Pier Cap P7
Pier Cap P7
Pier Cap P7
Design Parameters:
RL Data As per Pier Cap P1
Superstructure Span :
Rail Level : (R.L) 190.374 m 190.374 m
Overall, i.e. C/C of Pier 81.30 m 33.40 m
Effective, i.e. C/C of Bearing 78.80 m 31.90 m
Width of Superstructure 8.50 m 4.80 m
Bearing Type : FIXED FREE
No of Bearing : 2 3
Height of Pedestal+Bearing : 2.510 m 0.500 m
T/O Bearing Level : 186.223+2.510 m 186.223+0.500 m
= 188.73 m 186.72 m
Height from Rail Level to Top of Bearing : 1.641 m 3.65 m
Up-Down force on bearing due to Transverse Seismic
342.00 T*3.5/8.50 m 675.00 T*5.72/4.80 m
= 140.82 T 804.48 T
Vertical Load from Superstructure per Bearing (when
(200 T+130.26 T+155.81 T+5.01
vertical load considered, 100 % LL should be taken) (276 T+24.39 T+379.26 T+12.20 T)/2
= 345.73 T 163.61 T
Date: 30-05-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
= 9.43 T 3.30 T
Long Arrester Dimension 0.700 m 1.700 m 1.500 m 2.000 m 1.600 m 3.250 m
0.700 m*1.700 m*1.500 m*2.500 2.000 m*1.600 m*3.250 m*2.500
Self Weight of Long Arrester
= 4.46 T 26.00 T
Trans Arrester Dimension 0.000 m 0.000 m 0.000 m 3.400 m 1.500 m 3.250 m
0.000 m*0.000 m*0.000 m*2.500 3.400 m*1.500 m*3.250 m*2.500
Self Weight of Trans Arrester
= 0.00 T 41.44 T
= 2.10 T 0.52 T
(Note: The up down effect due to braking force is not considered as the value of updown force
on each bearing is negligible)
Long Horizontal Load on Each Fixed Bearing due to Braking = (MAX(131.61 T,131.61 T)/2)
= 65.806 T
(Lever arm is taken from the C.G of the pier cap up to the top of bearing as the horizontal force is acting there.)
Lever Arm = 1.5/2+0.500 m = 1.25 m
((276 T+24.39 T+470.91 T+12.20 T)+(276 ((200 T+130.26 T+210.82 T+5.01
T+24.39 T+379.26 T+12.20 T)*0.250/1)/(2) T)+(200 T+130.26 T+155.81
Vmax on Each Bearing : T+5.01 T)*0.250/1)/(2)
= 477.98 T 334.27 T
Up-Down Force on Each Bearing due to Long Seismic ((285.00 T*3.5)/78.80 m)/1/2 ((825.00 T*5.72)/31.90 m)/1/3
= 6.33 T 49.32 T
Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Each Fixed Bearing 825.00 T/3/1
due to DL
= 0.00 T 275.00 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+2.510 m 1.5/2+0.500 m
= 3.260 m 1.250 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap 0.00 T-m 343.75 T-m
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STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
Long Horizontal Load on Each Fixed Bearing due to 0.5*MAX(131.61 T,99.96 T)/3
= 21.94 T
Moment due to Long Horizontal Braking Force on Pier 21.94 T*1.250 m
= 27.42 T-m
1.250*4.46 T 1.250*26.00 T
Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Long Arrester
= 5.58 T 32.50 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+1.500 m/2 1.5/2+3.250 m/2
= 1.500 m 2.375 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on 5.58 T*1.500 m 32.50 T*2.375 m
Long Arrester
= 8.37 T-m 77.19 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Long Arrester 0.250*4.46 T 0.250*26.00 T
= 1.12 T 6.50 T
1.250*0.00 T 1.250*41.44 T
Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Transverse Arrester
= 0.00 T 51.80 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+0.000 m/2 1.5/2+3.250 m/2
= 0.750 m 2.375 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on 0.00 T*0.750 m 51.80 T*2.375 m
Trans Arrester
= 0.00 T-m 123.02 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Trans Arrester 0.250*0.00 T 0.250*41.44 T
= 0.00 T 10.36 T
Long Seismic Force on Pedestal & Bearing 1.250*(1.5+9.43 T) 1.250*(1.5+3.30 T)
13.66 T 6.00 T
1.5/2+2.510 m/2 1.5/2+0.500 m/2
Lever Arm
= 2.005 m 1.000 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on 13.66 T*2.005 m 6.00 T*1.000 m
Pedestal & Bearing
= 27.40 T-m 6.00 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Pedestal & Bearing 0.250*(1.5+9.43 T) 0.250*(1.5+3.30 T)
= 2.73 T 1.20 T
((276 T+24.39 T+470.91 T+12.20 T)+(276 ((200 T+130.26 T+210.82 T+5.01
T+24.39 T+379.26 T+12.20 T)*0.250/1)/(2) T)+(200 T+130.26 T+155.81
Vmax on Each Bearing : T+5.01 T)*0.250/1)/(3)
= 477.98 T 222.84 T
Up-Down Force on Each Bearing due to Trans Seismic ((342.00 T*3.5)/8.50 m)/1 ((675.00 T*5.72)/4.80 m)/1
= 140.82 T 804.48 T
Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on Each Bearing due to 342.00 T/2/1 675.00 T/3/1
= 171.00 T 225.00 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+2.510 m 1.5/2+0.500 m
= 3.260 m 1.250 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap 557.46 T-m 281.25 T-m
Long Horizontal Load on Each Fixed Bearing due to 0.5*MAX(131.61 T,99.96 T)/2
= 32.90 T
Moment due to Long Horizontal Braking Force on Pier 32.90 T*1.250 m
= 41.13 T-m
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STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
1.050*4.46 T 1.050*26.00 T
Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on Long Arrester
= 4.69 T 27.30 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+1.500 m/2 1.5/2+3.250 m/2
= 1.500 m 2.375 m
