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IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS)

e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 10, Issue 6 Ver. IV (Nov - Dec. 2015), PP 23-32

Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach)

and Blattella Germanica (German cockroach) Towards Intestinal
Parasites: A Public Health Concern
Ejimadu, L. C., 1Goselle, O.N*., 1Ahmadu, Y. M. and 1James-Rugu, N.N.
Applied Entomology and Parasitology Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Corresponding author: Goselle Obed Nanjul, PhD; Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Nigeria. P.MB.
2084 Jos.

Abstract: Disturbed with the increasing number of Cockroaches within Jos metropolis and blessed from the
benefit of hindsight that they could serve as mechanical host to various parasites, thus lead leading to
undocumented sources of infection; a study was carried out to ascertain the various types of Cockroaches
available in two most polluted areas of Jos. Other objectives considered were to identify the various pathogens
fauna on both external and internal parts; to determine whether parasites composition were mainly influenced
by phylogenetic, evolutionary or by ecological relationships; to determine which species of Cockroaches is
more susceptible to parasitic infection; to determine the specific part of the alimentary canal that harbours the
highest concentration of parasites load and to recommend where possible the best method for the control of
Cockroaches. To achieve these objectives; insects traps were placed at five different locations (kitchens, toilets,
living rooms, refuse dumps and shops). Two species of Cockroaches were encountered at point of collections. Of
the total of four hundred and twenty three Cockroaches caught, 308(72.81%) were Periplaneta Americana
while 115(27.9%) were Blattella germanica. External and internal parts were prone to parasites load and three
hundred and sixteen of the Cockroaches (94-B. Germanica: 222-P. Americana) were found to be infected with
either a single, dual or multiple types of parasites which were mainly internal parasites of either Nematodes,
Cestodes or Protozoans. A grand total showed that the hindgut of the two species of Cockroaches harboured
more parasites than the other chosen parts of study. Statistical analysis indicated that there was a significant
difference (P<0.05) between the two species of Cockroaches in the harbour of parasites; internal organs and
types of intestinal parasites. Interplay of ecology, evolution and phylogeny relationships was found to be of
utmost important in the accumulation of pathogens fauna by the two species of Cockroaches. Overall, the
harbouring of the intestinal parasites by the two species of Cockroaches and their availability within vincinity of
utmost human importance calls for serious concern to public health. Drastic measures would therefore be
needed to curb the rapid increase of Cockroaches especially, around homes and places of human activities to
forestall undocumented sources of human infection.
Keywords: Cockroaches (Ecological, Evolutionary and Phylogenetic relationships), Parasites load, Public

I. Introduction
Cockroaches have been reported to have a cosmopolitan distribution. Their ability to spread worldwide
and invade range of habitations is attributed to among others: breed all year round, operate in all crepuscular
conditions, adapt to all climatic conditions and majorly due to global commerce (Young 1937; Ajayi et. al.,
2011; Bell and Adiyodi 1981). Although omnivorous in nature (Bennett 1993; Jacobs 2012), they have been
referred to as non-obnoxious biting insects (Piper and Antonelli 2012).
The synanthropic nature of some of the species of Cockroaches which culminate in the transmission of
various types of diseases recorded in humans has ignited the debate as to whether to completely classify
Cockroaches as vectors (Bracke et. al., 1990; Fotedar et. al., 1989; Graczyket et. al., 2005; Lemos et. al., 2006;
Salehzadeh et. al., 2007), as evident in their harbouring of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites or as
mechanically or occasionally transmitters of diseases (Etim et. al., 2013; Ajayi et. al., 2011). In several studies,
Cockroaches have been noted to be abundant in residential buildings, hospitals, hostels, restaurants and in their
indiscriminate nocturnal movement from place to place noted to contaminate foods, beer and other materials
such as leather, starch, book bindings, flakes, of dried skin, dead animals or plants, garbage with their faeces and
exudates (Bracke et. al., 1990; Fotedar et. al., 1989; Graczyket et. al., 2005; Lemos et. al., 2006; Salehzadeh et.
al., 2007; Ajayi et. al., 2011).
In most regions where Cockroaches have been reported, constant food poisoning problems (Kopanic
1994; Czaka et. al., 2013) and many ill- health problems associated with the types of pathogens that causes

