Variable Bits
Variable Bits
Variable Bits
Communication Systems1
In the wireless indoor environment, the channel may vary slowly as users and the interferers may
move at slow speeds. A frequency hopped CDMA (FH-CDMA) system can adapt to the different
interference levels in hopping patterns and assign the slots different bit rates to increase the system
capacity. We show that the maximum throughput bit rate/channel assignment problem is NP-hard.
Several practical ad hoc bit allocation algorithms are designed based on the insights derived from
exhaustive searches. The algorithms that achieve the most system capacity perform interference
avoidance. Users concentrate their throughput in a small fraction of the slots with low interference
by transmitting large signal constellations, while avoiding the channels with large interference.
Simulations show that the flexibility of users to adjust their bit rates to the interference
1. This work is funded by Motorola Inc., under the terms of a university partnerships in research
2. Corresponding author.
1 Introduction
With limited spectrum and increasing demand for services, the next generation of wireless
communication systems need to utilize bandwidth more efficiently to support more users. Slow
achieving high system capacity [1][2][3]. A slow hopped CDMA system divides the available
spectrum and time into non-overlapped frequency bins and time slots. A user transmits in different
frequency bins at different time slots, each containing several symbols. The sequence of time-
frequency slots that a user transmits is called a hopping pattern. In this paper, we assume the
hopping patterns of all users are periodic with the same period.
Like most of the high capacity wireless systems where the available bandwidth is limited,
an FH-CDMA system is “interference limited.” The transmitted power of all but the desired signal
is seen as interference by the receivers. Channel assignment strategies that reduce the interference
each user generates can directly increase the number of users that can communicate
simultaneously. In an indoor wireless FH-CDMA system, the channels vary slowly as users and
interferers move at low speeds. The system can take advantage of the different interference levels
in a hopping pattern and assign the slots different bit rates to minimize the interference. Assuming
all users desire the same data rate, our goal is to design bit allocation algorithms that can provide
Rayleigh fading is not included in the simulations presented in this paper since it has
already been shown that systems with Rayleigh fading can obtain capacities close to systems
operating in additive white Gaussian channels [4], particularly when diversity techniques are
employed. In addition, the use of adaptive antenna arrays has been shown to reduce the effects of
fading greatly [5]. Here, we are more interested in showing the relative performances of the
different proposed bit allocation algorithms. The effects of fading are, however, important in the
implementation of an FH-CDMA system. We assume that the indoor wireless system with its high
We formulate the problem of bit allocation in an FH-CDMA system and present the
simulation results in the context of the reverse link (users transmitting to base stations) of a cellular
wireless system. The bit allocation algorithms can also be applied to the forward link of a cellular
system or to a peer-to-peer wireless system. All of the variable bit algorithms described in this
paper can be performed in a distributed fashion such that no centralized control is necessary. The
simulation results presented here are for comparisons of different algorithms and are meant to be
upperbounds for the simplified propagation models used. The results show that the interference
avoidance strategies and the flexibility of users to adjust their bit rates to the interference
This paper is divided into five sections. In Section 2, we study the problem of bit allocation
in an indoor FH-CDMA wireless system. In Section 3, we prove that the problem of finding the
channel allocations and bit assignments that maximizes the system throughput is NP-hard. The
results from exhaustive searches of the bit allocations that maximize the system capacity are
presented. In Section 4, several bit allocation algorithms developed from the insights obtained from
the exhaustive searches are described. Simulation results of these algorithms are also presented.
levels in a hopping pattern and assign to the slots different bit rates to maximize the system
capacity. In an FH-CDMA system with variable bit allocation, the users can constantly monitor the
interference statistics in all of the slots in their hopping patterns. They may then decide to transmit
the larger signal constellations in the slots where there is little interference and transmit at a very
low data rate or send no data at all in the slots where interference is already high. This flexibility
At first glance, an FH-CDMA wireless system with variable bit allocation is similar to a
multitone wireline communication system [6][7]. In both of these systems, the users first probe the
channels that are available to obtain channel statistics. There are many distributed channel probing
several different power levels and monitors how the users sharing the same channels react to the
interference the new user generates. The maximum achievable signal-to-interference ratio (SIR),
the transmit power needed to achieve the desired SIR, and other statistics regarding power and
interference can be estimated. The users in the multitone wireline system and the FH-CDMA
system then allocate bits and power in the slots that have favorable channel conditions. In the
multitone wireline communication system, however, the system has an average power constraint
which limits the total transmit power of each link. In an FH-CDMA wireless system, there is
usually no such limitation, although low transmit power is desirable as it generally leads to low
interference. A maximum transmit power for every slot due to hardware limitations is more often
the case. In addition, an FH-CDMA wireless system is almost always a multi-user system where
the transmit power of one user interferes with the signals of the others. This leads to a coupling
between power allocation and interference levels which complicates the bit allocation decisions.