Moment due to Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on 4.69 T*1.500 m 27.30 T*2.375 m
Long Arrester
= 7.03 T-m 64.84 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Long Arrester 0.250*4.46 T 0.250*26.00 T
= 1.12 T 6.50 T
1.050*0.00 T 1.050*41.44 T
Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on Transverse Arrester
= 0.00 T 43.51 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+0.000 m/2 1.5/2+3.250 m/2
= 0.750 m 2.375 m
Moment due to Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on 0.00 T*0.750 m 43.51 T*2.375 m
Trans Arrester
= 0.00 T-m 103.33 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Trans Arrester 0.250*0.00 T 0.250*41.44 T
= 0.00 T 10.36 T
Trans Seismic Force on Pedestal & Bearing 1.050*(1.5+9.43 T) 1.050*(1.5+3.30 T)
11.48 T 5.04 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+2.510 m/2 1.5/2+0.500 m/2
= 2.005 m 1.000 m
Moment due to Trans Horizontal Seismic Force on 11.48 T*2.005 m 5.04 T*1.000 m
Pedestal & Bearing
= 23.01 T-m 5.04 T-m
Vertical Seismic Force on Pedestal & Bearing 0.250*(1.5+9.43 T) 0.250*(1.5+3.30 T)
= 2.73 T 1.20 T
((276 T+24.39 T+470.91 T+12.20 T)+(276 ((200 T+130.26 T+210.82 T+5.01
T+24.39 T+379.26 T+12.20 T)*0.250/1)/(2) T)+(200 T+130.26 T+155.81
Vmax on Each Bearing :
T+5.01 T)*0.250/1)/(3)
= 477.98 T 222.84 T
Long Horizontal Load on Each Longitudinal Arrester 0.5*MAX(131.61 T,99.96 T)/2*2 0.5*MAX(131.61 T,99.96 T)/3*2
due to Braking
= 65.81 T 43.87 T
1.5/2+2.510 m+1.1/2+0.035 1.5/2+0.500 m+1.1/2+0.035
Lever Arm
3.845 m 1.835 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap due to Braking 253.02 T-m 80.50 T-m
Long Horizontal Load on Each Longitudinal Arrester 1.250*1.5*(276 T+24.39 T)/2*2 1.250*1.5*(200 T+130.26 T)/3*2
due to DL & SIDL
= 562.50 T 412.50 T
Lever Arm 3.845 m 1.835 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap due to DL & SIDL 2162.81 T-m 756.94 T-m
((276 T+24.39 T+470.91 T+12.20 T)+(276 ((200 T+130.26 T+210.82 T+5.01
T+24.39 T+379.26 T+12.20 T)*0.250/1)/(2) T)+(200 T+130.26 T+155.81
Vmax on Each Bearing : T+5.01 T)*0.250/1)/(3)
= 477.98 T 222.84 T
Long Horizontal Load on Each Longitudinal Arrester 0.5*131.61 T/2*2 0.5*99.96 T/3*2
due to Braking
= 65.81 T 33.32 T
Lever Arm 3.845 m 1.835 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap due to Braking 253.02 T-m 61.14 T-m
1.050*1.5*(276 T+24.39 T+379.26 1.050*1.5*(200 T+130.26
Trans Horizontal Load on Each Transverse Arrester T*0.5+12.20 T*0.5) T+155.81 T*0.5+5.01 T*0.5)
due to DL,SIDL & LL
= 780.77 T 646.40 T
Lever Arm 1.5/2+2.510 m+1.4+0.035 1.5/2+0.500 m+1.4+0.035
4.695 m 2.685 m
Moment due to Long Horizontal Seismic Force on Pier
Cap due to DL & SIDL 3665.74 T-m 1735.57 T-m
Date: 30-05-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
Design Parameter :-
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Effective Depth
dx(Long Direc.) = 1.5*1000-75-32 mm-32 mm/2 = 1377.0 mm
dy(Trans Direc.) = 1.5*1000-75-32 mm/2 = 1409.0 mm
Avg d = (1377.0+1409.0)/2 = 1393 mm
From Equation 2
Mu = 0.15*40.00 Mpa*1000*1377.0^2*10^-7 = = 1138 tm/m
> 611 tm/m
Reinforcement Design :
Enhanced Shear Stress = MIN(MAX(2.84,1)*0.530,4.74,4.75) = 1.50 N/mm
Shear reinforcement is required.
(As Cl & Cl of IRS Concrete Bridge Code)
Basic Inputs
P = Horizontal Load on Seismic Arrester due to Seismic on DL and Seismic on Braking
= (1.16*(316*1.25+234*2+3*4.46*1.25)*1.5+99.96*0.5*2*1.4)/3
= 556.8939 T
I S/d' = 1450 / 922 = 1.570 > 0.5
Hence, Proceed with the Design
Check for Nominal Shear Strength
Ensure V u / b d < = 0.15 fc'
where; V u = 5568.94 kN
= 5568939.375 N
bd = 1700*737.6
= 1253920 mm2
Therefore; Vu/bd = 5568939.38 / 1253920
Vu/bd = 4.44 N / mm2
Now; f c' = 28 - day standard cylinder strength of concrete used.
0.80 times the standard cube strength
0.15 fc' = 0.15 x 0.8 x 40
= 4.80 N / mm2 Ensured
Calculation of Shear Friction Reinforcement " A v f "
V u
A vf =
0.85 fsy µ
where; fsy = yeild stress value of the reinforcement used.
= Fe 500 N/ mm2
Type of Surface
Type of Surface µ
1 Concrete placed monolithically across interface. 1.40
2 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but with roughened surface 1.00
3 Concrete anchored to structural steel 0.70
4 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but surface not roughened 0.60
µ = 1.4
(for Concrete placed monolithically across interface.)
5568.94 x 1000
A vf = mm2
0.85 x 500 x 1.4
A vf = 9359.56 mm2
Calculation for Direct Tension Reinforcement " A t ".
At =
0.85 fsy
Hu = 0.00 kN
0 x 1000
At = mm2
0.85 x 500
= 0.00 mm2
Calculation for Flexural Tension Reinforcement " A f "
[ V u a + H u ( h - d' ) ]
Af =
0.85 fsy d
[ ( 5568.94 x 1000 x 1450 ) + ( 0 x 1000 ) x ( 1000 - 922 ) ]
0.85 x 500 x 737.6
= 25759.10 mm2
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
A s >= (Af+At)
Provide the largest of these three magnitudes as Total
>= (2/3A vf +At)
Primary Tensile Reinforcement As.
>= ( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d'
(Af+At) = 25759.1 + 0 mm2
= 25759.10 mm2
(2/3A vf +At) = 2 / 3 x 9359.57 + 0 mm2
= 6239.71 mm2
( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d' = 0.04 x 0.8 x 40 / 500 x 1700 x 922 mm2
= 4012.54 mm2
Hence As = maximum of ( 25759.1 , 6239.71 , 4012.54 )
= 25759.10 mm2
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
The total sectional area of the stirrups is " A h " (closed ties) to be provided horizontally, one below
the other, and next to " As "
A h >= 0.5 * A f
Provide the largest of these two magnitudes as Ah.
>= 0.333 * A vf
0.5 * A f = 0.5 x 25759.1 and 0.333*A vf = 0.333 x 9359.57
= 12879.55 mm2 = 3116.73 mm2
Hence; Ah = maximum of ( 12879.55 , 3116.73 )
= 12879.55 mm2
The total steel in vertical stirrups is " A v "
A v = 0.50 * ( V u - V c ) * p
f sy d
Now; Vc = 10 bd in kgs = 10 x 170 x 73.76
where b & d are in cms = 125392 kg = 1254 KN
Pitch = 150 mm
Av = 0.5 x ( 5568.94 - 1253.92 ) x 150 x 1000
500 x 737.6
Av = 877.51 mm2
Reinforcement Details
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
As = 25759.10 mm2
Diameter of Primary Steel = 32 mm
Area of one bar = 804.25 mm2
No. of Bars provided = 36 nos. In 2 Layer
A s provided = 36 * 804.25
= 28952.92 mm2 > As R/F is adequate
So we provide 36 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main reinforcement
Horizontal Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A h "
Ah = 12879.55 mm2
The stirrups shall be provided below As and within a depth of " 2 / 3 d' " below As.
2 / 3 d' = (2 / 3 ) x 922
= 614.67 mm
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 12 mm
Area of one bar = 113.10 mm2
No. of layers of Stirrups = 7 nos.
Spacing of Stirrups = 88 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 18
A h provided = 113.1 x 7 x 18
= 14250.26 mm2 > Ah R/F is adequate
So we provide 18 legged 12 mm diameter bars as horizontal stirrups in 7 layers
Vertical Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A v "
Av = 877.51 mm2
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 10 mm
Area of one bar = 78.54 mm2
Pitch = 150 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 18
A v provided = 78.54 x 18
= 1413.72 mm2 > Av R/F is adequate
So we provide 18 legged 10 mm diameter bars as vertical stirrups at 150 mm spacing
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
Basic Inputs
P = Horizontal Load on Seismic Arrester due to Seismic on DL and Seismic on Braking
= (1.16*(552*1.25+49*2+2*26.00*1.25)*1.5+131.612*0.5*2*1.4)/2
= 834.2384 T
I S/d' = 3095 / 1922 = 1.610 > 0.5
Hence, Proceed with the Design
Check for Nominal Shear Strength
Ensure V u / b d < = 0.15 fc'
where; V u = 8342.38 kN
= 8342384 N
bd = 1600*1537.6
= 2460160 mm2
Therefore; Vu/bd = 8342384 / 2460160
Vu/bd = 3.39 N / mm2
Now; f c' = 28 - day standard cylinder strength of concrete used.
0.80 times the standard cube strength
0.15 fc' = 0.15 x 0.8 x 40
= 4.80 N / mm2 Ensured
Calculation of Shear Friction Reinforcement " A v f "
V u
A vf =
0.85 fsy µ
where; fsy = yeild stress value of the reinforcement used.
= Fe 500 N/ mm2
Type of Surface
Type of Surface µ
1 Concrete placed monolithically across interface. 1.40
2 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but with roughened surface 1.00
3 Concrete anchored to structural steel 0.70
4 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but surface not roughened 0.60
µ = 1.4
(for Concrete placed monolithically across interface.)
8342.39 x 1000
A vf = mm2
0.85 x 500 x 1.4
A vf = 14020.81 mm2
Calculation for Direct Tension Reinforcement " A t ".
At =
0.85 fsy
Hu = 0.00 kN
0 x 1000
At = mm2
0.85 x 500
= 0.00 mm2
Calculation for Flexural Tension Reinforcement " A f "
[ V u a + H u ( h - d' ) ]
Af =
0.85 fsy d
[ ( 8342.39 x 1000 x 3095 ) + ( 0 x 1000 ) x ( 2000 - 1922 ) ]
0.85 x 500 x 1537.6
= 39511.05 mm2
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
A s >= (Af+At)
Provide the largest of these three magnitudes as Total
>= (2/3A vf +At)
Primary Tensile Reinforcement As.
>= ( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d'
(Af+At) = 39511.05 + 0 mm2
= 39511.05 mm2
(2/3A vf +At) = 2 / 3 x 14020.82 + 0 mm2
= 9347.21 mm2
( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d' = 0.04 x 0.8 x 40 / 500 x 1600 x 1922 mm2
= 7872.51 mm2
Hence As = maximum of ( 39511.05 , 9347.21 , 7872.51 )
= 39511.05 mm2
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
The total sectional area of the stirrups is " A h " (closed ties) to be provided horizontally, one below
the other, and next to " As "
A h >= 0.5 * A f
Provide the largest of these two magnitudes as Ah.
>= 0.333 * A vf
0.5 * A f = 0.5 x 39511.05 and 0.333*A vf = 0.333 x 14020.82
= 19755.52 mm2 = 4668.93 mm2
Hence; Ah = maximum of ( 19755.52 , 4668.93 )
= 19755.52 mm2
The total steel in vertical stirrups is " A v "
A v = 0.50 * ( V u - V c ) * p
f sy d
Now; Vc = 10 bd in kgs = 10 x 160 x 153.76
where b & d are in cms = 246016 kg = 2460 KN
Pitch = 150 mm
Av = 0.5 x ( 8342.39 - 2460.16 ) x 150 x 1000
500 x 1537.6
Av = 573.84 mm2
Reinforcement Details
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
As = 39511.05 mm2
Diameter of Primary Steel = 32 mm
Area of one bar = 804.25 mm2
No. of Bars provided = 51 nos. In 3 Layer
A s provided = 51 * 804.25
= 41016.63 mm2 > As R/F is adequate
So we provide 51 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main reinforcement
Horizontal Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A h "
Ah = 19755.52 mm2
The stirrups shall be provided below As and within a depth of " 2 / 3 d' " below As.
2 / 3 d' = (2 / 3 ) x 1922
= 1281.34 mm
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 12 mm
Area of one bar = 113.10 mm2
No. of layers of Stirrups = 12 nos.
