Cleaning Validation A Practical Approach
Cleaning Validation A Practical Approach
Cleaning Validation A Practical Approach
A Practical Approach
Gil Bismuth
Shosh Neumann
New York London
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Introduction 3
Contamination Types 3
Chemical Contamination 3
Physical Contamination 4
Microbiological Contamination 4
Contamination Control 4
Facilities 4
Equipment 5
Personnel 6
Material and Waste Flows 6
Introduction 15
Cleaning Mechanisms 15
Levels of Cleaning 16
Time Limitations 17
iv Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Introduction 21
Equipment Design 21
Manufacturing Process 22
Operator 23
Materials and Tools 24
Solvents 24
Cleaning Agents 24
Cleaning Tools 25
Control of Materials and Tools 25
Cleaning Procedure 26
Types 26
Documentation 30
Introduction 35
Policy 37
Introduction 65
Organization 65
Planning 67
Database 68
Equipment Grouping 68
Selection of the Equipment Worst Case 70
Product Grouping 74
Selection of the Product Worst Case 74
Cleaning Agents 78
Calculation of the Contamination Acceptance Limit 78
Active Ingredient 78
Cleaning Agent 78
Monitoring 85
Maintenance of Validation 85
Biocontamination 89
Penicillin Contamination 90
Nonpharmaceuticals 91
Contract Manufacturing and Packaging 91
Introduction 93
Contamination Control 93
Personnel 93
Equipment 94
Cleaning Procedure 94
Cleaning Agents and Tools 94
Sampling Technique 95
Analytical Methods 95
Regulatory Issues 95
The Future 96
Contents vii
Alice: "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to", said the cat.
"I don't much care where", said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go", said the cat.
"So long as I get somewhere", Alice added as an explanation.
"Oh, you're sure to do that", said the cat,
"if you only walk long enough".
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Unless you have gone through the experience yourself, dealing with cleaning validation
appears as an insuperable task. How can one deal with a multitude of products and a
variety of equipment? What resources are needed? Where does one start? The questions
seem as numerous as the products themselves, while the answers are scarce.
Although interest in cleaning validation started at the beginning of this decade,
there are only regulatory recommendations and a relatively small bundle of articles pro-
viding some basic principles on selected aspects of this wide field. These are highly
instructive in picturing cleaning validation as a multifaceted undertaking involving a
high degree of understanding and knowledge relating to quite different disciplines, such
as toxicological or clinical studies, pharmaceutics, analytical chemistry, and engineer-
ing. Yet the summation of the knowledge acquired is not to give more than a mosaic
of ideas, hints, and triggers. Although very useful, it is not sufficient to build up a com-
prehensive cleaning validation program.
Whether or not your company has been recently inspected, or even got an obser-
vation on deficiencies of your cleaning validation program, you won't have any diffi-
culty in convincing upper management of the need to establish a cleaning validation
program in order to satisfy the regulatory authorities. The U.S. Freedom of Informa-
tion Act, through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) web site of the Internet,
gives real-time access to the citations and the warning letters issued by the FDA to com-
panies which did not adequately address this hot topic. Considering that violations cited
x Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
in these dreadful letters may result in holding new applications, no company will allow
itself not to enter this relatively new field of the pharmaceutical industry. Cleaning val-
idation, however, is not only performed to satisfy authorities. The safety of patients tak-
ing your company's medicines is the prime objective, and no company would want to
be involved in a litigation resulting from product contamination.
Now the burden of developing a cleaning validation program is on you, the qual-
ity assurance manager or the research and development (R&D) manager or whoever in
your organization is responsible for it. You have gathered all the regulatory requirements,
read all the literature relating to the subject, and participated in one or more of the
many conferences and courses on cleaning validation. Your mind is burgeoning with a
lot of ideas and the everlasting questions What?, When?, and How? are swirling in your
mind like a predator preparing to rush its prey.
Beyond the confusion, and as for any new project, a cleaning validation program
is about understanding the objective, determining the approach, setting a scientifically
sound policy, organizing a program, and allocating adequate resources. The aim of this
book is to provide professionals in charge of the cleaning validation program with a
detailed step-by-step guide to establish a comprehensive, yet manageable cleaning val-
idation program, and with practical examples to illustrate the implementation of the
proposed program. The user-friendly database formats and practical data relating to
various aspects of cleaning validation also provided in this book will make it easy for
anyone to rapidly start up the program.
This book shows that what may have started with confusion ends up with a clear
and manageable program which, to the authors' opinion and experience, is deemed to
be acceptable by the various international regulatory authorities.
Gil Bismuth
Shosh Neumann
Part One
Developing a
Cleaning Procedure
Contamination Control
The pharmaceutical industry strives to manufacture products that fit patients' needs
and expectations, while satisfying the regulatory requirements. The FDA Good Manu-
facturing Practice (GMP) regulations, presented in the introductory section of 21 CFR
Part 210, demand that a "drug meet the requirements of the act as to safety, and has
the identity and strength and meet the quality and purity characteristics that it pur-
ports or is represented to possess". The regulations go on to warn that "the failure to
comply with any regulation set forth in this part [210] and Parts 211 through 226 of
this chapter in the manufacture, processing, packaging, or holding of a drug shall ren-
der such drug to be adulterated under section 501 (a)(2)(B) of the [Federal Food, Drug
and Cosmetic] Act ... " (FDA, April 1998). As can be seen, not only the identity, the
strength, the intrinsic impurities, and pharmacological activity of a drug are consid-
ered, but also its safety with regard to harmful contamination of any kind. Obviously,
the patient is not supposed to absorb any substance other than the one he has been
Chemical Contamination
This type of contamination, also dubbed cross contamination, results from residuals
of an active ingredient or product during the chemical synthesis or during the phar-
maceutical manufacturing process, and is due to carryover such as in the processing
equipment or to inadequate segregation of facilities or air-handling systems. Chemical
contamination is not limited to active ingredients. Residues of cleaning agents involved
in the cleaning process are equally of concern. Chemical contamination raises serious
4 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
concerns relating to patient safety. The term contamination used throughout the book
refers to chemical contamination.
Physical Contamination
Mechanical impurities and extraneous matter may be innocuous and only affect the
pharmaceutical elegance of some dosage forms or may be harmful, as in the case of
metallic particles in ophthalmic ointments or particulate matter and fibers in par-
enteral dosage forms.
Microbiological Contamination
This type of contamination is also called biocontamination or bioburden. Microor-
ganisms are ubiquitous and special care should be taken to prevent such contamina-
tion in pharmaceutical products, in particular those containing growth supporting
materials and a significant amount of water. Proliferation of microorganisms may result
in the destabilization of emulsions, suspensions, and creams. The microbiological con-
tamination of parenteral preparations presents a serious health risk, as it may cause life-
threatening conditions, due to the live microorganism cells as well as pyrogens, their
decomposition products. The risk of microbial growth in oral solid dosage forms is min-
imal due to their low water content.
Patient safety concerns govern the design, control, and monitoring activities with the
aim of minimizing, in a consistent manner, the contamination of the facilities, systems,
and equipment, through properly designed processes and procedures. Figure 1.1 pre-
sents a systematic approach to contamination control.
Subpart C of 21 CFR 211 delineates the requirements for the design and construction
features of the buildings and facilities. "Separate or defined areas [are required] for the
firm's operations to prevent contamination and mix-ups" .... The need for "adequate
control over air pressure, microorganisms, dust, humidity and temperature .... Air fil-
tration systems, including prefilters and particulate matter air filters" and the measures
to be taken "to control recirculation of dust from production" and "to control con-
taminants" are addressed in 21 CFR 211.46. A rigorous environmental monitoring pro-
gram is necessary in order to ensure that the requirements are met. Such a program
shall include the following parameters: temperature, relative humidity, air flow
patterns-which are controlled by pressure differentials between different processing
areas, air changes, and environment microbiological monitoring.
Contamination Control 5
I Safety
I Control I
Facilities &
Systems Equipment Personnel Processes
Design lTraining & J
I Waste
Material & J
Control Validation I Gowning Line I
I I IQ/OQ/PQ I I Clearance
IMonitoring I I Personnel
Equipment design, construction, cleaning, and maintenance are referred to in 21 CFR
211 Subpart C. "Equipment ... shall be of appropriate design ... to facilitate opera-
tions ... for its cleaning and maintenance". "Equipment shall be constructed so that
surfaces that contact components, in-process materials, or drug products [the so-called
product contact surfaces] shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the
safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product, beyond the official or
other established requirements". Also required are "written procedures ... for clean-
ing and maintenance of equipment ... to prevent malfunctions or contamination".
Equipment design and construction are essential for its "cleanability" while close sys-
tems are needed for the minimization of production dust.
6 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
The role of personnel in the minimization of contamination remains crucial, as the
industry still relies a great deal on operators. Comprehensive and well-organized train-
ing sessions covering the general behavior in the plant together with specific training
and qualification, will bring all the personnel to the same level of basic understanding
of the effect of an individual on product quality, including the risk of contamination.
Unlike other activities, which may be performed once, training to such sensitive issues
and increasing personnel awareness are an ongoing process which demands creativity,
changing formats and contents, and high skills.
Another aspect related to personnel is the appropriate gowning worn by opera-
tors in various locations of the plant. Company gowning, cleaned and maintained
according to pharmaceutical needs, brings the personnel to the same cleanliness level
and ensures that products are exposed to the desired level of cleanliness. Gowning also
protects personnel from the environment, which can be harmful. Training sessions in
personal hygiene and in proper gowning should, obviously, be part of the compre-
hensive training program. Personnel flow within the plant and its impact on contam-
ination should be scrutinized and well designed to minimize the propagation of
Since 1963, the FDA has required that equipment be clean prior to use (GMP
Regulations-Part 133.4). This requirement is one of the basic GMP requirements, and
is mentioned in more than one section of 21 CFR 211 (FDA, April1998). Section 211.63
relates to equipment design, size, and location and requires that "equipment used in
the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product shall be of appro-
priate design, adequate size, and suitably located to facilitate operations for its intended
use and for its cleaning and maintenance". Section 211.67 further requires that "equip-
ment and utensils shall be cleaned, maintained and sanitized at appropriate intervals to
prevent malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength,
quality or purity of the drug product".
In addition to the requirements for appropriate design of the equipment and the
need for appropriate intervals for cleaning, Section 211.67 introduces in detail all the
parameters that should be at least included in a written procedure that shall be followed
for cleaning. Also equipment logs shall be included (Section 211.182) to show the date,
time, product, and lot number of each batch processed in chronological order.
The European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) GMP
guides include additional elements related to the cleaning equipment itself to be con-
sidered: "Washing and cleaning equipment should be chosen and used in order not to
be a source of contamination", meaning that the cleaning agent, tools, washing solvent,
and the whole procedure will ensure an effective cleaning with no residues related to
the cleaning itself (EC Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products
1997; WHO Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicinal Products 1992).
Historically, FDA investigators have looked for gross contamination due to inade-
quate cleaning and maintenance of equipment and/or poor dust control. Also penicillin
contamination in non-penicillin drug products, and potent steroids or hormones con-
taminating a drug product were a great concern. Indeed, a number of products have
been recalled due to actual or potential penicillin cross contamination.
A few events increased awareness and pushed FDA to publish new guidelines
demanding proper cleaning procedures and later, in the 90s, even cleaning validation.
In 1988, Cholestyramine Resin USP was recalled due to pesticide cross contamination
(FDA, July 1993; "The Gold Sheet", May 1993). The bulk pharmaceutical chemical was
contaminated with low levels of agricultural pesticides while being produced. This
happened while using recovered solvent drums, which were used also for recovered
8 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
solvents from pesticide production process. Shipments of this contaminated bulk phar-
maceutical to another facility caused pesticide contamination in the other facility.
In 1992, an import alert was instituted on a foreign bulk pharmaceutical manu-
facturer. The company was manufacturing potent steroid products as well as non-
steroidal products in the facility using the same equipment.
In the same year, FDA officers could be quoted saying that "while the word 'vali-
dation' associated with process development has been a relatively recent buzzword, the
evaluation and justification of cleaning processes have been employed in the pharma-
ceutical industry for many years" (FDA, May 1993). They also emphasized that, "In a
July 1966 seminar on the topic of Control Procedures in Drug Production, Harley
Rhodehamel discussed the development and evaluation of cleaning procedures at a large
pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The concepts and methods discussed in his
paper presented in 1966 are still current today".
In the early 1990s, as previously mentioned, the FDA and other regulatory agen-
cies started to require validation of cleaning procedures. Advances in analytical tech-
nology allowed for detection of residues at very low levels. Therefore, the requirement
based on "visibly clean" for the equipment, which was the basis in the GMP, has
changed to validation requirement based on quantitative determination of residues. This
tendency generated some regulatory documents, including the FDA Guide to Inspec-
tion of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals (FDA, September 1991 ). This document clearly
states that "cleaning of multiple use equipment is an area where validation must be car-
ried out". The issues related to cleaning validation were briefly addressed: "Cleaning
process will remove residues to an acceptable level". A sampling plan was also required,
while the only method mentioned was the final rinse water or solvent. The need for an
analytical method was raised to enable the monitoring of a specific residue substance
at a rational level in a practical, achievable, and verifiable manner. The nonuniformity
nature of the residue was briefly discussed in relation to swab sampling.
Following the USA vs. Barr court decision reached in February 1993, more regu-
latory documents were published discussing cleaning validation principles and, since
then, FDA investigators check more carefully for equipment cleaning procedures and
cleaning validation programs (FDA CGMP Regulations, February 1993).
The court decision (USA vs. Barr) actually instituted the basic requirement that
"in order for the cleaning rules to be effective, the specific methods chosen must be
shown to be effective". The cleaning validation studies have to cover all equipment
including milling machines, not just major equipment. Surprisingly, in the absence of
problems, a one-run validation was suggested to be sufficient. This suggestion was
dropped later on. The court decision opened the cleaning validation issue to discus-
sions within the industry, as well as to a dialogue with FDA representatives in profes-
sional forums. This process seems to be fruitful, due to the clarifications made along
the way leading to a better understanding of the considerations to be taken into account
in cleaning validation studies.
Warning letters were increasingly sent to firms, including parenteral firms, repack-
ers, over-the-counter manufacturers, and biotech firms. Parenteral firms received warn-
Regulatory Requirements 9
ing letters in 1992 for having "no documented validation to show that the cleaning pro-
cedures used for equipment have been validated" ("The Gold Sheet", May 1993).
In February 1993, warning letters were issued by FDA to three repackers. Lack of
basic housekeeping (for example, cleaning procedures) was a problem observed by the
agency's investigators for these operations.
Warning letters and citations (FDA 483) were issued for several biotech companies
as well. FDA concerns with cleaning procedures for biological products were similarly
apparent in pre-approval as well as in post-approval inspections at biotech plants ("The
Gold Sheet", May 1993).
The USA vs. Barr Laboratories case has strengthened the need to enforce cleaning
validation standards. The first regulatory document dealing solely with cleaning vali-
dation was FDA Cleaning Validation Mid Atlantic Region Inspection Guide published
in May 1993 (FDA, May 1993). This guide actually sets the basic requirements for clean-
ing validation as they are known today. In July 1993, a more elaborate guide was pub-
lished, Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes (FDA, July 1993). This
guide is intended to cover equipment cleaning for chemical residues, although it is men-
tioned that "microbiological aspects of equipment cleaning should be considered". It
is recognized that there may be more than one way to validate a cleaning process. There-
fore, the guide only addresses the aspects that should be taken into consideration while
validating cleaning processes. Some common validation elements for cleaning valida-
tion studies are described which are, in fact, in the same spirit as required for every
validation as described in Validation Documentation Inspection Guide-FDA, 1993, and
summarized as follows:
Great emphasis is put on the elements that are to be considered while evaluating
the effectiveness of the cleaning process. The first one is related to the determination
of what cleaning process will be used. This decision should take into account the
design of the equipment "particularly in those large systems that may employ semi-
automatic or fully automatic clean-in-place (CIP) systems, since they represent sig-
nificant concern".
The second element, which is described in length, is the need for a written clean-
ing procedure. The documented cleaning processes ought to be specific and detailed.
