Design of Reinforced Concrete Corbels Using AS3600-2009 PDF
Design of Reinforced Concrete Corbels Using AS3600-2009 PDF
Design of Reinforced Concrete Corbels Using AS3600-2009 PDF
23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials
R van Staden
Victoria University
Publication details
Fragomeni, S & van Staden, R 2014, 'Design of reinforced concrete corbels using AS3600-2009', in ST Smith (ed.), 23rd Australasian
Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23), vol. I, Byron Bay, NSW, 9-12 December, Southern Cross
University, Lismore, NSW, pp. 351-356. ISBN: 9780994152008.
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23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23)
Byron Bay, Australia, 9-12 December 2014, S.T. Smith (Ed.)
S. Fragomeni
College of Engineering and Science, Structural Mechanics and Materials Research Group, Victoria
University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia. [email protected]
R. van Staden*
College of Engineering and Science, Structural Mechanics and Materials Research Group, Victoria
University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia. [email protected]
(Corresponding Author)
First engineered in the 1900’s (Hughes and Crisp, 2008), corbels have proved to be ideal for
supporting significant loads from beams or slabs. With the present increasing demand for high strength
concrete by designers and contractors, limitations in design formulas of current concrete structures
codes become apparent and often iterative design processes are required. As such this study
summarises design formula constraints from a number of design codes (AS3600-2009, AS3600-2001
and ACI318-11) followed by the use and verification of a design chart for concrete ranging from 20-
100MPa. The chart is validated by comparison with published test results from previous research.
Corbels can exhibit a range of failure mechanisms viz flexural tension failure due to the yielding of
flexural reinforcement leading to crushing of concrete (Ozden and Atalay, 2011); shear compression
failure from diagonal splitting along the compression strut (ACI318-11, 2011, Ozden and Atalay,
2011); sliding shear failure resulting in separation from the column or wall face (ACI318-11, 2011,
Ozden and Atalay, 2011); splitting failure due to the vertical load being applied too close to the free
end of the cantilever (Kriz and Raths, 1965); anchorage failures (Ahmad and Shah, 2009, Yousif,
2009); and, bearing failure causing cracking of concrete directly underneath, due to the bearing pad
being too flexible or insufficient size (ACI318-11, 2011, Lu et al., 2009).
In accordance with Section 12.1.2 of the Australian Concrete Structures Code, AS3600-2009,
designing a corbel for strength involves utilising one or a combination of the following methods; linear
elastic (Section 6.4) or non-linear (Section 6.6) stress analysis, or strut and tie analysis (Section 7.5). It
is generally assumed that the strut and tie method is a simple and effective method of analysing
reinforced and prestressed concrete. As such the strut and tie method is recommended in the American
ACI 318-11 and Australian AS3600-2009 Concrete Design Codes. Illustrated in Figure 1 is a strut and
tie model for a corbel. This model idealises the complex flow of stresses in the corbel as axial
elements of a truss (i.e. tensile, T, and compressive, C, elements in Figure 1). The concrete struts and
reinforcing steel ties resist compressive and tensile stress fields, respectively. The locations of
intersection of the struts and ties are termed nodes (see Figure 1) and they consist of hydrostatic stress
fields in which both principal stresses are equal to the calculated compressive strength of the concrete
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
strut. Overall, the strut and tie method aids the identification of load transfer characteristics in order to
design reinforcement and determine the load carrying capacity of the structure.
The strength reduction factor (or capacity reduction factor) is applied when determining the design
strength of the strut. Whereby, this factor reduces the useable concrete strength to take into account
cracking of the struts and tensile strains transverse to the struts. AS3600-2001 (Clause for the
design of non-flexural members using the strut and tie method AS3600-2001 adopts a strength
reduction factor of = 0.7 irrespective of the mode of failure. ACI 318-11, Clause states that
corbel behaviour is predominantly controlled by shear, therefore, a single value of = 0.75 is required
for all design conditions.
Foster and Gilbert (1994) argued that this approach is inconsistent and it was therefore suggested that
for corbel compression failure a value of =0.6 be used and for tension failure a value of =0.8 be
adopted. AS3600-2009 (2009) now implements these values and defines the strength reduction factor
as stwith the strut efficiency factor as βs. Section 7.2.2 of AS3600-2009 states that for prismatic struts,
βs shall be taken as 1 when it is used to determine the design strength. For fan- and bottle-shaped
compression fields that are unconfined, the βs shall be taken as in Equation (1):
where the angle (θ) is measured between the axis of the strut and the axis of a tie as illustrated in
Figure 1. Note that when determining the ultimate strength of the steel tie the βs is ignored. Note also
that Section 7.2.1 of AS3600-2009 and Schlaich and Schäfer (1991) stated the three major geometrical
classes of struts are typically of prismatic, fan or bottle shape, depending on the geometry of the
compression field. Prismatic struts are the most basic type of strut.