Thus, before we continue our discussion on finding the bit allocation algorithms that
maximize the capacity of an FH-CDMA system and their complexities, we briefly describe the
problem of power control. We assume there are B users in the system. In order to maintain the
desired error performance, different SIR’s are needed for different bit rates/signal constellation
sizes. For now, we assume that the users know the bit rates for the slots and the SIR needed. If user
i needs to obtain SIR greater than or equal to some SIR threshold γ ik to achieve the bit rate that
it desires in the k-th slot, the user’s transmit power needs to satisfy the following inequality:
P ik G ii
- ≥ γ ik
----------------------------------- (1)
∑ jk ij ik
P G + n
where Pjk is the transmit power of the j-th user in the k-th slot, n ik is equal to the noise floor at the
base station communicating with user i, and G ij is the link gain from user j to the base station
communicating with user i. The left hand side of (1) is simply the received power of user i divided
by the sum of all of the interference and noise at the base station. We assume that G ij and n ik are
independent of the frequency slots used and omit the superscript and subscript k in our notation.
We then multiply the denominator of (1) on both sides and collect all of the terms associated with
P ik G ii – γ ik ∑ P jk G ij ≥ γ ik n i (2)
There are B such linear inequalities, one for each of the users sharing the same slot, and B
unknowns: P1k, P 2k, …, P Bk . Dividing Gii for each inequality, we can rewrite the B inequalities
in matrix form,
H ( γ k )P k ≥ N ( γ k ) (3)
γ k is a B × 1 vector where the i-th element is γ ik . γ k is the vector form of the B desired SIR’s
in the k-th slot. H ( γ k ) is a B × B matrix. The diagonal elements of H ( γ k ) are equal to one and
the off diagonal element (i, j) is equal to - γik Gij / Gii. Pk = [ pik ] is the B × 1 non-negative power
vector for γ k in slot k. N ( γ k ) is a B × 1 noise vector where i-th element is equal to γ ik ni /Gii.
If there exists a non-negative power vector solution to (3), the B users can all achieve the
SIR needed for their desired throughputs at this time-frequency slot. A set of linear equations needs
to be solved for each time-frequency slot. This set of B × B linear equations can be solved with
power control algorithms with centralized control [11]. Distributed power control algorithms
where no centralized control is needed can also be used [12][13]. These algorithms can find the
same power solution as the centralized power control algorithms. If there are S slots in the system,
the problem of variable bit allocation can be re-stated as finding the distributions of the SIR
thresholds, { γ i1, γ i2, …, γ iS } , hence bit allocations, for each user i such that the sum
of the bit rates of each user is equal to the desired total throughput and that there exist feasible non-
negative power solutions in all of the S slots with the desired SIR distribution.
In order to implement power control in a wireless system, the power amplifiers of the
transmitters may not always operated in the saturation region where high amplifier efficiency can
be obtained. However, with power control, a wireless system has been shown to be able to support
more simultaneous links and the average power consumption of the transmitter may actually be
lower than a system without power control as users with low path loss no longer needs to operate
that maximize the system capacity assuming all users must have the same throughput. We divide
this section into two different parts. We first present the proof that the complexity of finding the
optimal allocation is NP-hard. We then present the results of exhaustive searches which provide
The optimization problem can be stated in the following compact matrix form:
maximize ∑ Xi (4)
Xi ≤ ∑ log2 ( 1 + γik ) (5)
Xi = Xj 1 ≤ i, j ≤ B
H ( γ k )P k ≥ N ( γ k ) (6)
Pk ≥ 0 γk ≥ 0 1≤k≤S
We try to maximize the total throughput of the system with B users and S slots, where Xi is the
throughput of the i-th user. The logarithm function with base two in (5) is used to upper bound the
achievable bit rate as a function of the desired SIR of γ ik [14]. All users have the same
throughput. The relations in (6) are a set of non-linear power constraints described in (3).