The third element discussed is the analytical method used to detect residuals or
contaminants. The method has to be specific and sensitive enough to be able to detect
the level of residues in relation to the limits which should be set for the validation. "The
firm should challenge the analytical method in combination with the sampling method"
which is the determination of recovery due to the sampling from the equipment sur-
face. It is emphasized that the analytical method has to be specific and "check to see
that a direct measurement of the residue or contaminant is performed".
The fourth element to be considered is the sampling technique. Two types of sam-
pling techniques have been found acceptable. The preferred type is the direct method
of sampling the surface of the equipment. The other technique is the use of rinse solu-
tions. The advantages of the direct sampling are that it is possible to sample hard-to-
clean locations in the equipment and even insoluble materials can be sampled by
physical removal. In the case of rinse samples, however, insoluble contaminants or
residues may be occluded in the equipment. A third method, which is less recom-
mended, is the use of placebo product. In this case, a placebo batch is manufactured
following the cleaning process and a sample of the placebo batch is tested for residues.
The greatest concern using this method is that "one cannot assure that the contami-
nate will be uniformly distributed throughout the system".
As required for each kind of validation, the basic step toward cleaning validation
is to set acceptance limits to determine whether a cleaning process is validated. Since
this guide is applicable to a wide range of activities, equipment, and products, the FDA
stated that it has no intention to set specifications. Therefore, it is the obligation of the
company to use a rationale scientifically justifiable to set the limits. The guide brings
some limits used by the industry, such as: 10 ppm, biological activity of 1/1000 of the
normal therapeutic dose and organoleptic levels as no visible residue. Detergent residues
should also be checked during validation. Finally, it is stated that it is usually not con-
sidered acceptable to "test until clean".
In 1995, it was reported in the literature, for example, that "The agency (FDA)
wants a detailed protocol listing equipment to be sampled, how and where samples will
be taken, drugs made with that equipment and (company's) schedule for sampling and
study completion" (Washington Drug Letter, February 1995). In the same year the FDA
issued a 483 report to another company "that cleaning procedures for dispensing, gran-
ulation and tabletting facilities were not properly validated. Validation was done after
certain batches, but should have been planned also for later in production" (Washing-
ton Drug Letter, March 1995).
Regulatory Requirements 11
In 1996, it was acknowledged that FDA has increased its attention to foreign facil-
ities. The basic requirement for adequate written cleaning procedures is still held. "Plant
operators must document their cleaning methods and, sometimes even more importantly,
be able to justify their approach" (Washington Drug Letter, January 1996).
In recent years, as regulatory international activities are covering wider areas, it can
be seen that guidelines issued by FDA, European, and other regulatory bodies are more
In January 1996, the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention (PIC) published a
document, Principles of Qualification and Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacture,
which includes cleaning validation as one of the four validation areas (Document PH
1999). Basically, their recommendations are in line with the FDA requirements (FDA,
July 1993). However, more clarifications and focuses are added in this document
as follows:
Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products 1997), and WHO GMP (WHO
Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products 1992). For cleaning vali-
dation, besides all previous requirements, the term "worst-case" selection of product
or scenarios is pronounced clearly in these documents.
However, even in January 1998, the FDA is still citing warning letters to pharma-
ceutical companies: "Currently, the firm is not performing periodic testing of equip-
ment rinse samples for product residue". Another company was cited because "the
process used to clean and disinfect aseptic processing areas and equipment has not been
established. In addition, the effectiveness of the agents used has not been established".
During 1997, warning letters, summarized by "The Gold Sheet" (February 1998)
show that firms continue to struggle with cleaning validation. Several firms were cited
for such problems, in particular non-U.S. bulk pharmaceutical manufacturers. Table
2.1 summarizes issues related to cleaning and cleaning validation as they appear in warn-
ing letters sent to various companies during 1997-1998.
"Drug GMP Report" (June 1997) reviews some GMP consultants' opinions on how
to build a cleaning validation program. "GMP consultants will tell drug makers to val-
idate cleaning procedures based on worst-case scenario. This can include picking the
most sensitive drugs, and hardest to clean equipment". Some consultants have recom-
mended conducting a risk analysis to determine which equipment is the hardest to clean.
The basic GMP regulations require companies to ensure cleanliness of equipment.
This straightforward rule is established to ensure the safety, identity, strength, quality,
and purity of the drug product. Over the years, a need to enforce this regulation was
raised because of cases where safety of patients was a concern, and when advances in
analytical technologies could allow development of cleaning validation programs. Warn-
ing letters and investigators' reports cited to companies prove that companies are still
struggling to find ways to validate and establish their cleaning procedures (Washing-
ton Drug Letter, June 1998; "GMP Trends", January 1997; "GMP Trends", November
1997; "GMP Trends", December 1997; "GMP Trends", June 1998; Inspection Monitor,
June 1998; Drug GMP Report, June 1998).
The following chapters of this book present a systematic and practical approach to
address the regulatory concerns related to cleaning and cleaning validation.
Regulatory Requirements 13
3. Cleaning records
5. Equipment cleaning/maintenance
6. Equipment cleaning
9. Facility cleaning
Cleanliness in the pharmaceutical industry is crucial to avoid safety concerns that may
result from contamination. For that reason, regulatory authorities have set requirements
for the basics of cleanliness in the GMP regulations. The Food Drug & Cosmetic Act
even defines that: "A drug ... shall be deemed to be adulterated ... if it consists ...
in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance" (FDA, April 1998). The clean-
ing operations must ensure avoidance of adulteration of products so as to minimize
the risk of cross contamination between products or carryover of degradation products.
Only after cleaning procedures are established and implemented can the cleaning
validation phase start to prove its consistent and reliable performance.
Cleaning can be defined as removal of residues and contaminants. These residues and
contaminants can be the products themselves manufactured in the equipment (the
active and nonactive materials), residues originating from the cleaning procedure
(detergents), and degradation products resulting from the cleaning process itself.
Several basic mechanisms exist to remove residues from equipment, including mechan-
ical action, dissolution, detergency, and chemical reaction (LeBlanc et al. 1993).
Mechanical action refers to physical actions, such as brushing, scrubbing, and pres-
surized water to remove particulates.
Dissolution involves dissolving residues with a suitable solvent. The most common
and practical solvent is water because of its advantages: water is nontoxic, cheap, does
not leave residues, and is environment friendly. However, in some cases it may be prefer-
able to use a non-aqueous solvent or a combination of both aqueous and non-aqueous
solvents due to the solubility characteristics of the materials. Alkaline or acidic solvents,
for example, can enhance dissolution of the materials and could be advantageous.
16 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
The third mechanism, detergency, requires the use of surfactant, usually in an aque-
ous system. Detergents act in four different ways: wetting agents, solubilizers, emulsi-
fiers, and dispersants. As wetting agents or surfactants they lower the water surface
tension and improve penetration. As solubilizers they break up the materials using their
surfactant properties. Emulsification is similar to the solubilization mechanism and
refers to the creation of emulsion droplets in fats. Dispersion refers to the property to
improve suspension of the materials. Usually detergents possess all these properties
which broaden their action.
The fourth mechanism includes chemical reactions, such as oxidation and hydrol-
ysis in which the residues are chemically changed. The most common example of oxi-
dation is the use of sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) as an oxidant to break down
organic materials to make them more readily removable (LeBlanc et al. 1993).
Usually, these four mechanisms will play a role in combination in one cleaning pro-
cedure. During cleaning validation, the effectiveness of these mechanisms will be chal-
lenged and checked as a whole in the cleaning procedure. However, for the sake of
simplicity, the worst-case product participating in the cleaning validation study, which
is selected as the reference drug, will be chosen based only on the solubility of its active
drug in the cleaning solvent (such as water). As will be shown in chapter 5, the solu-
bility of the active ingredients is selected as one of the critical factors in the design of
the cleaning validation, actually ignoring the role of other cleaning mechanisms. This
simple attitude is very popular because it is very complex and even impossible to eval-
uate and quantify the role of the combination of all these mechanisms on a product
containing both active and nonactive drugs.
Most companies have two levels of cleaning in place, depending on the level of clean-
liness to be achieved. Obviously, in the context of cross contamination, cleaning
between batches of different products is more stringent than cleaning between batches
of the same product manufactured in a series. The first level designated as major clean-
ing defines a complete procedure which will clean to below a specified level of residues
and contaminants left in the equipment. In this case, validation of the effectiveness of
the cleaning procedure in removing residues to the required level is mandatory. The
second level, designated as minor cleaning, is only performed between batches of the
same product manufactured in a series, or between different strengths of the same prod-
uct when the formulations are qualitatively identical. For batches of products which
contain the same active material but different excipients, a minor cleaning may not be
Cleaning Basic Concepts 17
sufficient. In case of minor cleaning, the level of cleanliness depends on the product
and the process, taking into consideration the element of time limitation. Usually, an
abbreviated cleaning procedure (compared to major cleaning) is used which requires
washing and rinsing with purified water, leaving the equipment essentially free of any
visible product (Harder 1984). However, if the equipment is used for dry processing,
such as milling, blending, and so on, a dry cleaning using vacuum is preferable to avoid
microbial growth. For minor cleaning, cleaning validation is not required, since cross
contamination is not an issue.
The API process is different from the pharmaceutical dosage form process in that
the final process is largely a purification step (Lazar 1997). Therefore, different clean-
ing levels are considered for early and intermediate steps and for the final step. How-
ever, the same rules as previously discussed apply to API processes. Major cleaning will
be performed in cases of product changeover and minor cleaning between batches in
a campaign.
Generally, in dedicated equipment the issue of carryover of one product to another
product does not exist since only one product is manufactured on that particular piece
of equipment and the cleaning validation study includes only the detergent residues
determination. However, it is important to bear in mind that, while manufacturing
batches of the same product one after the other does not cause carryover of contami-
nants as in multipurpose equipment, degradation products between batches might
change the impurity profile. This concern leads to the issue of time limitation.
While the cleaning procedure details all the elements needed for a specific piece of
equipment and must be validated, and while the level of cleaning determines the strin-
gency of the cleaning procedure, time limitation is meant to manage other considera-
tions, such as microbiological contamination or carryover of degradants which might
develop with time, or simply the ease of cleaning residues of product before they dry
out on the equipment.
Time limitations have to be established in relation to cleaning between different
steps in the manufacturing process, taking into account the manufacturing processes
and the products.
The first time limitation which has to be considered is the lapse of time between
the end of manufacture and the start of cleaning. This limitation will control the ease
of cleaning before the product dries out. This aspect is strongly product dependent and
18 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
will prevent the degradation of materials exposed in thin layers to the environment.
For a piece of equipment which is constantly used on a day-to-day basis, establishment
of this time limitation may be found to be unnecessary.
The second time limitation which has to be reflected in each cleaning procedure
is the lapse of time between the cleaning and drying processes. This limitation will con-
trol the microbial contamination, since working conditions are in a non-sterile envi-
ronment, microorganisms will grow rapidly in humid, warm, and nutritious conditions.
Therefore, it is very important to completely dry the equipment immediately after it
has been cleaned.
The third time limitation is related to the frequency of cleaning between batches
of the same product manufactured in a campaign in non-dedicated equipment or
between batches manufactured in dedicated equipment. As mentioned, in these cases
there is no need for major cleaning since no foreign product is carried over from one
batch to the other. So, theoretically, it might happen that in dedicated equipment, no
cleaning at all, or only minor cleaning, will be carried out. However, from the point of
view of microbiological contamination and/or degradants which might develop in the
next batches from residues of batches previously manufactured, the frequency of major
cleaning has to be established unless there is a justification not to do so. The draft guid-
ance for APis relates to this subject as follows:
The fourth time limitation is related to the need for re-cleaning cleaned equipment
waiting for the next use. This cautious act usually holds for equipment which is not
used very frequently. A rinse before use of the equipment will get rid of dust which
might have been inadvertently introduced into the equipment.
All these time limits are seldom based on a full cleaning validation study, but
rather empirically and arbitrarily fixed to be as short as feasible in a production envi-
ronment. A standard operating procedure and a means for the verification of compli-
ance to these time limitations should be in place.
For products prone to microbial proliferation or known to degrade rapidly in the
wet stage or firmly adhering to the product contact surfaces after drying, cleaning must
be performed immediately after processing and this should be clearly mentioned in the
manufacturing procedure. When none of these considerations prevail for consecutive
batches of the same product manufactured in a series or for a product manufactured
in dedicated equipment, a larger and arbitrary time limit may be set and cleaning is
Cleaning Basic Concepts 19
performed at the end of the series. Information for establishing these time limitations,
even though set arbitrarily, is supported by the knowledge of the processes and the
products. In addition, more general information is gathered from routine testing which
can further give confidence to these limits. This includes microbial count testing of puri-
fied water, used as the final rinse. Routine microbial environment monitoring should
estimate the microbial contamination of the working environment. Finally, microbial
limit counts of the product may give an indication on the overall handling in all dif-
ferent manufacturing steps. Random sampling and testing is performed on products
for which microbial testing is not mandatory.
A vital element of cleaning is the cleaning procedure which combines all the knowl-
edge and considerations relating to the equipment design, the manufacturing process,
and materials and tools used in the cleaning procedure. All this information is given
to the operator who has been trained to perform the cleaning operations effectively and
safely. Although the cleaning procedures have to be specific to the equipment and
product, it is more practical to use a limited number of cleaning agents, the same clean-
ing process, and the same methodologies. This approach makes these routine proce-
dures easy to handle and validate.
Points to consider while developing a cleaning procedure, and that should be consid-
ered while acquiring a new piece of equipment, relate to cleanability and include: the
material of construction, design, the degree of dismantling, rinsability, and product
carryover potential, originating mainly from hard-to-clean locations.
In most cases, equipment for pharmaceutical use is constructed of stainless steel.
However, glass, silicone, PVC, and other materials are also used. The equipment has to
be suited to the cleaning mode so the surfaces are not affected by the cleaning opera-
tion, and residues are neither generated nor transferred. In the case of a clean-in-place
(CIP) system, for example, attention should be paid to several elements: the quality of
all building materials, integrity and sealing of welds, isometry and draining, design of
sampling points, and installation of sensors or measurement devices (Laban et al. 1997).
Equipment design should be evaluated in relation to general GMP concerns and
cleaning issues as described in Table 4.1.
The most important issue related to cleanability of equipment is related to hard-to-
clean locations. Usually these locations are poorly accessible sites of the machine, in which
contaminants and residues can be trapped. Therefore, as part of cleaning validation study,
the hard-to-clean locations must be identified and sampled, and the samples tested for lev-
els of contaminant and residue leftovers after the cleaning process has been conducted.
22 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
1. Product contact surfaces shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive. Surfaces shall be
hard and smooth, and shall not shed particles. Surfaces shall withstand the repeated use
of cleaning and sanitizing agents.
2. The equipment shall be designed so as to prevent dead ends or spots, in which products
could accumulate and be hidden from the operator's view.
3. All parts of the equipment shall be easily dismantled to permit visual inspection.
5. All connections to utilities shall be fitted with a back flow prevention valve.
7. Valves and instrumentation shall be installed flush with product contact surfaces.
8. Small parts, screws, and bearings, if unavoidable, shall be fixed in such a way as to pre-
vent their accidental fall into the product.
9. Any substance required for operation, such as lubricants and coolants, shall not come into
contact with the product. The engine shall be located or designed so as to prevent acci-
dental dripping of these substances into the product.
10. The engine, the electric and electronic parts, should be hermetically encased to allow for
easy cleaning and to prevent safety concerns during cleaning.
The cleaning procedure development should consider the design of the equipment
and the hard-to-clean locations that will be challenged in the cleaning validation study.
The cleaning procedure should be developed considering the type of process executed
by the equipment. Different types of processes will leave different types of residues
to be removed. Topical preparations, such as creams and ointments, can be difficult
to clean due to the fact that they can contain many ingredients with different char-
acteristics, part of them thick, oily, and fatty constituents. These materials are pres-
ent in high concentration in the formulation. On the contrary, injectable aqueous
solutions can be easy to clean due to a limited number of ingredients which are usu-
ally water soluble and present in relatively low concentrations. The cleaning proce-
dure can be different mainly in the prewash step where the gross residue is removed.
For creams, the use of high temperature can break the consistency of the cream and
make it easier to remove. In the case of solutions, a superficial rinse can be sufficient
as the prewash step.
