Coding Tree Joshua Deboar
Coding Tree Joshua Deboar
Coding Tree Joshua Deboar
Situational awareness Mental preparation Talking before ‘So when you’re 2.05
Confidence before the game. Asking the game. Brad up running
Attentional focus what he should being is talking to the down the middle
(external) doing. Creating an team and Josh because usually
awareness for the asks for advice I’m on the side
situation before to build waiting for
confidence. External handball
focus? because I’m
running down
the wing’
Attentional focus Self talk to maintain Josh gets a goal ‘That was a good 3.29
(internal)/self talk attentional focus. in and he self goal’
talks the quote
to himself
Perceived confidence Perceived ability is low After he scores a ‘Didn’t think I’d 3.32
goal he says to get that in’
himself the
Confidence Trying to build another Brad runs down ‘Yeah good 3.11
players confidence. the court and work’
scores a lay up.
Motivation and arousal Using self talk to Josh gets a ‘That was good 3.35
Attentional Focus enhance motivation. rebound when it Bet two people
(internal) Aroused by own was two onto then’
performance. Self one.
regulation and
achievement are two
important areas of
Motivation Influencing the game by Ball is in control ‘Stay on a 5.56
Attentional Focus doing the right thing of other team. player’
(internal) and staying on Josh tells himself
opposition player. This to stay on a
will enhance the teams player.
performance and
External focus
Social influence The player could think The Krispy Nets ‘Could have had 6.11
Attentional Focus they're not thought of get control after it though passed
(internal) as a valued player a rebound but it the wrong
Stress (personal) meaning lowering the ball is passed side’
perceived ability and down the
creating anxiety. opposite side to
Josh meaning he
couldn’t be
passed the ball
Confidence Building confidence in Brad scores a ‘Yeah good shot’ 6.46
teammates. goal right in
front of Josh
Self-efficacy. Creating a group role in Ball is turned ‘That’s how they 6.58
Attentional focus the team. Feeling over and there is are getting all 7.22
(external). accepted in the team by a player from their goals’ 7.55
Social influence. having a role will the opposition ‘Got to watch
heighten perceived team already this one out the
confidence and self- down the other back’
efficacy. end of the court ‘That’s it
Being in control of the and ball is watching the
game by taking notice passed down one out the back
of what is going on. and they score now’
External focus on 2 occasions
straight after
each other
Stress (personal) Not completing a play Josh was first to ‘Should’ve 8.08
Attentional Focus that he thought he the ball but stopped that it
(internal) could. This may have there is 2 was two on one
been because it was opposition though’
two on one meaning players right
the cognitive effects of behind him and
anxiety came into play. he fumbles and
loses control
Stress (team) The ball goes out and is Team mate ‘Don’t admit to 8.33
Inattentional Focus turned over due to admits that the it’
(external) another teammate ball comes off
owning up. He says this him after the
because he is stressed umpire decides
and anxious about the that it is the
outcome if the ball is Krispynets ball
turned over. resulting in the
decision getting
Stress (personal) Again thought he should Ball is in ‘Could’ve had 9.01
Attentional Focus have got the ball. This Krispynets that’
(internal) may have been because possession but
the cognitive effects of ball travels down
anxiety were present other side of the
resulting in a bad court and is not
performance passed to Josh
Confidence/situational Confidence is high and Josh looks up at ‘Close, in the 9.20
awareness momentum is in the scoreboard game’
Attentional Focus Krispynets favour. and realises the
(internal) Aware of the score at score is closing
half time resulting in down in
being aware of the Krispynets
situation/situational favour
Confidence Building confidence in Half time Josh is ‘Good work’ 9.24
team mates to heighten offering support ‘Well done’ 9.33
performance and
the team on
playing well
Situational awareness Being aware of the Josh explains his ‘We would be in 9.54
Attentional Focus situation. Pointing out thoughts in front if we 10.05
(external) where the team is going regards to the stopped those
Stress (team) wrong will allow them score - Team lob ones’
to be one step ahead huddle at half ‘That’s everyone
and make the right time of their goals’
decision at the right
Situational awareness Being aware that one Josh explains his ‘I don’t know 10.21
player on their team is thoughts on why her name but its
the kay goal scorer. This he thinks they her every time’
is situation awareness are out scoring -
and will allow the team Team huddle at
to counter that when half time
the same play happens.
Trying to figure out the
movement pattern of
the opposition
Situational awareness Being observant of the Josh’s thoughts ‘They will be 10.31
Attentional Focus situation by realising in regards to getting tired
(external) they have played a other team - now they have
game before. Team huddle at played two
half time games’
Perceived Perceived ability is low. Josh’s thoughts ‘Its hard’ 10.41
ability/confidence Josh is a novice and he in regards to
is realising it is hard to game - Team
take on some of the huddle at half
more expert players. time
This will result in
lowering confidence
Situational awareness Being aware of what Updating himself ‘We going the 10.57
way the team is going to and the team on other way now’
build confidence the way that the
team is going.
Perceived Annoyed with his Ball goes out of ‘Should’ve had 11.15
ability/anxiety performance. The bad court that’
Attentional Focus performance could
(internal) result in lowering
Stress (personal) perceived ability and
heightened anxiety.
The bad performance
could have been due to
already heightened
Confidence Providing support and Krispynets gain ‘Go mate, well 12.05
building confidence in control and then done’
teammate team mate ‘Yeah good
scores work’
Perceived confidence Percived ability is low. Krispynets ball. ‘He’s a better 13.28
Anxiety Willing to give the ball Josh is passed basketballer
to the expert. This may the ball but than me so ill let
be because he feels passed it straight him have it’
anxious when in control back to
of the ball. teammate
Social influence Getting along with the Ball is punched ‘Maybe you 13.40
Inattentional Focus other team. Less stress. out of bounds by should’
(external) Less anxiety. oppositions and ‘Full back’
someone makes
a joke ‘you
should play
Situational awareness Being aware of the Josh is free and ‘Yeah behind 13.47
Confidence situation. Confident asks for the ball you’
Perceived confidence enough to call for ball to to be passed to
Attentional Focus make a play. him and josh
(external) Heightened perceived gains control of
ability ball
Situational awareness Being aware of Ball is in ‘You got her’ 13.59
Attentional Focus situation. Being aware possession of
(external) of movement pattern of opposition and
opposition. Josh tells
teammate to
stay on another
Confidence Asking to be passed the Ball is in control ‘Yeah Kaitlyn’ 14.56
Perceived confidence ball shows confidence of Krispynets
and heighted perceived and Josh asks to
ability. Krispy nets were be passed the
winning at this point so ball
could be to do with less
stress and anxiety about
the outcome of the
Situational awareness Very aware of the Josh runs in and ‘That was a fake 15.40
Attentional focus situation. Self talk to draws a player by me’
(internal) build confidence. towards him
resulting in
having an easy
shot at goal
Confidence Congratulating team Opposition tried ‘Yeah good 16.37
mate to heighten to outplay and work’
confidence. Less dribble around
anxiety. Maintain teammate but
attentional focus. teammate wins
and gains
control of ball
Stress (personall) Frustration. Anxiety. Josh shoots and ‘Oh get in’ 17.21
misses then
shoots and
Social influence ? End of game. ‘Well done’ 17.45
Congratulates ‘Good stuff’ 17.50
team and ‘Good game’ 18.00
Social Influence – 4
Perceived confidence/self-efficacy – 14
Situational awareness – 9
Arousal - 1