Articol Scientific Status Psychotherapies PDF
Articol Scientific Status Psychotherapies PDF
Articol Scientific Status Psychotherapies PDF
The meaning of the term evidence-based psychotherapy PROBLEMS WITH THE PRESENT EVIDENCE-BASED
international organizations. To clarify the meaning of The evidence-based movement within the psychologi-
EBP and to provide guidelines for evaluating psychoso- cal community strives to improve the efficacy of psy-
cial interventions (i.e., psychological treatments), we
chosocial ⁄ psychological interventions ⁄ treatments (i.e.,
psychotherapies) as a whole, as well as to provide
propose that psychotherapies should be first classified
treatment guidelines for clients, professional providers,
into nine categories, defined by two factors: (a) theory
and third-party payers alike. Recently, we have wit-
(mechanisms of psychological change) and (b) therapeu-
nessed a proliferation of evaluative frameworks for evi-
tic package derived from that theory, each factor orga-
dence-based psychotherapies ⁄ psychological treatments
nized by three levels: (a) empirically well supported; (b) (i.e., empirically validated therapies, empirically sup-
equivocal data [(a) no, (b) preliminary data less than ported therapies). However, there is a problem associ-
minimum standards, or (c) mixed data]; and (c) strong ated with having multiple evaluative systems within
contradictory evidence. As compared to the previous the field. Specifically, multiple evaluative frameworks
classification systems, and building on them, we add for evidence-based psychotherapies have led to con-
the requirement that there should also be a clear rela- flicting views and standards regarding the status of
tionship between a guiding theoretical base and the individual psychological interventions. That is, psycho-
empirical data collected. The proposed categories are logical treatments may be labeled ‘‘evidence-based’’ in
not static systems; depending on the progress of
one system, but not in others. For example, the
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
research, a form of psychotherapy could move from
Guidelines (NICE’s Guidelines;
one category to another. are not always consistent with those of the
Key words: classification framework of psychosocial/
American Psychological Association (APA ⁄ Division
psychological interventions/treatments, evidence-based
12 ⁄ Society for Science of Clinical Psychology ⁄
psychotherapies. [Clin Psychol Sci Prac 18: 89–99, SSCP;
2011] division12/), with those of the American Psychiatric
Association (, or with what
we learn from Cochrane Reviews (
Address correspondence to Professor Daniel David, Ph.D., This lack of consistency generates con-
Head of Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, fusion among professionals and patients alike who are
Babes-Bolyai University, No. 37 Republicii St., 400015 looking to use empirically validated treatments and
Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail: [email protected]. strongly supports the need of a unified, more
2011 American Psychological Association. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the American Psychological Association.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected] 89
complex, and scientifically oriented system for catego- suggesting that malaria is caused by a pathogen dissemi-
rizing psychological treatments. nated by the anopheles mosquito, interventions to fight
Furthermore, all the current systems of evaluating malaria were dramatically improved. Based on these
evidence-based psychotherapies have a significant well-known examples, it is easy to imagine how the
weakness; they restrict their focus on evidence to data inclusion of ‘‘voodoo’’- and ⁄ or ‘‘bad air’’–based theory
supporting (psycho)therapeutic packages while ignoring interventions could be damaging to the entire field of
whether any evidence exists to support the proposed health-related interventions.
theoretical underpinnings of these techniques (i.e., the- Therefore, to promote the field of psychotherapy,
ory about psychological mechanisms of change; see from both scientific and clinical perspectives, we propose
David, 2004).1 Therefore, by ignoring the theory, the a new evaluative framework for categorizing psychologi-
evaluative frameworks of various health-related inter- cal interventions. We hope that this framework can lead
ventions (including psychotherapy), technically (a) to increased uniformity in evidence-based psychothera-
allow pseudoscientific (i.e., ‘‘junk-science’’) interven- pies evaluation guidelines and also separate scientific
tions to enter into the classification schemes and ⁄ or (b) approaches to psychotherapy from pseudoscientific ones.
bias the scientific research in a dangerous direction. For Following similar articles in the field (e.g., Chambless
example, imagine a hypothetical intervention to man- et al., 1998), we have decided not to discuss here specific
age psychological symptoms that is based on ‘‘voodoo’’ and detailed examples of psychotherapies in each cate-
as its underlying theory about the mechanisms of gory, as they would all require a detailed analysis based
change. Imagine this therapeutic package being sup- on the criteria in each category. Moreover, positioning
ported by randomized trial data (e.g., better than wait- into a category would depend on the disorder to which a
ing list [BWL]). Such an intervention could then be specific treatment is applied. Such an analysis would be
classified as a ‘‘probably efficacious treatment’’ accord- too long for the scope of the current article and will be
ing to current evaluation guidelines (see Chambless conducted in an independent paper. However, we dis-
et al., 1996, 1998) despite the therapeutic package cuss here ‘‘very strong’’ and ‘‘very weak’’ treatments to
being based on a theory (‘‘voodoo’’) that at best is clearly illustrate the proposed system.
highly questionable. Closer to our field, a similar analy-
sis has been conducted by McNally (1999), historically A NEW EVALUATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR EVIDENCE-BASED
comparing eye movement desensitization and reproces- PSYCHOTHERAPIES
sing (EMDR) and mesmerism. That is, a consequence We propose an evaluative, hierarchical framework for
of current classification schemes (which consistently do psychotherapy, which is based on the understanding
not address underlying theories about mechanisms of that there are two levels in the analysis of evidence
change) is that as long as there are randomized trial supporting psychological treatments. First, the psycho-
data, the validity of the underlying theory is less rele- logical theory concerning therapeutic change (e.g.,
vant. As concerning the issue of negatively biasing the mechanisms of change) should be scientifically evalu-
research field, not that long ago it was commonly ated. Second, the therapeutic package (psychological
believed that malaria was produced by ‘‘bad air’’ (hence treatment) is derived from the theory about the
the name). Based on the ‘‘bad air’’ theory, an effective mechanisms of change and is scientifically evaluated
intervention was developed: closing room windows to (David, 2004). Interventions (e.g., acupuncture) that
prevent the circulation of bad air. In light of what we do not explicitly have a psychological basis (theory
know about malaria now, it is not surprising that this and techniques) are typically excluded from this
intervention was partially effective. If scientists were analysis, although they may work in part by psycho-
satisfied with the ‘‘bad air’’ theory and its ‘‘effective- logical mechanisms (e.g., expectancies); however, they
ness,’’ we might still be attempting to develop better can be analyzed through this classification scheme, as
windows to better control malaria. Once the flaws in a more general part of health-related interventions, if
the ‘‘bad air’’ theory were recognized (in spite of its they target psychological and ⁄ or psychosomatic symp-
partial ‘‘effectiveness’’) and were replaced by a theory toms (see above the analysis of ‘‘voodoo’’). Indeed,