d6) Gear —
Gear club, tools Zombie fever. Those who suffer a critical hit from a zombie’s
Tools. A worker can use the tools of their trade as weapons bite contract zombie fever. Additionally, any slain by a
with no improvisation penalty. zombie rise one hour later as a zombie themselves.
Worker. The [craft] skill entry above can be replaced with Unstoppable. A zombie keeps going, no matter what. The
engineering, farming, or another hardy occupation to only way to destroy it is to make a Called Shot to the
create a range of workers. head that deals 25% of the zombie’s Health in one attack;
this kills it instantly.
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
This miniature encounter is included to get things off of the ground and move the game forward expediently, possibly as
a starting point for a larger published adventure path or for a campaign designed by the GM. By no means should every
session of N.O.W. begin this way, but an exciting start like the one suggested below is a great way to set the tempo of the game.
This adventure includes a mad scientist, ninjas, zombies, and a car chase. An explosive combination, to be sure!
Why exactly the player characters are gathering together way. Regardless of what you come up with as a group, the
is not pertinent to this scenario. The first operation may player characters begin this adventure gathered in an old
be a heist, resolving a kidnapping, bringing down drug garage in a dilapidated part of town.
lords—so long as it’s exciting, it’s good for N.O.W. After the last party member arrives, give the characters
This adventure is designed to be short and straightfor- some time to palaver with one another, be introduced
ward to run, and very linear in application. We assume (if it's decided some of the characters haven’t met), and
this is your first N.O.W. adventure, but soon you’ll be generally make their first impressions. Before things get
creating more complex, less linear adventures which will tedious, have the characters roll a Routine [10] INT check
thrill your players! to hear the screeching of an armored van making a sliding
In How to Make an Entrance (designed for grade 5 char- turn nearby. Anyone that runs outside to see what it is wit-
acters), an old friend of the player characters (the last nesses the following:
member of the team being gathered together, a fellow
known as Wily Jack) makes a hasty entrance, bringing the The sun blazes high above, and your eyes take a moment
vehicle he promised to provide. Unfortunately, however, to adjust to its too-bright light. When your vision clears,
somebody is right on his tail with intent to kill! This ally you see an armored van careening around the corner—it’s
is already wounded and falls unconscious just as he parks headed straight for the garage!
the armored van. Without unusual aid he dies, but the A middle-aged scarred fellow with lanky blond hair is in
trouble that brought about his end isn’t far behind! the driver’s seat of the van, and you can see several bullet
What’s going on? Wily Jack is fleeing thugs employed holes in its cracked windshield and what appears to be
by a nefarious organization called the Crimson Sparrows. blood spilled around the interior. The vehicle starts to slow
The local branch of the Crimson Sparrows, headed by a bit but the man at the wheel slumps forward over the
Sharona Srafowitz, is a seedy strip club called Cedar’s Pa- wheel, pulling a hard left and slamming the van to a stop
vilion. Sharona has kidnapped a scientist from Chen Zua against a telephone pole just outside the building.
Laboratories called Petra Jasmine, and from whom the
Crimson Sparrows want the formula for a new discovery, Wily Jack (an occultist) is beyond the help of modern
a liquid that turns people into zombies. Wily Jack, who medicine and dies, bleeding out from multiple bullet
had been investigating the Sparrows, infiltrated the club wounds. However, he does manage to gasp out the name
and had become friends with one of the dancers, Mindy, “Mindy!” as he expires.
before he was found out and had to flee. Anyone making a Routine [10] LOG check realizes that
Enemies & foes. Remember that when you see an en- Wily Jack’s wounds are recent, and that whoever attacked
emy mentioned in bold, you should refer to Appendix B, him is probably not far behind. Indeed, less than a minute
Monsters & Minions, for their stats. after the van’s arrival, a jeep drives into view, a tough thug
at the wheel and a wounded heavy gunner hanging out
Getting Started the passenger window.
Decide how the player characters all know one another—
if pregenerated characters aren’t being used, the players Careening around the corner is another vehicle, a beat up
and GM should work together to generate interesting old jeep with a tough looking youth at the wheel. A man in a
backgrounds that link the group to one another in some tattered vest is standing in the passenger seat, reloading a
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
grenade launcher and screaming directions at his compa- Both fight to the death, but afterward there remain clues
triot. The driver’s face tattoo contorts as he shouts back, regarding who’s responsible for their friend’s death:
throwing the wheel in a wild turn that sends their vehicle •• Wily Jack has a book of matches with the words
flipping once before rolling to a stop. Something in the “Cedar’s Pavilion” scribbled on the back. It’s a Diffi-
engine compartment pops and crackles, smoke exploding cult [13] LOG check to recall that this is a seedy strip
from under the hood as the two leap out and take cover bar about five miles away.
behind it. •• The jeep driver has a throwaway cell phone with
only a few calls on it, all to the same number.
