Nicol 2002 PDF
Nicol 2002 PDF
Nicol 2002 PDF
The origin and development of the adaptive approach to thermal comfort is explained. A number of recent developments in the application
of the theory are considered and the origin of the differences between adaptive thermal comfort and the `rational' indices is explored. The
application of the adaptive approach to thermal comfort standards is considered and recommendations made as to the best comfort
temperature, the range of comfortable environments and the maximum rate of change of indoor temperature. The application of criteria of
sustainability to thermal standards for buildings is also considered. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal comfort standards are required to help building 2.1. Field studies and rational indices
designers to provide an indoor climate that building occu-
pants will ®nd thermally comfortable. The de®nition of a The adaptive approach to thermal comfort is based on the
good indoor climate is important to the success of a building, ®ndings of surveys of thermal comfort conducted in the
not only because it will make its occupants comfortable, but ®eld. In the ®eld survey researchers gather data about the
also because it will decide its energy consumption and thermal environment and the simultaneous thermal response
thus in¯uence its sustainability. A standard which seeks to of subjects going about their everyday lives. The thermal
de®ne acceptable indoor climates should consider all these response of subjects is usually measured by asking them for
factors. In the past, the designers of standards have not a `comfort vote' on a descriptive scale such as the ASHRAE
seen it as part of their task to consider sustainability. or Bedford scale (Table 1). Interventions by the researchers
With increasing pollution and climate change, a thermal are kept to a minimum. The well-known early work of
standard which ignores sustainability will at best fall into Bedford [1] and the more recent Tropical Summer Index
disrepute and at worst share responsibility for unsustain- of Sharma and Ali [2] are examples of this approach. The
able buildings. researcher uses statistical methods to analyse the data using
People have a natural tendency to adapt to changing the natural variability of thermal conditions. The aim is to
conditions in their environment. This natural tendency is ®nd the temperature or combination of thermal variables
expressed in the adaptive approach to thermal comfort. This (temperature, humidity, and air velocity) which subjects
paper introduces the adaptive approach and explores some of consider `neutral' or `comfortable'. This analysis is then
the recent research bearing upon it. It then suggests ways in used to predict the `comfort temperatures' or `comfort
which the ®ndings of adaptive thermal comfort can help conditions' which will be found acceptable in similar cir-
frame sustainable standards for indoor climate for buildings cumstances elsewhere.
in the future. There are problems with using a ®eld study in this way.
Firstly, the environmental conditions are inherently variable
and dif®cult to measure accurately and errors in the input
data can give rise to errors in the relationships predicted by
Corresponding author. the statistical analysis [3]. Secondly, it is dif®cult to general-
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.F. Nicol). ise from the statistical analysis the results from one survey
0378-7788/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 8 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 0 6 - 3
564 J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572
Fig. 1. The variation of mean comfort vote with mean indoor temperature. Each point is the mean value from a comfort survey (using data presented in [8]).
A similar effect was found when data were collected a period of a year so the comfort temperature was continu-
throughout the year from a particular group. Surveys in ally changing, as was the indoor temperature [12]. The major
Pakistan [12] and Europe [13] were conducted at monthly methods these workers had to control their comfort were by
intervals throughout the year (Fig. 2b). The variety of indoor changing their clothing and using air movement, fans being
temperatures, particularly in Pakistan, is remarkable. The universally available in Pakistani of®ces. The curve shows
strong relationship with comfort temperature is clear. the mean probability of comfort calculated using probit
As an example of how effectively adaptive actions can be regression. Each point represents the proportion comfortable
used to achieve comfort, Fig. 3 shows the actual proportion in a particular city in a particular month.
of subjects comfortable among of®ce workers in Pakistan at
different indoor temperatures. The data were collected over 2.4. The relationship with outdoor climate
Fig. 3. Pakistan: the proportion of office workers who were comfortable at different indoor temperatures. It will be noticed that on many occasions the
subjects recorded no discomfort. With a continually changing indoor temperature and comfort temperature, Pakistani buildings were found comfortable at
temperatures ranging between 20 and 30 8C with no cooling apart from fans (from [12]).
cooled buildings) increases the precision of the relationship climate and these adaptive actions which means that only the
both in free-running buildings and those which are heated outdoor temperature need be considered in real situations in
and cooled. Fig. 5 shows how the comfort temperatures real buildings. The relationship is to some extent an empiri-
changes with outdoor temperature in buildings which are cal `black box' because the inter-relations are not all fully
free-running and with heated or cooled from Humphreys [9] de®ned.
