Chain Reaction Activity Guide
Chain Reaction Activity Guide
Chain Reaction Activity Guide
Masking tape
Three small
Domino blocks
wood blocks
Scrap cardboard
Zip ties
Different types of string and fishing line
Electrical tape
Steel and copper wire
Rubber bands
Large paper clips
Wooden clothespins
Skewer sticks
Pieces of wood or scrap building materials
Screws, nails, thumbtacks
Variety of dowels
Many more large domino blocks
Weights (such as metal nuts, fishing weights, or washers).
Googly eyes
Pipe cleaners
Craft paper
Fun fur
Objects to inspire:
Ping pong paddle
Marble toys
Musical toys (like xylophones, tambourines, and small
Short lengths of copper pipe
Metal measuring spoons
Plastic spatulas
...and any other unusual object that might be found
in a kitchen, craft store, thrift shop, or garage
We found it important to provide a starting point that serves as initial inspiration and helps get ideas
flowing at the beginning. It can be intimidating to walk up to an empty table and be told “make whatever
you want!” Here are a few ideas that have worked well for us.
The path of every participant through this activity will be unique, so it’s hard to give step-by-step guid-
ance. Be open to the inspiration that comes from the quirky movement of a particular material or to trying
an idea you’ve always wondered about but never tested.
Give yourself plenty of time to build and experiment. In the
Tinkering Studio, we set aside 2-3 hours for learners to
make individual contraptions at their stations, link them
together, and set them off as one collective contraption.
Get familiar with your set up and materials. When working
with a large group we start by showing the example
contraption and setting it off, demonstrating the use of
materials, the intended use of the input and output domino
blocks, and the orientation of the room in terms of where
the tools and materials are located.
Height – are there ways to Time – what can you Materiality – how many
build vertical motion into your incorporate into your chain different ways can you use one
chain reaction? What could you reaction to slow down the object? How can you use
build above or below your progress from point to point? objects in other ways than the
worktable? How can you use the space you “normal” usage? Can you use a
have on the table to build book as a ramp? A spoon a
tension between the connected catapult? A metal cake pan part
elements? of an electrical switch?
• Themes: It is fun to dream up themes for each chain reaction ahead of time in order to have appropriate
materials on-hand for people to use in their contraptions. Themes that we have explored in the past have
included TEXAS (for a group of teachers from Texas), LOVE (on Valentines Day) or Pi (for the annual
Exploratorium Pi Day celebration).
• Language: We have also explored LOVE as a chain reaction theme using language as a starting point. We
started the workshop by asking everyone to write down love-related nouns, verbs, and adjectives on
individual index cards, and then pasted them around the room with everyone else’s words. Each team
chose three words that exemplify love, and built a contraption with that specific inspiration in mind. In the
end, all of the LOVE themed chain reactions were linked together and set off. Machines included
demonstrations of “Lovesick”, “Humiliation”, and “Passion”.
Tinkering Studio activities and investigations are designed to encourage learners to complexify their thinking over time. The
variety of materials and variables available for experimentation allow for learners to enter at a point where they are comfortable
starting, and then alter and refine their designs as they develop new ideas. Tinkering activities are often fun, whimsical, inspired,
and surprising.
Rapid Prototyping: Chain Reaction is an activity that emphasizes the importance of “messing about” with the materials and
challenges of the contraption. Ideas and constructions come together rapidly due to the informal nature of the activity and the
time limit. Testing out a tentative idea, in the moment of discovery, is a value for the Tinkering Studio and a way to demystify
the process of rapid prototyping.
Cross-talk and collaboration: Chain Reaction allows for collaboration at many levels; small teams form ideas for the individual
contraptions, then collaborate at a larger scale when the individual contraptions are linked together. The idea of contributing
your ideas to something larger than yourself contextualizes the elements in a holistic way, and allows learners to view a
variety of different strategies and solutions to common problems.
Multiple starting points and outcomes: The whimsical and creative nature of the activity offers an entry point for people who
might be nervous about building something from scratch. Likewise, learners who are naturally drawn to constructing objects
that do something become interested in adding their expertise to the mix. It is often surprising how diverse the chain
reaction events can be even when drawing from a similar palette of physical objects. This activity reinforces the notion that
each learner develops their own path of understanding and exploration, while all are utilizing a similar set of materials. In the
end, every chain reaction is unique to the group of makers who collaborated to build it.