Cleaning Procedure 23
"Unless a process is fully automated, people are an important variable in a process and
this variable must be taken into account if we wish to have processes that consistently
and with a high degree of assurance produce products with the requisite quality char-
acteristics expected by our customers" (Kieffer 1998). This statement is valid for clean-
ing processes as well as for any other manufacturing operation. The operator can be
the weak link, especially in manual methods and in automated methods if human
interventions of any kind are possible. The key to overcome this problem is to make
sure that the operator is very well trained to perform all the cleaning procedures in a
reliable way. Above all, the procedure should be developed so that the operator's health
will not be in danger at work.
Training of the operator is of great significance in the cleaning process. Since many
variables are inherent in the manual method originating from this type of activity and
are difficult to quantify, it is impossible to instruct the operator how much force to put
in the scrubbing step as much as it is difficult to make sure that all the hard-to-clean
locations are reached. This is true for the same operator in different days and moods,
and more significantly for different operators with different skills, attitudes, and abil-
ity. For some technologies (mixers, blenders, containers and even tablet presses), the
operator's parameter can be minimized by using CIP systems, but for some manufac-
turing steps, it seems almost impossible at present until different concepts are devel-
oped. A multiproduct packaging line for solid oral dosage forms, for example, is
generally regarded as one of the most sensitive parts in a pharmaceutical facility in the
sense of cross contamination originating from products (and mix-ups from packaging
materials). Clear and friendly procedures as well as good training can help minimize
the above-mentioned deviations. Procedures must detail the quantitative parameters
as much as possible and still be kept simple. As Kieffer summarizes: "One needs first
of all well-designed, fail-safe, simple optimized processes; secondly, people qualified to
do their tasks in these processes, and thirdly, an empowering, motivating environment"
(Kieffer 1998). The third condition relates to the overall atmosphere and culture built
into the manufacturing plant, which cannot be documented, but can serve as a driving
force to perform activities with understanding and to take responsibility for them.
In CIP methods, extreme conditions such as high temperature, high pressure,
and/or high or low acidity or alkalinity can be used, this cannot be done in manual
methods due to operator's safety concerns. Only moderate conditions are used. There-
fore, safety warnings should be included in the cleaning procedure to avoid accidents.
Only when these conditions are fulfilled and reproducibility in the execution of the
cleaning procedure is attained can the cleaning validation studies be initiated.
Training of the operator and his safety should be of great concern, espe-
cially in manual cleaning.
24 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Each cleaning procedure has to accurately describe the materials and tools that should
be used. It is obvious that the cleaning performance is strongly dependent on these vari-
abies, therefore they should be controlled. The cleaning materials and tools will be cho-
sen taking into consideration several issues: the type of equipment, the type of
manufacturing process (cream, solution, tablet ... ), and the type of cleaning proce-
dure (manual, automated). In a multiproduct manufacturing plant, it would be
extremely wise to have a very limited list of different materials and tools. First, this facil-
itates the logistic management of the cleaning processes; second, it gives the operator
a simple common routine to perform, which can help to attain a better reproducibil-
ity; third, from the validation standpoint, the idea of executing the validation study on
one product per equipment type is applicable only when the same cleaning procedure
(with the same materials and tools) is used for all products manufactured on that equip-
ment and, economically speaking, this results in a completely different scale of invest-
ment. For certain products, if the routine procedure is not sufficient due to special
residues resulting from the cleaning process itself or if colored residues can only be elim-
inated with special care, it is advisable to apply a pretreatment which will eliminate the
specific residue and then perform the routine procedure. This kind of pretreatment or
prewash (which may include the use of acid, alkaline, or oxidising agents) is usually of
a chemical nature resulting in a change of the residue to another entity which can be
easily cleaned.
The cleaning procedure therefore should accurately define the solvents, cleaning
agents, and cleaning tools to be used.
Water is the most common solvent used because it is inert, nontoxic, cheap, environ-
ment friendly and freely available. For the prewash step, tap water will be sufficient,
while for the final rinse purified water or (for sterile preparations) water for injection
is used. In special cases, organic solvents (such as alcohol) may be used, due to their
solubilization properties.
Cleaning Agents
Cleaning agents can be organic solvents, acidic/alkaline materials, or detergents which
can act in different mechanisms. In some cases, single component cleaning agents are
used, while in others, formulated cleaners are preferred. In any case, it is important to
consider the following aspects listed in Table 4.2 while choosing a cleaning agent.
Organic solvents are used based on their properties to dissolve certain products,
which would be difficult to clean effectively with water. This is particularly true in API
manufacturing. In some cases, they will be used because of intolerance of some machine
parts to water exposure. For example, alcohol must be used to clean a tablet press, par-
ticularly the die table and other parts, to avoid corrosion. A combination of organic
solvent with water may give better results from cleaning and safety perspectives.
Cleaning Procedure 25
2. It should be nontoxic.
6. It should be able to solubilize or suspend the product so that the latter can be removed
without leaving any residue.
7. In case of CIP, because of the high pressure used in the process, it should not produce foam.
Cleaning Tools
The WHO GMP requires that "washing and cleaning equipment should be chosen and
used as not to be a source of contamination" (WHO Good Manufacturing Practices
for Pharmaceutical Products 1992). This means that if brushes, rags, or fabrics are used
they should not release hair or particles. Cross contamination should be avoided while
using the same multipurpose tools. Vacuum cleaners might pose this risk if they are
not properly cleaned between different products.
• Water quality:
Tap water, which is used for initial rinse, should be tested periodically for micro-
biological quality. Purified water, which is used for final rinse, should be of the
same quality as for the corresponding manufacturing activities. Water has to be
routinely chemically and microbiologically monitored.
• Solvents:
Solvents used for rinsing should be of a defined grade and from a manufacturer
which is approved by the company as a supplier of this material for this purpose.
A certificate of analysis should be received from the manufacturer stating con-
formance with specifications. A procedure for receipt (as for raw materials), and
a testing plan should be in place.
• Cleaning agents:
It is recommended to obtain from the manufacturer the safety data sheet and,
under a secrecy agreement, the composition of the cleaning agents. A procedure
for receipt and testing should be in place and instructions for use should be
defined in the cleaning procedure. To ensure a consistent quality, a declaration
should be signed by the manufacturer not to change the composition without
prior notice.
• Tools:
Only brushes and fabrics that do not shed hair and are lint-free should be used
and periodically checked.
The change control procedure should evaluate the impact of a change in solvents, clean-
ing materials, and tools on the cleaning procedure with respect to cleaning validation.
Methods used for cleaning equipment can be divided into manual procedures and
automated procedures, such as CIP. In all cases, cleaning procedures must prove to be
effective, consistent, and reproducible.
Cleaning Procedure 27
FDA's guideline for API manufacturing recommends that: "where feasible, clean in
place (CIP) should be used to clean process equipment and storage vessels", in order
to reproduce exactly the same procedure each time (FDA, March 1998). With a man-
ual procedure, one must rely on the operator's skills and a thorough training of the
operator is necessary to avoid variability in performance. However, in some instances,
it may be more practical to use only manual procedures.
Manual Cleaning
Most cleaning procedures follow the same pattern of cleaning sequences and the thor-
oughness of each step in a sequence depends on the equipment and the product (see
Table 4.3).
• Disassembly:
The degree of disassembly should be detailed in the cleaning procedure. While
for certain types of equipment, such as a high-shear mixer, it will mainly include
disassembly of the impeller, other types of equipment, such as a tablet press or
a packaging line, will require extensive disassembly.
• Prewash:
This step includes dedusting and removal of material and waste by several tech-
niques. Vacuum cleaning is used when accessibility to surfaces is difficult, for
example, in the case of the tablet press and the packaging line. It is important to
clean the vacuum cleaners themselves to avoid cross contamination. Although
not recommended, blowing with pressurized air can only be used, in conjunc-
tion with an efficient suction device, if the equipment is located in a segregated
place and there is no danger of cross contamination and no risk to the operator.
Prewash can also be conducted by partially filling the equipment with tap water,
operating the equipment, and then draining the equipment.
l. Disassembly
7. Visual Inspection
8. Reassembly
28 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
• Wash:
This step is the most important step in removing all the residues from the equip-
ment surfaces. For equipment used in a wet environment, such as containers,
blenders, mixers, and fluid bed dryers, washing is executed with brushes and
sponges. For equipment used in a dry environment, such as a packaging machine,
a wiping technique is used. The cleaning will be performed with absorbent fabrics
soaked with a detergent solution or alcohol solution as in the case of the tablet press.
• Rinse:
The initial rinse removes all contaminant residues of the product and detergent.
Tap water is usually sufficient for this purpose.
• Final rinse:
The final rinse is usually done with purified water to remove cleaning agent
residues left after the initial rinse. Sometimes hot water is used to facilitate water
evaporation from surfaces and to allow easier drying.
• Drying:
This step is crucial to avoid microorganism growth, especially in equipment used
for the preparation of liquids and semisolids. Drying can be done simply by using
a dry absorbent fabric in case of equipment such as a packaging machine. Some-
times, when alcohol solution is used to avoid surface corrosion as in the case of
the tablet press, compressed air can be blown (only if the machine is located in
a segregated area) followed by lint free fabric or paper wipes. Heating can be used
in the case of containers and double-jacketed tanks to dry equipment.
• Visual inspection:
21 CFR 211.67 requires that "inspection of equipment for cleanliness immediately
before use" should be conducted. Therefore, visual inspection has to be included
as part of the cleaning procedure. Even though it is a qualitative evaluation, exper-
iments show about four micrograms of material per square centimeter on a stain-
less steel surface can be seen (Fourman and Mullen, 1993). This examination
should be conducted before the assembly is executed to allow inspection of all
hard-to-clean locations in the equipment and all the disassembled parts.
• Reassembly:
Reassembly is carried out only after conducting visual inspection following the
order defined in the cleaning procedure.
Automated Cleaning
Nowadays, most pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers can provide the equipment
fitted with a cleaning-in-place or a washing-in-place device. In common language, the
two verbs are almost indifferently used. "To wash", according to Webster's New World
Dictionary, is "to clean with water or other liquid", and "to clean" is "to make clean
(free of dirt and impurities)". After washing or cleaning, equipment is "washed" or
Cleaning Procedure 29
"cleaned", but it can be determined as "clean" only after its cleanliness has been tested.
The two actions do not achieve the same degree of cleanliness.
Manufacturers of washing-in-place systems do not make any claim regarding the
level of cleanliness, and usually some degree of disassembly and hand scrubbing is nec-
essary in order to complete the cleaning. While it is advisable for consistency of the
cleaning operation and for cost considerations to use automated cleaning systems, it
must be kept in mind that not all automated systems can provide at any given site of
the processing equipment the degree of cleanliness required to minimize cross conta-
mination. The following example serves as an illustration of the above-mentioned fact.
The large cylindric smooth surfaces of a simple piece of equipment like a twin shell
blender may be effectively cleaned with hot water and detergent delivered by a high pres-
sure spray ball, but the discharging valve of the same blender with a much smaller sur-
face area than the cylinders has to be disassembled and hand scrubbed.
Cleaning-in-place (CIP), on the other hand, means cleaning the equipment to an
acceptable, quantifiable, and validatable level of cleanliness, so that another product
may be manufactured in the equipment immediately after cleaning-in-place without
any human intervention. The level of cleanliness to be achieved should be agreed
between the vendor and the buyer and must be guaranteed by the vendor, based on
documented evidence.
For a CIP system to be effective, the most critical factors are the cleaning proce-
dure, determined by the product and process characteristics, and the processing equip-
ment design.
The development of a CIP procedure is similar to that of a manual cleaning pro-
cedure and depends on such factors as the solubility of active and inactive ingredients
and the presence and amount of lubricating, dispersing, and wetting agents. A CIP sys-
tem takes advantage of the use of cleaning conditions that could be harmful for oper-
ators: high temperature, high pressure, high detergent concentration, or high or low
pH of the cleaning agents. The basic CIP variables are: time, pressure, volume, tem-
perature, cleaning agent concentration, recycling, and the sequence of cleaning, rins-
ing and drying. A typical CIP cycle runs as shown in Table 4.4.
• The CIP system should be installed in a technical area, not in the pro-
duction area.
The documentation of the cleaning procedure is essential. The cleaning philosophy of
the company should be reflected through this document and expressed in a simple yet
detailed way to the operator.
The cleaning procedure must be simple, clear, precise, and documented in a way
that helps the operator to execute the cleaning in a reproducible and safe manner. The
basis for relying on manual cleaning performed by an operator and sometimes by dif-
ferent operators, knowing that this might raise concerns related to wide variations
between operators, is that the procedure is written in a way that eliminates ambigui-
ties as much as possible. This is also the basis on which these procedures can be vali-
dated and only after validation visual inspection will be sufficient to evaluate the
cleanliness of the equipment.
Cleaning Procedure 31
Figure 4.1. l. CIP system installed with tanks, heat exchangers, detergent dosing
components, and others. 2. CIP-pump to reach pressure and flow as required. 3. The
equipment to be cleaned. 4. CIP-return pump-to circulate and drain the cleaning
solution and water.
3 1
Equipment CIP System
3. Cleanliness level: The same procedure can be used for minor and
major cleaning. It should be indicated which steps are relevant for
each level of cleaning.
10. Visual inspection: No traces or particles visible to the naked eye should
be observed after the cleaning.
Developing a Cleaning
Validation Progratn
Cleaning Validation Policy
Now that the optimal cleaning procedure has been developed-whether manual or auto-
mated-the question remains, What do we have to demonstrate in cleaning validation?
Ideally, a well-designed cleaning procedure should leave the manufacturing equipment
free from residues of the previous product and a visual inspection would suffice to ver-
ify the equipment cleanliness. It has been shown, however, that visual detection has lim-
itations and that sufficiently sensitive analytical methods may detect residues beyond
the human eye capability. For dedicated equipment where cross contamination is not
an issue, a visual examination after cleaning may indeed be used as the sole cleaning
validation criterion. But, for multipurpose equipment, we will want to show that not
more than an acceptable residual amount of any product may be found in a defined
quantity of any other product, without adversely affecting patient safety. Consequently,
we should define what is the acceptable residual amount of the contaminant product
and how this should be determined, and what is a defined quantity of the contami-
nated product. Cleaning agent residues should be determined for dedicated, as well as
for multipurpose equipment.
What contaminants are we looking for in cleaning validation? In most cases, a prod-
uct contains a few inactive ingredients in addition to one or more active substances.
The cleaning procedure is able to introduce residues related to the cleaning procedure
itself, such as detergents and solvents. Degradation products and impurities can also
develop in the cleaning process. To make the validation effort manageable and practi-
cal, however, it is deemed logical and acceptable to monitor residues of the active sub-
stances and of the cleaning agent in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
cleaning procedure. The FDA's Guidance for Industry, Manufacturing, Processing or
Holding of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Draft for Discussion (March 1998),
states that the "residue limits [for APis] ... should encompass raw materials, inter-
mediates, precursors, degradation products, isomers and cleaning agents". However,
from the reading of the FDA Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes
(July 1993), it would appear that the requirements for degradation products do not apply
to pharmaceutical dosage forms: "Unlike finished pharmaceuticals where the chemical
36 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
identity of residuals are known {i.e., from actives, inactives, detergents), bulk processes
may have partial reactants and unwanted by-products which may never have been
chemically identified".
For an operation involving a small number of products with a limited number of
pieces of equipment, cleaning validation may be addressed by validating the cleaning pro-
cedure of each piece of equipment for each product manufactured in the equipment
train. For equipment used for a wide variety of products, this approach is not feasible
due to the enormous analytical load involved in the development and the validation of
sufficiently sensitive analytical methods. Consequently, a practical approach is to be
adopted to develop a manageable program based on adequate assumptions, taking into
consideration worst cases and using additional safety factors to ensure, with a high degree
of confidence, that both patient safety and regulatory requirements are satisfied.
In the absence of dearly defined requirements and of authoritative publications,
the industry is struggling in order to define a practical approach to make the cleaning
validation effort manageable. An extensive literature search shows that different
approaches have been adopted by different companies, depending on the complexity
of their operations-namely the number of products manufactured and the number of
pieces of equipment involved in the manufacturing processes (Laban et al. 1997;
Mendenhall 1989; McCormick and Cullen 1993; McArthur and Vasilevsky 1995;
Jenkins and Vanderwielen 1994; Hwang et al. 1997; Nilsen 1998; Forsyth and Haynes
1999; PDA Technical Report No. 29 1998; LeBlanc 1998; Shea et al. 1996).
By definition:
The cleaning validation program, once established, shall cover all the manufacturing
operations for all products and include a tracking system to allow for the timely per-
formance of the cleaning validation of newly developed products. Thereafter, a change
control system should be in place to evaluate the impact of changes in product for-
mulation, equipment, and/or cleaning procedure, in order to maintain the equipment
cleaning validation status.
Part Two of this book focuses on the cleaning validation of equipment in complex,
multiproduct pharmaceutical operations. The policy and its underlying basic princi-
ples may be applied also to active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) (Romanach et al.
1999), biological and biotechnological products (McArthur and Vasilevsky 1995; Lom-
bardo et al. 1995; Sofer 1995; Baffi et al. 1991), with appropriate adaptations and in
Cleaning Validation Policy 37
1. Policy
2. Contamination Acceptance Limits
Ideally, for multiproduct equipment, a cleaning validation study would be performed for
all the products manufactured in any manufacturing sequence. This undertaking is
obviously beyond the resources of any company. In order to reduce the analytical work-
load involved in testing all the permutations of the manufacturing sequences, products
38 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
and equipment are grouped into families and the worst case is selected in each family.
The matrix and worst-case approaches are invaluable in establishing a manageable clean-
ing validation program. The matrix approach enables the use of a representative prod-
uct or equipment out of all products or equipment grouped according to similarities.
With the worst-case approach, on the other hand, the most stringent acceptance crite-
ria are set to fit all the products manufactured in any sequence.
Cleaning agents are treated as special cases of the active ingredients.
Based on these approaches, a cleaning validation policy has been developed to select
a product, which can represent all other products manufactured in a piece of equipment,
using the same cleaning procedure. The selection of an active substance as representa-
tive of all these products is based on different characteristics of the active substances,
such as: structural similarity, similar sorption/desorption isotherm behavior, similar for-
mulation, similar potency, solubility, and degree of cleaning difficulty (Mendenhall
1989). For each characteristic, the worst case is selected out of all the products processed
in a piece of equipment. These worst case characteristics are gathered to create an all-
worst-case virtual product to be used as a reference product to demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of the cleaning procedure. A similar approach for the design of the cleaning
validation program makes the use of a "guiding substance" (Zeller 1993) or a "targeted
substance" (Laban et al. 1997) selected to best fit predetermined criteria, such as phar-
macological activity, solubility, concentration, and analytical detection.
The solubility of the active ingredient of the contaminant product in water, or any
other solvent used for equipment cleaning, is a critical factor for the ease of cleaning.
The more insoluble the active ingredient, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. The
worst case is represented by the product with the most insoluble active ingredient and
the cleaning validation study will be performed after cleaning the manufacturing equip-
ment from this product, using an analytical method of an adequate sensitivity, devel-
oped and validated for this active ingredient.
Based on the aforementioned approach, the following policy is introduced:
Product Grouping
As for equipment, products may be grouped according to similarities: same active
ingredient with several strengths or formulations differing in the inactive ingredients.
The product worst cases are presented by the highest strength of the
active ingredient and by the most difficult to clean formulation.
Cleaning Validation Policy 39
The matrix and worst-case approaches are applied in order to limit the number of pieces
of equipment that have to be validated for cleaning. Taking into consideration that the
product contact surfaces are mostly made of stainless steel and that similarities exist
in the equipment design, operating principle and size, and in the cleaning procedure,
a rationale for grouping pieces of equipment and selecting one representative piece for
the cleaning validation study is developed.
Also to be addressed is the critical issue of identifying, sampling, and testing the
hard-to-clean locations in the equipment.
Equipment Grouping
To make the cleaning validation program manageable, the manufacturing equipment
is grouped, according to the following criteria listed, so that one piece of equipment in
a group may represent the entire group. Consequently, the cleaning validation study is
performed on this representative piece of equipment. The criteria for equipment group-
ing are listed as follows.
Batch processing equipment of different sizes, where only one batch size is
processed, may not be grouped as opposed to continuous processing equipment. Usu-
ally, a product is manufactured in one type and size of granulator or blender, however
it can be milled, compressed, or filled in more than one type of equipment. In the lat-
ter cases, pieces of equipment with the same operating principle may be grouped.
Equipment with the same operating principle and the same cleaning
procedure, but with different product contact surface area, can be
grouped, if they can be interchanged.
Since a larger batch is processed in larger equipment, the equipment with the
larger surface area represents the worst case.
Hard-to-Clean Locations
The issue of the homogeneity of dispersion of residues has been discussed and the
potential for pockets of residual products in poorly accessible parts of certain types of
40 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
processing equipment has been stressed (Mendenhall, 1989). The "best case scenario"
described by Agalloco in his theory of dispersion would be represented by freely solu-
ble residues-as in solution formulations-as opposed to the "worst case scenario" rep-
resented by a low-level residue in solid dosage forms. Since the homogenous dispersion
of the contamination in the equipment can only be assumed, the identification of the
hard-to-clean locations is crucial to the cleaning validation study. The regulatory
requirements are clear, and there is a consensus in the industry in this regard.
Some experiments have been made to determine the hard-to-clean locations by
using water soluble (sodium chloride) or insoluble (sodium benzoate) materials or a
soluble dye (sodium fluorescein) and detecting the locations that remain unclean visu-
ally or with the help of an ultraviolet (UV) light. These experiments may be valuable
for small equipment or for cleaning verification of drug containers, such as glass
ampoules and vials. This is not recommended, however, for larger equipment or for
equipment with inaccessible parts. In these cases, the risk exists that the indicator
materials may not be completely washed out on the first cleaning and will reappear in
the next product manufactured. The knowledge of the equipment design and con-
struction is of better value to assess these hard-to-clean locations.
Special consideration should be given to cleaning-in-place systems. A thorough ver-
ification of the equipment cleanliness should be performed after a CIP cycle and should
include impellers, blades, screens, gaskets, valves, and instrument connections.
The worst case in relation to equipment refers to the hard-to-clean locations, such
as valves and gaskets. These locations should be identified in the selected piece of
equipment based on the intimate knowledge of the manufacturing equipment and its
operating principle, on scrupulous visual inspection, and on cleaning experience.
Table 5.1. shows hard-to-clean locations for the most commonly used equipment
for solid dosage forms. The list is indicative and not intended to be exhaustive. More-
over, since specific adaptations or modifications may have been made to the original
equipment, it is advisable to carefully examine the equipment after processing, and espe-
cially after products known to be difficult to clean. Antacids are such an example, due
to the large surface area of the active ingredients present in high concentration.
Your answer to the question, How clean is clean? forms the basis of your cleaning vali-
dation program and must be scientifically justifiable. At present, there is no universally
Cleaning Validation Policy 41
Planetary mixers
Unit Dosing
accepted contamination limit for the active ingredient or for the cleaning agent residues.
The regulatory authorities offer little help in this matter. "The firm's rationale for the
residue limits established should be logical, based on the manufacturer's knowledge of
the materials involved and be practical, achievable and verifiable. It is important to define
the sensitivity of the analytical methods in order to set reasonable limits. Some limits
that have been mentioned by industry representatives in the literature or in presenta-
tions include analytical detection levels such as 10 ppm, biological activity levels such as
1/1000 of the normal therapeutic dose and organoleptic levels such as no visible residue".
It is, therefore, up to the company to set limits. The key success factors are that
residue limits should be practical, achievable, and verifiable. A review of the articles,
published in the recent years by industry experts and of presentations made by FDA
representatives in various meetings and conferences, shows a consensus toward the
adoption of a limit based on the pharmacological activity (potency) or toxicological
(safety) data of the active ingredient. However, contamination limits based on other
considerations have been proposed and are discussed later in this chapter.
In most cases, an arbitrary safety factor has been added in order to achieve a lower,
yet reasonable, contamination level. Factors of 1/10, 1/100, and 1/1000 have been used,
for benign, potent, and highly potent products, respectively (Mendenhall 1998;
Flickinger 1997). The 1/1000 factor has been interpreted as follows:
There are 3 factors of 10 in the 1/1000 fraction. The first is that phar-
maceuticals are often considered to be non active at 1/10 of their nor-
mally prescribed dosage; the second is a safety factor [for the first
one]; and the third is that cleaning validation should be robust, i.e.
be vigorous enough that it would be considered acceptable for quite
44 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Another explanation to the use of a safety factor stems from the realization that,
although most contamination limit determination strategies assume a uniform distri-
bution of the contaminant, the actual distribution may not be as uniform as one would
like it to be (Jenkins and Vanderwielen 1994).
The determination of the acceptable contamination limit should first take into con-
sideration the specific manufacturing operation. For example, the following scenarios
in an API facility may be different from one process to the other and they depend on
the end use of the product (Lazar 1997).
For approved pharmaceutical dosage forms or for APis, it is usually a difficult task
to set acceptance limits. For investigational drugs, this mission can be even harder due
to the limited knowledge of parameters, such as therapeutic dose, toxicity, or safety.
In addition, due to the versatile use of equipment at this stage of development and the
fact that these drugs are subject to frequent changes in processing, formulation, and
dosage strength, cleaning verification after each run is recommended. This involves test-
ing of residuals to confirm that they have been removed to an established level, gener-
ally using an absolute limit expressed in part per million (ppm).
o The LDSO is based on an acute toxicity study on various mammalian species and
is an estimate of the lethal dose to 50% of the animals, following a single dose
(Layton et al. 1987). This value is mostly used for nonactive ingredients such as
cleaning agents or sanitizers ( Agalloco 1992).
o ADI is defined as the amount of toxicant in milligrams per kilogram body weight
per day which is not anticipated to result any adverse effects after chronic expo-
sure to the general population of humans (Dourson and Stara 1983). The ADI
is difficult to establish and can be estimated based on the LDSO using a factor of
5 X 10- 6 to 1 X 10- 5 that incorporates variability associated with animal-to-
human toxic response and dose equivalence (Layton et al. 1987).
ADis are usually associated with food additives, vitamin preparations, and other
ingested non-pharmaceutical products. The acceptable level would depend on whether a
drug is administered to treat an ailment, or whether it was carried through a manufactur-
ing process as an impurity. The acceptable daily intake level of a chemical administered to
relieve an illness would be essentially identical to the lowest therapeutic dose. The accept-
able level of the chemical present as an impurity would be no higher than the NOEL.
NOELs are occasionally included in computer accessed safety databases. However,
the term NOEL is used to describe the highest dose that did not cause a measurable or
observable effect in a specific test. The NOEL for an acute oral toxicity test will be dif-
ferent than the NOEL determined for teratology, neurotoxicity, subchronic toxicity,
acute inhalation, and other tests. The NOEL depends on the route of exposure (oral,
dermal, inhalation, etc.), duration of exposure (single dose or multiple doses), species
in which the test was conducted, and the endpoint measured.
Another approach makes use of the compound's LDSO to calculate the NOEL,
which is used with an animal-to-human uncertainty factor and the average adult weight
to derive the ADI (Layton et al. 1987; Conine et al. 1992; Kirsch 1998).
The previously mentioned toxicological indices are converted in conjunction with the
dosage regimen and the batch size to the maximum allowable carryover to the next prod-
uct. This holds true for APis as well: "[The] amount of residue [is] assumed to be trans-
ferred to the finished dosage product at its highest dosage level. The theoretical amount of
contamination should be calculated for one dosage unit and compared with the set limit".
In general, it is logical to set residual limits on a pharmacologically defined con-
centration based on the potency of the substance. However, with less potent drugs, this
could lead to intolerably high residual limits (Zeller 1993).
This limit is based on the lowest therapeutic dose (LTD). The LTD is
defined as the lowest dose in any of the active ingredients that may be
given to a patient in any dosage form available, and is generally equiva-
lent to one unit dose, i.e., one tablet or one capsule.
46 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
• Absolute Limit
An absolute limit also termed "single limit" or "blanket specification" means that
the same limit is set for any product, without consideration to toxicological data
or to the detection level of the analytical method, and is usually expressed in parts
per million (ppm) (McCormick and Cullen 1993). In this approach, it is sug-
gested to set limits in line with residual limits set for hazardous compounds, such
as pesticides in food (Harder 1984). This recommendation is based on 21 CFR,
Part 193 "Tolerances for Pesticides in Food Administered by the Environmental
Protection Agency". Based on the fact that the amount of administered drug is
much lower than the quantity of food that would be eaten, limits in the ppm
range-acceptable for hazardous compounds in food-seem to be reasonable.
This type of limit is also based on an acceptable contamination level set by offi-
cial pharmacopeias, such as the heavy metals or arsenic tests. A limit of not more
than 10 ppm seems to be widely used (Fourman and Mullen 1993), although
lower limits, as low as a few ppm or even less, have been used by some firms
(McCormick and Cullen 1993; Kirsch 1998).
In the case of products for external use, the limit could be increased by an order
of magnitude, due to their low bioavailability, when compared to that of products
administered orally. However, for parenterals, the acceptable contamination level could
be halved in comparison to oral drugs (Zeller 1993).
Cleaning Validation Policy 47
There are three known sampling methods: the swabbing (or direct surface sampling)
method, the rinse sampling method and the placebo method. A description of the meth-
ods, their advantages, and their disadvantages are presented from regulatory as well as
practical viewpoints.
The advantages of direct sampling are that areas hardest to clean and
which are reasonably accessible can be evaluated, leading to estab-
lishing a level of contamination or residue per given surface area.
Additionally, residues that are 'dried out' or are insoluble can be sam-
pled by physical removal (FDA, July 1993).
• Hard-to-clean but accessible areas are easily incorporated into the final evaluation.
• Extrapolation of results obtained for a small sample surface area to the whole
product contact surface of the equipment.
• Less accessible or hard to clean areas are more difficult to sample and may require
a combination of the swabbing method with the rinse sample method.
Swab Characterization
Natural or synthetic cotton wool, glass wool, synthetic fabric, and filter paper are com-
monly used as the carrier for removing the contaminant from the equipment surface.
The selection of the best swab material is guided by physical as well as chemical crite-
ria, with the objective of having-with no previous treatment-good physical removal
properties and the least significant chemical background contribution. The selection of
the swab material is based on the following criteria.
• Swab interference:
Particles, fibers, and lints released in swab solvent extract obscure the light beam
path in spectrophotometric methods and should be filtered out before testing.
Lint-free, long fiber fabrics or wool, and quantitative filter paper are the preferred
materials. Swab extracts are tested using solvents which will normally be used in
sampling and analytical testing: water, ethanol, diluted acids and alkalis.
Substances extracted by solvents from the swab must not interfere with the analyt-
ical detection method. As with the previous property, this one is also critical and must
be checked in the characterization study to be performed for the analytical detection
method. When testing swab samples, a blank determination of a virgin swab solvent
50 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
extract is mandatory to eliminate extraneous factors that may influence the quantitative
determination of the contaminant.
Some swabbing materials, such as quartz wool and synthetic fabrics, have been
screened in connection with the use of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) as the ana-
lytical detection method (Jenkins et al. 1996). The use of low-carbon leaching
swabs is recommended when TOC is the analytical detection method (Lombardo
1995). A filter paper swab has been used with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR)
(LeBlanc 1993).
Swab Recovery
A swab recovery study must be performed to determine the ability of the swab to quan-
titatively remove the contaminant from the surface sampled.
The roughness and the surface area of the swab material are also of importance in
the physical removal process. Swab materials that are too smooth or too coarse do not
ensure complete removal of the contaminant. Synthetic lint-free fabrics or synthetic
cotton wool in which the fiber length is controlled to a certain extent and quantitative
filter paper, such as Whatman #42 or equivalent, are materials of choice.
Another parameter which might influence the recovery is the ability of the swab
to absorb or adsorb the contaminant. This is a critical property which must be checked
in the recovery study by spiking swabs with known concentrations of the contaminant
and then extracting it.