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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, as well as carry parasitic worms and cause
allergic reactions such as dermatitis, itching, swelling of the eyelids and more serious respiratory tract
conditions have been reported in human populations (Baumholtz et. al., 1991; Stankus et. al., 1990).
In a quest to unravel sources of undocumented constant illnesses reported in Jos, having been blessed with
the role Cockroaches play as host of pathogens, this study was drafted with the specific objectives to ascertain
the various types of Cockroaches available in two most polluted areas of Jos; isolate and identify the various
types of parasites associated with the various types of Cockroaches; identify the various pathogens fauna on
both external and internal parts; to determine whether parasites composition were mainly influenced by
phylogenetic, evolutionary or by ecological relationships; determine which species of Cockroaches is more
susceptible to parasitic infection; determine the specific part of the alimentary canal that harbours the highest
concentration of parasites load and to recommend where possible the best method for the control of
Cockroaches. Although the study fell short of the collections of samples of stool and health records of possible
sources of infections in patients from various clinics and hospitals within these vicinity at the particular time of
study, it is envisaged that it will in a lot of ways contribute to the dangers of having increased number of
Cockroaches around human activity areas.

II. Materials And Methods

2.1 Description of area of study
The study was carried out in two most Cockroaches infested areas-Tudun Wada and Rikkos all in Jos
metropolis of Plateau State. Jos metropolis is situated approximately on latitude 9.5 °N and longitude 8.5 °E; it
lies well over 1,200m above sea level (Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Sciences,
University of Jos).

2.2 Sample collections, Identifications and Screening

2.2.1 Collections of cockroaches
Cockroaches were collected manually at night by knocking them down with a broom or, alternatively,
where it becomes difficult to get sample, spraying of insecticide was done to move them from their hiding
places and those temporarily dosed with the pyrethroids were then handpicked. They were placed in labelled
sample bottle and were transported to the Applied Entomology and Parasitology laboratory, University of Jos.

2.2.2 Identification of cockroaches

The sex, species of the cockroaches was identified using standard taxonomic keys as described by Ross
(1965). Briefly:

Blattella germanica
They measure between 1.1 cm to 1.6 cm; have colour that varies from tan to almost black; and has two
dark, roughly parallel streaks on the pronotum running antero-posteriorly from behind the head to the base of
the wings, but could barely fly at all, although it may glide when disturbed (Jackman and Bastiaan 1998; Bell et.
al., 2007).

Periplaneta americana
The adults measure to an average length of around 4cm and about 7mm tall; reddish brown with a
yellowish margin on the body region behind the head; and have immature stages that resemble adults except
they are wingless (Barbara 2008).

2.2.3 Screening of parasites and pathogens from external surfaces of the insects
After identification, each cockroach was placed in a test tube containing 2 mls of sterile normal saline.
The test tube was shaken vigorously for two minutes. Thereafter, the fluid was transferred to a centrifuge test
tube and centrifuged for five minutes at 3000 rev/sec. After decanting the excess top fluid, the residual deposit
was placed on a clean glass slide, covered with a cover slip and stained with Lugol’s iodine and viewed under
the ×10 and ×40 microscope objectives lens. The parasites and/or their stages encountered were identified and

2.2.4 Screening and Identifications of parasites and pathogens from internal organs of the insects
The method of Ajayi et. al. (2011) as modified from Cameron (2009) was adopted. Briefly: the
Cockroaches were allowed to dry at room temperature after external examination; then placed on a dissecting
board with the ventral side upward, and with a scissors the six legs were removed; insertion of scissors in
between the last abdominal segment was made and cut towards its head along the side of the exoskeleton to
make two lengthwise parallel cuts up the sides. The fat bodies were then removed and digestive canal was

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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

observed. The oesophagus, crop, gizzard, and the proventriculus (part of the insect’s stomach: the foregut that is
used for grinding food); the gastric caecae which are curly finger like extensions, the malpighian tubules which
are kidney like structures in the hindgut, colon and rectum were all observed. Carefully, the gut was cut into the
different sections and split open with a pair of scissors and the content of each gut section was dissolved in
normal saline, then centrifuged at 3000 rev/sec for five minutes and the sediments were mounted on a slide and
covered with a cover slip. These cut sections were then also viewed under the microscope at ×10 and ×40
objective and the oval cysts of the parasites identified with keys provided by Arora and Arora (2010) and Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (2013).

