DataExplorer Manual
DataExplorer Manual
DataExplorer Manual
Karsten Rink
1 Introduction 5
1.1 User Interface Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 OGS Download and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Source Code Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Data Manipulation 23
3.1 Manipulating Geometrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.1 Mapping Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Time Series and Stratigraphic Data to Observation Sites . . . 26
3.3 Generating and Modifying Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.1 Creating Meshes from Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.2 Creating Meshes from Raster Files . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3.3 Converting Meshes to Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.4 Extracting the surface of a mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.5 Mapping of Meshes based on DEMs . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.6 Adding Layers of Fixed Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.7 Analyse Mesh Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.8 Changing Material Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3.9 Removing Duplicate or Unused Mesh Nodes . . . . . . 35
3.3.10 Removing Mesh Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 Modelling Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.1 Creating Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.2 Creating FEM Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.3 Changing FEM Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4 Visualisation 39
4.1 Visualisation Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2 General Visualisation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3 Modification and Export Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.4 Applying Filters for Visualisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5 Example Workflows 49
5.1 Creating a Hydrogeological Subsurface Mesh . . . . . . . . . 49
5.1.1 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.1.2 Creating a 2D Surface Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.1.3 Creating and Mapping Subsurface Layers . . . . . . . 53
5.1.4 Quality Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2 Visualisation of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Index 57
Further Reading 59
Chapter 1
This manual has been written to give a quick overview over the functionality
of the OpenGeoSys DataExplorer . Existing functionality is explained and
typical workflows are detailed step by step.
6 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
tain situations. For more information on OpenGeoSys itself check out the
OpenGeoSys-website1 .
It is also highly recommended to always use the latest version of the of the
DataExplorer to be able to make use of recently implemented functionality,
bug fixes, etc. The programme is available from the OGS-website or from
the Github repository at
8 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Additional Software
For be able to use the full functionality of the DataExplorer , two additional
utilities are needed. Both are not strictly required, but the functionality
for creating finite element meshes described in this tutorial will not work
without these additional programmes.
The first programme is the finite element mesh generator GMSH. It is
freely available and required for creating domain discretisations (meshes)
from geometry (see section 3.3.1). The software is available for Linux, Mac
OS X and Windows and installation files can be found at
org/gmsh/. The second utility is the TetGen finite mesh generator6 . It is
required for creating 3D tetrahedral meshes from 2D meshes as described in
section 3.3.5.
While TetGen is used only indirectly by the DataExplorer , GMSH can be
directly controlled via user interface dialogues. Therefore, it is recommended
on first start-up of the Data Explorer to set the location of this programme.
This is done by selecting Settings →Data Explorer Settings.... A new
dialogue will open where the location can be specified.
OpenGeoSys and the Data Explorer are available under BSD license,
i.e. both are free for non-commercial use as as long as the OpenGeoSys Com-
munity is referenced as the developer of the software. The exact conditions
of use can be found in the file LICENSE.txt on the GitHub-repository.
10 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Chapter 2
12 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
at least at the time of this writing – two file standards for certain kinds of
data. Currently the legacy files can still be read for the most part but not
be written anymore. There is also a small file converter tool deployed with
the OGS6 package (see section 2.1.2)
You can open all native OGS files by clicking File→Open.... As an
alternative, files can also be opened by clicking the folder icon in the re-
spective Data View tab. However, this will only allow to open files relevant
for this specific tab, i.e. if the folder-icon in the Geometry-tab is pressed,
you will only be allowed to open geometry-data. Please note that all files
must have the correct file extension for the programme to correctly recognise
their type.
Supported XML file formats are:
• Meshes: *.vtu
Domain discretisations in 1D, 2D and 3D. Note that this is a VTK-file
format and you can use these exact files also in other VTK compliant
software such as ParaView.
Legacy files that are still supported for the time being:
• Geometry: *.gli
• Meshes: *.msh
Figure 2.2: Supported file formats for import and export of data.
• FEFLOW files
Allows the import FEFLOW problem ASCII files (*.fem). This inter-
face imports only geometry, e.g. polygons, and meshes.
• Petrel files
This interface is in an unfinished state. Please talk to the development
team if you need to load data into OGS.
• TetGen files
Allows the import files created with the TetGen mesh generator. This
interface currently only reads the node- and tetrahedra-files created
by the software (i.e. *.node and *.ele).
