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Tower Location No. 48, 48b . 50. 52.

Critical Borehole - 48

1) Pile design and construction practice By M.J. Tomlinson

2) Soil Investigation Report B
3) IEEE-691-2001
4) SES-P-119.18


Concrete Compressive Strength @ 28 days, f'c [MPa] 28 As per PTS Cl: 2.02 A
Unit Wt. of Concrete [kN/M3] , gc 24

Minimum Conc. Cover at Top, Bott. & Sides of Pier [mm] 75 As per PTS Cl: 2.02 (C)
Top of Concrete above Finish Grade [m], E 0.60 m
Effective Unit Wt. of Concrete [kN/m3], (γc)   24
STEEL Minimum Bar Size for Long. Reinf. [mm] 20
Yield Strength of Steel, fy [MPa] 420
Minimum Bar Size for Ties [mm] 10
UCS Unit Wt. Skin Friction Frustum
Layer # Depth f C CA Average KS Ka Kp
quc gs Angle Angle

m Degree KN/m2 RQD (%) MN/m2 KN/m3
(d = 3/4 f) Deg q

Below GWL 30.00 16.00 22.00 0.33 3.00

30.00 1.00
Above GWL 31.00 17.00 23.00 0.32 3.12
1 3.00 34.00 0 0 0 0.00 16.79 25.5° 29° 1 0.32 3.12
2 6.00 32.00 0 0 0 0.00 18.07 24° 27° 1 0.32 3.12
3 10.00 30.00 0.014 0 0 0.00 18.36 22.5° 25° 1 0.33 3.00
4 15.00 30.00 0.014 0 0 0.00 1.36 22.5° 25° 1 0.33 3.00

Surcharge Pressure at G.L. = 0.3 x 24 = 7.2 kN/m2 {Due to Structure Pad with Thickness = 300 mm
Water Table below Gr. Lev. "Dw"= 0.15 m {Ground Water Level considered 1 m higher than as given in Soil Report.

B. LOADS ON PIER FOUNDATION (Applied at Top of Concrete Level) - REFER ANNEXURE

Tower Type tt From super str. Factored ( 2.00 )
[Total F.O.S considered= 2]
Maximum Compressive Load 627.84 kN. 1255.68 kN.
Maximum Uplift Load 343.35 kN. 686.70 kN.
Resultant Lateral Load (Shear), Fh 142.25 kN. 284.49 kN.
Maximum External Moment 0.0 kN-M. 0.0 kN.-M.
Assumed Dia of Drilled Pier "b" = 1.00 m D1 = 10.000 m
Depth of Top Soil whose strength to be ignored, E1 = 1.00 m D2 = 0.00 m {E1 as per PTS Cl 1.16-D-4 pg 23/53

Density of Soil, gs = 17.00 KN/m³ D3 = 0.00 m B

Density of Soil below GWL,(γs)   = 16.00 KN/m³ B = 1.00 m
E = 0.75 m

Width of soil frustum cone failure in ground, B2 = B+2 tanq (D1+D2-E1)

= 1+ 2 x TAN(30)x(10+0-1) = 11.39 m

Width of soil frustum cone failure at GWL, B2w = B+2 tanq (D1+D2-Dw) = 12.37 m
Soil Depth, D = D1+D2+D3 = 10.00 m

V1 = 0.589 m3
Vw = 7.736 m3 V2 = 0.118 m3
Volume of concrete below GWL V3 = 0.000 m3
V4 = 0.000 m3 B2
Total Volume of Concrete above GWL, Vc = V1+V2+V3+V4 = 0.707 m3 8.44
Total Volume of Soil below GWL, Vsw = p/12x(D 1
+D 2
-Dw)x[B2+B2w2+(BxB2w)]-(Vw) = 421.33 m3
Total Volume of Soil, Vs = p/12x(D1+D2-E1)x[B2+B22+(BxB2)]-(V2+V3) -{Vsw}
= 3.142/12x(10+0-1)x(1^2+11.39^2+(1x11.39))-(0.118+0)- 421.33 = -86.58 m3
Weight of Concrete below GWL, Ww = 14x7.736 = 108.30
Weight of Concrete, Wc = {24x0.707}+{14x7.736} = 125.27 KN
Weight of Soil, Ws = (-86.58x17) + (421.33x16) = 5269.42 KN
Total Weight = Wc + Ws = 5394.692 > 686.7………..Hence Safe.

Weight of Concrete stragiht shaft = Eq 75 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

= 125.27 KN

Weight of soil cone, Qsw = Eq 76 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

= 5440.73 KN 1m of soil ignored as per PTS Clause 3 pg 55/85.

