Calculation For Hull Strength Construction in Offshore Structures PDF
Calculation For Hull Strength Construction in Offshore Structures PDF
Calculation For Hull Strength Construction in Offshore Structures PDF
Ship classification societies such as Det Norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, and Lloyd's
Register have established standard calculation forms for hull loads, strength requirements, thickness
of hull plating, reinforcing stiffeners, girders, and other structures. This paper therefore used the
relevant International Standards to compute, determine scantlings to obtain a good structural rigidity
and the estimation of the weight of all components. With the help of the Classification of Ships’ Rule and
Regulation Part 2 and 3, No 3 of Lloyd’s Register, various formulae were used to obtain various
thickness of plates (side, bulk, deck etc) and frames. Results show that the maximum stress on the 5000
tonnes work barge should be 83.33 MN / m 2 while Maximum stress on deck and base were
548.54 MN / m 2 and 304.1MN / m 2 respectively.
Keywords: Lloyd’s Register, Hull strength, Maximum stress, Bulkhead, Double bottom
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 3
acceptable stress level that will keep the
structure completely within the elastic range.
This is to make that such structure does not
undergo permanent deformation or fracture
due to high level of stress. The structure
must be designed to avoid excessive elastic
deformation, which would change
geometrically and make the structure to
withstand imposed loading
The ship transverse strength must be
strengthened because of the hydrostatic
loadings, structural weight, reaction of
weights, cargo due to the change of motion
and impact of storm at sea. The bulkheads,
decks, and tanks tops are special areas where
Figure 1. Structural elements of a barge hull [7] the stiffness calculations need to be done
appropriately to ensure the functioning of
All bulkheads are valuable as support, affording the work barge under consideration to be
rigid terminals for deck and shell girders, fulfilled [8].
longitudinal frames and vertical keels as well as a
solid base for superimposed weight. These include 2.2 Deck Plating
superstructures and deck house. The stiffness is also Lloyd’s rule and regulations for the
designed to act as supporting element and must classification of ships [9] from Part 3
have negligible deflections.
The construction of double bottom offers several Chapters 5 Section 2 for deck plating of this
advantages over single bottom construction: it capacity of offshore work barge. The
results in a strong bottom that is well adapted to thickness from 0.075L at the fore part is
withstand the upward pressure from the sea as well given from [10];
as the longitudinal hull girder bending stresses, KS 1
especially the compression resulting from hogging t = ( 6.5 + 0.02 L )C (1)
stress. It can also withstand a considerable amount Sb
of bottom damage caused by grounding without where
flooding of the hold, or machinery space, provided t = thickness of plating in mm
the inner bottom remains intact. In some designs, it L = length
acts as fluid storage compartment. Finally, a smooth
inner hull free of stiffening structure is produced 2.3 Double Bottom Plate
which provides easier cleaning accessibility. The depth and center girder thickness of
the double bottom [9] is given by the
2.0 Materials And Methods formulas (in millimeters) as given below
This work deals with the estimation of the respectively [1],
principal dimensions, the structural analysis, hull
configuration for structural rigidity, estimation of d DB = 32B + 190 d (2)
machineries and machine equipments. All design
selections, estimation and calculation on board the t = ( 0.008d DB + 4 ) k (3)
work barge were done in accordance with the rules
and regulations of classification authorities in Where
various fields, areas or endeavors relating to this d = molded draft
work. B = breadth of the vessel
For transverse frame thickness is given by
the relation
2.1 Structural Analysis t = ( 0.008d DB + 1 ) k
In the design of ships, the structural (4) by
For longitudinal frame thickness is given
analysis is to create structural elements with the relation
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 4
t = ( 0.0075d DB + 1 ) k From these equations we derive that
(5) Force Yield Stress
= (12)
Unit Area Factor of Safety
For the double-bottom plate of this capacity of
work barge, from Lloyds rule and regulation for the Force× Factorof Safety
Unit Area = (13)
classification of ships [10] from part 4, chapter 1, Yield Stress
section 7 and 8. The inner bottom plate thickness Simple beam theory
has the relation M B = SM σ (14)
t = 0.00136 ( S + 660 )4 k 2 LT (6)
2.4 Side Plate Where,
For the side plate of the barge, from Lloyd’s rules MB = Bending moment
and regulation for the classification of ships from SM = Sectional Modulus
Part 3 Chapters 6, Section 3 [10], the plate thickness σ = Unit Stress
is given by the relation M
σ = BS
KS 1
t = ( 6.5 + 0.033 L ) (7) (15)
Sb M B ×C
σ =
2.5 Bulkheads I
For the bulkheads plate of this capacity of work (16)
barge, from Lloyd’s rule and regulation for the Where
classification of ships [10] from Part 4, Chapter 1 C is the distance from the neutral axis (a line
Section 902) give the bulkhead thickness by this parallel to the base line from the Centriod of
relation; all the effective longitudinal strength
t = 0.004 Sf h4 K ( mm ) (8) members comprising the section) .I is the
hA Sectional moment of inertia about the
f = 1 .1 - neutral axis
2500 S
Height of Neutral Axis hNA =
hA = Tank head ∑a
S = Space of member (17)
This implies the height above the keel.