Spacing of Stirrups = 15 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 16
A h provided = 113.1 x 12 x 16
= 21714.69 mm2 > Ah R/F is adequate
So we provide 16 legged 12 mm diameter bars as horizontal stirrups in 12 layers
Vertical Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A v "
Av = 573.84 mm2
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 12 mm
Area of one bar = 113.10 mm2
Pitch = 150 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 16
A v provided = 113.1 x 16
= 1809.56 mm2 > Av R/F is adequate
So we provide 16 legged 12 mm diameter bars as vertical stirrups at 150 mm spacing
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
Design of Trans Seismic Arrester (RB6) for Pier P7- Bridge No 167:-
Case 1:
Seismic Arrester
Basic Inputs
P = Horizontal Load on Seismic Arrester due to Seismic on DL and Seismic on Braking
= (1.16*(316*1.25+234*2+2*26.00*1.25)*1.5+131.612*0.5*2*1.4)/2
= 899.4884 T
I S/d' = 1450 / 1522 = 0.950 > 0.5
Hence, Proceed with the Design
Check for Nominal Shear Strength
Ensure V u / b d < = 0.15 fc'
where; V u = 8994.88 kN
= 8994884 N
bd = 2000*1217.6
= 2435200 mm2
Therefore; Vu/bd = 8994884 / 2435200
Vu/bd = 3.69 N / mm2
Now; f c' = 28 - day standard cylinder strength of concrete used.
0.80 times the standard cube strength
0.15 fc' = 0.15 x 0.8 x 40
= 4.80 N / mm2 Ensured
Calculation of Shear Friction Reinforcement " A v f "
V u
A vf =
0.85 fsy µ
where; fsy = yeild stress value of the reinforcement used.
= Fe 500 N/ mm2
Type of Surface
Type of Surface µ
1 Concrete placed monolithically across interface. 1.40
2 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but with roughened surface 1.00
3 Concrete anchored to structural steel 0.70
4 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but surface not roughened 0.60
µ = 1.4
(for Concrete placed monolithically across interface.)
8994.89 x 1000
A vf = mm2
0.85 x 500 x 1.4
A vf = 15117.45 mm2
Calculation for Direct Tension Reinforcement " A t ".
At =
0.85 fsy
Hu = 0.00 kN
0 x 1000
At = mm2
0.85 x 500
= 0.00 mm2
Calculation for Flexural Tension Reinforcement " A f "
[ V u a + H u ( h - d' ) ]
Af =
0.85 fsy d
[ ( 8994.89 x 1000 x 1450 ) + ( 0 x 1000 ) x ( 1600 - 1522 ) ]
0.85 x 500 x 1217.6
= 25204.03 mm2
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
A s >= (Af+At)
Provide the largest of these three magnitudes as Total
>= (2/3A vf +At)
Primary Tensile Reinforcement As.
>= ( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d'
(Af+At) = 25204.04 + 0 mm2
= 25204.03 mm2
(2/3A vf +At) = 2 / 3 x 15117.46 + 0 mm2
= 10078.30 mm2
( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d' = 0.04 x 0.8 x 40 / 500 x 2000 x 1522 mm2
= 7792.64 mm2
Hence As = maximum of ( 25204.03 , 10078.3 , 7792.64 )
= 25204.03 mm2
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
The total sectional area of the stirrups is " A h " (closed ties) to be provided horizontally, one below
the other, and next to " As "
A h >= 0.5 * A f
Provide the largest of these two magnitudes as Ah.
>= 0.333 * A vf
0.5 * A f = 0.5 x 25204.04 and 0.333*A vf = 0.333 x 15117.46
= 12602.02 mm2 = 5034.11 mm2
Hence; Ah = maximum of ( 12602.02 , 5034.11 )
= 12602.02 mm2
The total steel in vertical stirrups is " A v "
A v = 0.50 * ( V u - V c ) * p
f sy d
Now; Vc = 10 bd in kgs = 10 x 200 x 121.76
where b & d are in cms = 243520 kg = 2435 KN
Pitch = 150 mm
Av = 0.5 x ( 8994.89 - 2435.2 ) x 150 x 1000
500 x 1217.6
Av = 808.11 mm2
Reinforcement Details
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
As = 25204.03 mm2
Diameter of Primary Steel = 32 mm
Area of one bar = 804.25 mm2
No. of Bars provided = 33 nos. In 3 Layer
A s provided = 33 * 804.25
= 26540.17 mm2 > As R/F is adequate
So we provide 33 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main reinforcement
Horizontal Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A h "
Ah = 12602.02 mm2
The stirrups shall be provided below As and within a depth of " 2 / 3 d' " below As.
2 / 3 d' = (2 / 3 ) x 1522
= 1014.67 mm
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 12 mm
Area of one bar = 113.10 mm2
No. of layers of Stirrups = 15 nos.
Spacing of Stirrups = 68 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 10
A h provided = 113.1 x 15 x 10
= 16964.60 mm2 > Ah R/F is adequate
So we provide 10 legged 12 mm diameter bars as horizontal stirrups in 15 layers
Vertical Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A v "
Av = 808.11 mm2
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 12 mm
Area of one bar = 113.10 mm2
Pitch = 150 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 10
A v provided = 113.1 x 10
= 1130.97 mm2 > Av R/F is adequate
So we provide 10 legged 12 mm diameter bars as vertical stirrups at 150 mm spacing
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
Seismic Arrester
Basic Inputs
P = Horizontal Load on Seismic Arrester due to Seismic on DL and Seismic on Braking
= (0.766*(276*1.25+24.5*2+41.44*1.25)*1.5+0.766*535.08*0.5*1.5*1.25)
= 896.4717 T
I S/d' = 3245 / 1418 = 2.290 > 0.5
Hence, Proceed with the Design
Check for Nominal Shear Strength
Ensure V u / b d < = 0.15 fc'
where; V u = 8964.72 kN
= 8964717.028 N
bd = 3400*1134.4
= 3856960 mm2
Therefore; Vu/bd = 8964717.03 / 3856960
Vu/bd = 2.32 N / mm2
Now; f c' = 28 - day standard cylinder strength of concrete used.
0.80 times the standard cube strength
0.15 fc' = 0.15 x 0.8 x 40
= 4.80 N / mm2 Ensured
Calculation of Shear Friction Reinforcement " A v f "
V u
A vf =
0.85 fsy µ
where; fsy = yeild stress value of the reinforcement used.
