Railway Unit
Railway Unit
Railway Unit
Transportation is regarded as an index of
economic, social and commercial progress of a
An adequate transportation is indispensable for
economic and social progress of nation and the
world as a whole.
Land, water and air have been used by mankind
for developing the transport modes like Railways,
Highways, Waterways.
Classification of Transportation
B.H rails require additional cost of iron chairs.
These rails require heavy maintenance cost.
It has less strength and stiffness.
3. Flat Footed Rails :
The rails sections having their foot rolled to flat are called flat footed or Vignole’s rails.
Initially thought that the flat footed rails could fixed directly to wooden sleepers and
would eliminate chairs and keys required for the B.H rails.
Heavy train loads caused the foot of the rail to sink onto the sleepers and making the
spikes loose.
Steel bearing plates were used in b/w flat footed rails.
Have more strength & stiffness
Require less no. of fastenings.
Maintenance cost is less.
These rails are not easily removed & renewal of track becomes difficult.
Difficult to manufacture points and crossings.
Fittings get loosened easily.
Length of Rails
According to materials:
Wooden sleepers
Metal sleepers cast iron sleepers, steel sleepers.
RCC sleepers
Pre-stressed concrete sleepers.
Wooden Sleepers
Satisfy all the requirements and suitable for track circuiting.
Life of wooden sleepers depends on their ability to resist wear, attack by
white ants and quality of timber used.
Sal, teak, deodar & chair wood.
B.G 2740 x 250 x 130 mm
M.G 1830 x 203 x 114 mm
N.G 1520 x 150 x 100 mm
Steel Sleepers
Key type steel sleepers
Clip and bolt type steel sleepers
Cast Iron Sleepers
These are made of cast iron.
1. Pot or bowl sleepers
2. Plate sleepers
3. Box sleepers
4. CST-9 sleepers
5. Duplex sleepers
Life is more.
Maintenance cost is low
More ballast is required than any other type
no. of fittings required is more
Liable to break
Not suitable for all type of ballast
RCC Sleepers
Have long life - 40 to 60 years
Free from natural decay & attack of insects
Require less fittings
Provide more lateral and longitudinal rigidity as compared
to others
Maintenance cost is low.
Sleeper Density
The space b/w two adjacent sleepers determine the
effective span of the rail over the sleepers.
The spacing of sleepers in a track depends on the axle
load which the track is expected to carry lateral thrust of
locomotives to which it is subjected.
It’s the no. of sleepers per rail length and it is specified as
(M + x or N + x), where M length of rail in m, x is a
number, varying acc to foll factors fixed by Railway board
for various axle loads.
Methods of providing rail joints
Speed of trains
Max axle load expected on track.
It is the granular material usually broken stone or brick,
shingle or kankar, gravel or sand placed & packed below &
around the sleepers to transmit the load from sleepers to
formation and also for drainage.
Details of Ballast Sections:
Dimensions BG MG NG
Human Resources
Agricultural & mineral resources
Pattern of trade & commerce
Industries located & projected
Prospects of tourist traffic.
Existing transport facilities
Locations of important govt & private offices.
Reconnaissance Survey
Survey consists of a rapid & rough investigations
of the area with a view to determine technical
feasibility of proposal & rough cost of a new line.
It is based on controlled survey maps and other
data already available without any detailed
investigations in the field.
General topography is studied by the survey team
and field data are collected.
Survey Instruments
To measure approximate distance & heights:
Instruments Purpose
Prismatic compass To get magnetic bearing of proposed
Aneroid barometer To ensure relative heights of various
Abney level or Clinometer To measure the gradients or angles of
Binocular To view physical features
Pedometer To get an idea of total length
traversed while walking
Modern Surveying Instruments
Using Infra Red beams, LASER beams, computers.
EDM Electromagnetic Distance Measurement
EDM rapidly & automatically measures both
horizontal & vertical distances.
Readings are displayed on built in computer.