• Visual Toolkit (VTK) files (*.vti, *.vtk, *.vtp, *.vtr, *.vts, *.vtu)
Files containing data for graphic objects, ranging from image files
(*.vti) to structured (*.vts) or unstructured meshes (*.vtu). All data
sets may include additional data in the form of scalar arrays. This
interface should work perfectly.
You can also save all loaded data files by saving an OpenGeoSysproject.
Select File→Save as... and specify a project name. This option will save
all geometries in *.gml files, all mesh meshes in *.msh files and all observation
sites in *.stn files. Additionally it will create a project file (*.gsp). When
loading the gsp-file later on it will also load the respective geometries and
observation sites again. (Note: Other file formats – e.g. for boundary
conditions or processes – will be added in the future)
(see figure 2.3). If a mesh is selected in the Data View, the second view
will display properties of that mesh such as its name, number of nodes and
elements, existing element types, the range of its material groups and the
limits of the axis-aligned bounding box containing this mesh. This allows to
get a quick overview over important properties of a mesh and might be used
for a first error analysis by checking if certain types of elements are present
in this mesh or if it’s bounding box exceeds certain limits. If an element is
selected in the Data View, all available information concerning that element,
i.e. element type, material group, area/volume and a list of its nodes.
Finally, the Modelling-tab contains a list of processes. These may contain
lists of Boundary Conditions, Initial Conditions and Source term, which in
turn can be expanded again to see the individual conditions as well as specific
details such as the primary variable or the distribution type.
Data from the Geometry-tab and the Meshes-tab can also be highlighted in
Render Window. Upon selecting a geometrical object in the Data View, the
object will also be highlighted in the render window. For better visibility a
point will be marked by a small ball and a line by a tube. A surface will be
displayed using red colour.
For meshes, selected elements are highlighted in the Render Window. As
described in the previous section, properties of the selected element will also
appear in the Element Properties-view in the same tab. It is also possible
to pick a single element in the Render Window (for details on picking see
section 2.3.3) to display its properties. If element information is visible in the
Element Properties view, it is also possible to select a node of that particular
mesh element from the nodes list and this node will then be highlighted as
a small ball in the Render Window, similar to the way geometric points are
The render window is the part of the GUI where all the data is visualised
in a user-controlled 3D scene. The process of “drawing” an object in the
render window is technically called the rendering of the object and will be
referred to as such in the following. The Render Window is where the data
is actually displayed and where all the effects of changes done in other parts
of the programme or to the input data will be visible.
20 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Figure 2.4: Examples for inconsistencies within the data. The left image
show inconsistencies between two meshes. The right images show a number
of boreholes, one of which has a wrong offset.
One of the big advantages of the Data Explorer is in the fact that this
visual inspection of the data also allows you to assess your data and to find
inconsistencies and errors. Figure 2.4 gives examples of such inconsistencies.
The 3D view can be manipulated using the mouse. Holding the left
mouse button and moving the mouse will rotate everything around the focal
point of the scene. By default this is the center point of all data loaded into
the programme. By holding the middle mouse button it is possible to pan
the view, resulting in a translation left / right and up / down. By holding
the right mouse button or moving the mouse wheel the complete scene will
be zoomed in and out.
There is an alternative mouse button functionality assignment which is
activated by holding the Spacebar. When activated, left clicks pick a cell
of the actually selected visualisation pipeline object. This allows to mark
a certain cell of the visualisation, such as a mesh element for displaying
information related to that element in Element Properties is detailed in the
previous section. On right-clicking, the picked position is set as the new
focal point of the camera. This is useful for a better examination of an
interesting region of the data so with focal point set to that region you can
easily rotate and zoom around.
The selected cell can be de-selected again by holding Spacebar and click-
ing somewhere into the background of the render window.
buttons on the left site allows axis-parallel viewing the scene from both ends
of the three coordinate axes . The “Globe”-icon on the left side gives a view
of the complete scene from above and is thus equivalent to the +z icon.
The magnifying glass icon allows to zoom into the scene. When this icon
is toggled, pressing the left mouse button will no longer rotate the scene but
instead draw a frame into which the programme will zoom upon releasing
the mouse button. The second button in this group toggles the visualisation
of a bounding box around the object currently selected in the visualisation
pipeline. The third button switches between perspective projection and
orthogonal projection.