in the 1970s and from the ASHRAE database [15] in the
1990s. 2.5. People in buildings
It has been argued that using just the outdoor temperature
to calculate comfort temperatures ignores a whole lot of Buildings differ in a number of ways: in addition to their
other factors such as the humidity and air movement. The individual physical form, they differ in their services; in
comfort temperature is clearly a function of more than just what sort of heating or cooling system is provided and
the outdoor temperature. But people's clothing insulation whether it is used; in the possibilities they offer for occu-
also depends on outdoor temperature [12], as does the use of pants to control their environment and in the policies of
building controls [16]. Other instances are posture, which management about whether there is a dress code and so on.
Raja and Nicol [17] have shown to vary with temperature, There are other aspects of building services which affect
and metabolic rate for a given activity which Baker and the comfort of occupants. Leaman and Bordass [20] have
Standeven [18] among others [7,19] have suggested may demonstrated that there is more `forgiveness' of buildings
also vary with temperature. It is the feedback between the in which occupants have more access to building controls.
Fig. 4. The change in comfort temperature with monthly mean outdoor temperature. Each point represents the mean value for one survey. This graph is from
Humphreys [9]. The buildings are divided between those that are heated or cooled at the time of the survey and those that are free-running. Subsequent
analysis of the ASHRAE database of comfort surveys [14] showed similar results (see Fig. 5).
J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572 567
Fig. 5. Comfort temperatures as a function of outdoor temperature for buildings which are free-running (A) and with heating or cooling (B): (a) from the
ASHRAE database [15]; (b) from Humphreys [9] see Fig. 4. These graphs first appeared in [14].
By forgiveness, they mean that the attitude of the occupants quickly with temperature and the occupants appear less
to the building is affected so that they will overlook short- forgiving.
comings in the thermal environment more readily. This can A more robust characterisation is that of Baker and
be explained as a function of who is in control. Variability is Standeven [18]. They identify an `adaptive opportunity'
generally thought of as a `bad thing' in centrally controlled afforded by a building that will affect the comfort of its
buildings because occupants are adapted to a particular occupants. Adaptive opportunity is generally interpreted as
temperature. Much change from this and they become the ability to open a window, draw a blind, use a fan and so
uncomfortable. In buildings where the occupants are in on, but must also include dress code working practices and
control, variability may result from people adjusting con- other factors which in¯uence the interaction between occu-
ditions to suit themselves. A certain amount of variability pant and building. Changes in clothing, activity and posture
then becomes a `good thing'. Many naturally ventilated and the promotion of air movement will change the condi-
buildings give their occupants a certain amount of control tions which people ®nd comfortable. Many of the adaptive
over their environment. If the control is left to the building opportunities available in buildings will have no direct
manager (through the HVAC system) there is a smaller effect on the comfort conditions but will allow the occupants
envelope of acceptable conditions, comfort changes more to change conditions to suit themselves. Actual adaptive
568 J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572
behaviour is an amalgam of these two types of actionÐ best time-series to use. Therefore, an appropriate time-series
changing the conditions to accord with comfort and chan- was assumed. Humphreys [26], suggested that the exponen-
ging the comfort temperature to accord with prevailing tially-weighted running mean of the temperature would
conditions. The range of conditions considered comfortable re¯ect the time-dependence of the comfort temperature or
is affected by the characteristics of the building and the clothing insulation.
opportunities for individual adaptation by occupants. The equation for the exponentially-weighted running
In reality, it has been found dif®cult to quantify the mean at time t is
adaptive opportunity in terms of the availability of building
1 afTt 1 aTt 2 a2 Tt 3 . . .g (1)
controls. Nicol and McCartney [21] showed that the mere
existence of a control did not mean that it was used, and that where a is a constant such that 1 > a 0, Trm(t) the running
merely adding up the number of controls does not therefore mean temperature at time t, Tt the mean temperature for a
give a good measure of the success of a building or its time t of a series at equal intervals (hours, days, etc), Tt n the
adaptive opportunity. It would seem that as well as the instantaneous temperature at n time-intervals previously.
