3rd Unit LP q3

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3RD GRADE Lesson Plan Quarter 3

Teacher(s) Tamille Wilson
E-mail [email protected]
School Park Street Elementary
Grade Level 3rd Concepts(s) Cause and Effect
Performance Expectation –
Science & Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concept
Practice (Content)
 Planning and carrying Matter  Cause and Effect
out investigations.
 Analyzing and  Scale, Proportion &
interpreting data. Quantity
 Engaging in argument
from evidence.

Georgia Performance Standards - S3E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate

information about the physical attributes of rocks and soils.

a. Ask questions and analyze data to classify rocks by their physical attributes (color, texture,

luster, and hardness) using simple tests.

(Clarification statement: Mohs scale should be studied at this level. Cleavage, streak and the
classification of rocks as sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic are studied in sixth grade.)

b. Plan and carry out investigations to describe properties (color, texture, capacity to retain

water, and ability to support growth of plants) of soils and soil types (sand, clay, loam).

c. Make observations of the local environment to construct an explanation of how water and/or
wind have made changes to soil and/or rocks over time.

(Clarification statement: Examples could include ripples in dirt on a playground and a hole

formed under gutters.)

Safety Considerations -
The Learning Plan:

Phenomena: Rock PPT – Is it a Rock or Not? Game

ENGAGE: Read If You Find a Rock


ENGAGE DAY 3: Go to Rock PPT Start with Rocks and Minerals slide - Introduce Moh’s code and
how to use the scale.
EXPLORE DAY 1: Chart in Journals If You Find A Rock – Students explore different rocks at tables
and complete chart in their journal.
EXPLORE DAY 2: Students find a PET rock outside as a class. –Rocks Anchor chart. Go to Rock
PPT - Go over attributes of rocks.
EXPLAIN: Display Anchor chart and discuss the attributes of rocks found outside. Students will
take pics of their rocks with the ipad and will print out to place in journals with attributes the
following week.

EXPLORE/EXPLAIN DAY 3: Students glue pics of their Pet rocks in journals. Students find the
hardness rocks using the MOH’s scale.
Rock Picture Perfect 5E.pdf
EXPLAIN DAY 4: Revisit the Is it a Rock or Not? Game

• Rubric
• 4 – Points: A detailed description of the Pet Rock’s
properties (including size, color, texture and luster)
• 3 – Points: A labeled, detailed, full-coloring drawing of the
Pet Rock showing its unique features
• 2 – Points: Two suggested uses for the Pet Rock based on
its properties

• 1 – Point: A creative statement to

make people want to busy the Pet Rock

• Extra credit: Your poster includes a poem, song, rap, jingle,
If you Find a Rock – Rock attribute sheet

ROCK Color Texture Luster Size

What How does How What is
Colors or it feel? shiny or the lowest
patterns dull is it? length in
does it cm?
Rock # 1

Rock # 2

Rock #3

Rock # 4

Rock # 5

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