The right-most button depicting the camera-icon will result in a screen-
shots of the current content of the render window. Upon pressing the But-
ton a small dialogue will open that allows to select the scaling factor for
the saved image. This is useful for creating large image (e.g. for posters)
without artefacts.
loaded, a new visualisation item is created and displayed in the render win-
dow. If a list of observation sites is loaded, again one visualisation item is
created that represents the graphical object displayed in the render window.
While that list of stations can be expanded in the data view and see inform-
ation about each station contained in the list, the visualisation item cannot
be expanded. It is only a substitute for the visualisation of said list in the
render window to display how various objects in the Render Window do or
do not depend on each other. Also, the user is able to mark one pipeline item
and set various parameters for this specific item. As an exception, geometry
is loaded into the programme will result in up to three visualisation objects:
one for the list of points, one for the list of polylines and one for the list
of surfaces (depending on the existence of polylines and surfaces). Again,
this allows to choose different visualisation options for each set of geometric
Certain non-native data sets imported into the Data Explorer do not
fit into any of the Data Views and cannot be directly manipulated. These
objects will appear in the Visualisation Pipeline and subsequently in the
Render Window, but in none of the Data Views. Examples for such data
sets are images or raster files as well as graphical objects such as VTK data
Section 4.4 explains how you can employ the visualisation pipeline to
apply filters the visualisation items. These filters allow changes of the way
each object is visualised and they are quite handy to show certain aspects
of the data.
Data Manipulation
Upon loading geometric data, the programme will check if any two geometric
points are identical or almost identical (within a small ε-range) and remove
these points. GIS software often produces feature files that contain duplicate
points which is not a problem within GIS but leads to all kinds of problems
during tessellation of polygons or volumes as well as during a subsequent
FEM simulation.
While the software will remove these duplicate points everytime a specific
data set is loaded, it makes sense to save the cleaned data set and thus save
loading time later on and be sure to work with a more suitable data set.
All other functions for manipulating geometry are associated with poly-
lines and can be applied by right-clicking the “Polylines” item of any geo-
metry in the Data View and then selecting Connect Polylines....
24 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Connecting Polylines
This function connects all the selected polylines to a single new polyline
provided that the start- and end points of all segments are within the given
maximum distance. The default maximum distance is 0.0, meaning that
start- and end points have to be identical. A name may be added to the
resulting new polyline.
Note that if more than two start/end points are located within the given
maximum distance, still only two of those points are connected. These points
are chosen randomly. It is not advised to use a maximum distance that may
lead to ambiguous results.
The newly created polyline is added to the geometry. All the polylines
that are parts of this new line are still kept within the geometry.
Merging geometries
(a) Mapping based on (b) Mapping based on mesh (c) Additional geometric points
“Map on data set”. In addition, this menu allows to select any mesh already
loaded into OpenGeoSysto avoid loading the data set a second time. When
selecting a DEM, geometric point will be given the elevation of the pixel
they fall on when projected into the (x, y)-plane (see fig. 3.1a).
For a subsequent FEM-based simulation, it is usually better to map a
geometric data set on the FEM mesh if the geometry will later be used for
assigning boundary conditions. The mapping-dialogue offers two options for
this case:
The second method will often result in larger geometry data sets, but
also in a much better mapping. If unsure which method to use, it makes
sense to try both and select the subjectively best result afterwards.
26 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
• Mesh density scaling for points: This is a scaling factor for the
above parameter allowing for a refinement towards points located within
the outer boundary. Again, smaller values will result in finer meshes.
• Mesh density scaling for stations: This is exactly the same kind
of scaling factor as for the option above, only for refinement towards
observation sites, allowing a different mesh density for different regions
of the mesh.
Likewise, you can select an element size for homogeneous meshes. Here,
too, a smaller number will result in a finer mesh, as the value specifies the
maximum edge length of mesh elements.
Default parameters for all options are already predefined and have worked
well with most examples that have been tested. However, results are heavily
dependent an the bounding box of all data sets used for mesh generation.
Often it is necessary to play around with these numbers a bit. Usually it
makes sense to start with larger parameters that result in coarser meshes
to get a rough idea what the final mesh will look like and where potential
problems may be located.