Calling this number reaches an answering service
The Van which identifies itself as Cedar’s Pavilion.
A Routine [10] LOG check tells the player characters •• Both gang members have tiny tattoos of crimson
that their new (damaged) vehicle, a 1983 GMC Vandu- sparrows on their wrists. The Crimson Sparrows are
ra Van, is probably hot, and that trying to sell it would a clandestine cult, and it’s unlikely that any PCs will
be unwise at best, because the unique features it be able to make the Severe [29] LOG check to identify
contains make it very distinctive if inspected. the tattoos, but if they do, feel free to tell them about
the organization.
Occupants 5; Speed 10, Accel 2*; Handling 4 •• While they won’t know this yet, “Mindy” is the name
Health 71, Soak 10**; Defense 9 of a worker at Cedar’s Pavilion who will be able to
Upgrades 4 used of 11: short-shift, bulletproof provide the PCs with more information.
windows, hidden compartments.
* Short-shift The van’s short-shift transmission Cedar’s Pavilion
increases its Accel from 1 to 2 At this point the PCs do not know why Wily Jack was killed,
** Bulletproof windows The van’s windows provide and the only clues they have lead to Cedar’s Pavilion, a
ablative Soak 50 to ballistic damage. (This ablative seedy strip bar.
Soak ceases to provide any benefits after negating
50 points of ballistic damage.) The van is also Cedar’s Pavilion is in a rough part of town. As you approach,
immune to windshield hit location damage until the thugs loiter on street corners, and shadows huddle in
ablative Soak is used up. doorways and alleys. The club itself is a large building on
Hidden compartments Weapons and the like can be an intersection, and you can see a pair of burly bouncers at
stored in compartments in the van where they will the large double doorway sheltering from the rain beneath
be missed on a cursory inspection (Difficult [16] a shabby awning.
check to find the contents on a search).
Upgrades The van has used 4 of its 11 upgrade slots, A Difficult [16] INT check from a PC will notice a small
so it has 7 left. red sparrow painted above the door. A similar check will
reveal that the two bouncers have weapons under their
Open Sesame coats, likely pistols and batons from their size.
Locked doors in this adventure require a Difficult [16] Getting in. Allow the PCs to decide how to approach
AGI check to pick the lock. If picking the lock fails, it’s the club. They could go in through the front door, or try
a Difficult [16] STR check to break the door down. to sneak in round the back by heading down a small al-
Generally speaking, when confronted with a diffi- ley and picking the lock with a Difficult [16] AGI check,
culty benchmark for a task, you can safely use that heading through the kitchens, and onto the main floor (if
same benchmark for any other methods the PCs they take this route they will pass the room where Petra
might try to employ. Jasmine the scientist is imprisoned). If they take the easy
route through the front door, they will need to convince
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
the bouncers to let them in with a Difficult [16] CHA check. The most obvious checks to make are AGI (driving)
If for whatever reason a fight breaks out, the two bouncers checks, but encourage the players to think of other checks.
use cop stats. Anybody can make the opposed check, as long as they’ve
People. Inside the club, a mixture of people can be thought of something they could plausibly be doing.
found—civilians, gamblers, thugs, workers, even the oc- While only the driver can make an AGI (driving) check,
casional cutpurse. The club is run by Sharona Serafowitz, another character might make a LOG (navigation) check
a kingpin, and she is protected by a small group of four to try and find a shortcut, or an INT (pistols) check to shoot
ninjas. Locked in a back room, guarded by two thugs, is down an awning, dropping it in the pursuer’s path. Each
a scientist named Petra Jasmine; he has been knocked PC gets one action, whether that be making the opposed
about a bit. Finally, there are half a dozen dancers (work- check or not.
