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2017 Latbsdc Criteria Final 06-08-17

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Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings

• Modulus of elasticity based on nominal strengths
• Unit weight of materials
• Unit mass of materials
• Poisson’s ratios

Modulus of elasticity of concrete,

Ec = 57000 √f’c for f’c ≤ 6000 psi
Ec = 40000 √f’c + 1x106 for f’c > 6000 psi
Modulus of elasticity of steel,
Es = 199,947 MPa

Weight per unit volume

• Reinforced concrete = 23.56 kN/m3
• Steel = 76.97 kN/m3

Poisson’s ratio
• Reinforced concrete = 0.2
• Steel = 0.3

Stiffness Assumptions in Finite Element Models for Strength Design
Concrete Element Seismic ETABS
Flexural – 0.7 Ig f22 = 0.7
Core walls/shear walls
Shear – 1.0 Ag
Flexural – 0.8 Ig m11 = m22 = m12 = 0.8
Basement walls
Shear – 0.8 Ag v12 = v13 = 0.8
Coupling beams Flexural –0.2 Ig I33 = 0.2
(Diagonal-reinforced) Shear – 1.0 Ag
Coupling beams Flexural –0.35 Ig I33 = 0.35
(Conventional-reinforced) Shear – 1.0 Ag
Ground level diaphragm Flexural – 0.25 Ig f11 = f22 = 0.25
(In-plane only) Shear – 0.5 Ag f12 = 0.5
Flexural – 0.25 Ig f11 = f22 = 0.25
Podium diaphragms
Shear – 0.5 Ag f12 = 0.5
Flexural – 0.5 Ig f11 = f22 = 0.5
Tower diaphragms
Shear – 0.5 Ag f12 = 0.5
Flexural – 0.35 Ig I33 = 0.35
Shear – 1.0 Ag
Flexural – 0.7 Ig I22 = I33 = 0.7
Shear – 1.0 Ag
Flat slabs Flexural – 0.25 Ig m11 = m22 = m12 = 0.25 4
Cracked-section Properties for Shear Walls

• Flexural and axial behaviors are modified by either f11 or f22 depending on the
orientation of the local axis and the shear behavior is controlled by f12.

• In ETABS, the default is to have the 1-axis horizontal and the 2-axis vertical. This
means that the flexural modifier for EI should be applied to f22 for wall piers.

• Generally not designed for out-of-plane bending to avoid excessive longitudinal

reinforcement. Use a small modifier of 0.25 for m11, m22 and m12 so
numerical instabilities could be avoided.

Component Modeling

• Beams and Columns

• Frame elements
• Insertion points, end offsets and end releases
• Rigid zone factor
Flexible length = L – rigid x (ioff + joff)
• Coupling Beams
• Either frame elements or shell elements

End Offsets and Rigid Zone Factor


• Generally associated with reduction in dynamic (vibration) response

due to energy dissipation in structural and nonstructural components
of the building and foundation.

• Constant damping of 5% of critical damping is used in all modes

in response spectrum analysis of reinforced concrete building under
Design Basis Earthquake .

Analysis Procedures
Analysis Procedures

Load Case Analysis

To check the dynamic Modal analysis
Gravity load Construction sequence/Linear
static analysis
Seismic load Static/Response spectrum
Wind load Linear static analysis

Modal Analysis
Modal Analysis

• To determine vibration modes of building

• To understand behavior of building in schematic design stage
• Adequacy of lateral stiffness
• Minimize torsional response under earthquake
• Tune to structure to be dynamically regular
• Determine the principal directions of building
• Mass source
• 100% of dead load and 25% of live load

Modal Analysis

Typical floor plan

3D view

Mode shapes 13
Wind Analysis
Wind Analysis

• Analysis parameters (ASCE 7 Standard)

• Wind speed (50-year or 700-year return period)
• Exposure type
• Importance factor
• Topographical factor
• Gust factor
• Directionality factor
• Windward and leeward pressure coefficients
• Design load cases

Exposure type B

Exposure type C

Exposure type D

Importance Factor

Topographical Factor

Directionality Factor

Windward and Leeward Pressure Coefficients

Design Load Cases

Story Drift and Displacement (Wind)