Total weight, Qu= = 5566.01 KN Eq 74 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

= 5566.01 >686.7 ………Hence Safe


Drained Condition - Non Cohesive soil/Granular soil

Ultimate Uplift Capacity = Eq 82 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

Skin Resistance of straight shaft = Eq 83 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

=> (Qsu)   = K σv .tan 〖 δ . Ap 〗

Undrained Condition - Cohesive Soil

Ultimate Uplift Capacity = Eq 79 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

Skin Resistance of straight shaft = Eq 80 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

under undrained condition

a = adhesion factor. As per Graph recommended by Soil Invetigation agency
(Ref: Fig 16-14 : Book "Foundation Design by J E Bowles"
su = undrained shear strength of soil. Su = C

Rock Layer

Skin Resistance of shaft in Rock (kN) = fs= αβq  uc (π. B. Rock Layer depth . 1000) Eq 4.25 page 145: Book by Tomlinson .

a = Reduction factor related to Unconfined Compression Strength "quc". Fig 4.38 page 144: Book by Tomlinson .

j = Mass factor "j". As per Table on page 145: Book by Tomlinson .

b = Correction factor related to Mass factor "j". Fig 4.39 page 145: Book by Tomlinson .

Layerwise Calculation for Uplift Resistance is as follows: 1m of soil ignored as per PTS Clause 3 pg 55/85.

D-(E1) RQD UCS (quc) Reduction Su Adhesion (Qsu+(Qsu)    ) or  fs

Mass Factor
Layer Factor
"j" "b" Factor (γs)   D σv=(γs)   D
(m) (%) (MN/m2) "a" (kPa) "a" (kN)
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 0.15 2.70 1.35 0.27
2 4.85 77.60 41.50 268.41
3 3.00 48.00 104.30 397.16
4 1.00 16.00 136.30 173.00
Skin Resistance of shaft in Rock , "fs"= 0.00 KN Total Skin Resistance = SQsu = 838.84

Weight of Concrete stragiht shaft, W = Eq 75 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

= 125.27 KN

Ultimate Uplift Capacity = Eq 79 or 82 as per IEEE Std 691-2001 .

= 838.84+125.272
= 964.11 KN

=> 964.1 > 686.7 ………Hence Safe

Penetration into Rocky Strata : Keeping 1m for site uncertainity and remaining for Rock strata embedment.
Reduction in Rock Socket bond strength: a- Rock strength ignored upto 500mm depth.
UCS - Reduced by 30%.
According to Broms Equation, Eq 6.2, pg228 by Tomlinson
Lateral resistance, Fh = 0.5 x b x (D - E1 )3 x Kp x gs / (E + D) {If No Water Table

= 0.5 x b x [(Kp x gs (Dw- E1 )3)+(Kpw x gsw (D - Dw )3)] / (E + D) {With Water Table

= 0.5 x 1 x ( 10 - 1 )³ x 3.12 x 17 / (0.75 + 10 )

= 2132.08 > 284.49 KN………..Hence Safe. Check Ignored. Please refer to Brinch & Hanson
approach given in subsequent page.


Overturning Moment, Mo = Fh x ( E + D)
= 284.49 x ( 0.75 + 10 ) = 3058.27 KN-m

Resistant Moment, Mr = 0.5 x b x ( D - 0.3 )3 x Kp x gs {If No Water Table

= 0.5 x b x [(( Dw-E1- 0.3 )3 x Kp x gs)+(( D-Dw- 0.3 )3 x Kpw x gsw)] {With Water Table

= 0.5 x 1 x (10 - 0.3)³ x 3.12 x 17 = 20863.28 KN-m

= 20863.28 > 3058.27 KN………..Hence Safe. Check Ignored. Please refer to Brinch & Hanson
approach given in subsequent page.


{As per Vesic: IEEE Std 691-2001, page 123}
End Bearing Resistance = At x so' x Ns = ( p / 4 x B2) x (gs x D ) x Ns Ns = As per Soil
= (3.1416 / 4 x 1² ) x (16 x 10 ) x ( ) gs = 16.00
= 0.00 KN

Factor of Safety = 3.00

Ultimate End Bearing, Qb = 0/3
= 0.00 KN
Ultimate Skin Friction, Qs = As per IEEE-Cylindrical Shear Model

= 964.11 KN

Compression Resistance, Qc = Qb + Qs - W
= 0 + 964.11 - 125.272

= 838.838 < 1255.68 KN………..Hence Unsafe.