ers with the dancing skill), one of whom is Mindy, Wily The other PCs can do whatever they wish in the mean-
Jack’s girlfriend. time. They can shoot at the pursuers, or think of other
The next part of the adventure is a little freeform, as it’s ways to help. The motorcycles are two Kawasaki ZZR 250s
up to the PCs what they want to do here, and how to go with the following stats:
about it. Mindy will be able to tell them all about the plot
and knows of the scientist; she is scared for her life, how- Occupants 1; Speed 18, Accel 4; Handling 2
ever, and will not participate in a rescue attempt. Health 17, Soak 0; Defense 12
Sharona is on the second floor, and an observant PC
(Difficult [16] INT) will spot her watching the dance floor Note that vehicles add their current speed to their Defense
from a window overlooking the main club hall. She is in scores. Assuming the PCs are fleeing at their maximum
her luxurious office with two of her ninjas; the other two Speed of 10, the motorcycles will be moving at that same
ninjas can be found outside the room in the hallway at speed, making their Defenses 22. They have no Soak, so
the top of the stairs which lead down to a door on bottom it doesn’t take many shots to knock out a bike.
floor (Difficult [16] AGI to pick). If the PCs talk to Mindy for The characters may choose to shoot at the thugs riding
too long, Sharona will notice and send one of her ninjas the bikes instead (two on each). Remember that the rider
to collect Mindy and bring her up to the office. If she does gets either their own Defense or the vehicle’s, whichever
this, Mindy will spill the beans, and the four ninjas will is higher.
converge on the PCs. If the PCs get six opposed check victories before the
Sharona will not join in the combat unless the PCs ac- bikes do, they lose their pursuers in the city streets. If they
tively seeker her out and engage her. With luck, she’ll be kill the pursuers before then, they also escape. If the bikes
left alive as a recurring villain. get six wins first, they shoot out a tire, bringing the van to
a stop, and a conventional fight ensues.
Escape Describing the chase. Each round, describe the
Once they’ve rescued the scientist, the PCs will be pur- scenery to the PCs. This not only makes the chase more
sued through the streets. Presumably they have their new immersive, it gives them opportunity to think of things
van; they will be chased by some villains (two thugs on other than straight AGI (driving) checks to make. Here are
each) on motorcycles. This gives you chance to try out the some districts they might pass through, but feel free to use
chase rules. your imagination:
The chase involves opposed checks. The PCs can make •• Red light district •• Theater district
one opposed check per round, and the first to reach six •• Docks •• Construction site
wins the chase. The motorcycles have an average check of •• City center •• Bridge
16; if you prefer, you can have the PC driver check against •• Shopping district •• Highway
that benchmark rather than taking the time to roll actual •• Financial district •• Suburbs
opposed checks. •• Upmarket residential •• Country/parks
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
Appendix C: How to Make an Entrance
acidic environment......................................................... 162 bounty hunter.................................................................... 39
acrobat................................................................................ 34 bounty hunter, NPC........................................................ 206
actions.............................................................................. 145 boxer................................................................................... 40
actor.................................................................................... 38 Brazilian jujutsu................................................................ 56
advancement................................................................74–75 burglar................................................................................ 40
advancement level...................................................169–170 burning............................................................................. 157
adventure, sample................................................... 225–230 called shots...................................................................... 148
adventures........................................................................194 campaigns................................................................. 194–196
afraid................................................................................. 157 capoeria.............................................................................. 57
age............................................................................15, 68, 75 career(s)...............................................................9, 15, 35–55
Agility................................................................................17 careers, designing........................................................... 185
aikido.................................................................................. 56 Carry................................................................................. 72
aiming.............................................................................. 148 catching a disease........................................................... 156
aiming aids...................................................................... 105 Cedar’s Pavilion............................................................... 226
Alejandra Vanistos ..........................................................199 character creation............................................................. 14
Alpha Squad..............................................................198–203 character creation walkthrough...................................... 15
amazon, NPC................................................................... 204 Charisma............................................................................17
ambush turn.................................................................... 145 charmed........................................................................... 157
ammunition....................................................................... 87 chases............................................................................... 137
angry................................................................................. 157 chef...................................................................................... 40
ape..................................................................................... 204 chemistry......................................................................... 138
archeologist....................................................................... 38 Chen Zua.......................................................................... 230
armor ........................................................................106–109 Chi................................................................. 9, 17, 55, 62–64
armor upgrades........................................................108–109 Chi points........................................................................... 62
armor-piercing................................................................... 87 chosen................................................................................. 22
assassin.............................................................................. 38 civilian, NPC.................................................................... 206
assassin, NPC................................................................... 205 Climb.................................................................................. 71
assisting another character............................................ 135 climbing........................................................................... 146
astronaut............................................................................ 38 cold environment............................................................ 162
astronaut, NPC................................................................ 205 college................................................................................. 41
athlete................................................................................. 38 collisions.......................................................................... 153
atmosphere.......................................................................163 combat.......................................................................144–150
attacks.................................................................. 73, 147–148 combat sequence............................................................. 144
attribute checks.................................................... 9, 131–134 combat, vehicles....................................................... 151–154
attributes...................................................................9, 15, 21 complications.................................................................. 134
augmented......................................................................... 23 computing........................................................................ 139
balancing......................................................................... 146 con artist............................................................................ 41
bartender............................................................................ 39 condition list.............................................................157–158
bases.......................................................................... 194–195 conditions.................................................................156–158
bear....................................................................................211 confused........................................................................... 157
Ben Madjos........................................................................198 constrictor snake............................................................. 207
benchmark............................................................9, 133–134 contests............................................................................. 136
bleeding............................................................................ 157 converting vehicles.................................................. 117–118