The recovery factor must be taken into consideration in the calculation of the allow-
able contamination limit. This is particularly important due to the fact that the result
obtained from a small surface area is extrapolated to the entire equipment product con-
tact surface. A recovery factor of 70% is acceptable, however, factors as low as 50% may
be obtained. In cases where low results are obtained in a reproducible manner, the sam-
ple surface area may be sampled again using a second swab and the results obtained
from both swabs added together.
The swab recovery study is generally performed on pieces (also called coupons) of
the same construction material as the equipment. An area equivalent to the equipment
sample surface area is swabbed and tested.
The swab recovery study may be performed as part of the validation of the ana-
lytical method.
Since the homogeneity of the contaminant on the equipment product contact sur-
face can only be assumed, several samples, but not less than three samples per piece of
equipment, must be taken, including the hardest-to-clean locations. The number of
samples should take into consideration the equipment surface area, design, shape, oper-
ating principle, and construction materials.
Swabbing Technique
As a manual and mechanical operation, the swabbing method is difficult to standard-
ize. Operators performing the sampling must be adequately trained and given precise
instructions in order to obtain reproducible results. The full coverage of the sample sur-
face area, the amount of pressure to be applied, the amount of solvent absorbed by the
swab and the strokes' direction must be emphasized in the operators' training. The swab-
bing technique must describe, in detail, the direction and numbers of strokes (or pas-
sages) needed for the full coverage of the sample area in a reproducible manner. Such
techniques have been described in the literature (Lombardo 1995; Shea et al. 1996).
Two advantages of using rinse samples are that larger surface areas
may be sampled and inaccessible systems or ones that cannot be rou-
tinely disassembled can be sampled and evaluated. A disadvantage of
rinse sample is that the residue or contaminant may not be soluble or
may be physically occluded in the equipment (FDA, July 1993).
• Ease of sampling.
• Evaluation of the entire product contact surface.
• Accessibility of all equipment parts to the rinsing solvent.
• Best fitted to sealed or large-scale equipment and equipment which is not easily
or routinely disassembled.
Although the rinsing sample method has its limitations, it is widely used in large-
scale equipment, especially in the API industry, where equipment is cleaned by rinsing
and refluxing with the appropriate solvent.
The preferred sampling method and the one considered as the most
acceptable by regulatory authorities is the swabbing method.
Basic Requirements
A wide variety of sensitive analytical methods is presently available (Smith 1993;
Gavlick eta!. 1995 ). However, the detection of residues for cleaning validation purposes
present a special challenge to the analytical scientist. The regulatory authorities put an
emphasis on the development of specific and sensitive methods.
The very low contamination limit, resulting from the use of high safety factors and
worst cases, as well as the analytical methods available, impose contingencies in the
analytical method development (see Table 5.2).
1. The sensitivity of the method shall be appropriate to the calculated contamination limit.
2. The method shall be practical and rapid, and, as much as possible use instrumentation
existing in the company.
3. The method shall be validated in accordance with ICH, USP and EP requirements.
4. The analytical development shall include a recovery study to challenge the sampling and
testing methods.
54 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Specific Methods
• Chromatographic methods such as LC/MS, GC/MS, and HPLC
These chromatographic methods are the methods of choice, as they separate ana-
lytes, are highly specific, highly sensitive, and quantitative. Various detection tech-
niques may be used to enhance these properties and to allow for the
determination of a wide variety of active pharmaceutical ingredients and clean-
ing agents. Among these techniques, the following are commonly used: spec-
trophotometric, electrochemical, fluorescence, and refractive index (Kirsch 1998;
Mirza et al. 1998).
These methods are costly and time-consuming.
Nonspecific Methods
Although not recommended, nonspecific, yet rapid methods, have been used, sometimes
with modification in order to achieve a meaningful specificity.
Active ingredients can only be quantitated, if they possess a strong chromophore
that can be detected at very low levels and when the inactive ingredients do not
interfere with active ingredient at the same wavelength. In some cases where the
absorption of the inactive ingredients is low, correction may be made by sub-
tracting the absorbance of the formulation placebo.
• Total organic carbon (TOC)
The TOC method offers, at a moderate cost and in addition to its rapidity, a detec-
tion capability down to the ppb range. The method can also be applied to on-
line measurements. TOC in conjunction with other methods, such as conductivity
and pH, has been used to demonstrate the absence of residual cleaning agent in
rinse samples (Jenkins et al. 1996; Holmes and Vanderwielen 1997).
The limitation of the method resides in the fact that only water-soluble com-
pounds can be analyzed and that most, if not all, inactive ingredients are organic
compounds which contain carbon atoms and thus interfere in the measurement
of the active ingredient.
• Other Methods
Nonspecific methods such as pH, conductivity, and total solids have very lim-
ited use and can only be used in conjunction with a specific method.
In conclusion:
• Precision
• Linearity
• Selectivity
• Detection Limit
• Quantitation Limit
The basic elements of a cleaning validation program relate to the products, the equip-
ment, the cleaning procedures and the sampling method. The characteristics, which
must be taken into account for each element, include (see Table 6.1):
Let us develop together the matrix and worst-case approaches. Assume that you are
manufacturing only two products, using only one piece of equipment. The two possible
manufacturing sequences are: Product A before Product B or Product A after Product
B. For equipment cleaning validation in this simplified case, your goal is to demonstrate
that not more than an acceptable amount of active ingredient residue of Product A (or
Product B) can be detected in the maximal daily dose of Product B (or Product A). The
characteristics of Product A and Product B are tabulated in Table 6.2.
Each of the product characteristics has a different effect on the calculation of the
allowable amount of contaminant carried over to the next product and this amount has
to be the lowest to present the worst case scenario. It follows that the product with the
lowest therapeutic dose should be selected so that the minimal amount of contaminant
will be left after cleaning. The product with the highest daily dose should be selected
so that when the batch is divided into the maximum number of units, each unit will
contain the minimal residual amount of contaminant. The product with the smallest
batch size should be selected so that the overall quantity of residues allowed for each
manufactured batch will be minimal. To illustrate the concept, let us go back to our
Table 6.1. Cleaning Validation Elements
Therapeutic Dose Solubility Batch Maximal Product Hard-to- Sample Recovery
Activity/Toxicity Size Daily Contact clean Area ~
Intake Surfaces Locations ~-
product §:...
product ~
Sampling [
method ~
previously mentioned Product A and Product B scenario and determine the worst case
values to be selected (see Table 6.3 ).
We have thus created a "virtual" product, which, for the sake of cleaning valida-
tion, combines all the worst case parameters. In practice, when many products are man-
ufactured in the same piece of equipment, the lowest therapeutic dose, the maximal
daily dose, and the smallest batch size of different products will be used to calculate
the acceptance limit.
The product with the lowest active ingredient therapeutic dose (LTD) represents the
worst case and this value is used to calculate the acceptance criterion of the cleaning
validation study for the group of products manufactured in one equipment group. The
LTD, as defined in Chapter 5, may be found in national or international medical com-
pendia, such as the Physician's Desk Reference (USA current edition), Martindale-The
Extra Pharmacopoeia (U.K., current edition), Vidal (France, current edition), Rote Liste
(Germany, current edition).
By using a safety factor of 1/1000, LTD/1000 represents the maximum amount of
contaminant that may be carried over to the maximal daily dose of the next product.
Selected Product A B A
60 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
The maximal daily dose (D), also named the maximal daily intake, is the maximal dose in
mg that should not be exceeded. This data also appears in the aforementioned compendia.
The contaminant product residues are assumed to be spread all over the equipment
product contact surfaces and to be divided equally in all the units (tablets or capsules)
of any other product batch subsequently processed in the same piece of equipment. The
higher the maximal daily doses of the subsequent product the bigger the amount of
contaminant that will be absorbed in one day by the patient. The worst case is there-
fore represented by the product with the highest maximal daily dose. The above men-
tioned assumption seems contradictory to the FDA statement "One cannot ensure that
the contaminant will be uniformly distributed through the system" (FDA, July 1993).
However, as already discussed, the sampling and testing of the equipment hard-to-clean
locations ensure that accumulation of contaminant in such a location is taken into
----represents the maximum allowed amount of contaminant in the
D maximal daily dose of the contaminated product.
Furthermore, the same amount of contaminant may be divided in a high (for exam-
ple, 1,000,000 tablets) or in a small (for example, 100,000 tablets) number of units of
the subsequent product. For two different products with the same maximal daily dose,
the maximal daily dose of the contaminated product with the smaller batch size will
contain a higher amount of contaminant. The worst case here will therefore be the
smallest number of units in a batch of product manufactured in the same piece of equip-
ment. For the virtual all-worst-case product, the smallest number of units is obtained
by dividing the smallest batch size in weight (Wb) for any product by the highest unit
dose weight (Wt) for any product in the product group (see Table 6.4).
From the above principles and the selected characteristics for the hypothetical all-
worst-case product, the following equation has been developed to calculate the max-
imum allowable amount of contaminant (MC) in mg per swab, for a specific piece
of equipment:
LTD/I 000 Wb Ss
MC (mg/swab) = X- X- X R
D Wt Se
From the above equation, it can be seen that the most stringent acceptance crite-
rion, i.e., the lowest contamination level, is obtained when the values for LTD and Wb
are the lowest while the values for D and Wt the highest.
The same approach can be adopted to calculate the contamination limit for the clean-
ing agent, using LDSO. When formulated cleaning agent is used, the LDSO of the most
toxic component is used. LDSO values can be found in the literature.
The calculation of the sample contamination limit is the result of the development of the
cleaning validation rationale, based on scientifically justified assumptions. However, there
are limitations that should be kept in mind as well as practices that should be avoided.
calculation of the portion surface area. The sum of the surface areas of all portions
is equal to the entire surface area of the equipment. The swab samples taken from
the various equipment portions are extracted and tested separately and the amount
of material per swab is calculated according to the above mentioned equation. Sat-
isfactory results are obtained when the amount of material (mg/swab) in any equip-
ment portion is lower than the calculated sample contamination limit for this
portion. Each swab result must individually comply with its specific limit. The
results obtained for the individual swabs may be added taking into account their rel-
ative contribution to the contamination level. Averaging of results is not acceptable
to the regulatory authorities. Out-of-specification results for any of the swabs deny
the assumption of homogeneous contaminant dispersion and lead to the possibility
that some of finished dosage form units may contain an amount of contaminant in
excess of the allowable limit.
The measurement of the surface area of a hard-to-clean location (such as the dis-
charge valve of a twin shell blender) is more difficult than that of large smooth sur-
faces and has to be measured with the best approximation. Apart from this, a
hard-to-clean location is treated just like any other sampling location.
Equipment Train
Any pharmaceutical product is processed through an equipment train, e.g., for a tablet,
a granulator, a mill, a blender and a tablet press are used. Each piece of equipment makes
its own contribution to the amount of contaminant that may be present in the finished
dosage form. Therefore the worst-case results, obtained for each piece of equipment
are summed up to give the total amount of contaminant in the equipment train. The
worst-case carryover of contaminant to the next product is obtained by dividing the
total amount of contaminant in the train by the smallest number of units of product
processed in the train.
Although this approach gives an overall estimation of the amount of contaminant
in the next product, it involves additional calculation. Considering the safety factors
introduced in the equation, it is deemed sufficient to use the single criterion stating
that any individual swab sample result must not exceed the calculated swab sample con-
tamination limit.
The most desirable approach is to have one set of acceptance criteria. The FDA dis-
courages the use of variable acceptance criteria for individual swab results based on
location, the averaging of individual swab results or the use of a single acceptance cri-
terion based on cumulative residues from swab samples. The concern is again poten-
tial masking of excessive variability of an ineffective cleaning procedure and the
disproportionate dilution (averaging) of high results.
The FDA expects swab sampling at multiple sites representative of the product con-
tact equipment surface, including hard-to-clean locations. Each swab sample needs to
be evaluated against a single acceptance criterion. During validation, single site sam-
piing (i.e., worst-case) may be questioned, even if there is hard data that supports the
Contamination Acceptance Limits 63
worst case site selection. It would also be expected that, if the worst case swab samples
show out-of-specification results, improved cleaning would need to be implemented to
resolve this situation. However, for routine monitoring after cleaning validation, the
use of the most difficult to clean location for determining the reproducibility of the
cleaning procedure would be acceptable to regulatory authorities.
Cleaning Validation
Planning and Execution
The next step in our validation program is to plan the activities to be performed based
on the cleaning validation policy developed in Chapter 5, and then execute a cleaning
validation study. A systematic approach must be developed in order to program paral-
lel activities, which involve different groups in the organization, and to conduct the
cleaning validation study in a timely and cost-effective manner.
The program, after having been developed, must be presented and explained to the var-
ious groups in the company (R&D, production, production planning, engineering,
quality assurance and quality control) taking part in the validation studies, whether
their participation is active or supportive only. The close cooperation between these
groups, their understanding of the fundamentals of validation and of cleaning valida-
tion in particular, and their adequate and timely contribution are all vital to the suc-
cessful management of the cleaning validation program.
In most companies, the cleaning validation program is managed by the quality
assurance unit, but it could be managed by any other unit depending on the company
organization, provided that the program is supervised and controlled by the quality
assurance unit. It is advisable to establish a dedicated cleaning validation team or unit-
at least at the learning stage of the program-to provide a full overview and a focused
attention to all the aspects of cleaning validation. A steering committee consisting of
representatives of the aforementioned disciplines should also be instituted to deal with
changes in the policy, protocol deviations, and with any unexpected event or result in
the course of the validation study.
The typical responsibilities of the various groups involved in the following clean-
ing validation program may differ from company to company. While the repartition
66 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
of the responsibilities is obvious for most of the groups, R&D, the validation group,
and QA assume interchangeable roles depending on the company organization.
Validation Unit
Responsibilities of the validation unit include:
• Prepare validation master plan, working plan, and protocol, including prepara-
tion of database, grouping, determination of worst cases, and identification of
hard-to-clean locations.
• Calculate the contamination limit for the active ingredient and the cleaning agent.
Responsibilities of the production group include:
• Perform cleaning.
Production Planning
Responsibilities of the production planning group include:
Responsibilities of the engineering group include:
Quality Assurance
Responsibilities of the quality assurance group include:
Quality Control
Responsibilities of the quality control group include:
The planning of the cleaning validation program consists of a series of steps starting
from the establishment of a database and, resulting, through the grouping and the
worst-case approaches of equipment and products, in the selection of the specific
equipment and the representative product on which cleaning validation is performed.
The sequential steps are described in Table 7.1.
In the following sections, a step-by-step description will lead the reader through
the whole process of building the cleaning validation master plan. An example of a short
list of equipment and products is provided to help the reader to follow the process.
6. Working plan
7. Execution
68 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
The list of products and cleaning agents and the list of equipment are the basic docu-
ments on which the cleaning validation database is built. These lists must be con-
trolled, by date and edition, verified to be accurate at the time the cleaning validation
study starts and maintained up-to-date through the change control system. The lists
represent the collection of the equipment and the product characteristics that will
enable the grouping and the selection of the worst cases and that must be taken into
account to calculate the contamination limit.
A list of equipment pieces used for manufacturing the products is prepared using
the list of products and the product master batch documents. An example of such lists
are shown in Tables 7.2 and 7.3.
In total, the products in Table 7.2 are manufactured using 13 pieces of equipment.
First, the equipment pieces are categorized according to technological groups: mixers,
dryers, mills, and so forth.
From Table 7.4, it can be seen that equipment nos. 4, 7, 10, and 11 are dedicated
to products E, D, C, and A, respectively. As such, they are not included in the cleaning
validation program and are therefore deleted from the table.
According to the cleaning validation policy described in Chapter 5, as it relates to
equipment, grouping is done by comparing the operating principle, the product con-
tact surface area, and the cleaning procedure of the pieces of equipment. The group-
ing rationale must be justified and documented.
The cleaning procedure used for cleaning each piece of equipment after the man-
ufacture of each product is verified. Usually one cleaning procedure is used for clean-
ing one piece of equipment. However, for certain products manufactured in the same
piece of equipment, another cleaning procedure may be used, due to difficulties in
removing residues from these products. In this case, a cleaning validation study has to
be performed on the same piece of equipment for each cleaning procedure. It is assumed
in Table 7.4 that only one cleaning procedure is used to clean one piece of equipment
from all the products.
