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N-Element Array: Uniform Amplitude and Spacing

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N-element Array : Uniform Amplitude and spacing

Uniform Array:

•Identical elements with identical amplitudes

•Progressive phase shift

Q:Define pattern multiplication rule:

Field pattern of an array of non-isotropic identical elements (which has identical

magnitude and progressive phase) formed from product of pattern of single element
X pattern of array of isotropic point sources has same location and progressive phases
as of non isotropic point sources.
• Examples of Pattern Multiplication
Array of two infinitesimal elements λ/2 spacing Z
En=Cosθ . Cos(π/2 . Cosθ)

En=Sinθ . Cos(π/2 . Cosθ)

Why antenna Array
1-Usually gain of single element is
low, thus array is used for increasing
gain for long distance

If λ/2 dipole is reference

i.e. its Gain considered to be=0dB
(“note that λ/2 dipole has D=2dB”

2 element array increase gain by

3dB( double gain 2 time)

4 element array increase gain by

6dB( double gain 4 time)

8 element array could increase gain

by 9dB( double gain 8time)

2-Beam steering
by changing progressive phase
3-Nulling interference directions Broad side array β=0
• N-ELEMENT LINEAR ARRAY: Uniform Amplitude and Spacing
uniform array has: Identical elements-Identical magnitude-Progressive phase
Also uniform spacing

• Etot=E1+E2+E3+….+EN
• Etot=A [I1 ejkr1+ I2ejkr2 +I3ejkr3 +……..+ INejkrN ] d
• Where A=(jηkL/4πr)sinθ for infinitesimal dipole
• I2= I1 ejβ
• r2 = r1 – d cosθ d
• Etot=A I1 ejkr1[1+ ejβ ejkdcosθ + ej2β ej2kdcosθ + ej3β ej3kdcosθ+….] d

AF=1+ ej(kdcosθ+β) +ej2(kdcosθ+β) +ej3(kdcosθ+β) +…..+ej(N-1)(kdcosθ+β)

AF=1+ e jψ +e j2ψ +e j3ψ +…..+e j(N-1) ψ

Where, ψ=kdcosθ+β
• AF = 1+ e jψ +e j2ψ +e j3ψ +…..+e j(N-1) ψ (1)

• AF. e jψ = e jψ +e j2ψ +e j3ψ +…..+e j(N-1) ψ+ e jNψ (2)

• Subtract (1) from (2) AF(e jψ - 1) = (-1+ e jNψ )

Max occurred at AF 
which occurred at ψ =±mπ (for m=0,1,2,….)
To get Max value differentiate num and denum w.r.t. ψ (and substitute ψ=0)
AFMAX= N hence

(1) Main lobe is in the direction so that
ψ = k d cosθ +β = 0
(2) The main lobe narrows as N increases.
• Max occurred at ψ = 0 = k.d.cosθ + β (for AF pattern )

Broad Side Array End Fire Array

For End Fire
AF pattern

For broad side
AF pattern
broadside(4,.5) >> endfire(4,.5)

>> endfire(4,.25)
%note for d<λ/4 only one main lobe directed at θ=0
It is required to study (AF)n

N   n π , m  1,2,3,..  0, N,2N,....
  m π , m  0,1,2,.... ( 0 for main lobe )
Grating lobe condition (at m=1,2,3,…)

3-dB point
N  1 . 39
Secondary Maximum for minor lobes
ψ 2s  1
N  π , s  1 , 2, 3,.....
2 2
Maximum of first minor lobe occurred at Nψ/2=3π/2
• Nulls occurred at sin(Nψ/2)=0
• Kdcosθ+ β=±2nπ/N where n=1,2,3 (again n≠ 0 or N or 2N…….this
make (AF)n=0/0 which is max condition)

• Broadside Array (sources in phase β=0) End fire Array (β=-kd)

1- because cos-1(less than 1)

• Maximum occurred at ψ/2 = ±mπ (for (AF)n=0/0 )
• Kdcosθ+ β=±2mπ where m=0,1,2,3

• For sin(Nx)/Nsin(x)maximum occurred at x=0 or ψ/2=0 i.e m=0

• Broadside Array (sources in phase β=0) End fire Array (β=-kd)

 max   / 2  max  0

Grating lobe condition
• Grating Lobe is lobe with Maxima(as of major) in
other direction (un required direction).
Max condition array factor was(0/0 condition) at
ψ/2=0 i.e Kdcosθg+β= ± 2mπ ,
• for broad side β=0
θm=cos-1(m λ /d) there is no grating lobe as long as
d max< λ
cos-1(m λ /d) exist only at m=0 when d max< λ
if d realize m λ /d <1 or d> m λ there is grating lobe.

• For end fire, β=-kd

for θm=cos-1(1- nλ/d) there is no grating lobe as
long as d max< λ/2
• cos-1(1-n λ /d) exist only at m=0 when d max< λ/2
• 3-dB point for AF
• Use Approximation sin(x)/x because it does not depend on N
Using try and error 3dB occurred at sin(x)/x=.707 i.e. x=1.39
because it is field pattern (sin(1.93*180/π)/1.39=.7076

• Broadside Array (sources in phase β=0) End fire Array (β=-kd)

• Secondary Maximafor AF
Secondary maxima occurred at numerator is maxima

• Maximum of first minor lobe occurred at Nψ/2=3π/2 (i.e. s=1)

sin( )
2 1
( AF )    . 212   13 dB
n N 3 2
20log() as it is amplitude

• Broadside Array (sources in phase β=0) End fire Array (β=-kd)

For Broadside array β=0, d=λ

θm=cos-1(±m λ /d)=cos-1(±m )

exist at
m=0(main lobe) θm=π/2

m=1 θm=0,π
Broadside Array

For d=λ maxima at 0,90,180

d=λ/4 maxima at 90
Broad side End fire

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