International Indian School, Riyadh: VII - Science - SA1 - Worksheet

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Academic Year 2013- 2014
VII – Science - SA1 – Worksheet

Chapter 1 : Nutrition in Plants

Fill in the blanks :
1. The components of food which are necessary for our body are called
2. Green plants synthesise their own food themselves by the process of
3. ______________________ is the mode of taking food by an organism and its
utilization by the body.
4. Complex chemical substances such as ______________ are the products of
5. ___________________ gas is produced during photosynthesis.
6. Organisms that are dependent on others for their nutrition are called
7. _________________ are the tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves and are
surrounded by guard cells.
8. ____________________is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
9. Organisms which derive their nutrition from dead decaying matter are called
10. Some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients, this is called
11. Carbohydrates are made up of _________,__________ and __________.
Name the following :
1. A bacterium that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form.
2. An insectivorous plant.
3. The mode of nutrition in mushrooms.
4. The indicator used to test the presence of starch in leaves.

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II) Write True or False :

1. Some fungi are used in medicines.[ ]
2. Most of the pulses are obtained from leguminous plants. [ ]
3. Cuscuta (Amarbel) is a host.[ ]
4. Lichens, an alga and a fungus show symbiotic relationship. [ ]
5. In desert plants, green stems carry out photosynthesis.[ ]
III) Define the following
1. Autotrophs
2. Saprotrophs
3. Heterotrophs
4. Nutrition
IV) Diagrams :
1. Cell
2. Photosynthesis in plants.
Chapter 2 : Nutrition in Animals
Fill in the blanks :
1. The mode of taking food into the body is called ___________________
2. In the process of ________________ food is broken down in to simpler
3. The _______________ canal start with mouth and ends in anus.
4. ___________________glands are present in mouth.
5. Saliva helps in the digestion of ___________________ in food.
6. _____________ are the sensory cells present in mouth.
7. The digestive juices of the stomach digest the _____________ in the food.
8. The ________________released by the bacteria in the mouth causes tooth decay.
9. Liver secretes ____________ and helps in the digestion of ____________in the
10. During the process of digestion, the carbohydrates break down to _________, the
proteins into ______________ and the fats into ______________.
11. Faecal matter is removed from the body by the process of __________
12. _____________ of amoeba helps to capture food.

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13. The patient suffering diarrhea should be treated with ___________.

14. We get hiccups or cough, if by chance food particles enters the ____
15. Partially digested food in the rumen of herbivores is called ________
16. The process of utilizing absorbed food particles(nutrients) into the living cells is
called ________________.
II) Name the following :
1. 4 types of teeth.
2. Digestive glands in human body.
3. Acid produced in stomach.
4. Scientist who discovered the working of stomach.
5. The sac like structure present between the small intestine & large intestine in
True or False :
1. Canines are meant for tearing flesh.[ ]
2. Oesophagus is also known as food pipe.[ ]
3. Mouth cavity contains teeth and salivary glands only.[ ]
4. Deer is a ruminant.[ ]
5. Large intestine is longer than small intestine. [ ]
Define :
1. Digestion. 2. Rumination
Distinguish between : Milk teeth and permanent teeth
Draw and label:
1) The human digestive system
2) The feeding and digestion in Amoeba
Chapter 3 : Fibre to Fabric
1. Wool is obtained from the ______________ of the sheep or yak.
2. __________ is the name of the breed of sheep from which we get Kashmiri
3. By the process of _____________ we get off springs with special characters.
4. Washing of sheared skin is known as ______________
5. In __________ the hairs of different textures are separated.

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6. Silk fibre is made up of a __________

7. The silk fibre is obtained from the covering of pupa known as ______________
8. The larva of silk worm are called______________
9. Inside cocoon, the pupa develops into ______________
Name the following :
1. Two wool giving animals.
2. Two Indian breeds of sheep.
3. Two types of silk.
4. Name the most common silk.
5. Bacterium which causes sorter’s disease.
6. The country from where silk industry started.
7. Process of taking out silk – threads from cocoon.
Write true or false:
1. Soft silk yarn is strong as comparable thread of steel.
2. Shearing hurts the sheep.
3. Small fluffy fibres are called burrs.
Define :
• Shearing
• Seri culture.
• Selective breeding
• Rearing
Chapter 4 : Heat
Fill in the blanks :
1. ______________ is a device used for measuring temperature.
2. The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are __________ of
3. Clinical thermometer is used to measure our _____________
4. Wool is poor __________________ of heat and it has air trapped in between the
5. In ______________ generally the heat is transferred by conduction.
6. _______________ metal is used in the bulb of the thermometer.
7. The normal temperature of the human body is __________

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True or False :
1. The materials which do not allow heat to pass them easily are called insulators.
2. In liquids and gases the heat is transferred by conduction.
3. A kink near the bulb of a clinical thermometer prevents mercury level from falling
of its own.
4. We get heat from the sun by radiation.
5. Digital thermometers contain mercury.
Define :
1. Temperature 3. Conduction
2. Radiation 4.Convection
Name the following:
1. The movement of cool air from land towards sea.
2. Two conductors of heat
3. Two insulators of heat
Distinguish between
• Conductors and insulators.
• Clinical and laboratory thermometer
 Clinical Thermometer Laboratory Thermometer.
Chapter 5 : Acids, Bases and salts
Fill in the blanks :
1. Spinach contains_____________ acid while tamarind contains
________________ acid.
2. The gas which escapes out from many aerated soft drink is _____________
3. Carbon burns in air to form _______________
4. The chemical name of lime water is ______________
5. _______________ is the reaction between an acid and base.
6. An aqueous solution of sodium oxide changes ________________ litmus to blue.
7. Phenolphthalein indicator turns acidic solutions to ______________ and basic
solutions to _____________.
8. The chemical name of moist baking soda is _____________
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9. Calamine solution contains __________________( a base ).

10. Litmus is obtained from the _____________________
11. Curd contains __________ while vinegar contains ___________
Complete the following word equations :
1. Zinc + hydrochloric acid ___________+ _____________
2. Sodium hydroxide + Hydrochloric acid ___________+ ________
3. Calcium hydroxide + sulphuric acid ___________+ ________
True or False :
1. All acids turn blue litmus red. True / False
2. Neutral solution can change the colour of litmus. True / False
3. Orange juice turns blue litmus red. True / False
4. Substances which are neither acidic nor basic are called neutral. True/ False
5. An acid and a base neutralize each other and from a salt. True / False.
6. China rose indicator turns acidic solution to green. True / False
Name the following :
1. Two natural indicators.
2. One artificial indicator
3. Two pollutants in the air which causes acid rain.
4. Two substances which can neutralize an ant’s bite.
5. Two acids found in citrus fruits.
1. Indicators
2. Neutral solution
I Fill in the blanks:

1. Decomposers convert dead plants and animals into __________________.

2. Tall trees which look like roof over other plants in the forest is called

3. The various components of the forests are ___________ on another.

4. Forests are the ___________ for the forest dwelling communities.

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5. ______________ help forest to grow and regenerate.

6. ______________ forms the uppermost layer in the forest.

II State whether True or False:

1. The different horizontal layers in the forest are known as under storeys.

2. Forest help in causing floods.

3. Forest are called green lungs.

4. The type of animals remain same from forest to forest.

5. Deforestation will endanger our life and environment.

6. Forest is a dynamic living entity.

III Name the following:

1. The branchy part of a tree above the stem.

2. Two forest products.

3. The lowest layer of vegetation in a forest.

IV Define:

1. Forest.

2. Deforestation.

3. Canopy.

4. Crown

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