The equipment operating principle is a characteristic that differentiates pieces of
equipment used for the same process: both a high-shear mixer and a fluid bed dryer
may be used for wet granulation, but they are considered as different classes of equip-
ment. A high-shear mixer and a low-shear mixer belong to the same class, but are con-
sidered as subclasses of equipment used for the same process.
The product contact surface area represents a characteristic of the equipment that
is taken into account in the calculation of the contamination limit. This value is pro-
portional to the equipment size. At this stage, the equipment size is used for grouping
and is listed in Table 7.5.
Table 7 .2. List of Products
Product A Product B Product C Product D Product E
Tablet press # 1 Tablet press #2 Tablet press #3 Tablet press #3 Tablet press #2
-~ - ~- ---- -- ---------- -~-- - - ------ -
70 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Mixer #1 A,E
2 Mixer #2 B,C
3 Dryer #1 A,B,C
4 Dryer #2 E
5 Mill #1 A,C
6 Mill #2 B,E
7 Mill #3 D
8 Blender #1 A,D
9 Blender #2 B,E
10 Blender #3 c
11 Tablet press #1 A
The following rationale is used to group the equipment listed in Table 7.5: Mills
#1 and 2 are grouped together because they have the same operating principle. Both
are screening mills with an oscillating bar and are of the same size. Blenders #1 and 2
cannot be grouped. Although both are twin shell blenders, they are different in size.
The products manufactured in a group of equipment are also grouped. The result
of the grouping is shown in Table 7.6.
The contamination limit equation, developed in Chapter 6, shows that the larger the
equipment product contact surface, the lower is the amount of contaminant allowed
to be carried over in the next product batch. It follows that the worst-case equipment
in the group, on which the validation will be conducted, is the one with the largest prod-
uct contact surface.
As a result, a shorter list of equipment, on which the cleaning validation study has
to be performed, is obtained. In this list, 8 out of 13 pieces of equipment-representing
the 8 groups-will participate in the cleaning validation program. As the number of pieces
of equipment increases and there is more interchangeable equipment, the list of equip-
ment to be validated for cleaning is dramatically reduced. Table 7.7 shows the list of equip-
ment on which the cleaning validation study will be performed.
Table 7.5. Equipment Grouping
Equipment No. Equipment Name Operating Principle Size Products
1 Mixer #1 High-shear mixer X A,E
bottom driven
Table 7 .6. Equipment and Products Grouping
Group No. Equipment No. Equipment Name Operating Principle Product Contact Products
Surface Area (")
5 8 Blender #1
with oscillating bars
y B,E
7 12 Tablet press # 1 Force fed ::t
74 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Finally, and as an additional equipment worst case, the hard-to-clean locations are
identified for the representative piece of equipment in a group. The table in Chapter 5 may
be used as a guide to identify the hard-to-clean locations for the most commonly used
equipment for solid dosage forms. The hard-to-clean locations are then marked on the
equipment diagram, which is included in the validation protocol.
The whole data collection and selection processes are summarized in Table 7.8,
which represents the equipment database.
The aim of the product grouping is to determine the representative product manufac-
tured in a piece of equipment. The representative product is the one containing the most
insoluble active ingredient in the solvent used to clean the equipment. The contami-
nation limit is computed by using the worst-case characteristics of all the products man-
ufactured in the representative piece of equipment in an equipment group.
The characteristic data of the products manufactured in each equipment group
determined previously are tabulated. These data, as explained in Chapter 6, are prod-
uct related: active ingredient, solubility, LTD, daily dose and unit weight; and process
related: batch size. If the product contains more than one active ingredient, all of them
shall be listed. The data for the products manufactured in the equipment groups are
presented in Table 7.9.
The worst case related to products is the most insoluble active ingredient. As defined
in the cleaning validation policy, cleaning validation is performed after cleaning the
equipment from the product containing the most insoluble active ingredient. The ana-
lytical detection method is developed for this ingredient. The solubility of the various
active ingredients is listed according to the pharmacopeia! definitions, i.e., very solu-
ble, freely soluble, soluble, sparingly soluble, slightly soluble, very slightly, or insoluble.
To differentiate between active ingredients of the same solubility definition, their sol-
ubilities must be given in mg/ml of water (The Merck Index, current edition). It can
be seen in Table 7.9 that only products A, B, C, and E participate in the cleaning vali-
dation studies, since one of their active ingredients is the most insoluble. This also means
that analytical methods are developed only for active ingredients "a", "b", "c", and "e".
As to the other characteristics of the products, the worst cases are selected, with the
contamination limit equation in mind, to create the virtual all-worst-case product. The
worst cases are represented by products with the lowest LTD, the highest maximal daily
dose in units (D), the highest unit dose weight (Wt) and the smallest batch size (Wb).
The selected worst cases related to products in Table 7.9 appear in italic type. As
an example, the virtual worst-case product in equipment group no. 5 has the charac-
teristics listed in Table 7.1 0.
Table 7 .8. Equipment Database
Group No. Equipment No. Equipment Name Operating Principle Product Contact Hard-to-Clean Products
Surface Area Locations
1 1 Mixer #1 High-shear y Lid gasket A,E
mixer Discharge valve
bottom driven Impeller blades
Chopper blades
Vent filter
6 9 Blender #2 Twin shell SO 000 cm 2 * B,E ~-
blender ;::.
12 Tablet press # 1 Force fed y * B,E
Tablet press #3 Gravity fed y C,D
8 13 * <::;•
• Refer to the table in Chapter 5
Table 7.9. Product Database 0\
Group No. Product Name A~tive Solubility In LTD (mg) Daily Dose Unit Weight Batch Size
Ingredient (s)
Water (mg/ml) (Units/day) (mg) (kg) "';::
1 A
0 I Insoluble I @] 4 170 [EI] ~
E e
Very slightly
Very soluble
w 8
2 B
CD ISlightly soluble I OJ CD 123 12471 l
c c Sparingly soluble 125 3 110601 265
f Freely soluble 50 ;::;·
3 1060 265 !:..
0 I I @] ~
3 A Insoluble 4 170
~ "ti
B b Slightly soluble 2
CD 123 247 >:::>
6 B b Slightly soluble
QJ 6 123 247
0g I Very slightly I 10 [L] 12451 12451 ~
Very soluble 100 8 245 245 ;:s
8 c Df ISparingly soluble! 125 3 110601 12651 ~
Freely soluble so 3 1060 265
D d Soluble [!] [L] 530 493 o·
h Soluble 25 8 530 493
------ -
78 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
A similar approach is applied to the cleaning agents, using the LDSO of the most toxic
component instead of LTD and the most insoluble component to represent the virtual
worst-case cleaning agent.
For group no. 5, the cleaning agent characteristics are tabulated in Table 7 .11.
Active Ingredient
By putting the characteristics of the virtual worst-case product presented in the con-
tamination acceptance limit equation and assuming a recovery factor of 70%:
LTD/ 1000 Wb Ss
MC(mg/swab) = x-x-xR
D Wt Se
we obtain the contamination acceptance limit of active ingredient "a" after cleaning
equipment no. 8:
0.5 mg/1000 238 x 10 3 g 25 cm 2
MC (mg/swab) = X X 2 X 0.7
8 0.530 g 50 000 em
Cleaning Agent
The contamination acceptance limit for the cleaning agent is calculated by using the
same equation and replacing LTD by LDSO.
LDSO/ 1000 Wb Ss
MC (mg/swab) = X- x -x R
D Wt Se
It has been seen that only products A, B, C, and E participate in the cleaning validation
studies. Analytical methods must now be developed to detect active ingredients "a", "b",
"c", and "e", at a range bracketing the respective calculated contamination limit for the
Table 7.10. Sample Worst-Case Product
Group Equipment Equipment Product Active Solubility LTD Daily Unit Batch Size
No. No. Name Name Ingredient In water (mg) Dose Weight Wb
(mg/ml) D Wt (g)
(units/ (g)
5 8 Blender #1 Virtual a Insoluble 0.5 8 0.530 238 X 10 3
80 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
pieces of equipment participating in the cleaning validation studies. The range of cal-
culated contamination limits of an active ingredient in the various equipment groups
may be significantly different. In such cases, the analytical detection method is devel-
oped for the different ranges at the same time, thus saving important analytical resources.
At this stage, a cleaning validation master plan is drawn up and serves as the basis
for the determination of all the activities to be performed to conduct the cleaning val-
idation studies in a cost-effective and timely manner. The cleaning validation master
plan is a comprehensive and controlled document that include the following sections:
• Calculation of the contamination limit for the active ingredient and the clean-
ing agent for each group of equipment
All the data are consolidated in one table listing the critical equipment and prod-
uct parameters to be taken into account to perform the cleaning validation studies (see
Table 7.12).
A detailed working plan, based on the cleaning validation master plan and in accor-
dance with a priority order, is then prepared to include all the activities necessary to
perform the cleaning validation study for each piece of equipment, the time for com-
pletion of each activity, as well as responsibilities. Table 7.13 presents the sequence and
schedule of these activities.
The execution of the cleaning validation studies includes all the activities listed in
Table 7.13. These activities are delineated in the cleaning validation protocol specific
for a piece of equipment representing the worst case of an equipment group, for exam-
ple equipment no. 8 (Blender #1) representing equipment group no. 5.
A basic protocol is written in a generic format and adapted to be specific for the piece
of equipment to be validated. The protocol should refer to the cleaning validation mas-
ter plan, be concise, and give clear instructions how to conduct the cleaning validation
study. Any other applicable document should only be referred to in the text, available
Table 7.12. Cleaning Validation Master Plan
Group Equipment Equipment Product Hard-to-Clean Products Virtual Contamination Contamination
No. No. Name Contact Locations Product Limit (active) Limit
Surface Active mg/swab (cleaning agent)
Area mglswab
1 1 Mixer #1 y Lid gasket A,E A (a) ** **
Discharge valve
Impeller blades
Chopper blades
Vent filter
6 9 Blender #2 50,000
* B,E E (e) ** ** ~
7 12 Tablet press #1 y * B,E E (e) ** ** l':l
8 13 Tablet press #3 y * C,D C (c) ** ** ~
* Refer to the table in Chapter 5 ~
* * Calculate as in the example for group no. 5 i:)"
Table 7.13. Working Plan
R&D Lab I Active "c" Active "b"
Analytical R&D Lab Active "c" Active "b" c;·
method ::!
validation I I I l
-~ Active "c"
Active "b"
Recovery study I QC Lab I •1 Active "c" I I Active "b" I I I I
I I T"' ___ ! _______ .._ I T"' _ _ ! ______ .._
I I I ;:-
Validation Validation
protocol group
Testing of QCLab
for use at the time the study is conducted, and attached to cleaning validation report.
The equipment specific protocol should be reviewed and approved by the validation
group, production, and quality assurance before the execution of the study. Any devi-
ation from the protocol must be investigated and the results of the investigation
reviewed and approved by the same responsible persons. The protocol may be amended,
when scientifically justified.
A cleaning procedure, work instructions for sampling and recovery, and swab char-
acterization for a high-shear mixer are found in Part Three. Also presented in Part Three
is a template of a cleaning validation protocol for a high-shear mixer. The fill-in-the-
blank, easy-to-follow format is designed to be used for your own purposes.
The cleaning validation protocol should contain the sections listed in Table 7.14.
Sampling is performed, as a worst case, at the end of the time limitation allowed before
cleaning. To prevent material from drying, and subsequent difficulties in cleaning, this
• Purpose
• Responsibility
• Frequency
• Procedure
• Manufacturing
• Acceptance criteria
• Visual inspection
• Documentation
• Cleaning procedure
• Drawings
• Hard-to-clean locations
time period should be as short as feasible. Swab sampling is performed in accordance with
the working instructions and an approved diagram of the equipment, marked with loca-
tions to be sampled. A swab sampling record is filled in by the sampler to document the
actual sampling performance. It is important that the sampler be well trained in the swab-
bing technique and cognitive to report atypical events during sampling. In order to pre-
vent adventitious contamination, powder-free gloves must be worn by the sampler. The
swabs must be protected immediately after sampling in closed containers.
The residual materials in the swabs are extracted into a measured volume of an
appropriate extraction solvent, preferably by sonication or by using a magnetic stirrer-
as soon as possible after sampling and before testing-according to a standard operat-
ing procedure. When testing is not performed in a reasonable time period, the swab
samples are kept in the extraction solvent under refrigeration. In such a case, the sta-
bility of the active ingredient in these conditions has to be determined.
After extraction, the solvent is filtered and tested according to the appropriate ana-
lytical method. The results are recorded in mg (or f..lg) per ml, converted to mg or (f..Lg)
per swab, and compared to the calculated contamination limit.
The cleaning validation report closely follows and refers to the cleaning validation pro-
tocol and includes the records of sampling and testing performance, as well as the test-
ing results. In order to reduce paperwork, it is recommended to use a generic protocol
with specific attachments relating to the equipment being validated. These attachments
relate to the equipment and product grouping, worst cases, cleaning agent characteris-
tics, all-worst-case virtual product, equipment diagram marked with the sample loca-
tions, equipment surface area, analytical method used, and the calculation of the
acceptable contamination limit. The cleaning validation report ends with a conclusion
as to the compliance of the results with the acceptance criteria.
Cleaning Validation
Monitoring and Maintenance
With all its limitations, the visual inspection of the equipment after cleaning and before
use remains an essential part of the cleaning procedure. However, a periodic testing of
residues may be necessary to confirm the reproducibility of the cleaning procedure.
Clearly, the more automated the cleaning process, the less testing has to be performed.
For fully automated, well-designed, and properly validated CIP systems, no clean-
ing monitoring is needed. The reproducibility of the cleaning process is ensured though
the proper functioning of the system and verification of the cleaning cycle parameters
for each run, and is maintained through the change control procedure.
The reproducibility of the manual cleaning process cannot be ensured with the
same degree of confidence as with automated systems. The control of manual cleaning
resides in well-designed and detailed cleaning instructions and in intensive operator
training. The role of the human factor has already been emphasized in Chapter 4. It is
imperative to continuously enforce and monitor the performance of manual cleaning
procedures. Consequently, periodic monitoring is required to confirm the repro-
ducibility and the robustness of the cleaning procedure-when performed by the same
operator or by different operators, at different times. Cleaning monitoring is generally
performed by repeating the initial cleaning validation study, using the same sampling
and analytical methods, and the same acceptance contamination limit. Since the sam-
pling and testing activities involve various disciplines, they have to be coordinated and
planned in advance and this may have an unwanted impact on operator diligence.
The design and development of a pharmaceutical product does not necessarily require
cleaning validation following the manufacture of the new product. However, the new
product and its characteristics, the equipment in which it is manufactured, and the
86 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
cleaning procedure are added in the database in order to determine whether the new
product introduces a new worst case in any one of the parameters listed. If this is not
the case, the pieces of equipment involved in the manufacture of the new product are
considered to remain in a state of validation. Otherwise, a reevaluation of the state of
validation must be made, depending on the new product characteristics introduced in
the database. As one can see from the calculation of the contamination limit, lower val-
ues for the lowest therapeutic dose (LTD) or for the batch size (Wb) and higher values
for the maximum daily dose (D) or for the unit dose weight (Wt) will give a lower max-
imum allowable contamination (MC) in mg per swab. The actual results obtained from
the previous validation are compared to the new value of MC. If these results are lower
than the new MC, the piece of equipment is considered to remain in a state of valida-
tion. If they are higher, the cleaning validation study has to be repeated after cleaning
the piece of equipment in which the new product has been manufactured. The clean-
ing validation is performed by testing active ingredient residues from the new product,
after having developed an analytical method sensitive enough to detect the new prod-
uct at a level corresponding to the newly calculated contamination limit. Another case
where the cleaning validation study has to be repeated is when the solubility of the active
ingredient of the new product is lower than the solubility of any other active ingredi-
ent already listed.