blind.................................................................................. 157 cop, NPC........................................................................... 207
boot camp.......................................................................... 39 countdowns..................................................................... 142
bouncer.............................................................................. 39 cover................................................................................. 149
craftsman........................................................................... 41 dual-wielding................................................................... 148
crimson sparrows.............................................................179 Duke Roosevelt................................................................ 200
critical hits....................................................................... 155 eagle.................................................................................... 35
critical successes............................................................. 134 earthquake........................................................................163
crocodile.......................................................................... 208 eastern weapons.......................................................... 89–91
crossfire............................................................................ 150 elephant............................................................................ 209
cultist.................................................................................. 42 encounter difficulty.......................................................... 75
curing diseases................................................................ 159 Endurance.........................................................................17
currency............................................................................. 79 engineer.............................................................................. 44
customizing armor...................................................108–109 environment.............................................................162–164
customizing vehicles...............................................118–123 equipment quality............................................... 79–80, 132
customizing weapons..............................................105–106 equipment, general......................................................81–83
cutpurse, NPC.................................................................. 208 equipment, improvised.................................................. 132
cybernetics................................................................... 30–33 Eternal Senpai................................................................. 201
d6........................................................................................... 9 ethnicity............................................................................. 21
d66......................................................................................... 9 events.................................................................................196
daichin (warrior) stance................................................... 62 experience points................................................... 10, 74–75
damage types..................................................................... 85 experiment......................................................................... 34
dark crusader..................................................................... 42 exploits............................................................................... 10
darkness........................................................................... 150 exploits, universal....................................................... 65–67
dazed................................................................................ 157 exploits, western...............................................................101
deaf................................................................................... 157 explosives expert............................................................... 44
DEFENSES.................................................................... 72–73 extended tasks..........................................................135–136
defensive skills.................................................................. 73 facilities.............................................................................. 81
derived statistics...........................................................71–73 facing................................................................................ 150
descriptor......................................................................10, 15 falling................................................................................ 146
designing careers............................................................ 185 farmhand........................................................................... 34
designing heritages..................................................179–184 fatigued............................................................................. 158
designing NPCs & monsters....................................186–193 feinting............................................................................. 148
detective............................................................................. 42 firearms....................................................................... 91–106
dhampir............................................................................ 184 firearms terminology........................................................ 92
dice pool......................................................................10, 132 firearms, modern........................................................ 93–97
die bonus/penalty......................................................10, 134 firearms, western.......................................................99–104
difficult terrain.........................................................146, 163 firearms, World War II................................................ 97–99
difficulty benchmark...........................................9, 133–134 firefighter............................................................................ 45
dim light............................................................................163 fireproofed........................................................................161
diplomat............................................................................. 43 flanking............................................................................ 150
disarmed.......................................................................... 157 food................................................................................... 124
disarmored....................................................................... 157 forgetful............................................................................ 158
diseases.....................................................................156–160 functionary, NPC..............................................................210
diver.................................................................................... 43 gadgets.......................................................................124–127
dog..................................................................................... 209 gambler............................................................................... 45
downed............................................................................. 157 game master....................................................................... 10
drifter.................................................................................. 43 gangster.............................................................................. 45
driver.................................................................................. 43 gear, general..................................................................81–83
drunk................................................................................ 157 geek..................................................................................... 34
gender................................................................................. 21 jumping............................................................................ 146
genre..........................................................................169–170 karate.................................................................................. 58
gexing (heart) stance........................................................ 64 kingpin, NPC................................................................... 214
GM....................................................................................... 10 krav maga........................................................................... 59
grade..............................................................................10, 18 kremlin beast................................................................... 214
grey....................................................................................210 kung fu................................................................................ 59
grizzly bear.......................................................................211 laborer................................................................................ 46
group checks.................................................................... 133 Lady Anarchy................................................................... 202
guerilla fighter................................................................... 45 lawyer................................................................................. 47
gun fu.................................................................................. 57 leadership......................................................................... 143
gun kata.............................................................................. 58 lightning stance................................................................. 63
hacker................................................................................. 46 lion.................................................................................... 214