If the number of slots is greater than or equal to the number of users ( B ≤ S ), the throughput
of each user is infinite since we do not impose a maximum power constraint. The infinite
throughput is achieved by assigning each user to a different slot. Since there is no interference, the
maximum achievable SIR is unbounded. If there is only one slot ( S = 1 ) , the maximum
achievable SIR for these B users is equal to the reciprocal of the largest eigenvalue of a B × B
matrix F. F is closely related to the matrix H ( γ 1 ) and has diagonal elements equal to zero and the
We will now show that the problem of finding the optimal bit allocation is NP-hard for
B > S . Omitting the superscript k in (1) to simplify the notation, each user requires a different
P i G ii
- ≥ γi
∑ P j G ij + n i
holds for 1 ≤ i ≤ B .
Multiplying the denominator on both side and dividing both side by Gii, we have
γ i ∑ P j Z ij – P i + γ i ñ i ≤ 0 (7)
where Zij is equal to Gij / Gii and ñ i is equal to ni / Gii. Gii is path loss and is always greater than
zero. In the above equation, the transmit power, Pj, and desired SIR, γi, are the unknowns. The
equation is thus a quadratic equation of the variables Pj, 1 ≤ j ≤ B , and γi. We now put the
x = [ P 1, P 2, …, Pi – 1, Pi + 1, …, P B, γ i ] T
We then put the sum of the quadratic terms γ i ∑ P j Z ij in matrix notation as x T Ax . A can be
expressed as
Z i1
0 0 … 0 ------ -
Z i2
0 0 … 0 ------ -
. . . . .
Z iB
0 0 … 0 -------
Z i1 Z i2 Z iB
------- ------- … ------- 0
2 2 2
In other words, A is a symmetric B × B matrix with all elements in the first ( B – 1 ) rows and
( B – 1 ) columns equal to zero. The j-th entry for the B-th row or column is equal to Zij / 2 for
To show that the problem is NP-hard, we need to show that the feasible region is non-
convex or equivalently, matrix A is not positive semi-definite [15]. The eigenvalues of the matrix
∑ ( Zij ⁄ 2 )
A can be solved easily and they are ( B – 2 ) zeros and ± . With negative
eigenvalues, matrix A is not positive semi-definite. This, along with the other ( B – 1 ) non-convex
feasible regions for different values of i in the inequality , makes the optimization problem NP-
3.2 Exhaustive Searches
Since the optimization problem (4) is NP-hard, exhaustive searches are needed to find the
optimum bit allocation. Searches were performed for the reverse link of an indoor cellular system.
The cells are hexagonal in shape with users uniformly distributed in the coverage area. We assume
propagation loss can be modeled by the third power attenuation model. Shadowing, which is
caused by signals being blocked by objects or travelling through a room with the wave guide effect,
BPSK and requires an SIR of 10 dB to maintain good error performance. We use the approximation
that an additional 3 dB is needed for every additional bit of information to be carried by a symbol.
Let X denote the throughput of every user. If there are B users sharing S slots and the exhaustive
search starts with one bit of throughput for all users (X=1), the search tries all possible bit
allocations in these S slots for the total X bits for each user and all possible combinations of bit
allocations among the B users. The exhaustive search does not stop until a feasible power vector
for every slot is found such that every user can maintain X bits of throughput. We then increase the
system throughput by allocating X+1 bits to all users and search for feasible power vectors again.
This process is repeated until no more feasible power vectors can be found for the desired
Unfortunately, the number of bit allocations that need to be searched is prohibitively large
for a system with even a moderate number of slots and/or users. The number of allocations is
(X + S – 1) B (X + S – 1)
closely upper bounded by [ C X ] where C X is the combination of selecting X
Table 1 shows the results of the exhaustive searches for systems with three to five users
sharing two slots and a system with four users sharing three slots. One column tabulates the
maximum throughput per slot for a bit allocation algorithm that assigns the same number of bits in
every slot for every user. This is computed using the single channel eigenvalue techniques
described in [11]. The other column lists the results from the exhaustive searches.
Table 1: Results of exhaustive searches for the maximum average bit allocation per slot.
