Design and Implementation of A Nonlinear PI Predictive Controller For A Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter
Design and Implementation of A Nonlinear PI Predictive Controller For A Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter
Design and Implementation of A Nonlinear PI Predictive Controller For A Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter
Abstract—This paper presents the design, implementa- Under normal operation, the active power injected in the grid is
tion, and performance testing of a nonlinear proportional- dependent on atmospheric parameters such as solar irradiation
integral (PI) predictive controller (NPIPC) for a grid-tied and temperature. Variation of these parameters may lead to
inverter used in photovoltaic (PV) systems. A conventional
cascade structure is adopted to design the proposed con- power fluctuation, which may cause a large DC-link voltage
troller, where the outer-loop is used to regulate the DC-link variation if the PV system is not controlled properly. Hence,
voltage, and the inner-loop is designed as a current con- the power fluctuation can be considered as a disturbance
troller for adjusting the active and reactive powers injected that affects the DC-link voltage regulation and power quality.
into the grid. For each loop, the controller is derived based Normally, a feedback controller is employed to regulate the
on combining a continuous-time nonlinear model predic-
tive control (NMPC) and nonlinear disturbance observer DC-link voltage, while at the same time to achieve unity power
(NDO) techniques. It turns out that the composite controller factor operation despite the presence of model uncertainty and
reduces to a nonlinear PI controller with a predictive term external disturbances.
that plays an important role in improving tracking perfor- Various approaches have been proposed for grid-tied power
mance. The salient feature of the proposed approach is converters, to achieve good transient performances and global
its ability to approximately preserve the nominal tracking
performance during the startup phase. Both simulation stability such as feedback linearization and model predictive
and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the control (MPC) [2]–[15]. In [2]–[8], a feedback linearization
effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of nominal is employed to control active and reactive power injected in
performance recovery, disturbance rejection, and current the grid via an inverter. The main drawback of this strategy
control. is that the current cannot be limited as it is considered as
Index Terms—Continuous-time nonlinear model predic- an internal dynamics of the closed-loop system. In fact, rapid
tive control (NMPC), disturbance rejection, nonlinear dis- changes in DC-link voltage reference may cause the current
turbance observer (NDO), nonlinear PI predictive controller to exceed its limit during transient because of a high voltage
(NPIPC), photovoltaic system, renewable energy.
derivative. For MPC technique proposed in [9]–[15], the idea
is to find the voltage vector minimizing a cost function whose
I. I NTRODUCTION form depends on the performance specifications. To this end,
the cost function is evaluated, at each sampling time, for all
OWER converters are the essence of the renewable
P energy-based power generation, and it is necessary to
ensure reliable and efficient operation of the overall energy
possible voltage vectors, and the one which gives the lowest
cost function is considered as the optimal voltage vector. The
main disadvantage of this type of MPC is that a precise
conversion system. An inverter is a common interfacing
knowledge of the model is required to guarantee the robustness
medium used in photovoltaic systems. The main task of
of the system plus the high computational effort. Compared
an inverter is to control the power exchange between the
to the classical PI controller, both feedback linearization and
renewable sources and the grid in terms of voltage and current
MPC are still relatively difficult to be practically implemented.
at system frequency that complies with the grid codes. The
The classical PI controller is widely used under cascaded
phase angle between the current and the voltage is mainly
structure for the regulation of the DC-link voltage and the
decided by the grid connection requirement. Normally, the
grid current, as it is capable of rejecting abrupt disturbances
phase angle is controlled so that there is no reactive power flow
and ensuring robustness. The cascaded structure consists of
in the ac bus. However, the grid-tied inverter may be forced to
two loops [16], [17]: the outer-loop is used to regulate
tolerate an appropriate reactive power flow to support the grid
the DC-link voltage by considering the direct component
voltage, e.g., under low-voltage ride through operation [1], [2].
of the grid current as an input control, whereas the inner-
Manuscript received November 25, 2015; revised April 11, 2016, and loop is employed to track the grid current reference. Hence,
June 18, 2016; accepted September 05, 2016. This work was supported the current constraints can easily be handled by limiting
by "The Petroleum Institute Research Center (PIRC)" Research Grant. the current reference provided by the outer-loop. A look at
R. Errouissi, A. Al-Durra and S. M. Muyeen are with the Petroleum
Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (e-mails: the literature reveals that there exist several techniques to,, and tune the PI controller parameters with the consideration of
relative stability and performance. For grid-connected power regulation. However, the work presented in [27] is limited to
converters, the tuning rules for the PI controller are often disturbed linear systems, and requires the integration of the
inspired from the symmetrical optimum principle due to its system model as a part of the composite controller, which
wide stability margin [18]. The drawback of that approach is results in relatively complex control structure.
that the parameters of the controller are mainly dependent on
the parameter of the system such as the sampling time, the i0
+ iabc L R Grid
filter inductor, the DC-link capacitor, the grid voltage, and the C vdc
− vabc eabc
DC-link voltage [19]. Generally, this type of tuning is well PV
Grid-tie inverter
suited for achieving zero steady-state error but often at the
cost of degraded transient performances if the parameters of Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a grid-connected photovoltaic inverter
the system are not accurate.
With a view to provide practitioners with an alternative II. G RID -T IED I NVERTER S YSTEM M ODELING
way to design a PI controller for a grid-tied inverter used This work is mainly concerned with the control of the grid-
in PV systems, a predictive approach is proposed in this tied inverter whose schematic diagram is depicted in Fig. 1.
work combining continuous-time nonlinear model predictive The DC-link voltage vdc is controlled by the dc-ac converter
control (NMPC) and nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO). and it is seen as a constant output voltage for the dc-dc
The composite controller consisting of NMPC and NDO is converter. The mathematical model of the filter current in the
applied to a grid-tied inverter system under cascaded structure d-q coordinates can be expressed in a bilinear form as follows
as found in many PV applications. In this work, it is assumed
did R 1 1 bd
that the grid voltage is balanced and does not experience = − id + ωiq + vd − Ed −
dt L L L L
voltage harmonics. However, the parameters design can also be
di R 1 bq
employed in other existing control schemes, consisting of outer = − iq − ωid + vq − (1)
dt L L L
and inner loop such as the proportional resonant controller
dv dc 3e d bv
=− id −
(PR), to deal with abnormal conditions such as distorted dt 2Cvdc C
grid voltage [20]. This is because a typical PR controller where Ed is the d-axis component of the grid voltage, id and
for a grid-tied inverter usually uses the coefficients of the iq represent respectively the d-axis and q-axis components
PI controller [21]. For continuous-time NMPC, the prediction of the grid current, and vd and vq are the d-axis and q-axis
model is approximated via Taylor series expansion up to the components of the voltage at the output of the inverter. The
relative degree of the nonlinear system [22], which results in parameter ω denotes the angular frequency of the grid voltage.
a closed-form solution for NMPC problem. The NMPC law is Here, it is assumed that d-axis component of the grid voltage
designed based on the nominal model and the desired tracking is forced to be aligned with the fundamental of the grid voltage
performance. The nonlinear disturbance observer is incorpo- by regulating the q-axis component of the grid voltage to zero.
rated in the control loop to compensate for the unknown This can be accomplished by using a phase-locked loop (PLL)
disturbances not considered in the nominal model [23]–[27]. It algorithm [29]. bd , bq and bv are the lumped perturbations
turns out that the simplified NDO contains an integral action, caused by model uncertainty and external disturbance such
which guarantees zero steady-state error as long as the closed- as the current i0 provided by the dc-dc converter. R and L
loop system, under the composite controller, is stable. Unlike are the filter resistance and the filter inductance, respectively,
the classical PI controller, a constant term arises naturally in while C is the DC-link capacitance. DC-link voltage vdc and
the controller when deriving the disturbance observer. Such the q-axis component iq of the grid current are the variables
an additional term allows preserving the nominal tracking to be controlled whereas the control inputs are represented by
performance, under the composite controller, during the startup vd and vq .
phase. Therefore, excellent tracking performance and fast
disturbance rejection can be achieved under the composite
Outer loop Inner loop va∗
controller. Similar strategy is adopted in [28], where a constant i v∗
vdcref NMPC dref NMPC d PWM
term is optimally designed and added to the controller to vb∗
and iqref and vq∗ dq → abc
smooth the system’s response during startup phase. However, vc∗ inverter
the major difference here lies in the fact that this term arises
naturally in the controller when designing the disturbance vdc id iq
In this work, the design methodology is similar to that used Fig. 2. Control scheme of the cascaded structure.
in [27], where Taylor series expansion is adopted to derive a
closed-form analytical solution to MPC problem, and a distur- III. C ONTROL S CHEME U SING C ASCADED S TRUCTURE
bance observer is synthesised to improve the prediction accu- The structure of the proposed control system is depicted
racy. But the main difference is that the proposed controller is in Fig. 2, from which it can be observed that the control
derived from a nonlinear system and the resulting composite objectives can be met by considering two cascaded control
controller is more convenient for practical implementation, as loops. The outer-loop is to track the DC-link voltage reference
it consists of a PI controller and a prediction term that has by considering the d-axis component of the grid current as
the role of improving the dynamic performance of the voltage the control input, whereas the inner-loop is used to regulate
the d and q components of the grid current by generating where
the dq-axis components vd∗ and vq∗ of the voltage commands. 1 0 τ 0
H= (11)
For each control loop, NMPC approach is combined with a 0 1 0 τ
NDO to improve the tracking performance and to eliminate By considering the numeric value of the relative degree ρ, the
the steady-state error. use of the Lie derivatives Lf h(x) and Lg1,2 h(x) yields
ẏ (t) = Lf h (x) + Lg1 h (x) u + Lg2 h (x) b (12)
A. Design of the Controller Substituting (10)-(12) into (2), and using (4) gives
In the inner current control loop, the continuous-time NMPC u = G−1 (x) (Ke + ẏr − Lf h (x) − M (x) b) (13)
is applied to the current equations to provide the d and q
components (vd∗ , vq∗ ) of the command voltages that minimize where e = yr − y is the tracking error, and K is the control
the quadratic cost function consisting of the difference between gain given by
the d and q components of the grid current and their references 3
K = K0 I2×2 , K0 = (14)
idref and iqref . That is, the quadratic cost function can be 2Tr
expressed as follows where I2×2 is 2 × 2 identity matrix. The matrices G and M
ZTr are defined by
1 T
== e(t + τ ) e (t + τ ) dτ (2) G = Lg1 h (x) ; M = Lg2 h (x) (15)
Substituting the NMPC law (13) in (12) gives to the closed-
where e (η) = yr (η) − y (η), and loop system error equations ė = −Ke. Clearly, as the predic-
tive time is positive, the closed-loop system under NMPC law
( T
y (t + τ ) = id (t + τ ) iq (t + τ )
T (3) is asymptotically stable. Moreover, for a step response, the
yr (t + τ ) = idref (t + τ ) iqref (t + τ ) nominal tracking performance is governed by the closed-loop
and Tr represents the predictive time. The input control can transfer function
be obtained from the necessary condition of optimality id K0 iq K0
= ; = (16)
d= idref s + K0 iqref s + K0
=0 (4)
du As the information about the disturbance is not available from
The first step to design a controller based on the NMPC direct measurement, the control law (13) can be practically
methodology is to rewrite the current mathematical equations implemented by using the disturbance estimation b̂ instead of
in the nonlinear affine form as the actual one b. Such an approach may affect the nominal
tracking performance if the disturbance observer is not well
ẋ = f (x) + g1 (x) u (t) + g2 (x) b (t)
(5) designed. Thus, the goal is to construct an observer that
y (t) = h (x)
eliminates the steady-state error and approximately preserves
It follows from (1) that the nominal tracking performance.
x = id iq ; u = vd vq ; y= id iq (6)
B. Design of the Disturbance Observer
The disturbance vector is given by
To simplify the design of the disturbance, it is assumed
that b(t) is bounded and satisfies
b = bd bq (7)
The input and the disturbance gain matrices g1 and g2 are ḃ (t) = 0 (17)
given by The unknown disturbance can be estimated as follows [23]:
1 1
0 −L 0 ˙
g1 = L 1 ; g2 = (8) b̂ (t) = −l (x) g2 b̂ (t) + l (x) (ẋ − f (x) − g1 u (t)) (18)
0 L 0 − L1
where l(x) is the observer gain. It follows from (5), (17)
The vector field f (x) and the output h(x) are defined as
and (18), that the disturbance estimation error eb = b − b̂
− L id + ωiq − ELd
id is governed by
f (x) = ; h (x) = (9)
−R L iq − ωid
ėb (t) = −l (x) g2 eb (t) (19)
As stated in [22], the next step to follow NMPC methodology
is to determine the relative degree ρ for each of the system Clearly, the stability of the disturbance observer depends on
output with respect to the input. Clearly ρ is equal to the unity. the choice of the observer gain. Indeed, as the disturbance gain
Therefore, the cost function can be simplified by approximat- g2 is a constant matrix, one can choose l(x) as follows
ing the predicted output and its reference using the first-order ∂h (x)
l (x) = µ =µ (20)
Taylor series expansion as follows ∂x
where µ is a 2 × 2 matrix with constant coefficients, and it can
y (t) yr (t)
y (t + τ ) = H ; yr (t + τ ) = H (10) be chosen as µ = diag {µd , µq }. Combining (18)–(20), and
ẏ (t) ẏr (t)
considering the structure of the disturbance matrix gain g2 , V. NMPC IN THE OUTER -L OOP
the disturbance observer can be made globally asymptotically The NMPC is applied to the differential equation that
stable by choosing µd,q < 0. On the other hand, note that describes the dynamics of the DC-link voltage to achieve DC
bus voltage regulation. Following (1), the DC-link voltage
l (x) g1 (x) = µG; l (x) g2 (x) = µM equation can be written in the form of (5) as
l (x) f (x) = µLf h (x) ; l (x) ẋ = ẏ
f (x) = 0; h (x) = vdc
3Ed (27)
Considering the disturbance estimation b̂ and substituting the g1 (x) = − 2Cv dc
; g2 = − C1
control law (13) into (18), yields to the simplified observer Such a model has the direct d-axis current id as its control
˙ input, the DC-link voltage vdc as its output, and bv as a
b̂d (t) = −K0 µd ed (t) − µd ėd (t) disturbance. Here, the objective is to find the control input
˙ (22)
b̂q (t) = −K0 µq ėd (t) − µq ėq (t) that minimizes the cost function (2), with
where ed (t) = idref (t) − id (t) and eq (t) = iqref (t) − iq (t) y (t + τ ) = vdc (t + τ ) ; yr (t + τ ) = vdcref (t + τ ) (28)
are the tracking errors. Following [27], in the absence of dis- where vdcref is the DC-link voltage reference. The control
turbances, the nominal tracking performance can be preserved law can be derived by following the same steps as for the
under the composite controller by setting b̂ (0) = 0. Thus, inner-loop. Therefore, as the relative degree with respect to
integrating (22) gives the input is equal to unity, the optimal d-axis component of
( Rt the grid current is given by
b̂d (t) = −K0 µd 0 ed (τ ) dτ − µd eq (t) + µd eq (0)
b̂q (t) = −K0 µq 0 eq (τ ) dτ − µd eq (t) + µq eq (0) idref = G−1 (x) K0 e + ẏr − Lf h (x) − M (x) b̂v (29)
As pointed out in [26], in the presence of lumped distur-
bances, the composite controller can recover the nominal 3Ed 1 3
G (x) = − ; M=− ; K0 = (30)
tracking performance as |µd,q | → ∞. But from practical 2Cvdc C 2Tr
standpoint, a large observer gain will eventually magnify the In a grid-tied inverter system, both vdc and Ed cannot be equal
measurement noises. This explains why it is said that the to zero, then the term G−1 (x) exists. Similarly to the previous
nominal performance can be approximately preserved under section, in the case of a step response, it can be shown that the
the composite controller. Now, substituting (23) into (13) gives nominal DC-link voltage loop is a typical first-order system,
the PI predictive controller as follows which is expressed as follows
( Rt vdc K0
vd∗ (t) = Pd ed (t) + Id 0 ed (τ ) dτ + Nd (x) = (31)
t (24) vdcref s + K0
vq∗ (t) = Pq eq (t) + Iq 0 eq (τ ) dτ + Nq (x)
Therefore, the predictive time Tr can be specified based on
where the desired set-point tracking response defined by (31). The
disturbance can be estimated in the same way as for the inner-
Pd,q = (K0 L − µd,q ) ; Id,q = −K0 µd,q (25) loop shown in Sect. IV. That is,
b̂v (t) = −µv K0 0 ev (τ ) dτ − µv ev (t) + µv ev (0)
and ev (t) = vdcref (t) − vdc (t)
Nd (x) = L dref
dt + Rid − Lωiq + Ed + µd ed (0) where the observer error dynamics is given by
di (26)
Nq (x) = L qref
dt + Riq + Lωid + µq eq (0) µv
ėbv (t) = ebv (t) ; ebv (t) = bv (t) − b̂v (t) (33)
Hence, the composite controller can be viewed as a combi-
nation between a PI controller and a predictive term Nd,q , Hence, the disturbance observer (32) can be made exponen-
that can predict the error between the system’s output and tially stable if the constant observer gain µv is chosen to be
the trajectory to be tracked. In the case of a step response, negative. More specifically, the disturbance observer works
i.e., i̇dref,qref = 0, the term Nd,q can be viewed as a as a first-order low-pass filter; with a time constant equal
feedforward signal to compensate for the grid voltage, the to −C/µv . Now, substituting (32) into (29) gives the nonlinear
initial tracking error ed,q (0), and for the cross coupling be- PI predictive controller as follows
Z t
tween d and q currents. For a real-time implementation, the
time derivative of the currents will not be considered in the idref (t) = Pv (vdc ) ev (t) + Iv (vdc ) ev (τ ) dτ + Nv (vdc )
controller to avoid magnification of the measurement noises. (34)
Thus, by neglecting the filter resistance and the term ed,q (0), where
the resulting controller becomes exactly equivalent to the 2vdc 2vdc
conventional decoupled PI controller used for three phase grid- Pv (vdc ) = − (CK0 − µv ) ; Iv (vdc ) = µv K0
3Ed 3Ed
connected renewable energy resources [17]. (35)
and is limited by the maximum switching frequency of the semi-
2Cvdc 2vdc conductor devices, indicating that the settling time tsi cannot
Nv (vdc ) = − v̇dcref − µv ev (0) (36)
3Ed 3Ed be less than the switching period Tsw = 1/fsw , where fsw is
The nonlinear predictive term Nv (vdc ) has the advantage to the switching frequency. A minimum value of tsi = 5Tsw is
achieve a high performance trajectory tracking if the control usually considered when selecting the bandwidth of the current
objective is to follow a predefined time-varying reference [24]. control [30]. As the design method is based on Taylor series
For PV applications, the goal is to regulate the DC-link expansion, one can select the predictive time to be sufficiently
voltage at a desired steady-state level rather than tracking short based on the desired nominal tracking performance,
a fast time-varying reference. For a constant set-point, i.e., which may vary according to the system under investigation,
v̇dcref = 0, the term Nv (vdc ) allows recovering approximately the sampling frequency and the performances specification. In
the nominal tracking performance defined by (31) since it addition, the observer gain can be chosen as high as possible
considers the information about the initial tracking error. Such to a have a fast disturbance estimation.
an information is not generally included in the conventional Remark 1: A large observer gain permits to obtain a fast
PI controller. This explains why the proposed controller is disturbance rejection but at the same time amplifies the
superior to the PI controller. measurement noises, causing a severe degradation of the grid
power quality by increasing the total harmonic distortion
VI. C LOSED - LOOP S YSTEM AND THE D ESIGN (THD). Accordingly, the grid power quality requirement limits
PARAMETERS the performance of the closed-loop system. This means that,
for renewable energy applications, the observer gain should
Neglecting the initial tracking error ed,q,v (0), the dynamic be chosen to overcome the tradeoff between a fast disturbance
error of the closed-loop system, for the inner-loop, under the rejection response and a low total harmonic distortion.
composite controller is governed by Remark2: A short predictive time results in excellent set-
( Rt
ėd + K0 − µLd ed (t) − K0Lµd 0 ed (τ ) dτ − L1 bd = 0
point tracking performance but leads to a large control effort.
µ K µ Rt To overcome such a drawback, the desired set-point tracking
ėq + K0 − Lq eq (t) − 0L q 0 eq (τ ) dτ − L1 bq = 0
response defined by (31) must be chosen adequately so that
the line filter current does not exceed its limit value during
and that of the outer-loop is given by
the transients.
µv K0 µv t
ėv + K0 − ev (t)− ev (τ ) dτ − bv = 0 (38) Ed
C C 0 C Pd + +
Pv (vdc) + idref +
+ vd∗
Combining (17) with (37) and (38), leads to the following vdcref + - -
Id 1/s +
closed-loop system characteristic equations - id Lωiq
2 µd,q K µ vdc Pq + vq∗
s + K0 − L s − 0Ld,q = 0 Iv (vdc) 1/s + i
qref + +
s2 + K0 − Cv s − 0Cµv = 0
µ K
i -
q Iq 1/s + +
Nv (vdc) Lωid
µ − 2v
3E [C v̇dcref + µv ev (0)]
Therefore, the poles of the outer-loop are L d,q
and −K0 while d
those of the inner-loop are C and −K0 . As the predictive time
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed NPIPC
is positive and the observer gain is negative, it is clear that the
closed-loop stability is guaranteed for both loops separately.
Elimination of the steady-state error is achieved by integral VII. S IMULATION AND E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
action. The parameters of the controller can be set according The proposed approach is applied for photovoltaic system,
to the desired pole locations. More specifically, the reference- which is connected to the grid-tie inverter via a dc-dc converter
to-output transfer function for the outer-loop is given by as shown in Fig. 1. In this configuration, the PV output power
K0 − µCv s − K0 µCv
vdc is controlled by regulating the PV output voltage through the
= 2 (40) dc-dc converter. The specific block diagram for the implemen-
s + K0 − µCv s − K0 µCv
tation of the proposed control scheme is inspired from Fig. 2,
and the reference-to-output transfer function for the inner loop where the third harmonic injection PWM approach is adopted
can be expressed as to realize the three-phase voltage commands va∗ , vb∗ and vc∗
id iq K0 − L
µd,q µd,q
s − K0 L generated by the controller approach. As pointed out above,
= = 2 µd,q µd,q (41) the inner current control loop can be reduced to decoupled PI
idref iqref s + K0 − L s − K0 L
controllers and the outer voltage control loop is equivalent to
To guarantee the stability of the cascaded structure, the inner- a nonlinear PI controller plus an additional term that depends
loop should be designed so as to have faster response com- on the initial tracking error ev (0), resulting in the simplified
pared to that of the outer-loop. This can be accomplished by block diagram depicted in Fig. 3. The proposed controller is
selecting the parameters of the controller so that the inner-loop experimentally implemented by using the dSPACE DS1103
settling time tsi , resulted from (41), is much lower than the DSP board with Power PC 750GX Master processor running
outer-loop settling time tso , resulted from (40). On the other at 1 GHz. The test bed setup is depicted in Fig. 4; it consists
side, as pointed out in [30], the bandwidth of the inner-loop of a 2 kW PV emulator, DC-link capacitor, three-phase IGBT
with drivers, line filter, and step up transformer which connects is possible to improve the transient performance of the PI
the system to the power grid. The system parameters are controller by appropriately tuning the controller parameters.
listed in the Appendix. The sampling period is equal to However, this may deteriorate the disturbance rejection per-
1 ms. The period of the PWM signal is chosen equal to formance and leads to unfair comparison. More specifically,
Tsw = 0.2 ms. Following remarks 1 and 2, and the above- in a conventional PI controller, a trade-off should be made
mentioned considerations related to the design parameters and between set-point tracking and disturbance rejection perfor-
presented in Section IV, the predictive time Tr for the inner mances when selecting the parameters of the outer loop; whilst
and the outer loops are set to be equal to 0.8 ms and 10 ms, the proposed design process allows to separately specify the
respectively. The observer gains µd , µq and µv are set to be nominal tracking and the disturbance rejection performances.
equal -0.2. As a result, tsi = 9Tsw and tso ≈ 18tsi , meaning This salient feature cannot be achieved with the classical
that the minimum value of tsi is respected, and the closed- process design [17], [30].
loop response of the inner-loop is much faster than that of the
0 0.04 0.08 0.12
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Experimental setup for performance testing of the proposed
q−axis Current (A)
PI controller
A. Simulation Results
Here, Matlab/Simulink software package is used to carry 0
(b) Experimental results under the proposed controller, i.e., NPIPC Fig. 7. Experimental results: system’s response under a sudden discon-
nection of the PV system from the grid.