The effectiveness of the cleaning procedures in relation to the product, the equip-
ment, the cleaning procedure, the cleaning validation methods, or the cleaning moni-
toring results, must also be reevaluated in the following events:
• The introduction of a new product
• Deletion of a product
• The introduction of a new equipment
• A change in the equipment, such as the design, the materials of construction and
a change in the product contact surface area
Cleaning Procedure
• The addition of a step in the cleaning procedure
The aforementioned changes are all governed by the change control procedure, a
critical procedure established to review, approve, and evaluate the impact of the changes
on the cleaning validation status. The rigorous implementation of the change control
procedure, as it applies to cleaning validation, ensures the continuous compliance of
the cleaning validation program. Following evaluation by R&D, engineering, produc-
tion, and QA, the changes may be categorized as major or minor, with the major ones
requiring either full revalidation of the cleaning procedure for three runs or partial
revalidation for one or more runs, and the minor ones no revalidation. The assessment
of the risks involved in the changes and the sound judgment of the potential impact of
these changes must be done carefully in order not to compromise the equipment vali-
dation status, and must be documented in a formal manner.
The importance of the change control procedure, which covers every aspect of the
pharmaceutical operations, cannot be stressed enough. This procedure provides a full
mapping of the actual procedures and processes in the plant, and dissipates any doubt
about what is really occurring and how changes may impact on product quality. As an
example, a change in a pressure transmitter may result in changes in pressure differ-
entials, and consequently in air-flow patterns, creating ideal conditions for cross con-
tamination. An effective change control system should be in place so as to provide a
powerful tool for knowledgeable and responsible personnel to assist them in the eval-
uation, and subsequent testing, of the impact of the change on quality. The rigorous
implementation of the change control procedure is the key to prevent unexpected or
unnoticed deviations and represents a fundamental aspect of the quality assurance sys-
tem of the company.
A standard operating procedure "Cleaning Validation-Change Control" is pre-
sented in Part Three of this book.
90 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
baseline with the aim of locating and eliminating potential contamination sources. Spe-
cial attention should be given to the identification of objectionable microorganisms.
Two sampling methods are used for sampling equipment product contact surfaces.
Surface Sampling
Contact plates are used for sampling large smooth surfaces. This type of plate, com-
mercially available, contains a sterile growth medium with an outward swelling sur-
face. The growth medium, lightly pressed on the surface to be sampled, collects any
microorganism present on that surface. The plate is incubated at the appropriate tern-
peratures and time and colony forming units (CFU) representing the viable organisms
are counted. Care must be taken to thoroughly clean the area sampled to remove resid-
ual growth medium from the equipment surface after sampling. Due to the intrinsic
variability of microbiological determination, contamination levels rather than limits are
set to indicate, if exceeded, that action is required.
Swabs, such as cotton or cotton tips, are also used for sampling surfaces, but are
especially convenient to reach poorly accessible locations. Sterile swabs wetted with a
sterile solution are rubbed over the surface to be sampled to remove microorganisms
from the equipment surface and then rubbed again onto the surface of a plate containing
a sterile solid growth medium to release the microorganisms collected. The plate is incu-
bated as described above for contact plates.
The acceptance level for surface sampling is 10 CFU per 25 sq. em.
Rinse Sampling
This sampling method is particularly convenient for equipment that cannot be disas-
sembled easily, for large pieces of equipment, such as blenders, and to inaccessible loca-
tions or parts of the equipment, such as filling needles. After cleaning, a sample of the
rinse solution is tested, by pouring onto a sterile growth medium plate or by filtration
through a sterile membrane filter which is then laid on a sterile growth medium plate.
The plate is incubated and CFUs are counted as above.
The acceptance level for rinse sampling-not more than 100 CFU per 1 ml-is the
same as required by official compendia and acceptable to the FDA for Purified Water
(FDA Guide to Inspections of Water Systems 1993).
In the case of penicillins, due to their allergenic potential, FDA's approach goes beyond
the inclusion of a safety factor and requires no detectable level of penicillin in a drug sus-
pected to be contaminated with penicillins, when tested according to a sensitive microbi-
ological method. In the manufacture of penicillins, there is no reasonable way of
decontamination and it is extremely difficult to attain a nondetectable level of residuals.
Therefore, the use of dedicated facilities and equipment is recommended for this purpose.
There are some reports of the decontamination of facilities and equipment in order
to convert them for use with nonpenicillin products. Although not recommended,
Special Cleaning Validation Issues 91
such undertaking may be feasible when a systematic approach is employed. The diffi-
culty resides in the fact that penicillins are easily disseminated due to their small par-
ticle size. On the other hand, penicillins are labile materials, easily decomposed in the
presence of water. In order to increase the chance of success in a decontamination
project, a 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution in water is used. Addition of a surfactant,
such as sodium lauryl sulfate, is useful to enhance the penetration of the sodium
hydroxide solution in crevices and not readily accessible areas. The sodium hydroxide
solution will not cause damage to stainless steel, but care should be taken to avoid con-
tact with other metallic surfaces, such as aluminum. The recommended procedure is
first to wash the walls, floors, and ceilings many times with plenty of water, then spray
the decontamination solution. A time of contact should be allowed before a final rinse
with water. The inactivation of penicillins in the way described has been reported by
Allan and Deeks (1996) and Hakimipour (1984).
FDA's GMP Regulations 21 CFR Section 211.176 specifies the analytical method to
be used for the detection of penicillins: "Procedures for Detecting and Measuring Peni-
cillin Contamination in Drugs". This is a microbiological analytical method using a
microorganism sensitive to penicillin. Another microbiological method widely used in
the dairy industry to check the presence of penicillin in raw cow's milk makes use of
bacillus stearothermophilus. A rapid method using this organism in a disk assay has been
developed and validated to provide results after three hours of incubation at 55°C.
Penicillin decontamination seems therefore possible, with some caveats. First, the
regulatory authorities must be consulted and must agree with the overall project plan
and outcome. Second, a monitoring program for testing residual penicillin in the envi-
ronment, as well as in the products, is mandatory over a period of time.
The use of common equipment for the manufacture of APis with nonpharmaceuticals, such
as pesticides and herbicides, has been addressed in FDA's Human CGMP Note, June 1998.
Contract manufacturers and packagers are subject to the same regulations and must
meet the same requirements related to cleaning validation as the companies that
require their services. However, it should be kept in mind that the regulatory author-
ities regard the company that holds the marketing authorization as responsible for the
92 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
safety, identity, and purity of the marketed product. It is therefore the company's duty
to check and verify that the contract manufacturer or packager has a cleaning valida-
tion program in place. The matter is complicated by the fact that these contractors
manufacture or package for many other companies and the contract giver cannot get
the knowledge of the safety and cleanability of the other products, due to secrecy
agreements. On the other hand, the contracting business is based on giving the ser-
vice and quality in the conditions in which they operate. This is their raison d' etre and
they would be out of business if they did not implement a cleaning validation pro-
gram. Nevertheless, the difficulty when dealing with contractors resides in the fact that
their validation program would probably be different from yours. Understand their
cleaning validation rationale and verify the implementation of the cleaning validation
program. Audit raw data of the cleaning validation testing before your product is man-
ufactured, where all confidential and trade secrets have been blacked out. Check that
a procedure is in place when a new product is introduced to make the necessary cor-
rections to their contamination acceptance limit. Another approach is to require your
contractor to comply with your company's cleaning validation policy. A third approach
is to require the contractor to perform a cleaning verification of the equipment before
use with your product, using an absolute limit as described in Chapter 5.
Cleaning Validation Trends
The role of the operator in ensuring the cleanliness of equipment has been emphasized
in Chapter 4. If it is crucial when using manual cleaning methods, it is not less criti-
cal with automated cleaning.
94 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
As mentioned before, CIP systems and washing machines will replace human labor.
However, the control and maintenance of the machine will still be performed by human
beings. Machines are not exempt from failures, and procedures shall be in place, includ-
ing alarms, to prevent and report malfunctioning.
The cleaning agent plays a critical role in manual or automated cleaning methods. The
importance of the cleaning agent is threefold: to perform efficient cleaning, to be non-
Cleaning Validation Trends 95
toxic to the patients, and to be environment friendly. In addition, the cleaning agent
must be detectable by usual analytical methods and must not interfere in the analyti-
cal procedure of the active ingredient. These attributes form the basis for the develop-
ment of new cleaning agents. The cooperation between cleaning agent manufacturers,
pharmaceutical companies, and the environmental agencies is essential to develop the
ideal cleaning agent.
The swab sampling technique, preferred by the regulatory agencies, will remain an issue.
This technique is demanding, operator dependent, and requires well-trained operators.
As explained in Chapter 5, the rinse water technique, which is more rapid and much
more simple to use, is not acceptable. It is not expected that regulatory authorities will
change their mind on this issue. The only way to apply the swabbing technique in a
consistent manner is to give very detailed swabbing instructions and to train the oper-
The swabbing technique may be correlated to the detection method. Analytical
method developments may radically change the picture.
The analytical detection method must be specific and sensitive. These are rational
requirements, but the presently acceptable methods are time consuming and instru-
mentation is expensive. The use of shorter HPLC columns alleviate these concerns in
some cases. The analytical detection methods should ideally be rapid, specific, and sen-
sitive. To achieve this purpose, new methods have to be developed. It may seem futur-
istic to envision the use of cleanliness sensors, similar in a way to the development of
the near infrared sensors for the identification and quantitation of active ingredients.
Yet, to the authors's minds, it seems to be the only kind of analytical technique, which
would obviate the need for swabbing. The development of such sensors will create a
breakthrough in cleaning validation and the authors urge analytical chemists and ana-
lytical instrument manufacturers to explore this possibility, for the benefit of all.
the industry itself shaped regulatory requirements, by publicly offering their know-how
in conferences and industry agency meetings. It is hoped that more specific guidance
will be issued by regulatory agencies in the near future to clarify their expectations.
Moreover, in our free trade world, harmonization of regulatory requirements is the word
of the day and an immediate must in the field of cleaning validation.
There is a saying, "The future is not a sure thing", and that is why there are mixed feel-
ings of apprehension and expectation about it.
As the future relates to cleaning validation, the bad news is that cleaning valida-
tion is here to stay. Pharmaceutical companies that did not start a cleaning validation
program must address the issue without delay. For companies which have already
implemented a cleaning validation program, the huge initial load is over. But they are
still dealing with this issue during regulatory agency inspections and repeating parts of
the cleaning validation studies for monitoring purposes or when introducing new prod-
ucts in their manufacturing lines.
The good news is not for the very near future. Yet, it is probable that once the reg-
ulatory agencies have enforced the implementation of cleaning programs in the indus-
try, they will issue specific guidance and may ease their requirements. The real good
news resides in the development of advanced analytical detection techniques, as men-
tioned, which will make a revolution in the field of cleaning validation. When this dream
is realized, cleaning validation will be reduced to a simple analytical exercise, just as
TOC has simplified the testing of purified water and water for injection in the phar-
macopeia! monographs. Cleaning monitoring could then be performed as an integral
part of the manufacturing process and give continuous assurance of the equipment
cleanliness level. What a wonderful dream, let us make it true!
page 1 of 4
Manufacturing equipment and processing areas should be cleaned to avoid contami-
nation and cross contamination.
Quality assurance is responsible for drawing up a policy concerning cleaning processes
in accordance with GMP regulations.
R&D and production are responsible for developing cleaning procedures and stan-
dard operating procedures in accordance with this policy.
Operators, supervisors, and managers are responsible for working according to
cleaning procedures and standard operating procedures relating to this policy.
Quality assurance is responsible for verifying the proper implementation of the pol-
icy, cleaning procedures, and related standard operating procedures.
Routinely, in accordance with the level of cleaning, defined as follows.
104 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 2 of 4
Level of Cleaning
Two levels of cleaning are defined for manufacturing equipment and processing areas:
minor and major.
a. Minor Cleaning
Minor cleaning is defined as cleaning which is conducted between the
manufacture of
b. Major Cleaning
Major cleaning is defined as cleaning which is conducted between the
manufacture of
• Different products
• A colored product followed by a white product with the same active ingredient
• For equipment cleaning after plant shutdown and when resuming work
Time Limitations
a. Time between end of manufacturing and start of cleaning is set as follows:
• For liquid and semisolid oral and topical nonsterile dosage forms: 1 calendar day
Interruptions for periods longer than these time limits require a major
cleaning. For products which require shorter time limits, their specific clean-
ing procedure should indicate the appropriate time limits.
b. Time between final rinse and drying should be kept to a minimum. Preferably,
the equipment is dried immediately after final rinse.
Appendix A-Cleaning 105
page 3 of 4
• For liquid and semisolid, oral and topical nonsterile dosage forms: 7 calendar days
d. Time until major cleaning is conducted for unused cleaned equipment: 30 cal-
endar days.
Cleaning Procedure
Major cleaning of manufacturing equipment and processing areas are carried out using
a specific "Equipment/Processing Area Cleaning Procedure". Minor cleaning is carried
out according to a general departmental procedure.
f. Drying
h. Reassembly
• Automated cleaning
page 4 of 4
controlled process parameters, such as: temperature in each step, time, concen-
tration of the cleaning agent, volume of water, flow rate, and mixing speed.
b. For equipment which is located in a storage room and used in different rooms,
separate documentation has to be kept, both for the processing area (Attachment
II) and the equipment (Attachment III).
Equipment Labelling
A "cleaned" label (Attachment IV) is attached to the equipment and/or the room or both.
Appendix A-Cleaning 107
Product Name:
Batch No.:
Start Date:
Equipment Name:
Cleaning Date:
Signature: Date:
Performed by:
Checked by:
Previous Product:
End of Work Date:
Cleaning Procedure
page 1 of 5
Safety Precautions: Wear gloves and goggles.
Materials: Detergent No. 1 for equipment
Detergent No. 2 for floors and walls
Detergent No. 3 for glass separations
Tools: Sponge
Soft hair brush
Hard-to-clean locations: See attached drawing of the equipment.
1. Prewash
1.3 Wash the body and lid inside and outside with tap water while the equip-
ment outlet is open to the drain.
2. Wash
2.2 Fill with hot tap water up to 20% of its full capacity.
2.5 Operate for 15 minutes, Mixer Speed II; Chopper Speed II.
2.6 Drain.
114 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 2 of 5
3. Disassembly
3.3 Wash the sleeves, scrub the impeller and underneath the impeller and the
chopper with the detergent solution and the brush.
4. Rinse
Rinse with hot tap water.
• Sleeve
• Impeller
• Body and lid, inside and outside
• Outlet pipe
5. Final Rinse
Rinse with purified water.
• Sleeve
• Impeller
• Body and lid, inside
Outlet pipe
6. Dry
Ancillary Equipment
1. Wash
1.1 Dilute 2.5 liters of detergent No. 1 in 7.5 liters of tap water.
Appendix A-Cleaning 115
page 3 of 5
1.2 Use sponge and diluted detergent to clean.
• Mixer and stainless steel container used for granulation solution or paste
1.3 Fill with hot tap water 1/2 capacity of the stainless steel container and add
detergent No. 1 to 1/8 capacity of the container. Operate the mixer for 10
minutes on full speed to clean the mixer.
2. Rinse
Rinse with tap water.
3. Final Rinse
Final rinse with purified water.
Process Area
1. Wash
1.1 Dilute 2.5 liters detergent No.2 in 7.5 liters of tap water.
1.2 Use a brush to clean the ceiling, walls, floor, and the glass separators.
2. Rinse
Rinse the ceiling, walls, floor, and the glass separators with tap water.
3. Dry
Use a fabric to dry the surfaces.
Use detergent No. 3 and dry fabric to shine the glass separators.
116 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 4 of 5
Visual Inspection
If clean, mark",/" in the box. If not clean, mark "x" in the box.
Body-inside 0
Lid-inside 0
Chopper-blades and underneath 0
Impeller-blades and shaft 0
Outlet pipe 0
Equipment-outside 0
Hoses 0
Ladder and stand 0
Mixer and container 0
Ceiling 0
Walls 0
Glass separations 0
Floors 0
If the equipment is clean, reassemble to allow proper function. 0
Status Label
Fill the "Clean" label with the relevant details. Attach the label to the
clean equipment. 0
Storage Conditions
Cover the equipment. 0
Appendix A-Cleaning 117
page 5 of 5
The equipment, ancillaries, and the process area are all clean and dry.