Figure 3.3: Adaptive meshing of geometry. The left column depicts polyline
and points that need to be meshed. In the middle the resulting quad trees
can be seen, the upper on generated with a maximum of two points per leaf,
the lower one with 10 points per leaf. The resulting meshes are shown on
the right side. Notice that regions where no information is available have
roughly the same element size while elements where point information is
given differ vastly in element size.
pipeline item allows to select the menu item Convert Image to Mesh....
A dialogue allows the parameterise how exactly this conversion should be
performed. Specifically, it is possible to select a mesh element type for rep-
resentation of pixels and a way in which grey-values should be interpreted3 .
For the first parameter, pixels can be converted into a square (i.e. a quad-
rilateral element) or two rectilinear triangles (i.e. two triangle elements). In
the future it is also planned to offer cubes (i.e. a hexahedron) for multi-
layered images.
For the second parameter the user can decide wether pixel values should
be interpreted as elevation (which is useful if the raster represents a digital
elevation model) or if the grey-values should be assigned as scalar values to
the mesh elements. As a third alternative, these values can also be com-
pletely ignored (see Fig. 3.4 for examples).
Meshes can also be generated from colour images. However, the colours will be con-
verted to grey-values via g = 0.3 ∗ red + 0.6 ∗ green + 0.1 ∗ blue.
30 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Figure 3.4: Creating meshes from raster files: Pixels can be either represen-
ted as a set of two triangles (Fig. 3.4b) or a square (Fig. 3.4c), intensities
may represent elevation (Fig. 3.4b) or materials (Fig. 3.4c).
Figure 3.5: Mapping meshes based on raster files: (a) original surface mesh,
(b) adding subsurface layers of fixed size, (c) adding subsurface layers based
on elevation models. In a final step the subsurface model is intersected with
the terrain model (i.e. the actual surface elevation).
and select Add layers with static thickness. After that the thickness
of each layer needs to be specified.
You can visualise the quality of a given mesh by right-clicking on the mesh
in the respective Data View and selecting Check Mesh Quality.... This
currently allows to choose between four implemented measurements for mesh
element quality. The result of choosing any of these modes is a colour-codes
overlay of the mesh where every element is assigned a quality in [0, 1]. You
can select this overlay in the visualisation pipeline and specify thresholds
to select a certain range of quality and see which element fall into that
range. (Note: You might need to manually set the correct scalar array for
visualising mesh quality. The appropriate data can be chosen by selecting in
“C-Selection” in the Active Scalar pull-down menu.
The currently implemented measures are the following:
(a) Edge Aspect Ratio (b) Element Area (c) EquiAngle Skewness
The quality measure best suited for a given mesh might depend on the
process you want to simulate using this mesh. For instance, processes such
as groundwater recharge consist mainly of layered flows, meaning that large
differences between horizontal and vertical element surfaces might have no
effect on a correct result. The simulation of mass transport processes expli-
citly requires a fine mesh resolution in vertical direction to ensure a stable
34 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
The two basic options are “Condense material groups to smallest possible
range” and “Replace material group value”. The first option will rename all
material groups such that the group with the smallest ID will be assigned
0, the group with the second-smallest ID will be assigned 1, and so on. In a
mesh with 10 different material groups the largest existing ID will be 9 after
processing the mesh.
The second option allows to specifically rename the ID of any group from
the current value A to any new value B. If B already exists, the programme
will give a warning and ask the user if the renaming process should really
be started, thus merging groups A and B.
Chapter 3. Data Manipulation 35
initial condition. Based on the geometrical object type and the selection
of the condition type a number of distribution types will be available. For
example, points as boundary conditions can only have Constant (Dirichlet)
distribution; lines as source terms can have Constant (Neumann) or Linear
(Neumann) distribution, etc.
While the assignment of values is easy for constant distributions, it an
get quite complex for linear or direct distributions. The FEM Condition
Setup Dialogue will therefore contain a button “Calculate Values” instead
of a textfield. Upon pressing this button a (different) dialogue will open to
configure the values. For linear distributions a table is displayed where for
each point of the line a value can be inserted (Fig. 3.8b). Conditions are
only actually set up between points with given values. As an alternative it is
possible to automatically insert the elevation (z-Coordinate) for each point of
the line. For direct distributions the dialogue will require to specify a raster
file from which values are read for direct assignment to mesh nodes (Fig.