The line of action of the vertical design load, V*, acts at a distance „a‟ from the column or wall face,
this is illustrated in Figure 1. Clause of AS3600-2001 states that “the line of action of the load
may be taken at the outside edge of the bearing pad if any, or at the commencement of any edge
chamfer, or at the outside face of the nib as appropriate”. AS3600-2009 (Clause 12.3) repeats the
aforementioned but then adds that this is for continuous nibs and also that the line of action should be
“at one third the width of the bearing from the free end for a corbel”. This standard then further
stipulates that “where no bearing pad is provided, the line of action may be taken at the
commencement of any edge chamfer, or at the outside face of the nib or corbel as appropriate”.
In line with the design philosophy of AS3600-2009, the strength of struts and ties should be
considered in ultimate limit state. From Section 7.3.2 the ultimate strength of the steel tie, T, is as
T = 0.8stfsy (2)
where Ast is the area of tension reinforcement and, fsy, is the yield strength of reinforcement (see
Section 3.2.1). The design strength of concrete strut, C, is determined as follows:
C = 0.6 s 0.9 f’c bcdc (3)
where f’c is the characteristic compressive (cylinder) strength of concrete at 28 days, bc is the width of
the corbel and, dc is the width of the compression strut. Note that AS3600-2001 specified a value of
0.7 for both the tensile and compressive strength reduction factors. Using Figure 1 the vertical design
load, V*, and T can be expressed as:
V* = Csin (4)
T = Ccos (5)
Combining (4) and (5)
From Figure 1, dc = xcosand introducing the factor, n , then Equation (6) can be written as:
From the geometry of Figure 1, realising x = nd and introducing the factor :
Combining (7), (9) and (10) and introducing the parameter, gives:
1 0.5n (11)
K n
1 0.5n 2
Now combining (2), (3) and (5) and realising dc = xcos and x nd , combining (8) and (12) and
dividing throughout by 0.54βsf’cbcdc and introducing the parameter, provides:
n 2 (14)
1 0.5n2 2
The equations that enable the design chart (shown in Figure 1) to be plotted have been derived. For a
particular value of K and , n can be determined from (12). Using n and (14) can be solved and the
quantity of tension reinforcement determined from Figure 1.
Given the following parameters use the design chart and the associated constraints to design a corbel:
V* = 300kN, f’c = 90MPa, a = 250mm, N* = 5kN, fsy = 500MPa, bc = 150mm.
Step 1. Proportion corbel. V* < 0.2f’cbcd or 5.5bcd, hence, 300103 < 5.5150d, hence, d > 363.6mm
(Assume 35mm cover, hence D = 400mm and d = 365mm)
Step 2. Calculate K. = 0.685, K = 0.1461
Step 3. Determine R from Chart (Figure 3). Enter the chart on the vertical axis at a value of K = 0.155,
project a line horizontally until it strikes the =0.685 curve. Interpolation is permitted. Project down to
the horizontal axis and read off the R value (see dotted line in Figure 1). R = 0.1176
Step 5. Additional steel requirements. N* 0.2V*, hence, N* = 60kN. Extra steel must be provided for
this load. 155.55mm2 hence, total main steel As = Ast + An = 752 mm2 .An additional area
of steel equal to half of the main reinforcement should be distributed in the upper two thirds of the
corbel. A’s = 375.78mm
Step 6. Check Shear Friction. V* < 0.8A’sfsy, where is the coefficient of friction and equals 1.4 for
monolithic construction, A’s = 555.55mm2
In order to verify the design chart a number of experimental failure loads determined from previous
research was used for comparison with the theoretical failure load determined using the design chart
method outlined in the aforementioned section. The chart allows only for tension failure, therefore the
test data chosen for verification is limited to yielding of tension steel. The verification involves
comparing the experimental failure load Vexp (kN) to the theoretical load capacity Vu (kN) as given by
the design chart in Figure 2 excluding the use of strength reduction factors because it is a tensile
Figure 3. Comparison of experimental failure load Vexp to the theoretical load capacity Vu
In this research a new corbel design chart is developed to aid the design process which eliminates the
need for an iterative procedure. Relevant design constraints from AS3600-2001, AS3600-2009 and
ACI318-11 design codes were highlighted and compared. Finally the design chart was verified
through comparison with a number of experimental works. Future research may consider further
validation using the Finite Element Method.
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