= Fe 500 N/ mm2
Type of Surface
Type of Surface µ
1 Concrete placed monolithically across interface. 1.40
2 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but with roughened surface 1.00
3 Concrete anchored to structural steel 0.70
4 Concrete placed against hardened concrete but surface not roughened 0.60
µ = 1.4
(for Concrete placed monolithically across interface.)
8964.72 x 1000
A vf = mm2
0.85 x 500 x 1.4
A vf = 15066.75 mm2
Calculation for Direct Tension Reinforcement " A t ".
At =
0.85 fsy
Hu = 0.00 kN
0 x 1000
At = mm2
0.85 x 500
= 0.00 mm2
Calculation for Flexural Tension Reinforcement " A f "
[ V u a + H u ( h - d' ) ]
Af =
0.85 fsy d
[ ( 8964.72 x 1000 x 3245 ) + ( 0 x 1000 ) x ( 1500 - 1418 ) ]
0.85 x 500 x 1134.4
= 60338.73 mm2
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
A s >= (Af+At)
Provide the largest of these three magnitudes as Total
>= (2/3A vf +At)
Primary Tensile Reinforcement As.
>= ( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d'
(Af+At) = 60338.73 + 0 mm2
= 60338.73 mm2
(2/3A vf +At) = 2 / 3 x 15066.76 + 0 mm2
= 10044.50 mm2
( 0.04 fc' / fsy ) b d' = 0.04 x 0.8 x 40 / 500 x 3400 x 1418 mm2
= 12342.27 mm2
Hence As = maximum of ( 60338.73 , 10044.5 , 12342.27 )
= 60338.73 mm2
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
Kolkata-17 By: LKB Sheet No.
The total sectional area of the stirrups is " A h " (closed ties) to be provided horizontally, one below
the other, and next to " As "
A h >= 0.5 * A f
Provide the largest of these two magnitudes as Ah.
>= 0.333 * A vf
0.5 * A f = 0.5 x 60338.73 and 0.333*A vf = 0.333 x 15066.76
= 30169.36 mm2 = 5017.23 mm2
Hence; Ah = maximum of ( 30169.36 , 5017.23 )
= 30169.36 mm2
The total steel in vertical stirrups is " A v "
A v = 0.50 * ( V u - V c ) * p
f sy d
Now; Vc = 10 bd in kgs = 10 x 340 x 113.44
where b & d are in cms = 385696 kg = 3857 KN
Pitch = 150 mm
Av = 0.5 x ( 8964.72 - 3856.96 ) x 150 x 1000
500 x 1134.4
Av = 675.39 mm2
Reinforcement Details
Total Primary Tensile Reinforcement " A s "
As = 60338.73 mm2
Diameter of Primary Steel = 32 mm
Area of one bar = 804.25 mm2
No. of Bars provided = 78 nos. In 3 Layer
A s provided = 78 * 804.25
= 62731.32 mm2 > As R/F is adequate
So we provide 78 nos. 32 mm diameter bars as main reinforcement
Horizontal Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A h "
Ah = 30169.36 mm2
The stirrups shall be provided below As and within a depth of " 2 / 3 d' " below As.
2 / 3 d' = (2 / 3 ) x 1418
= 945.34 mm
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 16 mm
Area of one bar = 201.06 mm2
No. of layers of Stirrups = 7 nos.
Spacing of Stirrups = 135 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 26
A h provided = 201.07 x 7 x 26
= 36593.27 mm2 > Ah R/F is adequate
So we provide 26 legged 16 mm diameter bars as horizontal stirrups in 7 layers
Vertical Steel ( Closed Stirrups) " A v "
Av = 675.39 mm2
Diameter of Stirrup Bar = 10 mm
Area of one bar = 78.54 mm2
Pitch = 150 mm
No. of legs of stirrups = 26
A v provided = 78.54 x 26
= 2042.04 mm2 > Av R/F is adequate
So we provide 26 legged 10 mm diameter bars as vertical stirrups at 150 mm spacing
` Date: 28-05-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN-167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
By: LKB Sheet No.
Stress checking of Rectangular section under uniaxial bending and axial compression
Pier Cap of P1 Bridge No-167
Stress checking of Rectangular section under uniaxial bending and axial compression
Pier Cap of P1 Bridge No-167
Stress checking of Rectangular section under uniaxial bending and axial compression
Pier Cap of P1 Bridge No-167
Stress checking of Rectangular section under uniaxial bending and axial compression
Pier Cap of P1 Bridge No-167
Without LL Case :
With LL Case :
Area of reinforcement required = 19008 mm
Area of reinforcement provided = 21598 mm
V= 275*1.6/2.5 = 176 T
ζv = 176*10^4/(1600*1650) = 0.67 N/mm
Asv reqd. = 128.57 mm
Asv provided = 785 mm Hence,ok
Date: 01-06-2018 Note No. 9432/E/DN--167-104
STUP Consultants P. Ltd.
By: LKB Sheet No.