existence of a control a judgement is needed as to whether The time-interval used to calculate Trm in this paper is a
it is useful in the particular circumstances. For example, day. The rate at which the effect of any particular tempera-
solar shading may be useless on one face of a building, but ture dies away depends on the constant a. The time series
essential on another. In addition the perceived usefulness of gives a running mean temperature that is decreasingly
a particular control will change from time to time depending affected by any particular temperature event as time passes.
on conditions [22]. The larger the value of a the more important are the effects of
The feedback mechanisms embodied in the adaptive past temperatures.
principle create order in the relationship between outdoor The aim is then to ®nd the value of a which gives the best
climate and comfort temperature. In a free-running building correlation of outdoor running mean with the comfort
the indoor climate is linked by the building to outdoor temperature. Fig. 6 shows how the correlation of comfort
conditions. When the building is being heated or cooled temperature (solid line) with running mean temperature
the relationship changes, because the indoor climate is varies with the value of a. It might be argued that this is
decoupled from that outdoors. In these circumstances the a chance effect arising from the serial correlation between
building occupants control comfort temperature either the daily mean temperature and the running mean tempera-
locally as in most naturally ventilated buildings or centrally ture. Today's temperature is likely to be closer to yesterday's
when the building is centrally air-conditioned. temperature than to last week's or last month's. Fig. 6 also
shows (hatched line)2 how the correlation of daily mean
2.6. Time as a factor in the specification of comfort temperature (Tod) with running mean temperature changes
temperatures with the value of a. There is clearly a difference in the shape
of the two curves. The correlation with Tod falls consistently
When people take actions in response to a thermal with increasing a, the correlation with comfort temperature
environment which is causing discomfort these actions take rises gradually until a reaches about 0.8 and then starts to
time to accomplish. There are a number of actions which can decrease. This suggests that though the peak in the correla-
be taken: some like opening a window, take little time, others tion with comfort temperature is small, there is a real effect.
such as the change of fashion from winter to summer clothes The correlation with Tod (a 0) and with the monthly mean
take longer. The change is fast enough to keep up with the of outdoor temperature (a 0:95) are both less than the
¯uctuations in the weather from season to season but not correlation with Trm where a 0:8.
always quick enough to account for all the changes in the
local microclimate [23]. In his comparison between outdoor 2.7. An adaptive algorithm for indoor temperature control
temperature and the comfort temperature indoors (see
Fig. 4), Humphreys [9] used records of the monthly mean Humphreys and Nicol [27] suggested that an algorithm
of the outdoor air temperature as the de®ning variable. could be constructed which could determine the optimal
deDear and Brager [11] use the mean of outdoor effective indoor temperature to be provided by a HVAC system (or a
temperature without de®ning the period over which it has free-running building). They predicted the comfort tempera-
been measured. The weather can change dramatically within ture indoors in terms of the outdoor temperature. The
a month and both people and the buildings they inhabit algorithm was based on the work done by Humphreys [9]
change at a rate which will not be re¯ected by a monthly on the relationship between comfort temperature and the
estimate. outdoor temperature (see Fig. 3), but using a mixture of the
Recent surveys [24,25,13], have tried to determine the instantaneous and the running mean out door temperatures
rate of change of comfort temperature using longitudinal rather than the monthly mean as the predictor variable. At
comfort surveys conducted over a period of time. Unfortu- the time this could only be presented as a tentative proposal.
nately, comfort surveys do not produce data which are
suf®ciently coherent for a statistical determination of the 2
Note the scales are different for the two curves which are illustrative.
J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572 569
Fig. 6. Showing the changing correlation between the exponentially-weighted running mean temperature and the comfort temperature (Tc). The serial
correlation with the daily mean temperature (Tod) is shown for comparison. The measure of the running mean temperature shown is the constant a (see
Eq. (1)).
It was necessary to con®rm that the exponentially-weighted The rate of change of indoor environment which is
running mean was an appropriate measure of outdoor tem- acceptable to occupants.
perature for predicting comfort temperature indoors. In
The standard should help the designer make decisions
addition, information was needed to help determine the best
about successful strategies in terms of the design of the
value of a to use in Eq. (1). Subsequent work [23] has
building, the controls it provides and its services
suggested that the instantaneous outdoor temperature adds
little to the predictive strength of the running mean tem-
3.2. The most likely comfort temperature
perature. Recent work suggests that the use of a control
regime which provides a set-point temperature changing
This paper has presented evidence that the comfort tem-
with the running mean of the outdoor temperature does not
perature in free-running buildings depends on the outdoor
increase discomfort among occupants as compared with a
temperature as shown in Fig. 3. Humphreys and Nicol [14]
constant set-point, but can result in substantial savings in
showed that this relationship between comfort temperature
energy use [13].