Table 1 shows that the equal throughput algorithm does not find the best allocation
possible. As the number of the users increases, the difference in throughputs between the equal
throughput algorithm and the exhaustive searches increases. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the
maximum achievable bits for a system with four users and three slots. The equal throughput
algorithm is not able to allocate throughput to the users if the users are close to each other in a large
fraction of the cases. The distribution decreases rapidly as the maximum achievable throughput
increases. The distribution from the results of exhaustive searches concentrates around the average
maximum throughput and tapers off as the number of bits increases and decreases at about the same
rate. These characteristics are also observed for the systems with a different number of users and
slots tabulated in Table 1.
Solid -- Exhaustive search
Dotted -- Equal throughput
From Table 1, for systems with four users, the exhaustive searches show that the average
maximum achievable throughput per slot increases if the number of slots is increased from two to
three for a system with four users. On the other hand, the throughput stays the same for the equal
throughput system as the maximum throughput per slot is independent of the number of available
slots. The increase in throughput per slot may seem similar to information theory in source coding
which states that as the number of dimensions (slots in this case) increases, the average amount of
information that can be represented by a symbol per dimension also increases. Figure 2, however,
is more indicative of why the system throughput is much higher from exhaustive searches as the
number of slots increases. Figure 2 shows that the normalized bit distributions among the S slots
from the maximum throughput found by the exhaustive searches. It is normalized to the total
maximum throughput of the S slots for each sample. Figure 2 also shows that the maximum
throughput is usually achieved by concentrating the throughput of each user in one slot and
transmitting no power in the rest. This can be viewed as a form of interference avoidance. The users
transmit in the slots with low interference. They, on the average, do not generate too much
interference to the system. The system throughput increases. In the variable bit allocation system,
users that are close to each other achieve most of their throughput from different slots. They are
decoupled by avoiding transmitting in the same slots. The users arrange themselves so that they
only share the transmit slots with whom they have very low mutual link gains. As the number of
slots increases, the users have more freedom to avoid each other. The throughput thus increases.
When the number of slots becomes as large as the number of users (B=S), the maximum throughput
is infinite. This is achieved again by assigning each user to a different slot, thus avoiding any
Dotted line -- B = 4, S = 2
Solid line -- B = 4, S = 3
exhaustive searches which are impractical even for a moderate number of users and channels. We,
thus, propose several practical ad hoc bit allocation algorithms that do not require centralized
controls and compare their performances in dynamic simulations. The simulations are performed
for the reverse link of an indoor cellular system. The system has nineteen hexagonal cells which
form three concentric circles with the base station located in the center of each cell. QAM is used.
The minimum constellation is 4-QAM (QPSK) with desired SIR of 10 dB, and we assume 3 dB is
needed for every additional bit. BPSK is not chosen since bandwidth is a premium in the wireless
system and the required energy per bit for any bit error rate requirement is the same as 4-QAM
(QPSK). We impose a maximum constellation constraint, 64-QAM, due to the linearity limitation
of hardware. The users arrive at the system with nineteen-cell system with geographically uniform
distribution. The user arrival process is Poisson distributed and the users have i.i.d. exponential
service time. We assume that all users and surrounding objects are stationary so that channel
conditions do not change for the duration of each call. The FH-CDMA system has 24 frequency
bins. The period of all hopping patterns, N, is equal to 24 time slots and is conveniently defined as
a frame. There are twenty four hopping patterns available in every cell. Each slot has C symbols,
and we assume every user desires 48 × C bits/frame. Channel probing as described in [10][17] is
performed for every new user. It enables the system to estimate the maximum achievable
throughput in every slot and predict the transmit power needed for any throughput less than or
equal to the maximum for a new user. The system can also estimate the additional interference
induced by the transmit power of the new user at the base station the new user is associated with
as users already in the system adjust their transmit power to maintain satisfactory performance. All
these statistics is used by the bit allocation algorithm to determine how slots and bits are assigned
in hopping patterns.
undesirable than denying newly arrived user service. No new links can be established unless the
new links can share the same time-frequency slots with the users already communicating in the
slots. We are, therefore, interested in finding the bit allocation algorithm that allows the most users
to communicate simultaneously in the system while meeting the system blocking probability,
Pblock, requirement. When a new user is arrived at the system, it first determines the base station
to which it has the smallest path loss and associates itself with the cell covered by the base station.
The new user then probes all the unused hopping pattern in the cell to see if a hopping pattern can
be found such that it can meet its throughput requirement without disruption of existing links. If
the new user cannot share any of the unused hopping patterns with users already in the system or
if all of the hopping patterns associated with the cell are already assigned, the newly arrived user
is blocked and exits the system without attempting to establish links again.