Plate L/C SQX N/mm2 SQY N/mm2 MX MTon-m/m MY MTon-m/m MXY MTon-m/mSX N/mm2 SY N/mm2 SXY N/mm2
119 12 -0.093 0.987 70.11 138.707 -44.747 -0.027 0.027 -0.009 MX SUPPORT NORMAL CASE
145 12 0.387 -0.902 46.648 160.394 -4.801 -0.046 0.015 -0.032 MY
90 12 -0.922 -0.959 -106.141 -67.819 3.387 -0.001 -0.006 -0.001 MX SPAN NORMAL CASE
91 12 0.763 -0.853 -102.015 -68.826 -2.533 -0.002 -0.002 -0.001 MY
119 13 -0.151 1.192 88.001 178.317 -57.421 -0.041 0.026 0.004 MX SUPPORT X-SEISMIC-CASE
145 13 0.434 -1.106 58.481 204.68 -7.393 -0.038 -0.001 -0.04 MY
90 13 -1.035 -1.017 -106.141 -62.781 -1.319 -0.011 -0.005 -0.028 MX SPAN X-SEISMIC CASE
91 13 0.705 -0.854 -93.997 -63.446 -5.897 0.038 0.006 -0.021 MY
145 14 1.433 -2.275 184.43 509.734 -66.259 0.068 -0.265 0.068 MX SUPPORT Z-SEISMIC CASE
145 14 1.433 -2.275 184.43 509.734 -66.259 0.068 -0.265 0.068 MY
84 14 -1.071 -2.173 -156.493 -294.152 -100.614 -0.038 -0.048 -0.248 MX SPAN Z-SEISMIC CASE
84 14 -1.071 -2.173 -156.493 -294.152 -100.614 -0.038 -0.048 -0.248 MY
117 15 -6.263 -0.902 777.895 216.269 380.979 1.568 0.469 1.386 MX SUPPORT X-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
59 15 -6.091 1.687 682.465 305.735 -437.326 1.189 0.826 -1.451 MY
118 15 -5.055 4.29 -654.144 76.518 331.522 -1.689 -0.335 1.33 MX SPAN X-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
89 15 -2.856 -2.39 -640.873 -166.706 -341.467 -1.32 -0.22 -0.836 MY
59 16 -2.868 -5.807 600.704 1157.897 75.34 0.251 -0.119 -0.166 MX SUPPORT Z-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
23 16 3.314 -1.843 593.419 1528.957 -444.999 -0.004 4.277 -0.875 MY
28 16 1.413 -1.936 -140.82 -242.049 191.684 0.518 -0.229 0.568 MX SPAN Z-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
29 16 -2.559 -2.413 -90.028 -303.73 -283.788 0.953 -0.712 -0.998 MY
119 17 -0.042 0.699 51.499 102.488 -30.209 -0.017 0.017 -0.006 MX SUPPORT NORMAL CASE
145 17 0.295 -0.627 36.657 115.974 -5.215 -0.029 0.01 -0.02 MY
90 17 -0.625 -0.656 -67.632 -42.014 2.276 0 -0.004 -0.001 MX SPAN NORMAL CASE
91 17 0.509 -0.583 -65.426 -42.738 -1.749 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 MY
119 18 -0.111 0.906 67.59 136.957 -43.354 -0.032 0.02 0.003 MX SUPPORT X-SEISMIC-CASE
145 18 0.333 -0.839 45.551 156.52 -6.085 -0.029 -0.002 -0.031 MY
90 18 -0.777 -0.764 -78.29 -45.745 -1.253 -0.009 -0.004 -0.022 MX SPAN X-SEISMIC CASE
91 18 0.522 -0.639 -68.852 -46.188 -4.607 0.031 0.005 -0.017 MY
145 19 1.133 -1.774 146.31 400.563 -53.178 0.056 -0.212 0.056 MX SUPPORT Z-SEISMIC CASE
145 19 1.133 -1.774 146.31 400.563 -53.178 0.056 -0.212 0.056 MY
84 19 -0.81 -1.73 -119.651 -233.275 -79.838 -0.03 -0.038 -0.199 MX SPAN Z-SEISMIC CASE
84 19 -0.81 -1.73 -119.651 -233.275 -79.838 -0.03 -0.038 -0.199 MY
117 20 -4.953 -0.821 624.63 169.793 306.367 1.255 0.375 1.109 MX SUPPORT X-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
59 20 -4.804 1.441 547.67 241.948 -352.079 0.951 0.661 -1.161 MY
118 20 -4.022 3.382 -523.442 56.781 267.619 -1.352 -0.268 1.064 MX SPAN X-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
89 20 -2.252 -1.902 -510.848 -130.303 -273.667 -1.056 -0.176 -0.669 MY
59 21 -2.225 -4.555 482.261 923.678 58.054 0.201 -0.095 -0.133 MX SUPPORT Z-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
23 21 2.658 -1.506 474.134 1214.159 -357.708 -0.003 3.421 -0.7 MY
28 21 1.128 -1.548 -111.491 -193.601 153.002 0.414 -0.183 0.455 MX SPAN Z-SEISMIC DISLODGED CASE
29 21 -2.054 -1.93 -70.962 -242.973 -227.273 0.762 -0.57 -0.799 MY
Friday, June 01, 2018, 03:55 PM
* *
* STAAD.Pro *
* Version 2007 Build 04 *
* Proprietary Program of *
* Research Engineers, Intl. *
* Date= JUN 1, 2018 *
* Time= 15: 6:54 *
* *
* USER ID: STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd *
INPUT FILE: pier cap final latest - r1_p7.STD
8. 1 1 0 0; 2 1.4021 0 0; 3 2.0424 0 0; 4 2.7631 0 0; 5 3.5999 0 0; 6 4.2399 0 0
9. 7 5.3399 0 0; 8 5.7367 0 0; 9 6.4574 0 0; 10 7.0977 0 0; 11 7.4998 0 0
10. 12 1 0 -1.1498; 13 1.4021 0 -1.1498; 14 2.0424 0 -1.1498; 15 2.7631 0 -1.1498
11. 16 3.5999 0 -1.1498; 17 4.2399 0 -1.1498; 18 5.3399 0 -1.1498
12. 19 5.7367 0 -1.1498; 20 6.4574 0 -1.1498; 21 7.0977 0 -1.1498
13. 22 7.4998 0 -1.1498; 23 1 0 -2.7498; 24 1.4021 0 -2.7498; 25 2.0424 0 -2.7498
14. 26 2.7631 0 -2.7498; 27 3.5999 0 -2.7498; 28 4.2399 0 -2.7498
15. 29 5.7367 0 -2.7498; 30 6.4574 0 -2.7498; 31 7.0977 0 -2.7498
16. 32 7.4998 0 -2.7498; 33 1 0 -4.4498; 34 1.4021 0 -4.4498; 35 2.0424 0 -4.4498
17. 36 2.7631 0 -4.4498; 39 5.7367 0 -4.4498; 40 6.4574 0 -4.4498
18. 41 7.0977 0 -4.4498; 42 7.4998 0 -4.4498; 43 1 0 -4.9998; 44 1.4021 0 -4.9998
19. 45 2.0424 0 -4.9998; 46 2.7631 0 -4.9998; 47 3.5999 0 -4.9998