2.3 Statistical Analysis

The data obtained were statistically analysed using R-console software version 2.9.2. Chi-square was
then used to determine the proportions of associations and significant level was achieved if P < 0.05. Results
were as presented in Tables and Figures.

III. Results
3.1. Ascertain The Various Types Of Cockroaches Available, Most Caught Cockroach And Sites With
Most Infected Cockroaches.
To establish a robust table to equate the various types of Cockroaches encountered at the course of
study, table 1 was put in place. Two species of Cockroaches (Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana)
were trapped at the course of the study. More P. americana were caught than B. germanica. Comparison of the
abundance of the species of Cockroaches indicated it varied significantly (2 = 88.0591, df = 1, P < 0.001). To
ascertain the area most infested with Cockroaches, Table 1 further indicated that more numbers (157) of
Cockroaches were caught around the toilet areas (24-B. germanica: 133-P. americana), the least caught site was
the Living room (15-B. germanica:36-P. americana). The abundance of cockroaches in relation to sites showed a
high significant difference (2 =81.5272, df = 4, P < 0.001). Comparably in terms of infection, the table also
showed that those caught around the toilet areas-129(30.50%) were more infected with pathogens than those
caught around the Living room-39(9.22%). The infection rate in relation to sites varied significantly (2 =
87.7025, df = 4, P < 0.001). A striking note of interest was that of all the species of Cockroaches caught at the
various sites, they were all positive (316 of 423) with pathogens. There was a very high significant difference in
the infection rate between species of cockroaches (2=51.8481, df=1, P<0.001).
Table 1: Population of Cockroaches trapped from various sites
Species of Cockroaches
Blattella germanica Periplaneta americana Total
Sites No. Trapped No. Positive No. trapped No. Positive No. trapped No. Positive (%)
(%) (%)
Kitchens 33 30(90.91) 39 20(51.28) 72 50(69.44)
Toilets 24 24(100) 133 105(78.95) 157 129(82.17)
Living Rooms 15 13(86.67) 36 26(72.22) 51 39(76.47)
Refuse Dumps 24 17(70.83) 44 37(84.09) 68 54(79.41)
Shops 19 10(52.63) 56 34(60.71) 75 44(58.67)
Total 115 94(81.74) 308 222(72.08) 423 316(74.70)
# Infection rate between species of cockroaches (2 = 51.8481, df = 1, P < 0.001).
# Abundance between species of cockroaches trapped (2 = 88.0591, df = 1, P < 0.001).
# Infection rate in relation to sites significantly (2 = 87.7025, df = 4, P < 0.001).
# Abundance of cockroaches in relation to sites (2 =81.5272, df = 4, P < 0.001)

3.2 Comparison Of Internal And External Parts Of Both Cockroaches

The external and internal parts of the various Cockroaches showed that the two species both harbour
pathogens but with their internal parts (75-B. germanica: 186-P. americana) harbouring more of the pathogens
than the external parts (19-B. germanica: 36-P. americana). Statistical analysis indicates that there was a very
high significant difference in the infection rate between external and internal parts of cockroaches (2
=134.2911, df = 1, P < 0.001).

Table 2: External and Internal Parts of Cockroaches

Species of No. Collected Parts infected Total Number
Cockroaches External (%) Internal (%) Infected (%)
Blattella germanica 115 19(16.52) 75(65.22) 94(81.74)
Periplaneta americana 308 36(11.69) 186(60.39) 222(72.08)
TOTAL 423 55(13.00) 261(61.70) 316(74.70)
# Infection rate between external and internal parts of cockroaches ( =134.2911, df = 1, P < 0.001).
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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