After a newly arrived user performs channel probing of all unused hopping patterns, the
channel and bit allocation algorithm then determines how to assign the new user a hopping pattern.
Algorithms 1 and 2 are both transmit power based. These two algorithms seek to minimize the
interference created by the newly arrived users by minimizing their total transmit power and the
maximum transmit power in any slot of a hopping pattern. Since the smaller constellations require
less energy per bit to meet the same bit-error-rate requirements, users in systems implementing
these two algorithms are more likely to use the smallest constellations. Algorithms 3 and 4 are
interference based. As a new user arrives at the system, the existing users need to increase their
transmit power to maintain their desired SIR. Algorithms 3 and 4 seek to minimize the additional
interference all the existing users need to transmit to maintain their current slot and bit assignment
in their hopping patterns. Algorithm 5 performs interference avoidance by limiting the number of
slots used. After probing all of the unused hopping patterns in the cell, the newly arrived user is
assigned the hopping pattern where it will transmit in the fewest slots in a frame. The new user does
so usually by transmitting the largest constellations which is only possible when there are no
interferers nearby. Algorithm 5 is designed to give the users that arrive later more freedom to
perform interference avoidance. Algorithm 6 is based on reverse water-filling of SIR which has
been shown to be the optimum algorithm in the single-user discrete multitone (DMT) system where
the noise level is fixed at high SIR [7]. Reverse water-filling of SIR can be best described by
turning Figure 3, which shows the maximum achievable SIR for all available slots, upside-down.
A new user first determines the maximum achievable SIR, γmax, in each slot via channel probing.
SIR is then “poured” into these slots with uneven “depth” until the desired throughput is achieved
with SIR of γ’. Algorithm 6 is, however, different from the reverse water-filling algorithm of the a
DMT system as the interference level changes as more SIR is poured into the slots.
Frequency slots
Figure 3 Reverse water-filling of SIR for a multislot system.
We present the simulation results for indoor FH-CDMA wireless systems group-
coincidence hopping (GC) patterns. A new user shares every slot in its hopping pattern with one
group of users. The group of potential interferers is the same in every hop. Depending on how the
users in the system allocate their bit rates, a new user may not share every slot with all of the users
of the same hopping pattern. There is no intra-cell interference as the users do not share any slot
in their hopping patterns with the other users in the same cells.
Before presenting the simulation results, we define normalized offered load in units of
Erlangs as the average arrival rate divided by the total number of hopping patterns available in the
system which is equal to the number of base stations multiplied by the number of hopping patterns
available in each cell. It is used as a measure of system capacity. We assume that once a user is
admitted into the system, it keeps the bit assignment until the call is terminated. No users are
dropped due to the arrivals of new users. It is up to the new users to adjust their channel and bit
assignments to the different interference levels. Centralized power control is used for our
Figure 4 shows the blocking probability as a function of the normalized offered load.
Algorithms 2 and 4 are not shown in Figure 4 as Algorithm 2 has the same Pblock curve as
Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 4 has the same Pblock curve as Algorithm 3. Figure 4 shows that the
transmit power-based Algorithms 1 and 2 have the lowest system capacity for any given system
Pblock requirement between 0.1% and 1% among six bit allocation algorithms. Algorithm 5, which
minimizes the number of slots a new user uses, achieves the highest capacity among the six
algorithms. The interference-based Algorithms 3 and 4 and the reverse water-filling of SIR,
Algorithm 6, all have similar system capacities and achieve capacity close to Algorithm 5. The
difference in system capacities for Algorithm 5 and Algorithm 1 for Pblock of 0.1% to 1% is
approximately 25%. Figure 4 also shows the Pblock curve of a system without variable bit
allocation. In this system, a user transmits 4-QAM in all of the twenty-four slots in its hopping
pattern. The system capacity of this system is 25% to 55% lower than a system with any of the six
Figure 5 shows the distributions of the slots used by the six algorithms as a function of the
bits carried per symbol. Again, the distributions of Algorithms 2 and 4 are not shown as they are
very similar to those of Algorithms 1 and 3 respectively. No slots carry just one bit of information
as BPSK is not allowed. Algorithm 5, which achieves the highest system capacity, assigns the
maximum constellation of 64-QAM to most slots among the six algorithms and at the same time
leave most slots unused. It minimizes the number of slots a new user transmits and concentrates its
throughput and power in these slots. The new user, at the same time, avoids the slots with large
interference when possible. These are the characteristics associated with the maximum throughput
bit assignments found by the exhaustive searches in Section 3.2. Minimizing the slots in which a
user allocates power also gives future arrivals more flexibility to perform interference avoidance.