20. 48 4.2899 0 -4.9998; 49 5.7367 0 -4.9998; 50 6.4574 0 -4.9998
21. 51 7.0977 0 -4.9998; 52 7.4998 0 -4.9998; 53 1 0 -5.9998; 54 1.4021 0 -5.9998
22. 55 2.0424 0 -5.9998; 56 2.7631 0 -5.9998; 57 3.5999 0 -5.9998
23. 58 4.2399 0 -5.9998; 59 5.7367 0 -5.9998; 60 6.4574 0 -5.9998
24. 61 7.0977 0 -5.9998; 62 7.4998 0 -5.9998; 63 1 0 -6.9998; 64 1.1901 0 -6.9998
25. 65 2.0424 0 -6.9998; 66 2.7631 0 -6.9998; 67 3.5999 0 -6.9998
26. 68 4.2899 0 -6.9998; 69 5.7367 0 -6.9998; 70 6.4574 0 -6.9998
27. 71 7.2497 0 -6.9998; 72 7.4998 0 -6.9998; 73 1 0 -7.9998; 74 1.4021 0 -7.9998
28. 75 2.0424 0 -7.9998; 76 2.7631 0 -7.9998; 77 3.5999 0 -7.9998
29. 78 4.2399 0 -7.9998; 79 5.7367 0 -7.9998; 80 6.4574 0 -7.9998
30. 81 7.0977 0 -7.9998; 82 7.4998 0 -7.9998; 83 1 0 -8.9998; 84 1.4021 0 -8.9998
31. 85 2.0424 0 -8.9998; 86 2.7631 0 -8.9998; 87 3.5999 0 -8.9998
32. 88 4.2899 0 -8.9998; 89 5.7367 0 -8.9998; 90 6.4574 0 -8.9998
33. 91 7.0977 0 -8.9998; 92 7.4998 0 -8.9998; 93 1 0 -9.5498; 94 1.4021 0 -9.5498
34. 95 2.0424 0 -9.5498; 96 2.7631 0 -9.5498; 99 5.7367 0 -9.5498
35. 100 6.4574 0 -9.5498; 101 7.0977 0 -9.5498; 102 7.4998 0 -9.5498
36. 103 1 0 -11.2498; 104 1.4021 0 -11.2498; 105 2.0424 0 -11.2498
37. 106 2.7631 0 -11.2498; 107 3.5999 0 -11.2498; 108 4.2399 0 -11.2498
38. 109 5.7367 0 -11.2498; 110 6.4574 0 -11.2498; 111 7.0977 0 -11.2498
39. 112 7.4998 0 -11.2498; 113 1 0 -12.8498; 114 1.4021 0 -12.8498
40. 115 2.0424 0 -12.8498; 116 2.7631 0 -12.8498; 117 3.5999 0 -12.8498
41. 118 4.2399 0 -12.8498; 119 5.7367 0 -12.8498; 120 6.4574 0 -12.8498
42. 121 7.0977 0 -12.8498; 122 7.4998 0 -12.8498; 123 1 0 -13.9996
43. 124 1.4021 0 -13.9996; 125 2.0424 0 -13.9996; 126 2.7631 0 -13.9996
44. 127 3.5999 0 -13.9996; 128 4.2399 0 -13.9996; 129 5.7367 0 -13.9996
45. 130 6.4574 0 -13.9996; 131 7.0977 0 -13.9996; 132 7.4998 0 -13.9996
46. 133 3.5999 0 -9.9185; 134 4.2399 0 -9.9998; 139 5.3399 0 -2.7498
47. 141 5.3399 0 -4.9998; 142 5.3399 0 -5.9998; 143 5.3399 0 -6.9998
48. 144 5.3399 0 -7.9998; 145 5.3399 0 -8.9998; 147 5.3399 0 -11.2498
49. 148 5.3399 0 -12.8498; 149 5.3399 0 -13.9996; 150 5.3399 0 -9.769
50. 151 3.5999 0 -4.0811; 152 4.2399 0 -3.9998; 153 5.3399 0 -4.2306
52. 158 123 113; 159 113 103; 160 103 93; 161 93 83; 162 83 73; 163 73 63
53. 164 63 53; 165 53 43; 166 43 33; 167 33 23; 168 23 12; 169 12 1; 170 1 2
54. 171 2 3; 172 3 4; 173 4 5; 174 5 6; 175 6 7; 176 7 8; 177 8 9; 178 9 10
55. 179 10 11; 180 11 22; 181 22 32; 182 32 42; 183 42 52; 184 52 62; 185 62 72
56. 186 72 82; 187 82 92; 188 92 102; 189 102 112; 190 112 122; 191 122 132
57. 192 132 131; 193 131 130; 194 130 129; 195 129 149; 196 149 128; 197 128 127
58. 198 127 126; 199 126 125; 200 125 124; 201 124 123
60. 1 124 123 113 114; 2 125 124 114 115; 3 126 125 115 116; 4 127 126 116 117
61. 5 128 127 117 118; 7 130 129 119 120; 8 131 130 120 121; 9 132 131 121 122
62. 10 114 113 103 104; 11 115 114 104 105; 12 116 115 105 106; 13 117 116 106 107
63. 14 118 117 107 108; 16 120 119 109 110; 17 121 120 110 111; 18 122 121 111 112
64. 19 104 103 93 94; 20 105 104 94 95; 21 106 105 95 96; 22 107 106 96 133
65. 23 108 107 133 134; 26 111 110 100 101; 27 112 111 101 102; 28 149 128 118 148
66. 29 129 149 148 119; 30 148 118 108 147; 31 119 148 147 109; 36 147 108 134 150
67. 37 109 147 150 99; 38 110 109 99 100; 39 13 12 1 2; 40 14 13 2 3; 41 15 14 3 4
68. 42 16 15 4 5; 43 17 16 5 6; 44 18 17 6 7; 45 19 18 7 8; 46 20 19 8 9
69. 47 21 20 9 10; 48 22 21 10 11; 49 94 93 83 84; 50 95 94 84 85; 51 84 83 73 74
70. 52 74 73 63 64; 53 24 23 12 13; 54 34 33 23 24; 55 44 43 33 34; 56 64 63 53 54
71. 57 54 53 43 44; 58 133 96 86 87; 59 134 133 87 88; 60 150 134 88 145
72. 61 102 101 91 92; 62 101 100 90 91; 63 92 91 81 82; 64 82 81 71 72
73. 65 72 71 61 62; 66 62 61 51 52; 67 52 51 41 42; 68 42 41 31 32; 69 32 31 21 22
74. 70 31 30 20 21; 71 30 29 19 20; 76 26 25 14 15; 77 25 24 13 14; 78 41 40 30 31
75. 79 68 67 57 58; 80 143 68 58 142; 81 69 143 142 59; 82 59 142 141 49
76. 83 142 58 48 141; 84 58 57 47 48; 88 79 144 143 69; 89 144 78 68 143
77. 90 78 77 67 68; 91 77 76 66 67; 92 67 66 56 57; 93 57 56 46 47; 95 96 95 85
78. 96 96 85 86; 97 85 84 74; 101 61 50 51; 106 27 26 15 16; 107 28 27 16 17
79. 108 139 28 17 18; 109 29 139 18 19; 116 47 46 36 151; 117 48 47 151 152
80. 118 141 48 152 153; 119 49 141 153 39; 120 60 59 49 50; 121 56 55 45 46
81. 122 66 65 55 56; 123 76 75 65 66; 124 86 85 75 76; 125 87 86 76 77
82. 126 88 87 77 78; 127 145 88 78 144; 128 89 145 144 79; 129 90 89 79 80
83. 130 80 79 69 70; 131 70 69 59 60; 132 81 80 70 71; 133 71 70 60 61
84. 134 153 152 28 139; 135 39 153 139 29; 136 40 39 29 30; 137 51 50 40 41
