1 Shear fb73
1 Shear fb73
1 Shear fb73
is necessary to reliably estimate the shear strength of beams BASIC SHEAR TRANSFER MECHANISMS
made with high-strength concrete. Moreover, because of the For slender beams where a/d is greater than 2.0 ~ 3.0, the
shear force in a cracked section of a reinforced concrete
wider range of concrete strength used, more accurate predic-
beam is mainly resisted by the shear resistance of com-
tions of shear strength of reinforced concrete members are
pression zone, interlocking action of aggregates, and dowel
required. action, as shown in Fig. 2. For rectangular beams, after an in-
The shear failure of reinforced concrete beams without clined crack has formed, the proportion of the shear force
web reinforcement has been known to be a typical case of transferred by the various mechanisms is as follows: 8 20 to
brittle failure and indicates significant size effect. In 1981, 40 percent by the uncracked concrete of compression zone;
Reinhardt1 introduced fracture mechanics in the prediction 33 to 50 percent by interlocking action of aggregates; and 15
of shear strength. He analyzed limited test data for shear fail- to 25 percent by dowel action. Meanwhile, in a relatively
ure based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. Subsequently, short beam, the load is transferred directly from the loading
points to supports owing to arch action.
it was established that the size effect implied by linear elastic
fracture mechanics is too strong in the case of concrete, and
Shear resistance of uncracked concrete
that brittle failures of concrete structures are better described In a reinforced concrete beam, after the development of
by nonlinear fracture mechanics. Meanwhile, a simple and flexural cracks, a certain amount of shear is carried by the
approximate size effect law on the basis of nonlinear fracture concrete in the compression zone. It is clear that the shear
mechanics was proposed by Bazant.2 Several studies3-6 have failure in the uncracked concrete is recognized as the failure
shown that Bazant’s size effect law is in good agreement under combined compression and shear9 and the area of un-
with test results. However, there is some discrepancy be- cracked zone. The position of the neutral axis in a beam after
tween the prediction by Bazant’s law and the test data, par- flexural cracking is mainly dependent on the elastic modulus
of concrete and the longitudinal steel ratio because elastic
ticularly for large-sized specimens. Recently, Kim and Eo 7
modulus of steel is nearly constant. Therefore, the shear
proposed a modified Bazant’s size effect law to reduce the
force carried by the uncracked concrete in the compression
discrepancy. zone can be represented by the compressive strength of con-
In the present study, a simple and accurate equation pre- crete and the longitudinal steel ratio, since the concrete
dicting the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with- strength in the biaxial state and elastic modulus of concrete
out web reinforcement is proposed based on basic is the function of the compressive strength of concrete.
mechanisms of shear transfer and a modified Bazant’s size
effect law deduced by Kim and Eo, and it was verified by the Interlocking action of aggregates
Previous experimental studies8-10 have shown that a large
published test data. In addition, a simplified equation is also
portion of the total shear force on the beam without web re-
proposed for practical design purposes. These equations that
inforcement is carried across the cracks by aggregate inter-
include the effects of all the factors previously mentioned are locking. Among many variables, the width of the crack and
supported by test results and are compared with other pre- the concrete strength are likely to be the most important factors.
diction equations for the shear strength of beams without Since the flexural crack width is approximately propor-
web reinforcement. tional to the strain of tension reinforcement, the crack width
at failure becomes smaller as the longitudinal steel ratio is in-
creased. Also, with increasing a/d, the strain of tension rein-
forcement at failure is increased. Meanwhile, it is naturally
expected that the interlocking force will be increased when
the strength of concrete is high.
Dowel action
When shear displacement occurs along the cracks, a cer-
tain amount of shear force is transferred by means of dowel
action of the longitudinal bars. Although there is some con-
tribution in dowel action by the number and arrangement of
Fig. 2—Shear transfer mechanisms of slender beams longitudinal bars, spacing of flexural cracks, and the amount
2 2 1⁄2
k = ( n ρ + 2 nρ ) – nρ (2)
k = c2 ( nρ ) (3)
in which c2 and m are certain constants. Within the practical Fig. 3—Comparison of two equations on neutral axis
range, i.e., 5 ≤ n ≤ 10 and 0.005 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.05; consequently,
0.025 ≤ nρ ≤ 0.5. These constants can be chosen so that the
values given by Eq. (2) and (3) are almost undistinguishable.
Fig. 3 shows the optimum values of c2 and m.
The elastic modulus of normal-weight concrete can be rep-
resented as
E c = c3 ( f c′ ) (4)
( l – 0.18) 0.36
V c = c5 ( fc′ ) ρ bd (5)
V d = c 9 b c t d b ft′ (11) s t
V u = c11 ( fc′ ) ρ [ c 12 + ( d ⁄ a ) ]bd (15)
in which c9 is a certain constant, d b is diameter of the bar, and in which c11 , c12 , s, and t are certain constants. Because the
b ct is net width of the section (= b - qdb , q being the number term [c12 + (d/a )1/3] can be replaced by [c13 + c14( d/a )] with-
of bars). Eq. (11) can only be used when the number and di- out a large difference (in which c13 and c14 are certain con-
ameter of the bar are known. Assuming the number of the bar stants), as shown in Fig. 5, the shear capacity of reinforced
is not changed, the dowel force can be expressed approxi- concrete beams with constant effective depth can be ex-
mately by more general terms ρ as follows pressed as
s t
V d = c 10 ( f ′c ) ρ b d
(12) Vu = c 15 ( fc′ ) ρ ( c 16 + d ⁄ a )bd (16)
in which c10 is some constant and r, varying from 0.3 to 0.5 in which c15 and c16 are certain constants.
in a practical range, is a parameter that is dependent on spac- To reduce the discrepancy between the prediction by
ing of the reinforcement. Bazant’s size effect law and the experimental data, especial-
ly for very large-sized specimens, Kim and Eo7 recently sug-
gested a modified Bazant's size effect law based on the
concept of dissimilar initial cracks. The formula is as follows
k 1 σr
σN = ------------------------------ + k 2 σr (17)
1 ⁄2
( 1 + k3 β )
( ft′ ) D
β = ---------------- (18)
E c Gf
in which
in which k4 is an empirical constant. Eq. (16) does not take
into account the size effect. According to Eq. (19), we fi-
nally obtain λ ( d ) = ------------------------------ + 0.18
1 + 0.008d
in which α = 1 for a/d ≥ 3.0 and 2 - (a/d)/3 for 1.0 ≤ a/d < 3.0.
Fig. 10 shows the comparison of results obtained from This equation is shown by the straight line in Fig. 11. As
the original equation and the simplified equation. As shown, only a few data points lie below the equation, and
shown in the figure, the simplified equation has nearly no data points fall significantly below this equation.
Fig. 9—Comparison of various equations with increasing a/d (a/d < 3.0)
aeff = effective length of shear span
As = area of tension reinforcement
a/d = shear span-to-depth ratio
b = width of beam
bct = net width of beam section
c1 , c2, ..., c1 7 = constants
D = characteristic size of structure
d = effective depth of beam
da = maximum aggregate size
db = diameter of reinforcing bar
Ec = elastic modulus of concrete
Es = elastic modulus of steel
f ′c = compressive strength of concrete
f t′ = tensile strength of concrete
Gf = fracture energy
jd = internal lever arm
k 1 , k 2, ..., k 7 = constants
kd = neutral axis depth
l, m, p, s, t = constants
Mu = ultimate moment
n = ratio of elastic moduli of steel and concrete
scr = spacing of primary cracks Fig. 11—Comparison between experimental data and calcu-
Va = shear force carried by aggregate interlock lated values by using design equation