3.8c). The user can select between a 1:1 assignment or a surface integration
based on the area of the mesh elements the respective node is part of. In
this case it is also possible to specify a scaling value to compensate for data
files with different units of measurement.
For polylines or surfaces it is also possible to assign the conditions not
directly on the geometric objects but instead on all points compromising
the object. For example, a polyline consisting of 50 points can be either
assigned one boundary conditions with a linear distribution or 50 boundary
conditions on the respective points, each of which has a constant value.
Once created, FEM conditions can be saved by right-clicking associated
process in the “Modelling” tab and selecting Save FEM conditions.... The
Chapter 3. Data Manipulation 37
user can specify the file format (XML or ASCII) and the type of conditions
that should be written (boundary conditions, initial conditions, source terms
or all of them).
40 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
(a) Solid Color (b) Default colour table (c) User-defined colours
Figure 4.1: Each object is assigned a random solid colour as well as a default
colour table based on a temperature scale (from blue to red). The solid
colour can be adjusted via the “Diffuse Color”-option (see section 4.2), the
colour table can be adjusted by loading a user-defined *.xml file via the “Add
color table...”-option (see section 4.3).
tion pipeline. This overwrites all previously set superelevation factors and is
especially useful when dealing with a large number of files, all of which should
be assigned the same superelevation (e.g. when using OpenGeoSysprojects,
see section 2.1.2).
Per default upon loading a new data set the 3D view is adapted to show
the entire scene from above (i.e. the z+-axis). This can be switched of by
unchecking the “Reset view on load” option. This might be useful when
making a series of screenshots with the exact same point of view.
Finally, it is possible to switch on backface culling. This will result in
rendering only triangles with normals directed towards the camera/observer.
This improves rendering speed and may be useful for finding false ordered
• Diffuse Color: Each item is assigned a colour which is used for ren-
dering the object in 3D space. This colour can be changed here (see
Chapter 4. Visualisation 41
figure 4.1a). If the item is assigned one or more scalar arrays (see next
item) then this colour is displayed upon selecting Solid Color.
• Export to VTK: All objects displayed the render window are tech-
nically VTK-objects. Choosing this option saves these objects in VTK-
format to a file. They can then be used in any software supporting
this format (e.g. Paraview).
ParaView is an open-source data analysis and visualisation application for VTK data.
It can be downloaded at
Chapter 4. Visualisation 43
based on the very different structure of image objects in the graphics library
VTK which is used for visualisation.
Elevation-based colouring
which is then slowly changing to green (150 m) and yellow (450 m) and then
changing to red.. See figure 4.4b.
Remarks: In theory these values can be changed. This is, however, cur-
rently not possible using the GUI. It is very easy in the source code, though,
as this just constitues a predefined colour lookup table.
objects are blanked out. This allows for the visualisation of one or more
specified stratigraphic layer, polyline or mesh layer. See figures 4.3d and
4.4c. The filter is always applied to the currently selected scalar array.
For instance, given a mesh containing scalar arrays for material group and
groundwater head, this filter may be used to select a range of materials (e.g.
only materials with IDs 5–7) or regions with a certain groundwater head
(e.g. head > 7.2 m).
Lines to tubes
Points to spheres
Surface filter
Example Workflows
As processes are simulated using the finite element method, adequate do-
main discretizations – i.e. meshes – need to be created either using the
OpenGeoSys Data Explorer or by employing other software.
For generating such a mesh using the Data Explorer, geometric input
data needs to be imported into the framework to define basic requirements
such as the boundary of model region. This is done by selecting File
→Import files... from the main menu and then selecting the appro-
priate file type. If external software has been employed, the corresponding
mesh for the model region needs to be imported in a similar manner. The
Data Explorer supports a large number of established geo-scientific data
formats, see figure 2.2 for an overview. After selecting a specific file type,
a file-open-dialogue will pop up and after choosing a file it is imported into
the program.
If imported data will be needed again within OpenGeoSys in the foresee-
able future or if data has been somehow modified using the Data Explorer,
the respective data set should be saved to a native OpenGeoSys file. To
do this, the Data View tab where the data set is listed (i.e. Geometry,
Meshes, Stations or Modelling) needs to be selected and upon clicking the
little disk-symbol on top of the tab the data will be saved. Geometric data
will be written into a gml-file, meshes to vtu-files, station-data in stn-files
and modelling data (i.e. Boundary conditions) in cnd-files. This process
is repeated for every data set that needs to be converted and saved to an
OpenGeoSys format.