Second moment of area at the half section
2.6 Stiffness above base
Calculations of the stiffness of the work barge is
taken from the Lloyd’s rules and regulations for the = Σah 2 + I 0
classification of ships from Part 4, Chapter 6, (18)
Section 4 Σ Parallel axis term = Σa × h 2 NA
2.7 Section Modulus INA = Second moment of area of half section
From basic strength of materials, the stress can be about the base – parallel axis term
calculated using the formula [11] given below
Force ( Load ) I NA Full
1. Stress = (10)
Z–Deck =
Unit Area ( m 2 ) ShipHeight I NA
2. Factor Of Safety = Yield Stress (11) (20)
Max Design Stress
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 5
I NA Full 80
Z –Base = (21) Sb = 470 + = 603mm
hNA 0.6
Yield Stress Hence standard frame spacing is
Max. design stress = (22)
Factorof Safety approximately 600mm
Factor of safety is a design criteria that an S1 = Spacing of secondary stiffness =
engineered component or structure must 600mm
achieve. FS = UTS R , where FS: the factor K = 0.66 (from table)
Therefore substituting into Equation 1
of safety, R: the applied stress, and UTS:
0.66 × 600
ultimate stress (N/m2) [5]. t = ( 6.5 + 0.02 × 80 )2.53 = 16.65mm
Using the maximum bending moment 600
included in the steel structure
MB Hence selected thickness (t) for deck plating
Stress on Deck = ZD for the barge is approximately17mm.
(23) The given parameters
t = 17mm
Stress on base = ZB (24) L = 80m
B = 30m
3.0 Structural Arrangement and Number of plate = 1
Calculations Chosen density of steel = 8.5
Principal Dimensions Mass = t × L × B × ρ × PlateNumbe r
Length of ship 80m = 0.017 m × 80m × 30 m × 8.5tonnes / m3 × 1
Breadth of ship 30m
Draft of ship 4.5m = 346.8tonnes
Depth of ship 6.0m
Displacement 5000 tonnes b. Double Bottom Plate calculation
The depth of the double bottom is given by
1 Calculations of Strength, Resistances and the formula from equation 2
Plates d DB = 32 B + 190 d
a. Deck Plating Calculations
= 32 × 30 + 190 45
From equation (1) = 1363.1mm
KS1 While the center girder thickness is given by
t = (6.5 + 0.02 L)C the relation from equation 3
D + 2.3 - T
t = ( 0.008d DB + 4 ) k
C =
Height of Deck Above Load Line At F .P. = ( 0.008× 1363.1 + 4 ) 0.66
6 + 2.3 - 4.5 = 12.11mm
C = = 2.53 From equation 4, transverse frame thickness
1 .5
L becomes
S b = s tan dard frame spacing = 470 + t = ( 0.008d DB + 1 ) k
For forward of 0.05L from F.P. t = ( 0.008 × 1363.1 + 1 ) 0.66
By substituting, we have = 0.967 mm
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 6
For longitudinal frame thickness is given by L = 80m
the relation 0.66 × 600
t = ( 0.0075d DB + 1 ) k t = ( 6.5 + 0.033 × 80 )
t = ( 0.0075 × 1363.1 + 1 ) 0.66 = 7.43mm
= 9.12 mm ≈10 mm Selected thickness for side plate t = 10mm
The inner bottom plate thickness from Steel plate thickness (t) =10mm
equation 6 Length (L) = 80mm
Height (D) = 6m
t = 0.00136 ( S + 660 )4 k 2 LT ( mm ) Number of plate =2
t = 0.00136 ( 600 + 660 ) 4 0.66 2 x 80 x 4.5 Mass = t × L × B × ρ × PlateNumbe r
= 0.01 × 80 × 6 × 7.89 × 2
= 6.06 mm = 75.74tonnes
Selected thickness t for inner bottom plate
t = 10mm d. Aft Side Plate
Therefore, given parameters Steel plate thickness (t) = 10mm-