3.3 Parasites Types And Specifications Of Parasites At The Internal And External Parts Cockroaches
When parasites type and specifications were considered, it was interesting to note that on both the
external and internal parts, intestinal Nematodes were more common, followed by intestinal Protozoan, while
the least was intestinal Cestodes (Table 3). There was a very high significant difference on the abundance
between intestinal parasites in Cockroaches (2 =313.981, df = 2, P < 0.001). To ascertain the parasites types on
the external and internal parts. Whereas Ascaris lumbricoides cysts was found to be more common on the
external part, at the internal part, Enterobius vermicularis and Giardia lamblia were more common (Table 3).
There was a very high significant difference in the infection rate between internal parts of cockroaches (2
=106.1379, df = 2, P <0.001). A breakdown of comparison of Cockroaches carrying dual pathogens showed that
those carrying dual pathogens were of the Nematodes/Protozoans group as compared to those of the Nematode/
Cestodes group (Tables 4). There was a very high significant difference in the abundance between dual
intestinal parasites in cockroaches (2 =108.4516, df = 3, P < 0.001) and also, the abundance of dual intestinal
parasites between external and internal parts of cockroaches showed a high significant difference (2 =43.6129,
df = 1, P < 0.001).
A further breakdown of comparison of Cockroaches carrying multiple pathogens also attest to the fact
that those carrying multiple pathogens were of the Nematodes/Protozoans group as compared to those of the
Nematode/ Cestodes group (Tables 5). There was significant difference in the abundance between multiple
intestinal parasites in cockroaches (2 =5.4, df =1, P = 0.0204). Overall, the hindgut of the two species of
Cockroaches indicate a possibility of carrying more parasites load that the other parts. The abundance of
multiple intestinal parasites between external and internal parts of cockroaches showed a high significant
difference (2 = 15, df = 1, P = 0.0001075).


External Internal
Parasites S/ Parasites Foregut Midgut Hindgut Total
Type No (%)
B. P. B. P. B. P. B. P.
germani americ german americ german americ german americ
ca ana ica ana ica ana ica ana
INTESTINA 1 Ascaris 16 26 1 11 0 10 6 2 72
L lumbricoides
NEMATOD 2 Enterobius 0 1 1 0 5 21 23 67 118
ES vermicularis
3 Trichurus 0 0 1 0 5 6 16 11 39
4 Strongyloides 1 1 3 5 2 9 0 3 24
TOTAL 17 28 6 16 12 46 45 83 253(80
INTESTINA 1 Hymenolepis 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 2 10
L nana
CESTODES 2 Taenia 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8
TOTAL 1 4 1 0 1 8 1 2 18(5.7
INTESTINA 1 Giardia 1 4 1 0 1 10 7 21 45
L lamblia
TOTAL 1 4 1 0 1 10 7 21 45(14.
SEMI-TOTAL OF INFECTED 19(34.5 36(65. 8(3.07) 16(6.1 14(5.3 64(24. 53(20. 106(40. 316
INSECTS 5) 45) 3) 6) 52) 31) 61)
GRAND TOTAL OF INFECTED 55(17.41%) 261(82.59%)
# Abundance between intestinal parasites in cockroaches (2 =313.981, df = 2, P < 0.001).
# Infection rate between internal parts of cockroaches (2 =106.1379, df = 2, P <0.001).

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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...


External Internal
Parasites S/N Parasites Foregut Midgut Hindgut Total
Type o (%)
Blattel Peripla Blattell Periplan Blattel Peripla Blattell Peripla
la neta a eta la neta a neta
germa americ german america germa americ german americ
nica ana ica na nica ana ica ana
INTESTI 1 Ascaris 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
NAL lumbricoides
ODES Strongyloides
TOTAL 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4(6.4
INTESTI 1 Hymenolepis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
NAL nana and
NEMAT Trichurus
ODES trichuira
AND 2 Hymenolepis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
CESTOD nana and
ES Enterobius
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4(6.4
INTESTI 1 Ascaris 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
NAL lumbricoides
NEMAT and Giardia
ODES lamblia
AND 2 Enterobius 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 37 48
PROTO vermicularis and
ZOAN Giardia lamblia
3 Trichurus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
trichuira and
Giardia lamblia
TOTAL 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 39 51(8
INTESTI 1 Hymenolepis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
NAL nana and Giardia
CESTOD lamblia
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3(4.8
SEMI- TOTAL OF INFECTED 0 5 0 0 0 0 11(19.2 46(80.7 62
GRAND TOTAL OF INFECTED 5(8.06%) 57(91.94%)
# Abundance between dual intestinal parasites in cockroaches (2 =108.4516, df = 3, P < 0.001).
# Abundance of dual intestinal parasites between external and internal parts of cockroaches (2 =43.6129, df =
1, P < 0.001).