50 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Figure 5.1: Visualization of data sets at various stages of the modeling pro-
cess. (a) Input data from geographic information systems (GIS). (b) 3D
surface model based on GIS data. (c) Subsurface model with layers inter-
polated based on borehole data. Different information is displayed for each
geological layer. (d) Representation of simulation results using established
visualization techniques such as isosurface and streamtracers.
this case study include the courses of rivers as well as a number of boreholes
and wells. Boundary conditions will later be applied to these objects and
integrating them into the mesh at the beginning of the model setup will
ensure a less error-prone configuration of the model later on. See figure 5.3
for the effect of integrating these geometric objects when generating the
mesh. The process is started by selecting Tools →Mesh Generation...
from the main menu. A dialog will open, where all data sets that have been
loaded and might potentially be included into the new mesh are listed on the
left hand side. By selecting data sets and moving them to the right hand side
of the dialog they are added as constraints to be eventually included into the
new mesh. When clicking on the Advanced-tab, a number of parameters for
creating the mesh may be adjusted. Most importantly, the user can decide
if the resulting mesh should have a homogeneous element size (all elements
have roughly the same size as much as this is possible given the input data)
or if the mesh should be adaptively refined towards geometrical features.
This dialog also allows to change some weights employed by the meshing
algorithm, with the general gist that smaller numbers will result in a finer
When clicking OK, the 2D FEM mesh generator GMSH [20] is employed
for creating a 2D triangulation with elevation z = 0 for all mesh nodes.
For a more detailed explanation on generating meshes from geometry,
see section 3.3.1.
52 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
(a) Boundary only (b) With streams added (c) With boreholes added
(d) Mesh from boundary (e) Including streams (f) Including streams and
(g) Mesh from boundary (h) Including streams (i) Including streams and
Figure 5.3: Effect of adding information to the meshing process. The upper
row shows geometric input data, with one data set added in each column.
The resulting meshes are depicted in the second row. The meshes in fig-
ures 5.3e and 5.3f have a similar refinement but in one mesh boreholes are
located directly on mesh nodes and in the other mesh they are not. The bot-
tom row gives a close-up of this effect to visualise how geometric information
matches mesh nodes and edges if it has been integrated into the meshing
Chapter 5. Example Workflows 53
Depending on which option has been chosen, either the thickness of each
layer has to be specified or, alternatively, the path to a DEM raster for
each layer boundary needs to be selected. In addition to layer boundaries, a
DEM (i.e. Surface elevation) may be specified again, optionally. If a DEM
is given, it will be used for cutting all information from interpolated layers
that is located above the surface level specified in this file. This step might
54 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
tion, a subset of elements can be chosen based on their quality. In figure 5.2c
only elements with an edge ration of 1 : 10 or worse are displayed.
Using these algorithms, potential problems can at least be detected, if
not automatically solved. Also, if and at what point an element will present a
numerical problem during the simulation process can often not be decided in
advanced. Different solvers or processes can be more or less restrictive given
suboptimal conditions. Processes such as groundwater flow consist mainly
of flows within a layered system, meaning that large differences between the
extent of horizontal and vertical element surfaces might have no effect on
the result. The simulation of mass transport processes explicitly requires
a fine mesh resolution in vertical direction to ensure a stable solution. A
more detailed discussion on the quality of mesh elements and their effect on
simulation results can be found in literature [17, 18].
58 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Qt, 7
Saving data, 16
Scaling, 41
Screenshots, 21
Setting names, 23
Shape files, 15
Sphere filter, 47
Stratigraphic data, 26
Superelevation, 39
Surface filter, 47
TetGen, 8
TetGen files, 16
Textures, 44
Threshold filter, 45
Time series data, 26
Translation, 20, 41
OpenGeoSys Literature
[1] Kalbacher T, Mettier R, et al.: Geometric modelling and object-oriented
software concepts applied to a heterogeneous fractured network from the
grimsel rock laboratory. Comput Geosci, 11(1): 9–26 (2007)
60 The OpenGeoSys Data Explorer Manual
Case Studies
Cited Literature