• Check at 10-year return period

• Allowable story drift limit = 0.4%

• Allowable lateral displacement = H/400

• H = height of building

Conversion Factors for Other Mean Recurrence

Seismic Analysis
Scaling the Results

Seismic Loading Parameters
Parameter Value
Spectral acceleration (5% damped) at short periods (0.2 s) of horizontal ground
0.77 g
motion (2475-yr. return period), SS
Spectral acceleration (5% damped) at long periods (1 s) of horizontal ground motion
0.31 g
(2475-yr. return period), S1
Spectral acceleration (5% damped) at short periods (0.2 s) of horizontal ground
0.91 g
motion (2475-yr. return period) adjusted for site class effects, SMS
Spectral acceleration (5% damped) at long periods (1 s) of horizontal ground motion
0.88 g
(2475-yr. return period) adjusted for site class effects, SM1
Design spectral acceleration (5% damped) at short periods (0.2 s) of horizontal
0.60 g
ground motion, SDS
Design spectral acceleration (5% damped) at short periods (1 s) of horizontal ground
0.58 g
motion, SD1
Site class E

Short period site coefficient, Fa (Table 11.4-1, ASCE 7-05) 1.176

Long period site coefficient, Fv (Table 11.4-2, ASCE 7-05) 2.76

Response modification coefficient, R (Dual system, Shear wall + IMRF)
(Table 12.2-1, ASCE 7-05)
V = Cs W [Eq. 12.8-1]

Cs = SDS/(R/Ie) [Eq. 12.8-2]

Cs = SD1/T/(R/Ie) for T≤ TL [Eq. 12.8-3]

Cs = SD1TL/T2/(R/Ie) for T>TL [Eq. 12.8-4]

Cs = 0.044 SDSIe ≥ 0.01 [Eq. 12.8-5]

Cs = 0.5 S1/(R/Ie) for S1 ≥ 0.6g [Eq. 12.8-6]

Response Modification Coefficient, R

• ASCE 7-16, Table 12.2-1

• More than 80 seismic force resisting systems.
• Based on observed performance during past earthquakes, toughness, and
amount of damping typically present in the system when it undergoes
inelastic response.

Bearing wall systems: Special RC shear walls = 5

Special RC moment frames = 8
Dual systems with SMRF: Special RC shear walls = 7

Geotechnical Data
Ss and S1
(Mapped MCER spectral response
acceleration parameters)

Multiply with Fa and Fv (Site coefficients)

SMS and SM1

(MCER, 5% damped, spectral response acceleration
parameters adjusted for site class effects)

SDS = 2/3 SMS

SD1 = 2/3 SM1
(Design spectral acceleration parameters)
Response Spectrum

Const. Const. Const.

Spectral acceleration
M Accel. Vel. Displ.

Natural period

Design Response Spectrum

Figure 11.4-1, ASCE 7-16

Determine Fundamental Period, T

Ta = Ct hnx
Period determined from
modal analysis, Tmodal (Approximate fundamental period)
[ASCE 7-16, Eq. 12.8-7]

If Tmodal > TU, use TU TU = C u T a

Else, use Tmodal (Upper limit)

Approximate Natural Period

Redundancy Factor, ρ

• Has effect of reducing R for less redundant structures, thereby

increasing the seismic demand.
• Reflect the belief that an excessive loss of story shear strength or
development of an extreme torsional irregularity.

ρ = 1.0 or 1.3
[ASCE 7-16, Section 12.3.4]

Steel buildings = 1.3
Shear wall buildings = 1.0

Redundancy Factor, ρ

ASCE 7-16, Section, ρ is permitted to equal 1.0.

• Structures in seismic design category B or C.
• Diaphragm loading using Eq. 12.10-1.
• Design of collectors and connections with overstrength factor, Ω.
• Design of nonstructural components.
• Design nonbuilding structures that are not similar to buildings.
• Structures with damping systems
• Design of structural walls for out-of-plane forces
• Drift calculations and P-delta effects
(Except for Section, drift limits of moment frame structures in seismic design
category D, E, and F, a/ρ)

Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces Using
Equivalent Static Procedure
ASCE 7-16, Section 12.8.3, FR

Fx = Cvx V [ASCE 7-16, Eq. 12.8-11] F5

wx hxk
Cvx = 𝑛 [ASCE 7-16, Eq. 12.8-12] F4
σ𝑖=1 wi hik
k = 1 for T ≤ 0.5 sec
k = 2 for T ≥ 2.5 sec F2

Linear interpolation for 0.5 < T < 2.5 sec

NOTE: Force Story shear

Allowable Story Drift

Response Spectrum Analysis

• Behavior of building during an earthquake is vibration problem.