External Internal
Parasites S/N Parasites Foregut Midgut Hindgut Total
Type o (%)
Blattel Peripl Blattel Peripla Blatte Peripl Blattel Peripl
la aneta la neta lla aneta la aneta
germa americ germa americ germ americ germa americ
nica ana nica ana anica ana nica ana
INTESTI 1 Ascaris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
NAL lumbricoides,
NEMAT Enterobius
ODES vermicularis
AND and Giardia
PROTOZ lamblia
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3(20.0

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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

INTESTI 1 Trichurus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12
NAL trichuira,
NEMAT Hymenolepis
ODES, nana and
CESTOD Trichurus
ES AND trichuira
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12(80.
SEMI GRAND TOTAL OF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15

# Abundance between multiple intestinal parasites in cockroaches (2 =5.4, df =1, P = 0.0204)
# Abundance of multiple intestinal parasites between external and internal parts of cockroaches (2 = 15, df = 1,
P = 0.0001075)

IV. Discussion
4.1. Types Of Cockroaches, Abundant Cockroaches, Sites With Most Caught Cockroaches And Sites With
Most Infected Cockroaches.
4.1.1. Types Of Cockroaches
Two species of Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica) were found to be the
dominant types in Jos. It was not surprising that they are the two types, majorly due to their cosmopolitan
distribution, closeness to human habitations, ability to reproduce more easily, and ability to survive easily in
tropical climate. Roth and Willis (1957) in Ghana; Agbodaze and Owusu (1989) in Ghana; Ajero et. al. (2011)
in Owerri; Al-Mayali and Al-yaqoobi (2010) in Iraq; Umunnabuike and Irokanula (1986) in Vom; Steinbrink
(1987) in Rostock; Mimioglu and Sahin (1976) in Turkey and Chan et. al. (2004) in Hawaii, have all confirmed
the distribution of the two types of Cockroaches in their locality of study. Specifically, Kumie et. al. (2002);
Gullan and Cranston (2005); Salehzadeh et. al. (2007) noted that despite over 3,500 species of Cockroaches and
30 species more adapted to human habitation or synanthropic, B. germanica and P. Americana are considered
the most common pest to humans. In a related development, Kumie et. al. (2002) and Salezadeh et. al. (2007)
both reported in their studies that Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica are considered the most
common pests and are adapted to human habitations. Additionally, Bell and Adiyodi (1981) noted that the
availability of both species in tropical climates and cosmopolitan in distribution could be due to human activity
such as global commerce which could have extended the insects range of habitation. As noted by Vatandoost
and Mousavi (2001), German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) is important worldwide due to their small size,
nutritional habits and specific behaviour and as confirmed by Ebeling (2013) the ability of Blattella germanica
to establish could be alluded to their ability to reproduce at a rapid rate. Another means of B. germanica
cosmopolitanism and the occasional presence of P. americana as reported by Steinbrink (1987) in Rostock is
their introduction from warmer regions of the globe via containers. This raises the question as to the eco-evo
pattern of migration of the two forms of Cockroaches.

4.1.2. Abundant Cockroaches

P. Americana was the most frequently trapped cockroach. This is in variance with claims by Ebeling
(2013) that B. germanica reproduces faster than any other residential Cockroach, growing from egg to
reproductive adult. The ability of the P. Americana to be trapped more easily could be attributed to as noted by
Bala and Sale (2012), their tendencies of roaming more than B. germanica, as they move quickly in search of
food and sites to lay their eggs as compared to B. germanica which can barely fly but could glide when

4.1.3. Sites With Most Caught Cockroaches

The sites most caught were the toilets, shops and refuse dumps for P. americana, whereas kitchen,
refuse dumps and toilets had the highest caught for B. germanica. Bell and Adidoyi (1981) described
Cockroaches as opportunistic omnivous that can feed on almost anything. This agrees with the findings of Ajayi
et. al. (2011) who reported that 91.55% of Cockroaches caught was from the toilets as they could be found
scurrying in and out of toilets as they feed on faeces. Importantly, CheGharu et. al. (1993) pointed that P.
americana are among the most notorious pests of premises; they frequently feed on human faeces and therefore
can disseminate cysts of enteric protozoans in the environment if such faeces are contaminated. Additionally,
Jones (2008) reported that P. americana prefer dark sites with high humidity, such as sewers, tunnels, and
basement and around pipes and drains. The second highest trapping of P. americana in shops is not surprising as
DOI: 10.9790/3008-10642332 www.iosrjournals.org 28 | Page
Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

it agrees with Bell and Adiyodi (1981) who explained that the common occurrence of P. americana around
garbage piles might not be unconnected with their feeding on leftover food by humans and also due to their
preferences for moist dark areas which leads them in contact with unhygienic environments such as sewers and
garbage piles. Consequently, Brenner et. al. (1987) reported that Cockroaches such as P. americana and B.
germanica have filthy habits with ability to spoil food, transfer pathogens and cause allergic reactions and
psychological distress. For B. germanica, Russ et. al. (1994) pointed out that German Cockroaches are
omnivorous scavengers as they are attracted particularly to meat, starches, sugars and foods.

4.1.4 Sites With Most Infected Cockroaches

Overall, it was found out that Cockroaches from toilets were the most infected, followed by refuse
dumps and then kitchen. Individually, P. Americana caught from toilets were the most infected, whereas for the
B. germanica, it was the kitchen. Bala and Sule (2012) reported that irrespective of species of Cockroaches, they
play significant role in transmitting parasitic diseases as they discovered that 70% of the Cockroaches examined
were capable of transmitting them to humans or animals. Cotton et. al. (2000) and Pai et. al. (2004), noted that
Cockroaches feed on garbage and sewage and so have copious opportunities to disseminate humans’ pathogens.
Chan et. al. (2004) reported that parasites are common in different localities, especially in those areas where
personal hygiene is lacking. As noted by Allen (1987), Cockroaches due to their nocturnal and filthy habits
made them ideal carriers of pathogenic microorganisms. It was also not surprising that those caught within
living rooms also have high infection rate, as noted by Bala and Sule (2012), that P. Americana enter houses in
different ways from outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes and may also enter
products like grocery, bags, boxes, purses and so on. The implications of having most infected Cockroaches in
toilets, living rooms, shops and kitchens is that parasites of human importance could easily be passed on to
humans where proper hygiene is not observed and could help increase hospital attendance by residence of such

4.2. Comparison Of Internal And External Parts Of Cockroaches

A comparison of the external and internal parts of both Cockroaches indicated that they were infected
with parasites, but more parasites were collected from the internal parts. A peruse at both the external and
internal parts showed that B. germanica were infected with parasites than the external and internal parts of P.
Americana. This agrees with the findings of Addisu and Berhanu (2008) who revealed in their study that
microscopic examination of the external body washes of pooled and individual gut contents of cockroaches
carry parasites such as Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia species and Ascaris lumbricoides
ova. This also corroborated with the reports of Jacobs (2012; 2013; 2014) that disease-producing organisms
such as bacteria, protozoans and viruses have been found on cockroach (German cockroach) bodies and that
these different forms of gastroenteritis (food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea and other illness) carried on the legs
and bodies of Cockroaches could be deposited on food and utensils where Cockroaches forage and could
possibly lead to principal diseases recorded in humans. In addition, Clement et. al. (2014) demonstrated that
more parasites were collected in the alimentary canal than the body surfaces of Periplaneta americana. Kopanic
(1994) and Czajka et. al. (2003) reported that they can not only contaminate food by leaving droppings and
bacteria that can cause food poisoning but they can also transmit bacteria, fungi, and other pathogenic
microorganisms in infested areas. It has been noted that Blattella germanica is an effective mechanical
transmitter of Salmonella enteritidis via faeces (Ash and Greenberg 1980). Kopanic (1994) and Czajka et. al.
(2003); Ajayi et. al. (2011) reported that they can not only contaminate food by leaving droppings and bacteria
that can cause food poisoning but they can also transmit bacteria, fungi, and other pathogenic microorganisms in
infested areas. Consequently, Fotedar et. al. (1991) in a study underground sewer facilities or utility networks
from hospitals and residential areas carry medically important microorganisms cited that they carry viral and
bacterial pathogens on their bodies and in their faeces which can cause poisoning, diarrhoea and dysentery. The
implication of this finding is that cockroaches can easily contaminate food and other materials with their
droppings which contain parasites found in the hindguts.