Geodimeter & Tellurimeter – upto 80 km during
day or night.
Laser – Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation
Low diversion – used for alignment purposes.
Invisible line of sight in ordinary survey
instrument is replaced by bright red beam of the
Distances up to 70 km can be measured.
For short distances Infra Red beams are
Field Data – During Reconnaissance
1. General topography of the country
2. Approx height of different points falling on the
3. Position of rivers, streams and some hydrological
4. Positions of roads and highways.
5. Nature of soil
6. Rough location of various sites
7. Controlling points on alignment.
8. Facilities for construction.
Preliminary Survey
Consists of a detailed instrumental examination of the
route, selected from reconnaissance survey in order to
estimate the cost of proposed line.
Theodolite – traversing & pegging the centre line.
Tacheometer – plotting the main features
Dumpy level – taking longitudinal & c/s levels.
Plane table – getting details of various features
Prismatic compass – measuring magnetic bearing.
1. Geological info – soil strata, sand, aggregates, brick,
cement & timber
2. Source of availability of construction materials
3. Availability of labour & drinking water
4. Full details of land & building acquired.
5. Details of existing bridges & culverts
6. Details of road crossings / level crossings.
7. H.F.L & low water level of all rivers, streams.
8. Full details of station sites.
Final Location Survey
It is done to prepare working details & make accurate cost
Works on the principle of time taken for electromagnetic
waves to travel between the given origin and destination.
Typical EDM equipment can measure a distance up to 5 – 10
km with an accuracy of one to two cm.
Total Station
Works on same principle as that of EDM. TS measures
distances and angles with very great accuracy.
TS can provide angle measurement with a least
count of one second (1/3600th of a degree). They
also provide with software for automatic recording
and printing of measurements.
TS can provide angle measurement simultaneous
provide horn and vertical angle measurement. This
reduces human intervention and elimination human
Geometric Design of Track
Geometric design should be such as to provide maximum
efficiency in the traffic operation with maximum safety at
reasonable cost.
Gradient :
It is the rate of rise or fall of the track. Expressed in V:H
Purpose of providing gradient:
To provide uniform rate of rise or fall,
To reduce cost of earth work,
To reach different stations at different level.
Types of Gradient
d = 13(B+L)2 / R
B = rigid wheel base in m
B=6 B.G, B=4.88 m M.G
R = radius of the curve in m
L = lap flange, L = 0.02 √(h2 + Dh)
Track Stress
A railway track is a composite structure which consists of
rails, sleepers, sleeper-fastenings and ballast and finally
vests on the sub grade.
Each element of the railway track is subjected to a
repeatedly applied deflecting and bending loads as wheels
of train pass.
Track Modulus, μ : track modulus is an index for stiffness
of track & is defined as load per unit length of the rail
required to produce a unit depression in the track.
Depends upon the gauge, type of rails, density of
sleepers, ballast & sub grade.
Initial load of about 4 tonnes results in greater initial
deflection which causes gap b/w rail and sleeper, b/w
sleeper and ballast and voids in ballast depending upon
track maintenance. This modulus in initial range is called
Load beyond 4 tonnes is in elastic range it is called EM.
Two types
Stud switch
noseparate tongue rail is provided and some portion of
the track is moved from one side to the other side
Split switch
These consist of a pair of stock rails and a pair of tongue
These are 2 types
loose heel type
Fixed heel type
Loose heel type:
In this type of split switch, the switch or tongue rail
finishes at the heel of the switch to enable movement of
the free end of the tongue rail.
The fish plates holding the tongue rail may be straight or
slightly bent.
The tongue rail is fastened to the stock rail with the help
of a fishing fit block and four bolts.
The fish bolts in the lead rail are tightened while those in
the tongue rail are kept loose or snug to allow free
movement of the tongue
As the discontinuity of the track at the heel is a weakness
in the structure, the use of these switches is not
Fixed heel type: