Qp-Solar Solar Panel Installation Technician
Qp-Solar Solar Panel Installation Technician
Qp-Solar Solar Panel Installation Technician
1. Introduction and Contacts..…….P1
2. Qualifications Pack………………....P2
OS describe what
individuals need
to do, know and
understand in Introduction
order to carry out
a particular job Qualifications Pack- Solar Panel Installation Technician
role or function
TBD Version number 1.0
Sector Electronics Drafted on 24/02/14
Sub-sector Solar Electronics Last reviewed on 24/03/14
Not applicable
Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units
ELE/N5901 Check site conditions and collect tools and raw materials
This OS unit is about assessing the site conditions where the solar panels would be installed,
understanding the customer’s requirement and arranging for tools are materials required for
solar installation.
ELE/N5901 Check site conditions, collect tools and raw materials
Unit Code ELE/N5901
Unit Title
National Occupational Standard
Check Site conditions and collect tools and raw materials for solar panel installation
Description This OS unit is about assessing conditions at site where the solar panels would be
installed, understanding the customer requirement in installation and arranging for
tools and raw materials required for solar panel installation
Scope This unit/ task covers the following:
ELE/N5901 Check site conditions, collect tools and raw materials
PC17. inform customers about the approximate time required for installation and
any requirements during installation
PC18. get concurrence from the customer on the package of materials to be
procured for installation based on agreed design
Collecting material To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
for installation PC19. arrange for and collect the solar panels as per customer’s requirement
PC20. ensure that the quantity of modules / panels match the voltage requirement
of the system
PC21. arrange for mounting stands as per design
PC22. arrange for tools and consumables required for mounting the solar panels
PC23. decide on the workforce required and arrange for team
PC24. ensure that only company recommended quality materials are used unless
specified by customer
Ensuring quality of To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
material and PC25. ensure all the materials procured are QC passed
handling PC26. ensure that module is not damaged and the outer glass is not broken
PC27. understand the material handling requirement and follow the standard
operating procedure while moving them
PC28. cover the glass module with an opaque material to ensure that there is no
electricity generation before installation
PC29. ensure standard module handling procedure such as two people should lift a
module, module should not be carried on head, etc.
PC30. ensure that modules are stored in a way that it is not damaged by falling or by
any external disturbance
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The individual on the job needs to understand:
Context KA1. company’s policies on: incentives, personnel management
(Knowledge of the KA2. company’s code of conduct
company / KA3. importance of individual’s role in the work flow
KA4. organisation culture
organization and
KA5. company’s reporting structure
its processes) KA6. company’s documentation policy
KA7. company’s different department and concerned authority
KA8. company’s installation policy
KA9. company’s customer support policy
B. Technical The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. basics on solar energy and power generation systems
KB2. use and handling procedure of solar panels
KB3. energy storage, control and conversion
KB4. basic electrical system and functioning
KB5. mechanical equipments and its functioning
KB6. maintenance procedure of equipments
KB7. site survey, design and evaluation of various parameters
KB8. tools involved in installation of system
KB9. quality and process standards
KB10. occupational health and safety standards
ELE/N5901 Check site conditions, collect tools and raw materials
KB11. waste management and disposal procedures and standards
KB12. importance of wearing protective clothing and other safety gear while
carrying out installation
KB13. precautions to be taken while handling different electrical and mechanical
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading and writing skills
Generic Skills The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read product and equipment manuals, installation manuals, etc.
SA2. read warnings, instructions and other text material on product labels,
components, etc.
SA3. fill in job completion form after installation activities have been completed
Interpersonal skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. how to interact with supervisor to understand the daily production target
SB5. how to interact with co workers in order to co ordinate work processes
ELE/N5901 Check site conditions, collect tools and raw materials
TBD Version number 1.0
Industry Electronics Drafted on 24/02/14
Industry Sub-sector Solar Electronics Last reviewed on 24/03/14
ELE/N5902 Install the solar panel
This OS unit is about mounting and installing the solar panel at the customer premises. It also
includes connecting the solar panels with the inverters and ensuring the functioning of solar
power system.
ELE/N5902 Install the solar panel
Unit Code ELE/N5902
Unit Title
National Occupational Standard
ELE/N5902 Install the solar panel
PC18. cover the module with opaque material while installing to avoid any current
PC19. ensure that junction box in covered
PC20. do not disturb or disassemble any part of the module part during installation
PC21. take necessary precautions for fire resistance of modules
PC22. use recommended material of solar cable and plugs for electrical connection
PC23. Install spare fuse to avoid any short circuits as per company policy
PC24. mount the module on the fixture with the mounting rails using bolts and nuts
PC25. ensure that the panels are mounted firmly
Connecting the To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
system and check for PC26. use the cables to connect multiple PV modules in combination to generate
functioning the desired voltage and current
PC27. choose type of connection, i.e., series or parallel, as per design
PC28. use recommended cable to generate maximum voltage
PC29. Check the maximum system voltage as per the installation and follow
adjustment measures accordingly to match output requirement
PC30. ensure that the modules are grounded as specified
PC31. connect the system and check for functioning
PC32. escalate for any issues faced during the functioning of the system
Completing the work To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
PC33. clean the work area after completing the installation activity
PC34. remove all the tools, consumables used from the installation area
PC35. fill in the job completion form and get the signature of the customer
PC36. inform customers about maintenance of solar panels and procedure for
cleaning of solar panels
PC37. follow company standards in documentation of installation activities
Following quality and To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
safety procedures PC38. remove any metals or jewellery to avoid possibility of current shock during
installation activity
PC39. wear all safety gears such as work shoes, cotton gloves, goggles while carrying
out installation activities
PC40. take specified precautionary measures while handling electrical system
PC41. keep work area clean and organised
PC42. adhere to relevant health and safety standards
PC43. dispose off any waste materials in accordance with safe working practices and
Interpersonal skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB3. how to interact with co workers in order to co ordinate work processes
SB4. how to interact with supervisor to understand the daily target
ELE/N5902 Install the solar panel
Reflective thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
SB5. to improve work processes
SB6. to reduce repetition of errors
Decision making
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB7. how to report potential areas of disruptions to work process
SB8. when to report to supervisor and when to deal with a colleague depending on
the type of concern
ELE/N5902 Install the solar panel
TBD Version number 1.0
Industry Electronics Drafted on 24/02/14
Industry Sub-sector Solar Electronics Last reviewed on 24/03/14
ELE/N9952 Coordinate with colleagues at work
This unit is about the individual’s level of communication and coordination with colleagues
and other departments within the organisation. It also describes about how an individual
interact with the team to achieve desired workflow.
ELE/N9952 Coordinate with colleagues at work
Unit Code ELE/N9952
Unit Title
National Occupational Standard
ELE/N9952 Coordinate with colleagues at work
B. Technical The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. how to communicate effectively
KB2. how to build team coordination
ELE/N9952 Coordinate with colleagues at work
TBD Version number 1.0
Industry Electronics Drafted on 24/02/14
Industry Sub-sector Solar Electronics Last reviewed on 24/03/14
ELE/N9953 Ensure safety at workplace
This unit is about the individual’s effort to maintain safety in the workplace and avoid any
hazards during the work.
ELE/N9953 Ensure safety at workplace
ELE/N9953 Ensure safety at workplace
B. Technical The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. how to maintain the work area safe and secure
KB2. how to handle hazardous material
KB3. how to operate hazardous tools and equipment
KB4. emergency procedures to be followed such as fire accidents, etc.
ELE/N9953 Ensure safety at workplace
TBD Version number 1.0
Industry Electronics Drafted on 24/02/14
Industry Sub-sector Solar Electronics Last reviewed on 24/03/14
Qualifications Pack For Solar Panel Installation Technician
Qualifications Pack For Solar Panel Installation Technician
Qualifications Pack
9 characters
[ABC]/ Q 0101
Occupational Standard
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Qualifications Pack For Solar Panel Installation Technician
Range of Occupation
Passive Components 01 - 10
Semiconductors 11 - 20
PCB Manufacturing 21 - 30
Consumer Electronics 31 - 40
IT Hardware 41 - 50
PCB Assembly 51 - 55
Solar Electronics 56 - 60
Strategic Electronics 61 - 65
Automotive Electronics 66 - 70
Industrial Electronics 71 - 75
Medical Electronics 76 - 80
Communication Electronics 81 - 85
PCB Design 86 - 90
LED 91 - 95