t = 10mm Breadth (B) = 30m
L = 78m Height (D) = 6m
B = 30m Number of Plate = 1
P late number = 1 Mass = t × L × B × ρ × PlateNumbe r
Steel density = 7.89tonnes/m3 = 0.01 × 30 × 6 × 7.89 × 1
Mass = t × L × B × ρ × PlateNumbe r = 14.20tonnes
= 0.01 × 78 × 30 × 7.89 × 1
= 184.63tonnes e. Fore Side Plate 1
Hence, from previous selection, for the Steel thickness (t) = 10mmm
outer bottom plate our selected t = 15mm Breadth (B) = 30m
Therefore, given parameters Height (D) = 1.5m
t = 15mm Number of plate = 1
L = 78m
B = 30m Mass = 0.01 × 30 × 1.5 × 7.89 × 1
Plate number = 1 = 3.55tonnes
Density = 8.5 tonnes/m3
Mass = t × L × B × ρ × PlateNumbe r f. Fore Side Plate 2
= 0.015 × 78 × 30 × 8.5 × 1 Length (L) = 6.73m
= 298.3tonnes Steel plate thickness (t) = 10mm
Breadth (B) = 30m
Height (D) = 6.73m
c. Side Plate
The plate thickness is given from equation Number of plate =1
7 Density =
KS 1 Mass = 0.01 × 30 × 6.73 × 7.89 × 1
t = ( 6.5 + 0.03 L )
Sb = 15.93tonnes
The parameter given
S1 = Sb = 600mm g. Bulkheads calculations
K = 0.66 Bulkhead thickness given from equation 8;
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 7
t = 0.004Sf h4 K Selected thickness for transverse bulkhead is
hA t ≈8.0 mm
f = 1 .1 -
2500 S
hA = Tank head = 600mm Given parameters are:
S = Space of member = 15mm Steel plate thickness (t) = 8mm
600 Height = 6m
f = 1.1 - = 1.084 Breadth = 30m
2500 × 15
Selected f ≈1.0 Density of steel = 7.89tonnes/m3
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 8
Transverse Stiffness on Side Plate t = 6.0mm
Number of transverse stiffness = 134 Breadth =27m
Length of transverse = 6m Height = 3m
Length of stiffness = 6m Number of plate = 2
Section 152 × 102 × 8 = 15.35 Kg / m Mass = 0.006 × 27 × 3 × 2 × 7.89
Number of plate = 2 = 7.67tonnes
Mass = 6 × 15 .35 × 134 × 2 = 24.7tonnes
Longitudinal Stiffness on Bottom Plate Longitudinal frames thickness = 10mm
(Double) Total frame = 6
Breadth = 30m Total length = 50m
Length of longitudinal = 75m Number of plate = 2
Number of bottomMass
plate = 50 × 0.01 × 6=× 27.89 × 2 × 450 = 21.3tonnes
Mass = 75 × 15.35 × 50 × 2 = 115.1tonnes Transverse frame thickness = 10mm
Total frame = 3
Transverse Stiffness of Bottom Plate Total length = 28mm
(Double) Number of plate = 2
Breadth = 30m Mass = 28 × 0 . 01 × 3 × 7 . 89 × 2 × 450
Length of transverse = 30m = 5.96 tonnes
Number of transverse = 134
Number of plate =2 3.1 Strength Analysis
Mass = 30 × 15.35 × 134 × 2 = 123.4tonnes Ultimate tensile strength
400 - 495MN/m2 = 26 - 32 tonnes/m2
Longitudinal Stiffness on Bulkhead Yield stress
Number of longitudinal = 10 230 - 250MN/m2 = 15 - 16 tonnes/m2
Length of longitudinal = 80m Shearing strength = 22 tonnes/m2
Number of bulkheads = 2 From Barge Section in Table 1,
Mass = 10 × 15.35 × 80 × 2 = 24.6 tonnes Height of Neutral Axis hNA
Mass = 172 .56 × 0.01 × 450 × 8.5 × 11
= 72tonnes INA = Second moment of area of half section about
the base – parallel axis term
Fore and Aft Side Plate = 13.3138-2.046
Given parameters = 1.2678m4
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 9
Therefore; INA (Full section) = 1.2678 × 2 Noticeably, all the analysis given above directly
= 2.5356m or indirectly also helped to ascertain a good