Solid -- Alg 5, minimum slots
Dashed -- Alg 1, min in total power
o -- Alg 3, min total interference
+ -- Alg 6, reverse SIR water-fill
The transmit power-based algorithms assign the smallest constellation, 4-QAM, to most of
the slots as it often requires the least power. There are usually no slots left unused. These
algorithms do not perform interference avoidance and are similar to the equal throughput algorithm
in Section 3.2. The constellations assigned by these two algorithms are very similar to the system
without variable bit allocation, but the additional flexibility that allows users to change bit
assignments enables systems with Algorithms 1 or 2 to achieve 25% higher system capacity as
shown in Figure 4 for Pblock of 0.1% to 1%. The interference-based algorithms, on the other hand,
assign large constellations to the slots that have no interference or have interferers that are far away.
In these slots, the new users can obtain the highest throughput without inducing much additional
interference. The bit distributions of these algorithms are very similar to Algorithm 5. The
interference-based algorithms better use the statistics derived from channel probing than the
power-based algorithms. Instead of passively minimizing the interference generated by the new
user as in Algorithms 1 and 2, Algorithms 3 and 4 estimate how the users already in the system
would react to the interference generated by the new user. Algorithm 6, which performs reverse
water-filling of SIR, also obtains the most throughput desired in very few slots. These slots usually
have very high achievable SIR and on the average, have no interferers or have interferers that have
very low mutual link gain with the new user. The bit distribution of Algorithm 6 also takes on the
We now compare the system capacity of the variable bit FH-CDMA systems with an FH-
CDMA system deploying the interference avoidance strategy identical to that described for
Algorithm 5 by transmitting in M out of every N slots (N = 24), but without the capability to vary
the constellations among the slots used for communication [18]. The M/N system performs
channel probing and then assigns a fixed constellation in the M most favorable slots. The receivers
for this system is simplified as they only need to be able to demodulate one modulation. Power
control is still implemented. Without power control, the system throughput would be much lower.
We assume that the system operates in the same environment and that users have the same
throughput requirement of 48 × C bits/frame, where C is the number of symbols per slot. For
comparison, the M/N system transmits eight out of every twenty-four slots using 64-QAM, the
same largest constellation available for the variable bit allocation system, resulting in 48 × C bits/
frame. The results are shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 shows that the M/N system can achieve higher
system capacity for a given Pblock than a system transmitting QPSK in all twenty-four slots without
bit allocation through interference avoidance. It also shows that the system capacity of the variable
bit allocation system is 20%-25% better than that of the M/N= 8/23 system for Pblock of 0.1% to
1%. Even though both the M/N system and the bit allocation system use the largest constellation
whenever possible, the bit allocation system has the additional flexibility to allocate bits according
to the congestion condition in the hopping patterns. It can admit users that are unable to achieve
the fixed constellation, 64-QAM, in every slot used in the M/N = 8/23 system.
No Bit Allocation
M/N = 8/24
5 Conclusion
Finding the optimal bit allocation that maximizes the system throughput is an NP-hard
problem. In an FH-CDMA system where every user requires the same bit rate, we propose several
ad hoc algorithms that utilize the insights we have obtained from exhaustive searches. Interference
avoidance algorithms which ask the users to avoid transmitting in the slots with large interferers
nearby seems to be the best strategy. These bit allocation algorithms gives the system more
flexibility to adapt to the interference statistics, and result in the highest system capacity. Under
our simplified model, a system with variable bit allocation can achieve capacity more than 50%
higher than a system with users transmitting the same bit rate in every slot of the hopping patterns
In our simulations, we assume that power control and bit allocation can be performed
instantly. We have not taken into account of the speed of convergence of various adaptive
algorithms. The results presented here are meant to serve as an upperbound on how the various
proposed bit allocation algorithms can improve the capacity. We expect that high speed indoor
systems can come close to these bounds, while quite different approaches will be required to cope
with a combination of high mobility and low bit rate. The key factor is the ability to accurately
estimate the channel and provide the communication partner with timely observations. With rapid
channel and interference dynamics relative to the symbol rate, at some point interference averaging
would be more attractive than interference avoidance. Development of an access strategy which
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