4.3 Parasites Types And Specifications Of Parasites At The Internal And External Parts Cockroaches
Overall, more parasites were recovered from the internal parts of both Cockroaches than the external
parts. A breakdown indicated that more intestinal nematodes of Enterobius vermicularis, followed by protozoans
of Giardia lamblia, then Cestodes of Hymenolepis nana were recovered from the internal parts of the two
species of Cockroaches whereas Ascaris lumbricoides was most encountered on the external surfaces of
Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana. Intestinal Cestodes like Taenia spp. were not recovered from the
external parts nor the foregut and hindgut but from the midgut. The implication of Enterobius vermicularis
which causes peri-anal itching in humans encountered more in the internal organs of both Blattella germanica
and Periplaneta americana is an indication that the cockroaches feed on contaminated food. Whereas the

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Specialization of Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach) and Blattella Germanica (German...

observation of the large number of Ascaris lumbricoides encountered on the external surfaces of Blattella
germanica and Periplaneta americana conforms with the reports by Crompton (1999) that Ascaris lumbricoides
is the most common helminth parasite especially in developing countries and their presence in humans could as
noted by Chandler and Read (1982) cause vomiting, diarrhoea, acute colic pains, and fatal intestinal
It was not surprising that the hindgut, followed by the foregut, then the midgut harbour more of both
single, dual and multiple parasites; and most importantly, the same types of parasites recovered from the two
species of Cockroaches. We hypothesised that the large presence of parasites in the hindgut and foregut could be
due to the presence of micropines which are absent in the midgut. These micropines have been found to be
useful in the understanding of systematic and evolution of insects and as noted by Elzinga and Hopkins (1994),
micropines are useful in retaining food particles during regurgitation behaviour. The large presence of single,
dual and multiple parasites in the hindgut could also be attributed to the absorption of water capacity and the
retention of undigested food that is formed into pellets and secreted through the anus which warrants the
presence of the faunas. Of evolutionary importance is the availability of the lining of the hindgut by cuticle and
the entire foregut with chitin. Whereas both cuticle and chitin are absent in the midgut, but is lined by a
peritrophic membrane which protects the stomach wall from abrasion and is fully permeable to enzymes and
digested food. This agrees with the reports by Poulin (1995) that the composition of parasites communities is
affected by, among many factors, the result of the interactions between their evolutionary history and ecological
characteristics of the host. As further noted by Poulin and Rhode (1987), during their evolutionary history, host
lose and/or acquire parasites due to the speciation of native parasite or the acquisition of new parasites from
other hosts. It further agrees with Arora and Arora (2010) and Iwuala and Ogbalu, (1979) who both reported that
the parasites are likely to be of human origin since the cockroaches collected were from human habitation. On
the other hand, the recovery of the same type of parasites from the two species of Cockroaches confirms their
ecological characteristics, in that, it is associated with the host, such as diet, habitat and niche composition
which have a great influence on the composition and structure of the parasite communities (Esch et. al. 1990;
Poulin, 1995). Although phylogenetically, both species are of the same clade, the findings agrees with Poulin
and Morand (1999); Gonzalez and Oliva (2006) that host geographical range is a main factor affecting the
interchanges of parasite species that are phylogenetically related.

V. Conclusion/Recommendations
Although Cockroaches are not usually the most important cause of diseases, they could as noted to play
supplementary role in the spread of diseases since they carry eggs of parasitic worms that could cause allergic
reactions, dermatitis, itching, swelling of the eyelids and more serious respiratory conditions (Stankus et. al.
1990; Theyseen et. al. 2004). It is therefore recommended that, as a precautionary measure, a good sanitary
insect-free environment of highest priority in homes and shops should be encouraged; adequate sanitation and
enlightenment campaigns on a clean environment be encouraged; daily emptying of garbage and proper disposal
to eliminate cockroach habitats should be enhanced; good sanitation in buildings to make it less favourable for
insects should be practiced; windows and doors should be kept tight in homes; Cracks in outside walls, sills and
foundations should be sealed to prevent movement of cockroaches; all openings where electrical lines or water,
steam and cooling pipes pass through walls and floors should be sealed to slow down movement of cockroaches
into a building; plumbing leaks should be sealed and seal all moisture sources; all food crumbs and garbage
should be removed to containers with tightly fitting lids; foods should be stored in sealed containers; Cockroach
traps (baited boxes with sticky material inside) are very helpful and should be used; using of traps to reduce the
severity of the problem should be put in place, as this will prevent an infestation by catching cockroaches that
are carried into the home in bags or boxes before they find hiding places; insecticides could be used in their
control as this penetrates their shelters and hiding places, treat these locations and provide much better control
than those placed where cockroaches move only occasionally; eliminate all routes of possible re-infestations and
all houses should be thoroughly cleaned and an approved insecticide should be applied.

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