Compression resistance has been satisfied by Skin Friction only.

Maximum Compressive Force = 1255.68 kN.

Maximum Uplift Force = 686.70 kN.
Resultant Lateral Load (Shear), Q = 284.49 kN.
Additional Moment, M = 0.00 kN-m.

Zero Shear Depth Ym = 2.054 m When Resisting Shear >= Applied Lateral Load "Q"
below E1 = (0+1.35+283.14)
= 284.49 < 284.49
Since the Resisting shear is greater than the lateral Force, Hence OK

Zero Shear Depth from Zd = Ym + E1

Ground Level = 3.054 m Consider Layer Number = 2
Ym x 1/3 = `1 m

SOIL PRESSURE AT ZERO SHEAR DEPTH (According to Brinch & Hanson Method)

Soil Pressure = eD = qKqD + cKcD

Depth Layer Soil Pressure AREA OF RESISTING

Pier Dia Pressure On Pier
from GL Depth D/B g f c Kq Kc EARTH SHEAR
B (m) (kN)
D (m) (m) Kpa KN/m LAYER
1 1.000 1.00 1.00 18.00 31.00 0.00 6.47 17.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 1.150 0.15 1.15 18.00 31.00 0.00 6.65 19.13 17.95 17.95 1.35 1.35
1 3.054 1.90 3.05 16.00 31.00 0.00 8.59 31.14 279.48 279.48 283.14 284.49

S= 284.49
Since the Resisting shear is greater than the lateral Force, Hence OK

Design bending moment, Mmax = Mo - Mr As per SES-P-119.18, Step # 6.

Overturning bending moment, Mo = M + Q x (E+Zd) As per SES-P-119.18

about point of Zero Shear = 0+284.49x(0.75+1+2.054)

due to lateral force. = 1082.18 kN-m.

∑_(i=1)^n▒[Z_i (Lever arm of Earth Layer) x A_i (Area of Earth Layer)] 
Resisting bending moment, Mr = = As per SES-P-119.18

about point of Zero Shear

due to Earth = 183.17 kN-m.

Depth Layer Soil Pressure Area of "Mr" about
Pier Dia Pressure On Pier Lever Arm
B (m)
from GL Depth Earth
about Point Point of
D (m) (m) Kpa KN/m Layer of Zero Shear Zero
1 1.000 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 1.150 0.15 17.95 17.95 1.35 1.954 2.63
1 3.054 1.90 279.48 279.48 283.14 0.638 180.54

S= 183.17

Design bending moment, Mmax = Mo - Mr As per SES-P-119.18

= 1082.18-183.17
= 899.01 kN-m.