Tc and outdoor temperature To for free-running buildings
(Eq. (2)) is remarkably stable as between data presented by
Humphreys in the 1970s [9] and in the 1998 ASHRAE
3. Defining an adaptive standard
database [15] (see Fig. 5). The equation for comfort tem-
perature is almost exactly
3.1. What kind of standards?
Tc 13:5 0:54 To (2)
Standards can be divided into those that standardise a
methodology and those that de®ne good practice. An adap- where To in this case is the monthly mean of the outdoor air
tive standard will most usefully be of the latter type. temperature. The correlation coef®cient r for the relation-
Adaptive practice is context dependent. A different standard ship was 0.97 for 1978 data and 0.95 for ASHRAE database.
will be needed for de®ning temperatures for different cir- The relationship in buildings which are heated or cooled is
cumstances. For example more complex, and less stable. It is less precise because
when a building is heated or cooled the indoor temperature is
BuildingsÐindoor comfort conditions to help decide on decoupled from the outdoor temperature and the indoor
the design and the sizing of heating or cooling systems or temperature is more directly governed by the custom of
passive strategies. the occupants (or their building services manager). This
OutdoorsÐhow to define comfort in an outdoor context custom is not absolute as is shown by the wide range of
(availability of shade, wind speed and direction, etc.) comfort temperatures for heated and cooled buildings shown
Vehicle designersÐdesign of air-conditioning, ventila- in Figs. 4 and 5. There is also a difference of some 2 8C in
tion, etc. indoor comfort temperatures for heated and cooled buildings
between two databases [9], one compiled in the late 1970s
Here, we outline the basis for a standard to de®ne good
and the other [11] compiled in the 1990s (see Fig. 5). Whilst
practice in the de®nition of temperatures in buildings. Such a
it is not clear whether this is due to a change in preference
standard would indicate
over time or to other differences between the two databases,
The indoor environments most likely to provide comfort. the preferred indoor temperature may need to be determined
The range of acceptable environments. from time to time or between one group of people and
570 J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572
another. It should be noted that this does not put the adaptive night cooling is likely to be a viable way to keep the building
standard at a disadvantage vis-aÁ-vis the rational indices. comfortable during the day in summer, or to calculate
These also assume a knowledge of clothing behaviour and whether passive solar heating will be enough in winter. This
working practices if they are to re¯ect changes in comfort method has been used to de®ne comfort indoors in a recent
temperatures. book. [28].
3.3. The range of comfortable conditions 3.5. The case of heated and cooled buildingsÐthe
adaptive algorithm
It is dif®cult to de®ne the range of conditions which will
be found comfortable. The adaptive approach tells us that The comfort temperature in heated or cooled buildings is a
variability in indoor temperatures can be caused by actions matter of custom, but so long as the change is suf®ciently
taken to reduce discomfort, as well as those which are not slow, people will adapt to a range of temperatures. The
controlled locally and hence more likely to cause discom- indoor comfort temperature will naturally change with the
fort. Adaptive thermal comfort is, therefore, a function of the seasons as people adjust their clothing to the weather. Thus,
possibilities for change as well as the actual temperatures the idea of an `adaptive algorithm' [27] (see Section 2.6) to
achieved. The width of the comfort `zone' if measured de®ne a variable indoor temperature in terms of the running
purely in physical terms will therefore depend on the balance mean of the outdoor temperature is attractive. A crude form
between these two types of action. In a situation where there of such an algorithm is already used in ASHRAE Standard
was no possibility of changing clothing or activity and where 55 [5], which describes different indoor set points for
air movement cannot be used, the comfort zone may be as `summer' and `winter'. These seasonal set-points are based
narrow as 2 8C. In situations where these adaptive oppor- on crude assumptions about the seasonal change in clothing
tunities are available and appropriate the comfort zone may insulation and the metabolic rate. The adaptive algorithm
be considerably wider. changes continuously in line with the results from comfort
surveys. It does not rely on the vague description of `season'
3.4. Using the standard to design buildings but relates the set-point directly to the running mean of the
and their services current outdoor air temperature. A recent project [13] sug-
gests that such a variable indoor standard does not increase
The adaptive relationship between comfort temperature occupant discomfort, yet does signi®cantly reduce energy
and the outdoor temperature can be used to help design use by the cooling system compared to a constant indoor
comfortable buildings. An example is shown in Fig. 7. Here, temperature.