healing ............................................................................. 155 locations............................................................................195
Health........................................................................71, 155 Logic...................................................................................17
health, recovering........................................................... 155 Luck..................................................................... 17, 143–144
heart stance....................................................................... 64 Luck pool......................................................................... 143
heavy gunner..................................................................... 46 ma-eum (mind) stance..................................................... 64
heavy gunner, NPC..........................................................211 Mack Marlowe................................................................. 203
heavyweight, NPC........................................................... 212 magic.................................................................................. 42
heritage....................................................................10, 20–23 manic................................................................................ 158
heritage, designing...................................................179–184 marine, NPC.................................................................... 215
higher ground.................................................................. 149 martial artist...................................................................... 34
hin (mountain) stance...................................................... 62 martial artist, NPC...........................................................216
HK-1000............................................................................ 212 martial arts.............................................................55, 56–61
hollow point....................................................................... 87 maximum dice pool........................................................ 132
hook.................................................................................... 15 MDP.................................................................................. 132
hot environment...............................................................163 medic.................................................................................. 47
how to make an entrance....................................... 225–230 medic, NPC.......................................................................216
humans............................................................................... 21 medicine........................................................................... 140
hunter-killer..................................................................... 212 Melee Defense........................................................... 72–73
hustling............................................................................ 146 melee weapons.............................................................87–91
illness.........................................................................156–160 Mental Defense........................................................ 72–73
improvised equipment................................................... 132 milestones.......................................................................... 75
incremental advances...................................................... 75 military brat....................................................................... 35
index................................................................................. 231 mind stance....................................................................... 64
indirect skills................................................................... 133 miner.................................................................................. 48
industrial robot................................................................ 213 money......................................................................73, 78–79
infiltrator............................................................................ 46 monsters & minions................................................ 204–224
Initiative.................................................................. 72, 144 monsters, designing.................................................186–193
injury & death...........................................................155–158 moon stance....................................................................... 73
insect swarm.................................................................... 213 mountain stance............................................................... 62
interrogations.................................................................. 139 mounted weapons....................................................122–123
Intuition............................................................................17 movement........................................................................ 146
jock...................................................................................... 34 movement, vehicle.......................................................... 151
jujutsu................................................................................. 58 muay thai........................................................................... 59
Jump.................................................................................... 72 mutant................................................................................ 23
mutations..................................................................... 24–29 replenishing Luck........................................................... 143
nerd..................................................................................... 35 reporter............................................................................... 50
ninja.................................................................................... 48 Reputation........................................................................17
ninja, NPC.........................................................................217 resistance........................................................................... 84
non-player character........................................................ 10 restrained......................................................................... 158
northern shaolin............................................................... 60 river stance......................................................................... 64
novice................................................................................. 35 robot, industrial.............................................................. 213
NPC..................................................................................... 10 rubber bullets.................................................................... 87
NPCs......................................................................... 204–224 saboteur, NPC.................................................................. 218
NPCs, designing.......................................................186–193 sailor................................................................................... 51
objects........................................................................ 161–162 salaries................................................................................ 79
obscured....................................................................150, 163 savate.................................................................................. 60
occult ................................................................................. 42 school of mutants.............................................................. 29
occultist, NPC...................................................................217 scientist.............................................................................. 51
opposed checks............................................................... 134 scientist, NPC....................................................................219
organizations............................................................ 174–179 scion.................................................................................... 35
origins........................................................................... 34–35 scout...............................................................................35, 51
orphan................................................................................ 35 selling gear......................................................................... 81
overwatch......................................................................... 148 sensei.................................................................................. 52
pained............................................................................... 158 services............................................................................. 124
pankration......................................................................... 60 setting................................................................................... 9
performer........................................................................... 48 settings............................................................................. 169
persistent conditions...................................................... 156 settlements................................................................ 170–174
phanyu (lightning) stance............................................... 63 shaking off conditions ................................................... 156
pilot..................................................................................... 49 shields............................................................................... 109
pinned down.................................................................... 150 shields, attacking with.................................................... 109
placid................................................................................ 158 shooting into melee......................................................... 150
poisoned........................................................................... 158 sick.................................................................................... 158