Learners often work with us for an extended period of time, so we try to create a warm and welcoming workspace with
comfortable seating, sturdy worktables, and good lighting. We often display exhibits, or examples from past projects and
current activities throughout the space to seed ideas and provide an introduction to what is happening that day. Materials are
easily accessible and in close proximity to the tinkerers, and we often work at large, communal activity stations to enable
cross-talk and invite collaboration between participants, allowing them to look to each other for answers and solutions.
Set up tables for learners to build on in the order (and location) that each contraption will ultimately be set-off. The size and
position of the tables are important to ensure that there is enough space to build at each table. The meandering design of all of
the tables connected together is another way to connect all of the contraptions at the end, and make sure that everyone has
enough room to move around the space without bumping into one another. The proximity of the individual elements (as they
take shape all around the room) offers everyone a glimpse into the variety of what others are trying to build.
We play ambient music in the room while people are building their chain
reaction contraptions to create an environment that supports the focused
work of the learners. We often find that having background music on
during the tinkering activities helps to create a pleasant environment
that people want to spend time in, even when faced with challenging
ideas and constructions.
Facilitation is a way of teaching where you support the learner’s own investigations, questions, and ideas within the framework
of an activity. In the Tinkering Studio, we strive to practice a kind of facilitation that respects the individual path of the learner.
As facilitators, we watch and wait until the precise moment to jump in and offer a hint, a material, or a new way of looking at a
problem. As educators, we allow learners to feel frustration and encounter moments of failure as they work with real materials
to try to solve their own challenges.
There are many ways that the facilitator can influence the interactions with participants in an activity. We help people get
started with the activity by giving a quick sense of the goals. We invite them into the space, and introduce the materials and
tools they might use. We spark interest and sustain learner’s engagement by asking questions about their work and responding
to their answers. We support multiple outcomes of the activity and are open to the possibility of new ideas, different solutions,
and changing goals of the individual learners. We try to practice a style of facilitation where we are not teachers who transmit
knowledge to passive learners, but rather are guides and co-learners on a path to understanding.
The most important first step for facilitating Chain Reaction is to make sure that you have spent some time experimenting
with the materials and set-up yourself, in order to develop a basic understanding about what the components do, and how
you can get them to work. You might try to build one or two connected chain reaction elements with friends or colleagues as
a way to find out what it is really like as a learner.
Chain reaction facilitation is a combination of supporting everyone’s ideas for what they want to build, and offering sound
suggestions for how to make these things work. Facilitators of this activity are constantly on their toes because everyone
tends to come up with a different challenge for what they want to make and how they might build it, so it’s important to
follow the learners path toward making something meaningful, without imposing your own ideas (as a facilitator) about how
you might do this. It’s important to let the mistakes, failures, and ultimately successes to come out of this process naturally,
and allow the learners to own all of this for themselves. Learners will pay more attention to the things that do and do not
work if their idea is being explained.
Circuit boards: Tinker with electricity using common objects: batteries, lights, buzzers, motors,
switches, and more. This activity provides an introduction to exploring circuits, especially using
switches, before building a Chain Reaction.
Light Play: Use common materials in unusual ways to create kinetic light and shadow vignettes.
Individual vignettes, carefully constructed using point source lights and slow moving motors, are
eventually combined into one large light and shadow play wall. Like Chain Reaction, the final
result is collaborative in nature and unites the individual components that make it up.
inspiring connections to the Chain Reaction activity
Peter Fischli and David Weiss were Bruno Munari was an Italian artist, PythagorasSwitch is a 15-minute
an artist duo that had been designer, and inventor who Japanese educational television
collaborating since 1979. They were contributed fundamentals to many program by NHK, which aired since
among the most renowned fields of visual arts (painting, 2002. It encourages augmenting
contemporary artists of Switzerland. sculpture, film, industrial design, children's "way of thinking". During
Their best-known work is the film graphic design) in modernism, the beginning, ending, and between
Der Lauf der Dinge (The Way Things futurism, and concrete art, and in each corner (segment), there are
Go, 1987), described as being "post non visual arts (literature, poetry) Pythagorean Devices, known in the
apocalyptic", it concerned chain with his research on games, US as "Rube Goldberg machines",
reactions and the ways in which didactic method, movement, tactile or in Great Britain as "Heath
objects flew, crashed and exploded learning, kinesthetic learning, and Robinson" contraptions.
across the studio in which it was creativity. His Machines drawings
shot. are whimsical explorations about watch?v=nAWnWGaOoWc making the mundane spectacular.