• Seismic motions of ground do not damage a building by impact as
does a wrecker’s ball, or by externally applied pressure such as wind
• But by internally generated inertial forces caused by vibration of
building mass
• Distribution of dynamic deformations caused by ground motion is a

Response Spectrum Analysis
• Buildings have certain flexibility, the force tends to be less than the product
of building mass and acceleration
• But a flexible building may experience much larger forces if its natural
period is near that of ground motion waves
• Interrelationship of building behavior and seismic ground motion depends
on building natural period as formulated in the so-called response
spectrum. The response of the building having a broad range of period is
summarized in single graph.
• A standard time-history ground motion is not defined in the code for the
purpose of design.
• Most engineers use response spectrum analysis for the purpose of basic
Response Spectrum Analysis

• Static methods specified in building codes are based on single mode

response and appropriate for simple and regular structures
• Dynamic analysis should be used for complex buildings to determine
significant response characteristics
• Effects of structure’s dynamic characteristics on vertical distribution of lateral
• Increase in dynamic loads due to torsional motions
• Influence of higher modes, resulting in an increase in story shear and

Response Spectrum Analysis
• For each mode of free vibration, corresponding natural period is
• For each natural period and specified damping ratio, the specified
response spectrum is read to obtain the corresponding spectral
• For each spectral acceleration, corresponding velocity and displacements
response for the particular degree of freedom is obtained
• The displacement response is then used to obtain the corresponding stress
• The stress resultants for each mode are then added using some
combination rule to obtain the final response envelope
Response Spectrum Analysis

Run equivalent static analysis according to code

Find principal directions from modal base shear

Run response spectrum analysis along principal

directions with scale factor of 9.81 (m/s^2)

Find the scale factor for scaling elastic response

spectrum results to equivalent static base shear

Run response spectrum analysis with calculated

scale factor in principal directions

Principal Directions

• Lack of definitions of the principal directions in code

• The direction of the base reaction of the mode shape associated with
the fundamental frequency of the system is used to define the
principal direction

Principal Directions
Principal major direction

• Run modal analysis

• Extract base shear of mode 39 deg

Principal minor direction
• Find angle between X and Y
components of base shear
Fx = -1,041 kN
• Another direction is 90 Fy = 846 kN
degrees apart Angle = tan-1 (Fy/Fx)
= -39 deg.

Directional and Orthogonal Effects

• Seismic forces act in both principal directions of the building


• But seismic effects in two directions are unlikely to reach their

maxima simultaneously

• 100% of seismic forces in one principal direction combined with 30%

of seismic forces in the orthogonal direction

Scaling the Results

• Reduce the elastic response for design purpose, but design base
shear is not less than elastic base shear divided by R

• Design base shear shall not be less than 85% of static lateral force
base shear according to ASCE 7-05

• In ASCE 7-16, base shear shall be scaled to 100% of static lateral

force base shear

Accidental Torsion

• Arise from several factors

• Rotational components of ground motions

• Effects of nonstructural elements

• Actual distribution of dead and live loads

• Uncertainties in defining building’s material properties for dynamic analysis

• Generally 5% of eccentricity from center of mass is considered

Amplification of Accidental Torsion
• Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F, where Type 1a or 1b torsional
irregularity exists, accidental torsional moment needs to be amplified.

Design Load Combinations
Strength Design Load Combinations
Gravity Load Combinations Seismic Load Combinations
1) 1.2DL + 1.0EQX + 0.3EQY + 0.5LL
1) 1.4DL
2) 1.2DL + 0.3EQX + 1.0EQY + 0.5LL
2) 1.2DL + 1.6LL
3) 0.9DL + 1.0EQX + 0.3EQY
4) 0.9DL + 0.3EQX + 1.0EQY
Wind Load Combinations
1) 1.2DL + 1.6WX + 0.5LL EQ = ρ Eh ± Ev
Ev = 0.2 SDS DL
2) 1.2DL – 1.6WX + 0.5LL
3) 1.2DL + 1.6WY + 0.5LL e.g. If SDS = 0.7 and ρ = 1.3,
4) 1.2DL – 1.6WY + 0.5LL Ev = 0.2 x 0.7 x DL = 0.14 DL
5) 0.9DL + 1.6WX
(1.2+0.14)DL + 1.3EQX + 0.39EQY + 0.5LL
6) 0.9DL – 1.6WX 1) 1.34DL + 1.3EQX + 0.39EQY + 0.5LL
7) 0.9DL + 1.6WY 2) 1.34DL + 0.39EQX + 1.3EQY + 0.5LL
8) 0.9DL – 1.6WY
(0.9-0.14)DL + 1.3EQX + 0.39EQY
3) 0.76DL + 1.3EQX + 0.39EQY
4) 0.76DL + 0.39EQX + 1.3EQY
Thank you.

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