police officer...................................................................... 49 sifu...................................................................................... 52
politician............................................................................ 49 size, weapons..................................................................... 88
positional effects......................................................149–150 skill levels........................................................................... 20
priest................................................................................... 50 skill notation...................................................................... 20
prisoner.............................................................................. 50 skills ........................................................................11, 18–20
private eye.......................................................................... 50 sleeping............................................................................ 158
prone target...................................................................... 150 slippery environment......................................................163
pugilist, NPC.................................................................... 218 slowed............................................................................... 158
quality, equipment.............................................. 79–80, 132 smoky.................................................................................163
races.................................................................................. 137 smuggler............................................................................. 52
radioactive environment.................................................163 snake, constrictor............................................................ 207
rain.....................................................................................163 sniper.................................................................................. 52
range................................................................................. 149 snow...................................................................................163
Ranged Defense........................................................ 72–73 Soak.................................................................................... 84
recovering health............................................................ 155 soldier................................................................................. 52
reinforced objects............................................................161 southern shaolin............................................................... 61
reloading............................................................................ 87 special ammunition.......................................................... 87
removing conditions....................................................... 156
Speed.................................................................................. 71 upgrading vehicles...................................................118–123
spinning out..................................................................... 154 vacuum..............................................................................163
spy....................................................................................... 53 vampire............................................................................ 222
spy, NPC............................................................................219 vampire slayer................................................................. 186
stances................................................................................ 62 vehicle combat.......................................................... 151–154
starting money................................................................... 73 vehicle movement........................................................... 151
street tough........................................................................ 35 vehicle turning................................................................ 151
Strength............................................................................17 vehicle weapons.......................................................122–123
student................................................................................ 53 vehicle weapons, firing................................................... 153
stunt areas........................................................................ 165 vehicles......................................................................110–123
stuntman............................................................................ 54 vehicles and bases.................................................... 194–195
stunts, vehicle.................................................................. 154 vehicles, converting................................................. 117–118
sun stance.......................................................................... 63 vehicles, upgrading..................................................118–123
survivalist........................................................................... 54 vigilante.............................................................................. 55
survivor.............................................................................. 35 Vital Defense............................................................. 72–73
surya (sun) stance............................................................. 63 vulnerability...................................................................... 84
Swim................................................................................... 71 walkthrough...................................................................... 14
tailing................................................................................ 141 warrior stance.................................................................... 62
teacher................................................................................ 54 warrior-monk..................................................................... 55
termors..............................................................................163 wealth......................................................................73, 78–79
theater of the mind.......................................................... 164 weapon size........................................................................ 88
thick atmosphere..............................................................163 weapon traits............................................................... 86–87
thin atmosphere...............................................................163 weapon upgrades.....................................................105–106
thug, NPC......................................................................... 220 weapons.......................................................................84–106
tiger................................................................................... 220 weapons, archaic............................................................... 89
toka (stone) stance............................................................. 63 weapons, eastern......................................................... 89–91
tone..................................................................................... 11 weapons, firearms...................................................... 91–106
tracers................................................................................. 87 weapons, martial arts................................................. 89–91
tracking............................................................................ 141 weapons, melee............................................................87–91
trader.................................................................................. 54 weapons, mounted...................................................122–123
trait...................................................................................... 15 weapons, vehicle......................................................122–123
traits.............................................................................. 69–71 weifeng (wind) stance....................................................... 63
traits, weapons............................................................ 86–87 werewolf........................................................................... 223
traveler................................................................................ 35 wet environment..............................................................163
treating a disease............................................................ 156 Willpower.........................................................................17
turning, vehicles.............................................................. 151 Wily Jack........................................................................... 225
turns................................................................................. 145 wind stance........................................................................ 63
tyrannosaurus rex........................................................... 221 windy environment..........................................................163
umfula (river) stance........................................................ 64 wolf.................................................................................... 223
undead hunter, NPC....................................................... 221 worker, NPC..................................................................... 224
underwater........................................................................163 worldbuilding.................................................................. 168
universal exploits........................................................ 65–67 XP............................................................................. 10, 74–75
upgrades, weapons..................................................105–106 yueliang (moon) stance.................................................... 73
upgrading armor......................................................108–109 zombie.............................................................................. 224
d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6
d6 d6 d6 d6 d6
d6 d6 d6 d6 d6
d6 d6 d6 d6 d6
Aim or Feint