Humic Acid - Suraj Shree Chemicals LTD
Humic Acid - Suraj Shree Chemicals LTD
Humic Acid - Suraj Shree Chemicals LTD
Humic acid is used to promote the growth and increases the yield. It is environment-friendly and
improves the soil texture when spread on farmland & also enhances the growth of roots rapidly. Humic
Acid, this substance is produced by dead organic matter so it is in a way a recycled element as well. SSCL
is one of the best manufacturing & exporter company of humic acid; which is a crucial component of
inputs used in organic farming. Nowadays humic acid plays a crucial role in agriculture field; it stimulates
the membrane of seeds to form a strong root, which is decisive to increase the capacity of root to take
up both micro and macronutrients..
The main advantage of humic acid is; it is easier for soil nutrient particles to move within the soil, and
thus to be taken in by plants. SSCL in research, production, and development of special fertilizers for
agriculture. Soil contains a wealth of organic matter from decomposed plant and animal matter. The
amount of humic acid in a section of soil also greatly influences the overall fertility of that soil, because
it directly affects the water-holding capacity of that soil.
Advantages of Humic Acid
• Humic acid has been used to promote the soil-less growth of seedlings.
• As an organic electrolyte, humic acid allows cells to run efficiently for proper function.
• Humic acid assists in sustaining and reinforcing the body’s immune system.