Fig. 6. Experimental results: Step response during the startup phase
under both the proposed controller and the convectional PI controller
From Fig. 7, it can be seen that, at t = 0.5 s, the DC-link
voltage decreased, and it took a few milliseconds to return to
2) Disturbance Rejection Performance Under Abrupt its steady-state value. However, it can be observed that the
Disturbance: It is clear that the proposed controller has disturbance rejection performance is improved by increasing
the ability to cope with model uncertainty and unknown the observer gain. This is because a large observer gain causes
disturbance since it contains an integral action. But, this test the disturbance estimation to reach quickly its steady-state
was performed to analyse the effect of the observer gain value, and modifies the control to eliminate the offset caused
on the disturbance rejection performance, and to investigate by the disturbance. It can also be observed in these plots that
the dynamic performance in response to a sudden change in the q-axis current is well regulated to its reference value and it
the active power. The major disturbance that can affect the is robust against the sudden change in the active power. More
system is the variation of the delivered active power because interestingly, the disturbance observer bv , which estimates the
of the changes in atmospheric conditions, which can have PV current, converges to a stable steady-state condition within
an impact on the DC-link voltage regulation. That is why, a a time constant that is specified by the observer gain, which
disturbance rejection performance of the proposed approach confirms the theoretical analysis. However, a large observer
was tested under a step change in delivered active power gain relatively magnifies the measurement noises as shown
using two values of µv ; µv = −0.05 and µv = −0.2. In in Fig. 8(a) with comparison to Fig. 8(b). Therefore, it is
this case, the DC-link voltage reference was kept constant clear that a larger observer gain degrades the level of grid
at 85 V while the PV power output was suddenly stepped power quality by increasing the THD of the grid current as
from 650 W to zero at t = 0.5 s, to test the performance shown in the THD graphs (Figs. 9 and 10) and summarized in
of the proposed controller under a severer condition. This is the Table I, and hence attention should be given for practical
done by an abrupt disconnection of the PV system from the implementation of the proposed controller.
the current control loop is equivalent to the conventional
decoupled PI controllers that are usually adopted for the
grid-tied inverters [17], but the design process is different.
Moreover, it is noticed that, at steady-state regime, the outer
voltage loop reduces to a conventional PI controller. This
explains why the proposed controller is not compared with the
classical PI controller in terms of the steady-state performance
such as the THD of the current.
The parameters of the grid-tie inverter and the PV emulator
are Vdc = 85 V, Ed = 33 V, L = 6.8 mH, C = 1.052 mF
and ω = 314.5 rad/s. For PV emulator, the maximum power
output, the short circuit current and the open circuit voltage
are 650 W, 11 A and 80 V, respectively. The PV voltage at
the maximum power is about 65 V.
It is noticed that because of our laboratory test setup, it was
not possible to use the actual grid voltage of 415 V. More
specifically, the grid side voltage is dictated by many factors
such as the DC-link voltage, the characteristic of the converter
itself (two-level), the line filter, the power exchange, and the
modulation technique employed. More information about the
relationship between the grid side converter’s limit and the
grid voltage can be found in Section 2.4 in [32].
Fig. 12. Current THD under active power exchange of 350 W.
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[17] R. Kadri, J.-P. Gaubert, and G. Champenois, “An improved maximum machines and drives, and renewable energy conversion systems. He
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[18] V. Blasko and V. Kaura, “A new mathematical model and control of
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“Nonlinear PID predictive controller,” IEE Proc. Control Theory Appl., levels. He has supervised/co-supervised over 20 PhD/Master students.
vol. 146, no. 6, pp. 603–611, Nov 1999. He is the co-founder of Renewable Energy Laboratory at the Petroleum
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observer-based DC-bus voltage control for a hybrid AC/DC microgrid,” sity of Engineering and Technology (RUET),
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[26] Y. I. Son, I. H. Kim, D. S. Choi, and H. Shim, “Robust cascade control tute of Technology, in 2000 and M. Eng. and
of electric motor drives using dual reduced-order PI observer,” IEEE Ph.D. Degrees from Kitami Institute of Tech-
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[27] J. Yang, W. Zheng, S. Li, B. Wu, and M. Cheng, “Design of a prediction all in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. At
accuracy enhanced continuous-time MPC for disturbed systems via a the present, he is working as Associate Pro-
disturbance observer,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no. 9, pp. fessor in Electrical Engineering Department at
5807–5816, Sep 2015. the Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi. His research
[28] S. Khajehoddin, M. Karimi-Ghartemani, P. Jain, and A. Bakhshai, interests are power system stability and control, electrical machine,
“A control design approach for three-phase grid-connected renewable FACTS, energy storage system (ESS), Renewable Energy, and HVDC
energy resources,” IEEE Trans. Syst. Energy, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 423–432, system. He has been a Keynote Speaker and an Invited Speaker
Oct 2011. at many international conferences, workshops, and universities. He
[29] V. Kaura and V. Blasko, “Operation of a phase locked loop system under has published over 150 articles in different journals and international
distorted utility conditions,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. conferences. He has published five books as an author or editor. Dr.
58–63, Jan 1997. Muyeen is the senior member of IEEE