Full area = 0.44682 × 2 structural and overall stability of the barge [8].
= 0.89364m
I NA Full
Z–Deck =
ShipHeight I NA
2.5356 4.0 Results and Discussion
= = 0.6569 m The design of a 5000 tonnes work barge
6.0 2.14 following rules and regulation has yielded
Z –Base several results from classification societies,
I NA Full 2.5356 laws, principles, experiments, calculations
= = 1.1849 m 4 and assumptions etc. Similarly, the
hNA 2.14
structural arrangement of the designed work
Factor of Safety = 3 barge will be taken into consideration in this
Yield Stress section as part of the results.
Maximum design stress = The strength calculation of the work barge
Factor of Safety
enables us to know its ability to withstand
250 the stress or loads imposed on it. It also
= 83.33 MN / m 2 helps to maintain good structural stability.
Using the maximum bending moment included in This provides adequate strength without the
the steel structure structures of the work barge yielding under
normal condition of loading and even in
MB emergency situation.
Stress on deck = ZD Appendix A shows the representation of
360.334 the summary of the entire component on
= = 548.54 MN / m 2 board the work barge while considering; the
0.6569 scantling, their thickness, quantity, their
MB length and their weight in tonnes. These are
Stress on base = ZB capable of withstanding the hull,
360.334 superstructures and all machineries.
= = 304.1MN / m 2
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 10
formulae to the estimation, selection and needed to work offshore to exploit the
calculation of various components, resources deposited at very deep waters
machineries, systems etc. of the ships or barge offshore. Therefore the necessary mechanical,
under design. The research work fits the time marine and civil works that must be done at
in all ramifications, now that most oil oil sites will be done on board the barge and
exploration and exploitation are gradually personnel readily available for such services.
moving from the shore to the deep water Thus, solid structural arrangement needs to be
offshore. Hence, several manpower will be done to ensure safe activities offshore.
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[9] Lloyd’s Register (1997), Classification of Ship Rules and Regulations, Part 3: Ship Structure, London.
[10] Lloyd’s Register (1997), Classification of Ship Rules and Regulations, Notice No 3: Effective Dates of
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[11] Richard G.B. and Keith J.B. (2011), Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 9th edition, McGraw
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Structural Components Scantlings (mm) Thickness (mm) Quantity (No) Unit Length (m) Weight (Tonnes)
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 11
5. Force plate (rectangle) 30 × 1.5 × 10 10 1 30 3.55
6. Force plate (inclined) 30 × 6.73 × 10 10 1 30 15.93
7. Aft plate 30 × 6 × 10 10 1 30 14.2
8.Bottom Longitudinal stiffness 152 × 102 × 7.8 50 75 57.5
15. “ ,, 60 30 27.6
16. “ ,, 30 7.5 3.6
17. Transverse bulkhead (transverse) stiffness 152 × 102 × 8 408 6 37.536
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research Vol.8 No.1 September 2013 12