Soil Pressure Diagram

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


6 5

10 8

1 2 4 6 7 3 5

Point of Zero
Shear Depth

Point of

SF = 0 SF = Max
Depth of layer from GL, "D" = 1.00 1.15 6.00 9.00 10.00 3.054 6.758
LAYER # GL/E1 1 2 3 4 5 Zd X1
Depth of Layer = 1.00 0.15 2.95 2.24 1.00 #VALUE! 1.904 0.758
B= 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
D/B = 1.00 1.15 6.00 9.00 10.00 #VALUE! 3.05 6.76
g= 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 0.00 16.00 16.00
Soil overburden = q = 0.00 2.70 47.14 35.88 0.00 #VALUE! 30.46 12.12
C= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Φ= 31.00 31.00 31.00 30.00 30.00 31.00 30.00
Φ in Radians = 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.52 0.52 #VALUE! 0.54 0.52
tanΦ = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.58 0.58 #VALUE! 0.60 0.58
cosΦ = 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.87 #VALUE! 0.86 0.87
sinΦ = 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.50 0.50 #VALUE! 0.52 0.50
cot Φ 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.73 1.73 #VALUE! 1.66 1.73
A= 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.21 1.21 #VALUE! 1.27 1.21
B= -0.62 -0.62 -0.62 -0.60 -0.60 #VALUE! -0.62 -0.60
eA = 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.35 3.35 #VALUE! 3.56 3.35
eB = 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.55 #VALUE! 0.54 0.55
[45 + Φ/2] = 60.50 60.50 60.50 60.00 60.00 #VALUE! 60.50 60.00
in Radians 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 #VALUE! 1.06 1.05
[45 - Φ/2] = 29.50 29.50 29.50 30.00 30.00 #VALUE! 29.50 30.00
in Radians 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 #VALUE! 0.51 0.52
tan [45 + Φ/2] = 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.73 1.73 #VALUE! 1.77 1.73
tan [45 - Φ/2] = 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.58 #VALUE! 0.57 0.58
sin (45 + Φ/2) = 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 #VALUE! 0.87 0.87
K°q =[eA.cosΦtan(45+Φ/2)]-[e B.cosΦtan(45-Φ/2)] 5.13 5.13 5.13 4.75 4.75 #VALUE! 5.13 4.75
K°c =[eA.cosΦtan(45+Φ/2)-1]cotΦ 7.30 7.30 7.30 6.97 6.97 #VALUE! 7.30 6.97
dci = 1.58 + tan4Φ 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.03 2.03 #VALUE! 2.11 2.03
Nc = [epi tanΦ tan2(45+Φ/2)-1]cotΦ 32.67 32.67 32.67 30.14 30.14 #VALUE! 32.67 30.14
pi tan Φ = 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.81 1.81 #VALUE! 1.89 1.81
epi tan Φ = 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.13 6.13 #VALUE! 6.60 6.13
Ko = 1 - sinΦ 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.50 #VALUE! 0.48 0.50
Kci = Nc dci 69.04 69.04 69.04 61.32 61.32 #VALUE! 69.04 61.32
Kqi = Nc dc Ko tanΦ 20.12 20.12 20.12 17.70 17.70 #VALUE! 20.12 17.70
aq = [K°q/Kqi-K°q] [KosinΦ/sin(45+Φ/2)] 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 #VALUE! 0.10 0.11
K°q / (Kqi - K˚q) = 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.37 0.37 #VALUE! 0.34 0.37
Ko sinΦ/sin45+Φ/2 = 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 #VALUE! 0.29 0.29
aci = K°c/(Kci-K°c)[2sin(45+Φ/2)] 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 #VALUE! 0.21 0.22
K°c / (Kci - K°c) = 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 #VALUE! 0.12 0.13
KcD = [K°c+Kci(ac)(D/B)] / [1+ac(D/B)] 17.85 19.13 41.43 43.20 44.45 #VALUE! 31.14 39.60
KqD = [K°q+Kqi(aq)(D/B)] / [1+(aq)(D/B)] 6.47 6.65 10.68 11.07 11.41 #VALUE! 8.59 10.16
eD = qKqD + cKcD 0.00 17.95 503.63 397.31 0.00 #VALUE! 261.53 123.11
Soil Pressure at bottom of each layer 0.00 17.95 783.11 1303.53 1303.53 #VALUE! 279.48 906.22

When f = 0,
=> Kq =0 & Kc is taken from Graph for respective value of D/B
Computation of Depth of Rotation Center (Noted as "X1")

S1 = Total Shear between Point of Zero Shear & Rotation Centre

S2 = Total Shear below Rotation Centre

Point of Rotation lies between Layers as shown in Table below.

Let the depth of Rotation Point be at ( x1 )

Equating the shears as above:

S1 = S2

1.35+283.14+1565.24 = 2477.57

1849.73 = 4421.02

Difference = S1 - S2 = 1849.73-4421.02
= -2571.29

Hence, X1 = Point of Rotation below GL = 6.758 m

Net Moment about Point of Rotation / Max Shear

Ms1 = Moment of area of shear (above point of rotation) about Point of Zero Shear
Ms2 = Moment of area of shear (Below point of rotation) about Point of Zero Shear

Depth Layer Pressure Pressure AREA OF

Pier Dia Pressure Pressure MOMENT MS1 about MS2 about
Layer # from GL Depth On Pier Above EARTH
B (m) (Kpa) Below X1 ARM X1 X1
D (m) (m) KN/m X1 LAY. (kN)
1 1 GL/E1 1.000 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 1 1 1.150 0.150 17.95 17.95 17.95 1.35 0.00
3 1 Zd 3.054 1.904 279.48 279.48 279.48 283.14 0.000 0.00
4 1 2 6.000 2.946 783.11 783.11 783.11 1565.24 1.706 2669.93
5 1 X1 6.758 0.758 906.22 906.22 906.22 639.92 3.334 2133.55
6 1 3 9.000 2.242 1303.53 1303.53 1303.53 2477.57 4.825 11953.99
7 1 4 10.000 1.000 1303.53 1303.53 1303.53 1303.53 0.00

4803.48 11953.99
Net Moment = Ms2 - Ms1 = 11953.99-4803.48
= 7150.51 kN-m
> 1082.18 kN-m Safe
Since Resisting Moment is greater than Max Overturning Moment, Hence it is Safe

-1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500


3 2

6 3

2 4

3 9



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