the indoor comfort temperature is calculated from the mean
outdoor temperature and plotted on a monthly basis together 3.6. Sustainable comfort standards
with the monthly mean of the daily outdoor maximum,
minimum and mean air temperatures. Such a diagram helps One aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of
the designer to judge whether passive heating and/or cooling sustainable comfort standards. There is an advantage, when
are a possibility in the climate under consideration. The presented with two otherwise equal possible standards, in
relationship between the desired indoor temperature and the preferring the more sustainable one. A number of attempts
range of outdoor temperatures shows whether, for instance, have been made through simulation [29,30], to predict the
Fig. 7. Showing the seasonal changes in mean comfort temperature Tc in Islamabad, Pakistan and its relation to mean daily maximum, minimum and mean
outdoor temperatures To. The relationship used to calculate comfort temperature from outdoor temperature is from [9] for free-running buildings.
J.F. Nicol, M.A. Humphreys / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 563±572 571
changes in energy use which will result from the use of a (4) There are a number of small ways in which people can
variable indoor temperature in an air-conditioned buildings adapt to their environment. People use these adaptive
and many have suggested that energy savings will result. mechanisms or opportunities to achieve their desired
The extent of energy savings has been estimated in the conditions. The cumulative effect of these adjustments
region of 10% of the cooling load in UK conditions. In a can explain the differences between the responses of
recent European project [31] estimated energy savings were people in buildings with different servicing regimes
in the region of 18%. It is as well to remember, however, that and levels of available control.
a `low energy' standard which increases discomfort may be (5) The range of conditions which will be found acceptable
no more sustainable than one which encourages energy use. at any one time is in the region of 2 8C. Giving
This is because of the `sting in the tail' of the adaptive occupants the control necessary to make themselves
principle: occupants may well use energy to alleviate their comfortable can increase this range.
discomfort. (6) The building should give occupants the chance to
Naturally ventilated buildings typically use about half the adjust the conditions to suit themselves. Discomfort is
energy of ones which are air-conditioned [32]. The tem- increased if control is not provided, or if the controls
peratures in free-running buildings are constantly changing are ineffective, inappropriate or unusable.
in line with outdoor conditions. A constant-temperature (7) The rate of change of comfort temperature can be
standard therefore militates against the use of natural venti- characterised by the running mean of the outdoor
lation. A variable indoor temperature standard will help save temperature. This means that an adaptive algorithm can
energy by encouraging the use of naturally ventilated build- be formulated which can be used to calculate a variable
ings. Note that, though it will save energy in an air-condi- indoor set-point, related to the outdoor temperature.
tioned building, a `seasonal' temperature change such as is Early indications are that such a variable set-point does
suggested by ASHRAE Standard 55 [5] may be almost as not increase discomfort and allows significant reduc-
hard to achieve in a free-running building as a single tions in energy use in buildings.
constant temperature throughout the year. (8) Sustainability needs to be considered in the framing of
standards. Such standards can have an effect on the
3.7. And finally. . . do we really need to specify energy use by buildings. Where acceptable low-energy
indoor climate? solutions are available they should be preferred.
This paper has made the case that optimal indoor envir-
onments in a building are a function of its form, the services
it provides and the climate in which it is placed. This implies
that, given a full understanding of the mechanisms at work, it
The work described in this paper relies on the massive
may eventually be possible to produce thermal standards for
body of data now available from comfort studies in the ®eld
building which do not resort to speci®cations of the indoor
from throughout the world. The authors would like to
climate. The characteristics of a building (in terms of
acknowledge in particular the work and support of their
controls and building management) in relation to the local
colleagues Kate McCartney, Iftikhar Raja, Oliver Sykes and
climate may be suf®cient. Such standards will be more
Joanna Saady. Funding for our recent projects has come
meaningful to building designers and consequently it will
from the British Government through the DfID, the DTLR
more likely to be used.
and the EPSRC and from the European Commission.
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