85. 138 152 151 27 28; 139 151 36 26 27; 140 35 34 24 25; 141 36 35 25 26
86. 142 45 44 34 35; 143 65 64 54 55; 144 75 74 64 65; 145 99 150 145 89
87. 146 91 90 81; 147 81 90 80; 148 100 99 90; 149 90 99 89; 150 61 60 50
88. 151 85 74 75; 152 55 54 45; 153 45 54 44; 154 46 45 36; 155 36 45 35
89. 156 50 49 39; 157 50 39 40
91. 1 TO 5 7 TO 14 16 TO 23 26 TO 31 36 TO 71 76 TO 84 88 TO 93 95 TO 97 101 106 -
92. 107 TO 109 116 TO 157 THICKNESS 1.5
95. E 3.16228E+006
96. POISSON 0.17
* For questions on STAAD.Pro, please contact *
* Research Engineers Offices at the following locations *
* *
* Telephone Email *
* USA: +1 (714)974-2500 [email protected] *
* CANADA +1 (905)632-4771 [email protected] *
* UK +44(1454)207-000 [email protected] *
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MX (local) MX (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -106 <= -156
-95.1 -135
-84.1 -114
-73.1 -92.6
-62.1 -71.3
-51.1 -50
-40 -28.6
-29 -7.34
-18 14
-7 35.3
4.02 56.6
15 77.9
26 99.2
37.1 121
48.1 142
59.1 163
>= 70.1 >= 184
Load 12 Load 14
MX (local) MX (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -106 <= -654
-94 -565
-81.9 -475
-69.7 -386
-57.6 -296
-45.5 -207
-33.3 -117
-21.2 -27.6
-9.07 61.9
3.06 151
15.2 241
27.3 330
39.5 420
51.6 509
63.7 599
75.9 688
>= 88 >= 778
Load 13 Load 15
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 1 of 8 Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 2 of 8
Job No Sheet No Rev Job No Sheet No Rev
3 4
Part Part
Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job Title Ref Job Title Ref
MX (local) MY (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -141 <= -63.4
-94.5 -46.7
-48.1 -29.9
-1.78 -13.2
44.6 3.59
90.9 20.3
137 37.1
184 53.9
230 70.6
276 87.4
323 104
369 121
415 138
462 154
508 171
554 188
>= 601 >= 205
Load 16 Load 13
MY (local) MY (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -68.8 <= -294
-54.5 -244
-40.2 -194
-25.8 -143
-11.5 -93.2
2.81 -42.9
17.1 7.31
31.5 57.5
45.8 108
60.1 158
74.4 208
88.8 259
103 309
117 359
132 409
146 459
>= 160 >= 510
Load 12 Load 14
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 3 of 8 Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 4 of 8
Job No Sheet No Rev Job No Sheet No Rev
5 6
Part Part
Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job Title Ref Job Title Ref
MY (local) MX (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -167 <= -67.6
-137 -60.2
-108 -52.7
-78.1 -45.3
-48.6 -37.8
-19.1 -30.4
10.5 -23
40 -15.5
69.5 -8.07
99 -0.621
129 6.83
158 14.3
188 21.7
217 29.2
247 36.6
276 44.1
>= 306 >= 51.5
Load 15 Load 17
MY (local) MX (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -304 <= -78.3
-165 -69.2
-26.2 -60.1
113 -50.9
251 -41.8
390 -32.7
529 -23.6
668 -14.5
806 -5.35
945 3.77
1084 12.9
1223 22
1361 31.1
1400 40.2
1478 58.5
>= 1520 >= 67.6
Load 16 Load 18
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 5 of 8 Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 6 of 8
Job No Sheet No Rev Job No Sheet No Rev
7 8
Part Part
Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job Title Ref Job Title Ref
MX (local) MX (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -120 <= -111
-103 -74.4
-86.4 -37.3
-69.8 -0.163
-53.2 36.9
-36.5 74.1
-19.9 111
-3.29 148
13.3 185
30 222
46.6 260
63.2 297
79.8 334
96.4 371
113 408
130 445
>= 146 >= 482
Load 19 Load 21
MX (local)
<= -523
>= 625
Load 20
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 7 of 8 Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:34 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 8 of 8
Job No Sheet No Rev Job No Sheet No Rev
1 2
Part Part
Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job Title Ref Job Title Ref
MY (local) MY (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -42.7 <= -233
-32.8 -194
-22.9 -154
-13 -114
-3.06 -74.8
6.86 -35.2
16.8 4.41
26.7 44
36.6 83.6
46.5 123
56.5 163
66.4 202
76.3 242
86.2 282
96.1 321
106 361
>= 116 >= 401
Load 17 Load 19
MY (local) MY (local)
MTon-m/m MTon-m/m
<= -46.2 <= -130
-33.5 -107
-20.8 -83.8
-8.18 -60.5
4.49 -37.2
17.2 -14
29.8 9.29
42.5 32.6
55.2 55.8
67.8 79.1
80.5 102
93.2 126
106 149
119 172
131 195
144 219
>= 157 >= 242
Load 18 Load 20
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:41 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 1 of 3 Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:41 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 2 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev
Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Job Title Ref
By Date03-Apr-17 Chd
MY (local)
<= -243
>= 1220
Load 21
Print Time/Date: 01/06/2018 15:41 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 3 of 3