Signature: Date: _ _ __
Manager's Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ __
l. Body
2. Lid
3. Chopper
4. Impeller
5. Discharge chute
Document the cleaning in the "Equipment/Processing Area Use and
Cleaning Log" Form. 0
Appendix B
Cleaning Validation
The Rx Pharmaceutical Company POLICY
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 1 of 5
The objective of cleaning validation is to attain documented evidence which provides
a high degree of assurance that the cleaning procedure can effectively remove residues
of a product and of the cleaning agent from the manufacturing equipment to a level
that does not raise patient safety concerns.
1. Validation unit: Prepare validation protocol, conduct the study, and prepare a final
2. Production: Approve the validation master plan and participate in the study as
4. Quality assurance: Approve the validation master plan, the validation protocol, and
the validation report.
124 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 2 of 5
Maintenance of Validation
The effect of changes on the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure should be evalu-
ated and when required, a revalidation study on 3 consecutive batches after major clean-
ing (on different batches) will be performed. The changes can be related to
• Product
• Equipment
• Cleaning procedure
Once a year after a major cleaning of one batch on each validation group of equipment.
The cleaning validation policy is based on
• Calculating the contamination acceptance limits for the active ingredient and for
the cleaning agent
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 3 of 5
• Equipment with the same operating principles and the same cleaning proce-
dure, but with different product contact surface area.
• The worst case is represented by the equipment with the larger surface area. The
products matrix that should be considered is the matrix, which includes all the
products manufactured in all the pieces of equipment in the group.
• The cleaning validation studies should take into account the hard-to-clean loca-
tions in each selected piece of equipment, in addition to the main parts of the
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 4 of 5
LTD/1 000 Wb Ss
MC(mg/swab) = x-x-x R Equation 1
D Wt Se
LTD Lowest therapeutic dose (mg)
D Highest maximal daily dose (dose units)
Wb Smallest batch size (g)
Wt Highest unit dose weight (g)
Ss Swab area (cm 2 )
Se Equipment product contact surface area (cm 2 )
R Recovery factor of active ingredient with lowest solubility (%)
LDS0/1000 Wb Ss
MC(mg/swab) = x-x-xR Equation 2
D Wt Se
LD50 = Lethal dose of 50% of animal population (mg/kg)
Acceptance criteria
a. The equipment should be inspected and found to be visually clean.
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 5 of 5
c. The maximum allowable amount of cleaning agent residue should be not more than
the limit calculated in equation 2.
d. For maximum allowable amount of active ingredient and/or cleaning agent which
can be visually inspected, a lower limit should be set so that at the new limit no
contaminant can be observed.
Corrective action
In case of failure to demonstrate values as calculated for the contaminant limits, an
investigation into the cause of failure should be conducted. Considerations such as
improving the cleaning procedure and revalidation should be considered.
Standard Operating Procedure
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 131
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 1 of 5
The objective of cleaning validation is to attain documented evidence which provides
a high degree of assurance that the cleaning procedure can effectively remove residues
of a product and of the cleaning agent from the manufacturing equipment to a level
that does not raise patient safety concerns.
Validation unit
• Prepare validation master plan, working plan, and protocol
• Calculate the contamination limit for the active ingredient and the cleaning agent
• Approve validation master plan, working plan, and protocol
• Perform cleaning
Production planning
• Provide all information to build database
132 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 2 of 5
• Verify accuracy of drawings and calculate product contact area
Quality assurance
• Approve validation master plan, working plan, and working protocol
Quality control
• Perform the recovery study
• The cleaning validation is performed on each piece of equipment which was
selected as representative of its group according to the equipment list
• The cleaning validation studies are conducted after three consecutive major
cleanings of the selected product
The equipment list should include all the equipment which is used in the manufactur-
ing plant. The equipment should be listed according to the technology and grouped
according to the principles listed in the "Cleaning Validation Policy".
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 133
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 3 of 5
The validation unit prepares the specific equipment cleaning validation protocol
for the relevant equipment group including:
c. Attach the equipment diagram prepared by the engineering department. List the
parts of the selected equipment.
d. Attach the drawings of the parts of the equipment and the calculated surface area
of the parts as prepared by the engineering department, including:
• Sampling locations, including the hard-to-clean locations
The validation unit reviews the product list and makes sure that it is updated and
contains all the following parameters for all the products manufactured on the pieces
of equipment included in the relevant equipment group.
• Product name
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 4 of 5
b. The worst-case product due to the lowest solubility of its active ingredient in water
is selected from the product matrix.
The validation unit attaches the following documents to the specific protocol:
d. The analytical method validation report for the quantitative determination of the
cleaning agent.
e. The sampling recovery study report performed according to the working instruc-
tions. Record the sampling recovery yield in the specific protocol.
The validation unit calculates the maximum allowable amount of active ingredi-
ent and cleaning agent (MC) in mg per swab, for the piece of equipment according to
the following equation:
LTD/ 1000 Wb Ss
MC(mg/swab) = X - x -x R
D Wt Se
where the parameters are selected from the product matrix as follows:
a. The lowest LTD for the active ingredient or LD50 for the cleaning agent
Supersedes: Production:
Cleaning Validation
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 5 of 5
The equipment cleaning validation specific protocol is prepared and signed by the
validation unit. It is then approved by the production manager and the quality assur-
ance manager.
After production of the virtual worst-case product in the worst-case piece of
equipment selected from the group equipment, major cleaning of the equipment is exe-
cuted by the production worker using the cleaning procedure. The cleaning is approved
by the supervisor as stated in the cleaning procedure. When the equipment is approved
as clean, the validation unit will inspect the equipment for visual cleanliness, includ-
ing all components of the equipment as listed in the protocol-"Visual Inspection and
Sampling". The visual inspection is documented on this form.
The listed parts are sampled both for the active ingredient and the cleaning agent-
from different locations-as described in the working instructions. The sampling is doc-
umented in the "Visual Inspection and Sampling" form.
Any deviations or unusual events are documented under "Remarks".
All the samples are transferred immediately after sampling to the analytical labo-
ratory for analysis.
This procedure is repeated after two additional and consecutive major cleanings
of the same piece of equipment after manufacturing the worst-case product.
The analytical laboratory tests the samples using the relevant analytical method
to determine the residual amounts of the active ingredient and of the cleaning agent
per swab.
The validation coordinator summarizes all results in a cleaning validation report.
Cleaning validation protocol and report.
Standard Operating Procedure
page 1 of 1
The purpose of this document is to define a procedure which ensures that all the
changes which might affect equipment cleaning are reviewed and evaluated in relation
to equipment cleaning validation.
Manufacturing and engineering departments are responsible for informing the valida-
tion unit of any changes related to equipment cleaning validation.
The validation unit is responsible for filling out the Change Control Form, change
the database and recalculate the MC limits when required, and to evaluate the effect
of the change on the status of the equipment cleaning validation for each relevant
Quality Assurance is responsible for approving the changes in the databases and
the decisions related to revalidation.
When a change is made.
Changes in products, equipment, cleaning procedures, or cleaning validation methods
may affect the status of the equipment cleaning validation. On any change related to
these subjects, as listed in the "Decision Tree" (Attachment I), production and engi-
neering departments should inform the validation unit.
The validation unit reports the change and categorizes it according to the list
detailed in the "Decision Tree" on the "Cleaning Validation-Change Control Form"
(Attachment II). The validation unit also details the change.
According tothe change, the relevant databases are updated as detailed in the "Deci-
sion Tree" and the "Cleaning Validation-Change Control Form". If the equipment
and/or product grouping are changed due to the change, a new grouping should be per-
formed by the validation unit. If the parameters in the contamination limit calculation
equation are changed, the MC values should be recalculated.
140 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
The validation unit has to evaluate, according to the "Decision Tree," the effect of
the change on the status of the equipment cleaning validation and justify the activities
that should be taken, such as revalidation. This decision has to be reported on the
"Cleaning Validation-Change Control Form". The form has to be signed and dated
and sent to Quality Assurance.
Quality Assurance should evaluate the decision which was suggested and sign and
date the form. Only then the activities which have to be done can be initiated.
"Cleaning Validation-Change Control Form". Attachment II.
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 141
Decision Tree
A 1--1 B 1-- C
Categorize the Change Change the Databases Evaluate the effect on
the validation
3. Cleaning Procedure
a Addition of a step
b Deletion of a step
Major _ _ __ revalidation
4. Cleaning Validation Methods
c Other
142 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
0 1. Product Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Catalog No.: _ _ _ __
0 0 0 0
New Deletion Change in existing product Other
Detail the c h a n g e s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Signature Date
0 0 0
Equipment list Equipment surface area Cleaning procedure
page l of 2
Wear powder-free gloves and goggles.
• Solvent: For the active ingredient, use the solvent prescribed in the specific clean-
ing validation protocol. For the cleaning agent, use purified water USP/EP.
• Sampling frame: For flat surfaces, use a 5 em X 5 em stainless steel frame with
a handle.
• Pincers
Note: Extreme care should be taken to prevent swab contamination
during handling.
Active ingredients:
l. Using clean pincers, soak the swab in the solvent and hold it until dripping stops.
2. Rub the saturated swab manually over the sample surface area designated in the
equipment diagram appearing in the specific cleaning validation protocol. For flat
surfaces, use the stainless steel frame. For smaller surfaces and hard-to-reach loca-
tions, rub the whole surface.
Swabbing is performed in a controlled fashion by striking the sample surface
area as indicated in the Figure 12.1.
148 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 2 of 2
3. Transfer the swab into a labeled glass Erlenmeyer flask and seal the flask.
4. Repeat the procedure for each location indicated on the equipment diagram and
record the sampling on the sampling form of the cleaning validation protocol.
6. Cleaning agents: Proceed as indicated for the active ingredient using purified
water USP/EP.
Acceptance Criteria
Not applicable.
Cleaning validation protocol sampling form.
t.......... L .......
Work Instructions-Swab
page 1 of 2
• Wear powder-free gloves and goggles.
• Analytical instrumentation.
• Mechanical shaker.
• Pincers.
• Solvent to be used to extract the swab according to the specific cleaning valida-
tion protocol.
3. Using pincers, remove the swab from the solvent, hold it until dripping stops, and
place it immediately on the balance pan.
4. Individually weigh the 10 saturated swabs and calculate the swab solvent absorption
5. Repeat the same procedure using purified water instead of the solvent and calculate
the swab water absorption capacity.
152 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 2 of 2
Swab interference
1. Place one unused dry swab in Erlenmeyer flasks, each containing one of the following
• Purified water USP/EP
• Swab saturating solvent
• Swab extracting solvent to be used in the analytical test method
Acceptance criteria
The swab suitability is based on the following considerations:
• Swab solvents and water absorption capacity is not less than the volume of sol-
vent or water needed to dissolve the calculated amount of residual active ingre-
dient and cleaning agent, respectively.
Swab Characterization Report, to be attached to the cleaning validation protocol.
Work Instructions-Sampling
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 155
Supersedes: Production:
Sampling Recovery Test
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 1 of 3
o Wear powder-free gloves and goggles.
Stainless steel surface 10 em X 10 em or coupon made of the same material as
the equipment construction material which should be sampled
o Swab used as the sampled location in the equipment: Name _ _ _ _ _ __
o Powder-free gloves
o Clean pincers
o Extracting solvent for active material sampling:
Choose the appropriate solvent taking into consideration the solubility of the con-
taminant active ingredient(s) in it. The toxicity of the solvent should also be
considered. The most useful solvent is ethanol:
Supersedes: Production:
Sampling Recovery Test
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 2 of 3
The aim of this test is to determine the reliability of the sampling method, and to take
into account loss due to sampling limitation.
This test is to be performed for the predetermined active ingredient(s) and clean-
ing agent(s) in accordance with the specific protocol for the equipment.
4. Wear gloves and take at least 2 swab samples (using new gloves and a different swab
wetted with the extracting solvent) from the test surface.
5. Transfer each swab into a suitable labeled glass Erlenmeyer flask and protect it from
external contamination. The sampling must be completed as quickly as possible to
prevent solvent evaporation and contaminant redeposition on the sampled surface.
6. Submit the labeled sealed glass Erlenmeyer flask to the analytical laboratory imme-
diately along with the blank sample (one swab wetted with the extracting solvent)
and the appropriate analytical request form.
7. The sampling recovery value is the ratio between the measured values and the
expected values.
Supersedes: Production:
Sampling Recovery Test
Effective Date: Quality Assurance:
page 3 of 3
2. Using purified water USP/EP, prepare a stock solution calculated to yield the approx-
imate amount of cleaning agent as calculated for the maximal allowable contami-
nation level (but not more than X 3 of the calculated value).
3. Apply a measured amount of the stock solution to the test surface (1 0 x 10 em) and
dry it in an oven (37°C).
4. Wear gloves and take at least two swab samples (using new gloves and different swab
wetted with purified water USP/EP) from the test frame.
6. Submit the labeled sealed glass Erlenmeyer flask to the analytical laboratory along
with the blank sample (one swab wetted with purified water USP/EP) and the appro-
priate analytical request form.
7. The sampling recovery value will be the ratio between the measured values and the
expected values.
Acceptance Criteria
o The overall sampling yield value of swabs should be not less than 70o/o.
o In cases where low results are obtained in a reproducible manner, the sample sur-
face area may be sampled again using a second swab and the results obtained from
both swabs summed up.
o Request for Laboratory Control
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 161
page 1 of 13
Inventory No.
Equipment Name
• Approval Sheet
• Protocol/Report
• Attachments
Date: _ _ _ _ __
162 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 2 of 13
This study has been performed according the cleaning validation protocol by:
page 3 of 13
The purpose of this cleaning validation protocol is to demonstrate that the cleaning pro-
cedure used to clean Equipment no. X, selected as the worst-case equipment of Group
no. Y, can effectively remove residues of the products manufactured in Equipment X
and of the cleaning agent K used to clean Equipment X, to a predetermined level that
does not raise patient safety concerns.
Validation unit:
Prepare the cleaning validation protocol
• Approve the cleaning validation protocol
Perform cleaning
Quality assurance:
Approve the cleaning validation protocol
page 4 of 13
The cleaning validation study is performed after three consecutive major cleanings of
Equipment X after the manufacture of Product A which contains the most insoluble
of the active ingredients of the group of products manufactured in Equipment X.
Follow the instructions of SOP No. _ _ Cleaning Validation. Prepare, review, and
attach the following documents:
1. Equipment:
• Equipment database 0
5. Analytical results 0
6. Analytical studies 0
7. Conclusion 0
Acceptance Criteria 0
Contamination limits
The cleaning validation report consists of the filled-in cleaning validation protocol and
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 165
page 5 of 13
List of Equipment:
Cleaning Procedure:
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
166 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 6 of 13
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 167
page 7 of 13
--- ------- ------------· -· r-- --- - --------~-- ------- ·-·--· -- --- ---- ··-
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
168 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 8 of 13
List of Products
Group Equipment Equipment Product Active Solubility LTD Daily Unit Batch
No. No. Name Name Ingredient In water (mg) Dose Dose Size
(mglml) D (units/day) Weight Wb(g)
Group Equipment Equipment Cleaning Active Solubility LTD Virtual Virtual Virtual
No. No. Name Agent Ingredient In water (mg) Product Product Product
(mglml) Daily Unit Batch
Dose Weight Size
D Wt Wb
(units/day) (g) (g)
Signature _______________
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 169
page 9 of 13
Active Ingredient
LTD/ 1000 Wb Ss
MC (mg/swab) = x - x -x R
D Wt Se
MC (mg/swab) = _ _ _ __
Cleaning Agent
LD50/l 000 Wb Ss
MC (mg/swab) = x - x -x R
D Wt Se
MC(mg/swab) = - - - - - -
(cleaning agent)
Signature----------- Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
170 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 10 of 13
Signature: --------------------- Date: _____________
Remarks: ------------------------------------------------------
Signature: -------------------- Date: _______
172 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 11 of 13
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
Contmued on next page
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 173
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
174 Cleaning Validation-A Practical Approach
page 12 of 13
Analytical Method
Edition No.
Method Validation
Edition No.
Detection Limit (DL)
Recovery study
Dme _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Appendix B-Cleaning Validation 175
page 13 of 13
The results obtained do not exceed the calculated contamination limit. The cleaning
procedure of all pieces of equipment in Equipment Group no. X effectively removes
residues of all the products manufactured in this equipment and is therefore deemed
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